This sister speaks for me! She speaks 💯% truth... STRAIGHT FACTS. amen.

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"stop calling this a “war”. A war doesn’t involve conversations about whether or not a walled-in population should be allowed to have food, medicine and electricity. " was the holocaust a war then?

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I can't even argue with friends that have turned full anti-semite anymore. I make a distinction between Zionists and Jews, but how do you differentiate when you don't know based on Israels lies and the fact that the majority of their population support the war. Israel has done everything possible to ensure that they will be targeted. I feel bad for the Jews that support a cease fire and real peace, but no one in the mainstream appears concerned of this glaring growing hatred that has been well earned.

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Apr 6·edited Apr 6

CJ deserves a Nobel prize (well presuming that meant something) for her relentless defense of the Palestinians (people w/o power). Every day, she pushes back. Very encouraging.

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Apr 6·edited Apr 6

You are so cynical and so truthful and I love your humanity. A real inspiration to those that follow you.

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The headline today has again caused me and probably half the world some anxiety. Naturally the white / Christian governments from all over the world would not heed the message yet again as is also the case of the Roman Catholic President of the US also. Of to Mass every Sunday, all sins forgiven.....and as is the normal practice, forgotten. Not by the world however.

Why the hell are the normally decent countries in the world tolerating this inhumane Nazi-like treatment of poor unarmed people, on the verge of total extermination.

Every day I question the reason the feeble and toothless United Nations has not sent a collection of African, Middle Eastern and Asian troops into Gaza to act as a barrier to any further killing by the Zionists brigades, shooting to kill unarmed civilians at will and on command as has been the case since day one, now using 2,000 pound bombs per courtesy of the Jewish controlled US government.

As for Netanyahu's hand maiden, Biden, he should be immediately stood down and prosecuted in The Hague, verifying firstly that the panel of Judges are not sponsored / owned by the Rothschilds or their ilk or on the payroll of some Zionist philanthropist scoring a few points among 'God's chosen people' as his contribution to "Eretz Israel".

The world is a dirty place in 2024. Who can you trust? No Jew , no American, no White Anglo, no European country and certainly no government like Australia, UK, New Zealand or Canada.

You are a disgrace, Israel as is your trained puppet, the USA. You make Nazi Germany in the 1940's almost pale by comparison. Shades of Joseph Stalin and his Holodomor, starving the Ukranians in 1932-33.

Yes, Israel, as one of your leaders has said, oft-quoted," We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it." Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001, ........and it shows every day.

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"Biden and his cohorts aren’t mad at Netanyahu for committing a genocide, they’re mad at Netanyahu for not hiding a genocide." - that's why bidenites and shitlibs hate Trump. They're fine with what he does. it's just his calling it like it is ("we're in Syria for oil") that pisses them off.

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Apr 6·edited Apr 6

What?! You say the white people and the west don't care? Have you not seen the MASSIVE protests in western countries? The leaders of those countries are doing nothing but the citizens are trying to change that in the schools and on government grounds, the roads, on videos, independent news, everywhere they can and their numbers are huge but we all see what "leaders" do, which is nothing.

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The worst part of this ongoing slaughter is to witness genocide going on right in front of our eyes, and that the entire world can do nothing to stop it,

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This is like living with a psychopath in an abusive violent relationship for years and the psychopath brings you flowers for beating you up the whole week and you believe that now things will change for the better.

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First they programmed us to be insensate to war, now they are doing the same with genocide. They are trying to reduce us to robots in their desperate last hours of precipitous decline.

Netanyahu and his thugs get to do what they want as they destroy Israel and desecrate the holy land

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When I gauge my little Twitter sphere I suspect most right leaning people feel like me. Have had that same feeling many times before where I thought people were coming around. Truth is there’s still so many that are bamboozled by this dog n pony show. Not trying to black pill anyone; fuck it, means we got more work to do. ❤️‍🔥

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It was so interesting to read comments on monday, the1st of april, when israel bombed irani consulate in syria and a few hours later an aid convoy in gaza. Comment section in a major mainstream polish news outlet. What a change of mind happened to these /intelectually/ poor people! 180 degrees revolution from support to killing /iranian/people to the most profound outrage to killing a polish aid worker. There is no hope for this planet, we have too much technological power while having too narrow limits to our compassion, no wisdom.

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It’s woke genocide

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Israel hasn't found the bottom yet:

Israeli drones drop tear gas on worshipers inside Al-Aqsa Mosque


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CARTOON ... "CYNICAL CRUELTY: While Air Dropping Small Packs Of Food, Biden Is Quietly Shipping Weapons To Israel Every 36 Hours"


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