It's worth repeating that everything Caitlin says about Israeli propaganda and lies is equally applicable to Ukraine. And no wonder - it's been set up and coached by Israel and the US to perform a very similar role against Russia as Israel's is for the US's interests in the Middle East.

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I am so sick of being lied to.

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The hideous Jared Kushner is already rubbing his greedmitts together over the prospect of Gazan waterfront property becoming available.

These people are beyond sickening.

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Need more convincing about who are the depraved amoral scumbags here? Go Grayzone and watch Jeremy Loffredo's interviews with the Israeli aid blockers. Listen carefully to the racist vitriol these pieces of garbage spew and tell me they deserve to breath the same air as the burned children dying on the floors of Gazan hospitals. There's no remaining excuse for a society that cultivates such a level of brutality, of pure sociopathy. Right to exist? Really? Stuff the old testament where it belongs with the rack and other relics inappropriate for life beyond Medieval torture chambers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqRzfb2oMaM

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Israel’s care factor for the hostages is zero. They are simply an excuse to wage war - immaterial relevance other than a perverted sick justification for a path toward genocide..

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Yet another homerun 👍. I don't give a rat's ass about Israeli "feelings." Poor me, poor me, poor poor pitifull me. On and on and on. Breathtaking to me: the ARROGANCE. I can't begin to imagine I could ever think of myself as a "chosen person of God." WHO does that? Is Israel run amok with sociopaths? Yes...will do name calling of my own: SOCIOPATHS.

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Thank you, Sister; your voice is STRONG. May God's Grace Be Upon You.

We use your articles on our vlog "Need to Know News" in our analyses of current events. Most recent of our 3x/week show: https://carlbherman.blogspot.com/2024/03/63-minute-video-need-to-know-news-lucid_20.html

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What you said here is SO TRUE. The American people want a ceasefire (at a minimum). But the US Congress is chock full of Genocide- and Apartheid- loving murderers, deeply complicit in every single Zionist Abomination war crime and crime against humanity. They're bought-and- paid-for, and for whatever reason have a greater loyalty to the Zionist settler-colony, than they do to the people that they're supposed to represent.

Bless the CodePink people, who not only spend hours each day trying to question, and reason with, and reach those psychopaths...but also can resist the urge to wring their necks, when confronted by that kind of pure evil.

The world needs another Nuremberg Tribunal for war crimes - this time focusing on those of the NATO Empire in Russia and Ukraine, and the Zionists in Occupied Palestine.

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Thanks, Caitlin. Your work is important in the face of hasbara campaigns with flimsy talking points that, by now, everyone can see through. It’s a good day when you get under their skin and constantly make them squirm by exposing their lies. Every post and fact checking is a missile directed at their war propaganda. In the end, it becomes clear that the emperor has no clothes in spite of an entire war machine (weapons + media) behind them .. keep up the good fight!

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Mar 22·edited Mar 22

There was a video on Aljazeera about the many Israeli's who are out there several times a week blocking aid from getting into Gaza, and they said they were quite successful in doing so, and pleased with their accomplishment. They interviewed a couple of Israeli youth, late teens, early twenties, who professed great prejudice, and were unaware of doing so, like Palestinians should be dead. Israel is a sick society since their world is so black and white with no shades of grey, like we're good, and Palestinians are bad. They also come across as anything they do is acceptable no matter how barbaric it is. They kill children with ease, and fail to see their innocence, and their vulnerability. They can take another's land and feel justified because of the prejudicial way they have been taught to view these people. Their perspective is so narrow they don't even perceive this conflict based on it's history and those of the Palestinians whose land was taken from them. There is not going to be a cure anytime soon.

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Thank You Caitlin

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"The propagandists who’ve been manufacturing public consent for this mass atrocity are just as guilty as the ones dropping the bombs."

I've been saying this since day one--if you actively cover for genocide doers, enablers or supporters, you are guilty of the same war crimes. It's the same as if you hired a hit man to kill another person. You started the crime by wanting the death of another person, you hired an instrument (in this case a hit man) to do the killing for you, but you are still the instigator of the crime and guilty of the crime. Israel is the instigator and the hit man all in one and the US and its Western allies all supply the hit man with the ammo to do the job. (And possibly the US has supplied hit men as well, as I'm sure we'll discover more war crimes as the UN rapporteur's account is made public.)

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slipped in an alternate universe

reality infinitely worse

somehow our priorities are skewed

and mass insanity has ensued


logic and reason were our ideal

now its all how a snowflake may feel

orwellian doublespeak used

mere words and violence are confused


diversity a code word to conform

the lunatic fringe became the norm

and tolerance means your submission

dare not question their supposition


no greatest good for greatest number

but cater to who is most dumber

its least common denominator

that’s society’s dominator


respect your choice without approving

and you can’t forbid our reproving

respect does not mean believe as you do

or even think what you say is true


respect does not mean forced to your will

or your directives we must fulfill

respect does mean we live and let live

that’s the most we can be asked to give


stop demanding i respect your feels

there’s no one before which i will kneel


The Worlds Most Dangerous Poet

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You can’t be called Anti - Semitic if the people you are talking about aren’t actually Semitic!

John’s Hopkin’s Genome Study Proves Jews ‘Interlopers’ in Palestine…no ‘Semitic Blood’ WHATSOEVER…

Johns Hopkins genetic study shows 97.5% of Judaics living in Israel have absolutely no ancient Hebrew DNA, are therefore not Semites, and have no ancient blood ties to the land of Palestine at all. Whereas 80% of Palestinians carry ancient Hebrew DNA and thus are real Semites.

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Unless Hamas were to drop a nuclear weapon on Israel, no amount of PR and or propaganda will ever change the hatred of Israel because of what they have now done. Over 90% of the entire world stands with Palestine, almost every world leader has now admonished Israel (God Bless the PM of Ireland for saying and then doing what he did) the UN Security Council and General Assembly have called for a cease fire in addition to Israel completely ignoring the International Court of Justice. The only reason any Jew is standing in solidarity with Israel is because they are so ashamed of what Israel has done they need the excuse of 10-07 to justify it.

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NPR is reporting on starvation in Gaza.

The Israeli spokesperson called stories about "hunger" in Gaza "a myth".

NPR basically let that lie stand without direct contradiction and effectively blamed Israeli domestic politics and the far right for the problem. Some progress in accountability, but still far too much deference to Israel.

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