The Israeli promoted ruckus in Amsterdam smells like a false flag incident. They went there for this purpose and the goal, I’d bet, is to convince Jews the only safe space is Israel. That will keep money flowing in and, Zionists hope, people who can be conscripted to commit more crimes against humanity. Zionists have done this kind of thing before (including collaborating with the Nazis) in order to give Jews no choice but to go to Israel.

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Except that now, Jews can make the choice not to go to Israel, not to participate in a genocide and many do make that choice.

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The soccer match should have been on the list of things to boycott.

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Given Bibis' determination to start a war with Iran, I wouldn't think Israel to be a safe place.

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That occurred to me too. They certainly take the prize for the world’s most cynically manipulative people. How does the highly fictitious telling of the story by the media and various world leaders figure in this theory? Their distortions seem extreme even by the “standards” of their recent record. It wouldn’t surprise me to learn that they’d all been paid off by Israel in advance to participate in this stunt. This past year’s extreme coddling of Israel has turned everything into a Fellini film.

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Check out Benders' on the spot video report, if you haven't seen it yet.

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You will like this article on Central banking history. I have more.

I was called antisemitic when I posted this; a history of the most powerful family in the world who happens to be Jewish. It’s a fight for all of humanity and other life forms as well.


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File not found?

However that article happened to be high up on my reading list - https://winteroak.org.uk/2022/12/27/enemies-of-the-people-dictating-the-future/

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I clicked it and it came up. You live in USA or elsewhere. The internet is being scrubbed so there's that. But I did click one the address I sent you and it's working for me. The post id part of a series of post this intellectual/philisophical writer has observed about the world we all live in. You might want to follow him.

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Elsewhere, must have been some other issue.

I read his Substack page.

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As if we don't have enough to monitor there's this. I highly recommend the documentary in the article. THIS IS A HUGE REASON WHY AMERICANS ARE SO UNHEALTHY AND SICK ALL THE TIME. Easy to imagine the ag industry is in bed with the pharma industry.

U.S. Government Paid PR Firm to Track and Vilify Critics of GMOs and Pesticides


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That address is correct but I don't know if it was what you were expecting . I posted the correct address for you. Glad to be heard, finally. I only post things I feel inside and I have a passion for truth and a love for research. If I can help a worthy cause, I do it for free, My cause is to save the world from the people who would destroy it, us, and themselves.

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I was called antisemitic when I posted this; a history of the most powerful family in the world who happens to be Jewish. It’s a fight for all of humanity and other life forms as well.


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Sorry, not functioning to my best ability tonight. Here's my cache on central banks. Watch Webb first before he's scrubbed from the internet. I obviously said one thing and posted another. yeah I research more than one issue. Sorry for the glitch.

North Dakota is the only state in the union that has a state bank in which a money spigot opens when disaster strikes their people, unlike the feds. They were the first lawmakers who when The Great Taking revealed an evil plot to take land and homes still paying on a mortgage and effects the securities market of the upper/middle class as well who think themselves protected from the Great Taking. Read/watch it before it’s scrubbed from the internet.

David Rogers Webb




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Especially when you consider the way they've behaved during the one minute silent for the flooding victims, it’s as if they wanted to be hated and provoke an aggressive response so they can play victim. No where is safe for us thus the occupation is justified.

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Everyone should see the documentary "Israelism" how young Israelis have been programmed as jingoist military militants .

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Apart from all your other disgusting bs: I think the first thing that comes to mind about "collaborating with the Nazis" are the PALESTINIANS! Their mufti even visited the gas chambers - what not even any leading Nazi dared to do! But sure, pin it on the "Zionists" - like all other atrocities against Jews COMMITTED by everyone else but Zionists! In modern times it's LEFTISTS importing barbaric antisemitism (and other evil banality) of color that force out Jews (and others) from their homeland!

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Thank you for this. I travel in relatively sane circles so I need the occasional reminder of the full range of mental fitness out there.

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Your comment can be rewritten - "I live and get all my information from an echo chamber, anything I hear from outside that echo chamber I have been conditioned to call out as mentally ill so as not to require the need to engage with that information as it may shake my 'beliefs' "

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Echo chambers definitely exist, but my views on the situation in Palestine are based on listening to hundreds of hours of interviews and podcasts on the topic, interviews with people like Chris Hedges, Noam Chomsky, Max Blumenthal, Ilan Pappe and Miko Peled. If you’d like to second guess these people, and if you have multiple credible sources that support the assertions made in the post I was responding to, I’ll be happy to reconsider. My comment was certainly hyperbolic, and intended to be humorous, but the echo chamber I’ve seen more than any other is of the Hasbara sort; that is, pro-Israel propaganda that Americans have been bombarded with since 1948. I’ve seen that particular argument before but never any proof for it. The irony of your complaint is that I’m a frequent critic of the American left and a confirmed enemy of orthodoxy of any kind, so if you have credible support for the OP, do please share it.

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My comment was similarly intended to be humorous. However reading your response I will break it down according to how I read it.

Firstly, you have reinforced my assertion that you do receive your information from an echo chamber. Everyone of those people you listen to have a highly jaundiced view of the establishment of Israel. If you want to consider that they are not an echo chamber because some are Jewish, that does not negate from the fact that some of the most Echo Chamber voices against Israel are Jewish. I would posit the only way you can tell if someone is living in an echo chamber is if they can find something in them to defend Israel in any way. They don't. Anyone for whom the world is 100% Black and White is an echo chamber.

Secondly, you say they cannot be second guessed, why not? As per your first point, someone who sees absolutely nothing wrong with Palestinians and 100% apportions blame on Israel for everything, is not credible before you start.

Thirdly, the assertion you were responding to was that the Mufti collaborated with Hitler. He did spend the war in Nazi Germany, and I do not know anyone that contests this. He also broadcasted radio messages to the Arab world to attack Jews. Again I do not think this is contested. Specifically, if he visited the Gas chambers, I have no idea. So if your mocking was specifically on that, I will not debate it. However, I do not think its contested historically that the Mufti who was behind the Hebron massacre of 1929 and other pogroms against Jews was a strong Hitler fan and a proponent of murdering Jews. The only debate, the way i understand it, is whether he was genocidal, or whether he was just prepared to kill Jews who bought land in Israel and wanted to settle there.

I do not think the OP was wrong in their central position as I do not think it makes very much difference how much he wanted to kill Jews. He certainly influenced his followers in a very extreme way.

Obviously, those that live in an echo chamber will instinctively accuse those that disagree with them of doing the same. I also live in an echo chamber, although as a religious Jew, I am not a Zionist, I also am adamant that Jews should not be killed or demonised for killing those that stand up to murder them. This does cause me to be biased I know - but I do not blank out other voices. Knowing my biases helps me keep balanced.

Just accusing anyone defending Israel of being some kind of 'Hasbara' operative allows those that blindly attack Israel not to listen to the other side at all.

If you have listened to all these 100s of hours of podcasts from virulently anti Israel commentators to call yourself not in an echo chamber. Spend the time and listen to 20 hours of pro Israel commentators and weigh one position up against the other.

You cannot blindly believe one side and not even listen to the other, by telling yourself they are mentally ill, and still contend you are not in an echo chamber.

If you are such an enemy of Orthodoxy of any kind. I will contend that maybe fight the Orthodoxy inside yourself too and question yourself. Put yourself in an uncomfortable place and read someone who disagrees with your entrenched positions.

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I didn't read all that. I tell you I'll look at multiple credible sources that indicate I'm wrong and you provide nothing except the ludicrous idea that JEWS THEMSELVES ARE UNRELIABLE CRITICS OF ISRAEL. It's beyond absurd. I know you apologists for Israel are used to getting away with literally everything, but I'm not buying it. Free Palestine!

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So, taking that as granted,.all Palestinians everywhere forever must suffer and die?

Explain to me this "collective guilt" thingand why it ever always only applies to people that you don't like.

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As if we don't have enough to monitor there's this. I highly recommend the documentary in the article. THIS IS A HUGE REASON WHY AMERICANS ARE SO UNHEALTHY.

U.S. Government Paid PR Firm to Track and Vilify Critics of GMOs and Pesticides


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ever wonder how and why it's the first thing that comes to your mind?

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The Zionists collaborated with the Nazis. We know about the Haavara Agreement.

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Double Quenelles to you.

As if we don't have enough to monitor there's this. I highly recommend the documentary in the article. THIS IS A HUGE REASON WHY AMERICANS ARE SO UNHEALTHY AND SICK ALL THE TIME! Not hard to imagine big ag industry is in bed with big Pharma..

U.S. Government Paid PR Firm to Track and Vilify Critics of GMOs and Pesticides


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Playing victim while victimizing. Classic projection of the shadow onto the Other. When whole societies do it it amounts to a cult.

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They are trying to kill us in so many ways.

As if we don't have enough to monitor there's this. I highly recommend the documentary in the article. THIS IS A HUGE REASON WHY AMERICANS ARE SO UNHEALTHY AND SICK ALL THE TIME!. It's not hard to imagine that big ag is in bed with big Pharma.

U.S. Government Paid PR Firm to Track and Vilify Critics of GMOs and Pesticides


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This history might interest you.

I was called antisemitic when I posted this; a history of the most powerful family in the world who happens to be Jewish. It’s a fight for all of humanity and other life forms as well.


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The link doesn't work. It says "file not found".

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The web is being scrubbed as you probably know in order to control the narrative.

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"We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying. In our country, the lie has become not just moral category, but the pillar industry of this country."

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

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Love this one!

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'everybody lies' (dr house md), even aleksandr.

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martin, are you assaulting another god? who's left to quote then?

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Some die sooner than others because of this kind of shit.

They are trying to kill us in so many ways.

As if we don't have enough to monitor there's this. I highly recommend the documentary in the article. THIS IS A HUGE REASON WHY AMERICANS ARE SO UNHEALTHY AND SICK ALL THE TIME!. It's not hard to imagine that big ag is in bed with big Pharma.

U.S. Government Paid PR Firm to Track and Vilify Critics of GMOs and Pesticides


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"Oh no the right wing voters we again tried to win over voted Republican again and we lost again."

Oh, no! You haven't learned anything, have you, Dem-wits? Then again, you're just the controlled opposition that the oligarchs have put in place to fool voters into thinking they have a choice. (Voters do have a choice, but it just isn't you or the Repugs, but candidates from lesser known alternative parties.)

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Add this to the revolutionary change list:

They are trying to kill us in so many ways.

As if we don't have enough to monitor there's this. I highly recommend the documentary in the article. THIS IS A HUGE REASON WHY AMERICANS ARE SO UNHEALTHY AND SICK ALL THE TIME!. It's not hard to imagine that big ag is in bed with big Pharma.

U.S. Government Paid PR Firm to Track and Vilify Critics of GMOs and Pesticides


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Playing the victim is what made otherwise reasonable people believe that what a fantasy book was assessing about a holy land that was already occupied, in reality belonged to the chosen people by God due to the fact that 40% of the people exterminated inside the concentration camps were of that said religious beliefs. After that every narrative can be implemented to justify their crimes

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Israelis do not yet realise how deeply they're despised by decent humans everywhere. These racist 'chosen race' football-attending thugs expected the same adoration for committing atrocities as they receive at home, the same 'carte blanche' that has made them the most nasty, vicious, inhuman ethnic cleansers in the world. The default position of any Israeli, and of almost all of their supporters, when criticised or resisted, is to respond aggressively, and with violence. They have swallowed their own idiot propaganda, they truly believe everyone who is not a Jew is a 'subhuman animal', they honestly cannot see why any non-Israeli should be immune from bullying and thuggery. That is why the Israeli supporters of racist ethnic cleansing went on their rampage. They discovered the world thinks they're disgusting. It is time their supporters, the suppliers of their weapons, their money, and their protection from prosecution, realised it too.

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I’m appalled by the hypocrisies of some western personalities. The statement of the king of Netherlands can be seen as ridiculous, if weren’t many thousand of people being assassinated, displaced and starved by the government of the hooligans who were chanting and boasting over the killing of children. Almost all Europe fails to the Jewish before, during and after WWII. Now, this king is failing to his subjects, Arab, Muslim of others. They have to stand racist insults, death threats and mockeries about a raging genocide without reaction of the authorities.

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Caitlin, in terms of Trump's picks - I belive the primary criteria Trump uses is LOYALTY - those people that will be unquestioningly loyal to him come what may (this is a primariy characteristic of all strongmen and wanna-be dictators). Whether these picks are hawkish or dovish on war and militarism seems to be a secondary concern for Trump - hence his picks will probably tend to be all over the place (as long as the UNYIELDING LOYALTY part is satisfied).

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yeah chokaski and the other ones do not care about loyalty. only trump does 🤣

deep thoughts in shallow waters by chokaski™ 🤡

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Well most of his first administration stabbed him in the back so anyone would want loyalty

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No - you don't understand. Loyalty to "strongmen" (like Trump) takes on a totally different meaning than what it does to ordinary people.

I recommend reading the following 3 books for more insights into the psychology of characters like Trump:

(1) "How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them" by Jason Stanley [https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/38255329-how-fascism-works]

(2) "Strongmen: Mussolini to the Present" by Ruth Ben-Ghiat [https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/53597796-strongmen]

(3) "Strongmen: Trump / Modi / Erdoğan / Duterte / Putin" by Vijay Prashad [https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/40691001-strongmen]

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Make any book by Alice Miller your next read on the psychology of people like Trump.

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Child psychology being used to blame such behaviors is reductionist and over-abused. There is much more to it (and more relevant stuff) than devolving into "child psychology" and its problems.

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I completely disagree. After all, we’re still in the grips of the Medical Model. While Miller’s work rings true to her readers, it hasn’t broken through, being a stranger to policy in general. Also, “over-abused” is redundant.

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I disagree with your disagreement. Based on past comments on this substack - according to you EVERYTHING boils down to child psychology (I may be mistaken here).

Psychologists/therapists LOVE to psycho-analyze this "child upbringing" theme - and it is "over-abused" in the field - though it does work perfectly in terms of bringing in a steady stream of revenue for diehards of these theories (I have no objection to the theories themselves, but rather to their over-use - i.e. when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail).

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It’s a great point. I just mentioned Col Mac. He has remained loyal to him. He started to second guess a bit at times but who the hell hasn’t lol.

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Not really. Haley was disloyal on multiple occasions and now she is back in Trump’s good graces.

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Trump's good graces? You do understand that most things Trump says/behaves is all an act and theatre, right? His ficklemindedness and unhinged character changes by the tweet. Besides, Haley is NOT in Trump's inner circle - which consists of people that will be diehard loyalists. As long as you are willing to be subservient and grovel at Trump's feet, you may have a chance of being in his administration.

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It certainly does not jive with your stated views on loyalty and Trump.

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How so? Maybe you don't understand what "loyalty" means to Trump? How is Haley "loyal" to Trump? Being subservient for the sake of career is NOT an indication of loyalty, but more an indication of self-interest. Loyalty to Trump is putting Trump first before your OWN interests. And as per my previous comment, what does "Haley back in Trump's good graces" even mean? Is she going to be a part of the new administration?

"good graces" <> "loyalty" and "good graces" = "fleeting amount of time that can change in a heartbeat"

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Considering she badmouthing him and ran against him as The Great Neocon Hope.

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The question still stands - how is she "loyal" to Trump? And is she an integral party of the "new administration"?

In another comment, I suggested 3 books on strongmen and what "loyalty" means to them.

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My eyes always seem to be lying to me when witnessing blatant Israeli aggression.

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Talking to my penpal in Gaza is like talking to someone on death row. We both know she's going to be killed eventually, maybe sooner than later. I gave her $30. At least while she's waiting to die, she could use it to charge her phone (they have to pay for access to a solar charger) or buy food. https://www.gofundme.com/f/qgdb2b-support-shaimas-family-in-gaza

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As of today Shaima, her parents, and nieces have 1 moldy pita and some uncooked lentils left. It takes 2 hours to cook the lentils on their little cookstove. She sent me a video of the smoke that pours out constantly. It gets in their eyes, their clothes, their tent. It's cloudy today in Gaza, but at least it's not raining yet. Let's make their lives a tiny bit easier: https://www.gofundme.com/f/qgdb2b-support-shaimas-family-in-gaza

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Anyone that thinks that Trump is some type of man of peace is sadly mistaken. The US military industrial complex Loves Trump, because they already know he will never say no to US arm sales and that's a fact. CNN report that Trump wants to keep arming Ukraine for the next 20 years in exchange for Ukraine not joining NATO for the next 20 years. When it comes to Israel Trump is no different than Biden because Trump will give Israel all the bombs and protection they want. I don't know what's wrong with Caitlin thinking Trump is some kind of goddamn man of peace that's absurd. Why do you think I started a new party? Because Democrats and Republicans will never stop arming Israel's genocide. Trump enjoys being Mr popular with the Israelis they even gave him his own goddamn neighborhood in Israel. You'd have to be out of your mind to think that Donald Trump is some kind of goddamn man of peace. Trump is a Muslim hating baby killing Republican asshole just like Joe Biden.

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i didn't conclude caitlin thought donald is some kind of man of peace. i agree that hoping for 'non-interventionists' in the new administration will be part of the public performance to somewhat provide excuses to trump voters.

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Trump's Top Campaign Promises Are Lies: Trump Promised to Deport 11 million people? Literally impossible.

Lawrence O'Donnell points out facts that expose Trump's mass deportation promise as a stunning, bold lie and impossibility. (video)


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I agree.

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"But the hostages!" was ever always only a figleaf.

If Hamas did not have a single hostages, Israel would continue to attack.

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Reality Check: Trump is not a pro-Peace, anti-war President: Trump will continue to serve Israel US arms like Biden did.

Did you think the U.S. military industrial complex was going out of business under Trump? The Trump admin and State Dept. will continue to keep America the Number One arms dealer on Earth


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BDS Boycott Divest Sanction and jail the War Criminals and supporters. Free Palestine. Make Palestine Palestine again. Ban dual citizens in U.S.Govt.. Fuck Aipac

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Consumers Will Pay Trump's Tariffs Trump's Tariff Plan Already Raising Prices w/AutoZone, other retailers

Trump lied to voters falsely claiming he was imposing a tax on China when in fact he is imposing a 60% import tax on YOU when any American purchases goods from China.


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It seems to me to be a little more here than just worrying about the pocketbooks of the American consumer. The exit of manufacturing jobs overseas is a major issue in the MAGA psychology. Corporations benefited by cheaper labor and more resource capture, American consumers benefit by cheaper prices. Job loss here and extensive overconsumption are the consequences. The same with discounted gas prices leading to bigger and less energy efficient vehicles over the years. The end result, the ugly American and destruction.

Maybe there is value in higher tariffs to stop overconsumption. Can we live with less things?

MAGA is an attractive concept but its meaning has been distorted. Development of in-country environmentally friendly jobs and less capital exploitation is needed, the ideal MAGA.

The same concept with foreign wars. The destruction of Empires is aided through excess militarism abroad. The U.S. spends more on weapons of war than the next ten major countries combined. Except for the arms industry just think of the vast good that could be done by using the trillions of war monies in the pursuit of peaceful sustainable programs. By the way I don’t think Trump can fully refute the arms industry but it was his actions that stopped the 20 year Afghanistan war. That doesn’t begin to cleanse his soul, but it was a sign he is not a full war hawk. Let’s hope he follows through on stopping the Ukraine conflict, which is extremely dangerous in terms of instigating a nuclear war.

Just some thoughts. I am very cautiously open to ideas not favored by many. Fighting the tremendous propaganda machine surrounding us is absolutely necessary. To do so, one first needs awareness. Speaking truth to power is also necessary but is extremely dangerous at times.

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Trump's Top Campaign Promises Are Lies: Trump Promised to Deport 11 million people? Literally impossible.

Lawrence O'Donnell points out facts that expose Trump's mass deportation promise as a stunning, bold lie and impossibility. (video)


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And I thank Caitlin for her unending commitment to truth.

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Hawks Nikki Haley and Mike Pompeo won’t be invited. Now that is good news.

How many Palestinian children died from bombs which carried Haley's signature, which was enthusiastically added to such weaponry as a publicity stunt to show the USA's continuing support for the Nazi-like Israelis.

Could there ever be worse Americans than these two with the exception of Biden, who by rights should be subject to a public hanging. Book a time at Salem, please. A man who committed such despicable crimes like Biden deserves nothing less. He is nothing but a modern day witch and a fervent Catholic to boot.

Volunteers to assist would run into the millions

But sadly, the number of militarist stooges will increase and will get Trump's approval for past services rendered or funds contributed. Just how many of Miriam Adelson's cronies will benefit with influential positions of power will be of interest, if only to see how far a contribution of 100 million dollars goes in such an electoral circus.

One of the causes of the close death of the American empire. Voting corruption, allowable and openly pursued with not a squeak of challenge from a single soul.

That's how you ended up with a Trump.

One thing for certain. The new senior public servants will all be Torah tribesmen and tribeswomen preparing for the Sampson Option. Look it up. It is the Israeli 'fall back' nuclear position.

Just a matter of time.

This cabinet will be the worst in history. Mark my words.

There never has been a dictator voted in 'democratically' (plus corruption) like Trump.

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18 U.S. Code § 1091, that’s the statute incorporating the genocide convention into US domestic law. There is no time limitation on this statute. Let’s find the way/s to charge the entire Biden Administration, and the MSM, under this law. If not now, then later. Make them sweat.

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Does this have a special exception for Palestinians or just any enemy of the US and its allies?

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