“The best propaganda is that which, as it were, works invisibly, penetrates the whole of life without the public having any knowledge of the propagandistic initiative.” Joseph Goebbels

“If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're mis-informed.” Mark Twain

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“The researches of many commentators have already thrown much darkness on this subject, and it is probable that, if they continue, we shall soon know nothing at all about it" - Mark Twain.

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"I was educated once - it took me years to get over it." ~Mark Twain

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Goebbels and Hitler got their propaganda education from Edward Bernay's book Propaganda. Bernays was nephew of Freud.

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023

Seems to be no difference between Goebbels and Hitler compared to Gallant and Netanyahu. All four leaders of extremist fanatics who systematically wipe out an entire group of people - also known as genocide.

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Oh, so as long as the Zionists murder fewer than 6 million it's acceptable?

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What do you suggest Israel do?

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Oh, but THAT was a sacrifice for the glorious future, all others after that pale in comparison. And, better nobody question that! And, don't be a naaazi! If only

people understood that (great sacrifice) everything else would become very clear.

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RemovedOct 13, 2023·edited Oct 14, 2023
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No, the Israelis want their lebensraum just the same as the Nazis. They cannot exterminate the Palestinians, the world can see exactly what they are doing and a genocide would be unacceptable to the vast majority of the world. The only difference after the Al Aqsa Flood is the sponsors of this colonial settler project will now let them get away with it. But obviously that doesn't go as far as it used to.

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They want to subjugate them as useful peasants... the few that are left.

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023

I have suggested that it would much more economical and efficient if Israel built "showers" for the Palestinians, then they could come full circle on the horrors of genocide.

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Clever suggestion. Yes, that would be remarkably efficient.

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Hitler wrote that he followed the UK's WWI propaganda model as it was more effective than Germany's. This preceded Bernay's 1928 book.

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023

Interesting. Bernays participated in WWI propaganda to support war as part of the CPI, Committee on Public Information.. This is around when UK was getting its propaganda effort better organized (Wikipedia). Didn't realize propaganda was used so much then. So Bernays probably learned about propaganda then and later wrote his book and later books on marketing using similar techniques.

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As I recall what Hitler learned was

1) Don't be rational.

2) Repetition is key.

I suspect propaganda goes back to the dawn of civilization if not before. I think it quite possible that the Egyptian pyramids were propaganda exercises. All that stuff about Kings being divine was propaganda.

I get the idea that Rome was a naked wealth grab but am not sure of that. There could have been some veneer of righteousness. I'm curious what actually went on.

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Perhaps Rome helped start a religion against the temples being used by occupation resistance to their economic control of the holy lands. One that later had a hand in opposing godless communism in the USSR plus antisemitism.. Plus commie witch hunting in the US and pivoting on Asia too.

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watch Adam Curtis' BBC documentary series "The Century Of The Self" for the story on Bernays.

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I don't think Hitler was exactly a fan of Freud, on several levels.

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Maybe not a fan but certainly a worthy client

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Not a "client" either.

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By the way, Anthony Blinken is Jewish with Jewish parents.

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I heard Jews say about their own to the effect that when one is smart one is indeed smart, and when one is stupid one is stupid indeed.

That applies to other characteristics as well, extremism among them.

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Your work is invaluable Caitlin, thank you.

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Her writing is top notch, and honest as one might be capable of.

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Reminds me a bit of 9/11. Could the US Intelligence System be so lacking? Or was it deliberate to excuse actions such as the Patriot Act to curtail our freedoms and to unconstitutionally attack Iraq?

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Patricia Blair: Ask yourself, "Was anyone punished for the lack of intelligence about 9/11?"

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No lack there. It was planned, intelligence was ignored, not passed on. Read book The Big Bamboozle.

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Robert Cannon: If intelligence info is going to be ignored, why spend billions on intelligence?

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Intelligence needed feeding. Hence the need for The Artificial One™.

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russian_bot: Are you giving the computer a Coke Zero?

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That's between me and my computer.

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Israel‘s defence minister described Palestinians as “human animals” and vowed to “act accordingly,” as fighter jets unleashed a massive bombing of the Gaza Strip home of 2.3 million Palestinians…” (Middle East Eye). A complete blockade on the Gaza Strip was initiated on October 9, 2023 consisting in blocking and obstructing the importation of food, water, fuel, and essential commodities to 2.3 Million Palestinians. It’s an outright crime against humanity. It’s genocide. https://www.globalresearch.ca/is-the-gaza-israel-fighting-a-false-flag-they-let-it-happen-their-objective-is-to-wipe-gaza-off-the-map/5835310

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I’m absolutely ashamed of the U.S. Gov., Biden, Harris, Blinken, Austen etc on their support of Israel’s utter evil! That makes the US Gov. Utterly evil too.

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You mean Israeli Intelligence? Don't think US would be primary. And HAMAS has been ready at the drop of a hat, and struck at a time when people were off guard. Can't let your guard down. 9/11 was well planned and executed by deep state. No way a bunch of amateurs could have pulled that off.

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How does Hamas manufacture thousands of rockets and drones in the most surveilled 141-square-mile area in the world? How do they smuggle in all the rocket parts, the explosives, small arms, ammunition, paragliders, military uniforms and body armor? How do they conduct the military training, much of which is outdoors? And now we're expected to believe none of this is detected by either the electronic surveillance systems--including US spy satellites--or by Mossad/CIA informants in Gaza and probably within Hamas itself?

To get a feel for the scale of the preparations made by Hamas, you may be interested in watching the video “Hamas Launched Surprise OFFENSIVE on Israel” on the History-Legends channel on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Ro-ERnn7-uo?si=4UPTeuQHWmPgFgFI. (It will also be on Rumble in a few days.) Surprise attack? Impossible!

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If 9/11 was well planned, the hijacker passports conveniently found would’ve been Iraqi.

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Intelligence was passed on for 9/11: Jews/Israelis were told to stay at home that day which is why the number killed was much lower than it could have been if everyone had turned up for work. There are so many comparisons to be made, it is not a coincidence.

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I did not say no Jews died, I mentioned a report I had read at the time, that Jews were told to stay at home and thousands of people who worked in that area, did not turn up for work that day. I can’t remember the figures, though, now. As I commented originally, my mother was Jewish and escaped the gas chambers, unlike almost all members of her family, because she was a minor. Basically, the SS turned up one night and told her to go there and then, which she did. Only one cousin also got out. As a consequence I have great sympathy for the Jewish people but what I cannot accept as anything reasonable is the Israeli/Jewish treatment of Palestinians. Two wrongs do not make a right. I also detest the involvement of other nations, particularly the US and the UK in things which are nothing to do with them and the constant stoking of hatred in the Middle East and elsewhere. Today, the Jewish groups in the UK have been criticising the FA for not lighting Wembley Stadium in Israeli flag colours out of support for Israel. Football is nothing to do with Israel or the actions of Hamas. I do not condone Hamas’s actions but I also don’t condone Israeli actions over the last 70+ years either. However, there comes a point when enough is enough and Palestinian retaliation seems reasonable. The same applies to Ukraine where the US with NATO has consistently poked Russia and then complains when there is an objection. The same will apply to China. The US with constant support from the UK has done this time and time again and it is all wholly unacceptable.

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There are plainly two views on this and it is still a subject of discussion. However, it is a very small topic within the comments I have made.

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Posted by Yudi Sherman October 11, 2023

¨Security experts are blaming Israel’s government for Saturday’s invasion in which Muslim forces from Gaza massacred over 1,200 Israelis and kidnapped at least one hundred hostages.

So far no investigations have been launched into how the invaders were able to cross Israel’s heavily fortified border unimpeded, nor why it took Israel’s highly trained security forces over six hours to respond to calls for help.

Since 2005, when Israel expelled all Jewish residents from Gaza and ceded the territory to Muslims, Israel has been building sophisticated defense systems along the border. Foreseeing a possible above-ground invasion, Israel spent $220 million to develop an advanced security system “with no margin of error.” This includes barbed wire fences and a 23-foot high wall. Motion sensors are embedded in the ground along the electronic fences, which are accompanied by watchtowers armed with remote-control machine guns. The border is also patrolled by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), or drones, and Humvees operated by highly trained troops. Hundreds of night-vision cameras placed along the border constantly transmit to command centers which are operational 24/7.

Also deployed along the Gaza border is at least one semi-autonomous robotic vehicle called the Jaguar, equipped with dozens of cameras, sensors, transmitters and a 7.62mm MAG machine gun. The Jaguar sports a remote-controlled PA system and can self-destruct if captured by the enemy.

To stave off underground invasions, a 40-mile-long underground “smart fence” equipped with hundreds of AI-powered cameras, radar, and other sensors. The fence can detect infiltration by sea and is connected to a remote-controlled weapons system. One hundred and forty thousand tons of steel and concrete were reportedly used to build the barrier.

Israel’s Gazan border security also includes Sky Dew, a giant airborne balloon designed to help the Israel Air Force detect threats such as missiles and aircraft.

Video footage from Saturday’s invasion shows Muslim forces using a single bulldozer to dismantle a barbed wire fence. Media operatives have tried to claim that the invaders were able to cross the border after first dropping bombs on observation towers, somehow evading detection by Sky Dew, UAVs, electronic sensors and patrols. There is also no explanation for how the loss of transmission escaped notice by the military and intelligence units in the command centers.

Those units conduct regular drills and maneuvers. According to one military commander who was stationed at the Gaza border, one of those drills is a daily “dawn alert” during which both the night and day shifts inspect the border’s defenses. The Muslim forces, who invaded during the dawn hours, would have stumbled into a massive surveillance exercise by hypervigilant troops.

“In the 40 or more years that I’ve been following Israel one way or another, I’ve never seen this happen,” commented Trump-appointed former US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman. “I’ve never seen the border breached in this manner. Usually, even one person from Gaza gets close to the border, they’re intercepted and neutralized long before they can do anything. This is just something I’ve never seen before. It’s of course a large intelligence failure.”

Israeli officials have also not addressed how hours after the attack began and Israel’s forces had been alerted, the invaders were able to return the way they came, taking hostages on dirt bikes back to Gaza.

“It is almost inconceivable how they missed this,” said CIA counterterrorism veteran Marc Polymeropoulos.

Security experts are also baffled as to how Israel’s intelligence network, which includes the feared Mossad and the country’s domestic intelligence agency, the Shin Bet, could have been ignorant of the operation.

“I’m truly astonished for something of this magnitude to go down and for the Israelis to have no clue that this is about to happen. I’m just speechless,” said Senior Fellow Colin Clarke at the global security research tank Soufan Center. “They have had sources inside these Palestinian groups for years.”

“Israel has exquisite, world-class intelligence collection and analysis capabilities and would have a far better picture of what’s going on in its own backyard. This one falls squarely on the Israelis,” he added.

Former Kerem Shalom Battalion Commander Yoram Erez wrote: "Something here doesn't add up to me!!! This is a mystery that I can't find an answer to since yesterday?

"I happen to know how things work in Gaza and on the border. I was the commander of the Kerem Shalom sector (Rafiah), I was in charge of Kissuf sector, I know the perimeter fence very well, I know how the army works there. I was in the Shatti refugee camp in Gaza, I was in charge of the Jibaliya refugee camp, I would make ambushes on the fence and deep in the area. I met Gazans, ate and breathed Gaza.

"The obstacle is built so that even a fox cannot pass it:

"Alerts are set according to 3 levels of pressure. It must alert when it is cut. There are, 24/7, forces that are responsible for arriving within a few minutes, if not seconds, to the point where there is an alert in the fence.

"Every day they do at least one penetration drill. Each subdivision has a standby squad whose role is to increase the force in an emergency situation. Observations scattered along the border cover every inch of it.

"The female observers are champions at identification. They don't miss. They detect movement even before it even approaches the obstacle - day and night. At problematic points (dead areas) they place a tank with observation and detection capabilities, and a terrifying firepower. In some cases snipers are deployed in the field.

"Every day before dawn there is a ‘dawn alert’ procedure. At this hour all the forces are awake (in this case also the hour when hundreds of terrorists entered Israel). The night shift alternates with the day shift. The commander of each force inspects the axis to make sure there were no infiltrations during the night.

"Trackers that move on the axis know how to recognize traces. They know who crossed the fence, how much and even when.

"Each scenario has a clear procedure. For example, a procedure for infiltrating terrorists, a procedure for taking hostages. Everything is written in blood and has been proving itself for years.

"There are several other layers of security that this is not the place to talk about. In short, we are talking about an obstacle that proves itself for years and years.

"So how the hell does a Palestinian tractor move towards the fence without anyone reacting to it?

"How did the tractor manage to sabotage the fence for a long hour and open access to Israel without anyone reacting to it?

"How did hundreds of terrorists and civilians cross the barrier without anyone on our side lifting a finger?

"How did terrorists arrive on foot and in vehicles, armed from head to toe, to dozens of Israeli settlements, without any reaction from our side?

"How did hundreds of terrorists stay in Israeli territory for long hours, shoot hundreds of Israelis, loot property, without there being even a single reaction on our side?

"How did it happen that hundreds of terrorists kidnapped dozens of Israelis, woke women, children, babies, old people from their deaths, surprised soldiers, officers when they were not ready, and kidnapped them to Gaza, without anyone stopping them?

"How is it that one bullet was not fired?

"How did all this happen under our noses?

"Where did an entire division go?

"Where did 3 brigades go?

"Who swallowed 9 battalions?

"What happened to 36 companies?

"Where did an entire regular infantry brigade go that usually outnumbers the elite?

"Where were all the reserve battalions that augment the regular army?

"Where did thousands of soldiers go???

"Someone here needs to provide explanations!!"


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Yes! Planned that way. The israeli dead were an essential part of the plan. I reckon it was decided way back in the planning stage that they were to take a hit for the team, a valuable sacrifice for the current barbarian levels of israeli government. All then falls into place. Very 9/11.

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If Israel was a legal entity that observed international law and decency, ALL of these sophisticated "security" modalites would NOT be needed. Instead, Israel wants to remain the bad boy of the Middle East and they are only too happy to become a self contained police state. Democracy, my ass. It is a military dictatorship and thanks to one Jack Bernstein back in the 80's, it is a hellhole where even Sephardim are treated like shit. They hate black jews from Ethiopia/Eritrea, it is your typical apartheid nightmare. They have infiltrated the US government and thanks to our highly compromised ass clown POTUS, they run our show and are no doubt planning a total takeover of our nation. It's bad now and will only get worse."Our only ally in the Middle East"? Get serious.

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Excellent point and assessment.

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Well, precisely.

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"President Biden made some noises on Wednesday about how important it is that Israel “operate by the rules of war”"

To be fair, when a US president talks about 'the rules of war', we should laugh. The US indiscriminately napalmed villages, used agent orange on crops, tortures, sets up back site prison/torture camps, drone strikes civilians, destroys city electrical and water systems, etc. We really haven't improved much in our practice of war since we fire bombed Japanese cities and used B-52's to level villages throughout Southeast Asia.

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Tho I’ve no direct tactical knowledge, I was not a tactical analyst. However, as a policy advisor, an overall strategic analysis was absolutely necessary. In which an exploration of capabilities and threat level assessment required. Personally my call was, in the light they had the techniques and knowledge to build tactical plutonium explosives, and surrounded by hostile forces, would most certainly use whatever means necessary at their disposal. If they were left with no good options.

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Thank you for this writing, Caitlin. These attacks against civilians are most definitely war crimes and the atrocities need to stop. It seems Israel gets impunity to kill Palestinians simply because it’s Israel. This is genocide and I hope that Natanyu and his cabinet face a war crimes tribunal. But of course that will never happen because Israel has the backing of, you guessed it, the USA.

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The blood drinkers, the cabal want war. This is what they want. General Wesley Clark comment about war in the Middle East. The last country was Iran.

¨So I came back to see him a few weeks later, and by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said, "Are we still going to war with Iraq?" And he said, "Oh, it's worse than that." He reached over on his desk. He picked up a piece of paper. And he said, "I just got this down from upstairs" -- meaning the Secretary of Defense's office -- "today." And he said, "This is a memo that describes how we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran." Read More

General Wesley Clark Wars Were Planned Seven Countries In Five Years 2:12 min


General Clark on the Iraq Invasion | American War Generals 2:59 min


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Following my previous comments on the likelihood Israel knew in advance of the Hamas attack, now borne out by news items and Caitlin’s latest article, the killing by Israel of its people taken hostage by Hamas only serves to bolster again further Israeli actions against Palestinians. Israel has said it will not stop its action or return utilities and food and medicine to the Gaza Strip until all the hostages are returned. If Israel has killed them, they can’t be returned, at least alive.

I am pretty sure dropping bombs will destroy underground accommodation and infrastructure as well as buildings above ground.

All of this is done with US and UK blessing, support and weaponry and the tacit support of Western media and people.

I am totally disgusted by UK political support for Israel and denigration of Palestinians (I live in the UK and don’t expect better of the US). How the treatment of Palestinians during the last 70+years by Israel can be condoned by anyone is completely beyond me.

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So 500 hundred children dead so far? Which is likely a very modest report Isn't that just a real feather in their cap. This is utterly disgusting. How can they even walk upright after this?

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It’s simple: the US and the UK don’t care a jot about anyone or anything except, in the case of the US, its own expansion and control of the world’s wealth and the UK which supports the US in every thing it does as it still thinks it is a great Empire. Both countries believe killing people is the way forwards to protect their interests.

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023

Well according to higher ups in the Israeli government, these 500 children are not really normal humans - they're human animals. So I guess it's ok to massacre mostly defenseless human animals?

I was always taught that two wrongs don't make a right. Isn't that somewhere in the Old Testament? Two wrongs don't make a right? You'd think it would in there somewhere.

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Something horrible happens and then it is purposely repeated? It's so wrong

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023

Once you understand that we in the West are ruled by people whose behavior is indistinguishable from that of sociopaths, everything falls into place and All Will Be Revealed.

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023

It's hard to imagine - all these children's lives being taken away. They probably had little idea what was happening. Sometimes I do wonder what any of this is all about. Are we just stuck in some madhouse reality? A horror show of evil?

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It is a madhouse and a horror show. It is insanity to allow a child to die, let alone as an act of vengeance. An unthinkable act.

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Reminds me of a quote from Emily Dickinson - something she wrote to Joseph Sweetser in 1858: "I cannot always see the light - please tell me if it shines."

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That is a quote fitting this tragedy.

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I know both are doing this. It's a nightmare. Cheering and raising flags when people are dying? Russia/Ukraine, now Palestine/Israel. It's stark raving mad.

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They are not trying because they want this war, they want this to appear as nasty as possible to justify their genocide of the Palestinian people.

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RemovedOct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023
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My theory from the start is that this is a false flag operation committed by Israel, blamed on Hamas, the propaganda was all prepared, the media were on stand by. The border was left open so the Israeli plants in Hamas and Palestine could breach the wall, attack a few people, kidnap some people and run back to Gaza. meanwhile US agents (i.e. ISIS) launched rockets and shelled northern Israel from Syria. Blame it all oj Iran so the US has justification for war with Iran which is really just a southern front on the war with Russia.

I know it sounds crazy

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023

NO, it doesn't sound crazy.

«Three days before Hamas’ large-scale assault on Israel, the Egyptian authorities warned their counterparts in Tel Aviv that such an operation was imminent, US House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul told reporters on Wednesday»- RT


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Israel is committing genocide, it looks to be a preplanned genocide - do you agree with those assertions ?

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I found yesterday's comment from the Jewish guy so helpful. The young people who've grown up in the Gaza prison are not evil terrorists. They've grown up in the Gaza prison.

The Israelis are not scum. They've grown up being taught to hate Palestinians.

We are all products of our conditioning.

We don't excuse the crime but we understand with compassionate awareness; starting with ourselves.

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¨Did you know that Hamas was really created by the Mossad of Israel for the strategic purpose of preventing the creation of a Palestinian state? Thanks to the Mossad, Israel’s “Institute for Intelligence and Special Tasks”, the Hamas was allowed to reinforce its presence in the occupied territories.¨

I don't have the link to this article but if you do your own research on G o o, you will find other information. I am not defending Hamas actions that were horrible.

The Mossad didn't see it coming. Impossible.

This last Saturday event is similar to the 911 Agenda, a PsyOp Operation to create war, terror and control.

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¨ Meanwhile, Arafat’s Fatah Movement for National Liberation as well as the Palestinian Left were subjected to the most brutal form of repression and intimidation Let us not forget that it was Israel, which in fact created Hamas. According to Zeev Sternell, historian at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, “Israel thought that it was a smart ploy to push the Islamists against the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO)”. Ahmed Yassin, the spiritual leader of the Islamist movement in Palestine, returning from Cairo in the seventies, established an Islamic charity association. Prime Minister Golda Meir, saw this as a an opportunity to counterbalance the rise of Arafat’s Fatah movement. According to the Israeli weekly Koteret Rashit (October 1987), “The Islamic associations as well as the university had been supported and encouraged by the Israeli military authority” in charge of the (civilian) administration of the West Bank and Gaza. “They [the Islamic associations and the university] were authorized to receive money payments from abroad.”

The Islamists set up orphanages and health clinics, as well as a network of schools, workshops which created employment for women as well as system of financial aid to the poor. And in 1978, they created an “Islamic University” in Gaza. “The military authority was convinced that these activities would weaken both the PLO and the leftist organizations in Gaza.” At the end of 1992, there were six hundred mosques in Gaza. Thanks to Israel’s intelligence agency Mossad (Israel’s Institute for Intelligence and Special Tasks), the Islamists were allowed to reinforce their presence in the occupied territories.

Meanwhile, the members of Fatah (Movement for the National Liberation of Palestine) and the Palestinian Left were subjected to the most brutal form of repression. In 1984, Ahmed Yassin was arrested and condemned to twelve years in prison, after the discovery of a hidden arms cache. But one year later, he was set free and resumed his activities. And when the Intifada (“uprising”) began, in October 1987, which took the Islamists by surprise, Sheik Yassin responded by creating the Hamas (The Islamic Resistance Movement): “God is our beginning, the prophet our model, the Koran our constitution”, proclaims article 7 of the charter of the organization. Ahmed Yassin was in prison when, the Oslo accords (Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government) were signed in September 1993.

The Hamas had rejected Oslo outright. But at that time, 70% of Palestinians had condemned the attacks on Israeli civilians. Yassin did everything in his power to undermine the Oslo accords. Even prior to Prime Minister Rabin’s death, he had the support of the Israeli government. The latter was very reluctant to implement the peace agreement. The Hamas then launched a carefully timed campaign of attacks against civilians who were already poverty stricken and living in metal sheds, one day before the meeting between Palestinian and Israeli negotiators, regarding the formal recognition of Israel by the National Palestinian Council. These events were largely instrumental in the formation of a Right wing Israeli government following the May 1996 elections. Quite unexpectedly, Prime Minister Netanyahu ordered Sheik Ahmed Yassin to be released from prison (“on humanitarian grounds”) where he was serving a life sentence. Meanwhile, Netanyahu, together with President Bill Clinton, was putting pressure on Arafat to control the Hamas. In fact, Netanyahu knew that he could rely, once more, on the Islamists to sabotage the Oslo accords. Worse still: after having expelled Yassin to Jordan, Prime Minister Netanyahu allowed him to return to Gaza, where he was welcomed triumphantly as a hero in October 1997. Arafat was helpless in the face of these events. Moreover, because he had supported Saddam Hussein during the1991 Gulf war (while the Hamas had cautiously abstained from taking sides), the Gulf states decided to cut off their financing of the Palestinian Authority. Meanwhile, between February and April 1998, Sheik Ahmad Yassin was able to raise several hundred million dollars, from those same countries. The budget of the Hamas was said to be greater than that of the Palestinian Authority. These new sources of funding enabled the Islamists to effectively pursue their various charitable activities. It is estimated that one Palestinian out of three is the recipient of financial aid from the Hamas. And in this regard, Israel has done nothing to curb the inflow of money into the occupied territories.

The Hamas had built its strength through its various acts of sabotage of the peace process, in a way which was compatible with the interests of the Israeli government. In turn, the latter sought in a number of ways, to prevent the application of the Oslo accords. In other words, Hamas was fulfilling the functions for which it was originally created: to prevent the creation of a Palestinian State. And in this regard, Hamas and Ariel Sharon, see eye to eye; they are exactly on the same wave length.

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The creation of Hamas was essentially to divide & make it easier to rule what's left of Palestine from invader-controlled Jerusalem.

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Just like Al Queada and ISIS for the CIA, a private terrorist group to do the bidding of the empire.

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If Israel is exercising discretion and abiding by international rules of war, it has a funny way of showing it. I'd hate to see it at its worst because they are reducing Gaza to a pile of rubble, and the blood and dismembered bodies of children, pregnant women, aged people, the sick and all those otherwise unable to leave.

Israel's brutality is renowned, and this is another example. I believe they like this reputation.

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023

I wonder if the Arab world is just going to sit back and watch the Israelis continue to massacre the population of Gaza?

The Hezbollah is on record saying they will open a second front if Israel does carry out an invasion of Gaza. Although, from what I've been listening to from a number of military experts, attempting to occupy Gaza will not be a walk in the park for the Israelis - and depending on how well prepared the Hamas are, the Israelis could end up with a horrific level of casualties - given the nature of modern Urban warfare.

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Well, I hope you are right because the fate of the Palestinians screams to high heaven for justice. But what I hear about Gaza is not encouraging.

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023

Frankly, if corrupt creepso Joe Biden and the rest of the West refuse to step in to stop the civilian massacre by the Israelis - then I believe the Arab world has every moral right to do so.

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How well-prepared is Hamas for a ground invasion of Gaza? I don't know, and I don't think the Israelis really know. I do know that rubble makes excellent defensive positions and creates all sorts of opportunities for traps and ambushes.

I suppose we'll find out soon.

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The whole conflict/war is called Israel vs Hamas to further remove Palestinians as existing. It's like saying the Troubles were the British vs Sinn Fein/IRA and excusing any hypothetical bombing from the mainland as only targeted at Sinn Fein members.

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See, Israel has this Extra Special White Phosphorus that only burns Bad People.

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=== the western press has the gall to use the phrase “Hamas targets” when describing Israel’s bombing campaign in Gaza ===

Well, the western press is basically a shitload of midwit BAs with $100k in student debt; they're just smart enough to understand what they're required to write in order to not get cancelled.

Just to be sure, they scan antiSocial Media to ensure that literally every story sounds like it was written by ChatGPT using the exact same prompt.

"Hamas targets" is the new "Russian invasion", which was the new "Safe and Effective"/"Pandemic of the Unvaccinated"/"Flatten the Curve".

The reality is: 95% of their intended audience is sentient, but not sapient - capable of experiencing FEELINGS; incapable of (syncretic) THOUGHT.

Our species gets referred to as "homo sapiens sapiens" but the cognitive machinery in the skulls of most humans is sentient - AT BEST.

That's why slogans and repetition are the stock in trade of mainstream 'jernalists'.

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Hamas is not just a terrorist organization with a Nazi-like ideology hiding out in Gaza. IT IS THE GOVERNMENT OF GAZA, and so bears responsibility for protecting Gazans.

Israel has the responsibility not to target civilians as Hamas does as a genocidal organization uninterested in peace with Israel. But it is Hamas that has the responsibility of protecting them--not Israel.

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Yea, sure, Israel is free of responsibility ... just massacre'em all...they're just animals, isn't that what Israel's Defense Minister says?...eh, what's a Palestinian child? just a kid who'll throw stones at the Israeli's...common on...no big deal! Blast that hospital to bits!!!

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Only a moral monster would use a genocidal pogrom as the opportunity for moral equivocation.

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Essence of Netanyahu and his Defense Minister.

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The psychological consequences of being a victim of ritual child genital mutilation are pretty profound - there's a pathological desire for the agony to have been 'worth it'.

Then these poor kids' heads are filled with cartoon nonsense about a Sky Maniac who gets high on the smell of burning flesh.

As I've said elsewhere: it's really easy to work out who is getting genocided. Just do a body-count for both sides, excluding the deaths of military-age males.

Do a count any subset you like - babies; women; children; girls between the age of 8 and 11; the elderly.

Literally: pick any non-military-age-male demographic; count the number killed as a DIRECT result of military action by the Occupation; count the number of Occupiers killed as a DIRECT result of the resistance to Occupation.

Then get back to me as to which side is the target of a genocidal pogrom.

It's the 21st century, fren: atrocity-porn like Gittin 57b doesn't work any more, because people have some weak understanding of (1) scientific principles; and (2) the tendency of some ethnies to use atrocity-porn as a rhetorical weapon.

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Thou Shall Not Kill.

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Obviously you are an expert in the Books of Moses.

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023

Did you know there are two Genesis stories? That is fairly well known actually. But what is not as well known is the two Genesis stories were intentionally left in by the many scholarly redactors of the original Torah, and is purposely thematic throughout many of the subsequent stories.

By the way, the story of Moses is about an oppressed people remarkably similar to the Palestinians today.

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I doubt you could tell me anything I don't already know about "the original" Torah, and I don't know that much. Palestinians have no resemblance to the ancient Hebrews.

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Hamas bears all responsibility for civilians deaths caused by them using civilians as human shields--their own citizens!

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023

Yeah - if it just weren't for those darn bombs being dropped on defenseless children. I wonder where those bombs came from? Any clues?

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The children are not defenseless--the problem is that Hamas uses THEIR OWN CHILDREN as human shields.

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You sound like an AI program. When the children on "our side" die it is the greatest of atrocities and barbarism; when the children of "their side" die it is their own fault because they used them as human shields. AI would be easily trained on warmongering mass media to regurgitate this bullshit.

Crimes against humanity are crimes against humanity regardless of context. The end.

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You're right, I am an AI bot--more I than A, though.

I'll only explain this once. Hamas last Saturday deliberately sought out civilian targets in the hundreds and thousands, not military ones, and regardless of age or sex, and treated them in the most publicly horrific ways. The delighted in sadism for its own sake.

The Israelis are replying my attacking legitimate Hamas targets acc. to their best intel. No comparison.

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Muslims think they are doing the work of Allah according to their fake prophet Mohammed and fake holy book. Just look at what they instigated during 200+ years of incursions north commonly known as the Crusades but lasting much longer. The worst kind of horrible terror against innocents. Then taking hostages for slaves, boys for sex and future soldiers. Detailed in book Defenders of the West.

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023

Ah that must be it. They're not actually living in those buildings ... For some reason I thought they were living there. Who knew?

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Right on! Israel is pure as the driven snow! They're just an innocent war machine! Gosh, you didn't know that? Come on. Get with the program! And while yer doing that, by the way, Your land is really my land, didn't you know that? The Bible tells us so. Now, where's the surveyor cause my buddy's reclaiming his plot and we gotta get the territory squared away. Now-Git or die! Or I'll shrivel that kid into a blood clot.

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This BS narrative is getting old, can you cock up a new one please?

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I take it you are a Hamas supporter.

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023

I take it you're an asshole who insists anyone who doesn't support the murderous rampage of Israel against a civilian population - which is internationally known as a war crime - similar to what the Nazis did in World War II as collective punishment - must be a Hamas supporter. Fuck you - I'm not a Hamas supporter, nor am I supporter of genocidal fuckheads who support killing innocent civilians.

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Btw, Israel created Hamas. Don’t believe me? Perhaps you may believe Bibi:


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To all idiots who can’t think beyond “hamas uses their own children as human shields,” I guess I am...

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We’ll never see peace with continuing these tired excuses for committing atrocities. I support all Israelis, Jews, Palestinians who seek peace me ending the cycle of violence

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Unfortunately, Hamas simply doesn't want to make any peace with Israel or with Jews for that matter. The PA wants peace, I suspect, but Hamas does not.

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023

Gee, I wonder why? Any clues why? I know the Israelis are innocent - and Netanyahu is as innocent as a vestal virgin. So it just doesn't make any sense to me.

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With respect Louis B., which part of "Hamas is a creation and subordinate of the Israeli gov" you don't accept?

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so you forgot Jews VS brithis garbage..here > just remainder The Haganah, the largest of the Jewish underground militias, which was under the control of the officially recognized Jewish leadership of Palestine, remained cooperative with the British. But in 1944 the Irgun, an offshoot of the Haganah, launched a rebellion against British rule, thus joining Lehi, which had been active against the authorities throughout the war. Both were small, dissident militias of the right-wing Revisionist movement. They attacked police and government targets in response to British immigration restrictions.

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Ah, but I heard some Jews claim that those terrorist Jews were not real Jews. They were some Jews, just not the right ones. Whatever the fuck that means.

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Well - you know, not the "right ones".

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There are Semitic Jews and there are non-Semitic Jews such as the Khazarians. Chalk and cheese.

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Denmia, I learn anew thanks to you.

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So, you're saying that Gaza is NOT a part of Israel? But Israel claims Gaza is a part of their country. Then wouldn't the Israeli government have the responsibility of protecting the lives of the innocents in Gaza, a part of Israel? Over half the population there are children, so of course Israel is taking that responsibility to protect these children from harm very seriously, correct?

If you have trouble figuring out I'm being sarcastic about how Israelis treat those living in Gaza, watch this short video: https://twitter.com/BTnewsroom/status/1712606372813066586

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No, Gaza is not a part of Israel--it was abandoned and handed over to Gazans in 2005, removing settlers too. The Gazans thanked the Israelis for their freedom by electing Hamas, which promptly slaughtered all their critics and adversaries.

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023

Doesn't give the greenlight for Israel to commit war crimes - and it is an International war crime to massacre civilians outright.

The killing of enemy soldiers is acceptable in war - but slaughtering defenseless civilians is not. Collective punishment is a war crime - also known as an atrocity. Look up the word "atrocity" - because that's what you are defending right now - multiple atrocities committed by the Israeli government.

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Apartheid South Africa called such enclaves "Bantustans".

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who copy who....hmm...“The best propaganda is that which, as it were, works invisibly, penetrates the whole of life without the public having any knowledge of the propagandistic initiative.” Joseph Goebbels

“If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're mis-informed.” Mark Twain

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Caitlin asked not to piss on her leg claiming it's raining. You should've read her post first.

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Louis Bingo: Yes, Gaza was voted into power in Gaza because the USA DC Neocon idiots insisted on an election. There hasn't been another since.

LOL @ "Hamas bears the responsibility for protecting Gazans."

Does any government protect its peons, sorry, serfs, sorry, citizens?

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The twisted nature of this logic really impresses me.

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Are you for real Louis Bingo!? It is obvious that a daily dose of propaganda has addled your brain and hardened your heart.

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I know plenty of humans who talk just like him.

Amazing how quickly they fall into line.

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Caitlin: The fact that Bingo propaganda is first in line means that they are watching you!

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Louis Bingo: LOL @ "Hamas bears responsibility for protecting Gazans."

Do you know of any government on Earth that protects its peons, err, serfs, err, tax slaves, I mean citizens?

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That's the language of the lynch mob.

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And the language coming from the Israeli defense minister echoing Himmler's East Order is not?

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Israel is in fact a liberal democracy with full legal equality for Israeli Arabs. It is not an apartheid state, as say a Moslem ethno-state is. It is, however, a Jewish state because the Jews are a nation. It is unique as an "ethno-state," as you put it, for refusing to reduce its minorities to second class citizens, unlike Arab states.

I have no idea what you are talking about re Ukraine. The Russians are right to be protecting Russian Ukrainians against Galician terrorism.

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Israelis don't treat their Arab residents as second class citizens? Watch this video and see that is a bunch of b.s. "Israel is one of the most racist countries in the world" https://twitter.com/BTnewsroom/status/1712606372813066586

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BS video

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Oh my!

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Caitlin Johnstone: " Israeli Intelligence Suddenly Knows Exactly Where Hamas Is "

In many ways, if I were living in an alternate universe; I just might be thinking:

This was an Israeli coup d'etat conducted through Hezbollah terrorists. Conducted to unite the divided Jewish population to allow the United States to escalate in the Middle East to cover the humiliating defeat in Ukraine. Hmmm. I might also think, these terrorists are completely synthetic in origin.

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Hello Christopher: Even in this universe, you might think that the Israeli government's funding and support of Hamas over the years was designed to create a boogeyman enemy that they could pretend to protect ordinary Israelis from, to keep them from realizing that their real enemy is the Israeli ruling class. And that there wasn't any "failure of intelligence," so that the Israeli government knew something big was about to happen and, as has been said by some of another event, "let it happen."

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