Mar 1, 2023·edited Mar 2, 2023

Pretend that the Yellow Vests or the Canadian trucker protests were happening in countries that the United States did not like.

Rather than being downplayed, ignored, or treated with the sort of disdain normally reserved for cockroaches and members of the herpes family, they would receive non-stop wall-to-wall fawning coverage. MSM talking heads would broadcasting live, wearing yellow vests. Because "solidarity".

Pretend that Assange were languishing in a Chinese prison, that Jeffrey Epstein were to have died mysterously in a Russian lockup.

We would be treated to breathless speculation regarding their circumstances, new revelations dropping on a daily basis, and the word "conspiracy" would never enter into MSM discourse.

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Mar 1, 2023·edited Mar 1, 2023

In US Democracy there is no protection for the Minority dissenting from the Majority POV.

There’s no room for dissent in the Washington Post and other US MSM Propagandists, inciters of the US WAR Machine calling for more Death and Destruction as long as it’s not Americans, acting like a 5th Horseman of the Apocalypse.

I watch CNN & MSNBC reporting from Moscow, but since the WAR started, The Washington Post suspended me from commenting 4 times for pointing out all the SINS of Historical OMISSION in their WAR narrative,

“Your account has been temporarily suspended from commenting. In accordance with The Washington Post’s community guidelines your account has been temporarily suspended. While suspended you will not be able to comment, use reactions or report comments. Please rejoin the conversation on February 25, 2023 at 4:34 PM.”

That’s in addition to just deleting many of my comments and the whole thread in response without suspending me.

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Ray, I’m not trying to be snarky, but just an obvious question: why are you financially supporting corporations you detest? Why are you voluntarily paying the salaries of propagandists? Every time you watch CNN and MSNBC, you increase their ratings and their profits.

Do you actually have a paid subscription to The Washington Post? If so, you are paying to limit your own free speech.

The Boycott, Divest, and Sanctions movement has been proven one the most effective way to protest against Israeli apartheid. We may bemoan capitalism, but we can also use its profit motive against it. IMO, the very best way to combat propaganda is to make propaganda extremely unprofitable. Sure, marching in the streets is one way of protesting Endless War, but BDSing CNN, MSNBC and The Washington Post (etc.) into oblivion is another powerful option.

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Mar 1, 2023·edited Mar 1, 2023

Jack, watching what's unfolding in this World from CanaDa, I like to know what happening being a news junkie.

I thank God for this Internet the US Military developed, as they developed TV even though I think ALL WAR is a Crime against Humanity.

I do pay a subscription for Internet, Cable TV, The Washington Post and the NYT, but I was able to negotiate a subscription rate at a fraction of the usual cost.

My only income at 79 is CanaDa's Old Age Security with the supplement of $1783/month Canadian or $1311 American. to pay rent, utilities, food, car expenses and everything else

I manage because my rent in CanaDs'a downtown National Capital District for a large 1 bedroom apartment, heated, with a parking space, is $566 Canadian a month or $416 American.

I submit so far, BDS has been ineffective against Israeli apartheid. If it was, the extreme government in place now would never have been elected but now that it is, enhanced BDS like US/NATO BDS on Russia, may finally achieve it's goal.

I'm a news junkie because when I was much younger, The Kansas City Times was quoting me with these brief excerpts from a much longer article September 13, 1976.

“He came to town for the Republican National Convention and will stay until the election in November TO DO GOD'S BIDDING: To tell the World, from Kansas City, this country has been found wanting and its days are numbered [...] He gestured toward a gleaming church dome. “The gold dome is the symbol of BABYLON,” he said.” [...] He wanted to bring to the Public’s attention an “idea being put out subtly and deceptively” by the government that we have to get prepared for a War with Russia.”

That 1976 FUTURE is NOW with the Revelation of the details GENERALLY unfolding in the spirit of the letter.

The World is waking up to see Americans may hasten “its days are numbered” part of the 1976 Vision, and waits with bated breath.

With the benefit of 47 years hindsight, the last 8 years of intensified FBI, Military, Intelligence and Think Tank “experts” on TV constantly, unanimously, demonizing Putin and Russia, with no dissent allowed, the People have been prepared, so evident with the majority of comments on any article in The Washington Post on the US WAR with Russia over Ukraine in NATO so the US could have boots on the ground, tanks, rockets and missiles right on Russia's Border.

Few will recognize “this country has been found wanting and its days are numbered” as the 1st 2 parts of the 3 part 'Writing on the Wall' from Daniel 5 in the Bible. The Writing is on the Wall.

The Kansas City Times did a followup on ALL SOULS DAY, November 2, 1976.

Anyone knowing how to use Google could find those Kansas City Times Historical records in less than a minute, and my Blog article 'SIGNS OF THE TIMES' for a more detailed explanation.

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All of the Trump haters need to remember that he signed five peace treaties between Arabic nations and Israel. And behind the scenes, according to https://bioclandestine.substack.com/, he got along quite well with Putin, Xi, Modi, and many other leaders.

Biden, however, appears hell-bent on killing about 7.5 billion people in a nuclear inferno. As a 55 year old man of the 1980s, the biggest thing I don't miss about that otherwise fun decade was the constant threat of atomic death.

I want peace. The best way to get there will be if we demand that our leaders love us, and we are going to need transparency, too.

Biden--I don't know what's wrong with him, but he appears to be a sociopathic, grooming grifter who wants to prove his manhood. Or perhaps he is hiding his son's involvement in the biolabs in Ukraine. By the way, you really need to know about the American bioweapons labs in Ukraine.


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I prefer Trump's foreign policy to that of any US president back to maybe Kennedy or Eisenhower, at least.

Yes, we can all still fill screenfuls of criticism of his foreign policy, but I'm convinced that he did believe he was a master-dealmaker and that he did work hard to prove it. He sees seemingly intractable conflicts as challenges for his negotiating skills to overcome.

If he, in the end, did not get much of lasting consequence for peace done during his four years, at least his head was in the right place on the negotiating thing.

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Biden does have some pathological need to always prove his manhood, in the most toxic masculinity sense of the word: Everything from his boasts about his fantastic sex life with his first wife to his life-long series of outbursts of bravado, aggression, and anger.

His current handlers like it when he becomes angry and aggressive because it is the only when under the sway of these emotions that his mind, in its current decline (from an already low level), becomes focused. Hence, the accolades when he becomes "Dark Brandon".

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People forget "Shock and Awe". I bet Iraqis don't.

People dont know what "firebombing" is. When they drop so many bombs, the air is on fire.

"Napalm" is just a name. Until it burns the skin off your body.

I watched an Iron Man movie once. The hero Tony Stark activated this device and it was a cluster bomb device. Initial blast followed by 100s of other blasts.

All with kill zones in the hundreds of feet. These weapons are used on soldiers and civilians alike. Nobody is safe.

Do you want some realism? Saving Private Ryan. That is a soldier.

Ever get a large burn from a fire.

Now imagine doing that to a kid. Now a baby or a family.

We left uranium bullets all over the countryside in Iraq. People will get cancer for a 1000+ years.

And because our rich guys hate their rich guys. And that is all war has ever been.

There is no glory. War only hurts us. And it really hurts.

Now the horror of standing in your backyard. And your government droning you. Or sending a specific blast of 5g radiation at you for a few weeks. And why would they do that? Because they have nobody left to hurt. And that is the psychopaths we have running this bullshit.

We had better stand up to these pricks. Because if we don't all that crap we do to them is eventually going to happen to us.

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Mar 1, 2023·edited Mar 1, 2023

Well, during our build up to war in Iraq I was very much involved in the anti-war movement. You would march and the next day look up any coverage given by the news, and often there was none. In the beginning, some, but that dwindled away to almost nothing. It's discouraging because you feel no matter what anyone does they are hell bent on going to war, and no one is going to stop them. This is no true democracy and never really has been. The American public and elsewhere are also to blame. Go on Facebook, lots of thumbs up for pictures, but provide information, put on an article up, even a short one, and no one is reading, just looking. People buy the propaganda because it's just easy to go along and I think most don't realize the real threat posed by our actions. We're the good guys. Russia bad since the middle 1940's.

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For some time it has been known that most people do not read, or, if they do read, read only minimally. Propaganda is being transmitted basically through carefully photographed and edited videos, distributed in many different ways (TV, Youtube, social media, and so on.) While this is unfortunate, it's also superficial and temporary and could probably be subverted by people who took the time and made the effort to understand it.

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Mar 1, 2023·edited Mar 1, 2023

Yeah, that's basically what the coverage has been in Ukraine, pictures of the devastation Russia has wrought. The dynamics and politics that brought it about is a blank to most people who have little interest in what happened, and maybe if they are interested they turn to their gurus like Rachel Maddow, or Sean Hannity to explain things. Also people can't deal with shades of grey. It's black and white thinking, Russia bad, Ukraine good, America said so.

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"You would march

and the next day look up

any coverage given by the

news, and often there was none."


MSM's not concerned with any Counter-

narratives which is why Gee Dubya

the Bush could get away with

calling the Largest Protest in

the History of the WORLD a

'focus group' and was able

for it to go unnoticed by

the Great Unwashed

who haven't really

the Time nor the

Energy for such



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I love the way you posted this. Right on. I would look to see if there was coverage hoping it would impact people's thinking if they did. They got what they wanted, years of war and destruction while the American people paid no attention to the mounting deaths and the destruction and they still don't. People rationalize their country's pathological need to be the world's sole super power. No global perspective is encouraged what so ever.

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thanks, Fran!

perspective critical thinking and History

are all Enemies of the State which

is why we gotta Defund

Education asap.

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I don't want to put a lot of people out of work, and make mothering a full time job, so lets make critical thinking important and memorization much less so.

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I’m certainly not pleased with Biden’s actions.

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The warmongering U.S. government and its media slaves lie their faces off every day about Russia, China, and Ukraine.

Do you know what really made people realize that our government lies all the time, and the media does too? This article from the NY Post lays it all out.

I realize some of you are still on the covid bandwagon. But it was all bullshit. It was always about making you live in terror, and controlling you.

Link: https://nypost.com/2023/02/27/10-myths-told-by-covid-experts-now-debunked/

"10 myths told by COVID experts — and now debunked"

By Marty Makary

February 27, 2023

In the past few weeks, a series of analyses published by highly respected researchers have exposed a truth about public health officials during COVID:

Much of the time, they were wrong.

To be clear, public health officials were not wrong for making recommendations based on what was known at the time.

That’s understandable. You go with the data you have.

No, they were wrong because they refused to change their directives in the face of new evidence.

When a study did not support their policies, they dismissed it and censored opposing opinions.

At the same time, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention weaponized research itself by putting out its own flawed studies in its own non-peer-reviewed medical journal, MMWR.

In the final analysis, public health officials actively propagated misinformation that ruined lives and forever damaged public trust in the medical profession.

Here are 10 ways they misled Americans:

Misinformation #1: Natural immunity offers little protection compared to vaccinated immunity

Misinformation #2: Masks prevent COVID transmission

Misinformation #3: School closures reduce COVID transmission

Misinformation #4: Myocarditis from the vaccine is less common than from the infection

Misinformation #5: Young people benefit from a vaccine booster

Misinformation #6: Vaccine mandates increased vaccination rates

Misinformation #7: COVID originating from the Wuhan lab is a conspiracy theory

Misinformation #8: It was important to get the second vaccine dose three or four weeks after the first dose

Misinformation #9: Data on the bivalent vaccine is ‘crystal clear’

Misinformation #10: One in five people get long COVID

What’s most amazing about all the misinformation conveyed by CDC and public health officials is that there have been no apologies for holding on to their recommendations for so long after the data became apparent that they were dead wrong.

Public health officials said “you must” when the correct answer should have been “we’re not sure.”

Early on, in the absence of good data, public health officials chose a path of stern paternalism.

Today, they are in denial of a mountain of strong studies showing that they were wrong.

At minimum, the CDC should come clean and the FDA should add a warning label to COVID vaccines, clearly stating what is now known.

A mea culpa by those who led us astray would be a first step to rebuilding trust.

Marty Makary MD, MPH is a professor at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and author of “The Price We Pay.”

If you think they are telling the truth about Ukraine, the peace movement, or anything else, you have my prayers and sympathy, but--please--before we have WWIII, would you please at least admit your information cannot be perfect, and that you were lied to?

God bless you.

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In spite of the Western MM, the shameless propaganda and the dangerous, life threatening slant of all of it, Russia is going to win in Ukraine. There is no doubt about that, and Western attitudes can only have cemented that resolve. If Europeans are falling in line against their own best interests, which this certainly is, or if their leaders are forcing a situation they will not tolerate once it becomes crystal clear, some great social upheaval is in the cards. Heads of state will roll, figuratively, and trust in government will fall as never before - and perhaps never recover. Either that is the case, or we have to conclude Western people really are too stupid to prosper. The anti-Russia propaganda has descended to a level lower than even a grade school child would find acceptable. The West has no case, morally or in international law.

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"We're not going to get de-escalation, diplomacy and detente unless the people use the power of their numbers to demand those things, and the people are not going to use the power of their numbers to demand those things as long as they are successfully propagandized not to."

This. We can't stop waking others up...Making them think for themselves, question the official narrative. If folks can think for themselves and consider other peoples' point-of-view, there's hope they'll get it. They'll realize they've been lied to all along and what a pariah the US truly is among nations.

Read a rant along similar lines this week at https://continuousrev.blogspot.com/ and then here on Substack.

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Why is China encircling our military bases?

 China Encircling our Military Bases


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I think it's time we loosely organize a funhog peace campaign with worldwide reach. The 2008 Ron Paul campaign for president of the United States had its most energetic supporters spontaneously organizing events and fundraisers. The beauty of it is that these activities weren't centrally coordinated until later in the campaign. In some crucial ways, all the fun was sapped out of the movements when it became an organized campaign. By the way, the term fun hog was coined by Hunter S Thompson to describe the political operatives who did their own thing to disrupt the status quo. I believe it was Matt Taibbi who noticed that the 2008 Ron Paul campaign was very nearly the purest funhog movement in American politics. This energy can be revived, with the right impetus, for a worldwide peace campaign.

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Mar 2, 2023·edited Mar 2, 2023



Never mind...

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Funhog: someone who has too much fun. And if we're not having fun tearing a hole in the narrative, what good is it?

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So long as it isn’t comprised solely of delusional libertarians who believe we can have liberal-capitalism without war. What a grand distraction.0

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I'd concentrate on establishing alliances where one can find like minds and goals.

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Yeah, I wouldn’t be strident, but, you know, America always wants diplomacy over military conflict. I draw the line at how serious I believe a person is. It’s like racism. I’m not racist, why can’t we all just get along? If we dumb ourselves down enough, there is nothing that divides us. ;)

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Just as some people say "socialism has never really been tried" so some libertarians say "capitalism has never been tried." In fact one can say this about any political theory or practice.

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Mar 2, 2023·edited Mar 2, 2023

I just want to stop the killing in my name and with my money. Doesn't sound unreasonable, but boy, you wouldn't think so. So much whataboutism in the overarching narrative. "But what about the Ukrainians lives and freedom?" Samantha Powers cried the other day. Is that worth nuclear war between the US and Russia? I say no. Perhaps ol' Sammie doesn't think the Russians would do it. If Russia is under a serious enough threat, it would. This war is EXISTENTIAL for them, and I don't know why Washington refuses to recognize this. Probably because they don't really care, they want Russia Balkanized. There's a precedent of NATO doing just that, ya know.

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Failure lives with left-wingers. Conservatives have always loved to go to war. Still do. The left used to be the counterweight against hegemonic aggression. Now the left seem to love it. They have been deluded. They think they’re promoting their woke agenda. They are being sold a crusade; Russia is mean to gays. We are going to spread our truth. They’ve never been particularly bright.

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"They" are not "the left". They are posers.

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This change in “the left” that you cited was usurpation and obfuscation from the right. FDR was considered “left” because he saw the wisdom in sharing some of the wealth with the starving, angry immigrants who marched and demanded economic justice. THEY were “left” and their numbers thinned and their anger subsided. FDR was born into money, and believed in the capitalist class hierarchy, so he was being pragmatic when he placated the street mobs. The Democrat Party, from FDR to LBJ saw its mandate as protecting the liberal-capitalist system by supporting the least able to support themselves. During LBJ’s stint in the WH there was actually a government plan called “The War on Poverty!” Unions were touted and working conditions were the bread and butter issues that helped create a “middle class,” and this made the DP the favored party among workers and liberals, the latter being the upwardly aspiring believers in the liberal-capitalist model...like FDR. But between Watergate and the dissolution of the USSR, the DP was less and less interested in currying the votes of working people. In 1990, when Bill Clinton was campaigning to succeed Bush 1, the DP had abandoned all pretense of representing working people. It still wanted to get their votes, as it supported trade deals that hurt them, and deregulation to further impoverish them. So now most elected officials in the DP are millionaires and we no longer have anybody representing the vast majority of Americans. It’s Republican and Republican-lite. Any “leftists” among the American electorate have had to suffer in silence.

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I still think the progressive left are being duped. America has an lefty idealogical justification for foreign meddling - the promotion of individual freedom - which sounds good and noble but obscures that these foreign adventures are at the end of the day simply the looting of other countries. The entire progressive left project - countering power differentials - is massive overreach, impractical and always makes things worse. You are useful idiots.

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And I still think that you are using the liberal-capitalist definition of left and progressive. These are not leftists promoting war and looting other countries. As long as you agree to let the liberal-capitalist propagandists set the bounds of what is left and what is right, you will be consigned to muddled thinking.

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Gotcha. Labels. The real left. We are talking at cross purposes.

I say it is the language of the left. It’s the appearance of doing good, the compassion for the oppressed and the desire to right the wrongs of the wrong thinking natives, (Hungary) followed by mismanagement, resource capture (looting ), withdrawal and the chaos of a power vacuum. The left’s story is redeployed as a justification for wonton power; the political Gnosticism of the liberal imperium hides under the lovely patina afforded by talk of of liberation, freedom, democracy and all the rest of the jingoistic tripe. The causes of the left have been commandeered, repurposed and deployed to neutralize and bamboozle your bona fide left. You are cuckolds.

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Great post.

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"Our rulers are always babbling about how they're fighting an "information war" against enemy nations, but in reality they're fighting an information war against normal westerners like us."

I'm astonished that a vast majority is blind to this obvious fact.

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When you consider that the propaganda has throughly duped the parents of the boomers, and that it is a hermetically sealed system, it really isn’t all that surprising. The whole, highly profitable ad industry is the engine of the grand cultural vacuum. If you’re a consumer, you’ve been snagged, if you want a job that provides a certain lifestyle, you are indoctrinated. Insidious, yes. It’s where the material conditions of fraud, theft, waste and colonial servitude are hidden from its beneficiaries.

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I think one of the best ways the media serve their corporate masters is by not permitting any negative (anti-imperialist) pictures to be seen by Americans. I just read this incredibly positive account of what is going on in Ukraine, Russia, China, and throughout Eurasia.


Just as the the 1956 Suez War marked the swan song of the British Empire, Ukraine may be of similar significance for the bellicose American global blight. It seems the greatest harm our media regularly do is preventing the public from imagining what is possible.

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An excellent article I read in another site yesterday.

I agree with the assessment of what’s happening in this World. If the US, knowing it’s the most likely probability, in it’s desperation, doesn’t blow us up before these projections become the Reality.

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Excellent analysis of what is happening, but the tunnel at the end of the light will be a crushing climate catastrophe driven tsunami.

There is No way the world's ecosystems and climate system can support or survive the kind of growth China's belt/road project is and will create.

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My only question is - the world-wide protests against Iraq war was unprecedented in its scope across the globe. And what happened? NOTHING! The USA went to Iraq and we all just went back to TV screens.....

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This was previously noted: The end of the draft crippled the peace movement, because Americans who didn’t want to kill or be killed were not legally forced to go. Domestic unrest scares the corporations that depend on optimistic American shoppers. This and the elimination of American flagged-draped caskets from public view. The bubble of “American exceptionalism” was, for a time, inviolable. The growth of viable independent media and the resolve of all of the empire’s declared “enemies of state,”has greatly compromised that bubble. Thankfully.

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It was a TV milestone to be able to watch live on CNN, the US Shock & Awe bombing of Baghdad in it's WAR on Iraq violating the same International LAW Russia is demonized for violating.

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Back in the day we could get corporate news coverage of our antiwar actions here but that ship sailed about a decade ago.

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