Caitlin, I have yet to witness you writing anything treasonous to America. At no time have you advocated for betraying our citizens or government to an enemy, foreign or domestic.
I disagree with much of your writing, but it's always sincere and interesting. Never has it been treasonous. I would not like to see you damaging your credibility by providing your detractors with a talking point that supports their efforts toward calumny and marginalization.
Please reconsider the titular association with the term "treason." You are not a traitor.
Thanks Kaitlin, you do say things other professional media dare not say, and for that we are grateful. One idea, if we continue to make China our primary enemy, when many insist on labeling COVID-19 an "Asian Flu." Asian-Americans will never be first class citizens in America. Many Asian support our onslaught against China, but there will be some who will put there race first and ally with the Peoples's Republic.
Is there such a species in the US as a "first-class citizen? Beyond our corporate oligarchs, of course. If anything, SARS CoV-2 should be called "the NIH's Frankenstein". As a biologist, I say "damn you to hell" to all my "colleagues" with the ethics and moral fiber of a dustbroom. And please, researchers, don't give me that shit about the excitement of discovery. Been there, done that! We already have an economic system that knows no limits in its damage to environmental and human health. Our biomedical research has now followed suit. Talk about unmitigated hubris.
For sure our elite class system does tremendous damage to the environment and health. It is not just those leading the corporations that are the problem, but there vast number of non productive elite who need the likes of the CEO to super exploit the producing class. In America about half of the employed are non productive--meaning they organize people or money as a way of life It is in the interest of the power of the producing class to diminish the damage to our health and environment. Biologists are members of the producing class even as some of the results of what they do may do harm-- almost all medicines, most of which saves and preserve lives, start with biology. I do have a problem with psych meds as they seem to suppress the contradictions which cause mental illness. I am a med-surg telemetry nurse, and even as most of RNs do not believe in the power of our class, most of us are doing our best to preserve and save lives. I am trying to start a workers' democracy movement. Our website is
Well said. I would only note in addition that real biologists ---even cell/molecular ones like myself (often, the drug developers) --- should be driven (or made more sane) by the ethics of protecting, teaching about and advocating for the biosphere as complex adaptive system. Anyone genuinely in possession of those ethics would be loathe to put careerism first and pursue something like gain-of-function genetic engineering of a mammalian virus. Too many biomedical researchers don't feel constrained by a greater ethical responsibility toward the biosphere. Disheartening to me. Oh, and psych meds peel back the potential value of whole plant psycho-actives to a reductionist level that rather rudely shoves one or more subsystems system into a new state. In a densely fed-back system like the brain, where almost everything tends to be connected reciprocally, the consequences to different brains can end up being worse than the supposed chemical (neurotransmitter) "imbalance". I'm going to check out your website.
Hi Vin: We also have other papers that are not on the website if you like to investigate them. Yes,I agree that the psych meds may cause worse consequences than the psych meds as the psych meds suppress the contradictions that are causing the brain chemical imbalances in the first place.
Hi John: Thanks for reaching out. If I understand correctly, you folks are advocating for the value of workers' labor contrasted with the relatively useless "nonproductive elites", as you call them. Michael Parenti points out that US society is inured to this view at its core-value level. He cites a T-F question on the SATs: dividends are to investors as salary is to workers (I'm paraphrasing, but that's the essence of the analogy). Remarkably, the correct answer according to the SAT testers is "True," a more or less complete devaluation of essential labor, since the analogy is obviously ridiculous. Parenthetically, among my interests beyond psych meds, is another piece of the drug issue, the enviro-toxicity issue, rarely if ever discussed in its subtleties. Beyond enviro-estrogen mimics, another example is the over-prescription of statins. Every cell on the planet, plants included, uses cholesterol to control the fluidity vs. stiffness of their outer (plasma") membranes under changing environmental conditions. Yet patients can excrete quantities of drugs like atorvastatin into the environment, particularly if over-prescribed or if liver catabolic enzymes are slowed or inhibited (diverse possibilities) a situation poised to screw up control of cholesterol biosynthesis in other species, thereby weakening their ability to regulate this parameter and impacting the biosphere in generally un-studied ways. While folks have to some extent awakened to more overt human damage to the biosphere, there are many more subtle impacts like this that we conveniently ignore; and generally, it's working people in under-served communities who suffer the greatest impacts from such enviro-toxicity. Anyway, I'd definitely like to stay in contact with you folks. If you'd like to be in touch, you can leave me messages at
I value your eyes on the storm. and do read you each day. I am 85 awake and aware. where is the outrage on the streets? my finances are congested with some promise to get better. keep shouting.
Commit an act of treazine today. Sneak a copy onto the magazine rack at your doctor’s or dentist’s office. Leave a copy at the cafe. Tuck one into the Bible before you depart from your motel room. Intentionally leave a copy on the printer at work.
What a wonderful idea! I’ve been thinking myself that there should be better ways for people who don’t use Telegram or Substack to avoid MSM’s propaganda. Thanks for your contributions — the world is better with you in it.
Love your narrative! Keep going! I often share it on fb, with my 4000 friends. Thanks for your open and consciousness-raising attitude, and the fu USA and Nato & EU commentary! David
UGH, gotta admit, I'm relatively new to Caitlin's stuff. I was really, and I mean REALLY looking for an antidote to the mainstream false dichotomy of left vs. right etc. Sadly after reading one story from the newsletter which I bought I have serious reservations that Caitlin is what I was looking for.
Caitlin, it appears to me, is stuck in 1970s style leftism, of which I was raised, Angela Davis, Gus Hall anyone?
For instance, In the story about the black guy being executed in Alabama, I find Caitlin's logic bordering on silliness. First off the victim of the perp was a black woman. Weird that Caitlin can't see the inherent issue that comes of this. Can't execute a black guy because of systemic racism? but if we don't' execute the perp of a black woman it's also systemic racism.. We can't win here.
Obviously we shouldn't be executing anyone, but come on Caitlin, that's some weak-sauce that skin color had anything to do here. Caitlin still sees George Wallace running Alabama.
Now if the guy got hoodwinked at trial that's one thing. But Caitlin didn't mention that at all. Just that the dude was black, in Alabama and the courts wanted some lady to dress differently. Seems another "white savior" complex at work here. And man, does that get old
Secondly, Caitlin goes OFF on Christianity in this article yet she uses as a reason for not executing the perp the fact the families of the victim didn't want him executed. Did Caitlin not see their own testimony?
"“We pray that God allows us to find healing after today and that one day our criminal justice system will listen to the cries of families like ours even if it goes against what the state wishes,” their statement read. “Our voices matter and so does the life of Mr. Joe Nathan James, Jr.”
They forgave the perp for his atrocities. A very Christian thing to do. So, bash Christians on the one end but not recognize their goodness on the other is disappointing.
Lastly Caitlin is very apolegetic to the f'in PERP. She says "I am so sorry for everything." The perp killed an innocent lady and you're him??? What the hell is that???
Damn, it's so frustrating. I was sooo hoping the populist would rise on the left, but it won't.
It's gonna have to be the right that adopts the guts of Eugene Debs, throw in a bit of Huey Long add some Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul to save this place.
On a side note, just getting crap off my chest. Caitlin cites Chomsky and Chris Hedges in her newsletter. Chomsky is a bullying clown. "Get vaxxed or be removed from society". yeah, F that guy. Never mind Tom Wolfe's complete take down of his ass in The Kingdom of Speech.
Chris Hedges seems legit. But as always with the environmental fear-mongers I just laugh my ass off. They're scared crapless of environmental degradation, truly scared to death, yet, I assume Hedges has taken many an airplane over the course of his career and probably still does.
Can't fly and claim you're concerned about CO2. Those two things are mutually exclusive. ANYONE who gripes about CO2 damn well better stay off airplanes, at least if you want me to take you seriously.
Even that guy Michael Bluebird promotes air travel on his site. It's such a scam, the climate change fearporn. That smart people fall for it is truly amazing.
A great idea. Caitlin Johnstone is relentless and incorruptible, one of a handful in this compliant and corrupted world. I will be looking into it.
Caitlin, I have yet to witness you writing anything treasonous to America. At no time have you advocated for betraying our citizens or government to an enemy, foreign or domestic.
I disagree with much of your writing, but it's always sincere and interesting. Never has it been treasonous. I would not like to see you damaging your credibility by providing your detractors with a talking point that supports their efforts toward calumny and marginalization.
Please reconsider the titular association with the term "treason." You are not a traitor.
Under the present regime, being a called "traitor" is a badge of pride.
Referring to it as a "regime" may be too charitable. As far as I can tell, it now operates in the manner of a reigning junta.
Thanks Kaitlin, you do say things other professional media dare not say, and for that we are grateful. One idea, if we continue to make China our primary enemy, when many insist on labeling COVID-19 an "Asian Flu." Asian-Americans will never be first class citizens in America. Many Asian support our onslaught against China, but there will be some who will put there race first and ally with the Peoples's Republic.
Is there such a species in the US as a "first-class citizen? Beyond our corporate oligarchs, of course. If anything, SARS CoV-2 should be called "the NIH's Frankenstein". As a biologist, I say "damn you to hell" to all my "colleagues" with the ethics and moral fiber of a dustbroom. And please, researchers, don't give me that shit about the excitement of discovery. Been there, done that! We already have an economic system that knows no limits in its damage to environmental and human health. Our biomedical research has now followed suit. Talk about unmitigated hubris.
For sure our elite class system does tremendous damage to the environment and health. It is not just those leading the corporations that are the problem, but there vast number of non productive elite who need the likes of the CEO to super exploit the producing class. In America about half of the employed are non productive--meaning they organize people or money as a way of life It is in the interest of the power of the producing class to diminish the damage to our health and environment. Biologists are members of the producing class even as some of the results of what they do may do harm-- almost all medicines, most of which saves and preserve lives, start with biology. I do have a problem with psych meds as they seem to suppress the contradictions which cause mental illness. I am a med-surg telemetry nurse, and even as most of RNs do not believe in the power of our class, most of us are doing our best to preserve and save lives. I am trying to start a workers' democracy movement. Our website is
Well said. I would only note in addition that real biologists ---even cell/molecular ones like myself (often, the drug developers) --- should be driven (or made more sane) by the ethics of protecting, teaching about and advocating for the biosphere as complex adaptive system. Anyone genuinely in possession of those ethics would be loathe to put careerism first and pursue something like gain-of-function genetic engineering of a mammalian virus. Too many biomedical researchers don't feel constrained by a greater ethical responsibility toward the biosphere. Disheartening to me. Oh, and psych meds peel back the potential value of whole plant psycho-actives to a reductionist level that rather rudely shoves one or more subsystems system into a new state. In a densely fed-back system like the brain, where almost everything tends to be connected reciprocally, the consequences to different brains can end up being worse than the supposed chemical (neurotransmitter) "imbalance". I'm going to check out your website.
Hi Vin: We also have other papers that are not on the website if you like to investigate them. Yes,I agree that the psych meds may cause worse consequences than the psych meds as the psych meds suppress the contradictions that are causing the brain chemical imbalances in the first place.
Hi John: Thanks for reaching out. If I understand correctly, you folks are advocating for the value of workers' labor contrasted with the relatively useless "nonproductive elites", as you call them. Michael Parenti points out that US society is inured to this view at its core-value level. He cites a T-F question on the SATs: dividends are to investors as salary is to workers (I'm paraphrasing, but that's the essence of the analogy). Remarkably, the correct answer according to the SAT testers is "True," a more or less complete devaluation of essential labor, since the analogy is obviously ridiculous. Parenthetically, among my interests beyond psych meds, is another piece of the drug issue, the enviro-toxicity issue, rarely if ever discussed in its subtleties. Beyond enviro-estrogen mimics, another example is the over-prescription of statins. Every cell on the planet, plants included, uses cholesterol to control the fluidity vs. stiffness of their outer (plasma") membranes under changing environmental conditions. Yet patients can excrete quantities of drugs like atorvastatin into the environment, particularly if over-prescribed or if liver catabolic enzymes are slowed or inhibited (diverse possibilities) a situation poised to screw up control of cholesterol biosynthesis in other species, thereby weakening their ability to regulate this parameter and impacting the biosphere in generally un-studied ways. While folks have to some extent awakened to more overt human damage to the biosphere, there are many more subtle impacts like this that we conveniently ignore; and generally, it's working people in under-served communities who suffer the greatest impacts from such enviro-toxicity. Anyway, I'd definitely like to stay in contact with you folks. If you'd like to be in touch, you can leave me messages at
I value your eyes on the storm. and do read you each day. I am 85 awake and aware. where is the outrage on the streets? my finances are congested with some promise to get better. keep shouting.
Commit an act of treazine today. Sneak a copy onto the magazine rack at your doctor’s or dentist’s office. Leave a copy at the cafe. Tuck one into the Bible before you depart from your motel room. Intentionally leave a copy on the printer at work.
What a wonderful idea! I’ve been thinking myself that there should be better ways for people who don’t use Telegram or Substack to avoid MSM’s propaganda. Thanks for your contributions — the world is better with you in it.
Love your narrative! Keep going! I often share it on fb, with my 4000 friends. Thanks for your open and consciousness-raising attitude, and the fu USA and Nato & EU commentary! David
If this wasn't free I would steal it.
Gumroad eh?
Here is website that tells it the way it is like no other.
UGH, gotta admit, I'm relatively new to Caitlin's stuff. I was really, and I mean REALLY looking for an antidote to the mainstream false dichotomy of left vs. right etc. Sadly after reading one story from the newsletter which I bought I have serious reservations that Caitlin is what I was looking for.
Caitlin, it appears to me, is stuck in 1970s style leftism, of which I was raised, Angela Davis, Gus Hall anyone?
For instance, In the story about the black guy being executed in Alabama, I find Caitlin's logic bordering on silliness. First off the victim of the perp was a black woman. Weird that Caitlin can't see the inherent issue that comes of this. Can't execute a black guy because of systemic racism? but if we don't' execute the perp of a black woman it's also systemic racism.. We can't win here.
Obviously we shouldn't be executing anyone, but come on Caitlin, that's some weak-sauce that skin color had anything to do here. Caitlin still sees George Wallace running Alabama.
Now if the guy got hoodwinked at trial that's one thing. But Caitlin didn't mention that at all. Just that the dude was black, in Alabama and the courts wanted some lady to dress differently. Seems another "white savior" complex at work here. And man, does that get old
Secondly, Caitlin goes OFF on Christianity in this article yet she uses as a reason for not executing the perp the fact the families of the victim didn't want him executed. Did Caitlin not see their own testimony?
"“We pray that God allows us to find healing after today and that one day our criminal justice system will listen to the cries of families like ours even if it goes against what the state wishes,” their statement read. “Our voices matter and so does the life of Mr. Joe Nathan James, Jr.”
They forgave the perp for his atrocities. A very Christian thing to do. So, bash Christians on the one end but not recognize their goodness on the other is disappointing.
Lastly Caitlin is very apolegetic to the f'in PERP. She says "I am so sorry for everything." The perp killed an innocent lady and you're him??? What the hell is that???
Damn, it's so frustrating. I was sooo hoping the populist would rise on the left, but it won't.
It's gonna have to be the right that adopts the guts of Eugene Debs, throw in a bit of Huey Long add some Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul to save this place.
On a side note, just getting crap off my chest. Caitlin cites Chomsky and Chris Hedges in her newsletter. Chomsky is a bullying clown. "Get vaxxed or be removed from society". yeah, F that guy. Never mind Tom Wolfe's complete take down of his ass in The Kingdom of Speech.
Chris Hedges seems legit. But as always with the environmental fear-mongers I just laugh my ass off. They're scared crapless of environmental degradation, truly scared to death, yet, I assume Hedges has taken many an airplane over the course of his career and probably still does.
Can't fly and claim you're concerned about CO2. Those two things are mutually exclusive. ANYONE who gripes about CO2 damn well better stay off airplanes, at least if you want me to take you seriously.
Even that guy Michael Bluebird promotes air travel on his site. It's such a scam, the climate change fearporn. That smart people fall for it is truly amazing.
Great idea. This may take off.
Need Pay Pal!
need pay pal
Downloaded it. Thank you.
Caitlin is brave and brilliant. I read her everyday and share her articles on FB.
super good idea, will be buying for drop off at my favorite haunts at least sometimes depending on content
not 100% sure the dementia patient mention is a crowd please for the demographic you're reaching for here but realize you refuse to censor yourself