Wrong. We *are* responsible for the CO2 blanket Dean. Totally ironic, but true. Flip a coin as to whether we can surmount this. Almost. Actually you and I both count. For it will take most of us not only to recognize the climate problem Dean, but to join a common effort to change and do something about it - we must forgo gasoline and such, and support renewables including ocean energies, and nuclear done right (micro, salt cooling) .. this way, should we do it, we will find the common consciousness that Caitlin describes grow a little farther along the right path. Fingers are crossed.
Your mind has been poisoned. The earth has gone through several ice ages without a single SUV roaming the planet. That great big orange heat tab in the sky has much more to do with the temperature on earth and the level of the seas (which haven’t changed an inch since they started with this bs).
Science is never really settled. But I totally get your point. The "vaccine" is poison. It's killing people and causing all sorts of bodily harm... from clots, to heart ailments, to infertility, to death... it keeps getting exposed and the truth will come out.
Science though... The very foundation of scientific experiments is that the scientist is always hypothesizing, always collecting data, always testing, and always refining or looking for new theories. The only indication of a good theory is whether one can make valid predictions with the theory. Making a valid prediction with the theory must be tested again and again. Having one successful prediction, is not enough. One failed prediction NEGATES a theory, one correct prediction simply means the theory works for now, or until a failed prediction or a more comprehensive theory comes along. Climate science AIN'T EVEN CLOSE. There is no such thing as settled science until the theory is validated time and time again with the same exact result over and over. Then and only then will it be come a LAW or "settled" (like the law of gravity) as the shrieking climate memies like to say.
You can tell the climate religion believers over and over but unless they understand science, really understand how it works, they'll continue to embarrass themselves. Just like the Covidian Gene Juice Vaccine addicts.
Some people think it isn't science if you're allowed to question it. It's only science if the authorities are screaming at you, locking you up, and destroying civilization.
What I find odd is that there are many people who understand and see how pharma, the media, the medical complex, and government conspired to screw us with COVID. Yet... many of these same people who rail against the COVID prison planet still believe that the government funded scientists, the media, and government officials WOULD NEVER LIE ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE... OH NO, THEY ARE TOTALLY HONEST WHEN THE TALK ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE.
Every institution pushing the "climate change is going to kill us and we must do something now" are either involved in the scam or playing straight into the hands of the tyrants that want you dead. It's about control. Control of what you eat, where and how you live, what you drive, where you work, how many kids you have.... control is the goal.
The idea of clean energy is a worthy goal which very few if any oppose. The acceptance of absolute unquestioned knowledge by the very idiots who have been wrong for decades is credulous at best or stupid most likely. A transition to cleaner energy can be a priority but like the pandemic must be balanced with as many competing factors as possible. This requires wisdom not ideology.
I agree ! I’ve read France is shutting down many of theirs. Seems like a no brained since we are 100% dependent on electricity for everything needed to stay alive
CO2 feeds plants. Plants produce oxygen. We will adapt regardless of the changes. The earth will outlast us regardless. Putting your faith in a theoretical solution proposed by the very same idiots who have led us to this point is credulous.
That touches on the true stupidity of the climate faithful, they can't see its the people who have pursued their agendas that resulted in our being here are the very same ones promoting the idea that they have a solution. Let me poison the well for money and then tell you how only I can fix it for more money.
It is ridiculous to think that humanity can organize, manage and progress with a worldwide effort that requires the cooperation of all the individuals on the planet. Where is the precedent for that kind of coordinated human action ? How can you suggest we as species are capable of that type of coordinated action ?
CO2 is not poison. They’ve lied to us for 50 years on global cooling, global warming, now climate catastrophe. The same people responsible for all the lies and destruction are in charge of feeding us man-made climate change bullshit. Oh sure, they’re not lying about climate change. Give me a break. When the oligarchs and the elite stop buying beachfront property, when insurance companies stop insuring houses on the beach, when someone proves to me they have an actual functioning model for which way the temperature is going, I’ll listen. Wake up.
Regardless of the reality of the science I don't see any precedent for human action on the scale the climate alarmists demand. When in the course of human history has there ever been a successful coordinated effort to change human behavior planetwide ?
Okay, get yourself a canister and a mask. Put it over your face and breathe in the CO2 deeply for a few hours. Report back about what you experience. (If you can.)
Double vaxxed and triple boosted I'm sure. I feel sad for these people who willingly submitted to the clot shot. They know the "vaccine" doesn't work and evidence continues to mount that the MRNA shots are dangerous. It's mass formation psychosis... I don't know how else to explain it.
Everyone carries a burden. Let us be kind with one another. Kindness is love is the highest form of consciousness that connects us with the universal light.
I love how you give lucid, concise expression to such profound truths, again and again and again.
Gosh Caitlin, how I wish I personally knew people like you. I love people, but no one around me seems to get this line of thinking you share which I absolutely agree with.
“It is a little embarrassing that, after forty-five years of research and study, the best advice I can give to people is to be a little kinder to each other.”
This is something I personally struggle with: balancing compassion with accountability and responsibility. I have honestly been more conscious than everyone else my whole life, so I cannot even claim to know the steps to becoming a more discerning and decent human being. I can say that humans are in a unique position to destroy ourselves, other beings, and this beautiful blue planet we live on. We are seriously traumatized and mentally ill and we are stomping around the planet like an out of control King Kong crushing everything in our wake. Yes, we are all born innocent, but at some point you have to take personal responsibility for waking up out of your zombified stupor and becoming conscious. Everyone has trauma, but at some point, you must choose to turn it into your greatest medicine and teacher or succumb to it and destroy yourself (and possibly intimate others).
Wow, sounded very judgmental to me. The fact that you even had to say "I'm not being unkind" shows you knew you were. You don't know me. You don't know my story. That statement is the kind of thing that people love saying over the Internet and would never say to someone's face. Do not make any more comments directed to me as I will not engage with disrespect.
Well, Kandy, it was a vague vast generalization. Perhaps it’s more conscious to realize what you do not know?
Maybe you don’t know “everyone else” as well as you think.
It is funny how often someone says “here is a problem”, and people jump up to say “Not my problem.” It is not a competition, it’s a massive problem. Nobody’s excused. 😁
This is one of the first times I've noticed the extension of compassion and understanding to empire managers and their ilk in your work. I applaud it. It's always felt like a logical extension of the rest of your philosophy for me. Of course, extending compassion and understanding is not the same as allowing abusive, destructive behaviors to continue. I also think it's vitally important that we all take some ownership over the current dysfunction.
Not more than your share, as our dominant systems would have us do, just some. The trauma and drives for power, safety, and procreation (all healthy when in balance with each other and our environment, enormously destructive when not) that ultimately underlie the powers that be live in each of us. This is the kind of foundation humanity needs to truly heal. I'm very nervous about setting up us vs. them paradigms that pit a pure, innocent populace against wicked elites, despite resonating very strongly with that narrative at times myself. It sets up a scapegoat that then allows us to cleanse ourselves of, bypassing the trauma in ourselves.
"In this churning, chaotic tidal wave of evolutionary trauma that we were all born into, the only thing we really have any amount of real control over is whether we mindlessly repeat our conditioning patterns or start bringing consciousness to them. "
Our ancestors weren't unconscious zombies. In fact, some of the wisest people humanity has produced lived 3000 years ago, speaking truths that resonate to this day. Though certainly part of our struggle is with historical reality, a large part is our very nature, which is not just a result of "conditioning patterns." So the idea that *we* are the ones to suddenly bring consciousness to humanity and break out of the pattern ignores a lot of history in favor of a gross oversimplification.
But yes, you're correct that we should all try to be a hell of a lot nicer to each other. That's certainly true.
I would never condemn human beings as human beings, because I) it makes no sense, and presupposes a mischievous, unreliable universe at best, and a despicable and perverse universe at worst: 2) it plays like clockwork into objectives of the few truly evil people who want us to throw up our hands and accept, rationalize, their evil on the basis they are just like the rest of us: they aren't. We can be immortal and unethical in small ways, but few of us would ever think of killing a million people because they aren't white, and we want a monopoly for our oil companies and economic elites.
It's a stupid religion-based idea to scare the bejeebers out of us and give the religionists a patent on our conscience.
I would like to see some kindness directed toward the fascist in the White House, who gives speeches with Nazi iconography. I am sure he is mostly senile, and propped up with Adderall. His wife is a doctor, and a mandated reporter, and yet she is allowing this. She could let the public know at any time that we need him removed. But she does not. That's not a compassionate choice on her part. Then we could have a new fascist, Mrs. Harris, who spent years sending minorities to jail. She's not very compassionate, either, but let's peacefully take from office one fascist at a time.
I am not a fan of Joe Biden. As a younger man he was very hawkish. Now as president he is in clear cognitive decline. I'm not sure that he isn't deserving of compassion on those grounds alone.
You use the words "fascist" and "Nazi" with reference to Biden's White House. I have to repeat myself. I don't like him either. And I certainly didn't like that speech and the blood red backdrop. But I have no need to demonise him. This characterisation will not lead to Biden's removal and won't make the world a better place.
Is Biden a "fascist"? I don't know. Perhaps. But I'm not sure that this is why you use that label. You use it in order to garner public opinion to angrily demand his removal from office, aping the voices of his radical opponents. I don't think you actually believe that he is a fascist in the traditional meaning of the word as applied to Hitler and Mussolini. Is he that? I don't think so.
Directing kindness will not change the people you direct it to. But it may change you. For the better. Maybe you would be less bitter and less inclined to anger. Maybe.
George Orwell wrote about the difficulty in defining Fascist, and here's a man who went to Spain in hopes of killing some, but he himself was a colonial policeman in Burma. Most people use the term to mean "extremely not like me", when unfortunately that person is often more like them than they might be comfortable with upon examination.
Re, "Good, humans are horrible. The planet will be better off without us." If somebody kicks off nuclear Armageddon, it's no just homo sapiens that will be rendered extinct. Anything species that has no breeding group that finds a warm but not too warm place where they can survive on decaying roots will also go extinct. Nuclear winter will be an event as catastrophic as the K-T event that killed off the dinosaurs.
We can be compassionate. But we cannot afford to indulge it and allow the unawakened to continue to slumber. We are in the throws of totalitarianism ascendant. A governing system that takes the populace that would rather not look at what is happening around them and turns them into the most destructive killing machine the world has ever known. Death wrapped up in a system of "normal" jobs that normal people go home to their normal homes after doing without ever having to contemplate what their normal job results in.
We are the "philistines" the author describes in the passage below. Most of us reading on Substack are not the elite, we're not a passionate mob pushing a radical agenda, we're not the dis-empowered poor. We are the comfortable, with private lives we retreat to for sanctuary and safety. Not obligated to create and protect a better society for others around us, not prepared to help others losing their rights and liberties by challenging and protesting the abusers tormenting them. Keeping our heads down so as not to draw fire. Doing our jobs. Being cogs in the machine. As it's written, right here, in the history described below. Being compassionate is no excuse to allow our friends, neighbors, colleagues and communities to retreat from their moral duties. This book details how Nazism and Stalinism transformed normal people into the most murderous societies the world has ever known.
From "The Origins of Totalitarianism" written in 1951 by Hannah Arent
"Yet totalitarianism in power learned quickly that enterprising spirit was not restricted to the mob strata of the population and that, in any event, such initiative could only be a threat to the total domination of man. Absence of scruple, on the other hand, was not restricted to the mob either and, in any event, could be taught in a relatively short time. For the ruthless machines of domination and extermination, the masses of coordinated philistines provided much better material and were capable of even greater crimes than so-called professional criminals, provided only that these crimes were well organized and assumed the appearance of routine jobs.
It is not fortuitous, then, that the few protests against the Nazis' mass atrocities against the Jews and Eastern European peoples were voiced not by the military men nor by any other part of the coordinated masses of respectable philistines, but precisely by those early comrades of Hitler who were typical representatives of the mob. Nor was Himmler, the most powerful man in Germany after 1936, one of those "armed bohemians" (Heiden) whose features were distressingly similar to those of the intellectual elite. Himmler was himself "more normal," that is, more of a philistine, than any of the original leaders of the Nazi movement.' He was not a bohemian like Goebbels, or a sex criminal like Streicher, or a crackpot like Rosenberg, or a fanatic like Hitler, or an adventurer like Goring. He proved his supreme ability for organizing the masses into total domination by assuming that most people are neither bohemians, fanatics, adventurers, sex maniacs, crackpots, nor social failures, but first and foremost job holders and good family men.
The philistine's retirement into private life, his single-minded devotion to matters of family and career was the last, and already degenerated, product of the bourgeoisie's belief in the primacy of private interest. The philistine is the bourgeois isolated from his own class, the atomized individual who is produced by the breakdown of the bourgeois class itself. The mass man whom Himmler organized for the greatest mass crimes ever committed in history bore the features of the philistine rather than of the mob man, and was the bourgeois who in the midst of the ruins of his world worried about nothing so much as his private security, was ready to sacrifice everything — belief, honor, dignity— on the slightest provocation. Nothing proved easier to destroy than the privacy and private morality of people who thought of nothing but safeguarding their private lives."
Thank you for the uplifting message. We should be tender with each other. Even on social media--especially on social media!
No need to worry about the climate. It’s changing for sure. Man has little or nothing to do with it.
Wrong. We *are* responsible for the CO2 blanket Dean. Totally ironic, but true. Flip a coin as to whether we can surmount this. Almost. Actually you and I both count. For it will take most of us not only to recognize the climate problem Dean, but to join a common effort to change and do something about it - we must forgo gasoline and such, and support renewables including ocean energies, and nuclear done right (micro, salt cooling) .. this way, should we do it, we will find the common consciousness that Caitlin describes grow a little farther along the right path. Fingers are crossed.
Your mind has been poisoned. The earth has gone through several ice ages without a single SUV roaming the planet. That great big orange heat tab in the sky has much more to do with the temperature on earth and the level of the seas (which haven’t changed an inch since they started with this bs).
Good luck surviving the climate crisis. Lol.
Ever heard of science Dean?
Give up you can't fix stupid.
Let me guess. The science is settled on climate change. Hahahaaa. Proves you don’t know anything about the scientific method.
What happened to "be tender with one another"?
97% of "scientists" agree with those who are funding them. 😏
the science is settled...the covid clot shots are deadly...https://healthimpactnews.com/2022/61000-millennials-aged-25-to-44-died-in-2021-after-covid-vaccine-mandates-84-increase-in-mortality-rate/
Science is never really settled. But I totally get your point. The "vaccine" is poison. It's killing people and causing all sorts of bodily harm... from clots, to heart ailments, to infertility, to death... it keeps getting exposed and the truth will come out.
Science though... The very foundation of scientific experiments is that the scientist is always hypothesizing, always collecting data, always testing, and always refining or looking for new theories. The only indication of a good theory is whether one can make valid predictions with the theory. Making a valid prediction with the theory must be tested again and again. Having one successful prediction, is not enough. One failed prediction NEGATES a theory, one correct prediction simply means the theory works for now, or until a failed prediction or a more comprehensive theory comes along. Climate science AIN'T EVEN CLOSE. There is no such thing as settled science until the theory is validated time and time again with the same exact result over and over. Then and only then will it be come a LAW or "settled" (like the law of gravity) as the shrieking climate memies like to say.
You can tell the climate religion believers over and over but unless they understand science, really understand how it works, they'll continue to embarrass themselves. Just like the Covidian Gene Juice Vaccine addicts.
yeah the same pseudo science they fed the sheep to get the COVID clot shots...https://healthimpactnews.com/2022/61000-millennials-aged-25-to-44-died-in-2021-after-covid-vaccine-mandates-84-increase-in-mortality-rate/
Some people think it isn't science if you're allowed to question it. It's only science if the authorities are screaming at you, locking you up, and destroying civilization.
Brilliant! Sadly true.
The exact same pseudo science.
What I find odd is that there are many people who understand and see how pharma, the media, the medical complex, and government conspired to screw us with COVID. Yet... many of these same people who rail against the COVID prison planet still believe that the government funded scientists, the media, and government officials WOULD NEVER LIE ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE... OH NO, THEY ARE TOTALLY HONEST WHEN THE TALK ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE.
Every institution pushing the "climate change is going to kill us and we must do something now" are either involved in the scam or playing straight into the hands of the tyrants that want you dead. It's about control. Control of what you eat, where and how you live, what you drive, where you work, how many kids you have.... control is the goal.
The idea of clean energy is a worthy goal which very few if any oppose. The acceptance of absolute unquestioned knowledge by the very idiots who have been wrong for decades is credulous at best or stupid most likely. A transition to cleaner energy can be a priority but like the pandemic must be balanced with as many competing factors as possible. This requires wisdom not ideology.
The only clean energy worth pursuing right now is nuclear.
I agree ! I’ve read France is shutting down many of theirs. Seems like a no brained since we are 100% dependent on electricity for everything needed to stay alive
CO2 feeds plants. Plants produce oxygen. We will adapt regardless of the changes. The earth will outlast us regardless. Putting your faith in a theoretical solution proposed by the very same idiots who have led us to this point is credulous.
That touches on the true stupidity of the climate faithful, they can't see its the people who have pursued their agendas that resulted in our being here are the very same ones promoting the idea that they have a solution. Let me poison the well for money and then tell you how only I can fix it for more money.
It is ridiculous to think that humanity can organize, manage and progress with a worldwide effort that requires the cooperation of all the individuals on the planet. Where is the precedent for that kind of coordinated human action ? How can you suggest we as species are capable of that type of coordinated action ?
CO2 is not poison. They’ve lied to us for 50 years on global cooling, global warming, now climate catastrophe. The same people responsible for all the lies and destruction are in charge of feeding us man-made climate change bullshit. Oh sure, they’re not lying about climate change. Give me a break. When the oligarchs and the elite stop buying beachfront property, when insurance companies stop insuring houses on the beach, when someone proves to me they have an actual functioning model for which way the temperature is going, I’ll listen. Wake up.
Regardless of the reality of the science I don't see any precedent for human action on the scale the climate alarmists demand. When in the course of human history has there ever been a successful coordinated effort to change human behavior planetwide ?
Do you breath CO2 gas, Dean? It sounds like you do.
CO2 levels have been higher and lower. It’s not poison.
Okay, get yourself a canister and a mask. Put it over your face and breathe in the CO2 deeply for a few hours. Report back about what you experience. (If you can.)
That the best you got? Try harder.
Go to a good University Dean.
LoL. You’re brainwashed.
Let me guess. Double jabbed and triple boosted?
What is science is “settled” except laws? Complete and total bullshit.
But hey. You do you. Run around scared of CO2. I’ll do me.
notice Johnstone NEVER mentions the clot shots but pushes the carbon bullshit?...
Double vaxxed and triple boosted I'm sure. I feel sad for these people who willingly submitted to the clot shot. They know the "vaccine" doesn't work and evidence continues to mount that the MRNA shots are dangerous. It's mass formation psychosis... I don't know how else to explain it.
I am concerned about pure water, breathable air and healthy soil... all contaminated by human behavior.
I wonder why the dividers stopped talking pollution and switched to arguable "climate change".
I am too. That concern has absolutely nothing to do with controlling your life over CO2 alarmism.
Everyone carries a burden. Let us be kind with one another. Kindness is love is the highest form of consciousness that connects us with the universal light.
I love how you give lucid, concise expression to such profound truths, again and again and again.
You are a star, Caitling. Be safe 🙏
Gosh Caitlin, how I wish I personally knew people like you. I love people, but no one around me seems to get this line of thinking you share which I absolutely agree with.
A very compassionate piece.
Loved that concluding sentence "Everyone is playing with a lousy hand that was dealt to them by the churning tumult of evolution and history..."
That was unbelieveably sentient, and insightful.
Thank you, Caitlin.
“It is a little embarrassing that, after forty-five years of research and study, the best advice I can give to people is to be a little kinder to each other.”
—Aldous Huxley
Just like the Dalai Lama
Exactly, Carol.
This is something I personally struggle with: balancing compassion with accountability and responsibility. I have honestly been more conscious than everyone else my whole life, so I cannot even claim to know the steps to becoming a more discerning and decent human being. I can say that humans are in a unique position to destroy ourselves, other beings, and this beautiful blue planet we live on. We are seriously traumatized and mentally ill and we are stomping around the planet like an out of control King Kong crushing everything in our wake. Yes, we are all born innocent, but at some point you have to take personal responsibility for waking up out of your zombified stupor and becoming conscious. Everyone has trauma, but at some point, you must choose to turn it into your greatest medicine and teacher or succumb to it and destroy yourself (and possibly intimate others).
"I have honestly been more conscious than everyone else my whole life."
That's a delusion. I'm not being unkind.
Wow, sounded very judgmental to me. The fact that you even had to say "I'm not being unkind" shows you knew you were. You don't know me. You don't know my story. That statement is the kind of thing that people love saying over the Internet and would never say to someone's face. Do not make any more comments directed to me as I will not engage with disrespect.
Well, Kandy, it was a vague vast generalization. Perhaps it’s more conscious to realize what you do not know?
Maybe you don’t know “everyone else” as well as you think.
It is funny how often someone says “here is a problem”, and people jump up to say “Not my problem.” It is not a competition, it’s a massive problem. Nobody’s excused. 😁
A gentle & tender sentiment Caitlin much needed in these tumultuous times.
This is one of the first times I've noticed the extension of compassion and understanding to empire managers and their ilk in your work. I applaud it. It's always felt like a logical extension of the rest of your philosophy for me. Of course, extending compassion and understanding is not the same as allowing abusive, destructive behaviors to continue. I also think it's vitally important that we all take some ownership over the current dysfunction.
Not more than your share, as our dominant systems would have us do, just some. The trauma and drives for power, safety, and procreation (all healthy when in balance with each other and our environment, enormously destructive when not) that ultimately underlie the powers that be live in each of us. This is the kind of foundation humanity needs to truly heal. I'm very nervous about setting up us vs. them paradigms that pit a pure, innocent populace against wicked elites, despite resonating very strongly with that narrative at times myself. It sets up a scapegoat that then allows us to cleanse ourselves of, bypassing the trauma in ourselves.
"In this churning, chaotic tidal wave of evolutionary trauma that we were all born into, the only thing we really have any amount of real control over is whether we mindlessly repeat our conditioning patterns or start bringing consciousness to them. "
Our ancestors weren't unconscious zombies. In fact, some of the wisest people humanity has produced lived 3000 years ago, speaking truths that resonate to this day. Though certainly part of our struggle is with historical reality, a large part is our very nature, which is not just a result of "conditioning patterns." So the idea that *we* are the ones to suddenly bring consciousness to humanity and break out of the pattern ignores a lot of history in favor of a gross oversimplification.
But yes, you're correct that we should all try to be a hell of a lot nicer to each other. That's certainly true.
I would never condemn human beings as human beings, because I) it makes no sense, and presupposes a mischievous, unreliable universe at best, and a despicable and perverse universe at worst: 2) it plays like clockwork into objectives of the few truly evil people who want us to throw up our hands and accept, rationalize, their evil on the basis they are just like the rest of us: they aren't. We can be immortal and unethical in small ways, but few of us would ever think of killing a million people because they aren't white, and we want a monopoly for our oil companies and economic elites.
It's a stupid religion-based idea to scare the bejeebers out of us and give the religionists a patent on our conscience.
True, many of them have lost their souls.
This piece was eloquent, and kind.
I would like to see some kindness directed toward the fascist in the White House, who gives speeches with Nazi iconography. I am sure he is mostly senile, and propped up with Adderall. His wife is a doctor, and a mandated reporter, and yet she is allowing this. She could let the public know at any time that we need him removed. But she does not. That's not a compassionate choice on her part. Then we could have a new fascist, Mrs. Harris, who spent years sending minorities to jail. She's not very compassionate, either, but let's peacefully take from office one fascist at a time.
I am not a fan of Joe Biden. As a younger man he was very hawkish. Now as president he is in clear cognitive decline. I'm not sure that he isn't deserving of compassion on those grounds alone.
You use the words "fascist" and "Nazi" with reference to Biden's White House. I have to repeat myself. I don't like him either. And I certainly didn't like that speech and the blood red backdrop. But I have no need to demonise him. This characterisation will not lead to Biden's removal and won't make the world a better place.
Is Biden a "fascist"? I don't know. Perhaps. But I'm not sure that this is why you use that label. You use it in order to garner public opinion to angrily demand his removal from office, aping the voices of his radical opponents. I don't think you actually believe that he is a fascist in the traditional meaning of the word as applied to Hitler and Mussolini. Is he that? I don't think so.
Directing kindness will not change the people you direct it to. But it may change you. For the better. Maybe you would be less bitter and less inclined to anger. Maybe.
George Orwell wrote about the difficulty in defining Fascist, and here's a man who went to Spain in hopes of killing some, but he himself was a colonial policeman in Burma. Most people use the term to mean "extremely not like me", when unfortunately that person is often more like them than they might be comfortable with upon examination.
Re, "Good, humans are horrible. The planet will be better off without us." If somebody kicks off nuclear Armageddon, it's no just homo sapiens that will be rendered extinct. Anything species that has no breeding group that finds a warm but not too warm place where they can survive on decaying roots will also go extinct. Nuclear winter will be an event as catastrophic as the K-T event that killed off the dinosaurs.
We can be compassionate. But we cannot afford to indulge it and allow the unawakened to continue to slumber. We are in the throws of totalitarianism ascendant. A governing system that takes the populace that would rather not look at what is happening around them and turns them into the most destructive killing machine the world has ever known. Death wrapped up in a system of "normal" jobs that normal people go home to their normal homes after doing without ever having to contemplate what their normal job results in.
We are the "philistines" the author describes in the passage below. Most of us reading on Substack are not the elite, we're not a passionate mob pushing a radical agenda, we're not the dis-empowered poor. We are the comfortable, with private lives we retreat to for sanctuary and safety. Not obligated to create and protect a better society for others around us, not prepared to help others losing their rights and liberties by challenging and protesting the abusers tormenting them. Keeping our heads down so as not to draw fire. Doing our jobs. Being cogs in the machine. As it's written, right here, in the history described below. Being compassionate is no excuse to allow our friends, neighbors, colleagues and communities to retreat from their moral duties. This book details how Nazism and Stalinism transformed normal people into the most murderous societies the world has ever known.
From "The Origins of Totalitarianism" written in 1951 by Hannah Arent
(From pages 337-338)
"Yet totalitarianism in power learned quickly that enterprising spirit was not restricted to the mob strata of the population and that, in any event, such initiative could only be a threat to the total domination of man. Absence of scruple, on the other hand, was not restricted to the mob either and, in any event, could be taught in a relatively short time. For the ruthless machines of domination and extermination, the masses of coordinated philistines provided much better material and were capable of even greater crimes than so-called professional criminals, provided only that these crimes were well organized and assumed the appearance of routine jobs.
It is not fortuitous, then, that the few protests against the Nazis' mass atrocities against the Jews and Eastern European peoples were voiced not by the military men nor by any other part of the coordinated masses of respectable philistines, but precisely by those early comrades of Hitler who were typical representatives of the mob. Nor was Himmler, the most powerful man in Germany after 1936, one of those "armed bohemians" (Heiden) whose features were distressingly similar to those of the intellectual elite. Himmler was himself "more normal," that is, more of a philistine, than any of the original leaders of the Nazi movement.' He was not a bohemian like Goebbels, or a sex criminal like Streicher, or a crackpot like Rosenberg, or a fanatic like Hitler, or an adventurer like Goring. He proved his supreme ability for organizing the masses into total domination by assuming that most people are neither bohemians, fanatics, adventurers, sex maniacs, crackpots, nor social failures, but first and foremost job holders and good family men.
The philistine's retirement into private life, his single-minded devotion to matters of family and career was the last, and already degenerated, product of the bourgeoisie's belief in the primacy of private interest. The philistine is the bourgeois isolated from his own class, the atomized individual who is produced by the breakdown of the bourgeois class itself. The mass man whom Himmler organized for the greatest mass crimes ever committed in history bore the features of the philistine rather than of the mob man, and was the bourgeois who in the midst of the ruins of his world worried about nothing so much as his private security, was ready to sacrifice everything — belief, honor, dignity— on the slightest provocation. Nothing proved easier to destroy than the privacy and private morality of people who thought of nothing but safeguarding their private lives."