Thank you Caitlin. It’s really important independent voices like yours keep going. The mainstream narrative is nothing short of nazism. Big money and big levers are being used to batter that narrative into justifying genocide. Whatever world they are trying to force into place, it cannot be one where genocide is acceptable.

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Yes, absolutely!! I'm Israeli and I fully concur!!

I think it's important to understand that the profound ruthless cruelty and inhumanity of the zionist ruling class against the local people in Palestine is NOT an accident, but is very deliberate and calculated to elicit as much trauma, anger, hostility and hatred as possible. The Zionist ultra-wealthy ruling class are doing it for the exact same reason for which they created Hamas, fund it and keep it in power (some of the evidence available in English can be seen here https://www.pdrboston.org/israel-funds-hamas-keeps-it-in-power). Besides the above, a dead giveaway that Hamas is a zionist-created proxy is the fact that Hamas joined Israel, USA and their other western-created proxy (Al-Qaeda ISIS) in the zionist/american regime change operation in Syria. Yes, you read that right - just like the ISIS proxy which was funded and armed by the west, Hamas was also fighting together with/alongside Israel & USA to fulfill their imperialist objective in Syria!!!

Why do the zionist ruling class do that (Both created Hamas AND ensure that the zionist forces inflict as much trauma as possible on the local people in Palestine)?

Very briefly, the reason is this - like the United States, the Israeli government is run by a very wealthy zionist upper class that economically severely oppresses and exploits Israeli ordinary people (Israel has the the third largest gap between rich and poor and the highest poverty rate in the developed world). The right-wing zionist billionaire class uses tribal divide-and-rule to brainwash ordinary Israelis by pretending to be our righteous and patriotic "protector" against our boogeyman enemy-- those "evil scary monstrous" Palestinians.

To make the Palestinians be an effective boogeyman enemy, the right-wing zionist billionaire class needs Hamas (which it created and funds and keeps in power) to be as frightening to Jews as possible, it needs the boogeyman zionist-funded Hamas to espouse right-wing religious supremacist and exclucivist views that are threatening to non-muslims (and which are, by the way, a mirror image of the exclucivist supremacist views espoused by right-wing Jewish religious fundamentalists), and it needs Hamas to deliberately direct lethal violence (suicide bombers in the past and rockets more recently) against non-combatant Israeli civilians (i.e. to commit terrorism) in order to make it seem (to propagandized, uninformed and gullible Israelis and others) as if ordinary Palestinians want to kill all the Jews in Israel and drive them into the sea..

Hamas plays the role of Palestinian antisemitic terrorist perfectly; it is exactly what the right-wing zionist billionaire ruling class needs in order to stay in power.

The long-time support of the ultra-wealthy right-wing zionist ruling class for Hamas is not a secret. When the subject comes up, right-wing zionists “explain away” this support by saying it was simply a clever way of weakening the PLO (the secular 'Palestine Liberation Organization') . However, what such right-wing Israeli leaders never mention is this - The REASON that the Zionist billionaire ruling class wanted to weaken the PLO and strengthen Hamas was because the PLO (before caving in to american/zionist pressure and bribes to advocate for a “two-state solution”, a "solution" that would make the ethnic cleansing from most of Palestine permanent) the PLO advocated for something that actually appealed to many ordinary Israeli working-class people: that the entire land between the Jordan river and the sea be a secular democracy, a state of ALL its citizens (not a supremacist state where the immigrants/colonizers who were given at birth the label 'Jew' are superior to the local palestinian people of the land but) a secular democratic state in which Jews and non-Jews would have equal rights under the law and live without war in respect, security and peace with each other (one of PLO's most memorable tenents was: Jews - yes!! Zionist racism & supremacy - no!! ).

Right-wing Zionist billionaire ruling class intensely FEAR the possibility of Israeli have-nots (ordinary Israeli citizens) viewing Palestinians as human beings, as non- threatening human beings who want to live in safety & security just like them and to not be oppressed by the thieving heartless right-wing billionaire ruling class, just like them.

THIS is exactly the reason why the right-wing zionist billionaire ruling class began funding Hamas—to ensure that ordinary Israelis would (wrongly) perceive ordinary Palestinians as wanting to kill all the Jews and therefore as their enemy, To ensure that ordinary Israelis & Palestinians would fear each other and so will never unite to create a thriving humane fertile state where we can live together in mutual respect, dignity, security, peace and prosperity (by throwing off our warmongering cynical infantile right-wing billionaire ruling class that intentionally divides us and pits us tribalistically against each other, and screws us all by transferring our wealth and fruits of our labour upwards to enrich the 0.1% and keep us all - Israelis & Palestinians - struggling just to keep the head above the water).

The right-wing billionaire ruling class (in israel, in the muslim world and all across the globe) thrives on a world of tribalistic fear of the other, tribalistic division, hatred, violence, conflict, violence and trauma. The more they can generate such a traumatic, violent and hate-filled reality, the more they can keep ordinary people divided and fearful of each other, and clinging onto them (the right-wing billionaire ruling class in each country) as our so-called "protectors" from "those evil people" over there, that scary other tribe over there who supposedly "just wants to kill us all" (and the scary and monstrous boogeyman created by the right-wing billionaire class gives ordiinary citizens all the "proof" needed to claim that 'the other side' are non-human monsters).

That is why the zionist billionaire right-wing ruling class do everything in their power to inflict as much cruelty and inhumanity and traumatize the local people of Palestine as much as possible, because they know that the more they can cruelly traumatize the Palestinians, the higher the likelihood that the palestinians will feel deep anger and resentment and hatred towards the abusive terrorist zionist state and its citizens, which in turn would make reconcilliation impossible (reconcilliation and peace between ordinary people is the arch-enemy and the greatest fear of the right-wing billionaire ruling class) AND would make Palestinians appear very threatening and scary to ordinary Israelis (which, again, ensures that no cooperation would be possible, but rather that hateful trauma-driven tribalism will always reign, that ordinary people will keep being bamboozeled into believing that our enemies are the ordinary people of 'the other side' and thus keep voting for the representitives of the right-wing billionaire class to be our rulers (because the right wing ruling class deceivers pretend to be patriotic and "the protectors of the nation" against those 'scary evil monsters over there'; even though IN REALITY the right-wing ultra-wealthy class do THE EXACT OPPOSITE of providing security, but they are in fact the ones ensuring that the nation is in a constant state of hateful conflict and antagonism (or downright war) against others AND that the nation's wealth keeps flowing upwards from the people to the ultra-rich 0.1%

It's the same right-wing billionaire fascist playbook all over the planet that they've been playing for centuries (create a scary boogeyman for the people to fear and hate and direct our anger towards, and then pretend to be patriotic and 'protectors of the nation' against this boogyman threat that they themselves created and fund) while in reality working to move all the wealth to the ultra-wealthy and screw everyone.

The right-wing billionaire fascists all over the planet (supremacist zionists and skilled-deceiver trump are but the most obvious examples) play this infantile trick over and over and over again, yet we the ordinary people never learn and still keep falling for it again and again and again and keep voting them to power thinking that these right-wing billionaires care about us and will protect us from the 'scary monstrous enemies of the nation'. It's the oldest trick in tne book and yet it still works for the life-destroying Godless right-wing deceivers, mostly because of how tribalistically indoctrinated, uneducated and propagandized we are..

That is precisely the reason why the right-wing zionist ruling class fund Hamas AND continously inflict the above mentioned horrors on the local people of palestine. The right-wing supremacists thrive on a world of trauma and tribalistic division and antagonism. This is what makes people keep voting for them, this is what keeps them in power. Their atrocities are not a mistake, it is a built in feature of the right-wing strategy to create a hellish divided traumatised world of tribalistic fear, violence & hate, which keeps them in power so that they may continue making that sweet money flow from the people to the ultra-wealthy, in their sick 'trickle down economics' ideology

PS. this excelleby article explains quite well how Hamas and the Zionist ruling class operate according to the same right-wing supremacist ideology and why need each other; how each of them (Hamas and Zionist ruling leadershipl takes action that strenghthen the other, and helps the other keep a grip on its own people, providing the other a perfect enemy with which to frighten its "own people" into obedience and support for them. https://www.pdrboston.org/israeli-leaders-hamas-need-each-oth

And this excellent substack describes the two facts that must be known about zionism


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Very well said. We need to hear from more anti-Zionist Israeli (and non-Israeli) Jews, because that dissident perspective is conspicuously absent from most western journalism. Zionism, via the Zionist state of Israel, has stolen the identity of all Jews (and also evangelical/dispensationalist Christians). All Jews are not Zionists. All Israeli Jews are not Zionists. The greatest threat in the world to Jews and Judaism is not Islamic extremism, it is rabid Zionism. The recent blatant evils of Israeli Zionists will create potentially unfathomable blowback against Jews everywhere.

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Jewish Voice for Peace=Modern Day Heroes. Help them continue to bring the plight of the Palestinians to the forefront by becoming a member. (I think membership starts at about $20/yr)

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I would also very highly recommend this brilliant and insightful essay to understand how the world (dictated by the ultra-wealthy anti-egalitatian fascist ruling classes) actually works, and how the ruling class in each society constantly must use a boogeyman enemy in order to keep the have-nots in each society under control and obedient to the "patriotic duty of fighting the monstrous enemy of the nation (or at least hating & blaming, or morbidly fearing them)" https://www.pdrboston.org/oppressors-need-bogeyman-enemies

And by the way, the boogeyman enemy does not even have to be a physical/factual other nation/tribe/religion/party/ethnicity (though that's what it often is), it can even be fear of hell or "divine" damnation, that can also be used as a boogeyman by the ruling class to keep the have-nots in line..

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Hollywood created all this Russian xenophobia by drama depictions of sacrosanct USA always fighting some existential "evil" (comi) and creating all this knee jerk Putin Bogeyman syndrome most westerners now suffer from ... All these CSI and CIA fbi cop shows just trying to make you think they are just good people making "tuff" decisions and yet NONE of that is true, but the public gets fooled into thinking that it is so they wont side eye them when they do the new whatever fucked up clandestine false flag and devious operations around the world...

Assange is still jailed for exposing the western war crimes...

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Space aliens, lizard people are used as boogyman. Many so called religions use boogyman as well.

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That's fine. Still not going to condemn Hamas as it's for Palestinians themselves to determine how they choose to practice their right to armed resistance.

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That's such hogwash. I thought they were funded by Iran.

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Thank you. I was unaware of the level of inequality in Israel. What you say checks out. https://money.cnn.com/2015/05/21/news/economy/worst-inequality-countries-oecd/

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How could you NOT know?!

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@ HeadAndHeart ✨ Thank 💐 you.

You have accurately described the morally bankrupt modus operandi of the Social Darwinist Ideology, totally embraced, not only by Zionists, but by the ruling class in the USA, and most of Europe, for the last century or more.

It REALLY IS the Social Darwinism!




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To add to the complexity of the situation online, I’m seeing far-right views in comments of bonafide humanitarian objections to Zionist Israel. These voices close the loop between antisemitism and anti Zionism. Some are genuine antisemites, some are Zionist trolls. It’s hard to tell them apart. Both abhor the slightest application of logic or reference to facts. Maybe it doesn’t matter who they are, the end result is extremist dead end thinking. The same that pulls the trigger on an ambulance driver etc etc.

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"Israel's Savagery Is So Shocking It's Sometimes Hard To Take In" - shouldn't be hard if you consider Israel is a full blown Nazi state.

Judging by Ilan Pappe's "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine" all the various Jewish paramilitary groups acted just like SA - brownshirts - in Germany, or Azov etc in Ukraine. While doing Nakba especially, that is. All the Jewish communications and diary entries by Ben-Gurion read just like Hitler discussing and planning his European conquests.

Given that, what is there to be surprised at? And that applies to Ukraine 100% as Israel was nurturing it in all things evil.

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No matter how you consider it, for some, it is still really really hard to hear and take in, despite being fully aware that Israel is a "full blown Nazi state". When we are not surprised and sickened by this we are really in big trouble.

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I knew a woman who was victimized sexually by her father. She told a group of friends that when she was a teenager and baby sat kids she would hold their nose until they turned blue. Surprising how her "friends" came to her defense and excused her behavior. I didn't. Reminds me of what goes on in terms of the atrocities committed by Israeli's in regard to the Palestinians, always the victims no matter their crimes.

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I forgot, but we're going down a busy street, and Miss babysitter was a passenger in my car, and an old woman, about 90, is crossing the street with two bags of groceries, so I stop blocking off traffic to give her time to cross and Miss charm tells me Hitler didn't do a good enough job, since she thought the woman looked Jewish. So much for excusing people, or countries who were victimized in the past which Israel plays on to shield it from criticism.

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I hope that your lack of support for her made her take a look at what she was doing.

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No it didn't.

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I was sexually abused as a very young child and horrifically physically abused by a man I lived with in my 20’s.

While I still haven’t forgiven life for the latter, I don’t go about murdering people because of the abuse I endured. I’ve never been afraid of using my fists, but only when provoked first.

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Sorry Gypsy, life as they say can be a bitch, and my father was a bastard. Good for me I had my mother's brother who was everything a father should be, but life wasn't easy. Now, right in front of your eyes you see Israel destroy the lives of children, target them, even babies. I will never forget.

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Dec 1, 2023
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You’re very kind. Thank you.

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Certain animals behave in a way that is hard to take. Some things in nature take place that are hard to take. But such is their nature.

The nature of a Nazi state is to comply with the definition. It's not be surprised at for that reason. It doesn't mean that it should be accepted as a norm, though. It's natural - since it takes place, it exists, - but it's also abnormal.

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“After the United States took California and half of Mexico and we were stripped down to nothing, territorial expansion suddenly becomes a crime. It's been going on for centuries and it will still go on" - Hermann Goring, Reichsmarschall of The Third Reich.

Not an endorsement; an observation.

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Evil justified by reference to other, greater evils. This is IDF thinking behind “we are the most moral army in the world.” And they can indeed point finger at US and UK and EU, recently and historically. But of course all this produces is a race to the bottom. Is that where we’re heading? Someone pushes the button?

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It is so shocking because we have elected Israel as one of the good guys -not like Russia say or China which our media have long told us are highly suspect; not like the European or American democracies (of which Israel is an honorary (and honourable ) member and therefore protected from the low view of Arab and Islamic States where anything might happen and prem baby. killings just one of a long list of horrors they might perpetuate. This Orwellian distortion is so embedded in our subconscious that the distortion goes down the memory hole in western media accounting. As. a flock we look towards the shepherd's whistle and away from the slaughter house.

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{Given that, what is there to be surprised at? And that applies to Ukraine 100% as Israel was nurturing it in all things evil.}

Because then it's allowable!

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How does it follow? Evil, just like other abnormalities, just happens. It's "natural". It doesn't mean it's welcome, or allowable, or understood, or acceptable. It is to be recognized and fought.

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While we are on this particular plane of existence where dualities [yin/yang] exist, e.g., good/bad, night/day, you're quite right. If it all gets too much don't forget we are all one at the end of the day so to speak. There's comfort in that but whether nihilists think so or not is a moot point! All the world's a stage & all things must pass so maybe we all take a turn at whatever in reincarnations during the infinite & eternal nature of creation. Before I croak, I'm preparing a substack presentation for anyone who is interested that illustrates & perhaps even proves the general cosmological cyclic equilibrium that I believe exists.

Meanwhile, yes, we must fight the cruel nonsensical money & power addicted Zionists all the way!

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Nazism is judaism for wimps.

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Ain't it funny how The Rules Based International Order(tm) was bewailing supposed Russian war crimes but they can’t seem to bring themselves to make the most muted condemnation of apartheid Israel.

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It’s possible you misunderstood.

It’s a ROLES-based order. Not RULES.

The order is like this. US is massa and they are the exception, because massa’s role is to just make up sadistic and twisted rules.

Europe is among those who plays the role of indentured house servant, hoping to be freed after service to massa. But: they don’t realise massa has no intent of freeing them and their whupping is coming.

The global south plays the role of slaves toiling the fields and being exploited. They are brutally put down if they rebel. Often massa lets Europe prove their loyalty by being the one to lay down the whip. The competition is tough, new indentured servant like Japan are trying to show they are more loyal. North Korea does their best but are a bit queasy and sometimes wonder why their brother ran away from the plantation after a bad beating. The newest servant Israel was horribly beaten too, but was spared by massa’s wife. Israel went psycho from the trauma and now enjoys brutalizing the slaves.

Now you know why Russia escaped from the plantation. And Cuba and North Korea before them. They really didn’t like the roles massa ordered them to play. And they ain’t coming back.

And there is China which lives off the plantation and trades with massa, but is very careful to not let massa run around near his kids. He remembers once when massa pretended to be his friend but got him hooked on drugs and roped him. China definitely doesn’t want any role in this but wonders why massa keeps so many armed men on horseback camped right outside his fence.

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Great. It’s good to smile when my hatred of Israel, the IDF, AIPAC and the US mic is growing so fast and furiously. I refuse to function from a position of hate, so laughter really helps!

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At this point I think a level of hate is justifiable...but I'm comforted in the realizations that Israel has signed it's own death warrant. Thanks HAMAS for ripping off the masks of the evil that is Zionism revealing the evil of its supporters. My respect for people I thought knew better is dropping like flies. I can no longer find a stronger word than hate for them.

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Ha! If you don't already know of Emil Cosman's offerings about such geopolitical things on YouTube then may I introduce you to him? https://www.youtube.com/@emilcosman90 His take, as a ex-pat of Romania now living in the U$, is penetrating & frequently hilarious! Do check him out but not while you're in the process of drinking anything! Lol!!

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If only Putin had bombed those kids instead of rescuing them from a war zone ("kidnapping" lol), he would be recieving unlimited free shipments of bombs, missiles and excuses from the USA right now.

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No, whatever Putin does is bad. Very Very Bad. Putin could cure cancer today using this one weird old trick and the State Department would moan about all the hardworking freedum-luvin' doctors he just put out of work.

That little twerp Zelenskii, however, can do no wrong. If he bombs those kids, then they obviously deserve it!

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The mind simply does not want to believe what the eyes are seeing. That there are still humans on this planet utterly devoid of humanity, in the millions. And with the power to act on their disdain with impunity. We have failed Palestine and her children.

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Agree 100%!! And it looks like Dr. Paul Alexander has been hooked into being a propagandist for the Zionists. His latest post is all about going to Israel and getting to see video of the beheaded babies (the story that has been repeatedly denied even by Israeli sources).

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Arthur Ponsonby describes falsehoods promoted by governments/media during WWI. Short chapters, each for a specific thing. One of them is "The Belgian baby without hands".

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I dropped that creep almost two years ago when I realized that most of his content was just pointless self promotion. He's a nobody who wants to be a somebody.

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Sandra! Are you freakin kidding me? I just looked it up and you're right! Thank God I unsubscribed from him months ago - he was always unhinged!

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Yup!! Totally agree. I only subscribed and commented there because I was trying to spread the word about covid and the Great Reset. But on this topic, he's lost his mind!! He constantly posts Zionist propaganda sites, but he claims he's for the innocent on both sides. He's such a useful idiot for them. Totally clueless!!

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PA is a fool. I unsubbed a couple of months ago. A waste of time reading his drivel.

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Yes, I'm sure the Israelis realized he was a useful idiot.

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Yes, I unsubbed as well, but ended up going back late last night and leaving comments again--it was just driving me crazy that he was pushing all of that Zionist propaganda. Though he may ignore my comments, perhaps they can wake up others who are not psychopaths and simply don't know the true history that has been going on over there.

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Highly doubt he reads any comments. Infact I highly doubt he posts his stacks himself. The volume is too high for a “Dr.”

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Thanks and agreed. Paul Alexander has lost it. Unfortunately there are many similar stories

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Yes, I tried to keep posting there, but it's just pointless--he's totally clueless and falls for the propaganda. I've tried posting tons of info on Israel's decades long history of false flag terrorism, and info on how and why Israel created Hamas, but he simply ignores all info that counters the Zionist narrative. He's just a useful idiot for them. He claimed he went over there and watched a video--so I'm sure that Zionist money paid for that trip. He's clueless about false flags and propaganda--he finally realized that the mainstream media lied about everything during covid, but somehow thinks the same media is now telling the truth.

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Totally agree on Paul Alexander - very sad - and there are many Covid freedom fighters that line up cluelessly with the Zionists.

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I know that Caitlin has avoided talking about this but the madness and destruction of wokeism and identity politics also plays into this. It was inevitable that they'd be a traditional values/right wing backlash against unscientific covid mandates as well as against psychologically damaging gender reassignment for children (the less we identify with social constructs of gender, race and culture the more freely and happily we can live our lives), though ironically (or perhaps not so; the pharma industry made a fortune out of 'covid' and unnecessary surgery and life long hormone treatment are very lucrative and many politicians are share holders) both overseen by a Tory government.

Oil and animal ag industries then targets the anti woke health freedom movement on social media by lumping scientifically sound veganism, climate change and environmentalism into wokeism and 'the Great Reset', I watched it happen.

And what could be more traditional values than supporting American/European sounding Judeo/Christian White people fight back against baby beheading murderous Brown Islamic people (that only woke 'diversity' conscious people would support). The fears of being overwhelmed in their own countries is fed by images of boat loads of Black and Brown people reverse colonising White countries to further justify racial tension and racist immigration policies.

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Yup. The last part QED what just happened in Dublin, curiously after Ireland has been heroically vocal in EU Parliament

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Wow! That's an interesting attempt to describe that crew. I have great difficulty in understanding how you can back Israeli genocide, atrocities and Zionist exceptionalism

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Well done but there is no point. For all we know he has been introduced to mr kompromat.

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Hiya, yes many health freedomers have revealed themselves to be zionazis.

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Israel and western allies perpetrating a psychic coup detat. A shock and awe.. it induces a kind of trance, a self defensive disbelief in the eye of the perceiver. God knows what it’s like for the Palestinians.

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You have to recall, when the Azov brigade moved into Bucha after the Russian soldiers had left, they marched the Ukrainians who had worn the pro-Rus armband into the streets, and executed them.

Western media, to a person, deliberately repeated the lie it was the Russian forces who had done this.

Despite a moments thought, let alone any Journalist credibility, that would have revealed the opposite, the truth of the situation.

Israel expects the same coverage for their (war) crimes (against Humanity).

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Nov 30, 2023
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To a horrific extent, the same can be said of what the Kiev 'leadership' are doing to the Ukrainian population themselves.

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Nov 30, 2023
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Fortunately, the nutter doesn't have nukes. Sadly, the neocon nutters behind him in DC do. :'(

It's a strange world when a wholly unsuitable candidate like D Trump starts to become the saner choice.

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More reason to support someone who is against all war and bloodshed and has spoken boldly against the slaughter in Ukraine and the genocide in Palestine. Dr. Jill Stein, Green Party candidate for president. www.jillstein2024.com

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Or Cornell. But Dore has strong suspicions Bro West is running as a sheepdog for Bidet, sadly.

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The neocons (and neolibs) are happy to have others killed for their fairytale cause. But they always find the off-ramp when the heat’s getting too close.

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There ARE more choices.

The Amerikkkan public is just to stupid to realize that they needn’t vote for someone with an R or a D after their names.

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Nov 30, 2023
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To paraphrase the sublime work of PKD's "Rome Never Ended";

..."The War Never Ended". :/

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The Israeli Occupation Forces won't let food and fuel into Gaza City. This may decrease video and photographic evidence of their recent doings, by shutting down all electric generation and starving people out.


The Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PCRS) said on Tuesday evening that the Israeli occupation forces prevented the entry of aid and fuel trucks into the northern Gaza Strip, the official Palestinian Wafa news agency reported, citing PCRS’s statement.

In the statement, PCRS affirmed that it attempted to bring in fuel trucks, and 31 humanitarian aid trucks containing food, water, and relief materials into Gaza City and the north, but the occupation forces stationed at the military checkpoint that separates the north of the Gaza Strip from its south, prevented the fuel trucks from entering.

It stressed that bringing in fuel trucks was aimed at enhancing the work of the Red Crescent ambulances operating in the northern Gaza Strip, warning that it has seven ambulances that will stop working due to the lack of fuel.

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What a perfect example of the power of the Official Narrative. “The boy had to be shot because he was committing a crime!” (Celebrating the release of his People from prisoner)

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Israel’s savagery is on full display for the entire world to see, it will NOT be forgotten!

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On the BBC’s Newsnight program, Shadow Attorney General Emily Thornberry repeatedly refused to answer when asked if the “cutting off [of] food, water and electricity is within international law.” The answer was : "right to defend itself "


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Nov 30, 2023
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Murkins especially have VERY short attention spans, Grr.

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I wish I could say that I actually enjoy your articles. While I am grateful for some honest reporting, what you have to say makes my head hurt and my stomach feel queasy. I think about all those parents losing their children and grandparents losing their grandchildren and children who lose everyone. I would much rather see a space alien or a leprechaun or something.

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To paraphrase Jack - "you can't face the Evil". The first step to understand is to accept its existence. What Caitlin does is simply highlighting it.

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I know it exists but I don't fully want to accept it.

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One HAS to accept it, Susan, or it will continue ad nauseum.

I’m so filled with angst and desolation right now I could throw myself off a cliff, but what I’d prefer to do is shoot myself on the WH steps, letting my blood forever stain them to remind the Amerikkkan regime of what it has wrought.

And my afterlife will consist of being a surrogate mother to all those dead children.

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PLEASE don't (although I totally agree to what you are saying here ... sadly!), you have your life to live, go for a hike into the forest (this is always my tranquilizer) or read an interesting/ captivating book (I don't think anything is changed in the world by the action of ONE person - we would need MILLIONS to stand up - will they? I doubt it ... recently I read that 'best' solution would be that the country (US) goes bankrupt (what a disaster that would be, but would we learn anything from it? Make a better world? I doubt this too ...)

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Thank you, Elisabeth ( my name is Elizabeth too btw!) for your kindness. I feel as though we have a great deal in common.

I would gladly sacrifice my life for all to see if it could bring attention to Genocide Joe’s atrocities. It would be even better if multiple people did it simultaneously.

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Thank you for answering! When I am really depressed I always remember Daniele Ganser - he is a Swiss author and lecturer - saying, there are STILL beautiful things out there (my husband watches birds, I like to hike in forests ...), also 'good news or nice stories' don't sell, so you hear only the horrible ones. Unfortunately the quiet majority (who I would assume are decent people who would be appalled if they had time to see the truth of all the atrocities these psychopaths do) does not rise up (as said times need to be much worse for something to happen). Until that time we who already 'know' have to wait and go with them, after all WE WILL BE MILLIONS and they are the 0.01 percent of stuffed rich people ... So PLEASE don't despair!

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I have experienced every last thing you describe. How can this be happening ..and while she was so arrogant and self assured about dying for celebrating, i wish she had addressed the other executions taking place during the agreed cease fire. This child was not the only assassination.

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Do you have a link. Everything is being censored on news here

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This is a direct link to the sky news tweet. See if that works.


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I’m still blocked from Twitter 🤪🤪

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Wow,i saw one but think i did not save.

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Think ig i will look

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I've lived through the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the depredations on the Native Americans, the War on Drugs (no, actually, it was a war on people), Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and so many wars that just came and went. The civil war in Lebanon, the Chechen War, Grenada, Panama, the bombing of Cambodia and Laos, Ukraine, Algeria, the Sahel ...

But I NEVER thought I would see real evil like the monsters in Israel. And my own country helping with the murders. Something in America started to die at the turn of this century. And the destruction seems to be accelerating. This is some Nazi shit.

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Maybe you have just forgotten! Remember Agent Orange?

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Another great truthful article, only hope is the world (people) are waking up to the absolute atrocities being carried out by Israel, all supposedly in the name of "freedom" which is denied to the people of Gaza.

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I am aware of Israeli savagery but I'm still shocked and I've never been more appalled

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In the "News"

Israel is accusing Hamas of mistreatment of hostages because they lost 15 lbs in the last month. It was Israel who cut off electric,water food and has been bombing Gaza and hospitals to dust and denying any and all humanitarian aid into Gaza. US media ignores this.

NPR ran a news article which stated that Israel is just "defending" itself from the Oct 7 attack. Still? After 13000 dead and how many maimed for life? Wounded numbers are not reported. Israel is not "defending"itself.

Hamas stated (according to the"news " ) that if Israel didn't give advance warning about attacks they would kill hostages. So far the only hostages killed have been due to Israeli bombs. Hamas is now releasing hostages. Hamas is the only one keeping their word. Who and what do you believe?

The IDF and Zionists are worse than the German Nazis of WW2. Hamas can NEVER be completely eliminated. Israel is provoking a war in the Mideast against all Islamic Muslim people which the US will gladly join in as we slowly amass military power in the Mideast. As a nation we in the US are left guessing about the future while those in power have plans we are not privy to. Looking back over the past weeks should give any intelligent person a good indication of what the future holds and it is not a cheery one.

Americans are not sitting on their asses on this. They are being oppressed, repressed and jailed for protesting against US sanctioned genocide. The empire is in full control and the US citizens have lost any and all control over the government and their futures.

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And yet, we continue to fight back.

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Nov 30, 2023
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I have given up trying to keep up.

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And over 7000 missing and presumed dead beneath rubble.

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Thanks for the information. I thought (or think,) that it would be higher than the reported death toll since that's the way it usually works in a combat zone. How can one have any faith or trust in the US government with this happening with our governments support?

I thought at first that Hamas was truly insane for the attack on the 7th given the overwhelming superiority of Israeli forces. Then I heard a report supposedly from them about "changing the status quo" and the sacrifices being the only way to achieve it. Given the current propagandized media it's impossible to know if that statement was truly from Hamas or even if the attack was conducted by Hamas. I commented weeks ago that Israelis claim of the hundreds of miles of tunnels under Gaza was a bogus claim. Given the amount of construction equipment and disposal of the materials it would be impossible to do. Especially when the Israeli government was monitoring Gaza so intensively. It would have taken years to complete. It is virtually impossible for Israel to have not known. Along with the US intelligence agencies. The"rabbit hole" the US people are being led down is the Alice in wonderland one manufactured by Israel and the US with lies. We are all being asked to take a toke off the hookah the caterpillar is smoking.

Hamas may be right in that a sacrifice such as this is a last effort to secure a peaceful solution for the Palistinian people by waking up the other Arab countries and the world to their plight. It is most certainly showing worldwide people who the barbarians are - the US, NATO and Israel to be clear.

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I sometimes feel almost selfish sitting safely in a home, in a place where war is not raging. When I think of Palestine, congo, Yemen, Syria and any of the 40 some places where conflict is raging. It's just so incredibly sad. And all these countries closing their doors to refugees. This world feels colder and just more violent than ever. It's sad. And yet we watch in horror, while our governments take part without our consent. It's all SO DYSTOPIAN! And here we have good people losing jobs in the US for opposing genocide. This is a broken world

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There would be no refugee's if it were not for the US destroying all the lands they are coming from! Look at Europe and who was forced to migrate because of the USA!

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I keep telling people complaining about refugees that their own governments helped the USA bomb the entire african continent for a generations driving refugees to their shores so suck it up .. Im 66 and i never remember a time when the USA was not dropping bombs on someone.. I have been to hundreds of anti war protests and i have to say im feeling pretty defeated by the deep disappointment i have in my fellow human beings..

We really are earning the karma of the looming extinctions event..

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This is why they keep saying they come here because America is the greatest country in the world. The land of the free (pardon me while I puke). I can think of very few that do not prefer to return to their homeland!

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And the Home of the Depraved.

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YOU GOT THAT RIGHT! But look at the bright side, we just paid Ukraine to prop up their entire economy!!!

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A huge number of Americans are now trying to come to Europe probably the ones who didn't want immigrants in the USA.

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I welcome immigrants Jenny; my father was one, from a tiny country which 99% of Amerikkans couldn’t locate on a map.

It’s supremely arrogant to tell “foreigners”, “okay, WE can live here but YOU can’t!” Especially when it comes to the lovely Mexican people, half of whose country we stole.

That being said, I’d love to live in Ireland: the beauty of the land itself, the friendliness and spirit of the people, the Irish neutrality in war, the Sinn Fein party.

Unfortunately it’s become difficult to emigrate there if one hasn’t got Irish ancestry, which I sadly do not.

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Gypsy I think you are unique with regard to immigrants, I too welcome them and our Town here has become so much nicer since the S.Americans arrived. However what I do see happening in many Countries is politicians using them as a 'weapon.' Predominantly scaring people into thinking they will take jobs and health away from citizens. It was just used in Holland and is being used here in France as well.

I am so sick of it, the S. Americans here are doing the work most French people won't do.

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Well this i completely agree with. I'm opposed to every invasion America has been involved in except portions of WW2. The horror America is responsible for is immense. So was the horror of Nazi Germany, and many of Nazis

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America is definitely responsible for much of the horror worldwide, and if not directly responsible than behind the scenes funding of it. Along with overthrowing decent leaders to put authorization regimes in place because it suited American "interests"

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Greatest Country in the world my ass! Thankfully we're in the final throws of implosion and ruin! We are now a third world Country!

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America "spreading democracy" is just imperial murder. We are one of the most powerful, but we don't use it for good. America should scrap it's massive war budget and invest in healthcare, education, and housing here at home.

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I feel the same. On Thanksgiving, I felt little gratitude, only profound guilt. Why should I have the privilege of a comfortable home and plenty to eat? I feel as though I should be in Gaza, helping in any way I possibly can ; I may be a senior, but I’m still a strong farm girl.

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People are protesting everywhere, there are a lot of people speaking up, but I feel ya it's hard to watch while feeling there is little I can do

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Gypsy. I think I know how you feel. We don't have Thanksgiving here in France luckily.

I am also a Senior and what I can do is stand in protests (not for too long) and help people in our community. Guilt is negative as I am sure you know. I try to talk to people and smile. Also donating to a charity which you know is honest?

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Well, I never eat Turkey on Thanksgiving, feel guilty for all those dead birds to celebrate a day. Can't find the comment you were responding to and the Motherfucker you were talking about, since there are so many.

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Always darkest before the dawn! Keep the faith. 💫

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I'm trying, and on good days I can remain positive and have hope, but it is difficult lately. Both personally & globally

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