It's hard not to agree with Norman Finkelstein in his characterization of Israel as a "lunatic state" and a "lunatic society". It only needs to be added that most Western governments have come to share in this lunacy to one degree or another.

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It’s the psychosis of western colonialists. They have to deceive themselves. Otherwise they face a reality that they live by a barbaric and monstrous set of values and practices. High tech barbarity.

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May 4·edited May 4

Interesting to note that psychopaths and narcissists share the same attitude that appears to the rest of us like denial. Psychopaths and narcissists are never wrong, can do no wrong. So if someone complains about the psychopath's/narcissist's behavior to them they conclude that there must be something wrong with the one doing the complaining.

When I first read this article some months ago, "Israel’s Biblical Psychopathy", I thought it was harsh. But then we all witnessed Israel torturing UN workers, bombing an embassy, slaughtering people attempting to surrender and so much more including of course Genocide.


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An interesting article.

I note that Americans also suffer from various "National Psychopathies". They take on various forms under different circumstances.

MAGA is one.

"Thank you for your service" is a symptom of another

Chants of "USA, USA, USA" at international sporting events.

I'm sure you can think of others.

The documentary "The Corporation" comes to mind as the psychosis is shown to infect the corporation despite benevolent actions the CEO would like to take. Corporations are intrinsically immoral and, as with Capitalism. that immorality is the pathway to absolute evil. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_New_Corporation:_The_Unfortunately_Necessary_Sequel

The author's segment on "The Bible Virus", is found in Kipling's "White Man's Burden", which justifies British Imperialism and the US genocide of Native Americans.

I disagree with the author here:

"There is no question that the State of Israel was founded on the biblical claim."

Rather this was the "justification" that the "Jewish Lobby" used to impose "the last Colonial Settler Colony" in the Middle-East to further their Imperialist theft of resources that did not belong to them. Without the support of the Imperialists, the truly fervent Zionists could never have been able to settle in Palestine.

Then this paragraph,

"The fact that Jews are today disproportionately represented among the elite (they form half of American billionaires, while representing only 2.4% of the population),[4] does not mean either that psychopathy is more prevalent among Jews. In a way, quite the opposite is the case: Jews demonstrate among themselves a high degree of empathy, or at least solidarity, often to the point of self-sacrifice. But the selective nature of this empathy suggests that it is addressed less to the humanity of others than to their Jewishness."

More evidence of what the "Jewish Lobby" is. A cult that takes on the pretense of doing good to mask the evil of their ways.

Perhaps this is "cult" can be made more evident by referring to the TV series "Ozark". The front put on by the Byrd Family as they did good works to achieve political respectability. Their interaction with the Navarro Drug cartel, fronted by Navarro's priest, Father Benitez, who blessed the crimes committed. It was a TV series that ended just the way it should. Evil won.

There's a reason 1/2 of American billionaires are Jews, and it has little to do with Jews just being smarter.

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It might be the Zionist Lobby, which includes both Jews and non-Jews alike.

As for Kipling, interpretations abound, but the poem he wrote is filled with irony. It may well be thought of as condemning that imperial idea, and indicating the judgment of history.


By all ye cry or whisper,

By all ye leave or do,

The silent, sullen peoples

Shall weigh your Gods and you.


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FWIW: The "Jewish Lobby", as I try to make clear, isn't only Jews.

Zionists would be a subset of the membership, but just the frontmen and the fall guys. "Israeli Lobby" doesn't work because the actions of the "Jewish Lobby" are not just about Israel, but also include Ukraine and Taiwan. Victoria Nuland, a Ukrainian Jew, is an operative of the "Jewish Lobby".

I'm open for a better label, but it has to go well beyond the borders of Israel.

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Perhaps 'labels' are insufficient in this case where there is a convergence of overlapping, intertwining, reinforcing ideological drives. Might not trying to reduce this complexity obscure more than illuminate?

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Should I call it a "vast right-wing conspiracy"? ;-)

Therein lies the problem. It is a disease that is truly vast inherent in the greed of the "Jewish Lobby" and the "capitalists" and Plutocracy that run this country.

If you haven't watched Aaron Good's "Empire and the Deep State" series on youTube, I highly recommend it. The problem is that once you start down that "rabbit hole" it difficult to see other options. Snowden warns against aphonia.

The point is to try to tie all the events we see around us everyday together and to discover the "common cause". That cause is the immoral distribution of wealth and income. And that distribution directly reflects back on the "Jewish Lobby" -- which includes the Koch Brothers.

The fact that 50% of American Billionaires are Jews while they represent only 2.4% of the population is an "in-your-face" definition of the "Jewish Lobby".

Remember how Monarchs used to send their daughters to foreign lands to cement good relationships? Why do you think Ivanna Trump is now a Jew?

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The "intersectionality" boggles the mind.

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I would say that "Israel Lobby" is a much more accurate name than "Jewish Lobby" for a few reasons:

(1) The lobby represents the interests of Israel (and America) and not Jews (who are not monolothic)

(2) There are more Christian Zionists and non-Jews that make up the lobbies than Jews

(3) Naming a lobby after a tribe/religion is inaccurate. Do we have Muslim lobbies, Hindu lobbies, etc.?

Calling the Israel lobbies "Jewish lobbies" is not only wrong, but feeds into real anti-semitism (and not the fake kind).

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FWIW: The group of people I'm talking about doesn't care about Israel as a state for Jew at all. The only thing they care about is their position of privilege in the USA and their ability to accumulate wealth.

Nixon used the term "Jewish Lobby". He wasn't talking about Israel.

Wilkerson uses the term "Jewish Lobby".

I've tried over and over again to point out that the "Jewish Lobby" is hardly made up of only Jews. That is why the term is always in quotes.

The Christian Zionists are (like all Zionists) just "fronts" for the "Jewish Lobby". They have different agendas for supporting Israel. The reason the "Jewish Lobby" supports Israel is to insure that the Middle East will always be in turmoil. Israel has been called "the last Colonialist Settler Colony" left over from the age of Imperialism when British WASPs set up their Empire. There was also the German Empire, lost after WWI, and the French Empire in the Sahel (just recently lost as Niger, with the help of the Wagner group, kicked them out. They are now in the process of kicking out AFRICOM.)

The point is, the groups you want to name this after are not the "movers and shakers" they don't have the money to finance the political campaigns. Israel is NOT the tail that wags the dog.

Jews are 50% of US billionaires even though they make up only 2.4% of the US population. These billionaires are the ones who own the American Political system. Calling it the "Israeli Lobby" or the "Zionist Lobby" is a deflection that doesn't deal with the "real power".

I'm open for a new label. Good has used the term "the deep state" but he doesn't like it all that much. Most of the members of the "Jewish Lobby" are right here in front of us.

Of course, there are Muslim and Hindu lobbyists. They aren't anywhere close to being like the "Jewish Lobby". They don't finance ex-Mossad or IDF members to attack peaceful pro-Palestinian supporters on college campuses. The "Jewish Lobby" through ADL and AIPAC does.

Your argument is that the "Jewish Lobby" can't be bad because, you know, the Holocaust. Israel couldn't possibly be committing the Gaza genocide without support of the "Jewish Lobby".

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Yes indeed we silent people do weigh the gods of the powerful and the most powerful people are the Zionists and their powerful lobbies-although they are so powerful that 'lobby' sounds too mild. The American zionists spring from the most powerful and richest families in the world and their wish is the US government's command. That they use their Middle East command post Settler State Israel to eliminate the rightful occupiers of the land is no surprise. So long as the world has to endure them their can be no peace, for psychopaths have nos use for that concept except (like their religion) as a cover for their psychopathic activities and future evil plans . The other cover they have. is control of the western media

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To my mind, planning to vote for Biden after he’s proven his enthusiasm for genocide for six months is a psychopathy right up there with the delusions of the MAGA crowd. In fact, unless the latter actively calls for the slaughter of Palestinians, I count it as worse. I hate Trump but I recognize in him the miserably abused child he was. With Biden all I see is someone incapable of feeling human pain and therefore incapable of empathy. I’m sure the roots of that lie in his childhood like it does with Trump, but Biden leaves me much colder, especially when I think of Palestinian children missing limbs.

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You are, of course, correct. That same psychopathy can be found in the LGBTQ+ crowd. Maybe even in the Boy Scouts.

It apparently (to my naive mind) has to do with individuals wanting to "belong" to something bigger than themselves. I tried that as an officer of the Democratic party for several years, until I realized my input wasn't appreciated. They allowed me to participate to keep me occupied so I wouldn't organize with others as alienated as myself.

We face an uphill struggle because we hardly understand what "greed" really is.

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A fresh Jimmy Dore clip shows a disappointed activist, having finally woken up at 64: https://rumble.com/v4t5yu6-politics-is-a-scam-burn-the-mfer-down-says-64-year-old-lifelong-democrat.html

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An excellent video. I posted the entire Dore segment here elsewhere. They discuss the new act passed in Congress that makes it illegal to piss off any Jew anywhere.

Antisemitism Awareness Act

IMHO, proof that the "Jewish Lobby" exists.

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>>"that same psychopathy can be found in the LGBTQ+ crowd."

Do you have something against LGBTQ+ people? Or people that are not straight? Do you think LGBTQ+ is some kind of psychopathy? There is no relationship between what Megan Baker is talking about and LGBTQ+. Stop making up connections in your head to suit your own biases and narratives. Or else substantiate your claims, lest you come across as a bigoted individual.

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Stop trying to divide the threat against humanity into ever smaller and smaller entities that result in the Lilliputians tying Gulliver down so that nothing can be accomplished.

Leaders of groups who attain positions of power by appealing to the fears of their members and then isolating the group from everyone else through activism directed at everyone else, accusing everyone else of (thought) crimes against the group are self-serving.

I note you keep changing your "line of attack" by bringing up issues orthogonal to what was the subject. It is often a useful tactic. Your goal here is to maintain division, not unite against the Plutocracy that oppresses us all. You are an agent of the Plutocracy and the "Jewish Lobby" that supports it.

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"Do you have something against LGBTQ+ people?" - what is so special about LGBTQ+ people that they can have nothing against them?

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Yes, "four more years" is another cultic chant. Of genocide as long as Team Blue wins. My nephew is a Dem insider (I'm an economic lefty, fwiw). I mention Biden's psychopathy AND incompetence (I call him Boomerang Biden because every policy he's thrown at Russia/Ukraine, Gaza, and China has hurt the US and Europe more than their intended targets. My nephew says, "But he wins elections." Morality seems beyond him.

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That's really sad. Of course, he's grown up with that being literally the only motivation exhibited by these shills. It's understandable if many or most Americans lack political imagination. Living in this country is really hard on ideals.

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I want to be honest so I will admit I am a libertarian

The only 3rd party I know that has a policy on OPPOSINBG foreign intervention is the Libertarian Party

That extends back to the Vietnam War

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Jill Stein

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All wars extending back to Vietnam ?

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I wouldn't trust the author of the article "Laurent Guyenot". He comes off as a Conspiracy Theorist. I would list all the fallacies and errors in his article (and his obvious bias), but it would take too long and is not worth the effort.

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May 5·edited May 5

I've gotten really lazy myself backing up silly arguments - by usually having to do 5 to 10 minutes of research on the Internet - to let the person who insists they know what they are talking about - let them know they really don't - although, my efforts are usually ignored anyway. I think it may be my old age. But at least I feel calmer now not bothering to fetch water for someone else. Sometimes I wonder why I want to convince anybody of anything - especially people I don't know.

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>>"Sometimes I wonder why I want to convince anybody of anything - especially people I don't know."

Because you care about the truth. You care about accuracy. You care about setting the record straight. And in some way or form, you care about educating/informing people of alternate perspectives rather than the propagandized narratives the "power elite" gaslight everyone with. (Yes, I know - it can get tiring constantly fighting fiction with facts - it does require quite a bit of energy. Sometimes I wonder if that is their strategy - to drain our energies by argueing/confronting all this bullshit being thrown at us).

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May 5·edited May 5

Perhaps. I suspect though it's more about me needing to be right all the time. And the world is going to keep turning on its axis, regardless if I convince people or not that I'm right and they're wrong. I guess I never bought into the idea it was necessary to put myself on a cross to save the world. I'm more with John Milton and Mary Shelley - "Did I request thee Maker, from my Clay to mould me man? " Let someone else take responsibility for it all. I need to get some rest these days.

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Refreshing to hear some honesty and self-reflection. It is so rare these days...

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I understand how you feel.

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Ultimately, they have no choice, their quasi-"democratic" illusory political structures, weakened by imperialism, have been invaded, like a weak immune system, by the metastatic cancer of Israel, which so thoroughly occupy all conduits (blood vessels) of their political structures that they might as well be Israeli organs for all intents and purposes

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Or, consider the reverse: the psychosis of western colonialists, including Zionism, has taken over all of us. It might begin to even make a tiny bit of sense looking at it through this end of the historical telescope. Nevertheless, it must be exposed and opposed by all who have a moral compass, and can think rationally about what is going on.

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The other day it occurred to me that a good metaphor for the toxic Israel and the West relationship can be found in the first "Alien" movie: T he West is the John Hurt character, out of whose innards the horrific little reptilian space monster (Israel) bursts.

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I completely agree with Mr Finkelstein.

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Max Blumenthal calls these Zionist Israelis a satanic cult!

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May 4·edited May 4

The US committed some similar lunacy exactly 54 years ago today, May 4th, when 4 students were murdered by the National Guard at Kent State. Two of those people were not protesting. They were observing.

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Never forget.

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May 4·edited May 4

It is a martial culture, with all that entails. Everything (not just opposition) looks like a weapon, even if just a *potential* weapon, and shoved back in your face. This can make sense when one, or a culture, is under perpetual siege (but still, with caveats). But as a king-of-the-hill (the West), it's simply destructive, to all.

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W.F.Miloglav: The only trouble with the terminology you are using is that there are some with actual mental health issues who get called lunatics and they are not anywhere near as bloodthirsty and cruel as the State of Israel.

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Good point.

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ALL States are COERCIVE monopolies

It seems so weird that those that criticize monopolies so much are so pro-state :)

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"It seems so weird that those that criticize monopolies so much are so pro-state"

Yes. But if you "represent" "the people", you can easily slip into identifying, thereby, with ownership of some amorphous "truth". Ironically, one that you define, more-than-often in secret conferences or just on your own.

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representing the people is but a claim

consent of the elected will never equal the consent of those governed

In fact, one purpose of democracy is to validate the equation you made

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May 4·edited May 4

Honestly, in my experience, Zionists rarely talk about feelings.

Instead, they deflect, deny, try to change the subject, move goalposts, attack the messenger, make shit up,, repeat long-debunked claims as if they were Gospel, attack sources, stall,.demand philosophical proof of of obvious facts (but never on themselves), jump to wild conclusions, appeal to the Old Testament, demand special pleading, impose double standards, etc..

And call names. Boy howdy, do they call names.

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"Attacking the messenger" is the most often used in my experience.

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Most who spout off colonialist, fascist ideologies don't talk about feelings. They are more interested in annihilating the "enemy".

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May 4·edited May 4

Yes. They are a martial culture, possibly the most extreme, certainly the most sophisticated, in history.

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It's not just Zionists that do that however.

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Interesting how Hitler learned from the tactics of Social Democrats - those representing mostly the Jewish population in Vienna - while simultaneously developing hatred for its originators (or at least practitioners at the time), the Jews. Here's his description of the tactics in Mein Kampf:

"They would select the adversary whom they thought most formidable, and on a signal given would bombard him with a regular drumfire of lies and calumnies. They kept it up, till the nerves of the other side broke down, and to regain some peace they sacrificed the victim of the odium.

Only, they never got their peace, the fools!

Repeat the same performance over and over again; and dread of the mad dogs exercises through suggestion the effect of paralysis."

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The Guardian is so disgusting that I wouldn’t even use it as a liner to catch bird droppings. (I suspect the hens would be so traumatised they’d stop laying eggs. /irony)

I read The Guardian online for more than 20 years. Never again.

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I was a reader for a long time too and getting so sick of it.

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everyone should stop reading and watching imperial msm. leave it to critical alternative journalists to translate empire propaganda.

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What made you stop reading it?

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The Guardian and other corporate media shucked their journalistic values during Trump’s tenure and after 4 years of Russia Russia Russia.

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May 4·edited May 4

Regarding alt media, I'm curious what people think of Quillette on this topic.

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Or there was Donestsk.

Nobody was asking them how they felt about having their legs blown off by petal mines, or their day care clinics, market places, schools, hospitals, fresh water facilities, streets, town halls and theatres bombed for 8 years by an ethnic supremacist, national military armed by the US.

Hang on a minute.

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And when Russia intervened, the West decried it as an “illegal invasion”.

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And unprovoked. Don’t forget "UNPROVOKED!"

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Unprovoked was the post pandemic safe and effective and rare side effect…they are so obvious it would be funny if it wasn’t so disgusting.

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"Israel has a right to defend itself"

Israel does not have a right to call Genocide defense.

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Yes. You're absolutely correct!

Under international law, the occupying power has no right of self-defense.

However the occupied territory does have a right to armed resistance.

But that's ignored by the US and other Western leaders in order to permit Israel to go ahead with its genocide using that as its justification.

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May 4·edited May 4

"What, the ultimate offense is not defense?! Sir, I take offense that you reject the principle of 'whatever [we decide] it takes' !"

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For the basketball (and soccer) fans out there, surely you must understand that Israel is playing "zone defense", right?

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This picture is worth 1000 Words on how US Western MSM covers the Gaza GENOCIDE.


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Certainly is.

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Ray, Obviously, brainwashing works...

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May 4·edited May 4

When I was watching that video, it did not inspire empathy in me for those silly people bleating about being stabbed in the eye with a Palestinian flag. I have been following behind people with flags in several demos and have had to dodge a couple of flag poles and, omigod, a Palestinian flag actually once wrapped itself around my head. For sure that flag was attacking me for something. I may have been marching too close to the Independent Jewish Voices people. Who knows. What a bunch of manipulative wimps and liars.

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I was walking down the sidewalk one fine day and an umbrella once knocked my hat off! Must have been a violent anti-semite!

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Hopefully you Contacted the media.

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You should count yourself lucky that the flag didn’t behead you.


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Another facts — after horrible industrial scale slaughter of mostly women and children — US is now looking where to export select (by Israel) starving million+ civilians while “disappearing” male Palestinians.

The “Final Solution”……

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Boris, 15,000 children's lives gone... with their legs, arms and body parts still buried in the rubble of Gaza... Where is humanity hiding?

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"Where is humanity hiding?" - in plain sight, just look around.

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Yes, I would agree with that...

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Biden wants to continue to support Israel but pretend (IMHO) that he still cares about palestinians

In his 2020 campaign, he told those in Michigan that he supported Palestinian rights

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'Iran’s Israel Strike Reshapes West Asia Forever'

On April 13th, Iran, alongside Lebanon’s Hezbollah and Yemen’s AnsarAllah, executed Operation True Promise, a vast wave of drone, cruise and ballistic missile strikes on the Zionist entity, launched in retaliation to Tel Aviv’s criminal bombing of Tehran’s Damascus embassy less than two weeks earlier, which killed two Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) generals. As a result, history was made, and the world - in particular West Asia - will never be the same again.

Iran’s first ever strike on the entity, following decades of provocations, escalations, assassinations, incendiary threats, and determined lobbying for U.S.-led war against Tehran by Tel Aviv officials, the effort targeted airbases, Israeli Air Force intelligence HQ, and a constellation of air defense systems. The U.S., Britain, and France scrambled jets to help shoot the vast payload down - unsuccessfully - while Jordan controversially permitted Western powers to use its airspace for the purpose. The entity claimed a 99% interception rate.

However, extensive photo and video material shows many missiles hit their targets, and wrought much damage. In the process, Iran demonstrated to Tel Aviv and its Western backers a hitherto unknown ability to circumvent layer upon layer of protective measures, including top tier fighter jets, NATO-supplied air defense systems, and the much-vaunted Iron Dome. One by one, they largely failed in their duty, leading to the astonishing sight of Iranian missiles soaring unmolested over the Knesset........


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I have suspected the Iron Dome does not work, looks to me I was right.

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Israel is ditching the Patriot missiles because of friendly fire. In other words they don’t work and everyone has known that since the Iraq war. Russia has been busy proving that too.

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While a good summary of what that attack means, the points it raises have already been made often and repeatedly by others.

In summary: the "jewish Lobby" has so overestimated their ability to maintain American Hegemony over the world, they cannot see how important the attack on Israel was and the devastation that will result if there is further escalation.

Larenberg mentions Ukraine only twice. The conquest of Ukraine is unquestioned. The inability of any "NATO" response will only further weaken "the West".

The "Jewish Lobby" is concerned only with maintaining their position of extreme privilege and they will destroy anything and everything that stands in the way of that goal.

Standard Disclaimer: The "Jewish Lobby" has little to do with Judaism and has no concern for the viability of Israel except as a settler colony to further their imperialism.

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Fuck IsraHelli “feelings”. The poor, poor babies have been bowed and scraped to for so long by Amerikkkan interests that they just can’t get it through their tiny little brains that someday Amerikkkans would rightfully turn on them and their Ziopathic ideas and actions.

IsraHellis: I don’t give a rat’s ass about hurting your fucking feelings. I care very strongly about Palestinian orphans, and destitute parents who have lost their children, and mass graves, and amputees, and starvation at the hands of YOUR government. Your time of playing the Victim Card is OVER. Deal with it.

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Well said gypsy!

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In all this garbage attacking the pro-Palestine protesters as anti-semites, I was reminded of an extremely ugly scene in John Steinbeck's classic "Travels With Charley" where white racist protesters in New Orleans opposed integration of an elementary school.

I was thinking about writing about that and just Googled to get the text (I no longer have the book, having sold my entire library, but that's another story). I came across this article, where the author reviews the original draft and documents how the scene was edited out of the book and almost completely whitewashed. SO here is the original text that was removed:

"Near the end of the Charley manuscript comes something that had to be cut because it was too graphic to publish in 1962. It was Steinbeck's transcription of what he heard a group of white mothers screaming outside the newly integrated William Frantz Elementary school in New Orleans' white Upper Ninth Ward. The women, the so-called Cheerleaders, gathered outside the school each morning and their protest had become a national news story. Steinbeck drove to New Orleans specifically to see the daily circus of hate and what he saw rightly disgusted him. He felt that the "sad sickness" of that racist sideshow could not be conveyed unless the foul things the working-class women screamed were put down on paper for all to see. Writing that he knew there was "not a chance in the world that my readers will see" the women's "bestial and degenerate" words, he quoted—or, more likely, he wrote down a condensed version of how he remembered them. His rendering raises questions of veracity in me if only because the taunt seems so masculine in its specifics. But there's little doubt that he was capturing what too many Americans thought when it came to integrating blacks into their full share of American life.

This is what Steinbeck said one woman shrieked at a white man who was defying the boycott by bringing his child to the virtually empty school: "You mother fucking, nigger sucking, prick licking piece of shit. Why you'd lick a dog's ass if he'd let you. Look at the bastard drag his dirty stinking ass along. You think that's his kid? That's a piece of shit. That's shit leading shit. Know what we ought to do? Strip down them fancy pants and cut off his balls and feed them to the pigs—that is if he's got any balls. How about it friends?""


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I recall George Wallace infamously blocking the entrance to a school in order to keep black students out.

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I encourage folks to read the entire article.

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The racist hate was broadcast on national TeeVee at the time, so I hope that you're not insinuating any claims against the credibility of Steinbeck's account, based on the unrelated other claims made in the full article.

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Excellent writing Caitlin, I completely agree.

I still can't forget the Dancing Israelis in NJ on 911. They were arrested that day, but returned to their homeland 2 weeks later.

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This morning a BBC interview of 2 jewish female students at Columbia University provided an over the top example of this "feelings" thing.

One of the women actually accused the protestors of selfishly "centering" the debate and media around their protests, instead of what was happening to Israel (she was referring to the hostages and Oct 7 Hamas attack, not the Genocide). That's victimhood chutzpah on a whole other level.

(BBC also interviewed 2 pro-Palestine students who did a pretty good job, but they played defense by logically refuting the lies and propaganda, instead of calling it out for what it was.)

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Bernie called out cnn for its constantly showing the protests while ignoring the destruction of Gaza and the number of dead civilians.

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He keeps on getting worse and worse, every day.

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Singing, "Feelings! Whoa, whoa,whoa... feelings!"

"It’s all these freaks have left."

That about sums it up. When the facts make you look like the amoral, heartless genocide-committing freak you are, start whining like a tired toddler who didn't get his lollipop for not pulling the cat's tail today. Sigh!

More on zionarcissism: https://therevolutioncontinues.substack.com/p/the-grift-of-eternal-victimhood

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This reminds me of Ben Shapiro's statement about facts not caring about your feelings. But the way that he uses the statement is in a very sinister way as if everything he is stating is true and then any reaction that you may have against what he is saying is not worthy of consideration.

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Facts are created by bullhorns, don't you know? That's why there's always been a rush for the bullhorns.

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Ben Shapiro didn't realize that when facts also didn't care about his feelings. And now The Biggest Snowflake of All Time is in his feelings.

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May 4·edited May 4

Emotion is a strange mix of feeling/judgements and rationalization. Emotions can be a good indication of what may be true, but emotions can also be an indication of something that is true but not right in front of you obvious. Sometimes, an emotion is based on some other psychological complex you have that bubbles up from your unconscious with the right triggering event. You can then ask yourself, well why is this emotion being triggered, what underlying aspect - truth of it am I not fully aware of?

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Emotion, which is the conscious perception of our hormonal state, is a mechanism by which our subconscious, in its greater wisdom, directs us toward survival. Perhaps if you are angry, your subconscious perceives a threat to survival. The underlying aspect of truth may simply be the action you are supposed to take.

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May 5·edited May 5

I'm not a big fan of B.F. Skinner. I lean more toward Carl Jung regarding his theories of the psyche. I am not even convinced consciousness is reducible to something else. I doubt very much it is. Still remains an open question in science.

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Not wrong about hating Israel.

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