Pretty amazing that the ICJ overcame tremendous pressure to hammer sacred Israel for its War Crimes, its Genocide. The "spoiled child" of the West got a bad mark--finally. Israel will try to wiggle out of it anyway they can, but their foul deeds are now on the record. If not everything, it's something.

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

While Israel predictably responded to the decision with more gaslighting…the U.S. responded with more sociopathic misdeeds.

Rather than cutting off all supply of weapons to Israel and charging them with genocide… they bombed the Yemenis who are trying to get the Israelis to stop implementing genocide. The U.S. also cut off funds to the UNRWA which supplies aid to refugees in Gaza. But the US still stand with the genocidal Israelis.

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Israel accusing everybody under the sun as being antisemitic, including the ICJ, is tiresome, tawdry and counter productive for their failed cause.

When politicians become ridiculous all you can do is mock them and laugh in their face. I for one strongly support the ICJ ruling. I guess that makes me antisemitic.

Calling other people names is a pretty good indication you have lost the argument. Meanwhile Israel and the US are doing a magnificent job turning themselves into global pariah states.

Bread making is a hobby of mine and I will continue making some of the world's best Challah bread. All challengers welcome .

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The ICJ ruling will be used by Nations as a Causus Belli to Justify Bilateral Embargoes, Sanctions, Blockades, etc. The fact that 'it cannot be enforced by a UN Army' or that 'The Court has no Body to Impose said Will onto others' is irrelevant. This Ruling is basically the Torch being Lit:

'Israel' will now find itself increasingly isolated on the world stage & hit from all sides on the Economy & Trade side of things. Add in the inevitable Fleeing & Retreat of US forces from Iraq & Syria, & we get an obvious picture of what comes next for the so called 'Jewish State:'

Demographic Implosion due to Mass emigration. Especially once the IRGC's Heavier Strike Weapons are deployed closer to the Zionist entity (all but guaranteed due to American retreat).

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"Ben Gvir also tweeted “Hague Schmague” immediately after the ruling was issued, which will probably go down in history as the most Israeli tweet of all time."

Quite. Genocidal toddlers who don't get their way tend to start calling other people and places silly names. I'm just surprised Ben Gvir didn't say they were "poo-poo heads" or some other sort of three year old curse word.

But this revelation just made my day: "The U.N. General Assembly now can suspend Israel from participation in its activities as it did for South Africa and Yugoslavia. It can admit Palestine as a full member. And — especially since the International Criminal Court has been a farce — it can establish a tribunal to prosecute the highest level officials of the Israeli government, both civilian and military.”

YEAH!!!!! #EndTheGenocide #FreePalestine!

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I would be enjoyable to see someone call them out on playing the antisemitic card. It is truly insulting to real victims of it. This is a farce. Israel has deployed the DARVO strategy quite frequently

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After a 15 to 2 judicial decision in regard to the required remedial action to prevent Genocide in Gaza, the argumentade by Usrael in regard to anti-semetism makes virtually the whole world, represented by these judges, anti-semetic.

How Ridiculous could Israel get, as if their defence wasn't pathetic and irrational enough.

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

Watched quite a few Independent news shows today and a number of expert Independent pundits (not the no longer believable corporate bullshit) - the opinions I heard (unanimously) were the ICJ ruling was an historic judgement - will be a significant blow, and will have a significant impact on Israel moving forward. The judgement will offer increased legitimacy to those who claim Israel is committing a genocide - and will cause more and more politicians to think about covering their asses as the continuing daily massacre of innocents begins to unravel - which it will. Israel will not be able to sustain itself - it is losing, and will lose the propaganda war that is so vital to keep up the illusion of Israel's supposed moral uprightness. I think this ruling by the ICJ is the beginning of an inevitable pendulum swing (of doom) against the genocidal acts of Israel.

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It leaves me completely bereft and anesthetized when I read numbers and days. As if they are mere figures racked up like points. Does anyone respect that every number is an actual human life most likely a child? That every day calculates into hours of starvation. All these numbers get tossed around like a football. Everyone regurgitates them 10,000 - 12,000 - 15,000. Thirty days, sixty days, 100 days.

All I think about is that it's over for these people. No one is coming to save them. It's all nothing but talking points. We'll know the courts decision "three weeks". Does anyone understand how many lives three weeks is? I want to scream at the top of my lungs, three weeks? These people are down hours and minutes - three weeks for them is death. There is no waiting - it's now or never. No one is coming.

To harbor all of this is now futile. These people are no longer victims but rather martyrs. They didn't die in vain but rather exposed and destroyed both the US and Israel. The world now see's the truth.

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"Everyone’s arguing about whether or not the ICJ’s ruling is helpful, and I don’t know enough one way or the other to be sure either way ..." - at the very least it contributed to diminishing the value of antisemitism charge Israel was triggered to bleat out once again.

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Very interested to hear Eylon Levy’s opinion on this after, in response to being asked whether Israel would abide by any ruling, he said it was a preposterous question based on a hypothetical that would never happen because the claim was so outrageous…maybe time to ask him again?

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Has anyone noticed that, almost at the same time of the ICJ ruling, most western news agencies and outlets started circulating the news that UNRWA was investigating Israeli allegations of some of its employees' involvement in the 7 October Hamas attack?

Not only that, but also the US State Department immediately suspended its funding to UNRWA just on the base of these allegations, with the EU Commission considering taking similar actions. Nevertheless it looks like both US and EU are not considering any action following the ICJ ruling. The usual hypocrisy and double/triple-standard of the declining Western empire.

I talk about this here: https://geopolitiq.substack.com/p/us-and-eu-ignore-icj-ruling-and-focus

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Getting a quote from the national security minister in Jerusalem is literally getting a quote from Heinrich Himmler if you want to load up the hate against a captive population in a sentence.

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The victimhood rhetoric and calling everyone you disagree with anti-semitic, racist, sexist, etc. is not even funny anymore.

Either a significant proportion of the world’s population are Nazis and act like Hitler or there is a significant population of NPCs.

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I have much respect for Francis Boyle’s opinion. I have no respect for Israel, Netanyahu, etc. or US Biden, or UK for ignoring genocide of Palestinians, over 11000 children murdered in Gaza. I’m pleased with decision of recognizing Israel’s genocide.

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When Jimmy Dore starts sounding this crazy and off his rocker, but still makes sense -- almost, then you know the world is going through some transformation that we don't yet clearly see.

“The Left & Right MUST UNITE To Defeat The Oligarchy!” – Jimmy Dore


I mean,

I'm an American rooting for Russia to win in Ukraine.

I'm an American lauding China's BRI

I'm an American wishing the BRICS all the best in their de-dollarization campaign

I'm an American cheering the Houthis defeat of the US Navy in the Red Sea

I'm an American who, with great regret, prefers the criminal Trump (who will end the Ukraine war) become President over the criminal Biden. I am sickened that there are no other options.

How can I still identify as an American? I oppose everything America is doing.

The Oligarchy, why do so few use that word or recognize its existence, must be destroyed.

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