Israel's 75 year slow-motion genocide has now shifted into high gear. How brave are Israeli fighter pilots, bombing defenseless civilians. What a disgusting and revolting spectacle the current state of Israel has become. The world watches this and will act accordingly. Israel's official motto "might makes right" will lead to Israel's demise. And good riddance.
The US in first place, but all other countries, politicians and ordinary civilians who applaud it or worse, keep quiet. Just as with covid, look the other way when 1 group is ostracized.
Like Hannah Arendt wrote in her book of 1963 [Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil] in which she studies the trials of Eichmann, who played the leading role in Hitler's Final Solution program.
It was, Arendt says, not the presence of evil intentions, but the absence of critical thinking and the uncritical following of orders from above that led to so many Jews losing their lives in the Nazis' structural policy of extermination.
Evil can only take place if we allow it to. If you look the other way, keep quiet, you are guilty and complicit as well.
It has a name in law and jurisdiction: criminal negligence.
The Al Jazeera news outlet has also reported the Israelis continue to bomb the Southern portions of Gaza where they told the 2+ million Gazan population to flee. So even if you do what the Israelis want you to do, they will still bomb you. How is this any different from the German SS in WW2 - herding people into camps and still killing them?
Meanwhile, there appears growing indications the maniac Neocons and their fellow war lovers in Washington DC may try to use the Israeli massacre/genocide as cover to start a war with Iran.
Oh yes, should also mention Ukraine has obviously lost the war with Russia - but they're going to continue it anyway - until maybe no Ukrainian is left alive over there, and Americans spend a few 100 billion dollars more to help them lose the war.
Ok. Welp. Tomorrow is Saturday. Everyone have a good weekend!
The difference "How is this any different from the German SS in WW2 - herding people into camps and still killing them?' is that based on forensic evidence the idea that Jews were herded into camps to be killed is false propaganda. They were put in work camps and taken pretty good care of until Allied forces bombed major transportation routes to camps and food got scarce, then typhus became rampant and that is what evidence shows killed camp inmates. There was never scientific evidence found to support the myth of gas chambers for human prisoners. The only place that had gas chambers for human inmates was the US at the time.
It would be illegal for me to write that if I were in Germany. When the truth doesn't match what you want said, then just make it illegal to talk about the truth....
I'm a free speech absolutist. That means (to me) that anything that isn't causing REAL harm to others should be allowed to be thought, said and written. Hurt feelings and being offended doesn't count as real harm.
Have you even HEARD of any of the numerous serious books that debunk this or that aspect of the narrative? With scientific proofs? Scientific meaning that anyone can repeat the tests and come to the same conclusions, except (of course) in practice no one will or is able to; the areas are 'protected' by laws and regulations, and even if someone manages to sneak in and take new samples, run the tests and publish their results they would be prosecuted in more than half of Europe plus a few other countries around the world. And the side that wants to protect the narrative doesn't shy away from using violence when lawfare isn't enough.
Have you even HEARD of Paul Rassinier?
I won't call you 'stupid and ignorant', even if the 'ignorant' part apparently literally fits. I just think you - along with a large part of people in the West - are the victim of lifelong indoctrination and conditioning that would probably lead to cognitive dissonance if you were to read a serious book on the topic. Unless you want to argue that physics, chemistry and math were put on pause during WWII. I doubt you know anything more about WWII (or the Bolshevik Revolution or WWI or...) than what you learned in school (if you remember it) and what you've seen in Western series and movies. Which has always been extremely biased and filled with propaganda. Pretty much like we see now in Western MSM. The only difference between now and then is that now most people have smart phones and can debunk lies and propaganda live on video. During WWII people only had MSM and MSM didn't suddenly start lying for the government's policy agenda just recently.
As you quote no examples, I cannot know what this scientific evidence you claim is. I had not heard of Rassinier - apparently the so called "Father of Holocaust Denial", though I know of other deniers, the British lot being either far right attention seekers like David Irving, or descendants of the fascist Mosely clan, or raving nutcases like David Icke. Rassinier appears to be deeply conflicted mentally, to say the least. As for my knowledge of WW2, I prefer to rely on the eyewitness accounts of my German mother and British father, who was stationed in Germany after the war, and saw the results of the holocaust and could sometimes be persuaded to talk about it, having seen the most horrible piles of emaciated bodies and the rest. I have indeed read much about the events - it is hard to believe that human being could reach such depravity, but they did. I had heard of Bernays - I guess your point being that he supposedly invented modern PR, so we have all been fooled about the holocaust. But that profession of manipulating information is one of the oldest, as ancient as writing. I see no reason to be polite to people who are ignorant and stupid, and Holocaust Denial is right up there with belief in a flat earth, lizard aliens, creationism and tin foil hats. As far as I am concerned these things are an attempt by people to make themselves appear interesting, to stand out from the crowd as an independent thinker - but they are just wrong.
So you had never heard of Rassinier, but in your next sentence you state that Rassinier appears to be deeply conflicted mentally. I'm guessing you did a quick search on internet and got the Wikipedia page as one of the top results, if not the top-most. If you trust Wikipedia on anything, ANYTHING, politically sensitive (historic or present doesn't matter) then I don't know what to say.
Your parents may have seen some absolutely horrific scenes in Germany in the aftermath of WWII, I don't doubt or question that. The devil is in the details...
If you are seriously interested in discussing (not arguing or debating) this matter you (or anyone else for that matter) can ping me on 'n i s s l a z at'. I'm not a far right attention seeker, quite the opposite actually, I'm unequivocally left and an INTJ according to Myers-Briggs personality typology. I'm also almost on the spectrum (but not enough to be diagnosed as such) and when I get interested in something I study the h*ll out of it. And I don't go in with a predetermined wanted outcome; I go where the evidence leads. Even when it lands me in hot water. But I don't go around and talk about everything that I have found. I don't have a death wish and I don't want to get banned everywhere.
I apologise if I have bad grammar or if I misuse/abuse idioms.
and thank you for a serious reply - I appreciate that you have investigated and studied these topics - however, in regard to the Holocaust I doubt I would change my mind on the basic events - I simply don't trust the sources of evidence against it. I did start with Wikipedia on Rassinier, but several other pages were saying much the same. The fact that he was in Buchenwald and did not, apparently, see what was going on or was persuaded that it was communists doing the killing is very odd, and is testament to the way the Nazis did things. My mother heard the rumours of course, but no one really believed it, even people who lived close by, up until allied soldiers actually forced them to be taken to the camps. Incidentally there were other horrors going on - my Dad had the job, amongst others, of driving Russian prisoners of war back the Russian sectors, and everyone 'knew' that they were being sent to Siberia if they were lucky, otherwise just dying- there was literally no food for them anyway, and Stalin regarded them as expendable. Although much of the railway system was indeed bombed and not functioning, I would think that was part of the war effort, and not intended specifically to affect people in camps - again - the allies suspected and had reports about the camps, but I don't think many could believe the scale of it when the war ended. I guess the pertinent thing with the present situation is whether the Israelis can continue to use the Holocaust - and the very real anti-semitism that is still widespread - to excuse their present actions. A very sad example of human history then and now.
My point to remember: 100,000 - 200,000 - 300,000 dead - is also an atrocity, a Holocaust - why does the number dead not count even if not the religious prophecy 6 million - all lives count.
Definition of holocaust “1. destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war. "a nuclear holocaust" 2. HISTORICAL a Jewish sacrificial offering that was burned completely on an altar.”
Cyanide and the color Prussian blue (my notes on this topic)
Excerpt of 7: “Prepared and written by Fred A. Leuchter, a consultant in the United States for the design, construction and maintenance of execution gas chambers, the Report sets out the methodology and findings of the first forensic investigation of the actual sites in Poland where the gassings are alleged to have occurred. Leuchter's conclusion, after inspecting the sites and having samples analyzed by a competent laboratory, taken from the walls and floors for total cyanide content, was unambiguous: the alleged gas chambers could not have been used, then or now, as execution gas chambers.”
“Upon return, Fred Leuchter wrote his report of 192 pages including appendices. His conclusions were clear: the evidence was overwhelming that there were no execution gas chambers at Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek and that the alleged gas chambers at these sites could not have been, then or now, utilized or seriously considered to function as execution gas chambers.”
"A fact is a fact." - Fred Leuchter
“Whatever happens, Ernst Zundel is already the victor. He is the pacifist-activist
who has achieved this victory through the powers of reason and persuasion.
Robert Faurisson
April 23,1988
P.S. Ernst Zundel was found guilty by the jury on May 11,1988 of knowingly
spreading false news about the Holocaust. He was sentenced to nine months
imprisonment and was granted bail after signing a gag order, promising not to
write or speak about the "Holocaust" until the end of his appeal proceedings. He
thus joined Galileo.
Gas masks would have been ineffective at protecting guards/technicians if the alleged gas chamber was not well-sealed>>>>“Hydrocyanic acid does not have to be breathed to be fatal. In concentrations of over 50 ppm, the user must wear a chemical suit to completely protect his body and breathe bottled air. Gas masks are generally ineffective and should never be utilized.”
Faster to just suffocate people if you had a well-sealed room than to use carbon monoxide - opinion by the author - note the author is/was a US design specialist for prison execution devices/gas chambers - the US has such facilities for execution of two people at a time - US are the experts on human execution!!!>>>>”The author would submit that a chamber filled to capacity with persons occupying approximately 9 square feet or less (the minimum area required to ensure gas circulation around the occupants), that the occupants would die of suffocation due to their own exhaustion of the available air, well before the additional gas would take effect. Thus, simply closing the executees in this confined space would obviate the need of either CO or C02 from an external source.”
The US had gas chambers to execute prisoners at the time of WWII - construction needs were known “With the chambers fully packed with occupants, there would be no circulation of
the HCN within the room. Additionally, if the gas eventually did fill the chamber over a lengthy time period, those throwing Zyklon B in the roof vents and verifying the death of the occupants would die themselves from exposure to HCN. None of the alleged gas chambers were constructed in accordance with the design for delousing chambers which were effectively operating for years in a safe manner. None of these chambers were constructed in accordance with the known and proven designs of facilities operational in the United States at that
time. It seems unusual that the presumed designers of these alleged gas chambers never consulted or considered the United States technology; the only country then executing prisoners with gas.”
It’s not the Americans spending - they just basically buy weapons from American compaines and send them. Its the Europeans spending money and funding Ukraine now.
Americans can elect human shit to office like no other country on the planet. From genocide supporting Biden and the ilk DNC, to the clown car party of Trump, and a corporate whore congress. Greatest shit hole on earth.
Here's someone who needs to be condemned. Representative Mike Johnson vowed to support the wars in Ukraine and Israel in an interview after becoming House Speaker. The Congressman told Sean Hannity that China, Russia, and Iran make up an “axis of evil” that poses a huge threat to the US. Scary SOB!!!!!!!!!
He gave him a thumps up, I know. He is not my idol and someone I see as having no flaws, but when you live in the US you don't want to see the opposing party try to oust and elected president from office. If you haven't heard, then let me tell you, it's undemocratic, Our press with the same hate, spewed their Russia-gate propaganda has no reliability what so ever now. Even Chomsky who was very critical of Trump said when the war started in Ukraine that Trump was only statesman who could stop it. Now go tell him off because he doesn't view the world in black and white.
He made such a good scapegoat for so many, and in my opinion used to help divide a nation with the North defining themselves as the know it all's, compared to those ignorant MAGAS that wanted to take over the reins of government on January 6. .A cousin posted a meme on Facebook that referenced his base as a bunch of deplorables who are uneducated, ignorant and amoral. So much for their so called liberal mindset, a mindset that has no problem with killing people in the Middle East, yet cries out for no control at our boarders because they love everyone, and everyone is welcome, yet leave many of their fellow Americans to live on the streets and many families to live without medical care, etc, etc.
I do hope that the “Axis of Evil” rains downs bombs on the United Snakes and Israhell. With these two countries gone, there may be a chance for world peace.
Well, call Trump a clown, but no new wars under Trump for the first time in the 21st century. He said they were stupid, and killed millions of people and cost millions better spent elsewhere. Nothing clownish about that. Now don't you wish they would have let him get along with Russia, as he wanted to do?
You mean the guy who assassinated an Iranian General in broad daylight, vetoed attempts to stop the genocide in Yemen, continued to occupy Syria, increased the amount of bombs dropped per day by the US more than Obama - increased US troop occupation in the middle east - and made sure Julian Assange was imprisoned?
"Grab them by the pussy" Trump would have come on his shining McDonald's white horse and saved us all from Netanyahu? I suppose you're going to next say Mike Johnson isn't Gay.
Joint Special Operations Command JSOC is not required by law to brief Congress when it engages in clandestine operations.
So from whom does JSOC take their cue and then remain unaccountable? [unanswered]
Countries where JSOC teams had been deployed under the Obama admin were Iran Georgia Ukraine Bolivia Paraguay Equador Peru Yemen Pakistan including Baluchistan and the Phillippines
These teams were at times also deployed to Belgium Turkey France and Spain.
I was talking about Trump. But since you mentioned Obama, he dropped bombs like crazy as well. He dropped so many bombs USAAF generals told him they were running out of bombs.
All the time. But at least I get to spout off somewhere on the Internet - a voice gone with the wind. But where one can spout off seems to be getting less and less these days. I guess since I'm pretty much a nobody yokel living in Idaho - I'm not really a threat to the maniacs running the world - who are hell bent on World War 3. Just another brick in the Wall ...
No one including Obama did anything to stop the genocide in Yemen. True he droned a lot, unacceptable. However spare me your attempts to make him look like the worst thing that happened in the 21st century. No new wars under Trump, and his wanting to get along with Russia no doubt could have prevented all of those deaths in Ukraine had they listened. Obama did go into the 2014 fray in Ukraine and supported neo-nazi's in their determined effort to bring down a pro-Russia Yanukovych, and Merkel admitted that the Minsk accords were solely to buy time for Ukraine to build up arms, so a lie covering a war they were planning, and it didn't happened under Trump, but Biden. Please spare me the rhetoric about his anti-female position. I bet you bought the lie of him having prostitutes piss on the bed Obama and his wife slept on while in Russia. Tell me the democrats did not not make a concerted effort to remove an elected president from office, and didn't turn a riot into an insurrection. As far as Julian Assange is concerned, he is someone who should have never been in prison, but let me remind you no president did the right thing by him. Too many anti-Trumpers try to to focus the blame and the destruction the US as wrought on one man, and ignore the reality that the democrats tried to remove an elected president from office and that continues to this day. He has always been used as a scapegoat. Now people like Cheney can be paraded around the Jan 6 comm, and Bush can come out of hiding, and too many liberals don't hold Obama accountable he was not the liberal he claimed to be, and was responsible for our many wars as well, and of course his droning.
No he wasn't. I live in the US and thought he said some pretty stupid things, but I never felt he was itching for war with China and Iran and I never supported his undoing the Iran deal, but the democrats did, except Sanders, I think. Yeah he did a lot of things I didn't like, but I really hate war.
Well, it didn't cause one, but I agree a very bad thing to have done. I didn't say he was perfect, and America won't even give you a chance to be, but again no wars. Biden comes in and we have a proxy war with Russia, and now Biden, well, everyone in political office is giving a thumbs up to genocide in Gaza and the West Bank. During Trump's presidency politics became just anti-Trump and little more. They give Obama a pass, but there's Syria, and Libya, and then there is support for a coup in Ukraine as he supported neo-nazi's to bring down a pro Russian government, so as far as I'm concerned Obama is guilty of helping to initiate the present war in Ukraine. During Trump's presidency they had to keep the scare and hate going, ergo, Russia-gate.
“U.S. top general secretly called China over fears Trump could spark war -report
September 15, 202111:27 AM GMT+2Updated 2 years ago”
So what you said are lies.
In fact, Trump was a warmonger no better than the others. He was eager to start new wars with China and Iran, SAME as Hillary CLinton. And he most certainly enjoyed pummelling Afghanistan with bombs.
You are misinformed, quite obviously and don't send me your links. No one in the political arena, not then, not now, and especially the left were willing to use any sense of objectivity in their perspective, or reporting when it came to Trump. The CIA was even willing to give them a hand on calling Hunter's laptop Russian misinformation, and the democrats even pressured Twitter on what was acceptable to put into print. The neocons seeing no wars in sight all shuffled over to the democrats during his presidency because they were itching to go to war with Russia. Don't you wish they would have allowed him to get along? Don't you wish they would have allowed the Covid vaccine to come out instead of waiting for Trump to be out? Spare me your hate, because for 4 years I've already heard it.
No fan of Trump here, but with all the shit going on worldwide, all many Amerikkkans can do is wring their hands and sob that “Trump could be re-elected!”
How could he possibly be worse than the rotting corpse currently in the WH?
No one is sobbing gypsy33, but if you lived in America and were aware of the neocon agenda driving our wars since 9/11, and your country has been engaged in a non-stop killing spree maybe then you might understand why Trump was a reprieve for four years. Maybe you would also come to understand how the mainstream media were complicit in assisting the democrats and republicans in adhering to this agenda. Read up on the Project for a New American Century and know it was based on a A Clean Break: "A New Strategy for Securing the Realm (commonly known as the "Clean Break" report) is a policy document that was prepared in 1996 by a study group led by Richard Perle for Benjamin Netanyahu, the then Prime Minister of Israel. " Read the names of the primary signatories, on the Project for a New American Century and you will come across names like Jeff Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc. That will help you understand how Bush got elected in the first place, and Cheney became his vice president. Then you can listen on You-tube to Wesley Clark who has definitive proof that even before we went into Afghanistan we planned to attack 7 countries within a period of 5 years and Iraq was the first on that list. Bush/Cheney certainly did their part as did Obama. Look at the war in Russia and know that was in the making long before it happened, and maybe you'll understand why Trump was a relief that didn't push that neocon agenda that one day may kill us all.
He did order the killing of that top level Iranian, Soleimani. He was close to being charged with paedophilia before he was elected. That disappeared once he was elected. He did make a lot of horrible references to women. He dropped more bombs and missiles in wars that already existed than Bush or Obama. Maybe he didn't start any new wars. But he was certainly not a president who was about to bring about world peace.
I never said he was perfect, and a lot that was said of him were lies, like he was a pedophile, They also claimed he hired a bunch of prostitutes to pee on the bed Obama and his wife slept on while in Russia, and it goes on like that and it does because the media loved it and never implemented any sense of objectivity when it came to Trump. I actually know someone who had a friend who worked for him for many years and said his treatment of women was if anything very polite and respectful. More bombs and missiles where, what country, how many, for how long, I just don't know what your are referencing. Give me the name of any US president that brought about world peace. Lets not forget about the CIA and how they operated since their inception after WWII. By the end of the century they were responsible for some 6 million deaths. It was Teddy Roosevelt's grandson that brought down Mohammad Mosaddeq, a real nice guy, that just wanted a more equatable agreement with the British and the money they accrued from pumping Iranian oil. A good guy they got rid of by destroying him politically. Sometimes they just killed them.
I agree that there has not been a US president that has brought about world peace or even tried. But then I can't think of any other leader either who has really worked for world peace. From my perspective, money and power seem to be their primary motivators. They certain don't seem to be working for the betterment of the people who elected them. Except for their big donors. I also agree that the mainstream media lies a lot, especially about things that would cost them money. I find it really difficult to see Trump as an all round nice guy or a good president or anything. But then again, I have never found any American president or most leaders of countries to be honest or working for peace or trying to make life better for those who elected them.
Ten months into his presidency, a clearer picture is emerging. The data indicate several alarming trends.
According to research from the nonprofit monitoring group Airwars, the first seven months of the Trump administration have already resulted in more civilian deaths than under the entirety of the Obama administration. Airwars reports that under Obama’s leadership, the fight against IS led to approximately 2,300 to 3,400 civilian deaths. Through the first seven months of the Trump administration, they estimate that coalition air strikes have killed between 2,800 and 4,500 civilians.
By attempting to keep the world in the dark as to what's happening in Gaza, the Israeli/US war machine reveals its ugliness in the light of day.
Even fellow NATO members voted to abstain from the UN's ceasefire measure rather than vote against it. That's how horrific they find the genocide happening there.
Let's hope the rest of the world is up to the task of taking out the combined genocidal IDF and US forces.
I'm counting on Iran, and Russia, and China, and Syria, and Hezbollah; they have to work on solving this together, and these large shows of resistance in the US and France and the UK will also help pressure the US and associated NATO governments.
Aghast! I’ve informed my local Democrat Party that I do not support Biden, my Congress members on this issue of their support of genocide by Israel! Nor do I support Israel’s evil presence in Palestine.
I did the same with my congress members, both Democrats. The boilerplate jingo schlock that came back in the auto-responses was almost carbon copy of the fantastic, dumb shit that was flying around post-9/11, insane.
Good job! I emailed my feckless Senators and one Rep to say, guess what boys, your true colors are showing in this crisis. You’ve gotten away with sitting around doing NOTHING for a decade, but Palestine showed you to be a dupe of AIPAC. No more votes from me to you.
Where is the so-called “international community”, who LOVE to talk about Human Rights and dictatorship? Oh wait, they are the ones sending Israel money and weapons and clapping Israel on the back and imprisoning any of their own citizens who complain about human rights for Palestinians .
Because there is no “international community”. There never was. Only a small coalition of settler-colonial states that are now slipping into naked fascism.
"Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis said the United States should not take in any Palestinian refugees if they flee the Gaza Strip because they “are all antisemitic” and he dismissed international entreaties for Israel to provide clean running water and utilities to the 2.3 million civilians in the territory." Just in case you were thinking of voting for him.
''The Times of Israel, an independent Israeli newspaper that counts among its staff a number of former reporters for the Israeli daily Ha’aretz, published a fascinating but largely overlooked story datelined Jerusalem and Zhitomir, Ukraine, March 16, 2014, and which was written by its respective Russian and Ukrainian correspondents, Hirsh Ostropoler and I. Z. Grosser-Spass, citing a secret report provided to the Israeli government. The report, written by a select panel of scholars of J people's history drawn from academia and other research centers, concluded that that European Jewish people are in fact descended from Khazars, a war-like Mongol-Tatar group that ruled over Ukraine and southern Russia, which mass-converted to Judaism in the eighth century AD.
Zionists have long argued that the land claimed by Israel was the biblical birthright of the Jews who were forced from the land in a so-called «diaspora» after repeated conquests by various empires. Proof that Ashkenazi Jews, which make up a majority of the Israeli Jewish population, have no historical link to Palestine would call into question the entire premise of Israel as the historical «5,000-year old» homeland of the Jewish people.''
[Draw your own conclusions why the war in Ukraine is losing so many people]
the appeal to history is not the way forward - it all depends exactly which bits you cherry pick, and, of course much of history is plain lies or factually just guesswork. The is only here and now. Much as I think Hamas was inevitable, given the conditions that Gazans and all Palestinians are subjected to, their original founding document refers to the "Elders of Zion Protocol", a notorious fake used for many decades as an anti-semitic trope. The concept of Zion meanwhile dates from the 6th century BC, and predates the very existence of "Israelites". The appeal to some fictitious past is always the way ultra nationalists of all types seek to persuade and propagandise people to go along with violence.
When it come to cherry picking they take the cake.
The Israeli justification for taking some other peoples land has always been biblical - that ''God'' gave them Palestine - and God not the history of other is their witness.
The problem however is that the alleged existence of God has never been proven.
Just do a search on "antisemitic vs semitic" and you'll find enormous number of smart people explaining to you that antisemitic is antijewish, and the other Semites be damned.
yeah DeSantis looks worse than Trump. Mike Johnson, the new Republican speaker, gave a speech unreservedly supporting Israel as almost his first action.
I use to like DeSantis, but aside from some other issues, and now this comment just pointed out that he's just another politician who adheres to no values and is solely out for the win. No doubt most are like that, if not all. I don't and never liked Hamas, and most in Gaza never voted them in. I never really understood why they would engage in behavior that ultimately killed so many Gazans. It's been a whole century of death and destruction. It's scary.
The world assented to the creation of the state of Israel because of horror over the holocaust. Now that Israel is going for the Final Solution to the inconvenient continued existence of the people who already lived there, it has forfeited its right to exist.
I think many of us baby boomers lived through the golden age of the Internet. It seems like the direction now will be complete State control over what you will have access to, and the information you will be allowed to see. Assuming there are any States left in the next few months ....
The spirit of the German monsters in the 1930s-40s has taKen up residence in modern day Israel assisted by the victors of WW2. Can we call this spiritual possession or spiritual influence? If it is merely influence can we even imagine what possession would look like?
The whole thing is getting surreal. From a US president who can barely finish a sentence, to Netanyahu announcing he is of the people of "light", fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah. Wake me up when it's over - or maybe, don't wake me up.
I remember Whitney Webb was asked about "who controls the world". And she answered to the effect that there are many different groups, fighting each other for power and money, but united in their disdain and opposition towards the general public. The Swarm details this same notion.
this is the literal English translation of the first verse of the Israeli national anthem, which Palestinians living in Israel are expected to sing along with. It sums up the entire problem: "As long as in the heart, within / The Jewish soul yearns / And towards the ends of the east, / And onward toward the East,
Looking towards Zion". It's like expecting and Irish person to sing "God save our noble king / queen ... long to reign over us". That would be the King / Queen of England. The intention to treat Arab citizens as second class is built in to the fabric of Israel. The constitution states: 'Basic Law: Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People'. They have set themselves up to fail.
A comment made on Moon of Alabama 27 Oct. Speculation of course, but what else do we have going at this point? Serious question: "Would you like to see the Kinzhals used on US Aircraft Carriers or Israeli Nukes? (Assuming you can't do both)"
1. There is a general assumption that the Russian Mig31/Kinzhal patrols over the Black Sea were put in place as a counter to US carriers in the East Mediterranean. However, I see another potential role: pinning down Israel's nukes. Kinzhal's bunker penetrating abilities have already been demonstrated, and I don't find it inconveivable that Russian intelligence a) knows where Israel keeps their nuclear weapons, b) knows the scenarios in which they would be used, and c) perhaps is even somehow able to listen-in on the decision-making. I haven't seen this discussed anywhere (apologies if this has come up here at MoA, I haven't been able to follow comments lately).
If I am right, and the Mig31/Kinzhal Black Sea patrol can/are indeed a counter to Israel's nukes, what would be the implications?
Now, of course, I don't want the Kinzhals to be used at all, but how do we then stop this mad rush to war? The US and Israel are obviously going to continue escalating -- unless Biden and Netanyahu are removed from office.
Speculation is that the US carrier groups are being deployed to attack Iran. How does this change your opinion on the use of the Kinzhals?
They have been at this war against the Middle East for many many years. This is a Criminal organization that has been stealing country by country's resources and they obviously WILL NOT STOP! They do not care how many bodies including American soldiers bodies THEY PILE UP! The only way is for Russia and China and Iran along with the rest of the Middle East taking them all out. They are all criminals embedded into every country with only themselves to care about.
Israel's 75 year slow-motion genocide has now shifted into high gear. How brave are Israeli fighter pilots, bombing defenseless civilians. What a disgusting and revolting spectacle the current state of Israel has become. The world watches this and will act accordingly. Israel's official motto "might makes right" will lead to Israel's demise. And good riddance.
Israel has indeed crossed the rubicon. I'm just wondering if they're going to take the rest of us with them. :(
I promise you that's the plan.
Thanos and the great reset. Humans worldwide must unite against the monster.
Johann Goergen: The Israeli pilots were just following orders. Sig Heil!
Johann. Thanks for so concisely stating the reality.
No way
Their neighbors are stronger and have Nukes too
And do not forget all the enablers!
The US in first place, but all other countries, politicians and ordinary civilians who applaud it or worse, keep quiet. Just as with covid, look the other way when 1 group is ostracized.
Like Hannah Arendt wrote in her book of 1963 [Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil] in which she studies the trials of Eichmann, who played the leading role in Hitler's Final Solution program.
It was, Arendt says, not the presence of evil intentions, but the absence of critical thinking and the uncritical following of orders from above that led to so many Jews losing their lives in the Nazis' structural policy of extermination.
Evil can only take place if we allow it to. If you look the other way, keep quiet, you are guilty and complicit as well.
It has a name in law and jurisdiction: criminal negligence.
The Al Jazeera news outlet has also reported the Israelis continue to bomb the Southern portions of Gaza where they told the 2+ million Gazan population to flee. So even if you do what the Israelis want you to do, they will still bomb you. How is this any different from the German SS in WW2 - herding people into camps and still killing them?
Meanwhile, there appears growing indications the maniac Neocons and their fellow war lovers in Washington DC may try to use the Israeli massacre/genocide as cover to start a war with Iran.
Oh yes, should also mention Ukraine has obviously lost the war with Russia - but they're going to continue it anyway - until maybe no Ukrainian is left alive over there, and Americans spend a few 100 billion dollars more to help them lose the war.
Ok. Welp. Tomorrow is Saturday. Everyone have a good weekend!
The difference "How is this any different from the German SS in WW2 - herding people into camps and still killing them?' is that based on forensic evidence the idea that Jews were herded into camps to be killed is false propaganda. They were put in work camps and taken pretty good care of until Allied forces bombed major transportation routes to camps and food got scarce, then typhus became rampant and that is what evidence shows killed camp inmates. There was never scientific evidence found to support the myth of gas chambers for human prisoners. The only place that had gas chambers for human inmates was the US at the time.
It would be illegal for me to write that if I were in Germany. When the truth doesn't match what you want said, then just make it illegal to talk about the truth....
Q: How incredibly stupid and ignorant can a person be? Ans: this stupid and ignorant.
I'm a free speech absolutist. That means (to me) that anything that isn't causing REAL harm to others should be allowed to be thought, said and written. Hurt feelings and being offended doesn't count as real harm.
Have you even HEARD of any of the numerous serious books that debunk this or that aspect of the narrative? With scientific proofs? Scientific meaning that anyone can repeat the tests and come to the same conclusions, except (of course) in practice no one will or is able to; the areas are 'protected' by laws and regulations, and even if someone manages to sneak in and take new samples, run the tests and publish their results they would be prosecuted in more than half of Europe plus a few other countries around the world. And the side that wants to protect the narrative doesn't shy away from using violence when lawfare isn't enough.
Have you even HEARD of Paul Rassinier?
I won't call you 'stupid and ignorant', even if the 'ignorant' part apparently literally fits. I just think you - along with a large part of people in the West - are the victim of lifelong indoctrination and conditioning that would probably lead to cognitive dissonance if you were to read a serious book on the topic. Unless you want to argue that physics, chemistry and math were put on pause during WWII. I doubt you know anything more about WWII (or the Bolshevik Revolution or WWI or...) than what you learned in school (if you remember it) and what you've seen in Western series and movies. Which has always been extremely biased and filled with propaganda. Pretty much like we see now in Western MSM. The only difference between now and then is that now most people have smart phones and can debunk lies and propaganda live on video. During WWII people only had MSM and MSM didn't suddenly start lying for the government's policy agenda just recently.
Do you know who Edward Bernays was?
As you quote no examples, I cannot know what this scientific evidence you claim is. I had not heard of Rassinier - apparently the so called "Father of Holocaust Denial", though I know of other deniers, the British lot being either far right attention seekers like David Irving, or descendants of the fascist Mosely clan, or raving nutcases like David Icke. Rassinier appears to be deeply conflicted mentally, to say the least. As for my knowledge of WW2, I prefer to rely on the eyewitness accounts of my German mother and British father, who was stationed in Germany after the war, and saw the results of the holocaust and could sometimes be persuaded to talk about it, having seen the most horrible piles of emaciated bodies and the rest. I have indeed read much about the events - it is hard to believe that human being could reach such depravity, but they did. I had heard of Bernays - I guess your point being that he supposedly invented modern PR, so we have all been fooled about the holocaust. But that profession of manipulating information is one of the oldest, as ancient as writing. I see no reason to be polite to people who are ignorant and stupid, and Holocaust Denial is right up there with belief in a flat earth, lizard aliens, creationism and tin foil hats. As far as I am concerned these things are an attempt by people to make themselves appear interesting, to stand out from the crowd as an independent thinker - but they are just wrong.
Thank you for writing a serious reply.
So you had never heard of Rassinier, but in your next sentence you state that Rassinier appears to be deeply conflicted mentally. I'm guessing you did a quick search on internet and got the Wikipedia page as one of the top results, if not the top-most. If you trust Wikipedia on anything, ANYTHING, politically sensitive (historic or present doesn't matter) then I don't know what to say.
Your parents may have seen some absolutely horrific scenes in Germany in the aftermath of WWII, I don't doubt or question that. The devil is in the details...
If you are seriously interested in discussing (not arguing or debating) this matter you (or anyone else for that matter) can ping me on 'n i s s l a z at'. I'm not a far right attention seeker, quite the opposite actually, I'm unequivocally left and an INTJ according to Myers-Briggs personality typology. I'm also almost on the spectrum (but not enough to be diagnosed as such) and when I get interested in something I study the h*ll out of it. And I don't go in with a predetermined wanted outcome; I go where the evidence leads. Even when it lands me in hot water. But I don't go around and talk about everything that I have found. I don't have a death wish and I don't want to get banned everywhere.
I apologise if I have bad grammar or if I misuse/abuse idioms.
and thank you for a serious reply - I appreciate that you have investigated and studied these topics - however, in regard to the Holocaust I doubt I would change my mind on the basic events - I simply don't trust the sources of evidence against it. I did start with Wikipedia on Rassinier, but several other pages were saying much the same. The fact that he was in Buchenwald and did not, apparently, see what was going on or was persuaded that it was communists doing the killing is very odd, and is testament to the way the Nazis did things. My mother heard the rumours of course, but no one really believed it, even people who lived close by, up until allied soldiers actually forced them to be taken to the camps. Incidentally there were other horrors going on - my Dad had the job, amongst others, of driving Russian prisoners of war back the Russian sectors, and everyone 'knew' that they were being sent to Siberia if they were lucky, otherwise just dying- there was literally no food for them anyway, and Stalin regarded them as expendable. Although much of the railway system was indeed bombed and not functioning, I would think that was part of the war effort, and not intended specifically to affect people in camps - again - the allies suspected and had reports about the camps, but I don't think many could believe the scale of it when the war ended. I guess the pertinent thing with the present situation is whether the Israelis can continue to use the Holocaust - and the very real anti-semitism that is still widespread - to excuse their present actions. A very sad example of human history then and now.
My point to remember: 100,000 - 200,000 - 300,000 dead - is also an atrocity, a Holocaust - why does the number dead not count even if not the religious prophecy 6 million - all lives count.
Definition of holocaust “1. destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war. "a nuclear holocaust" 2. HISTORICAL a Jewish sacrificial offering that was burned completely on an altar.”
Cyanide and the color Prussian blue (my notes on this topic)
1. The Problem of the Gas Chambers
2. Lack of Prussian blue staining on the walls of gas chambers
3. The Torture and False Confession of Auschwitz Commandant Rudolf Höss
4. Rebutting the anti-revisionist’s 'best evidence' for the existence of Nazi 'gas chambers'
5. An Official Polish Report on the Auschwitz 'Gas Chambers'
Krakow Forensic Institute Confirms Leuchter's Findings
6. A debunking
7. The report - Leuchter was a execution specialist in the US at the time, was called to be expert witness in the defense of someone else
Excerpt of 7: “Prepared and written by Fred A. Leuchter, a consultant in the United States for the design, construction and maintenance of execution gas chambers, the Report sets out the methodology and findings of the first forensic investigation of the actual sites in Poland where the gassings are alleged to have occurred. Leuchter's conclusion, after inspecting the sites and having samples analyzed by a competent laboratory, taken from the walls and floors for total cyanide content, was unambiguous: the alleged gas chambers could not have been used, then or now, as execution gas chambers.”
“Upon return, Fred Leuchter wrote his report of 192 pages including appendices. His conclusions were clear: the evidence was overwhelming that there were no execution gas chambers at Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek and that the alleged gas chambers at these sites could not have been, then or now, utilized or seriously considered to function as execution gas chambers.”
"A fact is a fact." - Fred Leuchter
“Whatever happens, Ernst Zundel is already the victor. He is the pacifist-activist
who has achieved this victory through the powers of reason and persuasion.
Robert Faurisson
April 23,1988
P.S. Ernst Zundel was found guilty by the jury on May 11,1988 of knowingly
spreading false news about the Holocaust. He was sentenced to nine months
imprisonment and was granted bail after signing a gag order, promising not to
write or speak about the "Holocaust" until the end of his appeal proceedings. He
thus joined Galileo.
Gas masks would have been ineffective at protecting guards/technicians if the alleged gas chamber was not well-sealed>>>>“Hydrocyanic acid does not have to be breathed to be fatal. In concentrations of over 50 ppm, the user must wear a chemical suit to completely protect his body and breathe bottled air. Gas masks are generally ineffective and should never be utilized.”
Faster to just suffocate people if you had a well-sealed room than to use carbon monoxide - opinion by the author - note the author is/was a US design specialist for prison execution devices/gas chambers - the US has such facilities for execution of two people at a time - US are the experts on human execution!!!>>>>”The author would submit that a chamber filled to capacity with persons occupying approximately 9 square feet or less (the minimum area required to ensure gas circulation around the occupants), that the occupants would die of suffocation due to their own exhaustion of the available air, well before the additional gas would take effect. Thus, simply closing the executees in this confined space would obviate the need of either CO or C02 from an external source.”
The US had gas chambers to execute prisoners at the time of WWII - construction needs were known “With the chambers fully packed with occupants, there would be no circulation of
the HCN within the room. Additionally, if the gas eventually did fill the chamber over a lengthy time period, those throwing Zyklon B in the roof vents and verifying the death of the occupants would die themselves from exposure to HCN. None of the alleged gas chambers were constructed in accordance with the design for delousing chambers which were effectively operating for years in a safe manner. None of these chambers were constructed in accordance with the known and proven designs of facilities operational in the United States at that
time. It seems unusual that the presumed designers of these alleged gas chambers never consulted or considered the United States technology; the only country then executing prisoners with gas.”
Jennifer, that is exactly the way it happened, but Israel could never make that work as a Holocaust
Don't worry, BlackRock & Vanguard will reap tons & tons of $$$. All back into US corps' pockets. Win-win.
jamenta: Good comment. Why do Americans have to pay for all this crap?
It’s not the Americans spending - they just basically buy weapons from American compaines and send them. Its the Europeans spending money and funding Ukraine now.
bs it's US spending.
CIA troll..
huh? the Nazis didnt care if the jews were orthodox or not.
Hi Liz
My brother, an MD, is fanatically knowledgeable about WWII. He could write volumes on the subject.
And he would agree with you.
Americans can elect human shit to office like no other country on the planet. From genocide supporting Biden and the ilk DNC, to the clown car party of Trump, and a corporate whore congress. Greatest shit hole on earth.
Here's someone who needs to be condemned. Representative Mike Johnson vowed to support the wars in Ukraine and Israel in an interview after becoming House Speaker. The Congressman told Sean Hannity that China, Russia, and Iran make up an “axis of evil” that poses a huge threat to the US. Scary SOB!!!!!!!!!
I totally agree. Unfortunately, America has been captured by the banking cartel (since 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act) and the Zionists.
see Mike Rivero's All Wars Are Bankers Wars (bitchute).
War spending keeps the debt-based fiat ponzi scheme financial system propped up.
Please read this narrative on the “problem of democracy” for how we have come to this horror show:
Sovereignty, World Order and the Earth Rights Imperative
yes and Trump really likes Mike Johnson, it seems
He gave him a thumps up, I know. He is not my idol and someone I see as having no flaws, but when you live in the US you don't want to see the opposing party try to oust and elected president from office. If you haven't heard, then let me tell you, it's undemocratic, Our press with the same hate, spewed their Russia-gate propaganda has no reliability what so ever now. Even Chomsky who was very critical of Trump said when the war started in Ukraine that Trump was only statesman who could stop it. Now go tell him off because he doesn't view the world in black and white.
i dont see any difference between Johnson and Biden on this issue.
There isn't but I was hoping he would be different.
By the way he gave him a thumps up before he made that statement.
I love "thumps up." A few good thumps might do some our politicos a bit of good.
Actually, they likely practice too many of them. And that's the problem.
He made such a good scapegoat for so many, and in my opinion used to help divide a nation with the North defining themselves as the know it all's, compared to those ignorant MAGAS that wanted to take over the reins of government on January 6. .A cousin posted a meme on Facebook that referenced his base as a bunch of deplorables who are uneducated, ignorant and amoral. So much for their so called liberal mindset, a mindset that has no problem with killing people in the Middle East, yet cries out for no control at our boarders because they love everyone, and everyone is welcome, yet leave many of their fellow Americans to live on the streets and many families to live without medical care, etc, etc.
I do hope that the “Axis of Evil” rains downs bombs on the United Snakes and Israhell. With these two countries gone, there may be a chance for world peace.
Spare me gypsy, I don't need a bomb on my head, and either do Americans after all we didn't set our war agenda going on for some 20 years.
Well, call Trump a clown, but no new wars under Trump for the first time in the 21st century. He said they were stupid, and killed millions of people and cost millions better spent elsewhere. Nothing clownish about that. Now don't you wish they would have let him get along with Russia, as he wanted to do?
This genocide and the Ukraine war would not have happened if the election had not of been stolen from Donald Trump.
Trump, Xi and Putin are the only ones who can stop this horror.
You mean the guy who assassinated an Iranian General in broad daylight, vetoed attempts to stop the genocide in Yemen, continued to occupy Syria, increased the amount of bombs dropped per day by the US more than Obama - increased US troop occupation in the middle east - and made sure Julian Assange was imprisoned?
"Grab them by the pussy" Trump would have come on his shining McDonald's white horse and saved us all from Netanyahu? I suppose you're going to next say Mike Johnson isn't Gay.
Yeah, whatever.
Joint Special Operations Command JSOC is not required by law to brief Congress when it engages in clandestine operations.
So from whom does JSOC take their cue and then remain unaccountable? [unanswered]
Countries where JSOC teams had been deployed under the Obama admin were Iran Georgia Ukraine Bolivia Paraguay Equador Peru Yemen Pakistan including Baluchistan and the Phillippines
These teams were at times also deployed to Belgium Turkey France and Spain.
I was talking about Trump. But since you mentioned Obama, he dropped bombs like crazy as well. He dropped so many bombs USAAF generals told him they were running out of bombs.
Indeed I know you were - JSOC doesn't need permission from the Potus.
More bombs in his first 8 months then his predecessor dropped in 8 years [but hey he's got a nobel for peace.]
I think that I’ve heard this before, someplace, my friend.
“You can’t argue with a sick mind.”
But, thank you for the re-edification, again.
Did you ever feel like you’re beating your head against a brick wall? Too?
All the time. But at least I get to spout off somewhere on the Internet - a voice gone with the wind. But where one can spout off seems to be getting less and less these days. I guess since I'm pretty much a nobody yokel living in Idaho - I'm not really a threat to the maniacs running the world - who are hell bent on World War 3. Just another brick in the Wall ...
No one including Obama did anything to stop the genocide in Yemen. True he droned a lot, unacceptable. However spare me your attempts to make him look like the worst thing that happened in the 21st century. No new wars under Trump, and his wanting to get along with Russia no doubt could have prevented all of those deaths in Ukraine had they listened. Obama did go into the 2014 fray in Ukraine and supported neo-nazi's in their determined effort to bring down a pro-Russia Yanukovych, and Merkel admitted that the Minsk accords were solely to buy time for Ukraine to build up arms, so a lie covering a war they were planning, and it didn't happened under Trump, but Biden. Please spare me the rhetoric about his anti-female position. I bet you bought the lie of him having prostitutes piss on the bed Obama and his wife slept on while in Russia. Tell me the democrats did not not make a concerted effort to remove an elected president from office, and didn't turn a riot into an insurrection. As far as Julian Assange is concerned, he is someone who should have never been in prison, but let me remind you no president did the right thing by him. Too many anti-Trumpers try to to focus the blame and the destruction the US as wrought on one man, and ignore the reality that the democrats tried to remove an elected president from office and that continues to this day. He has always been used as a scapegoat. Now people like Cheney can be paraded around the Jan 6 comm, and Bush can come out of hiding, and too many liberals don't hold Obama accountable he was not the liberal he claimed to be, and was responsible for our many wars as well, and of course his droning.
Trump was very eager for war with China and Iran.
No he wasn't. I live in the US and thought he said some pretty stupid things, but I never felt he was itching for war with China and Iran and I never supported his undoing the Iran deal, but the democrats did, except Sanders, I think. Yeah he did a lot of things I didn't like, but I really hate war.
assassinating an Iranian diplomat was a blatant provocation to war.
Well, it didn't cause one, but I agree a very bad thing to have done. I didn't say he was perfect, and America won't even give you a chance to be, but again no wars. Biden comes in and we have a proxy war with Russia, and now Biden, well, everyone in political office is giving a thumbs up to genocide in Gaza and the West Bank. During Trump's presidency politics became just anti-Trump and little more. They give Obama a pass, but there's Syria, and Libya, and then there is support for a coup in Ukraine as he supported neo-nazi's to bring down a pro Russian government, so as far as I'm concerned Obama is guilty of helping to initiate the present war in Ukraine. During Trump's presidency they had to keep the scare and hate going, ergo, Russia-gate.
When you say “no he wasn’t”… are saying fake news. In correct facts. A LIE
“U.S. top general secretly called China over fears Trump could spark war -report
September 15, 202111:27 AM GMT+2Updated 2 years ago”
So what you said are lies.
In fact, Trump was a warmonger no better than the others. He was eager to start new wars with China and Iran, SAME as Hillary CLinton. And he most certainly enjoyed pummelling Afghanistan with bombs.
Same old type: charlatan.
You are misinformed, quite obviously and don't send me your links. No one in the political arena, not then, not now, and especially the left were willing to use any sense of objectivity in their perspective, or reporting when it came to Trump. The CIA was even willing to give them a hand on calling Hunter's laptop Russian misinformation, and the democrats even pressured Twitter on what was acceptable to put into print. The neocons seeing no wars in sight all shuffled over to the democrats during his presidency because they were itching to go to war with Russia. Don't you wish they would have allowed him to get along? Don't you wish they would have allowed the Covid vaccine to come out instead of waiting for Trump to be out? Spare me your hate, because for 4 years I've already heard it.
By the way, what wars did he start, warmonger that he war?
As you insist on lying, I will not take any dialogue with you.
All NYC trash! Grow up child; learn to spot Propogsnda.
Thank you for your information, but Ima afraid Fran doesn’t do information.
go back a couple of comments
To which comment Susan?
Nonsense!! Prove that sir.
No fan of Trump here, but with all the shit going on worldwide, all many Amerikkkans can do is wring their hands and sob that “Trump could be re-elected!”
How could he possibly be worse than the rotting corpse currently in the WH?
No one is sobbing gypsy33, but if you lived in America and were aware of the neocon agenda driving our wars since 9/11, and your country has been engaged in a non-stop killing spree maybe then you might understand why Trump was a reprieve for four years. Maybe you would also come to understand how the mainstream media were complicit in assisting the democrats and republicans in adhering to this agenda. Read up on the Project for a New American Century and know it was based on a A Clean Break: "A New Strategy for Securing the Realm (commonly known as the "Clean Break" report) is a policy document that was prepared in 1996 by a study group led by Richard Perle for Benjamin Netanyahu, the then Prime Minister of Israel. " Read the names of the primary signatories, on the Project for a New American Century and you will come across names like Jeff Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc. That will help you understand how Bush got elected in the first place, and Cheney became his vice president. Then you can listen on You-tube to Wesley Clark who has definitive proof that even before we went into Afghanistan we planned to attack 7 countries within a period of 5 years and Iraq was the first on that list. Bush/Cheney certainly did their part as did Obama. Look at the war in Russia and know that was in the making long before it happened, and maybe you'll understand why Trump was a relief that didn't push that neocon agenda that one day may kill us all.
He did order the killing of that top level Iranian, Soleimani. He was close to being charged with paedophilia before he was elected. That disappeared once he was elected. He did make a lot of horrible references to women. He dropped more bombs and missiles in wars that already existed than Bush or Obama. Maybe he didn't start any new wars. But he was certainly not a president who was about to bring about world peace.
I never said he was perfect, and a lot that was said of him were lies, like he was a pedophile, They also claimed he hired a bunch of prostitutes to pee on the bed Obama and his wife slept on while in Russia, and it goes on like that and it does because the media loved it and never implemented any sense of objectivity when it came to Trump. I actually know someone who had a friend who worked for him for many years and said his treatment of women was if anything very polite and respectful. More bombs and missiles where, what country, how many, for how long, I just don't know what your are referencing. Give me the name of any US president that brought about world peace. Lets not forget about the CIA and how they operated since their inception after WWII. By the end of the century they were responsible for some 6 million deaths. It was Teddy Roosevelt's grandson that brought down Mohammad Mosaddeq, a real nice guy, that just wanted a more equatable agreement with the British and the money they accrued from pumping Iranian oil. A good guy they got rid of by destroying him politically. Sometimes they just killed them.
I agree that there has not been a US president that has brought about world peace or even tried. But then I can't think of any other leader either who has really worked for world peace. From my perspective, money and power seem to be their primary motivators. They certain don't seem to be working for the betterment of the people who elected them. Except for their big donors. I also agree that the mainstream media lies a lot, especially about things that would cost them money. I find it really difficult to see Trump as an all round nice guy or a good president or anything. But then again, I have never found any American president or most leaders of countries to be honest or working for peace or trying to make life better for those who elected them.
"He dropped more bombs and missiles in wars that already existed than Bush or Obama." - I haven't heard that one before.
Ten months into his presidency, a clearer picture is emerging. The data indicate several alarming trends.
According to research from the nonprofit monitoring group Airwars, the first seven months of the Trump administration have already resulted in more civilian deaths than under the entirety of the Obama administration. Airwars reports that under Obama’s leadership, the fight against IS led to approximately 2,300 to 3,400 civilian deaths. Through the first seven months of the Trump administration, they estimate that coalition air strikes have killed between 2,800 and 4,500 civilians.
Doesn't matter who becomes the Potus, nothing ever changes.
True. Because you have 2 Party's owned by big money.
Power attracts sociopaths the way catnip attracts cats.
"Greatest shit hole on earth" Absolutely.
By attempting to keep the world in the dark as to what's happening in Gaza, the Israeli/US war machine reveals its ugliness in the light of day.
Even fellow NATO members voted to abstain from the UN's ceasefire measure rather than vote against it. That's how horrific they find the genocide happening there.
Let's hope the rest of the world is up to the task of taking out the combined genocidal IDF and US forces.
#FreePalestine !
I’m counting on Iran. Let’s hope Khameini comes through.
I'm counting on Iran, and Russia, and China, and Syria, and Hezbollah; they have to work on solving this together, and these large shows of resistance in the US and France and the UK will also help pressure the US and associated NATO governments.
There was a big one in NYC at Grand Central Station too. By Jewish Voices For Peace.
Aghast! I’ve informed my local Democrat Party that I do not support Biden, my Congress members on this issue of their support of genocide by Israel! Nor do I support Israel’s evil presence in Palestine.
I did the same with my congress members, both Democrats. The boilerplate jingo schlock that came back in the auto-responses was almost carbon copy of the fantastic, dumb shit that was flying around post-9/11, insane.
Good job! I emailed my feckless Senators and one Rep to say, guess what boys, your true colors are showing in this crisis. You’ve gotten away with sitting around doing NOTHING for a decade, but Palestine showed you to be a dupe of AIPAC. No more votes from me to you.
I know it won’t matter, but 1000’s of them might.
I can't imagine something being called a war when one side can turn off the power supply, food, internet, water and everything else.
Where is the so-called “international community”, who LOVE to talk about Human Rights and dictatorship? Oh wait, they are the ones sending Israel money and weapons and clapping Israel on the back and imprisoning any of their own citizens who complain about human rights for Palestinians .
Because there is no “international community”. There never was. Only a small coalition of settler-colonial states that are now slipping into naked fascism.
Already fascist
The US is a fascist corporation...militarism is the business and violence is the language..
"Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis said the United States should not take in any Palestinian refugees if they flee the Gaza Strip because they “are all antisemitic” and he dismissed international entreaties for Israel to provide clean running water and utilities to the 2.3 million civilians in the territory." Just in case you were thinking of voting for him.
If they’d just put Israel in Florida maybe we’d solve all this. Except then they genocide the Cubans out
Israel’s Secret Plan for a «Second Israel» in Ukraine [ 2014]
''The Times of Israel, an independent Israeli newspaper that counts among its staff a number of former reporters for the Israeli daily Ha’aretz, published a fascinating but largely overlooked story datelined Jerusalem and Zhitomir, Ukraine, March 16, 2014, and which was written by its respective Russian and Ukrainian correspondents, Hirsh Ostropoler and I. Z. Grosser-Spass, citing a secret report provided to the Israeli government. The report, written by a select panel of scholars of J people's history drawn from academia and other research centers, concluded that that European Jewish people are in fact descended from Khazars, a war-like Mongol-Tatar group that ruled over Ukraine and southern Russia, which mass-converted to Judaism in the eighth century AD.
Zionists have long argued that the land claimed by Israel was the biblical birthright of the Jews who were forced from the land in a so-called «diaspora» after repeated conquests by various empires. Proof that Ashkenazi Jews, which make up a majority of the Israeli Jewish population, have no historical link to Palestine would call into question the entire premise of Israel as the historical «5,000-year old» homeland of the Jewish people.''
[Draw your own conclusions why the war in Ukraine is losing so many people]
the appeal to history is not the way forward - it all depends exactly which bits you cherry pick, and, of course much of history is plain lies or factually just guesswork. The is only here and now. Much as I think Hamas was inevitable, given the conditions that Gazans and all Palestinians are subjected to, their original founding document refers to the "Elders of Zion Protocol", a notorious fake used for many decades as an anti-semitic trope. The concept of Zion meanwhile dates from the 6th century BC, and predates the very existence of "Israelites". The appeal to some fictitious past is always the way ultra nationalists of all types seek to persuade and propagandise people to go along with violence.
Tell that to the Israeli's
When it come to cherry picking they take the cake.
The Israeli justification for taking some other peoples land has always been biblical - that ''God'' gave them Palestine - and God not the history of other is their witness.
The problem however is that the alleged existence of God has never been proven.
The Jews already have a homeland. It’s called Noo Yawk City.
I met a rabbi who said that The Promised Land wasn't Israel but America, the country that never had a pogrom.
There are probably as many promised lands as there are rabbis. Very convenient for them.
Would be okay with me.
what???? is that a sick joke or?????
Is what a sick joke, and if you are referring to putting Israeli's in Florida, it is a joke.
It was the "genocide the Cubans out" that I hope is a sick joke
Well, then that doesn't relate to me since I always thought the position on Cuba sucked!
Have the Jews declared they're the only Semites & that antisemitism applies only to them?
Sem·ite | ˈsemīt |
a member of any of the peoples who speak or spoke a Semitic language, including in particular the Jews and Arabs.
Or is that a global decision?
Just do a search on "antisemitic vs semitic" and you'll find enormous number of smart people explaining to you that antisemitic is antijewish, and the other Semites be damned.
Don't you know "rainbow" means LGBTQ+?
Some other Semites are right now being damned. Horrendous.
Interesting point and I never thought about it. Thanks.
yeah DeSantis looks worse than Trump. Mike Johnson, the new Republican speaker, gave a speech unreservedly supporting Israel as almost his first action.
I use to like DeSantis, but aside from some other issues, and now this comment just pointed out that he's just another politician who adheres to no values and is solely out for the win. No doubt most are like that, if not all. I don't and never liked Hamas, and most in Gaza never voted them in. I never really understood why they would engage in behavior that ultimately killed so many Gazans. It's been a whole century of death and destruction. It's scary.
Please watch this to know what's really happening with the Israeli genocide and the siege of Gaza.
I saw that last night!
Wow that really opened my eyes.
The world assented to the creation of the state of Israel because of horror over the holocaust. Now that Israel is going for the Final Solution to the inconvenient continued existence of the people who already lived there, it has forfeited its right to exist.
''Wikipedia, whose notoriously rigged editing system tends to skew information in the favor of US information interests''
True, even the CIA is known for editing wiki - It's beyond me why people are still using it.
I think many of us baby boomers lived through the golden age of the Internet. It seems like the direction now will be complete State control over what you will have access to, and the information you will be allowed to see. Assuming there are any States left in the next few months ....
Wikipedia is a farce.
well it's decent on what year a movie was made, basic factual stuff about topics that are not politically controversial.
The problem is that absolutely anyone can edit someone's wiki page.
The dishonest editing hit a major nerve when a couple of well respected critics of empire started exposing it....
>>The Philip Cross Affair<<
>>Is GCHQ Embedded in Wikipedia?<<
The spirit of the German monsters in the 1930s-40s has taKen up residence in modern day Israel assisted by the victors of WW2. Can we call this spiritual possession or spiritual influence? If it is merely influence can we even imagine what possession would look like?
The whole thing is getting surreal. From a US president who can barely finish a sentence, to Netanyahu announcing he is of the people of "light", fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah. Wake me up when it's over - or maybe, don't wake me up.
"... fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah" - apparently another one whom God spake to.
You mean “god”.
There is no god. Our planet and all the species who evolved upon it was due solely to the Mother Goddess, NATURE.
Thank you, NATURE, for creating such monsters who are our current rulers. Good job!
Great conversation by Kim Iversen just now: “The Swarm”, Zionism And How The Powerful Elite Control The Narrative | A Conversation With Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai:
Agree or not, it's a calm, no-hysteria, intelligent presentation. His swarm video is also quite educational: (on YouTube too
I remember Whitney Webb was asked about "who controls the world". And she answered to the effect that there are many different groups, fighting each other for power and money, but united in their disdain and opposition towards the general public. The Swarm details this same notion.
Yet another similarity to a horror film- when the killer cuts the phone line.
this is the literal English translation of the first verse of the Israeli national anthem, which Palestinians living in Israel are expected to sing along with. It sums up the entire problem: "As long as in the heart, within / The Jewish soul yearns / And towards the ends of the east, / And onward toward the East,
Looking towards Zion". It's like expecting and Irish person to sing "God save our noble king / queen ... long to reign over us". That would be the King / Queen of England. The intention to treat Arab citizens as second class is built in to the fabric of Israel. The constitution states: 'Basic Law: Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People'. They have set themselves up to fail.
A comment made on Moon of Alabama 27 Oct. Speculation of course, but what else do we have going at this point? Serious question: "Would you like to see the Kinzhals used on US Aircraft Carriers or Israeli Nukes? (Assuming you can't do both)"
1. There is a general assumption that the Russian Mig31/Kinzhal patrols over the Black Sea were put in place as a counter to US carriers in the East Mediterranean. However, I see another potential role: pinning down Israel's nukes. Kinzhal's bunker penetrating abilities have already been demonstrated, and I don't find it inconveivable that Russian intelligence a) knows where Israel keeps their nuclear weapons, b) knows the scenarios in which they would be used, and c) perhaps is even somehow able to listen-in on the decision-making. I haven't seen this discussed anywhere (apologies if this has come up here at MoA, I haven't been able to follow comments lately).
If I am right, and the Mig31/Kinzhal Black Sea patrol can/are indeed a counter to Israel's nukes, what would be the implications?
Now, of course, I don't want the Kinzhals to be used at all, but how do we then stop this mad rush to war? The US and Israel are obviously going to continue escalating -- unless Biden and Netanyahu are removed from office.
Speculation is that the US carrier groups are being deployed to attack Iran. How does this change your opinion on the use of the Kinzhals?
They have been at this war against the Middle East for many many years. This is a Criminal organization that has been stealing country by country's resources and they obviously WILL NOT STOP! They do not care how many bodies including American soldiers bodies THEY PILE UP! The only way is for Russia and China and Iran along with the rest of the Middle East taking them all out. They are all criminals embedded into every country with only themselves to care about.