So well put -- a morality problem, not a generational or Tik-Tok problem. And many of us older folks are pro-Palestine too. And not anti-semitic. Genocide and apartheid are just not OK.

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Most what I hear from the Israel supporter is all Palestinians are anamals.

I often imagine them doing this with a Nazi salute..

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Also Bibi just spent last few years on a domestic genocide / blood money operation and speaks openly about the commercialization, without consent of all of even the most intimate and personal of Israeli data...

Bibi Met with architect of Yom Kippur war Henry Kissinger days before the ~8 hour stand down used to start this false flag operation .

Intelligence failure?

Yeah right a tragic just like Mossad and CIA being tragically unaware of pedo island 🙄

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Amen, Caitlin. Cognitive dissonance rules our world and it's high time we helped people take the blinders off. War and peace matters infinitely more than whatever it is we think we're worried about.

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Both the US and Israel are now pariah states.

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As Israel becomes ever more monstrous it becomes obvious that the world has created a monster. The world should take responsibility for reigning it in. Israel's nation licence needs to be revoked, and its geographic territory subjected to humane government. To accomplish that we'd first need to affirm the authority of the UN to act on the world's behalf, and then to make sure the smartest people in it were involved in attempting the solution. Flight of fancy..

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I think that the biggest difference between gen-z and boomers and what are left of their parents is 75 years of the greatest propaganda machine in the history of the world. By the time gen-z reached the age of starting to pay attention, they had alternative news sources that they didn’t have to spend ridiculous amounts of time trying to find, and they spend far less time listening to the narrative managers who have convinced so many who have been bombarded their entire lives with garbage that they have been, with many exceptions, convinced that excrement really is Shinola. As Chomsky has often said, in this and other contexts, the achievements of the propaganda machine are truly spectacular. And we’re not talking here about stupid people, or self-serving cynics who benefit from an affected delusion. These are bright, high-functioning, successful adults. I’m a boomer. Somehow, I saw the excrement and correctly identified it as such decades ago. I ain’t no smarter than the majority of my demographic cohort who don’t see it. If I had any idea as to why, I would share it. I don’t have a clue, except for the the generally successful narrative management that, to me, would be laughable were what it allows to happen not so barbaric.

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Interesting original reporting in acute

observation together. You're really pretty amazing

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I have been pro Palestinian for 20 years, ever since I took the time to familiarize myself with facts surrounding Israel's creation in 1947. I realized that Israel was nothing more that a British land grab and the creation of a nasty insurgency and a munitions dump in the Middle East. I am 74, raised Lutheran. I have no excuse for not glomming on the obscene reality of Israel sooner.

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Everyone who opposes Child Abuse should be on the "Cease-Fire" side of things, whether or not you're an Israel booster. Israel's turning, or has already, turned into Moloch, the ancient god of child sacrifice (if I'm not mixing up my mythology). Also: Palestinians are "Semites," something left out of MSM reporting; therefore, Israel's indiscriminate--and criminal--bombing of Gaza is by definition "anti-semitic."

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Morality, not ethnicity has been the issue since the first recorded expulsion of a Jewish community in 587 BC.

Morality why 'Jews and Gypsies' were considered undesirable.

Gypsies were a portable nuisance, but Jewish usury and sharp practices bled communities and countries white after several generations.

Most Westerners are unaware of how much our lives already resemble Gazans'. Spied on 24x7 by corrupt, violent governments we distrust, stripped of our wealth by usury and sharp practices, threatened by increasingly violent police, and censored unmercifully. We're penned up.

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I don't know what to do with my seething red hot anger (hatred?) of Israel. Of course, US has committed genocide and assassinations since its inception....slaughtering millions. The psychotic sociopaths win in the end. What are we to do?

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True here in the UK too. The march I was on had a massive proportion of youth. These kids don't read the Daily Mail, or watch the BBC news. They are essentially sceptical of anything they hear or see from politicians. And the cracks are widening in the credibility of official discourse.

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The sad fact is that nationalism and patriotism (same beasts really) once the national and internationals influences come to bear on us sad masses we become part of the problem. A long time ago I was young in England and the RAF were bombing Germany each night with many hundreds of bombers sweeping over the English Channel unopposed and dropping bombs in what they called a carpet pattern onto German working class areas where the houses were most tightly packed and finally hundreds of thousands of German civilians were killed or badly injured.This wasn't 'collateral' damage but a deliberate policy worked out by the chief of the air force and the prime minster Churchill to break the German fighting spirit. The American's were doing the same on similar targets in Japan and finally when the Japanese were defeated dropped two nuclear weapons on cities of no strategic significance. So while what the Zionists are doing to Gaza is shameful murder they do have good precedents (or rather wickedly bad precedents) to follow. War is indeed murder under another name.

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".....Now all the media obfuscation in the world is not enough to pull the wool over fresh eyes that are ready to see." Fuck I hope you're right Caitlin.

I came of age in the late '60s, I'm now in my '70s and I still have have Country Joe at Woodstock - also have Hendrix doing Star Spangled Banner. Every time I watch that stuff, I think 'What the fuck happened to us?' And I'm bought to tears.

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Anyone who is of the mentality that killing innocent people that had nothing to do with the aggression exhibited on October 7th has a morality problem. Seems like LOTS of "Christians" in the USA have a MAJOR morality problem. Maybe they should read their bibles a little closer instead of listening to the likes of John Hagee. You don't kill 400 innocent people to get to one bad guy. Unless you're a psychopathic control freak parasite. Which seems to be the problem. Too many of them are running around acting like they are the virtuous ones.

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