Americans are not interested in change unless it comes with a taffy. Last night Phil Donahue died, and his obituary lists his last TV gig where he opined on MSNBC, the illegality and moral corruption of invading Iraq. He was fired for his speech just like Scott Ritter was raided by the FBI for the same reason. A hell of a lot Americans knew the invasion of Iraq was illegal and fraudulent, and didn’t make any effort to articulate any opposition.

Richard Medhurst’s detention and arrest for terrorism is the hallmark of a fascist, illegitimate state. He’s a real journalist who doesn’t parrot BS government narratives. That make him dangerous.

When governments have to resort to force when unapproved speech gains a platform, you know you are not in a democracy.

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>>"When governments have to resort to force when unapproved speech gains a platform, you know you are not in a democracy."

Well said!!

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"A hell of a lot Americans knew the invasion of Iraq was illegal and fraudulent, and didn’t make any effort to articulate any opposition." I think this is unfair and inaccurate. A great many Americans marched, wrote, and spoke out against the immorality of our Iraqi tragedy. Not succeeding in stopping it is not proof that nothing was done. Did everyone pitch in? Of course not, but in a country this large and pluralistic, you bet your ass many hundreds of thousands of conscientious people registered their opposition to the best of their abilities. You could do worse in a country with a useless school system and relentless propagandizing by the media.

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well, southpark episode 100 needs to be adressed in that regard, imo.

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Their voting record has never reflected their awareness - never has!

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I don’t disagree with you. We live in an authoritarian tyranny, and voices of opposition get no platform.

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RIP Phil Donahue. So surreal, the passage of time.

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"So surreal, the passage of time." Amen to that!... Sometimes we have to ask, what is the purpose of amassing great wealth or power when in the end only one fictitious person survives,, Father Time. When the consequences of not building a nest egg are so obvious, can we really blame anyone for not wanting to get rich.. or richer? In democracies, aren't we, the people, to blame for the conditions in that democracy?

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If fundamentally, all we are is replicating viruses, remarkably complex tubes of material coming in and going out, an accidental byproduct of complex molecules that somehow became sentient, only to be conscious for a brief period of time, and then be put away forever: then indeed, it would seem the only meaning in life would be the self-serving goal to fuck everyone else and get as obscenely rich as one could, because there is no tomorrow. And that appears indeed to be the dominant myth of our milieu: reductive materialism, the new faith and the new religion of our so-called intelligentsia.

Do I personally buy it? Not yet. But after GAZA and Ukraine maybe the nihilists are right after all: Life is fundamentally worthless, except for one's own self-serving temporary interest to make as much money as possible.

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I used to drink at a trans bar that he did a show about, because it was right across the street from where I worked, went out of business long before he died.

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We're all going to be "out of business" - sooner than you think.

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Same thing happened to Kit Klarenbuerg, but "only" lasted 5 or 6 hours.

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Also happened to David Miranda, lasted 8 hours as I recall.

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Think back to when the British government sent The Guardian a not-so-friendly warning:


Since then, as many journalists such as the Late John Pilgrr, Chris Hedges and Patrick Lawrence later noted, The Guardian has become a government propaganda and lies factory.

That was in 2014. No one protested the British government bullying a British newspaper- and no one rallied to Snowden’s help. That’s why we are here now.

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Years ago in the USA we had few reporters who were ALLOWED to tell part of the truth even if it contradicted with the empire narratives. Danehue, Oprah, Geraldo, Tucker, Candice, ...please remember all these people were fired or stopped telling the truth.

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"When governments have to resort to force when unapproved speech gains a platform, you know you are not in a democracy."

Which tells you that they know they are weak and illegitimate.

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The US got Scott Ritter. The UK has to keep up so they got Richard Medhurst. Israel is a huge open air asylum for the criminally insane. There are people from other countries who also need to go there.

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It’s not about keeping up.

This is a coordinated five eyes strategy to eliminate dissent and real news, so they can intensify their propaganda barrage at the masses.

Why? They are about to ramp up their wars even more.

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The ultra apartheid state of Israel is Arkham Prison for the criminally insane.

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Sorry folks. Haven't even seen Caitlin's comment today but I did see a video sent to me of a Palestinian father's horse pulling a cart with bags of flour shot dead by Israelis.

So it's not just women, children and unarmed men, it is horses and the destruction of food.

They are a breed all to themselves, these Israeli soldiers. Rapists as well and all approved by the majority. What a disgraceful country.

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I saw the video of them shooting the horse. Truly vile people, and in large part because their religion tells them their lives are of infinite worth and the rest of us are worthless.

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Surveyed Israeli public if they approved of rapping the Palestinians? The majority said yes!

Most of the time we in America try not generalize just in case there are few who are good people? It is true there are few Jews, and Israelis who are great moral people. However, these few are tarnished by the majority satanic POS.

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Are the US and Israel becoming the Nazi Germans of the 21st Century?

All indications seem to point towards that trajectory. (One could make a convincing argument for that already being a reality).

The Soviet Union (and other strange bedfellows during WW2) were there to stop Nazi fascism from devouring the world.

But who will stop the American and Israeli fascists of the 21st Century from destoying the human world (and this planet in the process)? This worries me...

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Jenny - you seem to be living in your own idealized dream world if you think BRICS is going to be any kind of effective resistance against the US Empire (and definitely NOT any time soon).

BRICS is an Economic/Trade alliance, NOT a military one. Also, BRICS is not a cohesive unit:

(1) India and China don't get along

(2) India is aligned with Israel (supplies weapons to Israel) and with the US in some areas-> QUAD alliance

(3) Saudi Arabia and Iran are mortal enemies (just like the US and Russia)

(4) The ideologies (and political systems) of many BRICS+ countries are very different and NOT aligned (or symbiotic)

(5) I could go on with a dozen more reasons...

You seriously need to get over your "BRICS" proselytizing and pollyannaish thinking of BRICS. BOTH Western nations and BRICS+ countries are proponents of GLOBAL CAPITALISM. BOTH share many of the same goals - except they are on opposite sides in a tug-of-war of economic/trade dominance/systems.

Do you seriously think BRICS is going to fight against Global Capitalism? They are just another variation of it (and not a very well co-ordinated one for the time being). Instead of relying on MSM (or independent) news/feelings about BRICS, you need to dig deep and understand what BRICS is, what they've been able to accomplish so far, what their goals and objectives are, and the geopolitics of the makeup of these BRICS+ countries in detail instead of parroting BRICS as some wonderkind solution to all Western problems.

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How dare you Chang: .'....get over your BRICS proselytizing and pollyanish thinking of BRICS.

Firstly you spelled "'pollyanish' thinking.......do we now have to have (an)iash.' at the end of a very simple word?

YOU Chang 'proselytise' on here ad infinitum.

I've met people like you in my life and it's not possible to get past the 'mansplaining' with you.

Does it occur to you that I may know more than you about BRICS.

I do not live in the USA so I get different sources of info which you will never get in your facist state. Nowhere on MSM media is this ever talked about..in fact it is ignored. Why?

India will NOT align themselves with the USA. Very clever people in India and they are waiting.

Since the 'colour revolution' American backed with St Martin's Island off Bangladesh how do you think the Indians are going to react? Not to mention Malaysia.

The world is totally fed up with US hegemony this is a way to bring down the dollar.

Sanctions do not work nor do you Americans understand that you are hated.

BRICS will work. Look forward to you pompously eating shit!

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Some more stuff on BRICS+ to check out:

(1) Could BRICS challenge U.S. dominance in the global economy? | Inside Story (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kneu8npR8V0)

(2) BRICS: An Anti-Imperialist Fantasy and Sub-Imperialist Reality? - Patrick Bond (pt 1/2) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_g_4VvhdWY)

(3) BRICS: Talk Left, Walk Right - Patrick Bond (pt 2/2) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvcpGEUTFIY)

(4) How much influence does BRICS wield on the world stage? | Inside Story (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vP8Rmi9Tnd4)

(5) BRICS: Emerging counterweight in a multipolar world? | DW Analysis (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVWL5D9oaE8)

(6) What will a bigger BRICS mean? | Inside Story (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXeXgev__SU)

(7) https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2023/8/22/can-brics-create-a-new-world-order

There are several good books on BRICS and BRICS+ that I could suggest (if you are ready to face reality and think critically and without confirmation bias)

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Jenny -> learn to use a search engine.


Pollyannish: a person characterized by irrepressible optimism and a tendency to find good in everything

Mansplaining? This has nothing to do with sex or gender. Stop searching for execuses to support your fallacious logic.

>>"Does it occur to you that I may know more than you about BRICS"

You haven't presented any evidence (or logic or rationality) for your understanding of BRICS.

>>"India will NOT align themselves with the USA."

India will align themselves with whomever serves their interests, same as for Russia, China, and every other country on earth. That's how the world works.

Before talking so much about India, study up on Indian history (especially their history after 1947). Also pay special attention to the many Western nations (amongst others) that they have relationships with (trade, economic, military).

(1) https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2024/6/26/india-exports-rockets-explosives-to-israel-amid-gaza-war-documents-reveal

(2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/India–United_States_relations

>>"India will NOT align themselves with the USA. Very clever people in India and they are waiting."

Are you all knowing? You can predict the future? You have any evidence for the the things you say?

There is WISHFUL thinking (which you espouse) and there is REALITY.

>>"The world is totally fed up with US hegemony this is a way to bring down the dollar.

Totally agree with you on that.

>>"nor do you Americans understand that you are hated."

Speak for yourself. There are many Americans here on Caitlin's substack that understand this perfectly and they themselves HATE AMERICA (more than you realize).

>>"BRICS will work."

I hope it does - but you don't seem to understand even the basics about what BRICS is or what its goals are. You cluelessly mouth-off BRICS+ at every opportunity you get, falsely assuming that it is a panacea against the US.

>>"How dare you Chang"

It's not about dare, it is about logic, rationality, reality, and understanding of how the world really works.

Having said all that, I hope BRICS+ annihilates the US Empire (and its minions). But that will not bring about the solution that the people of the planet need.

So, Jenny, get over your wishful fantasies (or don't if you prefer to live in your illusions like many Americans do about America and many Zionists do about Israel).

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I am not here as an advisor nor do I think I am always right (unlike you)!

Frankly there are many people like me who have a different type of intelligence than you.

I can read books till the 'cows come home' but inevitably 'life experience' goes much further in understanding than any BOOK you choose to read.

I am now living and dying in my 4th country on this planet..what I have seen would make your toes curl.

GET off your 'hobby horse' and come out of the attic.

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>>"I am not here as an advisor nor do I think I am always right (unlike you)!"

This is NOT about right or wrong. It's about thinking critically (and not emotionally) about real data and evidence and analyzing such information.

>>" 'life experience' goes much further in understanding than any BOOK you choose to read"

Your life experience is YOUR life experience - ONE data point in a universe of data points. Relying only on "one's" life experiences is anecdotal evidence. It does not compare to the life experiences of thousands (and millions).

That's what BOOKS give you - other perspectives - other analysis (often different from one's own). BOOKS give you more data points so that one can make a better and more informed analysis (just like multiple sources of information).

It's very common for people to give undue importance and relevance to "THEIR LIVED EXPERIENCES" over the thousands, millions of OTHER VERY REAL LIVED EXPERIENCES (especially from credible sources).

>>"I am now living and dying in my 4th country on this planet..what I have seen would make your toes curl."

This statement has nothing to do with analyzing BRICS critically. You seem to think (or make) this personal. IT IS NOT. It has nothing to do with you or me (or either of our life experiences).

>>"GET off your 'hobby horse' and come out of the attic."

Again, this statement has no relevance to this discussion on BRICS.

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"These pedantic word games are being used to obfuscate the reality that Israel and its western backers want the genocide to continue."

This is why I hate politics in general. It's all about a bunch of phonies who lie as easily as a bat flies and will expend huge amounts of energy and time trying to distract us from the evil they wish to do because they know most of us would object to it. Damn right we'd object! "Shared values" of politicians in the US and Israel seems to be hypocrisy and a love to mass murder innocent indigenous people. These sociopathic societies must come to an end. Soon.

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The Revolution....

"These sociopathic societies must come to an end. Soon." If Murphy's Law prevails, the end may be only a few hours, days away... With 12,000 or more nuclear bombs ready to display our collective stupidity, there may soon be no societies left.

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The Democrats' Convention is such a fitting symbolic farce for what we get from electoral politics. Wasted breath, wasted resources, fake allusions to fake democracy by fake human beings without either empathy or the depth of character to stand out as anything but charlatans, princes and princesses of prevarication to anyone actually paying attention.

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Sounds like 2016 all over again. That's the last time I made the mistake of watching a part of it naively hoping to see a bit of humility. They're warmongering sociopaths.

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"They're warmongering sociopaths." They're ?????????????? not We're ????? .

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But, o lord, the nauseating virtue signaling, the sense that victory is at hand...

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Vin... democracy is a nice thought... but it also shows what democracies can produce.... i.e., the status quo of the real culprits... Homo Sapiens.

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Don't you dare stop writing. You are one of the only things keeping me just this side of sane.

Thank you.

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It takes an unprecedented propaganda and censorship apparatus to brainwash the masses from grade school forward coupled with anti-human socioeconomic policies to prevent people from having the time, health or ability to do the necessary reading to ensure continuous ignorance or outright support for the world's preeminent state purveyor of global terrorism and the false choice (s)elections.

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"It takes an unprecedented propaganda and censorship apparatus to brainwash the masses"... Not really... All you need to tell them is that a "God awaits them and will forgave them for they do not know what they are doing"... Amen!

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I disagree that there's no value in voting third party. You need only understand the lengths the Democratic Party has gone to to keep Stein and others off the ballot, going back decades, to get the threat these alternatives pose to it and the system. The threat may indeed appear modest, but my guess is they're quietly terrified that Stein or West will get a decent turnout. There are also concrete benefits to achieving over a certain percentage, as Ralph Nader mentioned in an interview with Al Jazeera that I heard yesterday.

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In addition, there’s the benefit of letting ourselves know just how many, and, therefore just how powerful we are. Given the suppression of our viewpoints and those espousing them, don’t we owe it to ourselves to show and know?

Splitting the opposition votes won’t have the same impact as all of us voting for Dr. Jill Stein. She’s the one with the most ballot access, and name recognition. Plus, sending TPTB a message of strength is a bonus.

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i agree it is a front (but not the major front). even if only to elicit reactions (apart from the ones already known like restricting ballot access and the tremendous voter shaming if you get more than 1%).

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A totalitarian state is OK as long as it's run by Big Money.

Noam Chomsky says censorship is heavier than it was during World War II. Gonna get worse.

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"A totalitarian state is OK as long as it's run by Big Money.".... In the end, since we live in so-0called democracies, aren't we the totalitarians?

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"Israel is a murderous, tyrannical, psychopathic regime. So is the western empire. So when westerners talk about having “shared values” with Israel, they’re not actually lying".

They are so moronic - or they take the public to be totally moronic - they cannot see the irony of their pronouncements! The truth is there in their lies for all to see.

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Unfortunately the general public does appear to be totally moronic.

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Yes indeed !!! " Miserable People need to meet more Miserable People...Then then are happy " Old Russian saying

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They know that they are hypocrites. They do not care.

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That's it! All in the course of executing their stinking policies. It's how the game is played. They know they're doing wrong but keep pretending they have the mortal high ground. They believe in their supremacy and our powerlessness and just keep going despite obvious hypocrisy.

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Caitlyn, could you please expand on the phrase, "fake plastic keys they’ve been handed to try and escape from their prison"? There's more to be said on that.

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I'll write an article soon.

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They break off when you turn them?

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If you your not voting for Cornell West orJill Stein, your voting for:

1) Genocide of Palestinians,

2) Continuation of the War against Russia, (which already has meant more than a half a minion Ukrainian soldiers dying,)

3) Increasing the likelihood of a nuclear World War III,

4) Increasing the unsustainable 35 + trillion national debt,

5) Creating greater corporate plutocracy in the media, oil, health and medical, pharmaceutical, Insurance, car, commercial banking, industries and the military industrial complex.

6) Increasing the economic division of wealth and income between the the top 1% to 5% and the rest of us.

7) Congress and the corporate industries with their lobbyists and campaign contributions to the the House and Senate, are fuckingover the rest of us.

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Claudia De La Cruz also supports Palestine 🇵🇸

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I agree with all except (4) above.

The 35+ trillion national debt WILL CONTINUE to increase regardless of the candidate/party/President/anything else. The US financial system (and the global debt-based financial system) is predicated on growth and sustenance of the creation of debt (+ the payment of interest on this debt). Hence, unless the global financial system changes, the US loses its Dollar hegemony, or the US ceases to exist (by force), I don't see any possibility of this debt going down. And if another recession/depression/pandemic/etc. breaks out (all three being likely scenarios), then this debt will increase by leaps and bounds (due to bailouts for the uber-Capitalist class).

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"I don't see any possibility of this debt going down." Try nuclear war..... all debt may soon be gone... like all of us.

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Nuclear war is covered under -> US ceases to exist (by force)

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Not sure I understand your comment??? What I was trying to point out is that if a nuclear war occurs between major powers , there will be no one left alive to pay it.

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Jill’s platform will increase #4, 5, and 7

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What's your theory for Jill Stein's platform increasing #5 and #7? (#4 will increase no matter what - and more so under a non-Jill Stein platform).

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"If you your not voting for Cornell West or Jill Stein, your voting for...."

Many people have never heard of Trump or Biden, Jill Stein and Cornel West ???????????

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The more one contemplates the outcome of the November US circus, that is , election, the more you realise that the outcome , as stated by Caitlin, will be the almost the same. Some small items will be different but the American people are scheduled to be duped into thinking that the candidates will change to be better than they appear, whatever is the outcome.

That makes me so sad for so many lovely Americans I know and who are not the slightest bit interested in either of the candidates facing the voters at all. They have nowhere to go, no confidence in the future for them or their families. 2024 America is a disgrace.

November really is Step two of the end of empire. Step one is already in progress, being the USA's over-the-top support for the most hated state in history. Israel.

Equally responsibility for genocide. Unforgivable.

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Contrarian 33,

"That makes me so sad for so many lovely Americans I know and who are not the slightest bit interested in either of the candidates facing the voters at all. They have nowhere to go, no confidence in the future for them or their families."

You could probably not expect changes in the way we do things as a species even if you elected Trump, Harris or a grasshopper.

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"It’s always a bit surprising and jarring." - even Caitlin is still finding things out. Forget about the gaslit majority of the western public asleep in their "freedom" paradise keeping the monster mechanism going.

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Want to stop war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide?

You can now lawfully stop paying for it.

The government is just another terrorist organisation like ISIS or the WHO.

Many more details here; https://truthaddict.substack.com/p/how-to-exit-the-matrix

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Slight correction. Not "any/all Government", but "some Governments" are run like terrorist organizations (or mafiosi). But I believe many people have known for quite a while that the US Empire Managers (a more accurate phrase than Government) have been the largest terrorist entities in the world - especially with their history of economic terrorism (eg. Economic Hitmen), their institutions (IMF, World Bank, WTO, UN, USAid, etc...), their history of overthrowing other nations/governments with coups/sanctions/etc., and their history of causing global instability everywhere they go with their military presence...

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"some Governments" are run like terrorist organizations".. as those in Hiroshima and Nagasaki experienced.

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"Want to stop war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide? You can now lawfully stop paying for it. " Sure,, and elephants can fly.

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Hundreds of people already have, depends which country you live in as to whether it is difficult or very very difficult. There are several ways to do it but you should not even try unless you own nothing (have everything you own in a trust). Have you read the longer piece? There are much more details there. You are now committing a criminal offence by paying tax.

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Very interesting, although experience has shown that the long arms of laws are not to be ignored...

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Correct, you do not ever ignore them, you trap them in the corner with their own so called laws. I have so far found 5 different ways to do this.

The "government" have no authority over any man woman or child.

In the US the "Clearfield Doctrine" proves that fact.

They have just as much authority to tell you what to do as any other terrorist organisation such as Al Quaeda, ISIS or the WHO.

All courts where dissolved in 2008 under the clearfield doctrine then became registered companies on Dunn and Bradstreet company search. When governments enter the world of commerce, they are subject to the same burdens as any private firm or corporation U.S v Burr 309 U.S 22. See 22, U.S CA 286 e Bank of US v Planters Bank of Georgia 6L Ed (Wheat 244.) NOTE: Under the Clearfield Doctrine, the courts are no longer government entities in that they are demanding private monies and must have a contract with you to compel performance. They are no more special as a normal business than your local Jack In The Box. Clearfield Doctrine -“private commercial paper is used by corporate government, then government loses its sovereignty status and becomes no different than a mere private corporation” . Government create and enforce CIVIL LAWS known as statues, acts and legislation created by the Bar Association (set up by Rothschilds) which are duty bound to comply with the LAW of CONTRACTS. The Law of Contracts requires signed written agreements and complete transparency!

Governments Have Descended to the Level of Mere Private Corporations

Clearfield Doctrine Supreme Court Annotated Statute, Clearfield Trust Co. v. United States 318 U.S. 363- 371 1942 Whereas defined pursuant to Supreme Court Annotated Statute: Clearfield Trust Co. v. United States 318 U.S. 363-371 1942: "Governments descend to the level of a mere private corporation, and take on the characteristics of a mere private citizen . . . where private corporate commercial paper [Federal Reserve Notes] and securities [checks] is concerned . . . For purposes of suit, such corporations and individuals are regarded as entities entirely separate from government." What the Clearfield Doctrine is saying is that when private commercial paper is used by corporate government, then government loses its sovereignty status and becomes no different than a mere private corporation. As such, government then becomes bound by the rules and laws that govern private corporations which means that if they intend to compel an individual to some specific performance based upon its corporate statutes or corporation rules, then the government, like any private corporation, must be the holder-in-due-course of a contract or other commercial agreement between it and the one upon who demands for specific performance are made. And further, the government must be willing to enter the contract or commercial agreement into evidence before trying to get the court to enforce its demands, called statutes. This case is very important because it is a 1942 case that was decided after the UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY filed its "CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION" in the State of Florida (July 15, 1925). And it was decided AFTER the 'corporate government' agreed to use the currency of the private corporation, the FEDERAL RESERVE. The private currency, the Federal Reserve Note, is still in use today. References: (i) Articles of Incorporation of UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY http://anticorruptionsociety.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/articles-of-incorporation-of-u-scorp-company.pdf (ii) From The Great American Adventure by Judge Dale, retired. (pages 93-94) http://anticorruptionsociety.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/articles-of-incorporation-of-u-scorp-company.pdf [4] Corporations are not and can never be SOVEREIGN. They are not real, they are a fiction and only exist on paper. 5] Therefore, all laws created by these government corporations are private corporate regulations called public law, statutes, codes and ordinances to conceal their true nature. Do the Judge and your lawyer know about this? You bet they do! 6] Since these government bodies are not SOVEREIGN, they cannot promulgate or enforce CRIMINAL LAWS; they can only create and enforce CIVIL LAWS, which are duty bound to comply with the LAW of CONTRACTS. The Law of Contracts requires signed written agreements and complete transparency! Did you ever agree to be arrested and tried under any of their corporate statutes? For that matter, did you ever agree to contract with them by agreeing to be sued for violating their corporate regulations? [8] Enforcement of these corporate statutes by local, state and federal law enforcement officers are unlawful actions being committed against the SOVEREIGN public and these officers can be held personally liable for their actions. [Bond v. U.S., 529 US 334-2000]

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Thanks for the effort. It's well appreciated. Words however can be interpreted in many ways, which is why even a good lawyer will never be able to overcome a corrupted judge. The law is one thing, it's application is another. Don't all legal issues have the potential to run into a stone wall??? Assange maybe ??? My father, mostly unwise to the world, once told me "There is no justice in the world"... Was he wrong? As Chomsky suggested, there are three forces in the world... the first is MONEY, the second is MONEY, and he couldn't remember the third..........................

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When you go to “court” there is no justice because it is not a real court, it is a commercial court aka a business meeting. Terrorists will never admit they are terrorists, the best you can hope for is they stop terrorising you and leave you alone!

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