I'm sure that bombing Gaza to a pulp was a 'red line' for Palestinians, but Israel didn't give a monkeys about that, did they? Why not? Because Gazans have no nuclear missiles to pulp Tel Aviv with.
Iran is highly armed and is capable of causing 200,000 Israeli deaths quite easily if they so chose.
It's a bit late for Israelis to start pissing their pants over reprisals. They deserve to get bombed, they ought to be bombed and a lot of senior Israeli politicians deserve to die during those bombings. Maybe they will not get bombed, but it will only be because others operate a superior moral code to Israelis.
Apparently, no matter how many Gazans that Smotrich rejoices in killing, that racist psychopath has human rights that prevent anyone killing him.
Israeli really needs to look in a mirror and see how racist they are as a nation.
Very sad. Death and more death. Unimaginable pain and suffering. Not that I don't agree with you here, that the Israelis will have brought this upon themselves. But my God people - surely there is a better way than this for the human race? How many lives will be blotted out in the next few weeks? What's the point of it all?
What [ was ] the point of the Korean Civil/Conflict? ... the Vietnam Conflict ... the Afghanistan Conflict ... the Iraq Conflict ... the Libya Conflict? ... all [C]onstititional wars of aggression ... No Declaration of war see Article 1 section 11 paragraph 8; all were wars of aggression in violation of International Law, which is the supreme crime.
Yeah - Hitler was in it for the money. Got it. Ghengis Khan, just wanted to be super rich. Keep me posted on any more pearls of wisdom you might want to share! (Daddy-O)
The second world war never really ended, and rather than to go on about it; that's why I don't rely on weapons for my safety, or why I don't take people very seriously, because I learned early on that a true friend is someone who hasn't got around to stabbing you in the back yet. I would love to be able to love people, but really, this is Nazi Germany in the USA; mass killing is about to begin. Also, I was informed a few minutes ago that snipers will probably be installed on the roof of where I live; Democrats!
it looks like there is no other way in this case. it's like taking the carkeys from your drunk friend. it is obvious that israel will regard the absence of a kinetic response as a new psychological win which will lead to repetition and escalation of the working tactic, etc ... at a certain moment in a crisis situation involving violent psychopaths, words and appeasement won't help and the tranquilizer darts and the strait-jacket seem the only way out.
Yes - I have to sadly agree with you here. I am not one who believes there can always be peace at any price, including self-sacrifice. But one can still be sad at the tragedy of it all, and the sick human carnage that could have been avoided.
When 50% of the Jewish operation back the raping and killing of prisoners and children, I really think this is not a human made vengeance. God is going to punish those Jews that think and behave like animals. I am 100% confident that innocent Jews who follow their religion and believe in their hart what they think and do is right will not be harmed.
I would like to think it's not some random nightmare we live in and that we're all here to learn. But maybe the nihilists are right - we're just some accidental virus meant to reproduce and nothing more.
Don’t forget Israel suffer from the Masada complex and it is more than possible they will use nuclear bombs. If that happens Russia will use them as well in Ukraine. Remember that when the ill-conceived attack on Suez happened the Soviets took the opportunity to invade Hungary.
"Putin is a creature of Soviet authoritarianism" - and western ruling monsters are creatures of what? Is Putin an instigator or a responder, and quite inept at that?
Whataboutism at work. How very Soviet of you. Which Western monsters are you talking about? Trump? Bush? I’m sure Putin in his own mind is reacting to provocation.
'whataboutism at work' :-). the article is about israel, gaza and iran. israeli attempts to piggy-back on the much better european consent-manufacturing regarding ukraine, imo. (even the kursk-incursion looks like a copy of the palestinian jail-break hoping for a disproportionate russian retaliation, imo).
The CIA?? I don’t think the CIA drive tanks into Hungary. The CIA were bad actors across the globe. I’m not criticizing the Soviets - though they would deserve it. I was simply making an observation about opportunism. Some might think it was strategically clever. What wasn’t was the ridiculous reprise of imperial grandeur from the British and French.
"I don’t think the CIA drive tanks into Hungary" - they created the situation necessitating that.
Hungary was a proper ally of Hitler's. Romania as well. Czechoslovakia rolled over and worked for Hitler with its extensive industrial might. As well as the rest of Eastern Europe. Yes, they were occupied. You seem to wonder why.
Like I said - educate yourself. While at it look up Churchill's "Operation Unthinkable". You appear propagandized to the gills, hence extremely ignorant.
The CIA was not formed until 1947. Funny that the inveigled the Hungarians into supporting Hitler who died in 1945. You are stupid little f/wit. People have agency without the CIA in every nook and cranny. Take Iran. Kermit Roosevelt exaggerated the CIA’s role. The generals wanted to displace Mossadegh.
Hmmm exaggerated? I would go back to the history, it is undisputed consensus thru documentated evidence that the Iran coup was instigated by us and British. Why? Well mossadegh and Iran parliament nationalized oil industry, which had been controlled comprehensively by Anglo-Iran oil, aka bp. Iran was compensated a . minuscule portion of revenues, keeping it in abject poverty. Btw Academic research documents something like 54 covert and 10 overt coups by the cia since 1947 , tho I don’t remember the end date. We can add more to the number for recent coups I’m sure. It’s what the us does: usually for corporate control of resources like oil copper lithium etc.
Read that. It says the American role was a minor one. The locals have agency. That is all I said. Roosevelt wanted to make himself look more important than he was.
So you're shilling for the deep state and next will go on debunking "conspiracy theories". Welcome to the family of the forum's buffoons - don't worry, you're not alone 🤣🤡
Oh the deep state. Who was to know. You’re so clever - define it. Nathan Rothschild maybe. He’s only been dead for about 190 years. Anachronism is your forte it would seem. What you see as conspiracy I see as the consequence of bumbling people creating chaos.
Who are those bumbling people? Are you not bumbling from time to time? With what result - a few wars here and there? No? Well some bumbling people somewhere able to bumble with quite a bit more consequence. Not at your level at all, right, small fry?
Are you trolling or just a regular dimwit? Can't tell so far, but keep going... 🤡
"If Israel uses nukes then Russia will"... Why? Israel isn't going to nuke Russia, and if they did, why would Russia respond by nuking Ukraine? What a moronic thing to say. Who's the only country in history to have used nukes?
Such a scenario is hard to imagine as almost no one wants the megadeaths of a nuclear war. But.....If Israel uses nukes on Iran, it is very likely Russia will use nukes on Israel, their inter agreements are not public but this is not much of a stretch. The worldwide hell that follows such a hypothetical will certainly include Israeli nuke attacks on Russia if any Israeli nukes remain undestroyed.
Who would attack them? None of their neighbors because they have quite a stock of nukes. The Russians? Unlikely because the US is far too formidable. Don’t underestimate the Masada complex. I pasted an article from the Jerusalem Post which makes for a sobering reading.
Masada with an A. Israel has nuclear weapons. If they start to lose or suffer severely they will use them. Otherwise what was the point in developing them in the first place? I am sure the Iranians think they would and that is one of the reasons for equipping themselves accordingly.
It seems the only problem that Robert B Walker seeks to address is my leaving the final 'a' off the end of Masada? May I suggest that the big problem for the entire world is that an apartheid terrorist State, governed by religious extremists, actually possesses nuclear weapons & you can't argue with God or his 'Chosen People', aka the butchers of the Holy Land. I thought nuclear weapons were supposed to keep the peace.
I don’t understand the question. It has aircraft that could deliver a bomb. I assume they have missiles. They have a very sophisticated weapons industry. But they wouldn’t nuke their immediate neighbors. It would be Iran.
Delivery would not be a problem, but nuclear weapons tend to spread radioactive dust throughout an entire region. Iran & Israel may be a thousand miles apart but I doubt if the gov'ts of Kuwait or Iraq (to name just 2) would be best pleased.
Why would Israel care about either of them? One of the ministers raised the prospect of nuking Gaza! Are you familiar with the Masada complex? That concept is representative of the Israeli mindset. I have no doubt that if Israel suffered 200,000 civilian they would take the most extreme measures possible.
13 sovereign countries border Iran & I doubt if Israel wants to upset a NATO country such as Turkey. I am familiar with the history of Israel & the Masad Complex isn't the only complex Zionists suffer from, it's usually Paranoiad Anti-Semitism.
It seems the river israeli's are talking about, a river of urine : ) What Iran is going to do is an effort of peace. Sometimes the insane person must be removed and hospitalized for their own safety.
"The IDF headquarters is located smack dab in the heart of Tel Aviv, so any attack on the hub of the Israeli war machine would necessarily occur in the vicinity of civilian population centers."
So Iran can honestly say, "We had no choice! The IDF is using civilians as human shields!" It's about time for the genocidal maniacs to get a taste of their own medicine. (Yeah, I know that's cruel to say, but after 10 months of livestreaming genocide, it's hard to not want to see the genocidaires receive their comeuppance.) #FreePalestine
I too don't believe there are that many but the fact remains that they do exist. We are all human and we must learn to stand up as people and say no. Enough is enough. Indeed it is far too much.
Other than kids, since when are Israelis 18+ y/o who served in the IDF ever considered “civilians”? They shot at least one innocent Palestinian in their life
Always on point Caitlin, israel has proven time and time again they do not care about targeting civilians, doctors , medics teachers, children, families praying . It’s time the world hold the USA and israel accountable, for this genocide and brutal 75 year occupation. And make them abide by the icj ruling stating israel has to withdraw from all Palestinian territory unconditionally and dismantle all illegal settlements. Then this can end so the regions people can live in peace, freedom and justice .
Every accusation is a confession. This is the most abusive, hypocritical, murderous regime in the world. It's is a mad dog regime on the end of the US chain
Israeli officials have publicly cited the bombing of German and Japanese cities during the Second World War as justification for their war crimes and genocide in Gaza. So they have chosen to forfeit protection of their own civilian population under the Geneva Conventions. They can’t have it both ways. Simple as that.
Israel must be the most depraved state on the planet right now. What it richly deserves is the fate that befell that other most depraved state of its time in 1945, although that doesn't seem to be within the realm of possibility at present.
>>"Israel must be the most depraved state on the planet right now"
Without a doubt! A close 2nd is the US. And then many of the other Western nations... They are seeped in a history of colonization and imperialism and everything that follows from it...
Israel's depravity mostly stems from the fact that its citizens are virtually unanimous in supporting the Zionist project. The U.S. has done far more damage than Israel, but America's wars have mostly been engineered by small cabals who took pains to hide the truth from the populace. And anti-war movements were sometimes formidable.
Israel and its inhabitants win the first rank in depravity, hands down and no question about it.
"But it is worth highlighting these contradictions anyway, to contextualize all the histrionic garment-rending we’re going to witness should an attack on or near civilian population centers occur in the coming days."....and the ranting and raving of Western Media as they dish out the headlines for their readers to absorb and believe (sadly).
The most disappointing aspect to all the past and now the new headlines, the consistent #1 being ..."Israel has a right to defend itself", is that the reverse is true this time but that will not impact the Western media whose jaundiced writings we now expect every day, all with the stamp of approval from Biden, Harris and Trump, obviously the best that America can muster.
Hitler, Goebbels, et al were avid students of Zionist, American, and English methods. James Q. Whitman's "Hitler's American Model; The United States and
the Making of Nazi Race Law" goes into significant detail re the USA. Lenni Brenner's "Zionism in the Age of Dictators" covers Zionists' collaboration with German nazism and Italian fascism. Goebbels was a fan of Edward Bernays'. Churchill's propaganda also was noted and studied by Goebbels. Nazis were admirers of Britain, England in particular.
Hitler and Goebbels were believers that the most effective propaganda was the TRUTH. believe it or not.
Goebbels wasn't remotely a "fan" of Bernays. In fact, he loathed the serial lying dick and everything he stood for.
It was the ALL LIES who noted and studied Goebbels - not the other way around.
The only "fact" you got right was the fact that Hitler admired the British for their writers and their history. He couldn't believe they were so completely corrupted by the tribal tyranny unleashed on them by the REAL BAD GUYZ destroying Britain from the inside out.
" corrupted by the tribal tyranny unleashed on them" - by "tribal tyranny" you're hinting at Jews, right?
Let me explain a few things to you:
- first of all, the facts you've put in quotes are not mine but based on the books that I listed. So address those guys, maybe having read the books first
- secondly, Goebbels was not a fan of Bernays *as a person* (who was a Jew after all, as that's what you're cowardly hinting at, aintcha?) but a fan of his methods. See the difference?
Now, cunt, fuck off with your racist shit. Hope this last "fact" is clear to you.
Cowardly? Hardly. Racist? Absolutely! I loathe the Tribe and their characterless defenders for who they are and what they do. Anyone running interference for them by spewing crap like you do deserves nothing but contempt from rational and honest humans - something you're not now nor ever will be.
"Now, doofus, Stuff your BS where the sun don't shine. Is FOAD clear enough for you?"
You, being a fuckhead, don't realize that shit happens to all the races, including Jews, as well as your idol Adolf Hitler's German-speaking ones.
Then we go on to examine what they actually do. Currently Jews commit genocide in the Middle East. Before them Germans committed genocide against Jews *as well as* Slavs and others they considered inferior.
Perennially, the US either committed (against American Indians in particular) or has been committing genocide directly, or sponsoring it throughout the world. You can continue with the Brits, French, Belgians, Dutch, etc.
Who taught you English - a mexican roofer? Nothing you say makes anything clearer.
Tell me...what is it about you potty mouthed jews? Do you really believe accusing those who have your number of being "fuckheads" and "cunts" makes you the winner in these kinds of wasted exchanges?
Face it - You're a waste of food. You're a dishonest, delusional, foul-mouthed low IQ belligerent. NOW, Puhleaze ignore me like I'm planning on ignoring you.
I'm here to exchange ideas with informed, intelligent and honest people. I don't have time to deal with foul-mouthed miscreants with mental health issues.
What a shame, the biter bit...But I don't think Iran is in any hurray, they are getting lots of benefits from threatening attacks that don't happen...When the US gets tired of waiting and recalls the Navy, then they'll attack...
Given the Israeli government has Hitler & co as role models, perhaps they should go the whole hog and find a cosy little bunker to end their days... Maybe invite Biden and Harris for a sleepover?
I'm sure that bombing Gaza to a pulp was a 'red line' for Palestinians, but Israel didn't give a monkeys about that, did they? Why not? Because Gazans have no nuclear missiles to pulp Tel Aviv with.
Iran is highly armed and is capable of causing 200,000 Israeli deaths quite easily if they so chose.
It's a bit late for Israelis to start pissing their pants over reprisals. They deserve to get bombed, they ought to be bombed and a lot of senior Israeli politicians deserve to die during those bombings. Maybe they will not get bombed, but it will only be because others operate a superior moral code to Israelis.
Apparently, no matter how many Gazans that Smotrich rejoices in killing, that racist psychopath has human rights that prevent anyone killing him.
Israeli really needs to look in a mirror and see how racist they are as a nation.
Very sad. Death and more death. Unimaginable pain and suffering. Not that I don't agree with you here, that the Israelis will have brought this upon themselves. But my God people - surely there is a better way than this for the human race? How many lives will be blotted out in the next few weeks? What's the point of it all?
What [ was ] the point of the Korean Civil/Conflict? ... the Vietnam Conflict ... the Afghanistan Conflict ... the Iraq Conflict ... the Libya Conflict? ... all [C]onstititional wars of aggression ... No Declaration of war see Article 1 section 11 paragraph 8; all were wars of aggression in violation of International Law, which is the supreme crime.
Read Wars a Racket by Smedley D. Butler
What is the point of ...?
dennis hanna
Yeah - Hitler was in it for the money. Got it. Ghengis Khan, just wanted to be super rich. Keep me posted on any more pearls of wisdom you might want to share! (Daddy-O)
The second world war never really ended, and rather than to go on about it; that's why I don't rely on weapons for my safety, or why I don't take people very seriously, because I learned early on that a true friend is someone who hasn't got around to stabbing you in the back yet. I would love to be able to love people, but really, this is Nazi Germany in the USA; mass killing is about to begin. Also, I was informed a few minutes ago that snipers will probably be installed on the roof of where I live; Democrats!
Not to attempt a complete answer to your question, just the part about Korea and; ever became of Hitler's SS personnel? These four articles.
it looks like there is no other way in this case. it's like taking the carkeys from your drunk friend. it is obvious that israel will regard the absence of a kinetic response as a new psychological win which will lead to repetition and escalation of the working tactic, etc ... at a certain moment in a crisis situation involving violent psychopaths, words and appeasement won't help and the tranquilizer darts and the strait-jacket seem the only way out.
Yes - I have to sadly agree with you here. I am not one who believes there can always be peace at any price, including self-sacrifice. But one can still be sad at the tragedy of it all, and the sick human carnage that could have been avoided.
When 50% of the Jewish operation back the raping and killing of prisoners and children, I really think this is not a human made vengeance. God is going to punish those Jews that think and behave like animals. I am 100% confident that innocent Jews who follow their religion and believe in their hart what they think and do is right will not be harmed.
The Hindus had to invent reincarnation, because it is obvious that there is no justice in this life.
"God" is a clever myth invented to justify the actions (no matter how heinous) of the faithful. Catch a clue.
I would like to think it's not some random nightmare we live in and that we're all here to learn. But maybe the nihilists are right - we're just some accidental virus meant to reproduce and nothing more.
"Israeli really needs to look in a mirror and see how racist they are as a nation."
They know. They don't care, as long as their American thug backs them unconditionally.
Don’t forget Israel suffer from the Masada complex and it is more than possible they will use nuclear bombs. If that happens Russia will use them as well in Ukraine. Remember that when the ill-conceived attack on Suez happened the Soviets took the opportunity to invade Hungary.
Russia is not the Soviet Union.
Did I say that it was? Putin is a creature of Soviet authoritarianism. Besides I was pointing out opportunism rather than political ideology.
"Putin is a creature of Soviet authoritarianism" - and western ruling monsters are creatures of what? Is Putin an instigator or a responder, and quite inept at that?
Whataboutism at work. How very Soviet of you. Which Western monsters are you talking about? Trump? Bush? I’m sure Putin in his own mind is reacting to provocation.
So you maintain the Ukraine invasion was unprovoked? How very American of you 🤣🤡
"Trump, Bush" - any other names come to your mind? Maybe current ones? Or are you asleep?
'whataboutism at work' :-). the article is about israel, gaza and iran. israeli attempts to piggy-back on the much better european consent-manufacturing regarding ukraine, imo. (even the kursk-incursion looks like a copy of the palestinian jail-break hoping for a disproportionate russian retaliation, imo).
The big words a bit beyond your monosyllabic intellect. Poor little diddums. Go and consult a dictionary and then come back.
He’s right though … you’re an ass.
And I’d say you’re a c@*t but you lack the warmth and depth.
Oh how original and witty 😖😂
"Soviets took the opportunity to invade Hungary" - educate yourself on the role of CIA in instigating both 1956 Hungary and 1968 Czechoslovakia.
The CIA?? I don’t think the CIA drive tanks into Hungary. The CIA were bad actors across the globe. I’m not criticizing the Soviets - though they would deserve it. I was simply making an observation about opportunism. Some might think it was strategically clever. What wasn’t was the ridiculous reprise of imperial grandeur from the British and French.
"I don’t think the CIA drive tanks into Hungary" - they created the situation necessitating that.
Hungary was a proper ally of Hitler's. Romania as well. Czechoslovakia rolled over and worked for Hitler with its extensive industrial might. As well as the rest of Eastern Europe. Yes, they were occupied. You seem to wonder why.
Like I said - educate yourself. While at it look up Churchill's "Operation Unthinkable". You appear propagandized to the gills, hence extremely ignorant.
The CIA was not formed until 1947. Funny that the inveigled the Hungarians into supporting Hitler who died in 1945. You are stupid little f/wit. People have agency without the CIA in every nook and cranny. Take Iran. Kermit Roosevelt exaggerated the CIA’s role. The generals wanted to displace Mossadegh.
Hmmm exaggerated? I would go back to the history, it is undisputed consensus thru documentated evidence that the Iran coup was instigated by us and British. Why? Well mossadegh and Iran parliament nationalized oil industry, which had been controlled comprehensively by Anglo-Iran oil, aka bp. Iran was compensated a . minuscule portion of revenues, keeping it in abject poverty. Btw Academic research documents something like 54 covert and 10 overt coups by the cia since 1947 , tho I don’t remember the end date. We can add more to the number for recent coups I’m sure. It’s what the us does: usually for corporate control of resources like oil copper lithium etc.
Read that. It says the American role was a minor one. The locals have agency. That is all I said. Roosevelt wanted to make himself look more important than he was.
So you're shilling for the deep state and next will go on debunking "conspiracy theories". Welcome to the family of the forum's buffoons - don't worry, you're not alone 🤣🤡
Oh the deep state. Who was to know. You’re so clever - define it. Nathan Rothschild maybe. He’s only been dead for about 190 years. Anachronism is your forte it would seem. What you see as conspiracy I see as the consequence of bumbling people creating chaos.
Who are those bumbling people? Are you not bumbling from time to time? With what result - a few wars here and there? No? Well some bumbling people somewhere able to bumble with quite a bit more consequence. Not at your level at all, right, small fry?
Are you trolling or just a regular dimwit? Can't tell so far, but keep going... 🤡
"If Israel uses nukes then Russia will"... Why? Israel isn't going to nuke Russia, and if they did, why would Russia respond by nuking Ukraine? What a moronic thing to say. Who's the only country in history to have used nukes?
Such a scenario is hard to imagine as almost no one wants the megadeaths of a nuclear war. But.....If Israel uses nukes on Iran, it is very likely Russia will use nukes on Israel, their inter agreements are not public but this is not much of a stretch. The worldwide hell that follows such a hypothetical will certainly include Israeli nuke attacks on Russia if any Israeli nukes remain undestroyed.
Did I say Israel would nuke Russia? No. As your predicate is wrong your conclusion is. I thought it obvious that I was referring to Iran.
If Israel uses nukes (and they work), it will be destroyed within hours...I don't think they are that crazy...
Who would attack them? None of their neighbors because they have quite a stock of nukes. The Russians? Unlikely because the US is far too formidable. Don’t underestimate the Masada complex. I pasted an article from the Jerusalem Post which makes for a sobering reading.
Yes they are
How can Israel use nuclear weapons aginst its neighbours?
Masada with an A. Israel has nuclear weapons. If they start to lose or suffer severely they will use them. Otherwise what was the point in developing them in the first place? I am sure the Iranians think they would and that is one of the reasons for equipping themselves accordingly.
It seems the only problem that Robert B Walker seeks to address is my leaving the final 'a' off the end of Masada? May I suggest that the big problem for the entire world is that an apartheid terrorist State, governed by religious extremists, actually possesses nuclear weapons & you can't argue with God or his 'Chosen People', aka the butchers of the Holy Land. I thought nuclear weapons were supposed to keep the peace.
I don’t understand the question. It has aircraft that could deliver a bomb. I assume they have missiles. They have a very sophisticated weapons industry. But they wouldn’t nuke their immediate neighbors. It would be Iran.
Delivery would not be a problem, but nuclear weapons tend to spread radioactive dust throughout an entire region. Iran & Israel may be a thousand miles apart but I doubt if the gov'ts of Kuwait or Iraq (to name just 2) would be best pleased.
Why would Israel care about either of them? One of the ministers raised the prospect of nuking Gaza! Are you familiar with the Masada complex? That concept is representative of the Israeli mindset. I have no doubt that if Israel suffered 200,000 civilian they would take the most extreme measures possible.
13 sovereign countries border Iran & I doubt if Israel wants to upset a NATO country such as Turkey. I am familiar with the history of Israel & the Masad Complex isn't the only complex Zionists suffer from, it's usually Paranoiad Anti-Semitism.
It seems the river israeli's are talking about, a river of urine : ) What Iran is going to do is an effort of peace. Sometimes the insane person must be removed and hospitalized for their own safety.
"The IDF headquarters is located smack dab in the heart of Tel Aviv, so any attack on the hub of the Israeli war machine would necessarily occur in the vicinity of civilian population centers."
So Iran can honestly say, "We had no choice! The IDF is using civilians as human shields!" It's about time for the genocidal maniacs to get a taste of their own medicine. (Yeah, I know that's cruel to say, but after 10 months of livestreaming genocide, it's hard to not want to see the genocidaires receive their comeuppance.) #FreePalestine
Again there are Jews who do not condone this. They, like the Palestinians are the ones I feel sorry for.
However it's the Palestinians who are actually being massacred.
You're right! And every open collaborator and Israeli citizen who is committing these crimes should be tried and executed, no exceptions.
i think they can fit on a few chartered flights to safety, though.
I too don't believe there are that many but the fact remains that they do exist. We are all human and we must learn to stand up as people and say no. Enough is enough. Indeed it is far too much.
It is hard, but we do have to get past those feelings. Otherwise, our species doesn’t survive.
The hypocrisy of Israel is off the charts.
Other than kids, since when are Israelis 18+ y/o who served in the IDF ever considered “civilians”? They shot at least one innocent Palestinian in their life
Always on point Caitlin, israel has proven time and time again they do not care about targeting civilians, doctors , medics teachers, children, families praying . It’s time the world hold the USA and israel accountable, for this genocide and brutal 75 year occupation. And make them abide by the icj ruling stating israel has to withdraw from all Palestinian territory unconditionally and dismantle all illegal settlements. Then this can end so the regions people can live in peace, freedom and justice .
Every accusation is a confession. This is the most abusive, hypocritical, murderous regime in the world. It's is a mad dog regime on the end of the US chain
Israeli officials have publicly cited the bombing of German and Japanese cities during the Second World War as justification for their war crimes and genocide in Gaza. So they have chosen to forfeit protection of their own civilian population under the Geneva Conventions. They can’t have it both ways. Simple as that.
Karma can be a bitch. And Karma can also be justice. Israel definitely deserves whatever is coming to them...
The arrogance/gall of these Zionists is breathtaking
Israeli and western hypocrisy nows no bounds
Israel must be the most depraved state on the planet right now. What it richly deserves is the fate that befell that other most depraved state of its time in 1945, although that doesn't seem to be within the realm of possibility at present.
>>"Israel must be the most depraved state on the planet right now"
Without a doubt! A close 2nd is the US. And then many of the other Western nations... They are seeped in a history of colonization and imperialism and everything that follows from it...
Israel's depravity mostly stems from the fact that its citizens are virtually unanimous in supporting the Zionist project. The U.S. has done far more damage than Israel, but America's wars have mostly been engineered by small cabals who took pains to hide the truth from the populace. And anti-war movements were sometimes formidable.
Israel and its inhabitants win the first rank in depravity, hands down and no question about it.
"But it is worth highlighting these contradictions anyway, to contextualize all the histrionic garment-rending we’re going to witness should an attack on or near civilian population centers occur in the coming days."....and the ranting and raving of Western Media as they dish out the headlines for their readers to absorb and believe (sadly).
The most disappointing aspect to all the past and now the new headlines, the consistent #1 being ..."Israel has a right to defend itself", is that the reverse is true this time but that will not impact the Western media whose jaundiced writings we now expect every day, all with the stamp of approval from Biden, Harris and Trump, obviously the best that America can muster.
How the mighty have fallen.
Hitler and Goering would be so proud of what Israel learned of propaganda and genocide..
Hitler, Goebbels, et al were avid students of Zionist, American, and English methods. James Q. Whitman's "Hitler's American Model; The United States and
the Making of Nazi Race Law" goes into significant detail re the USA. Lenni Brenner's "Zionism in the Age of Dictators" covers Zionists' collaboration with German nazism and Italian fascism. Goebbels was a fan of Edward Bernays'. Churchill's propaganda also was noted and studied by Goebbels. Nazis were admirers of Britain, England in particular.
Hitler and Goebbels were believers that the most effective propaganda was the TRUTH. believe it or not.
Goebbels wasn't remotely a "fan" of Bernays. In fact, he loathed the serial lying dick and everything he stood for.
It was the ALL LIES who noted and studied Goebbels - not the other way around.
The only "fact" you got right was the fact that Hitler admired the British for their writers and their history. He couldn't believe they were so completely corrupted by the tribal tyranny unleashed on them by the REAL BAD GUYZ destroying Britain from the inside out.
" corrupted by the tribal tyranny unleashed on them" - by "tribal tyranny" you're hinting at Jews, right?
Let me explain a few things to you:
- first of all, the facts you've put in quotes are not mine but based on the books that I listed. So address those guys, maybe having read the books first
- secondly, Goebbels was not a fan of Bernays *as a person* (who was a Jew after all, as that's what you're cowardly hinting at, aintcha?) but a fan of his methods. See the difference?
Now, cunt, fuck off with your racist shit. Hope this last "fact" is clear to you.
Cowardly? Hardly. Racist? Absolutely! I loathe the Tribe and their characterless defenders for who they are and what they do. Anyone running interference for them by spewing crap like you do deserves nothing but contempt from rational and honest humans - something you're not now nor ever will be.
"Now, doofus, Stuff your BS where the sun don't shine. Is FOAD clear enough for you?"
You, being a fuckhead, don't realize that shit happens to all the races, including Jews, as well as your idol Adolf Hitler's German-speaking ones.
Then we go on to examine what they actually do. Currently Jews commit genocide in the Middle East. Before them Germans committed genocide against Jews *as well as* Slavs and others they considered inferior.
Perennially, the US either committed (against American Indians in particular) or has been committing genocide directly, or sponsoring it throughout the world. You can continue with the Brits, French, Belgians, Dutch, etc.
Is it getting clearer, cunt?
Who taught you English - a mexican roofer? Nothing you say makes anything clearer.
Tell me...what is it about you potty mouthed jews? Do you really believe accusing those who have your number of being "fuckheads" and "cunts" makes you the winner in these kinds of wasted exchanges?
Face it - You're a waste of food. You're a dishonest, delusional, foul-mouthed low IQ belligerent. NOW, Puhleaze ignore me like I'm planning on ignoring you.
I'm here to exchange ideas with informed, intelligent and honest people. I don't have time to deal with foul-mouthed miscreants with mental health issues.
Read "The Portage To San Cristobal of A.H." which discusses that very thing.
What a shame, the biter bit...But I don't think Iran is in any hurray, they are getting lots of benefits from threatening attacks that don't happen...When the US gets tired of waiting and recalls the Navy, then they'll attack...
Maybe if IOF wasn’t hiding in the pOpuLAtIoN CeNteRs using their citizens as HumAn sHiELdS…..
Exactly, why are the headquarters of the IOF in Tel Aviv?
Given the Israeli government has Hitler & co as role models, perhaps they should go the whole hog and find a cosy little bunker to end their days... Maybe invite Biden and Harris for a sleepover?
A girl can dream
You have IOF. I think you mean IDF
Nope, they’re not defending, they’re occupying
And not to mention the IDF bombed THEIR OWN civilians on Oct 7th. To the tune of at least 600 victims.