The "rave" itself was a strange phenomenon, only a few miles from Gaza- a boisterous party thrown by Israel while Gaza and the West Bank Palestinians were being abused, to put the best frame on it. Was it deliberate provocation? No, can't be: that would portray Israel and IDF as cold- blooded, calculating murderers, even of their own citizens. Can't be.

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Caitlin, Thank you for being you and sharing

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"Bad Guys did them because the Bad Guys are Bad."

I have a sneaking suspicion that this sentence is tattooed on Biden's forearm where he can refer to it easily during a press conference.

But as the old saying goes, "Don't interrupt your enemy when they're making mistakes." The propagandists are making the IDF look worse by the hour and more and more people have taken to the streets in support of the Palestinian people in the last week than in the whole of the last decade. That says something... The narrative the warmongers are trying to spin isn't working. The truth is getting out.

And more people are believing the situation is more complex than "Bad Guys did them because the Bad Guys are Bad."

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I have been expanding my horizons as far as world history, culture, beliefs, religions, politics, rothschild zionism, the illuminati, etc...what's crazy is that the rest of the world considers America hypocritical war mongers/zionist. It makes my heart hurt so bad that my government and military complex are the actual terrorist. We have lied and lied, made agreements and deals all while dangling a fraudulent piece of paper in front of our "foes" all while setting up military bases and embassies all over the world. And then when someone does not want to abide by our rules we sanction & threaten them and sometimes start war. We have been the neighborhood bully for far too long. Many a people want America to pay for their atrocities. The time is near....

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Best stack of 2023 thusfar. Just brilliant, brave, and no bullshit. Huge fan.

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Yes, it's pretty frustrating to watch them run the same stupid playbook over and over, and every time, enough people fall for it to justify their continuing to do it.

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Thank you covering this extremely important conspiracy truth. Though I have to say I was not expecting the actual facts to come to light this fast. And I am sure there’s more, a LOT more.

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Now Zionist Biden is flying to Israel to make things worse..if that is possible. He is such an embarrassment to good human beings in America. In fact the whole government is an embarrassment, lacking in integrity. “ A friend of Israel is no friend of humanity.” So sad what happened after the Holocaust; self destruction with Zionism!

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Israel is creating their own Warsaw ghetto in Palestinian Gaza . . .


Biden’s trip to the Middle East attempting to create his own Camp David Accords . . .


The killing fields of the World go on & on & on . . .

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Another shameful episode in the long history of colonial oppression. Only the heart- and brain- dead can fail to sympathise with the victims of Israeli violence in Palesttine. Against such a horrific backdrop it seems almost insulting to talk of a silver lining, but perhaps there is one. The good news is that the Empire rah-rahs and boot lickers are increasingly confined to NATO countries and a few outlying US vassal states - Australia, Japan, Korea, etc. Throughout Asia, Africa and Latin America there is growing rejection of western dominance and its dishonest narrative. Even in Europe, there is increasing popular understanding that Palestinians are suffering grave injustice at the hands of the so-called democracies, a change that has frightened European leaders into taking unprecedented steps to repress dissent. Dangerous days ahead. but at least a light on the hill.

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Good read Caitlin. I do remember the craziness after that dreadful day in 2001. It seems there was no one willing to question the things that started happening after that day. I remember how sad I was after it happened, yet I was scared for our nation to go to war because I know war is never the answer. And when Iraq was invaded in 2003 by US I was very upset and didn’t want to look at any TV news. Now it’s happening all over again. People fall hook, line and sinker for the propaganda. It’s actually patriotic to question one’s government. What do you think the colonies were doing in 1776 when Thomas Jefferson wrote & the men in that room signed the Declaration of Independence? They questioned Britain’s right to rule over the 13 colonies. We need to question more and not just wave the flag every time there’s another hot war in the world.😢☮️

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Let us stand for truth against power. Truth rarely comes from a narrative of one.

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It's okay to bomb certain kids to prove a point. We are so f**ing moral in the West. Much superior to those barbarians.

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On the question of " . . . unthinking mental infants . . . ".,

This operation has the appearance of a known event that elements within the Security Apparatus let unfold.

Palestinian Territories have tens of thousands who are Israeli agents, as discussed decades ago by one Shin Bet officer.

The borders are under extensive electronic surveillance. Nothing approaches that is not known, more recently examined by an Israeli security officer.

Interestingly, the music event staged near Gaza was relocated there a few days prior.

There are several hypotheses as to what is driving this.

One - Removing the Hard Right from Israeli Politics. Another - Removing the Palestinians from Israeli territory.

Clearly, mutually exclusive.

There may be other explanations, yet to emerge.


As for " . . . IDF troops who were firing indiscriminately . . . ", they are not Chechen nor Russian professional soldiers who are trained and experienced in the close-in work required for heavily built up civilian areas against hardened targets.


As for " . . . Israeli rightists . . . ", the country is split between the Mizrahi, the Settlers and the Ultra-Religious classes on the one hand and the Liberal Progressive Ashkenzi, broadly. One class may be trying to eliminate the other from political force and affect.


As for the so-called unprovoked " . . . invasion of Ukraine . . .",

God Favours Russia . . . https://les7eb.substack.com/p/ukraine-long-proxy-war-vi-god-favours

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Hamas won an election in Gaza 16 years ago. Only 7% voted. Hamas won't allow new elections. 1/2 the population of Gaza weren't born or were children 16 years ago.

Hamas is a terrible organization and has done nothing to help Gazans that I can see.

With Israel, that place is nuts. Zionists run the place for some crazy reason. Or is it because the peaceful leaders of Israel get assassinated (Yitzhak Rabin).

Both Gaza and Israel are run by bloodthirsty murderers. The civilians of Gaza and Israel are pawns.

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I'd bet Roger Waters has been disappeared from the internet.

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