NAZI's tried to hide their crimes, Israelis are bragging about them. So yeah, even worse than NAZI's.

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There is no bottom as to how low Zionist Israel killers will go. No ethics or morality. Just plain Genocidal murder, Ethnic Cleansing. Lets never forget that this is how they see all goyem non jews, just as human animals. And they call themselves Gods chosen! Certainly not the same God Jesus spoke of. International war crimes by the ones who always proclaiming permanent victim hood while perpetrating the most heinous crimes.

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It's up to us....otherwise "they" will ALWAYS do anything and everything possible to make this Israeli legacy of GENOCIDE fade away. It's already happening. NEVER FORGET.

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I have to limit the atrocities I look at, but I think we have to look at some of them, because who could believe anyone would shoot a child in the head and then laugh? Who could believe a bunch of men would put the underwear of women they have killed and possibly raped on their heads and laugh? Who could believe a mother mocking another mother whose child had been murdered in front of her?

Voting is not helping much these days because there is nobody with the power and will to change to vote for. Those with ideas for positive change quickly become corrupted. We need another system somehow which means revolution which could mean armed resistance which is not something most can envision.

Here is an Al Jazeera interview with the people who made the film Israelismhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gi6vpLPKnk0

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The “others” are not seen as human. Just like duck hunters use duck calls to bring their prey to where they can be murdered.

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Second Persian War (480-479 BC) 300,000 * Warring States Period (475-221 BC) 1,500,000 * Alexander the Great (336-325 BC) 500,000 * Gladiatorial Games (264 BC-435 AD) 3,500,000 * Before Punic War (264-241 BC) 400,000 * Quin Shi Huangdi (221-210 BC) 1,000,000 * Second Punic War (218-202 BC) 770,000 * Servile Wars (134-71 BC) 1,000,000 * Social War (91 -88 BC) 300,000 * Third Mithridatic War (73-63 BC) 400,000 * Gallic War (58-51 BC) 700,000 * Xin Dynasty (9-24) 10,000,000 * Jewish Wars (66-74, 132-135) 350,000 * Three Kingdoms of China (189-280) 4,100,000 * Fall of the Western Roman Empire (395-455) 7,000,000 * Justinian (527-565) 750,000 * Goguryeo-Sui Wars (598-612) 600,000 * An Lushan Rebellion (755-763) 15,000,000 * Collapse of the Maya (790-909) 1,000,000 * Crusades (1095-1291) 3,000,000 * Fang La Revolt (1120-1122) 2,000,000 * Genghis Khan (1206-1227) 40,000,000 * Albigensian Crusade (1208-1229) 1,000,000 * Hulagu Khan's invasion (1255-1260) 800,000 * Hundred Years' War (1337-1453) 3,500,000 * Fall of the Yuan Dynasty ( 1340-1370) 7,000,000 * Bahamani-Vijayanagara War (1366) 500,000 * Tamerlane (1370-1405) 17,000,000 * Chinese conquest of Vietnam (1407-1428) 700,000 * Human sacrifices of the Aztecs (1440-1521) 00,000 * Atlantic slave trade (1452-1807) 16,000,000 * Conquest of the Americas (from 1492) 15,000,000 * Wars between Burma and Siam (1550-1605) 900,000 * Russo-Tatar War (1560-1572) 500,000 * French Religious Wars (1562-1598) 3,000,000 * Time of Troubles (1598-1613) 5,000,000 * Thirty Years' War (1618-1648) 7,500,000 * Collapse of the Ming Dynasty (1635-1662) 25,000. 000 * Cromwel's invasion of Ireland (1649-1652) 400,000 * Aurangzeb (1658-1707) 4,600,000 * Peter the Great (1682-1725) 3,000,000 * Austro-Turkish War (1682-1699) 384,000 * Great Northern War (1700-1721) 370,000 * War of the Spanish Succession (1701-1713) 700,000 * War of the Austrian Succession (1740-1748) 500,000 * Sino-Zungaria War (1755-1757) 600,000 * Seven Years' War (1756) -1763) 1,500,000 * Haitian slave revolt (1791-1803) 400,000 * Napoleonic wars (1792-1815) 4,000,000 * Slave trade in the Middle East (7th-19th centuries) 18,500,000 * War of independence Mexican (1810-1821) 400,000 * Shaka (1816-1828) 1,500,000 * French conquest of Algeria (1830-1847) 775,000 * Taiping Revolt (1850-1864) 20,000,000 * Crimean War (1854-1856) 300,000 * Congo Free State (1855-1908) 10,000,000 * Panthay Revolt (1855-1873) 1,000,000 * American Civil War (1861-1865) 695,000 * Hui Revolt (1862-1873) 640,000 * Triple War Alliance (1864-1870) 480.000 * Franco-Prussian war (1870-1871) 435.000 * Russian-Turkish war (1877-1878) 500.000 * War Mahdista (1881-1898) 5,500.000 * Cuban revolution (1895-1898) 360.000 * Mexican Revolution (1910-1920) 1,000,000 * World War I (1914-1918) 15,000,000 * Russian Civil War (1918-1920) 9,000,000 * Greco-Turkish War (1919-1922) 400,000 * Chinese Civil War ( 1927-1937, 1945-1949) 7,000,000 * Joseph Stalin (1928-1953) 20,000,000 * Ethiopian War (1935-1941) 750,000 * Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) 365,000 * Second World War (1939- 1945) 66,000,000 * Famines of British India (18th-20th centuries) 27,000,000 * Expulsion of Germans from Eastern Europe (1945-1947) 2,100,000 * Indochina War (1945-1954) 393,000 * Partition of India (1947) 500,000 * North Korea (since 1948) 3,000,000 * Mao Zedong (1949-1976) 40,000,000 * Korean War (1950-1953) 3,000,000 * Algerian War of Independence (1954- 1962) 525,000 * War in Sudan (1955-2003) 2,600,000 * War in Vietnam (1959-1975) 4,200,000 * Indonesian purges (1965-1966) 400,000 * War in Biafra (1966-1970) 1,000,000 * Genocide Bengali (1971) 1,500,000 * Idi Amin (1971-1979) 300,000 * Menghistu Hailè Mariàm (1974-1991) 2,000,000 * Democratic Kampuchea (1975-1979) 1,670,000 * Mozambique Civil War (1975-1992) 800,000 * Angolan Civil War (1975-1994) 500,000 * Post-war Vietnam (1975-1992) 365,000 * Soviet invasion of Afghanistan (1979-1992) 1,500,000 * Uganda Bush War (1979-1986) 500,000 * Saddam Hussein (1979-2003) 300,000 * Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988) 700,000 * Sanctions against Iraq (1990-2003) 350,000 * Chaos in Somalia (since 1991) 500,000 * Rwanda Genocide (1994) 937,000 * Second Congo War (1998-2002) 3,800,000.

Total 496,264,000, 219,955,000 since 1900, 15,722,000 since 1970, plus, since 1970, approximately 350,000,000 children who died of starvation and/or treatable diseases.

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"Everything in the forest is the forest, Competition is not separable from endless flavors of cooperation . . . It seems most of nature isn't red in tooth and claw after all. For one, those species at the base of the living pyramid have neither teeth nor talons. But if trees share their storehouses, then every drop of red must float on a sea of green." (From "The Overstory" by Richard Powers)

Lot's of folks here ask: what to do about it. Me, I've had it with Homo sap. Perhaps the solution is to disinfect the planet of the one species that fouls, taints, and despoils the biosphere's otherwise natural logistics because of that species' narcissistic belief that its big brain functions more logically than that supporting sea of green, when in fact that big brain is mostly a repository of aberrant conditioning. First step: societies clearly on the outer edge of aberrant narcissism must go -- that means you, Israel.

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Let’s get the Biden Administration to focus on the criminal charges they so rightly deserve. 18 U.S. Code § 1091 is the statute that incorporated the Genocide Convention in US criminal law. Members of this administration shouldn't go a single day without having this statute in their faces, up front and center at every protest at every meeting, press conference, briefing, and trips home and abroad.

They may feel they are immune now, but let's get them considering what is possible when they leave office, given they have set the precedent of charging former presidents. They should have visions of prison all the days of their lives. Let us find the way.

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This is actually old news. The question is what does anyone propose to do about it?

"Don't quote laws to us. We carry swords." Gnaeus Pompeius.

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100 years ago, black men were lynched in the US South, hanged from trees. Sometimes a festive gathering would happen around these crimes, with families bringing picnic supplies; you can see postcards people sent with images of such gatherings. So yeah, no population is immune--propagandize people enough and they can proudly participate in the most horrific acts.

I notice a common factor; the Germans were made to pay reparations for, and accept responsibility for World War I (unfairly) and it wrecked their economy. The South had lost the Civil War, and it wrecked THEIR economy. Israel as a nation has had no such loss, but it was founded on the justification that the survivors of one of the worst holocausts in history deserved a country of their own--why they accepted the idea that it was okay to drive the current residents out at gunpoint, stealing their land and homes, I don't know.But the propaganda had already started, "Aland without people for a people without land" like the Palestinians didn't exist.

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I have decided that there is nothing I can say or do....other than taking a gun and killing every politician in the world.

I do not want to do this because I am actually a 'pacifist' by nature. BUT I am being severely 'pushed' right now. I might be 75yrs old but there is the same brave Jenny in my bones and I will NOT ascribe to: torture/genocide or a government telling me what or how I should behave.

I have been in Jail in France and it is not pretty.

I have been in Gaol in England and it is not pretty.

BUT I have always stood up for peace/kindness/

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"This is how the entire western world has been manipulated into accepting nonstop war, militarism, nuclear brinkmanship, imperialism…"

Democrats spent 5 years saying that Russia interfered in the election, cost the Hellabitch her coronation and that Trump was Putin’s puppet and daily 2 minutes of hate towards Russia and then when Russia was was provoked into Ukraine all the shitlibs got behind Ukraine just as they were brainwashed into doing. They should be hanging their heads in shame for being so gullible, but first they would have to wake up and see how they were.

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A BIG opportunity for both RFK Jr. and/or Jill Stein -- now that Trump guided Mike Johnson into total surrender and adoption of Biden’s cabal anti-American Uni-party policies on both wars and FISA censorship and surveillance. Trump formally joined Biden’s-deep state Uni-party and -- is effectively GONE.

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I can’t believe like how it’s possible that after over six months of horror and countless atrocities the Palestinians are still questioned and not believed to.

I stop believing anything Israelis are saying months ago, if they would tell me 2+2 is 4 I would start to question this on the spot.

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A war crime a minute in Gaza.

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