The British colonized 25% of the world & made English the Global Language. The Americans inherited this legacy, standardized English as the language for 'Global Communication' et Viola! You have a de facto chokehold on the Information Space for centuries. It's not that American Propaganda is 'sophisticated,' but rather that for many a Human Mind on the planet, they cannot fathom going above & beyond the English Language to understand the world around them.

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Frankly, the education systems fail to teach critical thinking skills. This should begin at a very early age and continue non-stop. They don’t do this and the results are what Caitlin describes. As both a teacher and a parent I made sure my child, my students learn about framing, about bias, about looking for the subtexts, and about many of the other language tools that allows them to be manipulated.

If schools would do that, this could all change.

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Why would a school, funded and directed by the powers that be, teach critical thinking skills to any but carefully selected elites? One would expect the opposite to take place: monolithic indoctrination, perhaps. And it may be that English does embody certain grammatical or vocabulary features that discourage critical thinking and encourage submission to the nation, tribe, party, or family. George Orwell went into this when he described Newspeak, in which the expression of certain concepts was difficult or impossible.

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No question about that, but I like to push back on such matters by using what the stated goal is, "to educate," as understood by parents and the general public. Using the ideas that are in keeping with those goals, theres a chance it might resonate with others. Probably, I do it in the hope that it might just make a difference, and a change could result. One never knows the outcome of our choices.

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Well, your sort-of optimism cheered me up a bit, so there's that

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The NATO countries are not, and do not act independently which really was on display through our many middle eastern wars. England is the worst of the lot.

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I stuck a meme on my Substack page a while back that makes the same point as your last sentence.

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Two stupid adolescents?

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It's a scene from the movie "A Christmas Story".

The kid in the background is a malevolent bully and the one in the foreground is his malicious sidekick. (I'll leave it to you to decide which one is the US and which one is the UK. ;-)).

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Well, hard to access that since my perception is that the US is the bully and England is encouraged, forced to do it's bidding, so the one in the background, standing, is the US and his sidekick is on his knees.

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I think you're kind to England. They seem like willing accomplices to me.

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(For those interested)

If you wish to read (& listen!) to more of My commentary, here is my Main Stack:


Thank You Kindly to everyone!

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Yes. ir is true the vast sophisticated English language propaganda machine has control of most our English speakings minds and now has spread its tentacles to most western Europeans in their native languages..But in Russian and Chinese it has very little mind bending effect. So too effect in India and Pakistan are limited. So in population percentages this evil ,bad as it is, is confined to us its unfortunate subjects. When the American empire, successor to the English empire , fades and fails as it did the world maybe able to draw a peaceful breathe again...Ot maybe the vast amount of CO2 & Methane gas trapped in the atmosphere by this centuries old system will stop any peaceful breathing . If this vile system is not banished soon enough it looks like future viability is balanced on a knife edge..

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Sure English language propaganda has considerable effect among non-English speakers. Marvel Superhero movies still sell, a Stanford degree opens more doors than any degree from Shanghai, etc..

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Feb 11·edited Feb 11

Many countries publish info in English. So it's not the English language per se that is the problem.

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I disagree. Caitlin is speaking and writing in English, yet she isn't spouting empire propaganda.

Neither is Russell Brand, Jimmy Dore, Lee Camp, Scott Ritter, Garland Nixon, The Grayzone, Katie Halper, or the Monday Mourning podcast. They're all speaking English.

What matters is how you use the words you speak.

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The original poster said: "for many a Human Mind on the planet, they cannot fathom going above & beyond the English Language to understand the world around them"

That suggests he sees the English language as a barrier for English speaking public to learn about countries and cultures that don't speak it. But the thing is many, if not most, non-English speaking countries do publish information in English and so anybody who knows English can attempt to "understand the world around them", and their failure to do that is not because of the English language.

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Funny, we seem to be attracted to many of the same people. After the Russiagate lies of mass media, I have not read a word from NYT,Wash Post, CNN, MSBSC etc. It is so much easier knowing I don't have to fact check every word I read or listen too now.

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Of course she is, different Empire.

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Russell Brand has fallen hook line and sinker got Tucker Carlson’s BS despite the man’s lengthy history as a deceptive and ruthless liar for hire.

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Tucker Carlson did indeed fit that description once. Then he started telling more and more of the truth and then completely broke away from the approved Fox narrative.

That's why they fired him. But they paid him several hundred million bucks before then, so now he's completely independent and off on his own journalistic and intellectual journey. Tucker's changed, and is still changing as he learns and thinks more.

By the standards of the oligarchy, Carlson is financially qualified to be one of them. They can't touch him by their own rules, and that's one thing that's driving them batshit crazy about Tucker.

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Tucker was born into extreme wealth...didn’t need the Rupert riches.

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How proud are you that the Bush/Cheney neocons blew up close to 3000 of your fellow citizens/foreigners on 9/11?

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True enough RB. One can obtain far more accurate summaries from Al Jazeera and RT, both available in English.

Problem is that the Zio-whores wouldn’t think of reading them.

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The Zs are the one’s writing them, for the sheeple to read.

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It's not just Zio-whores.

For furthering the argument take India as an example - English has an official status there. Everything is available in English. How many people around the world know stuff about India?

So the English language has next to nothing to do with the western populace being ignorant to "understand the world around them" - the point the OP asserted, I challenged, and he failed to address.

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No, it is not at all English that is the problem, it is the English White "christians" going back to the puritans in 1607 that were/are the problem, which Ahnaf Ibn Qais pointed out and you lamely attempted to blow smoke over, usa bot.

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That was my same reply to Ahnaf Ibin Qais

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Feb 11·edited Feb 12

China deliberately closed itself from the world for centuries. Japan joined Germany in World War II because its out-of-control militarism (much like Israel/US today.) The Japanese had been in a futile war with China for decades, and desperately needed the rich resources in the South East Asia belt.

Iran & Iraq had been at war with each other off and on for as long as I can remember. Millions were slaughtered. Shia and Sunni Muslims constantly killing each other for whatever their biblical God told them at the time.

Africa for centuries was a hotbed of tribal massacres.

Its not like all the world's problems historically can all be blamed on America or "the West". That is just another fairy tale myth. Each society, civilization, religion has contained its own depravities of man against man.

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Thank you jamenta, for inserting a note of historical accuracy and more than wee bit of cultural “heresy”. Far too many want to romanticize the “mother lands” of The African Continent, Asia, South America, India, and the island nations. Overlooking the horrific conduct of those cultures towards each other, whilst justifiably condoning those cruelties imposed upon them by The Anglo Saxon Empires, servers to bury the root causes of mankind’s IN Humanity to Man.

Fear based upon naked ignorance promulgated by those who would dominate economies and regional politics all in the name of race, gender, cultural, and religious supremacy:

THIS is THE root of atrocity, cruelty, and oppression through the world.

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Feb 12·edited Feb 12

Thx. I find it interesting how Caitlin's comments section here has evolved over the years. I'm glad to see it flourish, as in general, a space where people can say what they want - with some expected moderation from Caitlin given it is her substack afterall, but she appears to be parsimonious in what she decides needs to moderated.

But - it is interesting that we're now seeing some usual forceful trashing of American/West culture (albeit deservedly so in some sense). And although as an elderly American myself now (funny saying that but true) - I can't but help to see there is much truth in the fact this country has been going to the dogs for some time (especially with health care) - I don't feel its at all balanced to slam the US incessantly while pretending so many other countries in the world are pristine like vestal virgins. Its just another version of vilifying "The Other" in my mind.

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What nonsense. These r the lame excuses of the ignorant, racist imperialist propagandist. "China closed itself from the world"...by whose POV? Just because they may have not done business with the West at some point doesn't mean they isolated themselves from the world (the West is not the world my Western supremacist friend). Japan joined Germany in WW2 in accordance with it's national interests that were at odds with Western anglo Imperialist powers & American aggression in the Pacific. The only reason Iraq & Iran fought that bloody war was because it was orchestrated by the West who supplied chemical weapons to their favored puppet dictator at the time Saddam Hussein (who they later turned their backs on when they had no use for him). Shias & sunnis haven't been killing each other for centuries you bigoted ignoramus. Where did u even get that idea? Hollywood? Fox news? CNN? People like u read orientalist white supremacist trash about other nations & cultures & you think that you know all about them. The current strain between shias & sunnis is again by direct manipulation & scheming of the West using their age old diabolical strategy of divide and rule. And speaking of Africa, every nation has fought wars against others...look at Europe, an entire history steeped in bloodshed & butchery from ancient times. That's no justification for colonization & wanton plunder & genocide of the African continent by white Europeans for centuries.

All The world problems didn't start with the West or the US, though most of today's did, but the West is responsible for the greatest amount of death, destruction & injustice in the modern world & has thrived at the expense of the rest of the world. This is fact, & to say otherwise it's to live in a fairytale myth where the white West is innocent & can whitewash it's crimes.

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Complete strawman which I won't waste my time with.

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Very true.

Was it only 25% the British colonozed......I thought it was more?

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Are they being offered other possibilities? I don't think this lack is the fault of individuals. Do you expect them to learn French, with its masculin, feminine and neuter? (P.S. I am fluent in four languages...)

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Yes and yes. Colin Woodard recounts how it took a Frenchman living for years among the Indians to pronounce the words to the effect that they are not cannibals. The news editors are really malign also. Have you heard the math was In, and it is settled accounting that cellphones cause 20 percent of crashes? Seems it is not headlined front and center because it is not welcome enough news in some demographic. Find that article in the WSJ I imagine...

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that would be cultural imperialism. ukraine is a good example.

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Feb 11Liked by Caitlin Johnstone

This is a brilliant well researched piece. Thank you very much for. A block buster expose’ and explainer Caitlin you’re brilliant and necessary!

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A Soviet general told Canadian writer Farley Mowat, "The difference between Soviet propaganda and American propaganda is that we don't believe ours."

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Anyone interested in how the propaganda machine operates should read some of the Mk Ultra program documents that escaped the CIA burning them , along with the military documents for conducting propaganda operations(PsychologicalOperationsGoldstein.pdf) both in the war zone and US citizens for support of the war.

Mk Ultra was spun into a conspiracy theory primarily focused on programming assassins, when in fact it was really about programming US citizens. The number of research programs is staggering, children in school, unwitting citizen subjects and researchers and conducted over more than 10 years. Investigations of the program went nowhere and the true motive was never revealed. In hindsight it's pretty clear what the motives were. Control of the people.

What the US has turned into is far worse than what it was supposedly fighting the cold war for against the Soviet union. Namely the surveillance society we all now live under. Without proper ID you can't see a doctor, get a job, drivers license or travel by anything controlled by the US government. You can be watched by your computer, cellphone or TV. We are living in a militarized police state with a two tiered justice system and no say in how the government is run. The vast majority of Americans are completely oblivious to this. And we're paying them to do it!

"Those who give up liberty for safety will get neither" B. Franklin

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In college, I took an elective course called 'Propaganda and Psychological Warfare.' An exciting and enlightening experience.

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You could have watched _Mad Men_. As with the joke about the Russian going to the US to study propaganda and the American who says "What propaganda?" there is an exchange in Mad Men between an advertising man and a naive person; the naive person says to the advertising man that she never notices advertising and the advertising man says "Exactly", or something like that.

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I really enjoy that Joke.

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Part of the ongoing operation to seek out and destroy dissent by the systems managers is to turn every little crack in the propaganda wall one might pear into,,into a lunatic fringe conspiracy and saddle up with the likes of flat earthers ..(heard it said as "anti-vaxers" too) stuck in that category.. its funny though through all the obvious lies and mind control that some claim they see when it comes to certain sanctified beliefs you cant get past peoples emotional investment in them that has been driven DEEP down into their brain stems.. they almost go into fits of sticking fingers in their ears and go NAH NAH NAH i can't here you..OR attack you as a "denier"!!! that clever little tag line to stick in front of anything they want to preserve the images of so as not to deal with the uncomfortable cognitive dissonance associated with a belief striking truth...

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there is a good expose of MK Ultra in the Adam Curtis documentary mentioned in a comment. above

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"killed very Russianly" 😂😂😂

Did my feelings about being an American change with knowing that the government is backing a genocide in Gaza? Yes, but they were already pretty bad after learning Native American history.

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Anyone who watched little big man ...back when Hollywood was somewhat less a propaganda hell hole

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I remember growing up in former Yugoslavia, and those movies of the 1970s we loved were mainly social commentary, including The Little Big Man. What happened to the American society?

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We still had artistic freedom to some extent..the brain washing has gotten so bad here now ..

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The people promoting academic freedom won.

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In some sense yes and in others no...our social medias public commons is highly controlled and censored now..and all main stream institutions are indoctrination training centers . and they are tightning the screws every day..

Remember the best test taker is only as good (or brain washed) as the test designer.

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_Little Big Man_ was (and is) famous precisely because it went against the current. Most American movies about the Old West portrayed the Indians as ruthless savages or at best naive backwoodsmen prone to violence and the abuse of liquor.

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That is true... I remember that as a kid..

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Little Big Man came out in 1970. So did a lot of antiwar protests. The establishment decided something had to be done about what was being taught in America's colleges. They did. By the early 80s, it was impossible to get an advanced degree if one questioned the prevailing narrative using an unsanctioned method.

One such method was Marxism. Historical materialism and revisionist history which pointed out capital determined policy were others. Everything got replaced by either postmodernist liberal or absurdly conservative models, which forbid critical thinking aimed at THEM, and now we have a bunch of Ivy League-educated fools making policies off of academic models that cannot possibly work in the material world.

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I wonder if any of that selection process has been investigated and documented. It certainly took place, but most of it must have been out of sight.

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Indeed Starry,

It was deliberately hidden.

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And Chaz:

If you haven’t yet done so, please read “Bury my Heart at Wounded Knee” by Dee Brown.

That book is what made me a champion for the displaced when I read it as a teenager.

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I know of it...can't recall if I read it as a kid or not..I was a prolific reader as a kid but I was fascinated with science and technology ..so most of what I read would bore the pants off most... I read from Eienstiens works to Darwin to grims fairy tails to every book by Carl Sagan,,,and a lot of technical jouranals. My skills are all over the map though.

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Lol Chaz…sounds like you’re the left brain and I’m the right!

I’ve zero interest in science, technology or math (yuck!) but am intensely creative and a lifelong artist, with an immense love of the natural world.

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Science and mathematics seem to be taught in such as way as to repel people with any kind of artistic or aesthetic sensibility. I am not sure why they do this; possibly to make people more robotic and thus better industrial workers. And yet the arts -- all of them -- are laced with science and mathematics, sometimes overtly, sometimes below the surface.

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Back in my day they had not stripped out all the artistic programs like they have now ..I had shop class and mechanical drawing as well as music and art class.

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Hi Starry

I have what I call “math dyslexia”, so I always struggled with it.

Science was way too dry for me, with the exception of biology, which I loved and excelled at.

Seems like I spent most of my time in math and science class drawing behind a propped-up book 😉

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I think I might be a bit both sides cause I'm also that sort of bloke..artist musical person as well and love the natural world.. I'm at home in a city or a cabin in the woods and have done both.. Cheers to you

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Back atcha Chaz.

But I’d rather live in a cardboard box in the country than a penthouse in a big city. Cities I find soul-sucking; they’re the opposite of nature. I intend to stay on my farm til I die 🙂

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Every western media carries the same headlines: "Russia's unprovoked attack on Ukraine", "Iranian backed militias", "Israel's right to self self defense". They all carry the same news and euphemisms as they all are fed from the same trough, only the willfully blind could fail to notice.

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We may have been propagandized into accepting the war or we may not have been. If we don't accept the war, we can only go to demos, sign petitions, have discussions with other people, but we can't just call someone and tell them that this is enough and it has to stop. NOW. Instead, the people who might be able to do that are sending weapons and punishing people for not supporting a genocide.

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A general strike is probably the only thing that can bring the U.S. war machine to a halt. Israel is a branch of said machine.

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How could one organize a general strike in the present Anglosphere? English-speakers seem profoundly submissive. Notice that the world-wide surveillance machine, the "five eyes", are the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

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A generally strike is the strategy against past empires, that would be "fighting the last war" as the phrase goes. A general strike would not change much of anything, production happens around the world and around the clock and there is always someone somewhere willing to do the work. Don't misunderstand I think it would a great symbol, a wonderful gesture of a population standing together against evil but it wouldn't last and it wouldn't change anything.

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I still think at least in the USA a tax revolt would have an impact ...public defiance to policy. Civil disobedience ...scare the pants off them... The shut down they did to us caused damage but we won't shut them down.. We could,,,the experience of staying home has already been tested. Now just don't sign and date the checks. Look at the farmers in france..at least they threw their shit literaly at the political establishment ...what do Americans do? They eat their own shit..

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deletedFeb 11
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I'm reminded as always that the dynamics n place of the ruling elites parallel perfectly the same classic examples of an abusive spouse that always escalates the abuse as time goes on..there are so many cases of this turning violent and either the victim has to stop the perp or the perp murders the victims..it ALWAYS ends up blowing up on them..something about the psychopaths paradigm plays out this way every time... Murder suicide is often the results..some times enter familicide,,,, this is my fear here ..the western ruling class seem to be full out psychopaths heading us all down that path of assured mutual destruction.

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Feb 11·edited Feb 11

Well, staying on topic Saudi Arabia warns Israel’s invasion of Rafah will have grave consequences, so what do you think that means since Netanyahu seems like he's going forward with his plan. Where are a million and half people going to go even he doesn't kill most of them? I heard that the Israeli population is backing this genocide, which is bizarre since that country will become a pariah state world wide, but the good part is Israel will not be off limits to criticism and be able to throw in your face anti-Semitism.

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Fran, IsraHell is CREATING antisemitism, no matter how hard Amerikkka is trying to label criticism of Zionism as “antisemitism “

I could personally give a flying fuck less if anyone calls me “antisemitic “ for this reason.

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Israel has used antisemitism as cover for every horrible think she has done, but now it's a whole other story, and she will no longer be able to hide behind that word. She reminds me of a serial killer, just one slaughter after another with no remorse, as if she were some kind of psychopath.

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Fran, the near entirety of the citizens of IsraHell are collective psychopaths. So I guess that would make IsraHell…well, you know.

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I think that the snowball effect is well on its way...I see them in a no win scenario now,, and this is the most dangerous times for any victims... in the classic abuse family dynamic as this obvious paralleled one of international importance..

This is what they are becoming more unhinged and psychopathic...this always precedes genocides and i deeply fear for the Palestinians under this hell.

History will look back on this as the worst chapter in human history if we ever survive it.. But Israel is done as a state... and history has shown empires like theirs always crash and burn...no one thought south Africa was going to throw off the yoke of its oppression and apartheid either and they shed blood over it too..But this is FAR worse.. Not only is Israels economic ruin on the horizon but their stance in the world is collapsing.. Its not safe for Jews of any good character either... USA is in full complicity with war crimes and crimes against humanity and its own reputation is heading for ruin the more they back up this pariah psychopathic state..

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Well, no longer will they be able to use their past victimhood to condemn any criticism of Israel, or it's abusive history towards Palestinians. That is now a thing of the past. I hope it undermines AIPAC as well, and the influence they have over our elected officials in the US. The US has always been on the abusing end of the things for many, many decades, but I think it may slow out blood lust down.

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I suspect that the Saudis are bluffing, although I hope not.

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I don't know but if Israel does implement a genocide in Rafah it would appear to anyone that she rounded up the Gazans and made them ready for the slaughter, like animals. We're crazy in the states like she's doing bad things, and we tell her not to, but she just won't listen. Like a lousy parent who barely raises their voice and drags out, oh, don't do that Charlie. Wam the dog is dead!

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In my scenarios of domestic violence often times one parrent is an enabler

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"Well, staying on topic Saudi Arabia warns Israel’s invasion of Rafah will have grave consequences, so what do you think that means since Netanyahu seems like he's going forward with his plan."

It most probably means more talk and no action. Just like on this blog.

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Are you still stuck on that? Cause you got lashed for talking shit when you have done nothing yourself but talk?

Some fucking gall.

By your own "logic"

Implement your solutions or shut the fuck up.

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"Are you still stuck on that? Cause you got lashed for talking shit when you have done nothing yourself but talk?

Some fucking gall.

By your own "logic"

Implement your solutions or shut the fuck up."

I did not send a comment or reply to you about this article, yet you are compelled to initiate an unprovoked diatribe.

This is precisely what I meant when I said 'I live in your mind rent free.'

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It would be unwise to publish a more effective strategy in a publicly available medium.

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Great parallel Chaz. Also, the willingness to explain the abused wife as the “victim” when in fact abused and abuser are in the dance together and any solution has to liberate both of them. To say that us nice people are victims of propaganda by those bad people is the same thing. It takes two to tango.

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Indeed despite that stokholm syndrom also comes to mind as well as often times one becomes the abuser and one an enabler. I never said women or men I said perp and victims by the way..it happens that some women are psycologicly abusive.

Often a victim spouse will end up enabling so yes there is the dance. And it's the children who take the brunt of it..

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Omygod yes. I had a friend who grew up in such a home and was herself abused sexually by the abuser. She grew up to be one of the finest intuitive therapists I’ve ever seen and liberated hundreds of teenagers both from addiction and from a victim mentality that expressed itself as toxic codependency. It taught me that while horrifying things happen to people the end result is often brilliant. It’s up to the individual. And yes, thank you. I stuck to stereotypes because it’s easier but you are so right— the permutations of victim/victimizer are never ending! Unless one chooses to end it, right here, right now, in themselves.

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I use that parallel for Israel and the USA its enabler and the Palistinians the victims (or all of us at this point)

Some times both parents abuse the children,,so we might be more that now ...but as I said it's true in the small and large domestic and foreign that eventually things escalate ..either police stop it or they mutually destroy themselves..how do the children escape? Should the eastern countries put a stop to it..trouble is in the big scenario the big bully on the block is the USA and some gutsy kid is going to have to knock their bloody block off.

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Feb 11·edited Feb 11

The widespread farmers protests are a good measure of the level of criminality required before people will fight back. The laws they are fighting are really the destruction and end of their way of life. Unless a protest is willing to reach the point of shooting manure through a boom at the statehouse the protest is most likely irrelevant.

I have said for some time that marching in the street is pointless, calling your representative is a waste of time and voting is an even more unproductive endeavor. The governments of the west think they can simply ignore the population and do what they want regardless of our complaints and sadly they are being proven right.

I fall back to my long standing belief that the only exit from the tyranny of the united states is the wholesale collapse of the dollar.

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I agree. So does Whitney Webb, Richard Wolff, Michael Hudson and BRICS+. You’re in good company. The other hoot and a holler is that Putin will be head of BRICS+ this year! My guess is he’ll let the de-dollarization happen at a reasonable pace so that he doesn’t create a nuclear armed maddog out of the Empire. He’s a statesman and he knows what happens when you push someone (us) to the very edge. And he has Modi to deal with—that little dick is going to make trouble for everyone in the next few years.

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So completely agree with you Jeano! Modi seems like he is going to be a real thorn in BRICS+. I consider him (Modi) to be very much of a fascist authoritarian like BiBi Satanyaho. I can draw so many parallels between how Modi (& his BJP party) use Hindutva ideology (which is similar to Zionism) against non-Hindus in India (mostly Muslims - but also Dalits, etc.)

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Yes. both using religious bigotry and both created and groomed by the US. Arundahi Roy in India has worked tirelessly against Modi, trying to expose him for who he is. Have you read THe Bureau Of Utmost Happiness. Just breathtakingly beautiful. But it’s like opposing T-rump here—there’s nothing on the other side to oppose him with!

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👍 Jeano - you are in danger of becoming my favorite person in this community! I haven't read that yet, but I will since you suggested it. Thank you!

BTW - you are dead right about Modi. I feel Modi will be worse than Trump - as he has already conned 75%+ of the Indian population (of 1.5 billion). I fear for the people of India (and the consequences for the rest of the world).

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As Caitlin Johnstone has emphasized over-and-over-again in her multiple thought-provoking, illuminating and empire-exposing articles - understanding "Propaganda", "Media Manipulation" and possessing "Critical Thinking Skills" is essential to laying bare the strategies used by Empire Managers to manipulate perceptions and reality.

For those interested, here are some book suggestions from my "Propaganda Reading List":

-----(1) "Propaganda" by Edward Burnays (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/19220394-propaganda)

(2) "Public Opinion" by Walter Lippmann (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/920442.Public_Opinion)

-----(3) "Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media" by Noam Chomsky & Edward Herman (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/12617.Manufacturing_Consent)

(4) "Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes" by Jacques Ellul (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/274826.Propaganda)

(5) "Crystallizing Public Opinion" by Edward Burnays (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25314952-crystallizing-public-opinion)

(6) "How Propaganda Works" by Jason Stanley (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/30009140-how-propaganda-works)

(7) "Network Propaganda: Manipulation, Disinformation, and Radicalization in American Politics" by Yochai Benkler & Robert Faris & Hal Roberts (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/40846640-network-propaganda)

(8) "Propaganda Blitz: How the Corporate Media Distort Reality" by David Edwards & David Cromwell (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/39105639-propaganda-blitz)

(9) "Media Control: The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda" by Noam Chomsky (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/12615.Media_Control)

(10) "Propaganda and the Public Mind" by Noam Chomsky & David Barsamian (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/21535437-propaganda-and-the-public-mind)

-----(11) "Palestine in Israeli School Books: Ideology and Propaganda in Education" by Nurit Peled-Elhanan (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/15826038-palestine-in-israeli-school-books)

(12) "Propaganda in the Information Age: Still Manufacturing Consent" by Alan Macleod (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/43585113-propaganda-in-the-information-age)

(13) "Fake News, Propaganda, and Plain Old Lies: How to Find Trustworthy Information in the Digital Age" by Donald Barclay (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/49195693-fake-news-propaganda-and-plain-old-lies)

(14) "Trust Me, I'm Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator" by Ryan Holiday (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/16171188-trust-me-i-m-lying)

(15) "Toxic Sludge Is Good for You: Lies, Damn Lies and the Public Relations Industry" by John Stauber & Sheldon Rampton (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/659246.Toxic_Sludge_Is_Good_for_You)

There are many more excellent books on Propaganda, Media Manipulation, & Public Relations. The above is just a sprinkling of some of the best I have come across (IMHO).

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If you ever get a chance Chang...look up the documentary film by Adam Curtis titled Century of the self .. Its a fascinating look partly into Edward Bernays and his uncle Sigmund Fraud and his interactions with him to facilitate the manipulation of women of the suffragist movement of women for William Morris to get them smoking by using their defiance of conventions as a rallying cry for women's rights.. as they saw 50 percent of the population they can sell cigarettes too would be a gold mine...Bernays was bestowed riches for taping into his uncles psychological ideas and he became the godfather of PR... They hired models to walk in the Macy's day parade holding signs and smoking to SHOCK the public..none of the women marching had even been members of any movement it was all a publicity stunt

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Think ill park this right here as well....

You need to go back a ways to understand how the slow burn of mind control has lured the western public into the propaganda trance they now suffer from and dont even know it...


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👍 Thanks for the suggestion Chaz! I'm actually in the process of watching it currently (halfway through part 1)

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This is brilliant too...another aspect of the mind control


Definitely watch this one after the other ..it glues it all together

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👍 Seems like another very interesting documentary. Thanks again for the wonderful suggestion!

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I'm actually watching them again too forgot how great they are ,,,should be required for anyone interested in studying history of propaganda

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I'm so glad..hes got another great one ..dealing with the previous wars..

Look for the power of nightmares..Ill find a link

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For that matter, the cosmetics companies have been trying to promote male cosmetics for decades, to no avail until recently.

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Metrosexual..if I recap was a phrase once..

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Rent a mob is definitely not a new thing. Nice bit of history.

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Oh it's not a new thing but people had been far more trusting ..then again the PR has evolved and the people gotten dumber ...

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"Words Win Wars" by John Hargrave who, as I recall, as a sincere man he tries to avoid physical casualties in war by prioritising & winning the psychological war of words. I think he has a point. The problem is the jokers who are in power using propaganda against us & not the 'enemy', per se.


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Found it...


Its a brilliant documentary film most people don't know about...

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Excellent. Yet I suggest that you have seriously understated the effectiveness of Empire mass media control. For example Seymour Hersh has categorically resolved the Nord Stream sabotage as an America LNG industry attack on our western Europe allies.



This is out there, but American journalists never mention

Same with the 1200 (sometimes 1400) Israelis killed on Oct 7. Somehow no Empire journalist (nor seldom if ever even the excellent substackers) ever mentions the many occupied Israeli houses flattened by IDF tanks, nor the many (100s) Israeli cars fleeing music festival flattened by Apache helicopter . . . The Hannibal Doctrine was employed. I don't have the #s, but I seriously doubt that even 600 were killed by HAMAS. But you never read: "The brutality of the genocidal Zionist massacre in Gaza was prefigured by their self-slaughter of Oct 7. The withdrawal of IDF forces, the complete disregard of clear and specific warnings from what turned out to be sacrificial surveillance teams, the multi-hour delay in response all, speak the the Zionist intent to maximize Israeli dead.

And of course these media never mention that the intent of HAMAS was to take hostages for exchange. As the Israelis hold many thousands of Palestinians hostage, mal-treatment of hostages was not on the agenda. I tire of reading opposition to genocide in Gaza - which begins by 'acknowledging' HAMAS as a terrorist force must be eliminated. By any rational standard the IDF is and has long been the terrorist force. And we, in our failure to control any aspect of our government, find that we have long used them as murderous mercenaries - and of course as trainers of our police forces.


The distinction between government owned propaganda in Russia and corporate owned media is mote as the corporations that own the media are in point of fact the Government. The vile anti-Constitutional Precedents that have redefined Bribery as corp. speech has inevitably effected the merger of State and corporate power that Mussolini defined to be fascism. The uniquely American variant of fascism is corporate dominated, and Biden the perfect lapdog,. Bribery in every economic sector maximizes profits in every sector (and has created obscene new sectors, e.g. private for-profit prisons).

The toxicity and instability of this system is unparalleled. Domestically it is driving Nazi Fascism of scapegoating, dehumanizing LTBTG, women, immigrants, minorities; deconstructing education. . . As both parties are funded by the same donor-owners; elections are but kayfabe; the illusion of opposition

So long as this system of bribery exists, our hopes are futile and climate collapse inevitable.

What hope is there? Glad you asked!

–- Constitutional Reset 2024 ---

Supreme Court Crushing OUR Rights Take Back the Court - A3S1:

Judges shall serve on good Behaviour Ergo, shall be fired on bad Behaviour

Revoke False Precedents

-$s are not Speech nor Corps people-

That rot bred present fascism!

The Fix: Public Funding of Elections

$200 Voter Vouchers - Nothing Else!

DC will work for us & our children:

-Tackle Climate Chaos at Scale-CO2e Tax $400/ton Funding UBI

-Market Forces Drive Solar/Wind

-Initial UBI ~$1,000/month

WWII Level Funding, Taxes, Effort

-42% GDP = 8T$/yr for 5 years

-95% Max TaxRate over 4M$/yr

-Gift Solar to US & Global South

Why? Gotta Save the Whole World

Make Friends, Not War

DC will pass: iM4A, Union Rights, $25 Min Wage tied to productivity, Free pre-K through University,...

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Here’s a better word for the US empire’s propaganda - DECEPTION

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The most effective propaganda in the world combined with a ruthless surveillance system ( the East German Stasi pales in comparison) is what has turned public discourse on the political system into sophomoric banter which is innocuous and downright puerile. The tragedy is that the victims of this assault on the mind, i.e. the American public, are not even aware of it.

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Feb 11·edited Feb 11

I've lived long enough where the Internet use to be Usenet and only available on Unix machines. And have seen how the deep state entwined with corporate American has insidiously taken over the space and now wants to completely control it - and probably will with further legislation by corrupt American politicians - led by the corrupt donor class Uniparty in charge.

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WELL NOW, haven't I been describing this ABSOLUTE REALITY now for days on end, in myriad replies that lots of folks upvoted but ignored in the sense that they didn't address this same ABSOLUTE REALITY in their own words?

JUST consider how deeply brainwashed folks can scream and yell about Russia, on any vacuous, inane level, WITH ZERO EVIDENCE because OBVIOUSLY usa rank propaganda can't have evidence because it is ALL LIES.

Which so so many fully realize full well but they can't seem to describe this reality.

WHY? Please ask yourselves WHY?

It is crucial to making this a just, decent, humane, kind, ... world instead of the usa war criminal, Wars of Aggression, usa Holocausts Galore, genocides daily, "butchering women & children" [P C Roberts] [please fill in blanks yourselves, like Caitlan J is doing.

What other nation has blown their citizens into smithereens like the usa did on 9/11? Human body parts hurled/exploded 6/10ths of a mile away - HORIZONTALLY. The Twin Towers were, according to these same serial liars, gravity collapses - earth to ALL, gravity ONLY works VERTICALLY!!

usa's citizens blown to smithereens, pieces so much smaller than microscopic that some 40% have NEVER BEEN IDed.

Make your comments something of SUBSTANCE. Who is going to listen to a bunch of babbling fools. We must put some actual effort, some intelligence, ... into the words that we speak to the lying demorats/repuglicans so that THEY HAVE TO LISTEN!!!

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They don't HAVE to listen. They have no motivation to listen.

They certainly aren't listening to us, unless you have a million dollars to donate to their campaign.

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The reason for that, "They don't HAVE to listen. They have no motivation to listen", Susan, is they know just how brainwashed the vast majority are. They have been laughing at all these folks since the days of the Founding Liars. Who said, "These phucking dummies think we really meant the horseshtt about "All men are created equal" ".

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How do you feel about the B/C neocons blowing up close to 3,000 folks on 9/11 in the Twin Towers, Pentagon, ... . ?

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Are we really now saying that the USA did 9/11?

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I don't know for sure Gregor but there are a lot of factual pieces you can read on this.

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Read my replies to Bill Wolfe which shows incontrovertible evidence meaning the usa 9/11 fairy tale is the biggest Mother Goose Fairy Tale EVER.

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Where can I find them?

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Do a CTRL-F for his name. There are right in this thread.

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I express no opinion concerning whether 9/11 was or was not an "inside job".

I note only that it was hella convenient.

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You, if you have a brain, FF, which I strongly suspect you do [I have read you] knows from the evidence I gave to Bill W in this thread which all by its lonesome, makes the usa fairy tale 100% impossible.

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What could it possibly have served as a distraction from?

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Not so much a distraction as a "NEED". The neocons ACTUALLY said that they needed a "new Pearl Harbor" to garner support for their planned before 9/11 "to take out 7 countries in 5 years".

All this mass murder of close to 3000 on 9/11 and 4.5 million to 6 million since.

Was there actually 7 nations illegally invaded or did they do more?

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Can you provide a link?

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Feb 11·edited Feb 11

NOTE WELL, EVERYONE, how everyone has disappeared.

This is NOT what adults should do, Caitlan J included.

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Really, you do not even know how many folks were blown to smithereens on 9/11, in the TTs, at the pent, ... ??!!!

Address the incontrovertible evidence. WTC7 free fall says there is a snowball's chance in hell that there was MUSLIM/OBL INVOLVEMENT in 9/11!!

They did it again with Iraq WMDs, lies about Libya, lies about Afghanistan, OBL, Syria, ... NOW Russia, lies about China, ... !!!

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A link to what, Gregor? Another link to something you will simply ignore? How come you have not addressed ALL the total impossibilities/incontrovertible evidence that make the USGs'Official 9/11 Conspiracy Theory an impossible Fairy Tale?

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Going full conspiracy mode is a bad idea.

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The only TOTALLY NUTTY conspiracy theorists are those who believe the ALWAYS LYING usa is now telling the truth about 9/11. HILARIOUS.

And one more thing, no rancor intended but you ought to feel ashamed that the CIA invented meme "conspiracy theory/theorist" is another usa HUGE LIE.

Every human is a conspiracy theorist, the news media do this ALL THE TIME! As does Gregor M and EVERY OTHER HUMAN BEING!

Same with the word "truther". In English adding 'er' to a noun/verb creates the English meaning of "one who does X" ->> 'er to 'teach' is a teacher, one who teaches.

'er added to 'truth' is "one who does the truth" which most assuredly is NOT the CIA, FBI or war criminal, terrorist, ... usa.

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Conspiracy theories are people who believe bullshit like the moon landings were faked or god forbid, “the earth is flat!”

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The Earth is flat in places where many people live.


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The really bad "conspiracy theorists", Gregor, are those delusional folks that focus on nothingness to totally AVOID the incontrovertible evidence.

Like the WTC melted and boiled metals, ALL with melt/boil temps that are at least 1500F higher than THE ACTUAL WTC FIRE TEMPERATURES.

Must I point out that you are avoiding this evidence which TOTALLY sinks the USGs' Official 9/11 Conspiracy Theory/Fairy Tale.

FOCUS on the melted and boiled metals and WTC7 free fall and the FACT that there is not a single shred of evidence for the USGs' Official 9/11 Conspiracy Theory/Fairy Tale.

It really should scare you silly that you and ... can have been duped by these usa lies. What if the next usa false flag murders your loved ones?

Don't you think, as a decent human being, that when there is this much evidence for this OBVIOUS usa duplicity/serial lies which have mass murdered 4 to 6 million innocents, that ALL HUMANS would demand a real investigation.

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ABSOLDUCKINGLUTELY, Gregor. You, one, anybody, does not have to even do any research on this. Read my replies to Bill Wolfe which shows incontrovertible evidence meaning the usa 9/11 fairy tale is the biggest Mother Goose Fairy Tale EVER.

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You also believe that Pearl Harbour was a false flag as well? Something’s wrong with you

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The evidence is overwhelming on both counts, Gregor. Just stick with 9/11.

How did the "Muslim hijackers" 1300F WTC fires melt 2800F and boil 4500F+ WTCs 1, 2 & 7 structural steel? Why did FEMA do a study [ask for the link where you can see the melted and boiled WTCs 1, 2 & 7 structural steel] of the WTCs 1, 2 & 7 structural steel but NIST, to this day denies its existence?

Do you grasp the enormity of these kinds of lies? WTCs 5 & 6 burned fully engulfed for hours on 9/11 and they had to be pulled down, ie. NO COLLAPSE!

I know you can do logical deduction.

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Those three "academics" just repeated all the lies but they never actually addressed the lies of usa NIST, etc.. And of course total dolt gregor can't address these things either because he knows squat about the science and evidence of 9/11.

Still no gregor evidence nor any gregor explanations for all the totally impossible events found in the the USGs' Official 9/11 CT/Fairy Tale.

NOTE WELL, dumb gregor, how the "academics" and you have totally avoided the molten/boiled WTC metals and WTC7 free fall.

No rancor pointing out how you are a right dolt just the truth.

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You OBVIOUSLY cannot do logical deduction, or even simple thinking, simple math, ... .

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That you cannot even discuss your own brainwashing or the bullshit you post that drives your brainwashing tells all what a total waste of time you are gregor.

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That and faked the moon landings.

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You believe that the moon landings were faked? I swear, if someone from the US government said that it was dangerous to put a toaster in a bath, some of you would say “no, they’re actually really safe!”

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You have ACTUALLY described just how fabulously effective the usa totally rank propaganda system is now and has always been, from the Founding Liars to this biden/trump day.

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Okay, Jason, we do not have to go to being bonkers.

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I swear Caitlin, I can hardly fathom the idea that you (two) do all this research without some kind of research staff to sort it all out (on a daily basis). Nevertheless, you and Tim are one busy couple.

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Interesting angle that Tucker raised RE why doesn't Germany say what they, EVERYONE, knows the truth, the usa/usa agents blew up NordStream.

On 9/11, a number of German PhDs/Controlled Demolition experts were having a little celebration for a fellow that had just received his PhD. The party ended when news of 9/11 came on. TV monitors were rolled into the room and these experts all watched. Their UNANIMOUS conclusion, all of them, the Twin Towers were controlled demolitions.


‘9/11: The Beginning of the End of Science’ — Professor Maximilian Ruppert’s full interview

In the newly released part of the interview, Ruppert speaks about why he remained silent for so long and about what he calls “the beginning of the end of science” that occurred on September 11, 2001.

International Center for 9/11 Justice | November 22, 2023


And now, to answer your actual question: Exactly one year later, I was still employed at the chair of Baustatik und Numerische Methoden [“structural analysis and numerical methods”]. We organized a little party because a dear colleague of mine acquired his PhD title, having finished his thesis one year after me. It was on this day, September 11th, that we had a really great party, as we should have.

I mean, you spend all this time researching, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and your topic is always in your head, for years, and you are fully invested. And so, we celebrated with my dear colleague. Then the celebration was suddenly over, and big monitors were rolled in. I remember it as if it were yesterday, even if it was so long ago. The party was over and then . . . Military personnel were also present. Anyone of importance was there.

Americans were not present. Normally they are always there when there is a party, and this was actually the reason why a higher-ranking officer said: “Look what happened there! The Americans are bringing down these towers and didn’t even bother to tell us! The audacity! Well, when there is a demolition on our side” — I’m now quoting him — “then they always come over to drink and guzzle, and now we can’t join them.”

This was the spontaneous reaction within the first seconds, after seeing the images. But then silence overcame us, because we realized that people had been harmed, and this took our breath away in the truest sense of the word.


So, could this small group of professionals see these images and truly instantly evaluate them? I mean, this sounds absurd. Who can instantly evaluate? But you did already elaborate on how long you have worked on these topics.


All of us in that room did research these topics. This was a small community in the German-speaking area [of Europe]. There was also one in Israel with whom we were in close contact, and one in the USA, and [one] in the Far East as well, and that was it. So, everybody knew everybody.

And on that day, the German community — Berlin, Freiburg im Breisgau, Munich Bundeswehr University — they were all present. And we basically knew instantly, for buildings to come down that way, it can only be a planned procedure.


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very interesting man. His story rings true to my experience, particularly with respect to the pressures on scientists to conform, not make waves, and pursue career and family interests.

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Not to knock anyone, least of all Bill W, those German PhDs, along with some Israel, Far East colleagues ALL said the same thing.

AND REALLY, anyone with a brain, anyone who knows the slightest bit about Newton's Laws of Motion knows that WTCs 1, 2 & 7 were CDs. They had NO JOLTS, WTC7 fell at Free Fall, which ONLY HAPPENS WITH CDs.

NIST lied about WTC7 free fall and when caught out had to admit FFA occurred, the first 2.25 seconds, 105 feet, 8 stories. But they clung to their impossible fairy tale about fires causing WTC7 to come down. IMPOSSIBLE!


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Yes, as I said, he is a very interesting man!

I liked his observation that even a chimney is complex and hard to take straight down!

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Don't you think that it might help to become a wee bit more involved, Bill, as we are discussing the events used to mass murder some 6 million innocents.

Why has everyone disappeared? Why not discussion, no anger, no condemnation of those who did this massive set of Crimes Against Humanity, this Holocaust?

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I guess you didn't listen too closely to the German PhD when he explained why he didn't speak out at the time and why he now has the luxury to do so.

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This is of no importance at all, Bill. It is juist another nail in the coffin of the totally impossible USGs' Official 9/11 CT/Fairy Tale. MYRIAD other incontrovertible pieces of evidence ALSO totally sink the usa fable.

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WAY WAY WAY more than interesting, Bill. It TOTALLY CONFIRMS that 9/11 was a usa B/C neocon false flag event. AND JUST CONSIDER how such a totally lame fairy tale with not a single shred of evidence to support it, NOT ONE, can fool so many folks, "news media", ... .

Which is an untruth because only absolute fookin' dolts can believe the usa 9/11 Fairy Tale.

"Muslim "hijackers" MAXIMUM FIRE TEMPS 1800F for a very short time, ongoing MAXIMUM FIRE TEMPS 1300F.

WTCs 1, 2 & 7 melted and boiled structural steel, 2800F and 4500F+.

How did that happen? Oh, wait, US Lawrence Livermore Labs 1990s discovered and developed unreacted particles of nanothermites were found in WTC dust ALONG WITH the explosive by products of that US Lawrence Livermore Labs 1990s discovered and developed unreacted particles of nanothermites.

If citizen groups were not such cowards exposing this massive usa Crimes Against Humanity, usa based and all the usa illegal invasions since 9/11, ALL THE THINGS usa citizens want to see changed COULD BE CHANGED.

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Good article with many examples of the linguistic manipulation that became so outlandish when the NYT kept using "unprovoked invasion" as if it was a single attached word. Still, even people who want maintain a semblance of objectivity keep falling into the trap of calling what is happening in Gaza a war, as if the two state solution had been implemented decades ago. Admittedly, it's hard to find precedents for what we're seeing, but the October 7 uprising seems more like a prison riot than anything else since the people in Gaza have been under the control of the Israeli State for at least seventeen years. The largest prison riot that I can recall was at Attica NY in the 1970's. I believe the total death toll was about forty, including ten guards and thirty prisoners. Conditions had been horrible but the riot was quelled without any attempt to kill all the prisoners housed there, and decades later there was a multi-million dollar settlement with prisoners who has lived through the abusive conditions. Was what happened in the Warsaw Ghetto described as a war between the ghetto and the German State?

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I too equated Oct. 7 with a “prison break”. Only I employed an abused tiger in a cage as example.

You keep a Tiger completely confined to a small area, do not give it sufficient food and water, and take potshots at it when the mood strikes you.

Then one day the cage door is unwittingly left open. The tiger escapes, and he KILLS YOU, as he had every right to do.

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Because Gazans are animals?

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I sincerely doubt gypsy's comment implied that.

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The rest of the analogy was inept as well. If not, we would be hearing about the wall on the Egyptian border.

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“We’ll know we’ve done our job when everything the public believes is a lie”

- some CIA person c. 1970s

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“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” —William J. Casey, CIA Director (1981)

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The ssame propaganda machine has been busy at work trying to manufacture consent for a broad US war in the middle east, in service of the zionists in Israel. They keep trying to tie everything to the Iranians which is a lie. A good analysis of it here:


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