Yes - intifada, the Arabic word (from N-F-D) meaning ‘to shake off’, which was first used in 1952 in Iraq to refer to an uprising against the monarchy, and specifically chosen in the 1980s by the Palestinians for its nonviolent connotations (1,500 Palestinians were killed in the first intifada) has now been revised, unilaterally, to mean genocide. I guess on one level it does - an excuse for Israel to commit genocide at least.

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Isreal, the US and the European back don’t have a moral center. They will even kill their own citizens if it serves their interests.

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They even kill their own within their circle of psychos.

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The US has already done that.

On multiple occasions

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{Americans are being persuaded to focus instead on a completely fictional epidemic of genocidal rhetoric against Jews at universities.}

The next time someone peddles this balderdash ask them why there haven't been any beefed up police presence at any of the synagogues, yeshiva's or nursery schools? I live in NJ in an area where you can't walk a few blocks without seeing at least one and yet isn't it amazing not only is security not beefed up, there in none! And yet in the past, if a car backfires - there is a police car parked for days!

There are hundreds if not thousands of Jews that travel on highways in northern NJ who stop at gas station convenience stores enroute to their homes and yet there has not been ONE INSTANCE of ant-Semitism. NOT ONE! Thousands stopping at all these service stations - that are so frequented by the Jewish community they have huge Kosher sections - and yet not one instance!

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Dec 10, 2023·edited Dec 10, 2023

This attempted cloud of “antisemitism” diversion, aiming to obscure the US funded and armed Israeli massacres in Palestine….is a PR strategy created by Biden’s disinformation department…..which if you look closely…..is run by a zionist neocon who was also previously running censorship at “Farcebook” as it should be called. And she has previously been running propaganda operations for the neocon zionists such as Victoria Nuland and Kagan, in their war on Russia in Ukraine:


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They are so far behind the times on this - no amount of anything is not exposing this for what it truly is. You could be completely illiterate and yet know someone who was injured and or died from the injections. The same injections that were safe and effective. The very same injections that killed millions, which they censored. It doesn't work because reality is now all-pervading. The speed in which every utterance of this PR stunt is being debunked is glorious.

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Sounds like an awful place to live, BJ.

Come live here in Michigan! We have lots of beautiful rural areas in which one can remain semi-self sufficient.

Get out of that concrete jungle; it’s unnatural and kills one’s very soul!

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I grew up in a beautiful rural area. There were plenty of dead souls there too.

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Dec 11, 2023·edited Dec 11, 2023

I’d live in a cardboard box in the countryside before I’d live in a penthouse in Noo Yawk.


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Che, if you don’t mind me asking…where do you live? 🙂

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RemovedDec 13, 2023·edited Dec 13, 2023
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Ok, I wondered why I couldn’t find you! Thanks 🙂

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Dec 11, 2023·edited Dec 11, 2023

Absolute TRUTH! Just at Zabar's in Manhattan's UWS. Typical projection, hasbara for sneeringly brainwashed Goyim CNN/ MSNBC consumption! Halloween Parade, NYC Marathon, pro-Palestinian protests & Jewish holidays... NOTHING! It's typical scam to ethnicly/ politically cleanse the BEST, most effective journalists, activitist lawyers, scholars & lefty politicians OUT, by United Democracy Project & Canary Mission! So, NU?

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So there's nothing in NY either? Reahlly? Do tell!

I always said I live in NY but sleep in NJ. Those days are long gone - the city is a total shit hole and you're not safe anywhere - this coming from someone who previously feared nothing and spent my life in the city.

The best was the outdoor dining - can you think of anything more filthy than the streets of NYC and people were sitting outside eating actually thinking this was safer than being indoors?!? The infestation of rats the hundreds of thousands of dogs pissing and shitting all over? The mountains of garbage? I still laugh . . . .

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I used to think of vermin, violence & psychopaths, as the GOOD stuff, in the 70s? Riff-raff bailing to Bayonne meant, I could get Pocono Cheesecake & Hometown Amish smoked pork & park safety while visiting. OK, you're RIGHT... back to Pixboig fer this jagoffs, an'at!

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At least in the 70's you knew who was coming to get you - now . . . . it could be anyone

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We know it even BETTER now. But it's basically the same Oligarch's media & duopoly, now? It's been an eye-opener to anybody in specious DENIAL, since Fannie Lou Hamer, James Baldwin & Malcolm Little still appeared on TV?

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found this news story which maybe offers a little hope? teensy, but still


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The president of a university provided a nuanced answer and explained a fairly standard educational policy line between freedom of speech on a theoretical issue vs threatening a co-student…..and was promptly threatened by the Zionist-dominated board of her own university.

But that policy she explained is exactly what would be expected of a university, in which freedom of speech is critical in order to discuss issues and advance knowledge.

If you find it “hopeful” that the U.S. government and the directorship of universities is actively censoring free speech on universities and not sure what you are hoping for, other than fascism.

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I got it wrong. When I read the article I thought it was saying that she had been saying that the people speaking in support of the Palestinian people are anti semites. I am sorry. I do not find that hopeful at all and I completely retract my comment.

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I’m not sure how it’s any kind of hopeful that the president of the university is being forced to resign for saying that free speech doesn’t violate the University of Pennsylvania’s code of conduct. Perhaps you could clarify where you’re finding that ray of hope?

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I thought she had said, incorrectly, that there was a rise in antisemitism (i.e. opposition to the Israeli response to October 7) on the campus. I re-read the article and, to be honest, I am not sure what she said.

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No worries. Anyone that reads your coments knows your heart is in the right place. Hang in there.

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What's most amazing is that people don't stand behind their morals - you have children you lead by example how do you go home at the end of the day knowing you equivocated and sold yourself out, how is there not the largest resignation in Washington for the continued support of weapons to Israel that have slaughtered how many children? I've never been nor will ever be a conformist. I find myself laughing at this free speech debate will they begin censoring or jailing us for writing negative product reviews?!?

Conflicting restaurant, movie, automobile, appliances, school, technical reviews?

The goods new is it's over - it's not coming back now we just sit back and wait for the revolution and civil war. NYC - San Francisco - everything is gone - no one will believe the results of the 2024 elections and probably the final nail in this coffin

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I may be wrong, but I think Susan T is pointing out that the president of the university showed courage in refusing to change his principled position. I am certain they tried to get him to recant, but he refused. That does give me hope.

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Dec 10, 2023·edited Dec 10, 2023

She recanted her statement afterwards when threatened with the loss of her tenured professor position.

And she failed to point out that her inquisitor has been writing cheques to the military industry and Israel to perpetrate ACTUAL GENOCIDE on civilians in Gaza!

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👍 Okay, I understand. Thank you for clarifying the situation.

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"Any population that’s sufficiently saturated with propaganda and indoctrination will wind up mostly supporting the thing they’re being propagandized and indoctrinated into supporting; that’s the purpose of propaganda and indoctrination.

The majority of westerners subscribe to the mainstream worldview which supports western imperialism for exactly the same reason — because they were propagandized and indoctrinated into that worldview. "

We are being pitted against each other on so many levels. It helps people like Biden and Netanyahu and their cohorts to keep committing atrocities. We need to find a way to neutralize the propaganda.

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As long as the majority of westerners continue to buy into the morally bankrupt BS (spawned by the Wall Street cherished Social Darwinist Ideeology) that "Empathy is a Weakness and Might Equals Right". it will be impossible to neutralize the EGOCENTRIC socially destructive propaganda.

That said, I thank you for your altruisn and empathy. You ARE part of the solution, if we caring "mice" (see graphics below) are ever to obtain it.



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I haven't really got to the bottom of this. Israel, as the occupying force, clearly doesn't have the right to defend itself against the occupied nor those under siege, only the duty to leave or to end the siege.

However the Palestinians do have a right to resist occupation and can therefore attack occupiers whether the occupiers are wearing official military uniforms or not. October 7th cannot then be counted as war crimes?

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— "However the Palestinians do have a right to resist occupation and can therefore attack occupiers whether the occupiers are wearing official military uniforms or not."

This is not true, I presume you're referring to the international definition of the right to resist occupation and that legal right still comes with the requirement to abide by humanitarian law and to NOT target civilians. You may disagree with this but that's the law, like it or not.

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'The law' in most sovereign states- (which international arbiter would judge Hamas crimes?) says that abused wives are required to NOT kill their husbands. I bet a very good case could be made by Palestinians for diminished responsibility on the grounds of severe abuse over many years.

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International law under the UN? Where is the charter of 'humanitarian law', who is signed up to it and when, apart from Nazi 'war criminals' why hasn't anyone else like the bombing of Dresden etc been prosecuted under it?

Would army reservist, gun owning settler colonisers stealing your house count as civilians?

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What point are you trying to make? In your original comment you're clearly referring to international law with your points about Israel not having a right to defend itself (it does have a right to protect itself from attack on the other hand), then your point referring to Palestinian right to resistance is clearly in reference to UNGA Resolution 37/43 which affirms the legitimacy of the resistance "for independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means, including armed struggle." Note that that is all *means necessary* (i.e. protest, legal, military), not *methods* (i.e. gunning down kids, grannies and even those evil Zionist pet dogs).

— "why hasn't anyone else like the bombing of Dresden etc been prosecuted under it?"

How bizarre that you would use Dresden as justification when Israel are also using Dresden as a justification for their genocide.

— "Where is the charter of 'humanitarian law', who is signed up to it and when, apart from Nazi 'war criminals' why hasn't anyone else like the bombing of Dresden etc been prosecuted under it?"

Irrelevant points, either you refer to international law which actually has some standing and utility to Palestinian people. Or you're just making a personal opinion, which has none.

— "Would army reservist, gun owning settler colonisers stealing your house count as civilians?"

There's some homework for you to research, including the rules of armed conflict.

This summary from an organisation dedicated to defending Palestinians through legal means is a worthwhile summary: https://law4palestine.org/do-palestinians-have-the-right-to-resist-and-what-are-the-limits-short-article/

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Those guilty of indiscriminate killing of civilians on Oct 7th seems to be the Israeli forces far more than Hamas.

There is a reason that the ill disciplined killing of some civilians by a faction of Hamas at the end of a generally highly discipline and well planned raid that targeted military bases and took civilian captives (and by all accounts treated them far more humanely than their Palestinian counterparts who outnumber them), is called a violation of international humanitarian law, or war crimes (though it's not a war as Palestine is not a state) or 'atrocities' and not just murders to be tried in court.

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? Yes i know the Israelis are using Dresden to justify, though Dresden was itself a war crime. That's my point, the 'law' as in the 'rules' are set by precedent. What is challenged, and therefore what is set in precedent in the ICJ seems to be biased to the countries that won WW2.

The UN is useless at enforcing 'international law' as regards Israel even when it's committing a genocide, it's not taking them to court nor making them stop by force.

Does the 'right' to resist include the 'right' to indiscriminately kill civilians (which Hamas didn't do much of, if any, that was Israel, and the taking of 'hostages' was proportional; there were far less Israeli hostages than Palestinian civilians detained by Israel without charge), no, but that does not mean that Hamas actions would necessarily lead to a conviction and sentence until it is tried and tested in a true and fair court of law- and as the UN and it's ICJ has set itself up as the arbiters of justice, with the 5 leaders US, France, UK, China and Russia having the right to veto any resolution or action to enforce IHL however egregiously it's being broken by Israel, then good luck with an biased trial. The UN, ICJ and IHL are toothless, not fit for purpose and the 'law' is an ass.

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Dec 10, 2023·edited Dec 10, 2023

Resistance to an illegal occupation is not a war crime. The United Nations has for decades stated that Israel is legally occupying not only Gaza, but also the West Bank and the Golan Heights of Syria.

Whatever is going on in the chaos of an area ILLEGALLY OCCUPIED AND CONTROLLED BY ISRAEL……is israel’s fault.

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— "Resistance to an illegal occupation is not a war crime."

The right to resistance granted by international law (Geneva Conventions) does not grant the right to target civilians or commit acts of terrorism during resistance. You might not like that and might desperately want to support the killing of grandmas, children, pets and innocent people, but it is what it is and it isn't protected.

No doubt you've seen this excerpt from UNGA Resolution 37/43: “legitimacy of the people’s struggle for liberation from colonial and foreign domination...by all available means.” However, the part you might have missed is the right to resist is subject to the rules of international humanitarian law, including respecting the distinction between civilians and combatants.

Read all about it https://law4palestine.org/do-palestinians-have-the-right-to-resist-and-what-are-the-limits-short-article/#

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The Israeli has occupied Palestine, in violation of UN rules, brutlizes women and children in violation of UN rules and is bombing UN refugee facilities. And the Israeli regime DENIES the legitimacy of UN laws. This is what you need to know.

The rest of what you posted is attempted diversion from the Israeli criminal regime of mass murder.

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Stating facts you got wrong is not diversion. Either get your facts straight, admit they're just your opinion and nothing more, or pipe down.

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The facts are the Israeli regime are criminals occupying someone else’s land and. And they don’t recognise or respect international law even. Criminals.

There are your facts.

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Dec 10, 2023·edited Dec 10, 2023

You’re babbling “both sides ism” of the worst sort. The sort that would leave South Africans still in apartheid, and Mandela would have died in prison instead of being president of South Africa. But Mandela and his people did resist their oppressors:



Palestinians are an occupied people, as stated by the UN, Israel is the one illegally occupying them. Occupation of another country, or people, which is what Israel is doing in Gaza, IS illegal.


And armed resistance is not against international law and is not a war crime, as last I checked the US said this is why everyone should pour billions of dollars into Ukraine! No doubt you are among them.

So no both sides BS here.

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— "But Mandela and his people did resist their oppressors"

Yeah but the ANC explicitly went out of their way to avoid civilians deaths, they targeted infrastructure and the establishment.

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The Israeli regime has targeted ALL civilians and all infrastructure in Gaza for destruction. 20,000 civilians so far the Israelis have killed. 50% of them children. And rescued zero hostages.

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Dec 10, 2023·edited Dec 10, 2023

1) The conflict and oppression is decades old, it did not begin on October 2023.

2) There is no evidence of indiscriminate killing by the gazan resistance, and much evidence that on October 7th it was…Israel who massacred its own people: https://middleeastobserver.org/2023/10/29/new-evidence-that-idf-shelled-israeli-citizens-on-oct-7-killing-over-a-hundred/

2) The Ukrainian regime has been massacring civilians in eastern Ukraine since 2014. And continue to do so, with your support and money and weapons:



That massacre is one reason why Russia stepped in there:

So spare us the BS. Thanks. You are reeling off the completely un-credible hypocrisy of the Biden PR gang.

Anyone who actually cares about “both sides” should be calling for an immediate ceasefire, initiation of credible peace negotiations - and not least the banning of any funding or sending weapons into this area, sanctions for doing so, and the immediate withdrawal of Israel from all territories that the United nations has stated clearly that Israel is illegaly occupying. Because that’s what’s causing this fighting.

But you’re doing doing that. Just spreading lies and a cloud of noise. While supporting the sending of more weapons to kill civilians in there.

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If you were trying to escape from a German work or death camp during WW II would you be entitled to kill German civilians if necessary to accomplish that?

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What about the Palestinian hostages in IsraHelli prisons? The vast majority have been charged with…nothing.

If this isn’t hostage-taking, I don’t know what the fuck is.

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Has it occurred to you that Hamas is a POLITICAL ORGANIZATION (who happens to have an armed military wing)?

Hamas is responsible for Gazan infrastructure and institutions, including schools and hospitals.

And were democratically elected by the Gazan people, who opposed the corrupt, traitorous PA.

Most importantly, the vast majority of the world does NOT consider Hamas to be a “ terrorist organization”. That’s a western notion perpetrated by the United Snakes and its owner, IsraHell.

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And it's very hard for Hamas to help Gaza's infrastructure etc as Israel controls absolutely everything that goes into Gaza and everything and everyone that comes out.

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And what the fuck is the PA?

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I'm not sure who killed most Israeli civilians on Oct 7, the IDF or Hamas, and you should not be either. But I am entirely sure which side, Hamas or Israel has killed vastly more civilians than the other. Israel needed to elect better leadership a long time ago before it started this decades old ethnic cleansing operation.

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Palestinians need to elect better leadership? So do a lot of people ....need to elect better leadership. If only there were better leadership available to elect. somewhere. they must be hiding somewhere, huh?

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THAT, Dear One, is up to the Gazans.

Not YOU.

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some say ' violent resistance against an allegedly unjust state should not be seen as terrorism' i think we can say Israel is an unjust state

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If an Israeli settler bulldozes your house, occupies and lives on your land would you be disqualified from responding with force just because after he did it he waves to you and says have a nice day?

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Yes you DO KNOW! A reality based answer, rather than your straw grasping defamatory hyperbole, would state the FACT that the two tier "justice" system set up in Zionist Israel (FROM THE 1948 GETGO!) is DESIGNED to aid and abet the crime of stealing land and property from Palestinians WITHOUT ALLOWING THEM the same legal recourse that Israeli citizens have. This is TEXTBOOK APARTHEID CRIMINAL GOVERMENT that YOU, Pandraior Ora, FAST Friend of the Happy Hasbara, disingenuously pretend to "not know about".

Ezekiel AND Habakkuk are in the Torah. Perhaps you should listen to what they say about, not just the past, but the PRESENT DISOBEDIENT TO THE WILL OF GOD Israel:

"Ye stand upon your sword, ye work abomination, and ye defile every one his neighbour's wife: and shall ye possess the land?" Ezekiel 33:26

"Thou hast consulted shame to thy house by cutting off many people, and hast sinned against thy soul." -- Habakkuk 2:10

"Woe to him that buildeth a town with blood, and stablisheth a city by iniquity!" -- Habakkuk 2:12

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You might not but somebody else might if it meant getting that settler to knock off his violence and force him to give back the land.

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so you must be appalled that the IDF has killed 17000 civilians in retalian for the occupied saying they are fed up.

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Dec 10, 2023·edited Dec 10, 2023

I don't see the comments as justifying Hamas' attacks. They were resisting being occupied. I used to call myself a pacifist, but then I heard someone saying that they did not believe violence was justified even for self defence. As someone who has been abused, I totally disagree that defending oneself however one has to, even if it means perpetrating limited violence, is the same as violence to maintain power over others. Failing to defend yourself is violence against yourself. I do agree, though, that more death does not wash away anything.

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If only conflicts were as regulated and tidy as you’d like them to be. While you’re at it, how about a ref in kneesocks on the sidelines, blowing a whistle on whoever crosses the line? Remember the Irish “troubles”? The IRA used to regularly bomb locations in England places like Harrods, and they killed civilians. For some reason this did not cause the British govt to bomb Dublin.

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Well, maybe the Brits finally acknowledged that they had already caused enough harm and misery to the Irish by their past history

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It takes less effort when you have another big bully handing you ammunition and bombs

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No, for there to be war crimes there must be war. According to international law, war, in principle, can only take place between sovereign political entities, that is, States. Nether Palestine nor Gaza nor Hamas is a sovereign entity nor State. Hamas is a political party in occupied territory that doesn't have self determination.

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you are making a lot of assumptions. I have not seen much in these comments that says Hamas are a bunch of good guys. Only that they were resisting occupation. Their crimes are there, but they recede far into the background when there are 17000 (and more) people murdered as revenge for an act that may have been poorly thought out, violent, wrong, nasty, whatever you want. It gets to be a little ridiculous when, in order to say that what the IDF is doing is wrong and they are committing crimes against humanity, each time we have to say but Hamas also did a wrong thing too just so that we are not seen as anti-semitic. When the US went in and murdered all those Iraquis, it was clear. Maybe some Iraquis did cruel and awful things too. And, it turned out, the US was not even defending itself. Just wanted to be sure their access to oil was not interrupted. The financial aspect of these conflicts is stomach turning.

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“unfortunately it will go on as long as the US President is blessing it, vetoing the end of it, and flooding Israel with arms and financial support,” my friend in E. Jerusalem , responded to my letter to the editor calling for Israel’s ceasefire. But I will continue to object Biden’s unconstitutional and unconscionable actions !

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Well said.

Biden, Blinken et al have BLOOD on their hands they will NOT be able to wash off with hypocritical platitudes, as Caitlin's painting makes crystal clear!


"For in the hand of the Lord there is a cup, and the wine is red; it is full of mixture; and he poureth out of the same: but the dregs thereof, all the wicked of the earth shall wring them out, and drink them." -- Psalm 75 verse 8

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I believe that most of the unconditional support for the Zionist state comes from a Talmudic upbringing. The commentaries on the Torah AKA The Babylonian Talmud is a set of Rabbinical books flogging Jewish supremacism. The commentaries are anti-Gentile and especially anti-Christian. The idiots who call themselves Christian Zionists follow a rewritten bible known as the Schofield Bible which was paid for by Zionist money in the early 20th century. It's teaching are the complete opposite of Apostolic Christianity, and is thus a heresy!

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The Schofield Bible was written by a convicted 19th Century con artist. The dude was probably tarred and feathered a few times. The doctrine of dispensationalism, where God dispensed Palestine to the Jews so that they could act as Jesus bait in the End Times so the Elect could ascend to Heaven in the Rapture, is totally made up bullshit about the Revelation of St. John the Divine, which was either a poetic description of the Sixth Century Collapse or a mushroom trip or both.

But it sure has made a lot of money for fundamentalist Christian preachers since Hal Lindsay came out with The Late Great Planet Earth back in 1970. If you want to understand this weird Christian heresy, read the book.

THC or alcohol strongly recommended to increase receptivity to fantasy.

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Just more proof that Christopher Hitchens was right: "Religion poisons everything".

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Interesting. I'm learning here. I've only recently started reading about Protestant Dispensationalism. It's essential in understanding the origins of the Christian Zionists in the U.S., whose extremism in support of Israel (at least in the U.S.) is more than ever on full display. There's no basis for it in traditional Christianity -- it is, as you bluntly put it, "made up". Of course, history has shown us that made-up ideologies can lead to war and genocide. The CZs' organizations seem to have extensive links with Israel-based organizations.

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Upon re-reading Caitlin's piece (and clicking on some links this time), I see she has very helpfully included this article, which has the subtitle "Israel’s war rhetoric is laced with biblical references, a ploy aimed at wooing Christian Evangelicals in the US. Here’s how British theologian Stephen Sizer unpacks this phenomenon."


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It is about a colonialist, supremacist ideology namely zionism, nothing to do with Talmudic scroptures. The Haredi Jews who live by Talmudic teachings are the people most likely to be antizionist.

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When 71% of a population thinks it's OK to ethnically cleanse the indigenous people of Palestine, I believe more is involved than the political ideology of Zionism. The basic precepts of the commentaries is a world ruled by Jews with the use of labour from the human animals known as Goyim. Though some Orthodox Jews view Israel as an affront to God and are anti-Zionist, others do not and embrace it.

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There are still many who are asking for Israel to drop more bombs. Majority of them are found below Rapture preaching YouTube channels. Somehow they cannot criticize what Israel is doing because that would jeopardize their mansion in the sky. Comments are still full of 'go Israel', 'prayers for Israel' just blood boiling content. It feels like they think God with will welcome them with open arms if they support this genocide.

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Any "Christian"who thinks God with will "welcome them with open arms if they support this Genocide" is either a HERETIC or a victim of AIPAC funded Hasbara Legerdemain.


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It does seem to be changing. I went on WAPO this morning expecting to see a lot of Pro-Israeli comments. Not too many.

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i clicked on a couple of yahoo stories, and it was nonstop pro US pro Israel propaganda.

no dissenting voices that I saw.

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I don't go on any other sites or MSM except WAPO.

I guess I am not surprised.

Thanks pretzel.

I will look again in a few days.

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Look at the current crop of Repuke-licans currently vying for their presidential nomination.

In particular, Icky Haley. When asked how many Gazans should die, she replied, ALL OF THEM! This is the same Icky Haley who said the she “ stomps out unions with her high heels”. Hey Icky, I wear cowgirl boots, and those pointed toes gonna HURT when I plant ‘em in your ass!

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Riding their coattails is Stefanik, the grand inquisitor in the House.

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What a disgusting bitch that one is.

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She already looked like Vivek planted one firmly during the last debate.

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It’s a blind allegiance to an ideology, a social hive , a church thing , a conglomerate of fixations that couldn’t be sandblasted into reality if you tried ( and you do!). Keep at it .

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Caitlin, another great article. Tell it like it is.


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The right to resist under international law is tenuous and rarely discussed according to wikipedia 'According to Shannonbrooke Murphy, the lack of respect for the right to resist is discordant with the reality that the United Nations itself and the entire architecture of human rights might not exist if their supporters had not resorted to the use of force against the Axis powers.[12] Furthermore, Murphy argues that this rule is unfair to human rights defenders in the worst situations and its effect "has led to a perverse situation whereby international human rights law effectively abandons the majority of people facing grave or massive human rights violations".

The UN being a catspaw of the US and international law (which is being ignored by Israel) is clearly set up to favour the colonial Euroean supremacist powers.

It's all part of the rot.

Unsurprisingly; 'Forty-two countries explicitly recognize a constitutional right to resist, as does the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights.

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Dec 10, 2023·edited Dec 10, 2023

“….US officials were reportedly shocked when Israeli officials indicated they were preparing to inflict civilian casualties in Gaza that would be reminiscent of world war horrors, ….”

They cannot be shocked because they haev done it too:


And are are not just sending bombs to Israel but even ones with white phosphorus, which are pure evil terrorism:




And the US KNOW what the white phosphorus weapons they are giving the Israelis results in:


Any feigning of “shock” or “surprise” is all kabuki……because they know that sooner or later, someone is going to come after them in a court of law.

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US officials are as shocked as this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjbPi00k_ME

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I don’t click on vague YouTube links with nothing but numbers. You should write the title of the post and the name of the account.

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Indeed they would. They are broken beyond repair and a complete loss for humanity’s chances of getting out from under the Beyond-Insane-Ones boot.

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".....This doesn’t mean western imperialism shouldn’t be ferociously opposed; it absolutely must be. Even if that puts you standing against the indoctrinated majority....."

The biggest and most successful coup the system has ever constructed is to get the vast majority of people living in the American empire (America itself Europe Canada Australia etc) is to brainwash the inhabitants into believing the utter lying rubbish that passes as news in this Orwellian domain of duplicity. And who runs this empire? Not the people elected who merely serve as useful local councillors in charge of local issues but nothing else. The Orwellian Big Brothers are Zionist both semits and gentile. It is nightmare which has resulted in masses of detached limbs from dead children being piled into heaps for burial while the vast majority of the sleepers in the empire eat their bread whilst watching their games on TV. We are living in a nightmare and it is called fully developed capitalism practicing its imperialism via its chosen people.

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"Chosen" by God was never mean to be a supremacist stance. It was supposed to be following a set of rules of decency fairness and justice. Showing the higher path to actual human healthy behaviors, not to exclude all others or for a clan group or cult.

But as it is in all hierarchical structure it turns into whatever the power center deams it to be.. The madness of the power drug takes over and what the abusive psycopath craves the most, so they seek the positions of power then they basyerdized this ideal into elivating themselves to a God like status power structure of a hierarchy fallacy of might makes right and then self delude to anoint themselves sacrosanct and deserving.

I have overheard Jewish business folks actually say if somone else can be conned and taken advantage of than they must have deserved it. But if they get taken it's because of antisemitism. And when confronting a jewish colleague they shrug a shoulder and say well I'm Jewish, like that's an adequate excuse enough.

When you point out this experience you are quickly labled anti-Semitic.

Its as if to avoid that smear you must agree to view them in only a favorable light..You must love your abuser or face more abuse. And if you point out the abuse they tell you that you are imature for playing the victim. Grown ups act like scum bags, now man up and take it,,,with the going interest rates our banker buddies manufactured and political shills will enforce to keep you subservient.. Because you are our serfs and we are your betters, we got "chosen" now. back to work!

Ziopathology is their norm.

(not all Jewish folks think and behavies this way) but it is a cultural accepted thing.

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