Your words of caution are very timely Caitlin and they need to be said, especially for the benefit of younger and less experienced players.

But for old campaigners like myself who vividly remember the "Good Cop, Bad Cop" games that the war criminals Nixon and Kissinger tried to play with Vietnamese Peace negotiator Le Duc Tho in the latter stages of the Vietnam War, the latest incarnation of this duplicitous routine comes as no surprise at all. The Americans have turned dissembling and deception into an art form.

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Thank you Caitlin and Robert Reynolds. Though I wouldn't say that "The Americans have turned dissembling and deception into an art form". Not in those 'nice' words. It is blatant, brazen, naked, power of a white supremacist empire.

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So Jewish IS white, then? I'm never certain about that.

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Hello Benj, You miss the point. I wasn't writing about the Jewish state. Not even about whiteness. But where power lies. Israel is a vassal state within the embrace of a white supremacist empire.

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Feb 13·edited Feb 13

Okay, Indu, then please grasp my point: I am one of millions of white people who a) are nowhere close to "where the power lies", and b) don't like or approve of these atrocities any more than you do.

So please, let's find a new name for it other than "white supremacy", a term which I am certain has been perpetuated and amplified to promote division between you and me.

After all, if I started talking often about "black thuggery", you and a lot of other black people would be mortified and angry, and for good reason. The notion is unjust. Even as there REALLY ARE black thugs, who will be happy to take your valuables and then shoot you after they beat you, that does NOT represent the majority of black people. Thugs make up only a small percentage of black folk (but are responsible for much of the crime). Yet if I established a platform that promoted the term "black thuggery" and it became common and viral, even if I wasn't applying it to you, it would follow you like a haunting, and could inspire violence against your person.

Which would be totally unjust.

Same thing, when you use the phrase "white supremacy" you might be referring to rich power brokers *only*, but all the rest of us downstream take the sting.

The phrase "white supremacy" has been promoted anew by the dividers. Joe Biden even told a crowd of graduates at an historically black college that "white supremacy is the greatest threat our nation faces today".

Don't let them trick you into playing the division game. We have a common enemy; we NEED each other.

And our ENEMY needs us to hate each other.

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Benj: Even white people without power often behave as if they are superior to people of colour. And, even people of colour sometmes see whiteness as a better way to be. White supremacy is a social problem. All of us, especially those of us who are white, need to think about how it is so automatic in our social interactions for white people to be seen as the "norm" while everyone else is "other"

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Thank you. If you have beliefs that either denigrate or elevate people based on their ingrained racial characteristics, then that is racism, full stop.

Doesn't matter if the target is Black, Brown, White, etc...its racism.

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This is so spot on! This is why what they have done to the very image of the US is now a BLOODY FLAG OF OPPRESSION! THIS IS NOT ME NOT MY COUNTRY!

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Zionist power.

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You know that this 'pitting each against the other' is taken straight from the Bible. The synagogue of satan ruling in Jerusalem takes wicked pleasure in using the Scriptures - twisting them, we would say - as their play book. The division game is straight out of Isaiah 19:2...

“And I will set the Egyptians against the Egyptians: and they shall fight every one against his brother, and every one against his neighbour; city against city, and kingdom against kingdom.” (I have identified dozens of examples of this satirical use of our Book)

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Hello Benj, So very sorry if I hurt your feelings. When I used the phrase " white supremacy " I had no idea that it would be misinterpreted as a personal racist slur.

"White supremacy" is a term used by scholars to denote a set of ideas created by colonisers - past and present - to subjugate other nations. It was a sort of twisted justification of their exploitative behaviour.

Thank you to all my friends in Caitlin's Newsletter ( isn't Caitlin amazing - to get us interacting like this!) for coming to my defence. Benj, they have explained things to you far better than I could.

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The US is a vassal state of Israel, more to the point

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Benj, I understand that the term "white supremacy" triggers (or at least bothers) you. I also understand (and agree with you) that such labels can be used as a "populist political strategy" by people in power - not just to divide people but, also to shore up support for said leader's agendas.

Having said that, there is a plethora of research, studies, and historical evidence of "white supremacy" paradigms underlying many Western Empires, most prominently the US. You may not like the phrase, but it does to a large extent capture the reality and mindset of the people in power in many Western nations - (and not just the people in power, but also major sections of the populace - example:witness the "immigration backlash" in the US and Europe, the representation of "whiteness" in far-right and and alt-right rallies and protests, etc.).

Hence, it's usage is fully justified to describe a real phenomenon in our cultural reality. IMHO, I do believe Indu Abeysekara has accurately conveyed her usage of "white supremacy" as a prominent characteristic of "where power lies" in this context. To be offended by a term like "White Supremacy" is to disregard reality, to turn away from recognizing, admitting, and acknowledging many of the worst abuses in history.

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Thank you Chang. You said it better than I ever could.

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deletedFeb 13·edited Feb 13
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While we all know about divide and conquer many of these unlikable terms were heaped on us by media daffynitions . They like labels. Terminology of course affects dialogue and of course,words matter but.. let us not get lost here and lose sight of the issue

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You’re not “white” - that itself is part of the con of white supremacy. Stop clinging on to a fake identity.

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Maybe not. But tell that to everybody else. They will just laugh at you and call me white boy.

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Actually I would say the reverse is true: The US us a vassal state to the Zionist empire which resides all over the world.

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Deena. Silly you say.

Go onto Forbes list and look at all the Zionist/Israeli multimillionaires and corporations in the world then tell me I am sillY!!!!!

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I have to agree with Benj, when I see the racist phrase used to describe the enemy it just makes me reject anything else you say. If you want to delegitimize your message from the start then begin with a racist slur.

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notBob, sorry that you thought I was making 'a racist slur'. That wasn't my intention. "White supremacy" is a term used by scholars to denote a set of ideas created by colonisers - past and present - to subjugate other nations.

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This is just not true as it is proven to be the other way around! Netanyahu is the president of the United States. There are 3 full pages of politicians who have taken money from Israel and profit from the policies they make for it. There are numerous "Dual Citizens" of Israel who are actual representatives in government. They are the real people in charge of our government. I have started to notice more and more of their tactics. They sit in each party and play this act of being for the people as a "good guy" vs "the bad guy" they trap people into picking a side all the while causing their enemy (us We The People!) to destroy themselves!

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CarbonCopy, I do agree. The system is rotten to the core. 'We the people' do not have a say.

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I dunno.. Bibi seems to think he's the one wagging the dog.

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It would be more accurate to say that the U.S. is the vassal state. We give Israel everything it wants, and get nothing in return but ingratitude and scorn.

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Senes, Thank you. I see your point. We should question why as you say 'we give Israel everything it wants'.

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Simple. Those who make this policy are bought and paid for by AIPAC. And/or compromised by Mossad.

Trace back when the US policy started getting more and more lenient towards Israel. It coincides with the rise of AIPAC's influence. Epstein and his activities are an example of what was being done to the American ruling elites.

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>>"Is Jewish white?"

To make sense of this question, it’s important to recognize that the concept of race is not a fixed category, but rather a social construct with boundaries that have shifted over time. There is a history to how Jewish identity and perception has changed over time, especially in America.

Legally, Jews have almost always been considered White in the US. Unlike people of African, Asian, Latino and Native origin, most Jewish immigrants were not specifically excluded from US citizenship because of their Jewish identity. But they weren’t immediately accepted into the dominant ruling class either. Instead, their place in mainstream White society was rather ambiguous.

According to Cheryl Greenberg, a professor of history at Trinity College whose research explores Black-Jewish relations - "It's not that Jews aren't White. It's that Jews are White in one sense, and not in another."

According to Eric Goldstein, an associate professor of history at Emory University - "Jewish identity in America is inherently paradoxical and contradictory. What you have is a group that was historically considered, and considered itself, an outsider group, a persecuted minority. In the space of two generations, they've become one of the most successful, integrated groups in American society—by many accounts, part of the establishment. And there's a lot of dissonance between those two positions."

There seems to be roughly two camps: On the extreme right, Jews are seen as impure - a faux-white race that has tainted America. And on the extreme left, Jews are seen as part of a white-majority establishment that seeks to dominate people of color. Taken together, these positions raise an interesting question: Are Jews white?

Here are some interesting articles on the subject (if you are interested in finding out more about the evolution of "Jews as white"):

(1) How Jewish Immigrants from Eastern Europe Were Introduced to Whiteness (https://lithub.com/how-jewish-immigrants-from-eastern-europe-were-introduced-to-whiteness/)

(2) Is the Jew White? The Racial Place of the Southern Jew (https://www.jstor.org/stable/23885563)

(3) Book: "The Price of Whiteness: Jews, Race, and American Identity" by Eric Goldstein

(4) White Jews: An Intersectional Approach (https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/ajs-review/article/white-jews-an-intersectional-approach/B3A8D66A0B6895A61814047FE406A2A6)

(5) Race, ethnicity, heritage and immigration among U.S. Jews (https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2021/05/11/race-ethnicity-heritage-and-immigration-among-u-s-jews/)

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Maybe you should read what was written not what you want it to say. Where is the word Jewish. There seems to be fewer murder porn people these days showing up. In fact some are deleting their history.

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Agreed. The dissemblers are the British. The French are semanticists and hair splitters. The United States? We have two approaches to diplomacy: money, which always ends up in the dictator’s pockets, and; force. Very unpleasant for the people of the country that gets on our bad side.

What can you say about the State Department? It’s hardly a hotbed of competing policy ideas where the best and brightest this country has to offer work overtime to bring a nuanced and multilevel solution to the worlds problems. It’s an adjunct of the Chamber of Commerce and the Rotary, International. It’s a propaganda machine blaring pro-America bullshit and crap non-stop to a world it has battered, abused, used, and kicked to the curb. A soft landing for upper-class bullshit artists, shit smears and PR hacks looking for a security clearance to impress Congressional Pages they want to sleep with.

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Bidenomics in action

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That is totally the reason. Plus, his long-standing fascination and obsession with Golda Meir. I read his dad had a crush on her, and Joe used to listen to him praise her. It stuck. Creepy.

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"his dad had a crush on her" - ideological crush, I guess. Then he'd be fascinated with Ayn Rand as well. To imagine a real crush on those two, well, ummm, ...

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Ha! I know, right? Let's throw Margaret Thatcher in there to make it even creepier. Monsters in pumps.

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Feb 13·edited Feb 13

Oh wow. I have a lot of questions. Ha!

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So weird.

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How can Biden be both Irish and Israeli!

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Easy. Both start in "I".

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Well you can be any color/nationality/religion and a Zionist simultaneously. And that is what he is. A bad ol’ fashioned Zionist.

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Thank you, Doctor! Well will you look at that? Over 5 million in filthy AIPAC money! Who’d have thunk it? Well that investment sure has yielded some fine dividends!

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It’s the democrats that are the neocons. Trump was the only president in recent history to not start a war plus he was part and parcel of the Abraham Accords.

Democrats are the world’s war mongers and the dimwit in the WHouse is starting WWIII

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Trump is a Zionist and just a trap to make everything stay just the same as it always has been. Don't look at the face look at the knife behind the back because that's what you are going to get. He has already made his warmongering statements and him and Netanyahu are good buddies so that should be enough of an indication as to what is to come. The only way out is to destroy the Zionist Nazi HORDE!

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Yeah, remember when Trump went to Israel and came back with a Messiah complex. Suddenly he was “the Chosen One” and “the King of the Jews”? Christ on a bike, people, he was jizzing all over himself because some settlers in a squalid illegal West Bank settlement named a street after him.

For the love of everything you hold dear, don’t let that orange shit stain get his hands on the levers of power again!

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Here’s a fact, Tileman: America has deployed its military to a foreign country every year since WWII where they do what foreign armies always do: kill, rape, murder, terrorize. Donald Trump didn’t start a war? Is that a gold star on this week’s Who’s Naughty and Who’s Nice board at the head of the class room?

I doubt Donald Trump could get the military to follow him into a war if he declared one. But if he’s elected I have no doubt that he’ll engineer an attack on the U.S. in order to seize dictatorial power.

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I don’t support him. I can’t. I won’t.

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Here’s a fact President Trump was the only sitting president in recent history to not start a war.

Also the dimwit in the WH which you support is close to starting WWIII

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Give him a chance - he only had 4 years! And he may not have actually STARTED a war (though the assassination - was it just the one? - could well have started a war) but he did damn all about ending pre-existing wars.

Your second paragraph - absolutely correct, except whether it's actually the slimy dimwit itself or those controlling it is a question up for grabs. By the way, where did 'Little Nell' say she supported Biden? Answer - she didn't, and I strongly suspect that, like me, she doesn't! Unfounded accusations based on zero evidence are what the politicians seem to specialise in.

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The state has certainly done an outstanding job of co opting the left into being war mongers.

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Not Bob. One could hardly call the Dems. left!

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I am just using the term they use to describe themselves.

Truth and reality are irrelevant in the modern political world.

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Neither left or right or up or down has any morals. They'll go with whatever their side's rulers order them.

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Agreed, partisans have a distinct lack of principles, its replaced with dogma.

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I would say that they were never "the left" to begin with. I don't see how you can be both pro-war AND a "leftist" at the same time. Many people love pretending to be "left" when it suits their purposes - either to virtue signal or as a method to claim "acceptance and belonging" to certain social groups.

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If the left is defined as being socialist/communist then the left has been highly warlike in many nations. The collectivist nature of the left is really its most prominent feature, to suggest there is something else that defines a leftist is a bit disingenuous. Perhaps you can explain to me how you can be pro-collectivist and anti-war/anti-violence ?

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You get what you deserve!

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Welcome to theater of the absurd. Genocide Joe and Justin Trudeau shouldn't be in office. Biden is too senile, Trudeau is too stupid. 75% of Canadians want Trudeau's resignation.

Needless to say Biden will distance himself from Netanyahu as the election approaches having forgotten that on Oct. 10th last year he could have shut down the genocide and saved thousands of lives and his country a lot of grief and global condemnation. It is totally insane this dumb old f--ker shows his face in public let alone run for president. Like Hillary Clinton before him he is a certified war criminal.

Our hope now is that both leaders have an encounter with a banana peel or a bar of soap in a slippery bathtub .

Hope springs eternal!

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You left out Netanyahu, but I'll pray there is a banana peel in his way as well.

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What I had in mind for him is best not repeated.

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That being said, I'll back ya.

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Every US president is a certified war criminal, most of them have been charged with war crimes in foreign courts.

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The Zionist entity is broadcasting to us LIVE their 'Final Solution' in Rafah... & they so with Glee & Giddy joy. That Alone is more than enough for any fair minded person (of faith or no faith) to conclude that it is a Demonic 'entity' who is a Pariah that ought not to exist in any manner whatsoever.

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I agree. Bomb Israel into a fucking parking lot and arrest every last Zionist Nazi piece of shit and put them on trial for Genocide!

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Now be a good slave and repeat after me, "War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength."

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“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

― George Orwell

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"He [Biden] and his aides continue to believe his approach of unequivocally supporting Israel is the right one.”

By their actions you will know them. Until Biden actually shuts down all aid to Israel, don't believe anything he or his spokespersons or his puppet masters say. It's a pack of lies so the genocide can continue and the war profits can grow.

Truly evil.

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I just saw a reply that stated that the Palestinians have repeatedly turned down statehood and a two state solution since 1932. Of course they have as they already had a country they had lived in for nearly 1900 years- The Land of Palestine - I have map from circa 1890 Bartholomew of Edinburgh. It was the British and French with the two civil servants Sykes/Picot who established the state of Palestine heavily influenced by the Zionist movement. They also defined the borders and states of Jordan, Syria and Egypt. Before this borders really did not exist they were fluid to allow for competing tensions coupled with nomadic tribal lifestyles. We are still paying the price for World War I and the evil it unleashed.

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If you read the words of Ben-Gurion, Moshe Dayan, Ariel Sharon, Shimon Peres, Yitzhak Rabin, et al, each and every one of them, ALL the leaders of Israel, were bad faith actors. Israeli Zionists never intended to allow the existence of a Palestinian state. They were always very clear that they intended to ethnically cleanse most of the land and take it for Israel. Netanyahu is simply finishing the project as it was always planned. Read "Architects of Repression" or "The Israel Lobby" or any number of books by the Israeli historian Ilan Pappé.

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Circa 1903 the British offered part of British East Africa (Uganda) as a Jewish homeland. Lord Rothschild the leader of the British Jewish community urged acceptance but the Zionists refused and scuppered the offer. I appreciate the the British Empire had no right to do such a thing but once again it shows the intransigence on the part of the Zionist faction.

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Also Christopher Bollyn

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Feb 13·edited Feb 13

It's psychologically remarkable how people who have been caught lying through their teeth - or nation's such as Israel - are still given credibility, over and over again.

Who in their right mind should believe a word coming out of the mouth of Biden or Blinken or Netanyahu these days? How long will it take for people to learn that when someone lies to you - you should no longer trust them. I mean, a 5 year old can tell you this.

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It's remarkable that any Democrat would vote for Biden. Democrats (and I was one for 40 years) are very self-righteous in thinking they alone are committed to justice and human rights but will vote for the man responsible for arming a genocide because "Trump is worse" and "Trump will destroy our democracy" and "Trump, Trump, Trump." (And I have no intention of voting for Trump. I'm pointing out the deep hypocrisy and self-delusion.) Israel and the U.S. cannot in the long run survive what they are currently doing. Both are pariah states in the global community.

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Gotta be the chemicals in the water! It truly is the highest form of propaganda ever done that people will defend their enemy to the death!

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In my circle that listens to NPR, the propaganda is deep...they are extremely uninformed.

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Since I've been blocked from "liking" this comment, perhaps I can reply to it? Blocking is for idiots.

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The reason why the Palestinians turned down statehood is because their water supply/electricity would still be owned b mighty Israel.

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Even if it was true that he had actually mumbled these words.... in secret, mind you, this would only prove that he is a spinless coward.

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In addition to being Evil of course.

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Biden's been an aggressive talker since he entered the public eye five decades ago.

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Agree, but he only does it when he thinks it's going to serve his political/financial interest, like he did with Scott Ritter on the Iraq WMD subject, otherwise he only mumbles his "disappointment" incoherently to his dead plant or cat or something.

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Red lines. In words only. Bibi doesn't stop at rhetorical red lines. No real red lines because in reality AIPAC determines US foreign policy, and all those whore "legislators" in congress are not about to cut off the manna. As long as Zionist big money pressure groups operate in this society, the wimps in DC are hopelessly engaged on their current path of genocide disguised as criminal fecklessness.

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But Biden and the Neocons are now openly justifying the war "manna" as really investments in domestic US economy and jobs!

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Howdy Caitlin,

My wife and I went to the U2 show at the Sphere Saturday night. During the show Bono praised Nancy Pelosi. He wore a Star of David armband. So he praises those funding the murder of innocent men, women, and children. He appears to be in solidarity with the Israeli government.

Bono hasn’t spoken a word for Palestinians aside from a show on 10.19 where he compared Bloody Sunday to 10.7, which upset some of his fellow countrymen.


Maybe because, he’s doing business with those who fund the IDF?


All these years I thought Bono was fighting the good fight. Like so many, I was brainwashed. But I’m waking up, thanks to people like you.

Bono is full of bleep. I wish more knew what a phony he is.

Free Palestine!

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SO sad to hear this and he should know better being Irish!

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Perhaps Biden thinks it's "just another school shooting" - thought and prayers will be enough. Looks like Congress is as scared of the Israel lobby as they are of the NRA and of course they also do the bidding of the fossil fuel corporations.....'Of the people, By the people, For the people'? Yeah right.

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Piling on the NRA "like all the cool kids do."

Can you stop being a leftist for a minute?

Did we not just spend $100BN arming Ukraine?

Are we not on the cusp of WWIII?

Are you so accustomed to your privileged existence in our reasonably civilized nation that you think the conflagrations will not reach our shores?

You better HOPE your neighbor has some weaponry.

Biden would LOVE to disarm Americans. Don't you dare play into his hands.

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Benj, I'm not sure why you think arming Ukraine ( and Israel ) is any defence of Amerika but I don't live there. I live in Australia, so at least WE don't have to worry about heavily armed bands of extremist fanatics going on a killing rampage. But considering that the conflagration of which you speak could very easily become a nuclear conflagration, it probably would reach our fair shores.

You might remember a movie called 'On The Beach' from a novel by Neville Shute.

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By and large, pundits in the legacy and social media would have us believe that for some hitherto unspoken, or inexplicable reason, Netanyahu has the entire Biden administration by the short curlies. But they’re wrong. The pundits have it arse over tip, or upside down.

In my view, Biden, or those actually calling the shots, are feigning America’s impotence in the face of Netanyahu’s murderous recalcitrance, and are doing so for two reasons. First, since the Middle East is a critical geographical gateway to Central Asia — wherein lies the heartland of Eurasia, and Eurasia, according to Mackinder, is where global power would ultimately repose — the Middle East’s importance to the US has assumed an existential character. Simply put, if Israel can by hook or by crook, maintain order in the Middle East and keep it in America’s camp, it can then prevent the political, economic and military unification of one contiguous, united Eurasian landmass, thus leaving America’s global hegemony intact.

Second, by virtue of its geographical location, the Middle East could potentially retard, or contain the development of China’s BRI, itself an attempt to further the unification of Eurasia. Israel would then be America’s disruptor-chief. It’s existential saviour.

Which brings me to one last point. By definition, Eurasia would obviously include Europe, which explains why all of Europe has to be brought to heel by the US, why it has to surrender its autonomy, indeed its sovereignty to America. A process which began after WWII and gathered momentum with the Ukraine war.

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Yes the US would rather destroy the EU than have it join or trade with BRICS.

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Good points - explains why the US has deindustrialized and destroyed the German economy, via many things, such as precipitating the Ukraine war, forcing huge increases in military spending, and blowing up the Nordstream pipeline, thereby severing Russian economic integration and causing massive energy cost increases to German economy.

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Feb 13·edited Feb 13

Currently Germany is in the middle on an unfolding public revolt to this.

In no small irony all the revolters are labelled by the German govt as “antisemitic” or “right wing fascist”. Meanwhile…the revolt is sparked by the German govt subsidies to actual anti semitic Nazis of Ukraine.

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Please do not forget the Nordsteam gas sabotaged by the US!

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The farmers are also annoyed with letting in of cheap grain from Ukraine, in solidarity with the war effort, which is undercutting them.

Important to remember that the farmers are not homogenous. 80% of EU subsidies go to 20% of the farmers, mainly the bigger industrial ones. So campaigning to drop regulations on pesticide use, poisoning of the water table and emissions is actually favouring agro industry who are the ones who should be paying for the damage they cause not being subsidised by the tax payer to do so.

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If the Middle East is so critical to The Amerikan hegemon, then setting the whole of the ME on fire doesn't seem to be in Amerikas' best interest, and carrying out a genocide in Palestine looks like a good way to do that.

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Dunno where you’ve been Rip Van Winkle, but it’s been already 20 years of setting the Middle East on fire:


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disagree - war and social chaos have long been tools of empire.

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Interesting hypothesis David Ginsburg - worth pursuing further. Thank you!

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Hiya, Australia may not have a problem with guns, but it is being heavily armed in so called 'defence of Amerika': with the $370 billion AUKUS project. Thus making your fair shores a fair target when the US stirs up the next proxy war (soon) against China, not so far away, over Taiwan, who is also being heavily armed.

For Trump, who is trying to get Russia on his side via Carlson (some hope!), China is the big enemy, and economic sanctions (which will isolate and hurt the US more than BRICS) oft lead to war.


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Indeed, it was actually Caitlin who described Australia as a US military base with kangaroos. Mind you, we're told it's for the defence of Australia, but nobody's explained why we need to defend ourselves against our own largest trading partner.

Apparently us plebs don't need to worry about that, our Govt's here to help us.

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Yes, perfect, a US military base with roos! Love it.

I'm thinking of a pithy one for the UK. Not really a military base, more like a grinning nodding dog handing out our money to arm neo-Nazis in Ukraine and Israel.

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Whose missiles were those ones at Greenham Common? I always thought they were imports.

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Trump stated he will immediately impose a 30% increase on import tax from China! Who do you think this will hurt? It will hurt We The People because 90% of fucking everything now comes from China! This is more chest beating for the mindless masses that can't count past 1 + 1.

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You have not been paying attention to the Chinese economy apparently, massive crash happening inside China. So many different forms of collapse all happening simultaneously, banks, real estate, employment, manufacturing are all experiencing seismic shocks that have resulted in a collapsing society. Trump may be incorrect but not because it will hurt US consumers but more because there will be insufficient volume to matter.

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This is really irrelevant since I really don't care what is going on in China. I am concerned with the control of most of the world by Zionist Nazis. Trump is a Zionist and that is a very bad thing! Criminal actually. This filth has embedded themselves into the government of many countries. Zionist run the energy across the country, the water, the healthcare, utilities etc. Watch "Unlimited Hangouts" with Whitney and see the truth of this.

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I have NO idea what you are reading or if you know anything about China.........yes they are having difficulties but if you know Chinese History you will know that absolutely NOTHING (apart from Nuclear) can break the backs of the Chinese.

Wonderful country with polite people and a work ethic which is very strong.

While the West plays games the Chinese wait!

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"Threads' is even more powerful. We are, at the moment, somewhere around the end of the first part of that movie.

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That's a perspective and a scenario I had not considered. Thanks.

Blowback will come, no doubt. But I doubt that domestic armed citizens with AR 15's will be able to do anything about it, a least in the US.

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Feb 13·edited Feb 13

Disarming Americans needs to begin with our domestic police forces. Police officers are responsible for the majority of shooting deaths in this country and they commit these routine murders with guaranteed impunity. When they're not executing citizens with guns, they use automobiles via high speed car chase, their 2nd weapon of choice.

I have no delusions of an ability to challenge the government with a handgun or deer rifle (or even with an AR15) but lets put the blame for domestic shootings where it belongs.

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You really need to look at the data on gun related deaths - Cop killings are way out of control, but suicides by gun far exceed cop killings.

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Suicide is an unrelated issue. There are many among us who regard the right to discontinue living on one's own terms to be a basic tenant of personal autonomy.

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Well said Marci Sudlow!

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The notion of armed citizenry protecting itself from the government is ridiculous, of course. But when calamity comes and society breaks down it's much better to be able to protect oneself, even if for a while, with something other than reasoning against bands of thugs ruffling the neighborhoods.

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"whereas the Bidens and the Obamas have to make it look pretty." - thank God shitlibs are so much more sophisticated. They so appreciate that the paragraph 15 is in effect while paragraphs 1 through 14 give them ammunition to fight off evil trumpers.

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Tadhg is one of the best comedians around!

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First meaningful comment from you. Do you support giving Ireland back to the Irish? Or you think Tadhg couldn't care less?

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I also support Scottish independence and Welsh independence! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🇮🇪

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Awesome! How about stopping demonizing the Loch Ness monster and let it peacefully coexist with the magical flora and fauna of Scotland?

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I fully support a United Ireland, yes!

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Thoughtful commentary from me....NOT. Too full of rage, despair, red hot anger....ad hominem attack it is. F**k Israel. F**k Nuttyyahoo. F**k Genocide Joe. The status quo is...INSANE. DEPRAVED. How the f**k do the bloodlusters live with themselves? How can they conceivably rationalize genocide? I wish....Israel would dissappear....shut the f**k up and GO AWAY..."The horror! The horror!"

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Feb 13·edited Feb 13

2 perspectives

1) Biden administration is pure lying shithead.

2) Biden and Americans are being cuckolded by Biden's Israeli handlers, forcing us to watch as they fcuk our country's virtue, deaf to our cries of "no".

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Ahh! You think that countries (nation states) have "virtue"? How quaint! Marvel Comics or Avengers fan, or both?

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Feb 13·edited Feb 13

A country can have and should strive to have virtue. Yes. Absolutely. It is imperative and integral to a just and peaceful and enlightened society.

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And, surprisingly, in the Guardian: “This strange inability to respond appropriately to Israeli aggression is about more than Gaza. Events there have exposed the flaws in an entire model of politics and the assumptions that underpin it. If liberalism cannot offer a moral and stabilising form of governance, then what is it for? In the midst of such a historically bloody and disruptive conflict, if liberalism shows no ability or desire to protect civilian life, regional security and its own electoral prospects, then its mission-defining claims of principle and competence collapse”. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/feb/12/israel-gaza-liberal-politicians-starmer-biden

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Lubica, Guardian as always trying to put 'lipstick on a pig'.

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Hence my add on - surprisingly/strangely, because I doubt that they even have a lipstick in their arsenal. But sometimes……like this article….😎

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“Liberalism” has never been anything other than the genteel face of capitalist exploitation. Which is a brutal regime which brought us joys such as colonialism and mass slavery. And now wars for profit.

No sugar it was on behalf of exploitation not the general well being.

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As a long-time reader of the Guardian it is now a MSM newspaper.

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Yes, sadly!

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be careful what you ask for, because it sure looks like the replacement of the current faux "liberal" regime is Fascism.

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Feb 13·edited Feb 13

The current regime IS facscism. It’s the state working for the rich only, persecuting the weak on behalf of chosen peoples and profiting from war. That’s fascism.

If you were fooled by wars BETWEEN fascists, such as Jim Crow war-for-profit-America vs Nazi Germany, that’s probably where you got confused.

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What could be worse than Biden enabling atrocities all over the world and bringing the world to the cusp of the WWIII? What?


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As a longtime liberal/progressive I've watched the Democratic party slither down the status quo rabbit hole. It's maddening. The pandering to people who buy into the words that don't match actions shows how way too many are gullible. You either stand for human rights or you are in the “it depends on who it is” category. It doesn't work that way. It pisses me off so many liberals have “exceptions”.

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Liberals are people too.

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Everybody has exceptions, except, you imply, you, "a longtime liberal/progressive". It always "depends on whose ox is being gored". If it's mine, then I'm enraged. If it's yours, then it's your problem, not mine, especially if you're not a near & dear neighbor or a member of my group or tribe. We all have our preferences & only a little time to volunteer for strangers, especially distant strangers. Empathy & outrage fatigue take their toll. Then comes inevitable burnout & the recognition that "this is the way life is, has always been, & will always be" because it's not always about me. Life's a bitch & then one dies for eternity, even the virtuous among us.

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