I’m starting a new monthly magazine (or publication, or book, or whatever you want to call it) compiling all my articles for the month together in a physical paper copy. I’m calling it JOHNSTONE, because why the hell not.
You’ll also still be able to download a digital pay-what-you-feel copy of the magazine just like you were doing when that project was called TreaZine, only now it will be called JOHNSTONE and have a new look. Everyone who’s subscribed to TreaZine will keep getting regular monthly publications.
The first edition of JOHNSTONE is titled “The True Symbol Of The United States Is The Pentagon,” and you can get a paper copy by clicking here or get a digital copy by clicking here.
Again, these will be coming out every month. I don’t yet have a subscription model for the paper editions, but if you want a monthly pay-what-you-feel subscription to the digital version of JOHNSTONE you can get it by clicking here.
As usual, everyone is free to bootleg, republish, translate, print or use any or all of these writings in any way they choose, with or without attribution, for profit or not, free of charge. If you want to print your own copies of JOHNSTONE and sell them for your own profit, there are instructions on the last page of the magazine on how to do that.
All the Best to You and your Endeavors. We/Me/You are All on a Journey of Increasing Awareness, not in "Lockstep" as in the past, but Finding our own way with the help of ideas from thinkers like you.
that song could have been sung in the early 1860's about the Ferals in DC. History may not Repeat but it sure does Rhyme.
Purge, Repeat, Rinse be careful what is "Wished For" here in the USSA. FIB just murdered a 70 year old man in Utah to set the example, same as ATF/FIB at Ruby Ridge and Waco, because "Deplorables" just don't Learn to be "Good German" USSA Sheeples.
Where are my Anti-War Kith & Kin of the 60's ??? Gone to Flowers or ProgreSSives, ........ everyone???
congrats...very happy for you