Thank you, Caitlin. It is always good to be reminded that we should love each other and flee sectarianism.

I suppose it is also good to be reminded of the good work that Antiwar.com do.

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I am with Bukowski. To avoid any existential angst, humans will entertain themselves with endless distractions. Escapism is big on their to-do lists.

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That is what makes them good manipulative prey and tools for the machine. Yes, it is soul crushing.

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Our lists, I think. I like Bukowski, too, but notice he is not holding himself above any of us.

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A serious short coming on his part; despite what the humans of Western civilization have to say about themselves in general, the very fact that we tolerate these sick bitches to dictate our domestic and foreign policies says that they too are made up of the same sort of garbage mind material as mass murderers. No matter what your religious leader or whatever it is tells you, if you can't figure out on your own that murder is wrong, then why bother being born other than to be a life troll?

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There's two quotes(he has many) attributed to Scottish psychiatrist R.D. Laing; "We are all products of a sexually transmitted disease that's 100% fatal", and; "We are responsible for slaughtering over a 100 million of our fellow humans and the 20th century is still not over"; (around 1970.) Now since then the world population has more than doubled and industrial civilization is now out of human hands. Leviathan indeed. Yep, I'm cynical, and, yep, we're most likely screwed as a species. Industrial civilization needs dismantling. Sorry folks. Happy Thanksgiving.

I'm still alive and that's miracle enough for me.

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I was obsessed reading Erich Fromm, RD Laing, and several similar others, and for fiction, Vonnegut!

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I recently read Fromm's The Sane Society, in August I think. I've read most of Laing and a few Vonnegut's back in the '70's. I'm reading Zerzan now.

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It is depressing to have lived this long life, and worked so hard to make a better world, and to see it over run with so many more destructive forces. Why did I bother? I should have listened much closer to Jay Hanson in the 90s and forward. BTW, that number was re calculated to about double that number in final counts.

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Historian Barbara Tuchman's. The March of Folly chronicles selected examples of societies acting against their own self interests, often to own annihilation. It's not a pretty picture.

Added to the grief is the realization that many of these examples predate the CIA, corporate media, red state/blue state political spats, and the military industrial complex. So our problems lie deeper than with the usual suspects we know and loath only too well.

On the upside, there have been societies that avoided these base impulses; the downside is, we don't seem headed to being one of them.

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"The power to command frequently causes failure to think."

(now on my reading list).

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The book which put her on the map was her WWI chronicle The Guns of August. She has that rare gift of making history crackle with life and drama despite our knowing how it all turned out. Highly recommended.

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I don't blame the sheeple (I too am sheeple). The top want to "keep em separated". Don't ever forget that. THEY play this game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jOk8dk-qaU

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Most times it is game of narcissism and the flying monkey. It is a sad depressing spectacle.

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Poetic: "Narcissism and the flying monkey". Noted!

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Competition or capitalism encouraged the pursuit of specialness and/or domination. It is very territorial.

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should have been plural. MONKEYS... as there are always many for one narcissist, or they sometimes share being each others flying monkeys.

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New variants of Covid out and about. As the largest mammalian bio-mas, we're the MS Windows environment of the animal kingdom, a target too large to ignore. Earth will be just fine, as a comedian make in jest, or not, when there is enough plastic, we'll be scrubbed off as no longer useful.

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Poverty can also contribute greatly to disease. He is big on diseases, though I rarely agree with his priorities, his poop/pee to water machine is something I dig, though I prefer the Biogas versions.

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Is this why Gates gets accused of masterminding a depopulation program?

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What seems to be universally true is that the elevation and education of women reduces birthrates, but at least an adequate level of living standard helps. Kerala used to be the gold standard, not sure where it is today.

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Did you catch Jamie Dimon's (CEO of JPMorgan Chase $4 Trillion) latest statement? To the effect: "IF China don't allow us to make money banking in China, Taiwan will be your vietnam!"

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Remember Einstein's famous last words? "God doesn't play dice"? Not only was he dead ; orwrong, but the very act of nature rolling dice is what creates God itself or as others may prefer, creates Mother Nature.

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Those weren't his dying words, just so you know. It was his reaction to a certain theory proposed to explain an aspect of quantum mechanics. His insights were profound enough without dressing them up in deathbed dramatics.

The story also circulates that Charles Darwin found God on his deathbed, as supposedly happened to Mark Twain. Both are false, and profane to what each man, while living, stood for.

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Darwin's wife was a devote Christian. I heard he had great respect for her moral values.

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