The world has irrevocably changed when Iran now seem like the good guys. Increasingly we all just want to see Israel done with. Zionism has utterly failed, thankfully and even though the leaders are unlikely to face the same accountability as did the leaders of the Third Reich, they should.
The leaders of israhell along with the rest of the world "leaders" who've stood silent and or supported this genocide belong in the worst prison imaginable having the worst possible imaginable things happening to them for life. I never thought I'd ever say such a thing and here I am saying it. The majority of the people of that vile nation are complicit and therefore deserve the worst possible punishment as well.
I’m afraid that would be us, the Americans. Personally, I’d prefer to lock up the ones in charge under the applicable statute, per my comment. 18 U S Code 1091.
Israel shouldn't exist, but we also shouldn't condemn all citizens of a country. I would hope they would be welcomed citizens in New Palestine as long as they leave the Zionist ideology in the past with the country. However, all apartheid/genocide contributors, foreign supporters, and facilitators do not deserve sympathy.
What do you mean the world seems irrevocable changed when Iran seem like the good guys.? Really, what does that mean? Here's a list of attacks on Iran by Israel. Not to mention they had a great guy running the show back in the early 1950's Mohammad Mosaddegh. England and the US got him out. Who are the bad guys?
Bombs and viruses: The shadowy history of Israel’s attacks on Iranian soil
Oh don't get me wrong. I entirely agree with you. Hence my use of the word 'seem'. But the western media has presented Iranians as the bad guys for some time, and Trump most recently, and virulently so. I was most impressed at Iran's restraint when Trump drone-assassinated their army leader some years ago. Imagine the American response had the reverse occurred!
Frankly I've never met an Iranian person I didn't like and can't recall when I met an Israeli that I did. Here is hoping Iran can succeed where the west refuses to try, and puts Israel back in its place.
You people are all missing something enormously important. Israel's leaders don't want to go to war with Iran. They want THE US to go to war with Iran, and they have allies in the Republican party who've been wanting a war with Iran for decades. Biden says "he" doesn't want a war with Iran (in quotes because I doubt he has much influence on policy--he's just the frontman) but he's been wringing his hands over IDF butchery for months while shoving weapons at Israel as fast as he can. Hopefully whoever is actually in control of the US military will not allow this, and will have to instruct the media to stop portraying all this like it's a wing of Israeli propaganda that speak of Israeli response to Iran's quiet, measured little missile attack that didn't kill anyone efforts. Like those headlines Caitlin posted, that don't mention that this belated and restrained response was to Israel's deliberately provocative destruction of an Iranian embassy in a third country, killing 16 people, rather clearly as a provocation, intended to see if they couldn't manage to get a war going with the US fighting Iran
Israelis and their Zionist neocon movements in the IS govt are the ones who are behind the drive to stop Iran from getting nukes. Because then Iran could be free of threat of invasion or bombing.
I have a somewhat different interpretation of recent events. The leaders of Iran and the leaders of the US want to look tough for domestic political reasons, but they don't actually want to engage in a serious war with one another.* They don't mind getting some of their obedient schmucks killed, or the corresponding marks on the other side, but as business enterprises neither country will benefit in Realpolitik from a serious war. So they go around saying "We have to retaliate for their retaliation", i.e. "He hit me back first." At least this is what seems to be happening according to reports. This improbable outbreak of reason, this perhaps transitory glimmer of light, is a change from the recent past. War is popular because violence is fun but only when you win. If there is some doubt whether things will turn out well, i.e. whether you will have fun, then things look different and it's time for caution.
I'm guessing the events in Gaza are turning out less well than the Israeli leadership had hoped, i.e. they are less fun. Maybe they're not turning out so well for the US leadership either. They say Biden is worried about getting reelected because of his stupid four or five wars. and Netanyahu is worried about staying out of jail. I don't know what's going on on the other side, but it may not be fun either. If so there is hope.
So, maybe back to mere name-calling for a while?
* Someone once asked then-general Eisenhower what was going to happen in a particular battle, I think referring to D-Day, but it doesn't matter. The reporter was expecting a pep talk, but instead Eisenhower got very serious and said, "No one knows what is going to happen in a war. No one." That is a seriously bad situation for people who think they have anything to lose and are not mad dogs.
True Israel does want America to take out Iran, and we've been on Iran's case for many decades in ways that are very destructive. including taking out Mohammad Mosaddegh, a really good guy that just wanted more for the Iranian people, like a bigger cut of the revenue Britain was getting from extracting oil from her land. You're right, but don't think only republicans want war with Iran. Caitlin certainly did reference in previous posts the reason for Iran's assault, which was due to Israel taking out top military officials at it's embassy in Syria.
Looks to me like Biden is enthusiastic about the ethnic cleansing of Gaza, but he and Team D don't want war with Iran. But I question whether Biden or either party has much say in the matter. I mean, I think the decision makers are likely in the CIA, or perhaps somewhere else, and these guys have performative jobs as frontmen and women.
Perhaps. The alphabet agencies are not above playing politics when it suits them. This way, they can interfere when doing so is in their interests, but remain insulated from tiresome election campaigns and pesky lawsuits.
Okay, since right now I really fear this war is going to expand into a broader war, a middle eastern war, that just might go global. I had a mother who was an avid anti-Zionist, very political. She predicted a regional war that would go global. I would have more details if I really listened, but I didn't want to. I do remember Russia and the US were the global part of it, and I remember the frequent reference to Iran. Mostly I turned a deaf ear.
About time the west started talking to everyone instead of dropping 2000 lb bombs and pursing starvation and dehydration as policy tools to acquire land for white settler colonial racists from the G7 axis of genocide. Hamas should be negotiating the future in Palestine just like Shin Fein, FARC or Ben Gurion. Iran has pursued the most restrained foreign policy of most nations since the American Shah was deposed. If we had a similar restrained foreign policy we would not have had a migrant crisis from our kleptocrats blowing repugnant Trumps via elections here since 1980 amidst misery from Haiti to Ethiopia.
It still will do Israel's bidding, and if it means more bombs, more bombs will be given. I fear Israel may put us in a position of having a direct confrontation with Iran, or some people within the Biden administration may want the same. Who trusts anyone of them?
I agree, I don’t think the world can afford appeasement anymore when it comes to Israel. I fear where this going, but Iran may have no choice but to destroy Israel. I hope I’m wrong, but I fear the only way to reign in the rabid Zionists will be war.
Israel bombs the Iranian embassy, killing Iranians on April 1st. Iran retaliates in a measured way with some warning. Now, IDF "must retaliate" against Iran. They must!! For something they started! They are global embarrassments. An evil, absurd regime.
Yes. Absolutely true, sadly. Wake up western governments. Stop sleepwalking into yet another catastrophe. Violence breeds violence. STOP NOW. Find an intelligent solution.
Which is EXACTLY how we have gotten to this point…$35 trillion in debt and on the brink of global war and financial collapse. We have to stop electing idiots, dolts and demented old fools.
Well gee whiz, Sherri, how do you suppose WE can stop electing idiots, bloodthirsty crooks and demented old fools, when the Demublican and Republicrat parties carefully control elections so that our choices are to vote for one of those, the other, or not vote? Yeah, we can vote for Jill Stein or Cornel West, but the media wing of the Corporate/Government/media complex can and will see to it that "everyone knows" they can't win and in fact most people would see them as too left, too radical.
True, but they will use smoke and mirrors to pretend otherwise. Whatever, western governments have to raise their game. Their dishonesty and lack of humanity is blatantly obvious.
Western governments don’t know anything except violence. They work to find excuses abd lies about it. But it’s all they want to do. They have no interest in the betterment of humanity of the planet.
"In 1982, shortly before Reagan bluntly ordered Begin to cease his ‘holocaust’ in Lebanon, a young US senator who revered Elie Wiesel as his great teacher met the Israeli prime minister. In Begin’s own stunned account of the meeting, the senator commended the Israeli war effort and boasted that he would have gone further, even if it meant killing women and children. Begin himself was taken aback by the words of the future US president, Joe Biden. ‘No, sir,’ he insisted. ‘According to our values, it is forbidden to hurt women and children, even in war ... This is a yardstick of human civilisation, not to hurt civilians.’"
I don't think we can really rely on God's mercy. Best we keep trying to expose people like Biden for who they really are. God would want us to do it if she/he/they is anywhere. That's why he/she/they gave us humans reasonably good brains.
Nicaraguan lawyer and diplomat Carlos Argüello Gómez speaks to The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal and Wyatt Reed about his case against the German government for its facilitation of Israel's genocide in the besieged Gaza Strip, its potentially historic implications, and its similarities to the successful case he argued for the ICJ in 1986 which brought massive penalties against the United States for its illegal dirty war on Nicaragua at the time.
Everything from the Jewish State of Stolen, Raped, Murdered, Poisoned Occupied Palestine is corrupt, and has been way before 75 years ago. The Jews of ZIonism have been popping people in the heads with bullets a long long time ago, even their own "tribe" got whacked.
This may shorten the term of Netanyahu's ruling coalition. Russia has said they will help Iran against the US or Israel, and the US has sworn off taking bullets-for-Bibi. Russia is likely to help Iran with S-300 and S-400 targeting of Israeli F-35s and F-16s.
(Maybe Iran can target Bibi some day? Sadly, it's more than just Bibi.)
US will provide air support to Israel's "defense", so if Israel really pulls this trigger, there will be US casualties - whether by Iranian or Russian source, it trips direct US offensive involvement.
John Helmer also linked to how Roosevelt knew that this was the plan for Israel all along. Of course Biden is lying his left buttock off at being against what Israel is doing. It’s in the Hudson link.
"A globe-spanning empire that is fueled by human blood."
This. The US and Israel are the vampires of the world, sucking human blood out of innocents in Gaza, sucking blood out of the prosperity of the world with their constant buying and use of weapons... We need some really big stakes to plunge into the hearts of these monsters. Maybe an Iranian missile will do?
For those who have not had the time to read.........
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
Article 7
Crimes Against Humanity
For the purpose of this Statute, ‘crime against humanity’ means any of the following acts when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack:
Deportation or forcible transfer of population;
Imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law;
Rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization, or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity;
Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender as defined in paragraph 3, or other grounds that are universally recognized as impermissible under international law, in connection with any act referred to in this paragraph or any crime within the jurisdiction of the Court;
Enforced disappearance of persons;
The crime of apartheid;
Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health.
How's that. Not one that is not on the Israeli / USA list of crimes. NOT ONE.
Note: Do not separate Israel and the USA. They are on the same page and more so, every day.
Meanwhile I read that Israel let Palestinians come back to some flattened areas "to rebuild" and while in school based shelters Israel started attacking them. Did I read this in any easily available place? No. No I did not. Because the Iran focus is pushing it out. Which is exactly Israel's goal. Rope the US back in as global (and citizen) opinion has started to creak it out cm by cm and distract from it committing more genocide in Palestine.
When I saw Flip Wilson, I thought you were going to say “Here comes the judge.” Definitely getting these criminals before a judge is on my mind. 18 US Code 1091 is the US law that criminalises the Geneva Convention against genocide.
Let’s get the Biden Administration to focus on the criminal charges they so rightly deserve. 18 U.S. Code § 1091 is the statute that incorporated the Genocide Convention in US criminal law. Members of this administration shouldn't go a single day without having this statute in their faces, up front and center at every protest at every meeting, press conference, briefing, and trips home and abroad.
They may feel they are immune now, but let's get them considering what is possible when they leave office, given they have set the precedent of charging former presidents.
They should have visions of prison all the days of their lives. Let us find the way.
seems to be working well. they are more powerful than Israel now, if not for Israel's big brother. you ready to see Tel Aviv nuked? be sure to wear your shades, maybe use a pair of eclipse glasses. while you're pretending to care about human rights, don't forget to do that.
Iran made it easy for Israel to pretend they’d put Iran in its place. Even Biden is reported to have said - it’s a win- take it. Israel is desperate now and like a rat backed into a corner, is liable to do anything— especially something reckless — counting on the US to bail them out, as usual. Pray they understand now is the time to declare a permanent ceasefire and salvage what’s left of their reputation and let all the humanitarian trucks in.
I’m not saying it on a personal level as I’ve understood for a while the PR campaign was smoke and mirrors to obscure their real treatment of Palestians.
The world has irrevocably changed when Iran now seem like the good guys. Increasingly we all just want to see Israel done with. Zionism has utterly failed, thankfully and even though the leaders are unlikely to face the same accountability as did the leaders of the Third Reich, they should.
The leaders of israhell along with the rest of the world "leaders" who've stood silent and or supported this genocide belong in the worst prison imaginable having the worst possible imaginable things happening to them for life. I never thought I'd ever say such a thing and here I am saying it. The majority of the people of that vile nation are complicit and therefore deserve the worst possible punishment as well.
I’m afraid that would be us, the Americans. Personally, I’d prefer to lock up the ones in charge under the applicable statute, per my comment. 18 U S Code 1091.
Israel shouldn't exist, but we also shouldn't condemn all citizens of a country. I would hope they would be welcomed citizens in New Palestine as long as they leave the Zionist ideology in the past with the country. However, all apartheid/genocide contributors, foreign supporters, and facilitators do not deserve sympathy.
What do you mean the world seems irrevocable changed when Iran seem like the good guys.? Really, what does that mean? Here's a list of attacks on Iran by Israel. Not to mention they had a great guy running the show back in the early 1950's Mohammad Mosaddegh. England and the US got him out. Who are the bad guys?
Bombs and viruses: The shadowy history of Israel’s attacks on Iranian soil
Oh don't get me wrong. I entirely agree with you. Hence my use of the word 'seem'. But the western media has presented Iranians as the bad guys for some time, and Trump most recently, and virulently so. I was most impressed at Iran's restraint when Trump drone-assassinated their army leader some years ago. Imagine the American response had the reverse occurred!
Frankly I've never met an Iranian person I didn't like and can't recall when I met an Israeli that I did. Here is hoping Iran can succeed where the west refuses to try, and puts Israel back in its place.
You people are all missing something enormously important. Israel's leaders don't want to go to war with Iran. They want THE US to go to war with Iran, and they have allies in the Republican party who've been wanting a war with Iran for decades. Biden says "he" doesn't want a war with Iran (in quotes because I doubt he has much influence on policy--he's just the frontman) but he's been wringing his hands over IDF butchery for months while shoving weapons at Israel as fast as he can. Hopefully whoever is actually in control of the US military will not allow this, and will have to instruct the media to stop portraying all this like it's a wing of Israeli propaganda that speak of Israeli response to Iran's quiet, measured little missile attack that didn't kill anyone efforts. Like those headlines Caitlin posted, that don't mention that this belated and restrained response was to Israel's deliberately provocative destruction of an Iranian embassy in a third country, killing 16 people, rather clearly as a provocation, intended to see if they couldn't manage to get a war going with the US fighting Iran
Israelis are deranged and the want to nuke Iran.
Israelis and their Zionist neocon movements in the IS govt are the ones who are behind the drive to stop Iran from getting nukes. Because then Iran could be free of threat of invasion or bombing.
I have a somewhat different interpretation of recent events. The leaders of Iran and the leaders of the US want to look tough for domestic political reasons, but they don't actually want to engage in a serious war with one another.* They don't mind getting some of their obedient schmucks killed, or the corresponding marks on the other side, but as business enterprises neither country will benefit in Realpolitik from a serious war. So they go around saying "We have to retaliate for their retaliation", i.e. "He hit me back first." At least this is what seems to be happening according to reports. This improbable outbreak of reason, this perhaps transitory glimmer of light, is a change from the recent past. War is popular because violence is fun but only when you win. If there is some doubt whether things will turn out well, i.e. whether you will have fun, then things look different and it's time for caution.
I'm guessing the events in Gaza are turning out less well than the Israeli leadership had hoped, i.e. they are less fun. Maybe they're not turning out so well for the US leadership either. They say Biden is worried about getting reelected because of his stupid four or five wars. and Netanyahu is worried about staying out of jail. I don't know what's going on on the other side, but it may not be fun either. If so there is hope.
So, maybe back to mere name-calling for a while?
* Someone once asked then-general Eisenhower what was going to happen in a particular battle, I think referring to D-Day, but it doesn't matter. The reporter was expecting a pep talk, but instead Eisenhower got very serious and said, "No one knows what is going to happen in a war. No one." That is a seriously bad situation for people who think they have anything to lose and are not mad dogs.
True Israel does want America to take out Iran, and we've been on Iran's case for many decades in ways that are very destructive. including taking out Mohammad Mosaddegh, a really good guy that just wanted more for the Iranian people, like a bigger cut of the revenue Britain was getting from extracting oil from her land. You're right, but don't think only republicans want war with Iran. Caitlin certainly did reference in previous posts the reason for Iran's assault, which was due to Israel taking out top military officials at it's embassy in Syria.
"They want THE US to go to war with Iran, and they have allies in the Republican party who've been wanting a war with Iran for decades."
As if the problem were limited to Team R. Biden (or Blinken) could stop this all now with a single phone call.
Looks to me like Biden is enthusiastic about the ethnic cleansing of Gaza, but he and Team D don't want war with Iran. But I question whether Biden or either party has much say in the matter. I mean, I think the decision makers are likely in the CIA, or perhaps somewhere else, and these guys have performative jobs as frontmen and women.
Perhaps. The alphabet agencies are not above playing politics when it suits them. This way, they can interfere when doing so is in their interests, but remain insulated from tiresome election campaigns and pesky lawsuits.
Okay, since right now I really fear this war is going to expand into a broader war, a middle eastern war, that just might go global. I had a mother who was an avid anti-Zionist, very political. She predicted a regional war that would go global. I would have more details if I really listened, but I didn't want to. I do remember Russia and the US were the global part of it, and I remember the frequent reference to Iran. Mostly I turned a deaf ear.
About time the west started talking to everyone instead of dropping 2000 lb bombs and pursing starvation and dehydration as policy tools to acquire land for white settler colonial racists from the G7 axis of genocide. Hamas should be negotiating the future in Palestine just like Shin Fein, FARC or Ben Gurion. Iran has pursued the most restrained foreign policy of most nations since the American Shah was deposed. If we had a similar restrained foreign policy we would not have had a migrant crisis from our kleptocrats blowing repugnant Trumps via elections here since 1980 amidst misery from Haiti to Ethiopia.
It still will do Israel's bidding, and if it means more bombs, more bombs will be given. I fear Israel may put us in a position of having a direct confrontation with Iran, or some people within the Biden administration may want the same. Who trusts anyone of them?
I agree, I don’t think the world can afford appeasement anymore when it comes to Israel. I fear where this going, but Iran may have no choice but to destroy Israel. I hope I’m wrong, but I fear the only way to reign in the rabid Zionists will be war.
Iran are the good guys.
Iran has never been the bad guys. That’s the story fed by those colonial countries aiming to own Iran.
Israel bombs the Iranian embassy, killing Iranians on April 1st. Iran retaliates in a measured way with some warning. Now, IDF "must retaliate" against Iran. They must!! For something they started! They are global embarrassments. An evil, absurd regime.
Israel seeks a pretext. Any pretext will do. If necessary, a pretext can always be invented.
Barroom asshole: "Staring at my wife, huh?"
Victim: "No, I was staring at that other girl."
Asshole: "So you think my wife is ugly, huh?"
Yes. Absolutely true, sadly. Wake up western governments. Stop sleepwalking into yet another catastrophe. Violence breeds violence. STOP NOW. Find an intelligent solution.
I don't think 'intelligent solutions' come from most Politicians.
Which is EXACTLY how we have gotten to this point…$35 trillion in debt and on the brink of global war and financial collapse. We have to stop electing idiots, dolts and demented old fools.
Well gee whiz, Sherri, how do you suppose WE can stop electing idiots, bloodthirsty crooks and demented old fools, when the Demublican and Republicrat parties carefully control elections so that our choices are to vote for one of those, the other, or not vote? Yeah, we can vote for Jill Stein or Cornel West, but the media wing of the Corporate/Government/media complex can and will see to it that "everyone knows" they can't win and in fact most people would see them as too left, too radical.
True. Which is why US elections are a farce.
Power attracts sociopaths the way fresh dog shit attracts flies.
They are not sleepwalking at all, for they know full well what they are doing.
True, but they will use smoke and mirrors to pretend otherwise. Whatever, western governments have to raise their game. Their dishonesty and lack of humanity is blatantly obvious.
Don't matter as long as they have force on their side.
Most humans are herd animals that put sheep or dogs to shame.
Western governments don’t know anything except violence. They work to find excuses abd lies about it. But it’s all they want to do. They have no interest in the betterment of humanity of the planet.
Not exactly. The U.S. regime and their vassals in the EU are equally deranged:
This pretty much sums it up:
"In 1982, shortly before Reagan bluntly ordered Begin to cease his ‘holocaust’ in Lebanon, a young US senator who revered Elie Wiesel as his great teacher met the Israeli prime minister. In Begin’s own stunned account of the meeting, the senator commended the Israeli war effort and boasted that he would have gone further, even if it meant killing women and children. Begin himself was taken aback by the words of the future US president, Joe Biden. ‘No, sir,’ he insisted. ‘According to our values, it is forbidden to hurt women and children, even in war ... This is a yardstick of human civilisation, not to hurt civilians.’"
From Pankaj Mishra, "The Shoah After Gaza"
Dear God have mercy 😯
I don't think we can really rely on God's mercy. Best we keep trying to expose people like Biden for who they really are. God would want us to do it if she/he/they is anywhere. That's why he/she/they gave us humans reasonably good brains.
It's merely an exclamation and a figure of speech smart ass nitwit! Grow up!
Wow. You are sooooo articulate. no doubt a gift from god.
Thank you for this article. I just posted it on Facebook.
Very important article, thank you
" Haven't you heard it's a battle of words and most of them are lies?"
Roger Waters from 'Us and Them'.
Ahh, Grayzone and Nica = Heroes.
Nicaraguan lawyer and diplomat Carlos Argüello Gómez speaks to The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal and Wyatt Reed about his case against the German government for its facilitation of Israel's genocide in the besieged Gaza Strip, its potentially historic implications, and its similarities to the successful case he argued for the ICJ in 1986 which brought massive penalties against the United States for its illegal dirty war on Nicaragua at the time.
Everything from the Jewish State of Stolen, Raped, Murdered, Poisoned Occupied Palestine is corrupt, and has been way before 75 years ago. The Jews of ZIonism have been popping people in the heads with bullets a long long time ago, even their own "tribe" got whacked.
This may shorten the term of Netanyahu's ruling coalition. Russia has said they will help Iran against the US or Israel, and the US has sworn off taking bullets-for-Bibi. Russia is likely to help Iran with S-300 and S-400 targeting of Israeli F-35s and F-16s.
(Maybe Iran can target Bibi some day? Sadly, it's more than just Bibi.)
I’ve seen this before, but no one has provided a link to Russia saying that. Do you have one?
I saw this Saturday night, but not since then (Sshhh...)
Vladimir Putin: If the United States wants to come to the field to support Israel, we will not sit idle here, the smallest attack by the United States on Iranian soil will force us to support Iran.
Thanks. I just read that both Russia and China let Iran use their satellite information.
US will provide air support to Israel's "defense", so if Israel really pulls this trigger, there will be US casualties - whether by Iranian or Russian source, it trips direct US offensive involvement.
This is insane.
Michael Hudson says that America has always been on board with Israel’s ethics cleansing of Palestine.
John Helmer also linked to how Roosevelt knew that this was the plan for Israel all along. Of course Biden is lying his left buttock off at being against what Israel is doing. It’s in the Hudson link.
Edit to fix typos.
At this point Biden is deliberately sacrificing the national security interests of the United States to the Zionist cause. This is treason.
But, to borrow a long ago title, coming from a totally different perspective, "None Dare Call it Treason."
"A globe-spanning empire that is fueled by human blood."
This. The US and Israel are the vampires of the world, sucking human blood out of innocents in Gaza, sucking blood out of the prosperity of the world with their constant buying and use of weapons... We need some really big stakes to plunge into the hearts of these monsters. Maybe an Iranian missile will do?
For those who have not had the time to read.........
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
Article 7
Crimes Against Humanity
For the purpose of this Statute, ‘crime against humanity’ means any of the following acts when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack:
Deportation or forcible transfer of population;
Imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law;
Rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization, or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity;
Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender as defined in paragraph 3, or other grounds that are universally recognized as impermissible under international law, in connection with any act referred to in this paragraph or any crime within the jurisdiction of the Court;
Enforced disappearance of persons;
The crime of apartheid;
Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health.
How's that. Not one that is not on the Israeli / USA list of crimes. NOT ONE.
Note: Do not separate Israel and the USA. They are on the same page and more so, every day.
The US never ratified that convention and in fact passed the “Invade The Hague” law to protect their war crimes.
Meanwhile, the GENOCIDE AND EXTERMINATION of defenceless, starving, besieged Palestinians in a concentration camp continues apace.
No more “this is what decolonization looks like y’all?” No? That’s what you were all cheering on. Actions have consequences. Who’d have thought…?
Meanwhile I read that Israel let Palestinians come back to some flattened areas "to rebuild" and while in school based shelters Israel started attacking them. Did I read this in any easily available place? No. No I did not. Because the Iran focus is pushing it out. Which is exactly Israel's goal. Rope the US back in as global (and citizen) opinion has started to creak it out cm by cm and distract from it committing more genocide in Palestine.
At the very least Israel and the US could give Flip Wilson the credit for inspiring them. Or call their spokesperson Geraldine.
But “ the devil made me do it” is as thin as “anti-semitism” has become.
When I saw Flip Wilson, I thought you were going to say “Here comes the judge.” Definitely getting these criminals before a judge is on my mind. 18 US Code 1091 is the US law that criminalises the Geneva Convention against genocide.
Let’s get the Biden Administration to focus on the criminal charges they so rightly deserve. 18 U.S. Code § 1091 is the statute that incorporated the Genocide Convention in US criminal law. Members of this administration shouldn't go a single day without having this statute in their faces, up front and center at every protest at every meeting, press conference, briefing, and trips home and abroad.
They may feel they are immune now, but let's get them considering what is possible when they leave office, given they have set the precedent of charging former presidents.
They should have visions of prison all the days of their lives. Let us find the way.
We’ve been blindsided all of our lives by the Empire’s propaganda, this is why only now Iran seem like the good guys..
they've been the good guys since they tried to implement a democracy and we took it away from them and gave them the Shah.
How’s the revolution working out for them? Especially women? Crazy internet person
seems to be working well. they are more powerful than Israel now, if not for Israel's big brother. you ready to see Tel Aviv nuked? be sure to wear your shades, maybe use a pair of eclipse glasses. while you're pretending to care about human rights, don't forget to do that.
At least that's true of some. May they be joined by many more in the coming days.
Iran made it easy for Israel to pretend they’d put Iran in its place. Even Biden is reported to have said - it’s a win- take it. Israel is desperate now and like a rat backed into a corner, is liable to do anything— especially something reckless — counting on the US to bail them out, as usual. Pray they understand now is the time to declare a permanent ceasefire and salvage what’s left of their reputation and let all the humanitarian trucks in.
The last sentence sounds good SW, but it's just as unlikely as a chocolate teapot.
I remain baffled by what reputation you think the ultra apartheid regime ever had?!
I’m not saying it on a personal level as I’ve understood for a while the PR campaign was smoke and mirrors to obscure their real treatment of Palestians.
They’re not genocidal islamist theocratic fascists like ham ass in “palestine”. Wake up.