Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 18, 2023

Also, weren't the Israelis the ones who supposedly had all this Secret Squirrel Intelligence about how Iraq was just chock-full of WMDs? Didn't Netanyahu himself testify as much before Congress?

Weren't we duly assured at the time that Shin Bet is all-seeing, all-knowing?

Do remind me, how did that one turn out?

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Is that where the Scion of the Bush Crime Family and the Neocon Four (Rumsfeld, Cheney, Wolfowitz and Rice......oh yes, and Powell) got the finishing touches from on their cooked up rationale to invade Iraq? Not that I doubt either your veracity or your sources, but I need receipts in the form of links. Thanks!!

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Recall Natanyahu's image of an Iranian Wily Coyote nuke with the smoldering wick.

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At the end of the day, Hamas simply does not have the ordinance to cause such damage.

Israel is scrambling to create a passable cover story.

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I don’t know why they’re even bothering to come up with a cover story, the west is primed to cheer on genocide at this point they might as well go mask off nothing will happen the US will continue to fund them like they’re the 51st state with free higher education and socialized healthcare meanwhile we are living in tent cities and being admonished to mAkE bEtTeR cHoIcEs and pick our selves up by our boot straps.

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You are right. I suspect it is for the historical narrative. In ten years that is all that will be remembered in the mainstream.

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Cowardly Westerners need such a pretense-fig leaf to be able to stick to absurd narratives that benefit them. Just something they can use to stop awkward challenging discussions. "Yes, but didn't you hear, Hamas themselves said they did it", and they can close the discussion with an apparent good conscience. That's how it works all the time.

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What a disgusting group of cowards. I don’t believe anything the Israeli government says.

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Neither do I. It seems now more plausible to me Netanyahu knew the HAMAS terrorist attack was pending, and let it happen.

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Churchill let the Nazis bomb Canterbury in WWII. Can we say Roosevelt allowed Pearl Harbor?

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 18, 2023

What HAMAS terror attac[k]?

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Don't forget the 52nd State of Ukraine, also receiving the same provileges, and possibly even a few more.

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Ukraine is only a recent phenomenon since ~2014. Israel goes back decades and with way more money and collusion.

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Agreed, but the Ukraine is also showing signs of becoming a permanent appendage, just like Israel.

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Not like the Zionists. The Nazis were set up to fail. The ADL and APAIC were coached by the Mossad to sacrifice a few Jews for the “greater good “ of the Israeli Fascists so they an pursue their genocide.

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 18, 2023

I wonder why Israel feels it needs to lie? Maybe because this particular missile strike on civilians is so horrendously inhumane and against all conventions of human decency and normalcy (even in war) - that they must find a way to hide the fact of their latest murderous rampage?

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I'm not so cynical as you. In this case, my best guess is that it was a (major) screw-up. Maybe by the Israelis; maybe by Hamas, like the recording suggests.

Violent situations are horrible and chaotic, and I acknowledge that even the sides I favor can make mistakes and do things that even they regret.

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 18, 2023

Well - the 7 hours before the Israelis responded, is a pretty big question for me. And now we see this blatant lie over an obvious missile strike against a hospital. I'm just no longer willing to believe Netanyahu wouldn't allow a false-flag event to happen.

Also, Jonathan Cook's article includes the sound of the missile hitting. Definitely not a rocket.

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Did you see today's mini statement from Biden in Israel local? It was even more vociferous support. Fawning even. Adding homilies.

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It may indeed. They got their armaments and equipment from SOMEWHERE and SOMEONE. There are gun runners, governments and profiteer dealers in heavy weaponry ready to make a "KILLING" on sell, sell, selling. Even arming both sides of the conflict, which the conscience-less and immoral Biden Regime appears to be doing at the present time. So no telling WHO Hamas made a deal or deals with....

What IS implausible is that the Hamas vast build up and year long rehearsals apparently occurred without Israeli foreknowledge. That really sticks in the craws of most reasonable people

All we are hearing are stumbling CYA excuses from Israel.

Maybe it is seriously time for the secularists and atheists everywhere to REPENT and turn back to the HOLY GOD MOST HIGH, The Creator and Sustainer. According to the Scriptures and the way things are playing out, the High Tech idolatrous defenses so deeply relied upon have proven unworthy....the Scriptures tell it all including the Brit HaHadasha.

Malachi 4:1-2

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Are you that ignorant? Does your anti-Semitism believe that the 100 million Hamas has received over the years went to its people? Wow.

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Yeah - anyone who doesn't agree with you must be an ignorant Jew hater! You're a genius Daniel.

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Noam Chomsky is called a self-hating Jew by people like Daniel.

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So they can hear this “chatter” but missed at least a years worth of planning and A DIRECT WARNING FROM THE EGYPTIAN PM TO THE ISRAELI PM DAYS BEFOREHAND? (As reported in the times of Israel on the day of the attack)

How convenient! Israel’s “9/11” alright!

Netanyahu needed an excuse to genocide the Palestinians as he was facing massive societal unrest domestically - including the military - over his judicial reforms.

And america LOVES war. We can afford two! That’s what the fed said! We’ve got plenty of money for war but can’t feed the poor! Tupac was right.

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GENERAL Smedley Butler was right. WAR IS A RACKET indeed.

With all the SCORCHED EARTH and DESTRUCTION AKTIONS being carried out these days, what happens when the rubble is CLEARED away and to where the survivors get relocated will tell us something about the possible motivations behind them. NOT JUST IN ISRAEL, but all over the world.

Connect the dots. See what MAY be going on beyond an Israeli-Hamas war here. Consider the Big Picture. A lot of governments are going along with and furthering WEF NWO 2030 and 2050 goals. And nobody should assume that Israel is automatically ruled out of that.

The buck doesnt stop with Netanyahu. He, like so many other Heads of State, is just the designated fall guy....like Golda Meir was the Lightning Rod for the anger over the Yom Kippur War in 1973,

Don't accept pat answers or cover up excuses and ration

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How convenient or as Church Lady would say "well isn't that special?"

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“How convenient” is my thought to literally every single fucking thing coming out of this conflict.

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Like a poorly written Hollywood script... lol

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"Wag The Dog"?

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That is the longest running TV series in history. ;-}

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 18, 2023

And yet human beings continued to be slaughtered and the US is egging the slaughter on. Why does it no longer seem like the US is for Freedom or a place for the Brave?

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Plot twist: never was. Unless you were landed white male gentry back in the day....

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With all that's been going on for a long while now - with all the literature available, and supposedly literate population to peruse it - it amazes me how whole lot, I'd say an unhealthy majority, of Americans still believe it.

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You can put "how convenient" in quotes, too. That was also another famous Church Lady line, just in second place to the one you noted.

(Your comment prompted me to grab a handful of Church Lady memes.)

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Caitlin is almost always way ahead of the game. But here she only gingerly approaches the possibility that Israel allowed Hamas to conduct its attack on Oct. 7 so as to create the pretext for a "murderous rampage." This is what folks in the 9/11 Truth movement call LIHOP -- let it happen on purpose.

I expect Caitlin to realize that the terrible truth in Israel's case (as well as the case of 9/11) is MIHOP -- made it happen on purpose. The Canadian website globalresearch.ca, which has been in the forefront of 9/11 Truth, is now publishing a variety of analyses that substantiate this conclusion about the inception of the Hamas attack.

For example, it is now established that Israel was instrumental in creating Hamas back in 1987 as a part of the strategy, in Netanyahu's words, "to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.." There is every reason to believe that Hamas is infiltrated by Israeli agents.

Testimonies of Israelis who survived the Hamas attack are now surfacing that credit their Hamas attackers with treating them "humanely" and also establish that Israeli forces shot their own civilians. https://electronicintifada.net/content/israeli-forces-shot-their-own-civilians-kibbutz-survivor-says/38861; https://new.thecradle.co/articles/survivor-of-hamas-assault-says-israeli-army-undoubtedly-killed-their-own-civilians

I also would go further than Caitlin in characterizing the nature of the intended pretext. It is beyond a pretext for murderous rampage. It is a pretext for the Final Solution to the Palestinian problem.

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I agree with Barry Kissin.

"I also would go further than Caitlin in characterizing the nature of the intended pretext. It is beyond a pretext for murderous rampage. It is a pretext for the Final Solution to the Palestinian problem."

I also think that Caitlin is writing from a more pure perspective than us mere commentators.

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 18, 2023

The rhetoric and now the deliberate gaslighting and lies is to defend an actual genocidal ethnic cleansing being encouraged by the land of the free, and home of the brave USof A president, "where's the podium?" Uncle Biden and his fascist warpig clowns in DC.

At this point, I don't give a F*** what happens, as long as the Arab world does respond to this ongoing shitshow of mass murder, perpetrated by the Israeli military and their lawless war criminal Netanyahu.

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OMG! Take a look at the presser bw Scranton Joe and Bibi.....NOT TO BE AIRED ON US TV:....


watch near the end too, they had to shut it down bad. Real bad!

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 18, 2023

The US Constitution was amended for the 25th time in 1965, to allow a US President to be removed from office due to "disability".

I'm not sure why this Amendment has not been invoked by the GOP yet. The guy is obviously not all there - and yet the fate of the world hangs on what he does.

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It's a "UNI-PARTY". Come on, do you think Trump would show restraint? His rabid racism actually fits the zionazi tone like a glove! it's all mass conditioning. We are all played for suckerz. One big matrix.

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 18, 2023

I don't support Trump, never have. I agree - a corrupt Uni-party run by American Oligarchs and the military industrial complex along with coincidently, a very strong Israeli lobby.

American national politics has become a corrupt shitshow. The only real change that may occur to the country right now is on the ground - with ordinary Americans fighting a common cause such as the UAW or SAGA strikes.

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Because Biden remains useful, and he is safe from impeachment or removal as long as there is an appropriate crisis.

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Yep - that has to be it.

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So you are just fine with a nuclear free for all? You need to dial back your hothead emotions. Were you there? You are buying into warmongering propaganda designed to feed the Useful Idiots

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 18, 2023

Israel and the US are the ones willing to risk a nuclear "free-for-all" while carrying out their mass extermination, ethnic cleansing of a people.

I'm tired of having the nuclear threat held over my head by fascist, collective punishment homicidal warpigs. Whether Israel & the US choose to use nuclear weapons is up to them - but I personally will not support ethnic cleansing - maybe you support it - but I don't. Yes, I hope the Arab world intercedes on behalf of the Palestinians.

The Abuser always threatens more abuse if the abused disobey. And the threatened abuse here is a nuclear war by the US and Israel. If I'm forced to choose to just stand by and watch an ongoing genocidal ethnic cleansing of a population - and that is what this is - and I'm suppose to standby because I'm being threatened with nuclear weapons - then I choose defending against genocide. And guess what Catherine Hazur? A million Arab martyrs will likely be willing to do so as well.

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How many war zones have YOU been in? Probably none, judging by your comments.

Tell you what: Why dont you go over to the current war scene and volunteer your services to Hamas instead of spending all your time trolling the internet and impotently name calling in the comment section those with whom you disagree when you cant think of anything constructive to say.?

Grow up. You have a lot to learn. Sitting in the safety of your computer, running your mouth concerning a situation you apparently know nothing about, beyond what you have heard second or third hand from your handlers. That is pretty OBVIOUS.

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 18, 2023

Wow - and I'm the emotional hothead? Listen who is talking. Talk about psychological projection.

Looking over your posts - oh, you're just another nutjob trolling.

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Thank you for this comment. I’m currently in the “let it happen on purpose” camp for this based on Israel ignoring egypts warning but I will review your links and see how “made” it happen could be possible...

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 18, 2023

So you're not just copying and pasting this meme just for me but others who you disagree with. You're like a 3 year old ... Congratulations kid.

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He shows off his "finding emojis on a keyboard" skill. For potential employers looking for the kind. Actually, he might be on the job right now.

@Daniel: show off your usage of "FFS" once more. I'm fond of your creativity. Also, there are lots more emojis you can type on a keyboard. Study those shortcuts carefully, will ya?

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 18, 2023

Yeah Daniel is just trolling. I've been under attack constantly in these comments section (more than ever) this last week since this Zionist sponsored genocide broke out. People attacking my anger, my character - even going so far as attacking my personal living conditions. Attacking my rationality and doing whatever they can to gaslight me and others here in the comments - like this 3 year old trolling clown is attempting to do. It's all part of a deliberate propaganda effort to smear anyone opposes their assumption Israel has the right to do whatever the fuck it wants to a bunch of innocent civilians they've kept in an open air concentration camp now for decades.

The trolls succeed in what they do not because they are correct, but the purpose is to muddy the waters as much as they can and degrade any kind of rational discussion. Part of why the immediate reaction to Israel's bombing a hospital full of civilians is to immediately lie about it and cover up the mass murder Israel just performed of non-military human beings. Gaslighting the rationality of ordinary people with their ethnic cleansing, murderous bullshit.

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This is a deliberate technique borrowed from prepubescents and applied successfully to the current general population since the majority's cognition remained on that level. It's applied at scale by the immense manipulation industry.

Those fucks - employees - could be among us, next to us, our neighbors, going to work to do that kind of thing every day. That @Daniel dimwit might be one of them.

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So let me get this straight, the recorded conversation supposedly exposes that the missile was fired from the cemetary behind the hospital, which according to this explanation means it was very close.

So now I challenge anyone to show me a feasible trajectory for this rocket, from where it was supposedly fired, to the point where it hit and took down the whole hospital , and including the charge energy of the rockets being used by Hamas, BS the charge energy required to take down the hospital, before I believe this version.

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So then what took out the whole hospital building???

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So approximately 500 people died in their vars in the car park???

Was it end of shift Rush Hour???

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Those same Palestinians in the recording were the deck hands on the rental yacht which blew up the Nordstream pipelines! I have a cell phone recording of them trying to figure out why one of the devices failed!!!

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OMG, if true this is ground breaking Pfc. Billy!

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Hamas Activists, Jihad professionals. Running around paid to promote and instigate war and feed confusion.

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Reminds me of a low-growl exchange I once overheard between my two Golden Retrievers, which led me to suspect that they were plotting to evict my cat from their midst, by suffocation, it sounded like. But both dogs were so sweet that without hard evidence, I balked at any action, and next morning, I found all three of them sharing the same large doggie bed, with a white fluffy feline warm and cozy between the two comparatively hulking strawberry-blond canines. So sad that human misconstruances and misunderstandings can't turn out like this. But then, humans set up hierarchies of privilege and lie like crazy to preserve them. All hail the glories of formal language.

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"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time."

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@Richard Romano

But you can filter with algorithms and then shadow ban/censor the unfooled people's communications on social media, YouTube, Wikipedia & etc.- Reducing the spread of dissension to word of mouth.

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And still THE TRUTH has already PREVAILED!

If you don't believe it why don't you start lying....?

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 18, 2023

Not to mention that it appears that the much hyped Israeli signals intelligence can ever always only Intercept communications about past events.

As to why these assured Islamic Jihad operatives didn't inconvenience their listeners by using code is left as an exercise to the imagination.

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The whole "communication" doesn't make a lot of sense and seems like a poorly slapped together skit by people whose job is to conduct info wars.

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It is rumored that IDF soldiers leaked intelligence on Israeli positions to Hamas and Netanyahu pulled soldiers from Gaza to the West Bank in order to encourage Hamas to attack, after which Israel could wipe Gaza from the map with unflinching support from the West. Is there any evidence for this rumor?

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I see elsewhere in the news Biden has fully supported Israel, whilst trying to negotiate a settlement. Rather hypocritical, I feel. The UK is no better.

Why would Palestinians accept anything which comes from US as a reasonable settlement?

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Why indeed?

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Mondoweiss - July 2015: Targeting Medical Workers

The Amnesty report describes a scene in the August onslaught:

An ambulance carrying a wounded old man, woman and three children was struck by a drone-fired missile, setting it alight and burning everyone inside including medical workers to death. Jaber Darabih, a paramedic who arrived at the scene, described the charred remains of bodies with “no legs, no hands… severely burned.” Tragically, he later discovered that his own son, a volunteer paramedic was among those killed in the ambulance.

A doctor told Amnesty patients frantically fled a Rafah hospital during the bombardment. Some of the Palestinians running for their lives “were wheeled out on beds, many had intravenous drips still attached.”

“A young boy in a plaster cast dragged himself along the ground to get away,” Amnesty wrote.

“By attacking ambulances and striking near hospitals, Israel’s army displayed a flagrant disregard for the laws of war,” Luther stated. “Deliberately attacking health facilities and medical professionals amounts to war crimes.”

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.......Sure that it wasn't "collateral damage?" No matter what kind of label warring parties slap on to justify and CYA what all they do, the body count of gravely wounded and dead from both sides is always present with their blood crying out from the Ground.

In the high adrenaline fueled ensuing emotions the combatants and their cheerleaders are forgetting God's irrevocable and irreversible rule that WHATSOEVER A MAN SOWS, THAT ALSO SHALL HE REAP.

This applies to EVERYBODY. Not just one side. Not just in war, but also in its absense.

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Like anyone but the already brainwashed is going to believe this recording...

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Even US and British Mainstream media reporting from the ground is pointing to the obvious:


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I don't think they ran that on US feed. It's the International feed.

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Israel is magical because the Israelis are God's Chosen People. It's the only possible explanation. (Warning: sarcasm or satire may be present)

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Extremists are always the "Chosen People" - including Atheist extremists.

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