You have no decency if you vote for Harris or Trump.

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You can vote for Jill Stein who is on all ballots, I understand. She's the candidate who calls a genocide a genocide and will stop the US involvement in genocide and other wars, plus the other necessary things that should be in all societies. When people say, "Third parties never win," I have an urge to slap them. Everyone in the US knows Stein is the best person running. For god's sake, vote for her. Second best US RFK, Jr. who, like Stein, wants to clean up the mess the corporations have caused in the world, stop wars, and root out corruption. NO ONE HAS TO VOTE FOR HARRIS OR TRUMP. They are both stupid and immoral. The two other candidates, not allowed to debate in this "democracy," are intelligent and compassionate.

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Dr. Stein has earned my vote again.

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Mine too, Dr. John… for the third time. Hope it’s a charm!

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I’m glad you brought up. Jill Stein, I have voted for her in the past and am unable to vote for Harris or Trump as per Kaitlyn’s message here. I would’ve been all for RFK for the reasons you gave except that his support for Israel is incomprehensibly unethical to me.

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“Second best US RFK, Jr. who, like Stein, wants to clean up the mess the corporations have caused in the world, stop wars, and root out corruption”

That’s what I thought until he started spewing the BS Zionist propaganda. His recitation of the the transparent Zionist lies makes me wonder about his motives (maybe it’s just strategic because he knows an anti-Zionist platform would get sunk fast, but he’s going so over the top with it as a wink to supporters that he doesn’t really believe it?) because I know he’s not stupid enough to actually believe it. His support of Trump now also makes me seriously question his integrity. My only hope is that he knows more about Trump than I do, and if Trump wins, Trump is the person that RFK jr and Tulsi think he is instead of the person I think he is.

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Blackmail. Has to be.

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Dan. RFK abandoned by his family Why?

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he is a fraud and his family are frauds too, same as it ever was.

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The most likely reason is that he has just recently endorsed Drumpf.

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I’m not sure if this is rhetorical or an actual question, but I’ll assume the latter. I don’t know why his family ditched him. The most obvious reasons are that either his family is such an integrated part of the establishment that they want to distance themselves from him and subvert his attempts to take on the establishment, or that they actually think he’s unhinged. Given that he seems to be fighting against the establishment lies on so many issues that I agree with, I tend to think this is more political theater than genuine disagreement but I haven’t read enough about this to have an very educated opinion.

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>>"they actually think he’s unhinged"

I've got news for you. He 'IS' ACTUALLY unhinged. There's no mystery there.

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I believe, from having heard RFK, Jr talk on several different platforms (Tucker Carlson, Russell Brand, and others which aren't coming to mind in the moment) that his stance on many issues changed over the years as part of his recovery from heroin addiction which apparently has involved daily attendance at 12-step type meetings and an understanding of the importance of the love of God (my understanding of what he said).

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Apparently, his God approves of genocide, because RFK is an over the top Zionist.

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I would argue that Claudia & Karina are even better than Stein, but it doesn't matter: any vote for any 3rd party is going to have enough votes siphoned off to boost the Duopolist which TPTB have decided upon, so that no 3rd Party wins. This is what the computers ARE FOR. This is why the software that operates them is, by law, protected from scrutiny from the small segment of the population which knows how to read computer code. As this has been going on since 2000, inclusive, this is the reason our "democracy" has gone steadily down the toilet since then. If you vote for ANYONE, the rigging of the election will ensure that the warmongering 1% wins. Just the ugly facts. https://www.thepolemicist.net/2016/09/strike-vote.html

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I think before we can think about winning anything, it’s important to have a society that understands its history. The proverbial toilet was flushed long before 2000.

Recently Scott Ritter’s home was raided by the FBI, for the offense of telling the truth about the proxy war in Ukraine. Ritter has been targeted by his government for being an advocate for peace.

If we go back 61 years, the sitting U.S. president was besieged by political insiders who told him to bomb Cuba, and he refused. They told him to stand up to Russia, and leave ballistic missiles in Turkey, and he ignored them in order to make a trade with Russia. He expressed a determination to break up the CIA, and he gave a speech to persuade Americans to recognize that the fragility of life in the nuclear age should bring us all closer together. In line with his words, he resisted his Generals who wanted to order thousands of conscripts to Vietnam. He was a voice for peace in 1963, and he was assassinated.**

For the half century following JFK’s murder, Americans were told not to look for answers they could never get, and the generation that had lived through the Great Depression, and saw their nation rise to a position of global strength following WWII, stopped being citizens and began enjoying their middle class comforts. I mark this as the toilet flushing.

** Most of the info about JFK came from Oliver Stone’s JFK Revisited: Through The Looking Glass. (2021)

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JFK was a warmonger among warmongers. he didn't have to resist his generals, he wanted them to do what he wanted and they did. he ran to to right of Nixon on lies about a missile gap. he hated the left like his brother, and supported the security state in sniffing out dissent and prosecuting and persecuting people who disagreed with the US government. his biggest concern was with his reputation as a warmonger who "stood up to the Soviet Union and made Kruschev back down", so he didn't reveal that the Russians withdrew their missiles in exchange for the US withdrawing its missiles from Turkey.

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Your take isn’t totally unpopular, but it is at odds with Stone’s account. Stone speculated that JFK tried to walk a razor’s edge between a CIA that answered to nobody, and drooling generals in the Pentagon who didn’t have a true sense of the finality of a nuclear war. I don’t see his support for nuclear parity as evidence that he was a warmonger. The day after LBJ took office, a couple hundred thousand troops were dispatched to Vietnam, and that may be a reason why Kennedy was killed. If, as you believe, that he didn’t represent a less confrontational position, why do you believe he was killed?

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You’re exactly correct. JFK had a good sense for the horrors of war because he witnessed them firsthand. He also had a combination of the intellect and the luxury of some time to be able to formulate a vision based as to what was best for humanity. It’s abundantly apparent that most of today’s polititians don’t have anything close to this type of vision. And this is in large part why we’re headed for big trouble.

I’m a firm believer that, as Isaac Asimov said, we can write our own history. It’s just a matter as to whether we have the wisdom and will to write that history so that its outcome is good for everyone.

In my opinion having good leadership is the best and most efficient way in order to try to achieve these types of goals.

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Try "Rethinking Camelot" by Chomsky. Just the intro will blow your mind in the worst way.

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Unfortunately, you are probably right...but at least your conscience can win,

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Vote Socialist in 2024 Vote Claudia Delacruz for President 2024

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>>"Second best US RFK, Jr"

You mean the "genocide supporting Zionist" that is bought out by AIPAC and Israel? That faker? He's pulled one over you too?

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I could never vote for RFK because of his ENTHUSIASTIC support of Israel. Jim Webb Jr worked for him for a time and quit saying RFK is a dilettante.

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RFK Jr. dropped out to help Trump in swing states. He may have buyer's remorse at this point. As far as I'm concerned, he's out. Also, he's pro genocide so it's a no for me.

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Are you kidding? Have you read through all that she stands for?

Reads like a Dem/Socialist ticket! Go to www.jillstein2024.com/platform to see for yourself.

No way that I will vote for her either.

If the people continue to participate in TPTB's system of voting, we simply condone what they are doing and things will never change.

Do I have the answers? No I don't but for me, I will not comply with them on this any longer!

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So, you don't want universal health care? Just keep your expensive private health insurance then. Rich people have so many lame excuses to vote for genocide-enabling candidates it seems!!

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Jill Stein is funded by the same dark money as the GOP billionaires who have enabled the MAGA Christian-fascists

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RFK has been extolled by none other than the ultra-odious Rabbi Schmuley for his defense of Israel, and is a more rabid Zionist than either Trump or Harris. Do your homework!

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Vote Socialist in 2024 Vote Claudia Delacruz for President 2024

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My solution was to vote informally but this is of course a better way

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Thank you Rob Roy! I couldn't agree more.

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How does it feel all the way up on that high horse?

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view's great. breeze is nice. better than standing at the back end in a pile of horseshit, which is where most political arguments take place.

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Replies to “if you vote for Harris or trump you have no decency” and thinks he’s not in a political argument

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is there a reason you're writing in the third person like that?

is it some kind of reflexive attempt to distance yourself from a potential conflict? or just a vestigial attempt at humor that's been carbon-copied into your lexicon after years of memetic brain damage?

fascinating, in any case.

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Everyone who disagrees with me is brain damaged

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maybe you're right.

then again—if you never have any original opinions, how can anyone actually be disagreeing with you?

get some air, kid.

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If Obama were running in 2024 his most apt slogan would be:

Yes, we can Genocide!

Slogans hold a fascinating power in politics.

"Drain the swamp",

is a slogan we have all encountered a million times

in the current political battle.

But where does the Donald Trump slogan come from?

"In 1928, the Washington Post declared “Foggy Bottom” an extinct nomenclature.

Over eighty years later, one of D.C.’s oldest neighborhoods is firmly branded

with the curious nickname, which was spawned

from smoke and fog that hovered over the industries once housed on the area’s

low, swampy land."

"Back when malaria was a problem in the US and Europe,

<B>draining swamps</B> was an effective way to kill the mosquitoes that bred there and spread the disease."

"Malaria comes from the Italian for, literally, "bad air".

The disease, now known to be mosquito-borne, once was thought to be caused by foul air in marshy districts."

The Hot Air, the foul Hot Air, coming from the politicians of Washington is responsible for, perhaps,

as many deaths world wide as Malaria ever was.

The Swamp and foul air are historically connected, connected to both Foggy Bottom Washington and the

draining of swamps of Malaria.

On the other side of the aisle from Donald Trump we have Kamala Harris and her

feminist-connecting slogan,

"I'm speaking".

"Don't trouble me with Genocide, I'm speaking."

She sides with those that defy Trump to, "go ahead, just try and drain The Swamp!"

Groups of minds and the sway that slogans have on them is an absorbing subject;

heck, the mind itself is an absorbing subject.

"Synchronicity: Carl Jung (Jung, 1973) stimulated imagination about meaningful

coincidences with his ideas about synchronicity as an acausal connecting principle.

Acausal connections involve mechanisms different from cause leading to effect.

Jung placed special emphasis on the role of archetypes in creating meaningful coincidences.

He was influenced by the burgeoning field of quantum mechanics through Nobel Prize winner

Wolfgang Pauli, as well as ancient Chinese philosophy and the theory of seriality

as proposed by Viennese biologist Paul Kammerer (Townley and Schmidt, 1994).

Jung invented this term, which means "falling together in time," to explain meaningful coincidences."

What meaningful coincidence, and perhaps a slogan, do we find in Swamp Creature "Kamala Harris"?

The prepared mind is open to the words found in her name.

Rearrange the letters and Kamala Harris is

Malaria Shark.

The sick foul hot air of Washington and The Swamp is a magnet for, and breeds, natural sharks.

Synchronicity slogans for Kamala:

I'm speaking.

Just try and drain the swamp.

- Kamala "Swamp Shark" Harris

This swamp creature bites!

- Kamala "Swamp Shark" Harris

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Yes, oh superior one

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Any Americans on here, please vote third party to attempt to stop the insanity.

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Yes, they're both Israel first, "bomb baby bomb those Palestinians that we falsely name Hamas."

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"Johns Hopkins genetic study shows 97,5% of Judaics living in Israel have have absolutely no ancient Hebrew DNA, are therefore not Semites, and have no ancient blood ties to the land of Palestine at all. Whereas 80% of Palestinians carry ancient Hebrew DNA and thus are the real Semites."

— Henry Makow - https://henrymakow.com/2024/09/sept-6---the-jewish-grift-is-u.html

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I'll put it this way, God knows who His chosen people really are and they're are NOT Israelis.

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Who are they?

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Turns out, it's the Jews.


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There is no god. It's the 21st century and that infantile myth needs to die. Religion is a blight on our species.

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Organized religion is indeed a blight on our specious. Organized religions are mostly control systems created by powerful men (not God) to syphon the resources of the weak to the strong, often by killing them wholesale. The myth is that these hucksters know anything about God.

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I truly pity you, I will pray for you.

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Well, that's less than useless🤣

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you speak for God?

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Viewer: "Edom/Amalek/Esau equals the West"

Sean Young: "No it doesn't. Actually Edom's actually the Canaanites, it's actually the people that call themselves Jews."— https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmYEF33CAyM


The West is often described as the descendants of the biblical Amalek, Esau or Edom, although if anything the West is of the biblical Jacob/Israel and the Israelites, who have absolutely nothing to do with today's Israelis.Amalek, Esau, Edom correlates with the color red, and so you end up with the socialists, communists and those who must not be named.

The West, ruled by pathetic, cowardly, stupid, corrupt, criminal political clowns, is to be drawn into the wars of the eternal victim, the small, helpless, innocent, unjustly hated Israel, is to fight for Israel and destroy itself in the process.

Anyone watch and download the videos of the following channel:

SonsofYHVH - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/sonsofyhvh/

If you are German, do the same with:

YHVH Deutschland - https://www.youtube.com/@yhvhdeutschland9445/videos

Die 13 Stämme Israels - Einleitung - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDLfRYfdep8

Die Stämme Israels - Abschlußkommentar - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFtiZEgYaWQ

See also:

Perez Juda - http://perezjuda.bplaced.net/

The Re-Formation of Israel - http://perezjuda.bplaced.net/include/pixs/Re-formation-of-Israel_lowres-scaled2s.jpg

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Babylonian mystery religion secret societies ensure there is no serious candidate at even the congressional level that is not a member on a ballot that's not subservient to territorial spirits and the nephilimic remnant's demons.

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Did you see Bad Empanada's latest video? Apparently they're closer to Italians than any of their neighbours.


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You can fuck off if you vote for either of them.

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So Vote Stein.

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Jill Stein and Claudia De La Cruz are the only real options

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In my opinion Stein has the better line - as a marxist of about 55 years I might be expected to lean more towards the party of Socialism and Revolution - but, in fact I think Stein has the better positions - the most significant phenomina in our time are the 911 Inside Job - and now the Covid fraud and psyop. Unfortunately, NONE of the Left parties have ANYTHING meaningful to say about these things - it's odd, but a reality.

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Probably because they are unconvincing conspiracy theories.

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I get that a lot. "Unconvincing" - well, what have you read on it ?? A couple of David Griffin's ten books perhaps ? Barrie Zwicker, "Towers of Deception" ? Tarpley - "Synthetic Terror" ? Checked the Lawyers Committee, or the Architects and Engineers ?? Von Bulow perhaps. Checked the thousand or so highly placed people at "Patriots Question 911" ?? Pilots for 911 Truth", perhaps. The Firefighters testimonies ?? Well, since I can assume "none of the above" - "unconvincing" is rather a JOKE.

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It can happen suddenly - Stein shoots her foot off - "Putin is a War Criminal" - ooops - get some new staff, buck up and make a SELF CRITICISM with sencerity - might get the train back on the RAILS !!!

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I am done with the notion of voting for the lesser of two evils. Evil is still evil and I want no part of it.

Both of them are horrible and part of the global cabal that seeks to destroy the world as we know it so they can rule over it all.

Thank you Rob Roy for putting Jill Stein's name out there. I may cast a vote for her.

RFKjr is a snake and will NOT get my vote either. He fully supports the genocide in Gaza and further warmongering.

I am pretty much done with voting on a federal level. Local is the only place I can really be affective for anything so that's where I am focusing my efforts.

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I still encourage you to vote for Stein on the Federal level, even if you don't think she has a chance or even if you don't agree with everything the Green Party stands for. Unless we can get a serious vote count for a Third Party - and in this election the Greens have the best chance - we will never get a foothold. If a Third party has a good showing in November, it will encourage other breakaway parties to form. We have to break the duopoly/uniparty.

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What is the difference in presenting candidates for locals? Candidates with real chance to win, that is? Are you familiar with the procedures, have you taken part?

If you haven't and don't know the answer, then here it is - it's absolutely the same, only on a smaller scale. And when an unexpected candidate shows promise then all of a sudden "lost" ballots start pouring in.

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Perhaps but where I actually live, I can make a difference. Small town USA still has a chance to survive big politics. We all know each other or can find someone who does!

I have zero hope for things on a federal level, the system is too evil and corrupt to be saved. Local is where a difference can still be made and hope remains :-)

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Dawn. Small Town USA:

Are these the people who know History?

Are these the people who had good education?

Are these the people who knew where Ukraine is on the map/Afghanistan?

I don't think so.

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Nice-so you are saying small town people are stupid?

Bet we will outlast a whole bunch of others including but not limited to city slickers, Dems and those on the gov't teat ;)

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Dawn. I lived in the USA for 23yrs.

NOT many people who I knew outside of the Canyon knew anything.

My daughter was educated in the LA School District she learned nothing but Abraham Lincoln/Washington.

NO European History and certainly no geography.

Americans who come here mostly don't know shit. Can't even read a map.

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I'm happy for ya! No need to generalize though.

LA school district is a huge school system and in a very blue state. Can't compare apples to oranges and then generalize it!

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Jenny, you're in France as absolutely everyone knows by now. Can you read a map of Mar-a-lago and vicinity?

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"We all know each other or can find someone who does!" - in that case yes. Any relatively big city or county - forget it. The voters are sent pamphlets which some of them might check (as if that's even sufficient), and that's the extent of the info they proceed to vote on.

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The only way not to lose a rigged game is not to play. When the ruling classes exempt themselves from the 'Laws' they expect us to live by, there is tyranny. The political, financial and military complexes have become one interwoven system of corporate fascism based on lies and deceit. It is more vulnerable than people think, as it requires our continued co-operation for it to maintain its illusion of legitimacy.

When we choose to stop playing the game we dissolve the facade of presumed authority over us.

To destroy a lie, live the truth.

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Three card monte.

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No matter if either Democrats win or Republicans, they are both war-mongers and big government surveillance police State cheerleaders

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Any mention of Trump and the conversation immediately veers off into the weeds. I think that is by design. But not the point here. Caitlin is too kind. Instead of gross, people should feel like accessories to child mutilation and murder they are. Although she rightly questions the humanity of such support.

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"Instead of gross, people should feel like accessories to child mutilation and murder they are."

Zackly. They need to own it.

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Wear stickers that say, "I voted for a monster!"

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After RFK endorsement, I had a faint hope that maybe Trump would take on a stronger stance on wars and diplomacy (avoiding WW3), food/pharma/gov conflicts of interest and the devastating effect on our health of these corrupt industries, the absolute protection of free speech even if we hate the speech, the protection of our environment, and at least some ability to negotiate an end to the genocide. But, Trumps debate performance absolutely shattered this illusion for me. Literally nothing he said met with my values and priorities. So, I’m casting my protest vote for Stein/Ware with the hope that somehow this enhances a movement toward dealing with real issues. There’s a lot of positions I don’t agree with, but at least I can live with myself. I literally feel sick with grief when I see all the signs for Harris and Trump (some are close friends). I suspect some Germans felt this way during the holocaust. It’s a lonely place.

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I feel the same - the both parties are like a religious cult. TDS has clouded otherwise normal people judgement, they would throw their support to Devil himself as long as it's "not Trump", so Caitlin's article rings the truth. Americans who only read MSM have a really sqewed view of what's going on in the world, so it's easy for the establishment to manipulate the narrative.

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Yesterday, I spoke with two acquaintances who are relatively well versed in politics. When I mentioned Jill Stein as a viable and possibly desirable candidate also running for president of the U.S., they didn't know who she was. Was I surprised, .... not really... ... Such is the power of mainstream media. .

I Stein the savior of the planet,... probably not... but if the policies she endorses are put into practice, and the voting public realizes she is on the ballot, in states where democrats haven't been able to completely wipe her off the political map, and if the empire fails to silence her voice in all ways, she could be a forceful change on the American landscape... and on international scenes. She could be a force to reckon with, and then some... providing that is still possible, ... .

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I don't need Stein to be a savior: the fact that she is a decent human being who will put Americans first, has ethics and morals is plenty enough for me.

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Do you know who Chase Oliver is ?

He will be on 47 ballots

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"Do you know who Chase Oliver is ?"... Never heard of him/her ?? .... More or less the point I'm trying to make..

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At a minimum I expected mention of extreme dislike

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But only STein gets credit for it

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Stein, Harris, Trump, none is a force to be reckoned with. It is their political support that is the force.

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"Stein, Harris, Trump, none is a force to be reckoned with. It is their political support that is the force."

I think I somewhat disagree. Anyone with a good idea can be a force to be reckoned with, no matter the political supports. For instance, the idea that we are as much ape-like than God-like, as Darwin proposed in his theories of evolution, proved more powerful than any of the forces that opposed it. Today half of humanity more or less agree with Darwin's analysis of our origins..... i.e., the political forces of the day are long gone, not so the idea.

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Why support or vote for candidates that love Genocide? Protect your conscience and choose a third-party alternative. Harris deserves defeat as accountability for backing and enabling a Genocide.

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"I held my nose as I voted for X" is one of those pathetic rationalizations cultists trot out.

It does not matter why you vote the way you do. Your vote counts just the same.

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Thank you Caitlin. Couldn't agree with you more!

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I agree. But then, isn't this what has been taking place for decades, in fact centuries - those who could vote after 1776 - the upper deck men, voted to decide which man would run a Nation comprised of the Eastern Colonies, now given the name States, where it was legal to own other humans as property - only they treated their land much better and cared about this land like their lives and fortunes depended on it, as indeed it did. All humans who were poor, or held as indentured Servants or Slaves were used and abused, and tortured.

If you were Indigenous Peoples, you were scalped, starved or murdered, with Weapons, if diseases brought from Europe didn't get you first.The U.S. was born and fed on the suffering, blood and Genocide of Many Millions, and the extreme suffering of Millions more, by any means necessary. This process has never ended. It was simply expanded to eventually include most of the World - the Imperialism of the U.S. I do not think there has been a single moment, when those who could vote, were not faced with voting for Mass Murderers, unless one voted for someone who could not win - such as Eugene Debs. I am going to vote my conscience, knowing it will do know good, but not affect the outcome. However, Project 25 will make things a lot worse for millions of us and it was already horrendous for Millions and Millions, trapped in a murderous vampire Nation built on greed and deceit, and over the bodies of millions and millions and millions ad infinitum while some still have homes, food, healthcare and jobs - for now, in the grip of the Octupus, waiting to feed on us. Meanwhile, they feed us entertainment and enough benefits for some to thrive. Does one cling to the raft or go down with all who have no choice. Will it help the Palestinians or the people of Europe, Russia, Africa and South America, the Middle East or Asia? We cannot help save the World or ourselves from this system, unless we can grab the steering wheel. They have us in a stranglehold. We need to join together with People around the World and grab the steering wheel.

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We have the same problem with cockroachs; does anyone ever ask; is this a morally good cockroach, or bad? Of course not, we just kill them all and we're done with. Later on this month you'll notice that we'll have three instead of the usual one moon in our night sky; just a couple of worthless whatevers, as we usually say.

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The Pope is coaching Americans to vote for the lesser of the two evils. He goes on to criticize the “gentleman” and the “lady” for being anti-immigrant and pro-abortion (respectively).

YET, NOWHERE is there any criticism of Genocide Joe, his Catholic disciple.

Revolting. Hollow. Sick.


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Study the history of The Vatican (i.e. The Pope) and it will all make sense. As a teaser, The Vatican endorsed the capture and transport of Africans to western lands for slavery.

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I have known Historians who have been 'underground' in the Vatican.

Many of the Popes LOVED the idea of homosexuality/gross images of prostitution etc.

IF the Catholic Church opened up their archives............YOU all would fall flat on your faces!

How big is the Vatican City? It is the size of little England.

What do you think they have in their massive vaults?

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Jenny, you’re correct. The history of Popes is indeed quite sordid. As it’s sometimes said, “organized religion is like organized crime.”

But I digress … it’s important to call out everyone in power who has been silent in the face of the ongoing genocide. It’s a who’s who of a rogues gallery.

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The best thing Pope Francis could ever do is to go to Gaza, or now, to the West Bank. Make his stand in Bethlehem. He has an opportunity that is unequalled, to say "no" to genocide. Not in our name, not on our watch.

Please sign the petition and share widely.


And here’s a petition to excommunicate Joe Biden: https://www.change.org/p/excommunicate-president-joe-biden-bf979783-ac08-4576-a53f-c786ea23dc9c

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