Now substitute Israel for Ukraine and Palestine for Donbas since 2014 and it’s identical. No wonder, since Israel trained Ukraine in all things evil.

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Nov 20, 2023·edited Nov 20, 2023

Wonderfully juxtaposed and factually presented. The Colonial Zionists are on the run, exposed by truth to power...will we let them escape the noose of world condemnation--->accustomed impunity yet again?

Thanks, Caitlin. Viva Falasteen! -- ALL of Falasteen!

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The Rogue Nation is so far gone it's actually hard to even comprehend.

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Isreal's takeover of the US msm and Government (only one that counts in their view) has been so complete and for so long that they have gotten lazy. They have forgotten how to sell a lie, assuming the msm would do all the work for them and that alternative media is irrelevant.

They are wrong.

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An Israeli intelligence agency suggested today that all 2.2 million Palestinians in Gaza be removed to Egypt; considering that the population of Gaza was 2.3 million before the bombing; is this a type of acknowledgement that Israel has already killed 100,000 Palestinians?

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If the people behind this war told the truth and said "We need to eliminate these people because we want the land and it's associated oil and natural gas fields", then even the useful idiots might withdraw their support. They have to lie.

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Well said! You know, it's almost as if Israel has something to hide what with all its unusual and easily debunked attempts at propaganda, doesn't it?

But the Israeli kids singing about annihilating all of Gaza... That just takes the cake for the grossest, most bigoted, most-fascistic propaganda stunt of all time. All you need is to add some Brown Shirts and you have yourself the Hitler Youth Choir reborn. Way to go, Israel! You've revealed the darkness in your soul.

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The video of the children singing is mind numbing.

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A thing I have noticed from people who have supported Israel are now talking in terms of "oh all those people are messed up on both sides and have been fighting for centuries" like they know Israel is doing some despicable stuff but instead of calling them out and having a spine they are taking the tactic of blaming both sides and acting like they never sided with one or the other.

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Zionist Low brau propaganda looks like Michael Rapport calling Hamas out for not making bombshelters

Caitlin Johnstone Propaganda feels like home

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Does anyone still doubt the role model "israel" tries to emulate? Just compare these 2 choirs: of the Netanyahu Youth and the Hitler Youth:



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Israel's gone with the grotesquely unbelievable Ukrainian propaganda model, making their case look ridiculous unless you're a "True Believer." It's over-the-top and stupid, as if they are trying to make this whole thing look like a video game where no one gets hurt, really, unless they are Israeli. Apparently, Israel's losing the "Propaganda War," badly--except in the lily-white suburbs of Euro-America, where Netflix specials are a Thing, and Palestinians don't exist except as disposable "extras"--

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I’ll never forget the reactions statements and lack of care from everyone I know for the rest of my life. I will never see most all the people I know the same ever again

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- How can you tell if the rulers are lying?

- They move their lips.

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Rescue agency reveals that Israel’s aerial attack killed over 260 Israeli CIVILIANS during Operation Al-Aqsa Flood; drone footage corroborates report


IOF killed party attendees, Hamas was unaware of event: Israeli probe


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Child Abuse, for sure, and we know about Hitler Youth. Thanks for the post.

. .... Good stuff here, tambien.


Alana Hadid, part of the most well-known Palestinian family (and the most hated by Israel), joins Abby Martin for an exclusive interview to discuss her family history, being constantly smeared by Israel, the unfolding genocide in Gaza and much more...


And, too,

Why we should be worried about Twitter adopting products of Israel’s surveillance state







Man, Jewish State of Israel, and Jewish State of Israel lovers, they are after Roger. These are sick folk. It is a religion, ZIONISM!

The rocker’s Buenos Aires and Montevideo hotel rooms were canceled because he opposes genocide in Gaza, so he must fly in from Brazil each night for his concerts, he told Pagina/12.





My two cents!!


Don't forget Richard!

Scott Ritter Compares John Kirby to Joseph Goebbels?


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