Biden, Trump or another Kennedy? There ARE other contenders but, no one gives them air-time. Jill Stein for example.

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I’m worried Jill would just be another totalitarian of a different flavor. I’d rather we not have a president I guess. I choose none of the above

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Why not Jill? Be specific please.

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But in that case you would have a totalitarian whose baseline position is that genocide is bad. Then at least you may have a chance of negotiating on everything else that you want from a president.

I heard she may get on the ballot on 40+ states.

If social media can show everyone what is really happening to Palestinians, protestors, etc. can't those same channels also promote not voting for "the lesser of two evils"?

And yes, I have an inherent dislike of 'positions' like "President", "King", "Authority-figure-of-your-choice".

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We're working to get Dr. Stein on all 50 states. New York is the current battleground but we're optimistic in spite of the changes Cuomo made in how many signatures and how little time they have to be collected in. Once NY is done, the remaining handful will be a breeze!

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Good luck! 🇵🇸🍉

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I’m afraid they are all a scam. I liked everything RFK was saying until he shit the bed on unconditionally supporting Israel. Now I can’t vote for him. If he simply said I support Israel, but, no it’s not unconditional and I would treat all our allies equally and fairly, I would’ve been a major supporter. For Jill, she continues a shallow and thoughtless approach to improving the health and wellbeing of citizens and our planet and I can’t support this version of fascism. She’s either falling for the grift or she’s part of it.

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Jill Stein would free us from this horrific genocide. #VoteJillSteinforPrez

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She very well could be but at least give her a chance!

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Amen, Michael. With the utterly dreadful history of American presidents, why would we ever vote for another one. It's a thoroughly flawed concept. ~~ j ~~

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Jill would be teed up for impeachment by the Uniparty before she even took office, and would be gone within a month or two. Ditto Cornel West. The idea that she could accomplish anything in this system during any brief period in office- much less bring a totalitarian regime into office with her- is really silly.

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She’d get her way on all her agenda items that grow fed government power, including where she supports centralized medical systems run indirectly by guess who…. National healthcare sounds great until you realize the authorities are more corrupt than if we left it Balkanized and profit motivated. For environment, suddenly we’ll have ozone action days where we’ll be locked down for months or arrested for breathing or farting. No thanks Jill. As they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Find me the most disruptive candidate to imperialism and I’ll vote for it. If I didn’t believe Trump was a psyop, I’d vote for him in spite of my disgust for him as a human.

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OK so you give up before you even begin. It's always been the way in the US.

Just try for once!

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Tbh, Stein could never get enough votes to get elected, only the two big parties have the means to do that.

And if somehow she ended up in the White House, she would be very limited in what she could achieve. Her executive would depend on what legislation she got from Congress.

If the Greens wanted to be a real party, they'd need to adopt a bottom up approach. Win municipal offices, prove that you can do them well, move up the ladder, state level, federal level.

The Greens right now are pretty much just a presidential candidate funded by Putin.

The real work in my mind starts right AFTER the November election, when the groundwork will be laid for the 2026 election.

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No evidence she's funded by Putin. So who will you vote for?

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I'm not eligible to vote. But at this point the has only one chance and that is to vote for Democrats. Otherwise it'll be Trump's Project 2025.

Oh, and if you want to know more about Jill Stein, you might start here:


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It's a uniquely ungodly choice. If everyone who hates what's going on voted for Stein she might have a chance. She would be better than the other goons/fiends without even trying.

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If you read it you'd know she was promoting diplomacy and not being funded by Putin. I have struggled with this issue, but I can no more vote for Biden than I would Hitler, Pol Pot or any other mass murderer. He and his cabinet should be hanged.

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OH. America always scapegoating Russia or China while your 'ill educated/American dream' falls apart.

Do you have any idea how many countries HATE the USA?

They will turn on you the minute BRICS becomes a monetary policy

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We're well on the way to becoming a pariah state now.

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Please never reply to me again......Putin funded my arse!

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Oh, if someone tells you who they are, believe them the first time! I'll try not to bother you again, but I may have forgotten about you and then it may happen again.

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Jill Stein is cancelled.

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Or Marianne Williamson.....

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The headline said it very well. Genocide is what it is and should be opposed by anyone with a soul.

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May 23·edited May 23

I wonder if we do have souls? What is any of this about? But aside from this unanswered (desperate?) question - whether or not there is a "soul", or if humans are just biological automatons, it seems straightforward if you don't condemn genocide as an obvious evil, then what moral compass is there? The world becomes a lawless place ruled by power hungry psychopaths.

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"The world becomes a lawless place ruled by power hungry psychopaths." - regardless of religion/belief/non-belief status everyone should read the Book of Revelation just for the heck of it. And come to their own conclusions.

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Evangelical Christian Zionists and the Book of Revelation got us into supporting those JudeoZionists in the first place!

Religion poisons everything!

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Re-read my comment - I didn't mention any prerequisites for reading.

But for militant atheist nuts like yourself I'll add - ignore my comment. General ideas and concepts are not for you.

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Au contraire, botty, General ideas and concepts are for us, just not the supernatural.

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CWV - commenting while vain. Why did you feel bothered by my suggestion? What's eating you?

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Right on, Pietro!

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If one has a mind of it's own it should be capable of recognizing that their God is actually a Demon, if that should be the case.

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It's always been this way. You just didn't notice it before.

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Book of the Revelation 13:18 666 - 888 ancientfaith.com Great read. I find humor in these "forsights". Another giggle I enjoy per the Bible prayers Mathew 6:12 "And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors." I interpreted this as forgive my credit card interest debts as I forgive Jamie Dimon- JPMorgan Chase & Co.

That humor is not anti-Christ. It's oh my goodness God's got an "I told you so".

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You're one of those who think God is this old bearded man up there in the sky. I didn't mean addressing your kind. Keep looking for scalar (but not vector) energy batteries in your local grocery.

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Hasn't it always been that way? Why on Earth would anyone want to change a thing? I mean; really?

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Explore Scalar Energy Healing


Listen to the video by John Michael Mallon, physicist & electronics engineer. Fascinating info on Scalar Energy Waves. I found it "soulful".

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How many souls have you met?

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Jill Stein- What we see going on in Gaza is a death watch by the hour for two million people. Because there's no water, there's no food, the little trickle that was getting in has basically been shut down by Israel when it took possession of the Rafah gate, to spread epidemics like cholera on the malnourished, without food, shelter, bombed, and targeted like fish in a barrel, it's just unconscionable, a symbol of where US militarism goes, the tip of the iceberg. https://youtu.be/3tiOp-L-uY4?si=AAuURrYtSuMYVia0

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You said it so well, "the military and plutocrats have created an ILLUSION of democracy.".

Our election system is rigged and corrupt. It's controlled by our oligarch rulers and their tools AIPAC, RNC and DNC. They're cancers that must be excized to save the life of our nation.

I keep repeating the Big Truth!

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May 23·edited May 23

Some illusion. Only those who have a huge need to believe in.......what??? It is so obvious that we don't live in any kind of democracy. Although there is constant babbling about democracy, there is no attempt at all to even make people believe we live in a democracy. Those with the power don't care. They have weapons, prisons, and the "rules based order" for whomever they decide to impose it on. All we can do is try to RESIST.

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Hitler was duly elected. Mussolini too. Netanyahu was duly elected. Biden was duly elected in 2020 (as was Trump in 2016). Putin was elected (after eliminatingl his opponents). Trudeau was duly elected 2015, 2019 and 2021.

Somehow, l don't think democracy is working. I'm just learning about Direct Democracy.

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"Putin was elected (after eliminatingl his opponents)" - facts, please. Not from Wikipedia and navalnites.

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Putin enjoys widespread support in Russia, because he works in the interest of Russia. and no he did not eliminate his opponents.

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Maybe Navalney wasn't pushed out of a highrise window like the others but, he was eliminated by Putin.

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nope, he was an agent of the US and the UK, to instigate regime change, which was why he was in prison in the first place, but he was not eliminated by Putin. He died in prison with a health condition, not beaten to death by Lira, probably due to inadequate medical care which is true of prisoners the world over, but he had little public support. He was a more overtly offensive Guaido, a fake candidate.

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My friend Daniel Rohrer, the producer of the Navalney documentary, might be interested in your story.

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No, he was not. I am not surprised that you worked for state media for decades.

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You might be enjoying listening to your ass talking, but not this forum. Facts, give us facts.

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Hahaha ... Russian_bot ??? The only thing my ass is doing is LgMFAO.

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The March on Rome never happened?

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Humans are herd animals.

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Not so much when allowed the freedom of education.

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My experience with humans would indicate that the more educated ones are more prone to cognitive dissonance, because they are better at symbol manipulation and rationalization.

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I wonder if we could support a candidate the same way the internet mob supported GameStop stock just to burn the Wall Street cheaters shorting the stock. Stock market is rigged just like our ‘democracy’ but what if we could use the power of social media to vote in an unlikely outsider to the power elite. The sole purpose to disrupt imperial power, not to pursue a particular social agenda. No it’s not Trump (not an outsider)

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I think the system is completely screwed so it would not really matter who gets in. We need to change the system to one that is governed from the bottom up, one that is transparent, one that prioritizes the environment rather than the economy, one that prioritizes regular people and their needs rather than the military and the billionaires and their needs.

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I agree.... but how ?

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Jill Stein MD will get my vote again.


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We don't have the exact time of death, nor has the death certificate been filed, but democracy died some years ago. We're in Post~Democracy.

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It can’t be post-democracy because we’ve never had democracy. If you look at the English speaking world after Magna Carta, the “democracies” that arose all excluded the poor, working people, landless people, women, non-whites, etc. some of us still have unelected upper houses of government, the wealthy have always owned the governments. In fact, we are still pre-democracy.

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Yes Ron Stockton, there never was democracy. Feudalism 'progressed' into capitalism and neoliberal capitalism. Then reverted back to a kind of neo-feudalism - the oligarchs with the ruling class who serves them and we the people the serfs, wage slaves. Yanis Varoufakis terms what we are going through now as techno-feudalism.

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True that. Was thinking of our traditional so-called Democracy but yeah, the original implementation in America was stillborn. Can we agree things are getting worse faster nowadays?

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Agreed! 100%!

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See Sheldon Wolin's classic:

Democracy Incorporated: Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted Totalitarianism


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I am a US citizen and I am really struggling about voting for Genocide Joe. When he first announced that he was running in 2016 I was livid because how knew how much of a lapdog he was when it came to Apartheid Israel. I thought "Oh no, if Netanhyhu does something horrible to the Palestinians (again), Biden will just let him." And here we are. The only reason I would vote for him is because according to Mehdi Hasan (Zeteo), Orange Caligula would be much, much worsee regarding the Palestinians. His son-in-law is personal friends with Butcher Bibi. I am really struggling with this.

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Why struggle? DONT VOTE FOR JOE!

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Although, if Trump tries it, then all of a sudden the liberals will suddenly care about human rights again

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I’ve thought about that. Kamala Harris and others turned their noses up at the vaccine when Trump took credit for its development, but were all for it the minute Biden won. Maybe Trump Derangement Syndrome will save the Palestinians?

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It’s possible to contain the sociopaths by voting in opposites. The more Federal stalemates, the better for us, perhaps. This is our version of divide and ‘contain’. Then again, it’s more likely Trump is acting on deep states behalf to pretend like he’s different. I’d rather not have a president

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I don't understand you........why vote for Biden!

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no struggle for this voter, Hasan is a serial liar who only recently stopped lying when Biden's genocide was too much even for him. don't vote for either Trump or Biden, they are both dirtbags, as is RFJ jr. if you want to vote, vote Stein, or really whoever you prefer because the 2 corrupt vampire squids have the electoral system locked up.

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Vote for Jill Stein--People, Planet and Peace. At least you can be proud of your choice voting for a moral and compassionate woman.

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Don’t worry about voting because your vote is meaningless in democracy theater. The system itself is on rails regardless of who you vote in there it will produce very similar results.

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Follow your conscience. Don't let anyone pressure you into supporting a candidate who gives you nightmares like Genocide Joe Biden. And check out Dr. Jill Stein's platform -- pro-Palestine/anti-genocide and pro-worker. https://jillstein2024.com/platform

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Vote Uncle Joe, don't despair. Let them Palestinians burn.

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The Palestinians are the first Christians. We should all save Palestine!

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Have you considered therapy?

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haha. I think Johnstone's comments section here is a kind of therapy for some of us. Even bots.

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Just ignore him/her, Gia. He/she is only doing it because he/she is bored. And an arsehole.

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Another ostrich checked in. Answer the question will ya? Are you as an American voter responsible for your rulers?

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I don't need it, but you definitely do, based on your "dilemmas". Hard to decide ain't it?

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At least I have a soul. I'll pray for your healing.

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Voting American public is either dumb or doesn't have a soul since it's fully responsible for legitimizing the corrupt system enabling psycho rulers. Since you appear to be a voter, pick one.

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For the sake of your loved ones and family (if you have any), get professional help. I'll pray for your healing.

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So you blocked me for asking a hard question? Well, that won't get you off the hook for electing genociders. Your hands are bloody from pulling that lever.

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Quite a vocabulary!

So, who are you voting for? Who's your next genocide perpetrator-in-chief?

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So you approve of Putin's, (your "elected’ leader for life), attacks on the citizens of Ukraine?

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If you can’t even elect a PM who can get one of your citizens released from an English jail, how real is your commonwealth? O, I forgot. You guys are subjects not citizens.

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Two words... Julian Assange.

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One word.....Brexit

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A couple words—an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

If we keep blaming each other all the time, poking our fingers in each other’s eyes, we’ll all stay blind. It’s too late for the circular firing squad that liberals love so much—it’s time to get radical. Do something brave.

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It's all true. Effective democracy has never existed. It is only the form of government that allows the small, richest minority to continue to dominate, through the state, the large majority. It is a deception, invented by the elite as an alternative to absolutism to avoid the rebellion of the people.

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The Greeks came close.

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The so-called democracy of ancient Greece was based on slavery

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if you don't count the slaves....

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Tell it, sister!

Free Gaza - or we'll be next.

Free Palestine - Free the World.

Palestine has become a catalyst for worldwide resistance because its history is a microcosm of all the harm done to the world over the last several centuries. The outcome of their struggle will be a strong indicator of the fate of everyone else on the planet.

Global Intifada!

Shake off the parasitic predatory class, pull out the base of the hierarchy.

(Note, if you're white, and this kind of speech makes you uneasy, please consider: Europe was just the first area colonised, subjugated so long ago we forgot what it was like to be indigenous. Our culture was destroyed way back - we've been servants/employees ever since, controlled by a hierarchic culture we have little say in creating.)

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The US being called a democracy feels like something out of the twilight zone. Like maybe in some alternate timeline, but definitely not this reality. That’s how absurd people thinking this is a democracy is to me.

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The US is a cancer for the worldpeace!!

The west is plastic, no ❤️, fake!!🤮

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Maybe more centralized power isn't the answer?

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"They don’t get to vote on ... " - that's right. Hence:

Vote Blue No Matter Who™

--ShitLib Inc.®

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Flush the ShitLibs! Vote Green Party for Jill Stein. You'll be glad you did.

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Straight-up fire ❤️‍🔥 If you like the idea of the public voting on important issues, you'll love my take on live voting. (Tired of getting my comments shadowed when I put a link in, so anyone can DM me if they're interested in the idea. ❤️)

Keep punching.

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Democracy in name only! Zionist Puppet State!

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RemovedMay 25
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😁😉😅🤣 OMG! There are still some of you Genociding ZioTurds who didn't get the memo. What, no Nazi accusation? Anti-semitism out of vogue? JEW HATE JEW HATE😄😁😆 Seriously, thanks for the laugh. That shit doesn't work any more. Facts and truth are used now. AND YOU DON'T HAVE ANY! What a moron!

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