Oct 27, 2023Liked by Caitlin Johnstone

Thank you for making the plight of Palestinian children public. I support Jewish Voices for Peace. I have no idea if it will do any good, but we’ve already had over forty years of this conflict. We can end this. We will end this.

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The only way it will end if the Israeli people get Netanyahu out and his right wing Orthodox Govt.

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Hi Jenny

The Israeli government is blaming the entire population of Gaza for not “rising up” against Hamas.

Therefore, should not Hamas blame the entire Israeli population for not rising up against their genocidal government?

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You want to end the Jewish state.

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Funded by the US and EU..

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It appears that Germany has returned to its “glorious” past, beating and/or jailing anyone who dares to utter the words “Free Palestine”. Obviously no pro-Palestinian marches are permitted.

Once a Nazi, always a Nazi. Same story; different folks.

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Where do they get finance?

Who are at the top of the money pyramid?

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I'm pretty sure it's none of the cattle people but there's probably a red shield at the doors of their many fine mansions and seriously plush offices but don't worry, it's all imaginary money + usury that works just fine down on the cattle farm where the unwanted livestock of the world wait for the Money Monsters to decide & execute their fate. The long game began in 1694 AD & was taken over by the Red Shield dynasty after the battle of Waterloo. Softly softly catchee [global] monkey ever since. Great danger awaits us all via their malevolent usurious money system. We need to wake up.

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Nailed it - they in turn have a nasty history of slave traders and cotton.


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Sizeable video. Will schedule it for this weekend. Thanks. Let me also give you this seriously on-topic one in return but you'll need to buckle up: https://www.bitchute.com/video/QtLvxZ9d0yEY/?list=hmv3AI5oVvJm&randomize=false

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Thanks for pointing out the actual length of this...massacre. The word “war” would imply that both sides have responsibility and military engagement. You’ve explained what you meant by war, so I don’t really blame you...but you’ve seen what questions MSM keep raising about this. It’s easier to hide Israel’s crimes if they label it a war.

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Israel has blacked out all communication from Gaza. They wish to commit genocide without an audience I guess.

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RemovedOct 28, 2023·edited Oct 28, 2023
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I can't and don't watch US media, but the video clips I just saw on George Galloway's MOATS were sickening revolting disgusting revolting and barbaric - Israel is condemned for all time.

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The Hindustan Times is an interesting news source. It’s not in depth but there are a LOT of them. After watching 15 or 16 of them on YouTube, I have a much clearer idea of what the world thinks about Nuttyahou, Israel and, creeping in every now and then, the USA. Horrifying as Gaza is, their suffering seems to be verging on martyrdom in its affect upon the global opinion.

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What a silly question, but here you go: https://www.hindustantimes.com/

Took me maybe 4 seconds making like Dubya and using a search engine. You should try it some time.

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I search engine my ass off...But, it's appreciated if the poster helps interested parties save a bit of time by just hitting C/V. At 84, every second is a gift.

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Thank you Ohio. I don’t know how to put links up and rarely use them. I too just type in a name or tittle. Plus I found it by trying to find more YouTube with Scott Ritter. It’s amazing how much associated information pops up in those little boxes down the right side of the screen! 😁😆🤓

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Why? She's patient and confident someone would come through.

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Not the sharpest knife in the drawer, are you?

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Personal insults are not Intelligent argument.

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Expecting others to provide a simple link for you is damn lazy.

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There are levels to what you can find in the media, so far in my experience it's:

- Mainstream Media: Highly sanitised, mostly of destroyed buildings but sometimes a blurred out or indistinguishable dead person.

- Social Media: Dead bodies but only of the sanitised kind, anything too gory is quickly removed.

- Private Social Media (e.g. Telegram): Absolutely raw and horrific, straight from the people on the ground and nothing is left to the imagination. Israel is BRUTALLY slaughtering people, including children and babies.

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"Israel" is insane and incomprehensible to any rational, reasonable thinking human. I've started to think that Israel's more like a Western Front Company, or Shell Corporation, that decided the Holocaust was a brilliant business idea, and why had they not thought of it sooner? If you've ever encountered anti-Palestinian racism, it's truly an ugly, ugly thing. How Israel (and of course the West) can embrace this Extermination Policy, post-Holocaust, well, that's what it is. What's going on now is not going to end well for Israel, and the problem I'm seeing is that a lot of Israelis are not on board with their stupid Government, which is just a Western Neo-Imperialist Front Organization, but they're going to be thrown "under the bus" just the same, just like the Palestinians...

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How can you be so sure this will end as well as you suggest. My fear is this will become a broader war, and there is a lot of support for Israel in this country, and I'm not only talking about Evangelical groups who sound insane in their arguments as they support Israel and the genocide they are perpetrating. The House in the US just supported the new speaker in supporting Israel and it's very obvious genocide. In this 21st century America destroyed one Muslim country after another and it went on and on through the Obama/Biden administrations. What I don't understand is why Hamas would engage in such an attack knowing full well that Israel would respond in this fashion. I think there has just been an assumption that Hamas is capable of anything, but I feel something is deeply wrong. In recent times many people have had their homes taken by settlers in the West Bank and no doubt some thousand or more have been displaced, and a dead giveaway Israel is intent in ridding itself of the Palestinians this time around. I wonder why Hamas helped them?

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Because they don't want to wait a 75th year for the world to do something about ethnic cleansing and apartheid besides pay lip service about two state solutions. I guarantee you live in a country that obtained its independence via someone's war. That's the way that's done. There is no real negotiation with oppressors. Not the Nazi ones trying to cleanse Donbass and certainly not the Zionists trying to cleanse Palestine.

Modern Westerners have no idea what racial oppression is like and even less about what it's like when death is a better choice than a life of state sponsored bondage.

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Exactly that’s why Israeli apologists in the west can be so completely flippant about the genocide. They (we) have zero comprehension. Not to be confused for those who do understand and feel nothing but helplessness when their (western) governments chose to stand alongside the genocide state of Israel.

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Oct 27, 2023·edited Oct 27, 2023

Lady Kasha, those children, and teenagers were not the ones making this decision but those who have lived no doubt a good part of their life if not most. If I were a mother in Gaza I don't want Hamas to make death and life decisions on whether my family gets a chance to grow up and live with hope they'll have a better life. I am disgusted with my countries many wars and have been an activist in the anti-war movement seeing early on my country was willing to kill, kill, kill, and topple countries, but that didn't stop my hope.

https://www.timesofisrael.com/surveillance-soldiers-warned-of-hamas-activity-on-gaza-border-for-months-before-oct-7/ When I said something was not right I was referencing this in particular.

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Fully agreed with your point. Americans sit here thoroughly propagandized or fully censored if they voice objections. This country never faced

A fully militant aggressor on its shores, wholesale slaughter of civilians, including children, or had to exist in a open air prison with 24/7 surveillance and random assaults from the oppressor. We sit numbly unaware yes and ignorant of the reality taking place. We’re blindly led by the nose to accept the one-sided pro-Israel argument thrown on our faces by the corporatized media....

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That's what I think too. How many times would an armed US citizen contend with his church door getting kicked in every Sunday morning and seeing friends and family get machine gunned down before they started shooting back!? Now take away their guns and rinse and repeat!

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Beautifully said, Lady!!!!

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Well said, Lady!

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If you want to do something to avoid your fears coming true, join Jewish Voices for Peace. It’s $3 a month. Or send money to Rashida Tlaib who is being censured by the Congress while my nice white liberal respectable senators sit quietly on the sidelines, heads down giving my amazing state of Oregon a bad name. Puke!!!

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This is what is the standard across America because we seem to have nothing but warmongers for our representatives. I have given up writing to the ones here in Florida because of this very problem. Now they are also all on a new censoring campaign too!

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Yes. It makes me soooooo crazy. In fact so crazy that I’m thinking of saving all the dog and cat do from the household and delivering it “with love” to the front door of Wyden and Merkley and Bloomeheur’s local offices. Just a token of my esteem. Not throwing. Nothing violent. Just leaving. At the door. For all to see.

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Oh damn now you are talking about adding to the shit pile! Hah! 😂

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I found this, by Craig Murray (currently being investigated for terrorism!), and Sy Hersh's new article gave me some needed perspective - both close-up and internationally.


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Thanks. I'll read the whole article tomorrow, well, later in the day. He says, "Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s political stock within Israel is so low, that the only way he can recover is by making a major step towards the complete genocide of the Palestinian people and the achievement of Greater Israel." Which says that the people of Israel are at present disappointed with Netanyahu, but if he goes forth with the extermination of the Palestinians and establishes a Greater Israel they'll support him. If that is indeed the case what does that say about Israeli's? It's so ironic that they were basically given the land of Palestine, due to the Zionist movement and their claims of prejudice against Jews then followed by WWII and the extermination camps. If indeed that is the case it's disgusting to say the least.

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For what it's worth, they are arresting anti-war protesters in Israel. They do exist. Seems like a hellish hail Mary to me...

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I'm sure that there are many who are not going along with this, but the majority of Israel's are not opposed to this slaughter. The same in the US with all our disgusting wars. I was very involved in the anti-war movement and disgusted by the lack of support from the media, and what coverage there was of the opposition to the war really died out quickly. Thanks.

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Where did you see this?

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Jenny, I believe I read it on Consortium News.

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Thanks for that article. So much to keep up with. Between keeping up with the "news," praying, fasting, and crying a lot, it's exhausting.

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Yes. Craig Murray is awesome.

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There are a number of postings from people in the Middle East who have questions regarding the truth of the videos given. One of the things that have come to light is the clip of the missile attack on the hospital. They prove that clip is from a location 2 miles away! But if you see my post from here you should watch that clip it is what tells exactly what is the reason for all of this! Here again is the link https://twitter.com/richimedhurst/status/1717699444362092839?t=8IlARfILqqYqPODvar5JGg&s=19

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Israel: a little paradise created in a sea of hate....from within and all sides.....it's artificial and they know it. They can only defend it by their fantastical lies and self created enemies.....It's nauseating that the US is sending military advisors. I would love to interview those advisors when they return. Will they be traumatized by what they witness? Or, will Israel get them to sign a NDA?

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Oct 27, 2023·edited Oct 27, 2023

Yes. And as Caitlin writes, "Israel Has Permanently Lost The Argument"

So now comes the shameless doubling, tripling, and quadrupling down -- by a clinically paranoid, self-defined prisoner. Brace for impact.

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More evidence of clinical paranoia: https://www.thefp.com/p/this-isnt-a-war-against-israel

"[I]t was the media’s predictable switch from an Israel-empathetic to an Israel-demonizing narrative as the image of Palestinian suffering supplanted that of Israelis beheaded, dismembered, and burnt."

They truly have *no idea* what they look like, never mind why.

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Check prior remarks . . .

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OMG! Was that the wonderful Norman Finkelstein!? I read that book about 10 years ago, which was in the english language library here in Mexico. What an eye opener! Highly recommend if one wants to get the essence of Israeli mentality. Available on Kindle.

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Thanks, just bought it. Now to gird my loins and read it. I don't know how much more I can take!

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You might also want to read his exhaustive work on Gaza, by that name.

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Why do the Jewish people get to co-opt the term “Holocaust”?

What about the African slave trade which continued for 500 years? HOLOCAUST. And we’ve yet to pay reparations to the descendants of the slaves who built this country.

What about the wholesale slaughter of the Native American tribes and the theft of an entire continent? HOLOCAUST.

And the United Snakes of IsraHell stood idly by as Pol Pot and Idi Amin perpetrated HOLOCAUSTS against their own people. But who cares; they weren’t WHITE.

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But I do think it’s because they are white. Anglos are a deeply racist bunch, so deep that they can’t even recognize it when it’s right in front of them. As one guy bragged on here—we are a tolerant people, he says. Never wondering why they’d have to “tolerate” others if they saw them as equal.

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"Israel apologists are the worst."

Multiply it by 10 and you'll get Ukraine apologists. And it is no wonder as Israeli model apparently was used as a template to set up Ukraine. Zelensky and others openly proclaimed they wanted to be like Israel. Mostly funded, but in other aspects as well.

Well, Ukraine will go down and if it takes Israel with it - so much for the better. Today's Greenwald featured Lee Fang who interviewed a few of nut jobs from the Congress - the deranged evangelicals that they are - as to why they support Israel: https://rumble.com/v3rv2es-system-update-show-171.html?start=2762

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These Evangelicals evidently haven't read the Bible, which says that killing children and shedding innocent blood is an abomination (2 Kings; Proverbs) and that the result will be "desolation of abomination", that is, everyone dead. It is curious how some people read the Bible; they should try doing it with their eyes open.

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Oct 27, 2023·edited Oct 27, 2023

There are plenty of contradictions in the bible, given it was written in many different time periods with many different redactors and authors. For every biblical quote one can find - you can find a quote justifying the opposite, including murder. Didn't God instruct Abraham to kill his son?

The stories in it now are over 2000 years old, written for a time and culture that no longer exists. The most important parts of the bible for me has always been the more allegoric stories and symbols representing psychological truths regarding morality and faith. But the stories are often ignored or marginalized - or perverted into something they were never meant to be - by zealots and extremists.

But then again, human history has had just as many secular zealots and extremists as well. The real problem with evil has nothing to do with "God" or "Religion" - it has to do with the human psyche and its growth.

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My favourite part of the bible is when Russell Crowe gets the animals smashed with incense.

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I really enjoyed Crowe in Gladiator.

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I did, but I thought his oscar was a do-over from the other two he was robbed of - Insider and Beautiful Mind. And, arguably, LA Confidential - read the book, incidentally, if you haven't. It's massive and awesome.

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His death was remarkable, and realistic.

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They're nimrods anyway. Half of them have no idea that the people they're cheering and fist pumping for are spitting at Christians in the streets, burning their churches, and throwing them out of marketplaces while mocking their Jesus and quoting holy books that call him the son of a whore. They're too busy doing their God's work by supporting all that and opposing the only people in the region besides those Christians who regard their Jesus the same way Christians do, on the basis of religious ideology.

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Weeelllll….the Christian’s deserve it. Frankly, I think the Roman’s were right—feed’em to the lions. 😄😁😆😂. (With apologies to the lions)

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They made the lions I’ll 😉

I had a friend who had a t-shirt reading “Too many Christians, not enough lions” 😁

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Omygod that’s great!!!! I might pretend I’m Roman and say “so many Christians, not enough crosses”. You know how they love to martyr themselves.

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I LOVE it!

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Hi Lady

I wish I still had the link, but I watched an IsraHelli “comedy show” in which the hostess crucified a stuffed monkey. Nuff said about how the Chosen feel about Christianity.

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Of course they didn't. They're just the scum that give the true believers a bad name. Some knowingly so, relying on the general evangelical cult-like mindset.

The evangelicals are abomination - just look at orgies in their "houses of worship".

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They should also practice what they preach.

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I am not sure about that because I think they have their own Bible? Or maybe a different updated version?

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They have the Talmud which is all theirs but the Christian Old Testament is the same as the Jews have.

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I was referring to the Old Testament..

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Starry—since the Bible was written by Jews I think the children they were referring to would be Jewish children. They don’t recognize their enemies as human.

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The Biblical Jews (before 70 AD) recognized conversion, adoption, and marriage between Jews and Gentiles, so they must have thought the latter were human. I believe the fanatical nationalism stuff started in the late 19th century. If so, they wouldn't be the only community to have been poisoned by nationalism.

As to the children passed through the fire to Moloch, there are passages which seem to refer to this practice being adopted by Jews from their neighbors, which is why it had to be explicitly forbidden. You'd think people would know better without having to be told.

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Your name gives it all away.

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No shit!

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Caitlin—Ditto your last sentence in this excellent column. My love and respect for Jewish Voices for Peace and Rashida Tlaib in particular and all brave protesters in general is massive. It’s one of the few things that keeps me sane in this time of complete moral collapse in the West.

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And now Marjorie Traitor-Greene wants Rashida “ censured” for being “anti-Semitic” 🤣🤣🤣

Funny, since Rashida is one of the few actual Semites in congress!

More news: former Michigan congressman Justin Amash, the first Palestinian elected to congress ( and who resigned after his second term) lost several family members in Gaza due to the Zio onslaught.

My state ROCKS. We’ve elected TWO Palestinians to represent us!

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Yeah MTG sure makes people wish they had remembered to lock the nut house door! I would like to get Rashida to lead a demand to put the military in control by We The People! If she would support a effort to do so I believe after a few million signatures we would be looking at a complete breakdown in the government of warmongers. They would end up with We The People on one side and the obvious State of Corruption on the other!

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Yours DOES rock!!!! Good for you. I’m so sorry for Mr Amash.

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I am too, Jeano. He’s a good man.

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Check out Jeffrey St. Clair, Counterpunch. He captures the essence of....genocide...

"When you declare total war against Gaza, which has been under perpetual siege since 1967 after being seized by Israel during the Six Day War, what is it you’re going to war against? There are no airbases, no army bases, no tank battalions, no air defense systems, no naval ports, no oil refineries, no rail system, no troop barracks, no armored personnel carriers, no howitzers, no satellite systems, no attack helicopters, no fighter jets, no anti-tank batteries, no submarines, no command-and-control centers. Just people, most of them women and kids."

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And a whole shit load of screaming primates in the US howling for their blood! It is beyond disgusting. The horror is truly impossible to get away from because unless these warmongers are totally wiped out they will never stop. Imagine that all of the people who want peace could get to one state and then actually break away from the rest. What is the first thing that would happen? We would be bombed or attacked because you know people just living peacefully well they must be a threat!

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Yes, I’ve long support JVP. Raised as a Christian, I am equally appalled by the inhumane, stupid response by Catholic Zionist Biden and members of Congress who give the green light, funding, weapons to Israelis genocide of Gaza/ Palestine. These people have no soul, no integrity, no conscience, no compassion! America is in bad shape! Look what the Republicans elected as House Speaker!😡

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LOL, Patricia! If ByeDone thinks he’s going to heaven when he croaks off, St. Peter’s gonna tell him, Not so fast, pal!

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Biden (and Pelosi for that matter) are not Catholic. Well, the Pope isn't either. But that's a whole other issue. Satan infiltrated the Church pretty much as soon as Jesus was murdered.

I just finished the first reading of "How Jesus and His Followers Saved Humanity." Very dense. If you think things are bad now, go back 2,000 years and see how what's going on now (that we know about) is child's play.


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Caitlin you got this. It’s over. Ethnic cleansing, mass murder of innocent children, turning people’s homes to ashes is no longer tolerated for the Jews or anyone. Outlawed by International law, Geneva Conventions supported only by the rabid orthodox who control the Israeli Knesset, their ruthless and delusional Prime Minister and the entire corrupted lackey US government. Game is over. The world is disgusted at this calculated genocide.

The absence of any sense of decency from our present administration is appalling and a national disgrace that may be impossible to erase.. We must call on the Presidential candidates to identify where they stand on this infamy so we all know who is bought and in the pocket of these ravagers.

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I agree that one phase of America’s genocidal stance in the world is over but I’m not so sanguine about what comes after the fall. These insane sociopathic greed monsters don’t just die off. They hang onto their positions and possessions for as long as they can. Personally, I’m starting to see the French Revolution in a new light.

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Hahahahaha. And don’t sharpen the blade!

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I was called Eva Braun Jr today, but this well written read gave me the much needed hug. Thanks

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Now you know who they consider your boyfriend is.

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Benjadolf Netanyahitler?

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"You amaze me"... Right back at you. Thanks very much. So glad that I found your voice in this quagmire.

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Couldn’t agree more Sam

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Israel is a racist hell hole. They are evil racist euro trash

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LOL! .....I hate LOL....but, I couldn't resist...."evil racist euro trash".

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This is the depth of Israel’s real and actual intent: to kill and maim every Palestinian. To continue killing them until there are no more Palestinians to kill. When it’s done it will come after Palestinians in neighbouring countries that think badly of the ultra apartheid regime and kill them too. This will be what its existence will be about; a genocide country.

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YOU keep me sane! I think that's what this is! BRAVO, thank you, BRAVO....THANK YOU!

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Thoroughly agree with the final part. I have so much admiration for Jewish defenders of the Palestinians. They are a credit to humanity.

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After seeing the non stop bombing *Genocide* being carried against mostly innocent women and children in Gaza: I don’t give a rat’s ass what happens to Israel in the future “I will shed zero tears for the destruction of the genocidal apartheid state of Israel.” - Thor Swayze

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I’ll personally applaud when Iran destroys IsraHell. The only sorrow I will feel is for the non-human creatures who will lose their lives.

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''When you realize that your government and all it's allies bet all their middle eastern foreign policy chips on a psychotic cult leader.''

The cult is Zionism - like the US and UK - politicians are persuaded to take the pledge of allegiance.

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