The profound hypocrisy in the way the U.S. dumps its treasury into the military while willfully neglecting the needs of its own citizens and screaming humanitarian talking points from the rooftops is truly breathtaking on a scale that is almost impossible to bear. "We return you now to your regularly scheduled programming."

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well the hypocrisy is the medias, who do the bidding of the owners. Most people everywhere in the world would rightly prefer their hard earned taxes be spend on improving all their lives instead of the select few.

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Well the US populace is different on that scale. For many years now the US military has been the most or one of the most respected institutions in the country, in national opinion polls…….despite being a rabid institution that intentionally places the country into needless conflict, and despite being a wasteful institution that consumes huge amounts of money that should be getting invested in human development domestically.

People get what they deserve. They spend more time on social media and faux-celebrities, than they do on self-education, personal development or looking properly at their own duties as an electorate.

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From Caitlin…”It will never stop being funny to me the way American supremacists melodramatically rend their garments over the idea of nations like Russia and China asserting small spheres of influence over former Soviet states and the South China Sea….”

There are 39 US bases surrounding China alone with the NATO puppets all geared up to act as US lackeys on command in Europe, as part of the Ukraine game. Lots of them, including the enthusiastic addition of Germany, an accomplished performer in the war stakes in the past and with the USA's encouragement, we now have Japan re-arming, (lots of profits there for the Militarists friends of Biden )

What do we call this? Stupidity? Hypocrisy? Is it just the fact that the US media is so controlled that the American people are totally blinded to the absolute ridiculous one-sided scenario in the world today?

The points raised by Caitlin, one by one, are so obvious to anyone with any grey matter that one really has to ask two simple questions of the population in the United States of America.

1. Remember Cuba? A bit scary for you then. How would you like a fleet of foreign nuclear armed submarines parked off the East coast of your country? Or perhaps a series of military bases targeting the USA, all based in South America where there probably would not be a single country in that geography that has not been used and abused by the imperial US. Not one. They would be glad to be able to return the favour in some measure.

Think on it without spelling out all the lengthy detail…Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Mexico, Bolivia, Cuba and on it goes. They have nothing in their history and their association with the arrogant US that could be represented as even a partial friendship. Not a sign of it. All a one-sided arrangement with sanctions as the #1 weapon of choice to blackmail them all and for years having to tolerate the sickly control that the Pompeos, Nulands, Boltons, the Israeli stooges and the battalions of Neocons have had in the pay of the big bully, serving under the make believe head of the USA, the likes of Obama, the Bush eras, Trump and now, the feeble and easily controlled Biden. What a record. What a selection. What a choice. And on the agendas for 2024….Trump again and perhaps Israel's choice, Clinton or some other equally disgraceful candidate,

2. Is your apathy due by the fact that you really do not have a single chance in hell to put forward a worthy candidate (others do it for you) to lead your country? Is the selection of candidates a problem? Is it impossible to overcome the billions of grafting dollars from Zionist Israel, big Pharma, the militarists currently making staggering profits from the current climate, the BlackRocks, State Streets and Vanguards and their control of business?

While the government of the US is out of the hands of the people, as it is, the US will remain an imperialist bully, blind to reality as their empire sickens and so dies.

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You're still "in" about 3 or 4 layers of the game. Most people in the world would prefer that liberal capitalism and its ideologies of the labor theory of value, moral perfectionism, and totalitarian commercialism did not exist.

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If the media is doing "the bidding of the owners", then the hypocrisy is authored by those owners and the media are just obedient sycophants. As it stands, hypocrisy is woven into the very fabric of American life, from politics to media, religion to academia, Wall Street to the Pentagon, from its puerile entertainment industry to its kangaroo courts. Double standard in all things is the true American pastime. I don't think there's ever been a society more captured by systemic hypocrisy than the United States.

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True, Third-Eye Roll,

I always considered that being a hypocrite was something to be carefully avoided. A most insulting comment where I come from would have been "you're a bloody hypocrite". And if it was true, it would have been hard to ever shake off the stigma attached to that comment. Not so today.

One wonders then how there are so many activities today, but more so from the past, that are so hypocritical, seldom mentioned in the media and therefore, as a result in 2023, conveniently able to be ignored by all. That is what the US media is all about.

The prize winner for hypocrisy is the oft-quoted (by the USA) "international rule of law", a favourite among the Biden clan of Neocons, the arrogant Pompeos, Bidens and the honorary Ukrainian Jewish Princess, Nuland, but as well, used occasionally by Biden when he cannot explain a decision he has made to punish another country for a misdemeanour, justifying by his reckoning a sanction or two. For example, you can issue sanctions by the truckload against Russia for trying to protect its domain (as agreed to by all prior to Clintons NATO expansionism) but then are able to call Russia's 12 month old battle for its border security "a terror war" and go no to enthusiastically support the very country engaged in the battle (as a tame proxy) and then stir up the NATO puppets to add further to the problem. Then to add insult to injury, you can state at every opportunity that Russia is challenging the 'international rule of law', which in its only known interpretation means doing something with which the US does not agree. That's a good enough for the feeble Bidens of this world, simple and uncomplicated and then echoed with considerable expansion by the media whores under direct instructions by the Masters of Propaganda, the CIA, the FBI and the Department of Defence.

If all of this is far too complicated to digest, think on Iraq, WMD, Afghanistan and the US revenue generation of opium, last count 3600 tons of same, torture at Abu Ghraib, residential US troops in Syria stealing oil every day of the week, antagonism towards Iran who haven't started a war for centuries, (based solely on the orders of the nuclear powered Israel, a.k.a. the controllers of both houses of US government), the assassination of President Allende in Chile (credit going to Henry Kissinger), the decades of cruel actions against Cuba, the acceptance of Israel's USS Liberty bombing and perhaps another 75 items at least that contradict the real "international rule of law" (USA version), whatever that actually is.

In my book, these are just a very small sample of hypocrisy 'US style'.

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Spot on! Hypocrite used to be a pejorative, because it was considered a serious character flaw. Now it's so baked into the national cake that it goes completely unnoticed or just ignored. Speaking of "the rule of law", Lee Camp posted a nice piece exposing that hypocrisy and ten ways the U.S. is out of step with the rest of the world:


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Feb 23, 2023·edited Feb 23, 2023

As for the "national cake"........

Someone left the cake out in the rain

I don't think that I can take it

'Cause it took so long to bake it

And I'll never have that recipe again

My apology to MacArhur's Park singer Richard Harris

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Great song! Thanks for the flashback. We desperately need a new recipe.

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The plantation nation. Monday to Saturday you work slaves in the fields, on Sunday you go to church to supposedly worship to god, while ensuring they are not allowed in church.

Before that they arrived supposedly to be able to worship freely on Sunday, but the rest of the week they were robbing shooting and dispossessing Native American of their own land.

Hypocrisy from day 1.

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Feb 19, 2023·edited Feb 19, 2023

"It's no wonder that Hawley is a favorite guest of another faux-populist, the virulent anti-China propagandist Tucker Carlson, who often makes the same argument." Do you think a virulant anti-China populist would have Jimmy Dore on his show to attack the possibility of a war with China.


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Sure. Have you never heard of a limited hangout? Propaganda in a notionally free country isn't going to be homogenous. The system wants you to *feel* parasocial attachments so that they can lead you around by the nose. Better to become unleadable.

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Feb 19, 2023·edited Feb 19, 2023

Look stinky If people who are very liberal anti-war, people like Jimmy Dore who was the war rally today are given a platform to speak then we are not talking about someone who should be defined as a faux populist and a VIRuLENT anti-China propagandist. You make no sense. To define Carlson using her terms in regard to China is absurd at best.

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Of course bring up Trump and tie him to people you are going after, and not that Hawley doesn't need to be challenged on this position, and you think you have further supported your case and it's downright sickening at this point. Bring up Trump's claim of a stolen election and you think you have another win. Like the possibility doesn't exist even though there was a concerted effort to remove him from office for four years with lies which continue to this day, and then have an unconstitutional comm deciding his guilt or innocence. Not to mention pushing the propaganda on anti-Trump media, like Twitter and the NY Times, etc, that Biden's son's laptop was no more then Russian propaganda.

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Of course bring up Trump and tie him to people you are going after, and not that Hawley doesn't need to be challenged on this position, and you think you have further supported your case and it's downright sickening at this point.

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"I too am not a bit tamed, I too am untranslatable,

I sound my barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world."


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Sorry wrong Sci-Fi, the outer limits. Still of fan of the Twilight Zone though ha.

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Empires always claim to be acting out of the most noble of motives.

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Most articulate description of the fake populism of the MAGA I’ve read and it’s agenda.

Good insights in this article so plain and simple anyone can understand the meaning.

Ridiculous pretends to be Right!

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Feb 19, 2023·edited Feb 19, 2023

As Ukraine winds down - with its inevitable defeat coming, even though the fools will allow another 100k die before they finally start negotiating peace, it's probably a good idea to start pushing against the China propaganda as early as Caitlin is doing here. Because the warmongers and the war profiteers, and the poisonous US deep state, have clearly made China their next profit making, mass human murdering target. The more Americans who can be made aware of how shallow the propaganda is and will be, the more chances we might avoid the catastrophe of another world war.

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Just imagine if China cut off all trade with the US. It would hurt their economy in the short run, but this country, full of worthless consumers and without much of a manufacturing base, would be devastated.

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They don't need an "economy". They don't need to create imaginary friends and fret about feeding them blood and gravel so they don't get hangry. They have fruits, vegetables, cereals, and meats. Given food, and a means to keep making and distributing food, everything else is a matter of opinion.

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Exactly. How will the Dollar Store be filled with cheap consumer items if we don't trade with China? Really, the idea of the US starting a war with China makes as much sense as cutting off one's foot or hand. We're dependent on them more than they are dependent on us.

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Will there be a peace treaty with an Empire that does not abide by them? If I were Russia I wouldn't have anything to do with any attempt at treaty after the remarks of Merkel about Minsk agreement? I used to think once Russia defeated Ukraine, Russia would stop at the Dnipro river creating a natural border. Now I don't think so after zero attempts and bizarre comments from what was once the u.s. State Dept./WAR Dept. Why would Russia trust the u.s. or anyone in the West? Happy War protest day! We will be on the street shortly : )

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Feb 19, 2023·edited Feb 19, 2023

Maybe not. Perhaps these murderous, bloodthirsty Western leaders are willing to let the Ukrainians die to the last man - for the Nord Stream pipeline and their oil companies. Given the neurotic arrogance and senility on display, this may well be how it plays out. How Europe (especially the Germans) are going along with all this - is beyond astonishing (to me).

It is clear a new cold war has begun, and will last for the next decade or two, and the West has lost all credibility and obvious integrity - the idiot Western leaders trumpeting their deception as if it is a badge of honor worth diplomatic credibility.

Russia will obviously economically join with China and likely a number of other countries worldwide, and we will be witness to an unheard of economic decline in Europe and the US - at least as long as this Western instigated cold war continues. The only thing that might change this outcome is if Russia does not stop at Ukraine's borders but keeps going. But even they know how suicidal that would be - and would clearly start a nuclear exchange.

So my guess is, once Ukraine is defeated, one way or another - whether Zelensky and his US backed Nazi mobsters/killers will continue the war to the last bloody man/woman - in a war they've known for some time they could not win - once it ends, the black and white duality Western propaganda has now pushed upon the world - the US is the good guys, Russia/China are the bad guys - the infantile propaganda that people literally are dying for right now - the COLD War propaganda will continue, probably at least for the rest of both our life times. Unless somehow, new Western leaders come upon the stage and start some kind of rational approach to world leadership other than more militarism and fucking over the general population with corporate slavery.

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Russia will need to decide on a case-by-case basis what treaties it can make, with what parties, and with what verification protocols.


A must for its security is that it obtain and maintain sufficient military control over all of the Ukraine to prevent the formation there of any organized military with power beyond what is needed for internal policing of whatever rump state remains there. On the other hand, it's not in Russia's interests to try to maintain political or economic control of the rump state.

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I’m not too sure it’s Americans that increase our chances of avoiding world war—we’re pretty stupid and sick. I think it’s more likely that Russia outsmarted us and tho our media doesn’t enlighten us about it, I think NATO was significantly weakened by Putin, while Russia actually benefited from this unnecessary conflict. As to China—they are MUCH the smarter of the 2 nations and I believe they will be able to contain us without firing a shot. And maybe even take down the dollar as the “reserve currency”.

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It the meantime, let's hope this Rage Against War rally in DC today has a huge turnout, though I doubt if Big Media will give it much coverage. There is a great line-up of speakers. It's sad to hear of all the infighting between different anti-war groups over issues of little relevance compared to the threat of nuclear war. Jimmy Dore has it right when he says that all sides opposed to US Ukraine policy should come together as a united front. Our other differences can be sorted out later.

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Feb 19, 2023·edited Feb 19, 2023

The infighting is particularly insidious, and makes me distrust the orgs that declined to participate - some of them (such as code pink) I've felt has been suspect for some time anyway.

I will be watching the protest online (I assume it will be live streamed). It will be interesting how much of a crowd the event draws although given that the Elites have now fully captured Main Stream Media and real journalism is now an underground industry (which you mostly can find on the margins like here on substack) - the rally will probably not have a very big turn out.

Some really good speakers. At least there is some kind of spark left in the US. Hopefully the event will go well today.

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If you cannot set aside (even profound) differences on social and economic issues to align with other people against WAR, there is something wrong with you, and you (and your true agenda) should not be trusted.

My hope for all people on this planet is that they can live peaceful, fulfilling lives. I am familiar with most, if not all, the people on the speaking roster for today's anti-war protest, and I am comfortable that they all share this hope.

They have many disagreements among them on how to get as close as possible to fulfilling this hope, but all agree on one critical fact: WAR has no place in the world that they wish for and that US policy is making the world a less peaceful place, not a more peaceful one.

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Swamp monsters are adepts at doublespeak. Here though it can be said that the Hawley entity knows full well that Ukraine has come to the end of its useful life & that the time has come for the swamp population to begin worrying China using the equally disposable Taiwan as an excuse. What should we do with these dangerous criminally insane people in our midst? It's certainly not to vote them into power, that much is certainly for sure.

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Its easy to rule the world when youre sitting pretty two oceans away. The last time the US suffered from war in its own borders was the Civil War, the rest of the world hasn't had the luxury.

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We still had some Indian Wars after the Civil War. Obviously the settlers didn't suffer as much as the natives. But there was still a lot of horror on our soil after 1865, with native peoples on the receiving end.

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This is an economic war and it will hurt us plenty.

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Another of those inverted reality mischief-stirring analysis passing off as a serious objective intellectual discourse to set the compass bearings for war with any nation which is a threat to US hegemony and world authoritarianism.

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War with China is the most deeply insane thing imaginable. People today are oblivious to history. Back during WW2 the Imperial Japanese had a one million man army in China. And this was when China was poorly organized and equipped. And the Japanese million man army got beaten. Halved in size, basically wiped out. Today China has modern equipment. It would be inconceivable that the US military would be able to do anything in China without insane losses, including naval losses. And this all ignores a possible nuclear holocaust exchange which we could not defend. If asked to attack China, it would be our military's duty to refuse and instead take down our own government.

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If only but they are controlled and conditioned. We vets should already be taking down a corrupt government as is our sworn duty.

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Ominous to note: the US only defeated the Japanese army by committing two acts of genocide and crimes against humanity, in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

However, unlike the Japanese the Chinese have nuclear weapons. At the very least they can hit Japan and Australia and probably the continental US.

Worse yet, the U.S. “leadership “ is clearly willing to sacrifice both allies and even the American people, while they sit in nuclear bunkers.

What world they believe will remain for them to lord over when they emerge from the bunkers, I don’t know. But clearly the cult of indoctrination that they are all going through is now completely out of hand.

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Not true - the war with Japan was effectively over when US dropped the nukes. They were dropped to send a message to Russia not win the war:

"the US only defeated the Japanese army by committing two acts of genocide and crimes against humanity, in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

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The Soviets starting an offensive on Japan's mainland Asian possessions also figured into the surrender, perhaps even more of a factor than the atomic bombs, which, though devastating, were no worse body count wise than the strategic firebombing campaign the US was carrying out.

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Feb 19, 2023·edited Feb 19, 2023

Fire bombing is a crime against humanity.

Nuclear bombing is an even worse crime against humanity, as it has death and health consequences for also future generations due to poisoning left in the environment.

Even in conventional war in Afghanistan, the US had resorted to also basically genocide, as in many areas, they defaulted to an assumption that all males of combat age ie including even young boys, where active combatants - and therefore subject to summary execution.

When people make these chants for war, and blocking any idea of diplomacy and negotiated solutions - they dont mention any of this. That even the sides claiming to be fighting just war, end up committing crimes against humanity.

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White nationalist colonialist powers practicing white nationalism and colonialism. What a shock…

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As an open minded constitutionalist and adherent to the founding fathers description of a republic of which America list over a hundred years ago and now find ourselves in the very democracy the founding fathers warned us about, I enjoy the ideas and opinions of others who see America from a different lens, but make no mistake, RINO republicans are no friend to MAGA conservative voters who hate war and establishment politics, there are millions that simply don’t understand the concept of the Uniparty that runs DC, the illusion of choice regarding the two party system in current day America is just that, an illusion, Washington DC is the enemy of America not the American people, we want peace with Russia, we want out of that shithole Ukraine and we want all guilty politicians in DC arrested for crimes against humanity regarding their part in the orchestrated bio weapon virus creation and bio weapon vaccines. Australia should feel the same way about their government because at the end of the day, the G-7 is the new axis of evil and part of the NWO agenda!

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Glad I finally had a good intro to Josh Hawley. What a slick nut case. He thinks that by speaking up against the Russia-haters in Ukraine he will make points. What he says is correct on Ukraine but not if it is an argument to go after China. He claims to "speak the truth". But the truth is that China does not want to seize Taiwan. China wants things to remain as they are now. What China cannot accept is an independent Taiwan, because this would make Taiwan, and therefore China, vulnerable to invasion by foreign armies, as happened in 1895, when Japan invaded Formosa and used this unsinkable aircraft carrier to attack China. The Chinese formulation of One China has served the cause of peace well and has given great autonomy to Taiwan. But the US is not satisfied now because it has meant that all its efforts on behalf of the KMT over years have not had the results it wanted, apparently.

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Thank you and -- more on the subject:

Jeffrey Sachs: Who really blew up the Nord Stream 2 pipeline? – OUTSTANDING


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Q. Putin is giving a major speech on Feb. 21 or so. Where do I go to read it?

As you probably know, it's extremely difficult to find full texts of Putin's addresses. I read the ones from Feb. 2022 (on the day of the invasion) and Sept. 30, 2022 (when Russia annexed the Donbass & three other regions), and I found the speeches very interesting and revealing.

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You can find all president Putins official translated speaches on http://en.kremlin.ru/

Its Russian official website.

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Agree completely that we don't need warmongering against Russia or China.

Disagree with your reasoning that I've read in other columns where you defend China. You don't mention their gulags, social credit scores, covid lockdowns (far more oppressive there, and I hated the ones here), and making people disappear. I realize you don't see that as your responsibility, but I don't accept that, because two things can be true at the same time:

The U.S. empire is warmongering state that wastes the resources of its people so it can try to conquer the globe, and that isn't even 1/10th of what my country is doing wrong;

Unless you are cool with destroying humans, China is an infernal hellhole that surveils, imprisons, and kills millions of innocent people. They're also Satanic on the environment.

Most people can see both of these points if the propaganda screens are lifted, and the best authors explicate both points.

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Because those are none of your business. Either you believe in sovereignty or you believe in shitty religious crusades under slimy emotional pretexts. There is NO middle ground.

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I believe in honesty. I also believe in the Golden Rule. Call me foolish, but Caitlin calls for us to evolve, and there is no evolution in a direction that I want to go without those two qualities.

What do you believe?

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Christianity and Evolution are very different things my friend. Plus, I don’t remember Caitlin ever calling on us to evolve. She is simply pointing out the fog of imperial “reasoning”.

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In this one, she doesn't call for evolution, but in previous columns, there is much talk of improving our species.

Also, Catholics and many other Christians believe that evolution is an open question. You can look it up in our books.

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A Bronx cheer to you for this comment. It’s sort of “I know I am but what are you? “. Too 3rd grade by half. And satanic? Pleeeese.

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I heard Blinken this morning on national Petroleum Radio accusing China of providing weapons to Russia in Ukraine and openly threatening war ("consequences").

These guys beat the war drum 24/7. Media megaphone is a propaganda "force multiplier".

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