The Ashkhenazi Jews of Europe are not primarily of Khazarian (Turkic) origin. There's considerable controversy about the extent of that ancestry, but it's one of several influences, at least beyond the bounds of the North Caucasus. And Ashkhenazim are less than 40% of the total population of Israeli Jews. There's also been a lot of admixture of Ashkhenazi Jews with Mizrahi and Sephardic Jews.
The Ashkhenazim are also the Jews who lean secular and liberal as an Israeli population- notwithstanding their historic over-representation in the ranks of the political leadership, including both Labor and liberal coalition parties and the right-wing Likud party. Both of those parties are "non-religious" in their political character, incidentally. According to this article, around 40% of Israeli Jews are not "observant". I'm not clear on how the term "observant" is qualified.
one day, when a critical mass of Internet users check claims by doing keyword searches and finding authoritative references, the bullshit quotient of the Internet will decline by >90%
Didn't realize that Putin is infallible. It's that why he allowed Maidan to proceed and allowed for the no fly zone over Libya.
Couldn't have anything to do with the fact that he's built his party on nationalism and liberal economics, thus might be incentivized to promote a nationalist fabulist who made up outrageous lies against Communism.
That is correct, your biased opinion about Solzhenitsyn is not infallible. What you are saying is Putin is from the West and/or only values solzhenitsyn because Sol lied about Mother RUssia/USSR. That in itself becomes close to an outrageous deception. The question is, who convinced you to lie to yourself and others?
Wonderfully juxtaposed and factually presented. The Colonial Zionists are on the run, exposed by truth to power...will we let them escape the noose of world condemnation--->accustomed impunity yet again?
Thanks, Caitlin. Viva Falasteen! -- ALL of Falasteen!
Isreal's takeover of the US msm and Government (only one that counts in their view) has been so complete and for so long that they have gotten lazy. They have forgotten how to sell a lie, assuming the msm would do all the work for them and that alternative media is irrelevant.
An Israeli intelligence agency suggested today that all 2.2 million Palestinians in Gaza be removed to Egypt; considering that the population of Gaza was 2.3 million before the bombing; is this a type of acknowledgement that Israel has already killed 100,000 Palestinians?
If the people behind this war told the truth and said "We need to eliminate these people because we want the land and it's associated oil and natural gas fields", then even the useful idiots might withdraw their support. They have to lie.
If they were simply honest and declared "Might makes right, we want it and are taking it"- it would be immoral but understandable. It's the meely mouthed excuses and fough pseudo liberal "victim" propaganda that makes me want to vomit.
In Dr. Martha Stout's book, The Sociopath Next Door, she stated that her patients would ask her how to identify a sociopath, and her answer would always surprise them. She said they play the victim. Also, according to Dr. Ramani, a psychopath is born, and a sociopath is made. Also, all psychopaths (Anti-Social Personality Disorder, which means they are above the rules/laws), also have Narcissistic Personality Disorder, but not all Narcissists are psychopaths. A narcissist that is not a psychopath is also made. There are varying degrees of having a conscience and empathy, with the psychopath having neither. Look up Hare's Psychopathy Checklist for a good run-down of their traits.
Zionism is just a pseudo-religious fig leaf for Social Darwinism.
Zionism is diametrically opposed to Judaism.
If the prophets of ancient Israel such as Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Malachi and Amos were alive today, Benjamin Netanyahu would accuse them of anti-Semitism for daring to describe his government as a travesty of what the Mosaic covenant was all about.
Well said! You know, it's almost as if Israel has something to hide what with all its unusual and easily debunked attempts at propaganda, doesn't it?
But the Israeli kids singing about annihilating all of Gaza... That just takes the cake for the grossest, most bigoted, most-fascistic propaganda stunt of all time. All you need is to add some Brown Shirts and you have yourself the Hitler Youth Choir reborn. Way to go, Israel! You've revealed the darkness in your soul.
Susan I wish I had a link to the videos depicting IsraHelli women (and their kids!) mocking dying Palestinians by putting on hijab and smearing red paint on their faces while dancing around. Other videos showed IsraHellis eating sumptuous meals and drinking clean water from faucets.
With such subhumans inhabiting that land, it’s plain to see:
I saw a twitter posting with a woman behaving that way. It was revolting. Only I still cannot and will not think of them as subhuman. They are people who have been damaged. They are just as much a part of the reason that we have to find a way to stop all this hate and revenge as the children in singing in the choir.
A thing I have noticed from people who have supported Israel are now talking in terms of "oh all those people are messed up on both sides and have been fighting for centuries" like they know Israel is doing some despicable stuff but instead of calling them out and having a spine they are taking the tactic of blaming both sides and acting like they never sided with one or the other.
Well, I'm not an Israel fan, and I say both sides clearly are messed up, and it actually dates back to Abraham's two sons, Ishmael and Isaac. From Ishmael came Mohammed. From Isaac, Moses and then Jesus. In Genesis, God told Abraham that Ishmael's seed would cause Isaac's seed trouble, and it looks like Islam took that to heart, and let's not forget the Crusades, which were lovely and Islam never forgot. This entire mess is caused by religions, and it's going to keep being a mess, for so long as Israel exists in Palestine.
People of all those religions lived in relative peace in Palestine till The Zionists stole the keys off the British and began the ethnic cleansing day two.
You can waffle on about abriham and hessus and all those fairy book stories but the real trouble all started as soon as those fucking Zionists showed up.
You might want to peep your little peepers on the film 1948movie creation and catastrophe how Israel was formed in violence, a documentary..
I am convinced making Israel was a mistake, and the Bible convinced me, for starts. Maybe it would not happened if America had taken in the WWII European Jewish refugees. Looks tome the only solution now is for Israel to move to America. Otherwise, not much will change, unless Israel uses its nuclear weapons, is how I see it.
I think it's insane to think Israel will not use its nukes, if it feels it has to use them. When you have religious fanatics running a country, anything can happen. Look at the jihadists, who are convinced, if they die, they will be with 70 virgins in Paradise, because their Koran tells them so. They aren't afraid to die, because of that. Fanatics on both sides make it impossible to expect peace in Palestine, as long as Israel exists there. the Bible thumpers in America will do all they can to see to it that Israel has all the money and weapons it needs to protect where Jewish leaders, according to the New Testament, persuaded Pilate to crucify Jesus.
I seem to recall the buybull does an awful lot of that kingdoms of heaven smoke they blow up their followers ass too... how they will be anointed with heavenly Angeles bouncing around on clouds...hmm are angels virgins? Is it in the rule book Angel manual?
Not entirely. The McCarthy commie hunter cult was a program, but it got snuffed out, fortunately. How about the Trump cult, which is a program and will become mores, if he gets selected. He and his legions remind me of Adolph Hitler and the Nazis leading up to the Holocaust.
That is how I see it. israel was born of racism and will end because of racism. I don't think people realize how close nuclear conflict is. Would you think Iran also has weapons, I do. Three u.s. nuclear battle groups in the mix what could go wrong in the gulf of Tonkin , I mean the Persian Gulf.
I think there's truth in what you say about Judaism, Christendom & Islam but those three monotheistic religions all share a complete abhorrence of usury. How is it possible for usury to flourish world-wide in that case? One must therefore deduce there is another major religion equivalent in there somewhere. Mammon/financial capitalism is bigger than all three at the minute and fuels wars all over the place. Four card trick?
Not true about usury and Judaism. Deut. 23:20 "Unto a stranger (Gentiles) thou mayest lend upon usury; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury: that the Lord thy God may bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand to in the land whither thou goest to possess it." (Notice that by charging usury this will allow them to POSSESS the land wherever they go. Also, I added Gentiles to explain who the strangers were).
Also, in Gen. 47:24-26, after Joseph (son of Jacob) had confiscated everything from the Egyptians, b/c of his fake prophetic dream interpretation of a coming famine, he established to give seeds to the Egyptians to grow on the land they had to give up b/c they were starving, and they also had to give 20% of all they grew to the Pharaoh, which included Joseph's brethren. It further states this happens "unto this day." In other verses they even moved the Egyptians into the city, which sounds like the 15 min. cities they now have planned.
Yes, the author of the Deuteronomy one is seriously vicious towards the cattle people of other tribes though the previous verse, 19, can, on a good day when the sun is shining, perhaps be maybe taken along with a large dose of salt to mean a general brotherhood of man [unlikely though! Lol!]. There's Exodus 22:25, Leviticus 25:36,37, Nehemiah 5:10, Psalm 15:5, and so on so it's plain as daylight that the crafty Jews of old knew exactly what usury was all about but there's no doubt that Judaism does condemn usury albeit in a conditional way to the great detriment of cattle people/Goyim/Gentiles who depend on borrowed [imaginary] money.
This current wave of usury btw began in 1694 when the charter to the [private] Bank of 'England' was given to a gang of thugs by William of Orange in exchange for a war loan. There have been many waves of usury in the past.
If only the U.S., or any countries for that matter, had coined our own money, like what our Constitution states, and if any govt did charge a low rate of usury/interest to its people, then it would be paid into their own gov't's coffers, instead of some foreign entity. Imagine how that would help with our tax rates. But, like the king stated in Ezra 7:23 -
"Whatsoever is commanded by the God of heaven, let it be diligently done for the house of the God of heaven: for why should there be wrath against the realm of the king and his sons?"
That would be the wrath/threat to the king and his sons, if they don't do what the inbred, god-complex, psychopathic, "priestly" Levite cabal tell the king to do, based on some hidden law from the past, much like their Noahide Laws of today (not enacted yet, but close). It's also a threat that if we bless Israel, then we'll be blessed, or curse Israel, then we'll be cursed. Perhaps that's why so many countries are bowing down and licking the dust from their boots, b/c of the Samson Option.
The whole Bible should be read as if they are speaking to their own brethren. Also, some people will blame the Jesuits, as well, but their Tribe is of Asher, who is explained as yielding "royal dainties." (Gen. 49:20 / Numb. 26:44). Gen. 49:5-7, explains that Simeon (also spells Monies) and Levi (read as Levy), so Levy Monies by the priestly class, have habitations of cruelty and if you come into their secret they'll murder, like the wrath that would be caused to the king, mentioned above. The king was sending them all their valuables for the rebuilding of their temple. Funny too, is that gold is so important to them, they even give its location in Gen. 2, BEFORE Eve is created.
I will lastly add that the serpent/psychopath in the Garden who convinced Eve to eat of the Tree, was the most subtle beast of the field. The psychopath is very subtle, very superficially charming. She probably had sex with this inbred psychopath and then bore Cain, the murderer and liar, which is who I think the Bible really is about, and they were the Phoenicians. Sigmund Freud claimed he was a Phoenician, but that's a whole other topic. Anyway, one has to read between their li(n)es. So much more to say. LOL! Thank you for the reply:)
I’ve always wondered how anyone could believe in a just and merciful “god” when misery has plagued this planet since the advent of Homo sapiens.
Is that how “god” intended us to live? If so, he’s some fucked-up god.
Nature is the one thing that humankind has no power over. She is as benign as picking an apple from a tree; she is as malevolent as an earthquake. She simply IS.
And it should also be understood that Moslems, Jews, & Christians lived peacefully together in the region before the Zionists started their thievery and murder in earnes.
You may think the Bible is fictional, but Christians don't. Practicing Jews and Muslims don't think their Scriptures are fictional. So, if you ignore what motivates them, you live in the fictional.
This “war”, if one can call such an incredibly one-sided conflict that, has naught to do with religion.
Land grab, plan and simple, in order that Israhell be able to seize not only additional real estate, but vast natural gas reserves off Gaza’s coast, plus put into implementation of their Ben Gurion Canal project.
As a Pagan, I am fully aware that the ONLY “ higher power” is Mother Nature.
I'm one who doesn't ignore what motivates them, and not only because I have fundamentalist Christians in my own family. It's that their claims are utterly *non-transferable* to skeptics, unlike what occurs in the "transfer processes" of science (and education in general) and common sense. They are inherently unproveable. You either "see" it, or you don't. Which makes those claims both useless and dangerous in the wider society.
It's like the '70s Steve Martin joke (off his first album), "I'm feelin' it! You feelin it?!" That's how fellow travelers in revealed religion really seem to communicate. They decide by some kind of warm-and-fuzzies that something's undeniably right, find a whole bunch more of *just* their like-minded, and presto -- imperviously rigid "TRUTH!!" is declared, over all skeptics. To be honest, that's how a lot of self-and-university-declared (but imposter) scientists think *also*.
Heh, I belong to no religion, and I bet if you lived in my skin a while, you would wish God, angels known in the Bible, Jesus, the Devil and demons, did not exist. Meanwhile, let's go forward assuming the Bible and God are a myth. That changes nothing, when the people on obth sides, Islam over there, Israel over yonder, Christendom over another way. they believe what their scriptures say, and nothing you say or do with persuade them otherwise, and their scriptures are like AI programs in them, and you will not change them with your words. It is not possible to understand what is going on in Palestine, if you don't factor in their religions.
The possession of the Promised Land, according to Moses (who described the boundaries in The Book of Numbers - Torah Jewish Scriptures), was conditional on obedience to Jehovah. According to those very same Jewish Scriptures, the sine qua non obedience to Jehovah NEVER took place. Israel broke that "Promised Land" Covenant thousands of years ago. Therefore, any and ALL Zionist "Jewish homeland" territorial claims are invalid, period.
True. When a people become so morally bankrupt that up is equal to down (SEE: Orwell), it is expected that too many people who sport the "Christian" label have a worldview that is the exact opposite of 👉 Matthew 7:12 "So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets."
Think committing a genocide on women and children is going to make Jews more popular ANYWHERE? Zionism has nothing to do with Judaism, but you equate the two, thereby taking the risk of painting all Jews everywhere as Nazistic, genocidal maniacs.
Fortunately, there sure are a lot of American Jews who KNOW that and are protecting themselves, not to mention doing the right and honorable thing, by calling for a ceasefire. They see through you now.
The days of unconditional American support, and funding, for Israel are numbered now. About damned time.
Israel's gone with the grotesquely unbelievable Ukrainian propaganda model, making their case look ridiculous unless you're a "True Believer." It's over-the-top and stupid, as if they are trying to make this whole thing look like a video game where no one gets hurt, really, unless they are Israeli. Apparently, Israel's losing the "Propaganda War," badly--except in the lily-white suburbs of Euro-America, where Netflix specials are a Thing, and Palestinians don't exist except as disposable "extras"--
The point of propaganda isn't to convince, it's to make it seem like everyone is going along and opposing the narrative would harm one's standing in the group.
I’ll never forget the reactions statements and lack of care from everyone I know for the rest of my life. I will never see most all the people I know the same ever again
Alana Hadid, part of the most well-known Palestinian family (and the most hated by Israel), joins Abby Martin for an exclusive interview to discuss her family history, being constantly smeared by Israel, the unfolding genocide in Gaza and much more...
And, too,
Why we should be worried about Twitter adopting products of Israel’s surveillance state
Man, Jewish State of Israel, and Jewish State of Israel lovers, they are after Roger. These are sick folk. It is a religion, ZIONISM!
The rocker’s Buenos Aires and Montevideo hotel rooms were canceled because he opposes genocide in Gaza, so he must fly in from Brazil each night for his concerts, he told Pagina/12.
Photography trumps all propaganda. A picture is supposed to speak a thousand words . We are seeing the horrendous pictures summarizing the whole history of the empire going back to the genocide in the Philippines 1899-1902. That was the war Mark Twain was sent to cover and when he came home he started the Anti-Imperialist League. He was shocked to see the atrocity his country committed there. Since then imperialism has killed tens of millions and still the subject nobody wants to talk about.
Mark Twain and JFK are two of the greatest Americans ever, rarely referred to and rarely quoted. The 60th anniversary of Kennedy's assassination is on November 22nd. What he had to say in his time applies more than ever today. We can be sure what he said will go unreported as it is an indictment of the criminal class that took his life and still controls America today.
"Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored, than anything on which it is poured.” - Mark Twain
“Of all the animals, man is the only one who is cruel. He is the only one that inflicts pain for the pleasure of doing it.” - Mark Twain
“The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his intellectual superiority to the other creatures; but the fact that he can do wrong proves his moral inferiority to any creatures that cannot.” - mark Twain
And anger and rage is what we are seeing, a dying empire raging at a world it can no longer control. The infantile child having temper tantrums at the world's expense. Man is the only animal continually pissing in his own shoes.
Of all God's creatures, there is only one that cannot be made slave of the leash. That one is the cat. If man could be crossed with the cat it would improve the man, but it would deteriorate the cat.
Now substitute Israel for Ukraine and Palestine for Donbas since 2014 and it’s identical. No wonder, since Israel trained Ukraine in all things evil.
Solzhenitsyn saw through the facade of the Khazarian ashkenazi joos with his book. He called the Bolsheviks non Russians, serial killers who hated russians.
The Ashkhenazi Jews of Europe are not primarily of Khazarian (Turkic) origin. There's considerable controversy about the extent of that ancestry, but it's one of several influences, at least beyond the bounds of the North Caucasus. And Ashkhenazim are less than 40% of the total population of Israeli Jews. There's also been a lot of admixture of Ashkhenazi Jews with Mizrahi and Sephardic Jews.
The Ashkhenazim are also the Jews who lean secular and liberal as an Israeli population- notwithstanding their historic over-representation in the ranks of the political leadership, including both Labor and liberal coalition parties and the right-wing Likud party. Both of those parties are "non-religious" in their political character, incidentally. According to this article, around 40% of Israeli Jews are not "observant". I'm not clear on how the term "observant" is qualified.
one day, when a critical mass of Internet users check claims by doing keyword searches and finding authoritative references, the bullshit quotient of the Internet will decline by >90%
Solzhenitsyn was a racist and a fabulist. He's only valued in the West because he was telling outrageous lies about the USSR.
Vladimir Putin would beg to differ, as he is a big fan of Solzhenitsyn and made his works required high school reading.
Didn't realize that Putin is infallible. It's that why he allowed Maidan to proceed and allowed for the no fly zone over Libya.
Couldn't have anything to do with the fact that he's built his party on nationalism and liberal economics, thus might be incentivized to promote a nationalist fabulist who made up outrageous lies against Communism.
communism=bolsheviks=ashkenazi=khazarian child raping murderers. Resistance to this is not going to grant the goyim mercy from IDF/Mossad.
Vladimir Putin is not the head of nazi NATO. He does not get to "allow" or Not allow nato/EU no fly zones.
That is correct, your biased opinion about Solzhenitsyn is not infallible. What you are saying is Putin is from the West and/or only values solzhenitsyn because Sol lied about Mother RUssia/USSR. That in itself becomes close to an outrageous deception. The question is, who convinced you to lie to yourself and others?
Wonderfully juxtaposed and factually presented. The Colonial Zionists are on the run, exposed by truth to power...will we let them escape the noose of world condemnation--->accustomed impunity yet again?
Thanks, Caitlin. Viva Falasteen! -- ALL of Falasteen!
The Rogue Nation is so far gone it's actually hard to even comprehend.
Isreal's takeover of the US msm and Government (only one that counts in their view) has been so complete and for so long that they have gotten lazy. They have forgotten how to sell a lie, assuming the msm would do all the work for them and that alternative media is irrelevant.
They are wrong.
Well let’s hope they are wrong.
Thanks, are these the lower level families or the upper level hidden fingers/hands?
you’ll find their names on a calendar in a bunker beneath the knesset
An Israeli intelligence agency suggested today that all 2.2 million Palestinians in Gaza be removed to Egypt; considering that the population of Gaza was 2.3 million before the bombing; is this a type of acknowledgement that Israel has already killed 100,000 Palestinians?
If the people behind this war told the truth and said "We need to eliminate these people because we want the land and it's associated oil and natural gas fields", then even the useful idiots might withdraw their support. They have to lie.
If they were simply honest and declared "Might makes right, we want it and are taking it"- it would be immoral but understandable. It's the meely mouthed excuses and fough pseudo liberal "victim" propaganda that makes me want to vomit.
In Dr. Martha Stout's book, The Sociopath Next Door, she stated that her patients would ask her how to identify a sociopath, and her answer would always surprise them. She said they play the victim. Also, according to Dr. Ramani, a psychopath is born, and a sociopath is made. Also, all psychopaths (Anti-Social Personality Disorder, which means they are above the rules/laws), also have Narcissistic Personality Disorder, but not all Narcissists are psychopaths. A narcissist that is not a psychopath is also made. There are varying degrees of having a conscience and empathy, with the psychopath having neither. Look up Hare's Psychopathy Checklist for a good run-down of their traits.
Zionism is just a pseudo-religious fig leaf for Social Darwinism.
Zionism is diametrically opposed to Judaism.
If the prophets of ancient Israel such as Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Malachi and Amos were alive today, Benjamin Netanyahu would accuse them of anti-Semitism for daring to describe his government as a travesty of what the Mosaic covenant was all about.
Read more:
Well said! You know, it's almost as if Israel has something to hide what with all its unusual and easily debunked attempts at propaganda, doesn't it?
But the Israeli kids singing about annihilating all of Gaza... That just takes the cake for the grossest, most bigoted, most-fascistic propaganda stunt of all time. All you need is to add some Brown Shirts and you have yourself the Hitler Youth Choir reborn. Way to go, Israel! You've revealed the darkness in your soul.
The video of the children singing is mind numbing.
In a way it's like cancer praising itself loudly.
Susan I wish I had a link to the videos depicting IsraHelli women (and their kids!) mocking dying Palestinians by putting on hijab and smearing red paint on their faces while dancing around. Other videos showed IsraHellis eating sumptuous meals and drinking clean water from faucets.
With such subhumans inhabiting that land, it’s plain to see:
( Hear that, CIA?)
It’s embedded here
I saw a twitter posting with a woman behaving that way. It was revolting. Only I still cannot and will not think of them as subhuman. They are people who have been damaged. They are just as much a part of the reason that we have to find a way to stop all this hate and revenge as the children in singing in the choir.
A thing I have noticed from people who have supported Israel are now talking in terms of "oh all those people are messed up on both sides and have been fighting for centuries" like they know Israel is doing some despicable stuff but instead of calling them out and having a spine they are taking the tactic of blaming both sides and acting like they never sided with one or the other.
Well, I'm not an Israel fan, and I say both sides clearly are messed up, and it actually dates back to Abraham's two sons, Ishmael and Isaac. From Ishmael came Mohammed. From Isaac, Moses and then Jesus. In Genesis, God told Abraham that Ishmael's seed would cause Isaac's seed trouble, and it looks like Islam took that to heart, and let's not forget the Crusades, which were lovely and Islam never forgot. This entire mess is caused by religions, and it's going to keep being a mess, for so long as Israel exists in Palestine.
People of all those religions lived in relative peace in Palestine till The Zionists stole the keys off the British and began the ethnic cleansing day two.
You can waffle on about abriham and hessus and all those fairy book stories but the real trouble all started as soon as those fucking Zionists showed up.
You might want to peep your little peepers on the film 1948movie creation and catastrophe how Israel was formed in violence, a documentary..
I am convinced making Israel was a mistake, and the Bible convinced me, for starts. Maybe it would not happened if America had taken in the WWII European Jewish refugees. Looks tome the only solution now is for Israel to move to America. Otherwise, not much will change, unless Israel uses its nuclear weapons, is how I see it.
Israel has a Sampson insane as that is..I put nothing past those psycopaths
I think it's insane to think Israel will not use its nukes, if it feels it has to use them. When you have religious fanatics running a country, anything can happen. Look at the jihadists, who are convinced, if they die, they will be with 70 virgins in Paradise, because their Koran tells them so. They aren't afraid to die, because of that. Fanatics on both sides make it impossible to expect peace in Palestine, as long as Israel exists there. the Bible thumpers in America will do all they can to see to it that Israel has all the money and weapons it needs to protect where Jewish leaders, according to the New Testament, persuaded Pilate to crucify Jesus.
There is nothing in the Quran about 70 virgins, nor about 72 virgins, which at least has esoteric correspondence with e.g. number of cards in a tarot deck. The error derives from mistranslation:
I seem to recall the buybull does an awful lot of that kingdoms of heaven smoke they blow up their followers ass too... how they will be anointed with heavenly Angeles bouncing around on clouds...hmm are angels virgins? Is it in the rule book Angel manual?
Christian's still pissed about their savoir got the crusafix..?
I met a rabbi who said that America and not Israel was The Promised Land, the country that never had a pogrom.
I met a homeless saxophonist who said Fort Lauderdale was the New Zion.
Not entirely. The McCarthy commie hunter cult was a program, but it got snuffed out, fortunately. How about the Trump cult, which is a program and will become mores, if he gets selected. He and his legions remind me of Adolph Hitler and the Nazis leading up to the Holocaust.
Detestable as they were, neither McCarthy nor Trumpism are pogorms.
That is how I see it. israel was born of racism and will end because of racism. I don't think people realize how close nuclear conflict is. Would you think Iran also has weapons, I do. Three u.s. nuclear battle groups in the mix what could go wrong in the gulf of Tonkin , I mean the Persian Gulf.
Have you ever wondered how useless these “Gods” are when their devotees are being slaughtered?
Jews created Christianity to destroy the Roman Empire and created Islam to destroy Catholicism’s hold on Jerusalem.
It’s a Three Card Trick – Find the “God”.
It has been played for 2,000 years.
The three Abrahamic Blood Cults, Judaism, Christendom & Islam, have drenched the earth with the blood of their victims.
And their Founder, Abraham, was a pimp and his wife a prostitute -Genesis 12:10-20
I think there's truth in what you say about Judaism, Christendom & Islam but those three monotheistic religions all share a complete abhorrence of usury. How is it possible for usury to flourish world-wide in that case? One must therefore deduce there is another major religion equivalent in there somewhere. Mammon/financial capitalism is bigger than all three at the minute and fuels wars all over the place. Four card trick?
Not true about usury and Judaism. Deut. 23:20 "Unto a stranger (Gentiles) thou mayest lend upon usury; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury: that the Lord thy God may bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand to in the land whither thou goest to possess it." (Notice that by charging usury this will allow them to POSSESS the land wherever they go. Also, I added Gentiles to explain who the strangers were).
Also, in Gen. 47:24-26, after Joseph (son of Jacob) had confiscated everything from the Egyptians, b/c of his fake prophetic dream interpretation of a coming famine, he established to give seeds to the Egyptians to grow on the land they had to give up b/c they were starving, and they also had to give 20% of all they grew to the Pharaoh, which included Joseph's brethren. It further states this happens "unto this day." In other verses they even moved the Egyptians into the city, which sounds like the 15 min. cities they now have planned.
Yes, the author of the Deuteronomy one is seriously vicious towards the cattle people of other tribes though the previous verse, 19, can, on a good day when the sun is shining, perhaps be maybe taken along with a large dose of salt to mean a general brotherhood of man [unlikely though! Lol!]. There's Exodus 22:25, Leviticus 25:36,37, Nehemiah 5:10, Psalm 15:5, and so on so it's plain as daylight that the crafty Jews of old knew exactly what usury was all about but there's no doubt that Judaism does condemn usury albeit in a conditional way to the great detriment of cattle people/Goyim/Gentiles who depend on borrowed [imaginary] money.
This current wave of usury btw began in 1694 when the charter to the [private] Bank of 'England' was given to a gang of thugs by William of Orange in exchange for a war loan. There have been many waves of usury in the past.
If only the U.S., or any countries for that matter, had coined our own money, like what our Constitution states, and if any govt did charge a low rate of usury/interest to its people, then it would be paid into their own gov't's coffers, instead of some foreign entity. Imagine how that would help with our tax rates. But, like the king stated in Ezra 7:23 -
"Whatsoever is commanded by the God of heaven, let it be diligently done for the house of the God of heaven: for why should there be wrath against the realm of the king and his sons?"
That would be the wrath/threat to the king and his sons, if they don't do what the inbred, god-complex, psychopathic, "priestly" Levite cabal tell the king to do, based on some hidden law from the past, much like their Noahide Laws of today (not enacted yet, but close). It's also a threat that if we bless Israel, then we'll be blessed, or curse Israel, then we'll be cursed. Perhaps that's why so many countries are bowing down and licking the dust from their boots, b/c of the Samson Option.
The whole Bible should be read as if they are speaking to their own brethren. Also, some people will blame the Jesuits, as well, but their Tribe is of Asher, who is explained as yielding "royal dainties." (Gen. 49:20 / Numb. 26:44). Gen. 49:5-7, explains that Simeon (also spells Monies) and Levi (read as Levy), so Levy Monies by the priestly class, have habitations of cruelty and if you come into their secret they'll murder, like the wrath that would be caused to the king, mentioned above. The king was sending them all their valuables for the rebuilding of their temple. Funny too, is that gold is so important to them, they even give its location in Gen. 2, BEFORE Eve is created.
I will lastly add that the serpent/psychopath in the Garden who convinced Eve to eat of the Tree, was the most subtle beast of the field. The psychopath is very subtle, very superficially charming. She probably had sex with this inbred psychopath and then bore Cain, the murderer and liar, which is who I think the Bible really is about, and they were the Phoenicians. Sigmund Freud claimed he was a Phoenician, but that's a whole other topic. Anyway, one has to read between their li(n)es. So much more to say. LOL! Thank you for the reply:)
Hi Dennis
I’ve always wondered how anyone could believe in a just and merciful “god” when misery has plagued this planet since the advent of Homo sapiens.
Is that how “god” intended us to live? If so, he’s some fucked-up god.
Nature is the one thing that humankind has no power over. She is as benign as picking an apple from a tree; she is as malevolent as an earthquake. She simply IS.
And it should also be understood that Moslems, Jews, & Christians lived peacefully together in the region before the Zionists started their thievery and murder in earnes.
Relatively peacefully. Which is far better than the Zionist intervention you stated.
Maybe you should read the Bible? That's when it started that God promised Israel land.. It's been evolving, or devolving, ever since.
The “Bible”?
You mean that fictional work of horror stories and downright laughable “miracles”?
Sure, the Red Sea “parted”.
Sure , Jesus brought a dead man back to life.
Sure, asses can speak.
Sure, Jesus was raised from the dead and ascended into “heaven”.
I could go on, but I haven’t read the Bible since I was forced to as a child. Thanks be to my parents who allowed me to explore my own spirituality.
I'll have you know ass's can speak,,have you never seen a political debate?
Yes Chaz I should have mentioned them!
You may think the Bible is fictional, but Christians don't. Practicing Jews and Muslims don't think their Scriptures are fictional. So, if you ignore what motivates them, you live in the fictional.
This “war”, if one can call such an incredibly one-sided conflict that, has naught to do with religion.
Land grab, plan and simple, in order that Israhell be able to seize not only additional real estate, but vast natural gas reserves off Gaza’s coast, plus put into implementation of their Ben Gurion Canal project.
As a Pagan, I am fully aware that the ONLY “ higher power” is Mother Nature.
I'm one who doesn't ignore what motivates them, and not only because I have fundamentalist Christians in my own family. It's that their claims are utterly *non-transferable* to skeptics, unlike what occurs in the "transfer processes" of science (and education in general) and common sense. They are inherently unproveable. You either "see" it, or you don't. Which makes those claims both useless and dangerous in the wider society.
It's like the '70s Steve Martin joke (off his first album), "I'm feelin' it! You feelin it?!" That's how fellow travelers in revealed religion really seem to communicate. They decide by some kind of warm-and-fuzzies that something's undeniably right, find a whole bunch more of *just* their like-minded, and presto -- imperviously rigid "TRUTH!!" is declared, over all skeptics. To be honest, that's how a lot of self-and-university-declared (but imposter) scientists think *also*.
Buybull is a man made interpretation of spiritual feeling it can't explain so it made up deities..
Every single idea concept and word written down is MAN MADE,, ALL OF IT WITHOUT QUESTION IS MAN NADE
God and Jesus are only myths in a very old book of fiction my friend.
And the imaginary Christian God started all this horror in the first place.
When one party comes armed with their Bible and a 2,000-year-old promise from THEIR IMAGINARY GOD, rational thinking goes out the window.
The issue will only be settled on the field of battle with iron and rivers of blood.
Thousands slaughtered in the name of imaginary GODs.
As it has been done since man invented GOD's.
There will be no winners.
Every religion claim's that theirs is the only true God!
What evidence do Israelis have that their religion is not just other false religion?
Why is their "God" real and all the others are not?
When they understand why they dismiss ALL the other possible "Gods", only then will they understand why the non-religious dismiss theirs.
"Religion poisons everything" - Christopher Hitchens
Poor God, he's used as the excuse for every fucked up thing humans do..if I was him I would smite the shit out of humans.
Heh, I belong to no religion, and I bet if you lived in my skin a while, you would wish God, angels known in the Bible, Jesus, the Devil and demons, did not exist. Meanwhile, let's go forward assuming the Bible and God are a myth. That changes nothing, when the people on obth sides, Islam over there, Israel over yonder, Christendom over another way. they believe what their scriptures say, and nothing you say or do with persuade them otherwise, and their scriptures are like AI programs in them, and you will not change them with your words. It is not possible to understand what is going on in Palestine, if you don't factor in their religions.
Love “buybull “, Chaz! 😁
The possession of the Promised Land, according to Moses (who described the boundaries in The Book of Numbers - Torah Jewish Scriptures), was conditional on obedience to Jehovah. According to those very same Jewish Scriptures, the sine qua non obedience to Jehovah NEVER took place. Israel broke that "Promised Land" Covenant thousands of years ago. Therefore, any and ALL Zionist "Jewish homeland" territorial claims are invalid, period.
I agree, but good luck convincing Israel and Christendom in America.
True. When a people become so morally bankrupt that up is equal to down (SEE: Orwell), it is expected that too many people who sport the "Christian" label have a worldview that is the exact opposite of 👉 Matthew 7:12 "So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets."
Orwell was right.
Christian 👿 nationalism is not 🕊️☝🏻 Christianity
You GOT IT, Che!
Think committing a genocide on women and children is going to make Jews more popular ANYWHERE? Zionism has nothing to do with Judaism, but you equate the two, thereby taking the risk of painting all Jews everywhere as Nazistic, genocidal maniacs.
Fortunately, there sure are a lot of American Jews who KNOW that and are protecting themselves, not to mention doing the right and honorable thing, by calling for a ceasefire. They see through you now.
The days of unconditional American support, and funding, for Israel are numbered now. About damned time.
Where they were, in Europe. The problem was and is racism. The u.k. and u.s. did not want Jewish migrants. israel born of racism ending in racism.
If Jews have been hated wherever they live, as you claim, maybe they should ask themselves WHY.
Zionist Low brau propaganda looks like Michael Rapport calling Hamas out for not making bombshelters
Caitlin Johnstone Propaganda feels like home
Israel's gone with the grotesquely unbelievable Ukrainian propaganda model, making their case look ridiculous unless you're a "True Believer." It's over-the-top and stupid, as if they are trying to make this whole thing look like a video game where no one gets hurt, really, unless they are Israeli. Apparently, Israel's losing the "Propaganda War," badly--except in the lily-white suburbs of Euro-America, where Netflix specials are a Thing, and Palestinians don't exist except as disposable "extras"--
The point of propaganda isn't to convince, it's to make it seem like everyone is going along and opposing the narrative would harm one's standing in the group.
I’ll never forget the reactions statements and lack of care from everyone I know for the rest of my life. I will never see most all the people I know the same ever again
Hi Methew
I have forever severed ties with my husband’s family over this.
Good riddance!
- How can you tell if the rulers are lying?
- They move their lips.
Rescue agency reveals that Israel’s aerial attack killed over 260 Israeli CIVILIANS during Operation Al-Aqsa Flood; drone footage corroborates report
IOF killed party attendees, Hamas was unaware of event: Israeli probe
Child Abuse, for sure, and we know about Hitler Youth. Thanks for the post.
. .... Good stuff here, tambien.
Alana Hadid, part of the most well-known Palestinian family (and the most hated by Israel), joins Abby Martin for an exclusive interview to discuss her family history, being constantly smeared by Israel, the unfolding genocide in Gaza and much more...
And, too,
Why we should be worried about Twitter adopting products of Israel’s surveillance state
Man, Jewish State of Israel, and Jewish State of Israel lovers, they are after Roger. These are sick folk. It is a religion, ZIONISM!
The rocker’s Buenos Aires and Montevideo hotel rooms were canceled because he opposes genocide in Gaza, so he must fly in from Brazil each night for his concerts, he told Pagina/12.
My two cents!!
Don't forget Richard!
Scott Ritter Compares John Kirby to Joseph Goebbels?
Photography trumps all propaganda. A picture is supposed to speak a thousand words . We are seeing the horrendous pictures summarizing the whole history of the empire going back to the genocide in the Philippines 1899-1902. That was the war Mark Twain was sent to cover and when he came home he started the Anti-Imperialist League. He was shocked to see the atrocity his country committed there. Since then imperialism has killed tens of millions and still the subject nobody wants to talk about.
Mark Twain and JFK are two of the greatest Americans ever, rarely referred to and rarely quoted. The 60th anniversary of Kennedy's assassination is on November 22nd. What he had to say in his time applies more than ever today. We can be sure what he said will go unreported as it is an indictment of the criminal class that took his life and still controls America today.
"Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored, than anything on which it is poured.” - Mark Twain
“Of all the animals, man is the only one who is cruel. He is the only one that inflicts pain for the pleasure of doing it.” - Mark Twain
“The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his intellectual superiority to the other creatures; but the fact that he can do wrong proves his moral inferiority to any creatures that cannot.” - mark Twain
"Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored, than anything on which it is poured.” - Mark Twain
Wow! The more I hear of this man the more I like him!
And anger and rage is what we are seeing, a dying empire raging at a world it can no longer control. The infantile child having temper tantrums at the world's expense. Man is the only animal continually pissing in his own shoes.
Time to get familiar with one of Amerikkka’s greatest writer/philosophers.
Twain was a great animal lover.
Yes, I'll do that! Thanks, gypsy.
Of all God's creatures, there is only one that cannot be made slave of the leash. That one is the cat. If man could be crossed with the cat it would improve the man, but it would deteriorate the cat.
One of my favorite Twain quotes, Feral!
Well said, Robert!