I have a few "non political" friends who only listen the mainstream news. When Israel bombed the Iranian embassy in Damascus and Iran retaliated, Israel's bombing was reported, but way way down in the report. One of my apolitical friends, upset about Iran's action, did not realize that Israel had bombed the Iranian embassy killing 16 people. There was a resignation from Pride Toronto because of their unwillingness to work with Queer Palestine. I have a trans friend who didn't know about any of this. As you have said previously, the media is not reporting truthfully about what is happening in Gaza. The mainstream news contains nothing about organizations like this: canarymission.org, that keeps track of anyone who speaks out against genocide and puts them at risk of losing their jobs and reputations. They never talk about how much money is being made from the continuation of wars. They never talk about all the people who are dying in Gaza or in Ukraine. They sometimes mention "casualties" but just in passing. I have a Jewish friend who did not go see the film "Israelism", www.israelismfilm.com, made by young American Jews, because she said it promoted antisemitism. At least she is still talking to me. I have another Jewish friend who won't talk to me because she said I "love Palestinians". The mainstream news never talks about how Israel itself is causing more antisemitism and it promotes the idea that criticizing Israel is antisemitic. I have days when I feel as if the world is falling apart. I think it is possible that it is.

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This is not surprising, given how the current rules of polite educated discourse focus entirely on the complainant's subjective state of mind ("I felt unsafe!") and not on whether that the accused did is in fact offensive.

Not only that, but once a member of an approved victim class makes an accusation, the burden of proof falls to the accused to prove they didn't do anything wrong, in other words, to prove a negative. This is a game that the accused can rarely win, which is why the Zionist lobby choose to play it.

That said, those who rule over us care nothing for our clever word games, our cute memes, our tightly reasoned arguments or close readings of texts. They know full well that they are hypocrites. They do not care, any more than the schoolyard bully cares about your witty insults, as long as he still can smash your face in.

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Remember how quick Western media claimed that, on fairly flimsy satellite picture evidence, Russian troops committed a massacre of civilians in Bucha, Ukraine?

Textbook worthy and unworthy victims.

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Those poor Jewish Columbia students who feel threatened by demonstrators protesting Zionists slaughtering Palestinians. Not many fucks given, sorry bitches !

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All hospitals in Gaza are now fair game as graveyards for Palestinians. Why is nobody of the great world saying enough. We are getting used to the silence of all although this burial of participants is considered a war crime but then everything is Ok as long as Israel is doing it. We the brown people have had enough of this choosing to ignore us since unlike zionists who are historically considered to be blonde and blue eyed we do not get the attention we should have. Palestinians who are really suffering and who continue to do so unfairly, are ignored and die without any remorse on the part of the world.

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Even though many protests against Israel's genocide against Gaza are led by Jewish people, the west focuses on anti-semitism. What an insult to our intelligence! Genocide should always be protested.

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The Israelis can do anything they want, including wholesale massacres of children, because they control the Western governments and the Media in the West...That's the reality, and that's why the public is astonished when reality breaks through the propaganda, as in the Ukraine...and that is why the Western world is cratering, because the fools in DC, London, and Paris believe their own propaganda....

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PTSD. Worldwide PTSD is what Israel has unleashed on most of us. Clearly PTSD is a psycho- physical illness, neuroendocrine disruptions affecting immune competence and variety of hormonal processes, as well as leading to anxiety and depression. As such, the entire planet should be suing the Zionist regime and its enabler the filthy blood-engorged USA for reimbursement of medical or other psycho-physical costs related to this fiasco.

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So am I getting this straight ?

The press is selling anti-zionism at colleges as anti-semitic violence ?

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"If you belong to a group that the empire regards as human, then even someone offending your feelings will be viewed as an unforgivable hate crime."

You know, there's a time and a place for everything--including "hate crime." It's time to offend the "feelings" of these non-feeling, non-empathetic sociopaths/psychopaths who are conducting and/or condoning the genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza. Offend them repeatedly and with vigor!

I just don't care anymore what happens to selfish a**wipes who think they're being "targeted" because the majority of people are protesting in favor of the Palestinians. They need to learn what it means to truly be an oppressed people. #FreePalestine!

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N.b. the Zionist insistence on conflating Jews and Israel has created more genuine antisemites than all the protest marches since the dawn of time.

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The same old thing over and over again. The western media is owned by and in lockstep with whomever tells them what to write. Freedom of the press disappeared years ago, especially in the U.S. There is no money to be made in reporting the truth anymore. So they don't. The U.S. can't afford the negative press of being complicit in Israel's genocide. Joe Biden can't afford any negative press because it is an election year. The same for a large part of the EU.

So, massacres are buried. War crimes are buried. Someday, they will come to light again, when these reports will no longer have any effect on sitting governments.

Democracy is a farce. Just words in the wind to make the poor masses do as they are told. Lie to them to keep them working to pay the taxes needed to keep the elitist's in power. Democracies are now just schemes to make people vote for whom the elites want them to vote for. There are very few choices anymore by design. This fake democracy business is rampant all over the globe. There are a small handful of developing countries who are giving it a try but eventually, they too will succumb to the addiction of power and greed. And so it goes.

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Well, those Western Zionists are going to feel a lot more uncomfortable once all those photos and films of children the Israelis starved to death come out. The protests, yes plural because more protesters came back, at Columbia show that BDS has come to America to stay, and the Zionists will be unable to stop it in the long run.

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This is what makes me laugh about the right wing throwing around "woke." This is as woke as it gets baby.

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To me a 'citizen of the world' means only one thing.

You have NO allegiance to a country.

I have never fitted in (like a jig-saw puzzle) which is what our countries want us to do.

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This blatant genocide & open terrorism by Israel in broad daylight on the world stage has clearly demonstrated that we live in a vile & putrid world. To each their own. We have to fend for ourselves. There are no such things as fairness, justice, equality, humanity etc. These are just absolutely meaningless words in the dictionary. Israel is raping the world & the shameless world leaders are openly cheering on. How much more disgusting can things get? Folks who really understand the situation are a huge minority, unable to really affect much consequential change. The Zionists have overshadowed the truth with smear & slander campaigns & fake news from the main stream media that they totally own. They have forced us to be culpable in these crimes as our tax dollars are directly paying for the genocide. It is appalling that the world is being totally taken over by the wealth of the Zionists & there is nothing any other humans can do to stop them. How can the west be so mindless & stupid? Is it impossible for all humans, governments & world leaders to decide to care about humanity & come together against the Zionists & collectively boycott their wealth & expose their evil agendas? It is possible, but they don’t want to do it. They are all OK with what’s going on because “It’s not happening to me” phenomenon. The world has become a ticking time bomb due to the terrorist, criminal & genocidal acts of the Zionists & we all enabled it, so we will need to suffer for it. No respite! Just wait for armageddon!

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