Pure poetry. Loved the "turn"... Particularly germane, personally, on the eve of 30th wedding anniversary; especially blessed to be married to a like minded warrior for Truth and brave enough to have initiated our " leap" at the height of this recent madness back in the summer of 2021. You have a gift with words, Caitlin, and they resonate deeply with me.

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Thank you for being you.

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Thank you for that Caitlin, reminding me that hope is still there and shared by many of us, 'in times like this.'

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Refilling the hummingbird feeder yesterday morning just after sunrise on a cold desert night, and before I could get it strung up, a hummer flew past my face, under my arm, and began feeding!!! He landed and took at least 20 hits over almost a minute, so it must have been his morning feast!

"These days I sit on cornerstones, and count the time in quarter-tones to 10, my friend"

Jackson Browne


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Jackson Browne, speaking of poetry!

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This beautiful ape mutant understands that we are at an inflection point. The old culture failing under its own corruption. And that a Black Swan event can seemingly come from nowhere and transform our broken shit. Hold to peace, the light is coming...

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At times like this, I remember what Lawrence Olivier told a young Anthony Hopkins.

To hell with what the audience thinks. Jump off the cliff.

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fucking WOW.

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Jan 24, 2023·edited Jan 24, 2023

'In times like these

no matter how fucked up you are

you can sometimes catch Buddha winking at you in the mirror.'


I keep Seeing him outta

the Corner of my eye

but he's Too quick

for me tho I Can

Hear him chor-

tling at Inop-



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you brought me In

with that one.


I replay it and fall

Asleep to it - thank you!

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This morning, while Pfizer and Moderna double-fucked my nostrils with the stench of their lies in lieu of a nasal vaccine that actually blocked transmission of a respiratory virus, nevertheless, I sliced opened a pale, mottled ugly grapefruit. Its unanticipated sweetness was a revelatory orgasm that bade me remember: loving the Natural world is always a route to nirvana despite the artificial hellscape of the murder mutants.

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Great poem, because it is all magic after all. Not the magic of the politico who tries to sell you that shit is nutritious and gold is edible, and so is bit-coin. They tell you even that "the bomb" can be worked into the crazy-quilt narrative. No, the other magic that tells you with a certainty that all this crap is there to hide something: it tries to hide the fact you belong, you deserve and you are magic itself- the good kind. You can make it happen, if not in a material way for now, in a way that still matters. Don't be discouraged by the demented, the twisted: those who tell you suffering is good - your suffering, not theirs - and life is bad, and it is unreasonable to do anything but bow your head to the yoke.

Laugh at the idiots, the clowns in dark, serious robes, the prancers and dancers with cudgels behind their backs, ready to finish you off. They can't stop you thinking, no matter what they do. And what you think will register somewhere, permanently, long after you're gone.

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Jan 20, 2023·edited Jan 20, 2023

And something beautiful, beautiful beyond words.


Thank you Scott Ritter, thank you for everything you do -- for humanity, for all of us, an inspiration.


Klaus Schwab – BIO -- https://rumble.com/v263aro-why-are-they-hiding-this-about-klaus-schwab-and-the-wef-redacted-with-clayt.html

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He’s an American hero. He tells the truth and doesn’t sell. Thank you for sharing that.

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Or as an ex idol (now complete disappointment) of mine used to sing. "It times like these we learn to live again".

Transcendence will happen when the time comes, but you have to believe just enough to ask.

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Absolutely loved this poem!!!

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We love you. -“Poets for Power”

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Every generation experiences "times like these" to some degree.

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In my case, after four generations, it becomes the status quo.

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I've read that the cells of a human body can be likened to the stars of the universe, in quantity & ability, and time as most would know it is an illusion to distract the owner from a truth that must be shared to have any value.

But I also saw that TonyBlair is offering free hernia exams at Davos, so there's little end to the possibilities of the age.

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Poetic power personified!

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