Meet me out there bitch and I will. Pussies like you gotta bring a gun so lemme know if I need to bring mine too or if you'll be man enough to back up your shit talk online.
Do you mean like the large gang of Foreign Agent, Zionist Thugs, who attacked the entirely peaceful Gaza Solidarity Encampment at UCLA? The ones allowed to POGROM, and commit a plethora of violent Felony crimes, Riot and Mayhem, for hours, with Zero response by the Police?
There's nothing analogous, at any of the protests against the Genocide being committed by the Heretical, Zionist-Apartheid, Ethno-Supremacist Abomination.
Like I said before, you're on the wrong substack. Please work on your comprehension skills, lest someone mistake you for a complete moron. But then again, who knows? Maybe you like "that" look?
I could post link after link from Al Jazeera to an American lead team of doctors that denounce the absolutely deplorable treatment of Israel against innocent Palestinian women and children - and don't get me started on how many Palestinian physicians they have murdered.
This is the bottom line. In WWII and the immediate years preceding it, the Nazis were denying that they were systematically exterminating the Jews. Now you are doing the same thing that was done to the Jews. Remember the Golden Rule before you reply.
Every Court, and less than 100% corrupted Human Rights Organization, that's looked at the question - has recognized that there is a Genocide ongoing, currently - being perpetrated against the people in Gaza, by the Zionist, Settler-Colonial, Ethno-Supremacist Entity.
In fact - the denial of the Genocide (that you're exhibiting), is just one of the Stages of Genocide.
Incorrect on the genocide usual. Let the Israelis kill their enemies. You personally are never going to be a cog on the wheel of influence anyway. You’re just a bozo on Substack with nothing new. Get over there in Gaza, take up arms, get your boys and go to work.
If your “enemies” are babies, women, children and non-combatants - you're an unspeakable monster, and nothing else.
And it appears that literally EVERYTHING in your reply, is a lie. Which is an identifying characteristic of Zionists, and the “HASBARAH”.
This user name was my once, and perhaps future Radio Show. It was influential enough that Zionists and Liars like yourself had to be mobilized and put on the long and difficult task of removing it from the air. And not exactly coincidentally, the Radio Network upon which it was featured, has been infiltrated, and brought nearly to ruin by Zionists and other assets of the DNCIA, and the Empire.
You can SAY stupid things like, “Get over there in Gaza, take up arms, get your boys and go to work.” - because of course you know that Gaza has no Airports, and has been an open-air Concentration Camp, suffering two decades (and more) of a campaign of Zionist siege warfare. They'd be more likely to send me to their RAPE DUNGEON at Sde Teiman, than they would to allow me inside the military lines of their deliberately created GENOCIDE.
You and your friend Blinky are all that's left thinking that. israeli's are honest about their murdering Genocide. Free Palestine now that israel has destroyed itself.
I saw that clip of the woman saying “who gives a shit?” in response to Palestinian children being killed. A person whose soul is so dead is beyond reach. She sees herself as a kind, loving and intelligent woman no doubt.
A couple of years ago I read a true story by a woman who had been dropped off at an orphanage at age four. I won’t go into details but it was a cruel existence for the children. At the end of the book, she asked the rhetorical question — what is the face of God? Her answer (and I agree) was the face of God is the face of a child. If a person really can’t look at a child with sympathy their soul is dead.
The Celtic philosophy is built on that very same saying what you just mentioned “ when you look at the face of a child , there is God” the catholic religion has been trying to wipe that away out of our souls for thousands of years. ⚡️
They are all friends with each other yo. Remember Pelosi and McConnell fist bumping each other? And Biden saying that Manchin, who sabotaged his entire agenda, "is a good man"? Also remember Michelle Obama palling around with George W Bush and sharing a gum? And we all saw HRC at Trump's wedding. All this "he is the enemy/democracy will end/Dems are communists/Trump is Hitler" stuff is for the amusement and distraction of the masses - whose worldview is informed by whatever propaganda they happen to have absorbed at the time and are intellectually lazy and incurios and believe what they wanna believe. When the curtains fall, they all hang out with each other and shake hands and laugh. Like the blooper reels of movies - pretending to be against each other is the acting part - the display at Carter's funeral the behind the scenes stuff. The sooner the masses realize that none of these criminals are on their side, the better. Sadly, most of them have fallen for the theatrics and obfuscations, which is why Elon Musk is openly running the country and Trump - a man who wouldn't piss on any of his supporters if they were on fire, literally, - is so beloved and "won" the popular.
There is no way out of this. They won! Obama won! He is collecting mansions around the country and since he left office he's done nothing but increase his net worth. HRC won! Michelle Obama is the most popular and beloved woman in the US. Pelosi has been voted into office repeatedly for the past 30 years. They get freedom medals, Nobel Peace prices and pardon each other for their crimes while workers duke it out Purge style on the streets, in the courts and in prisons - and lose every time!!
When will the general public understand that all the US has is a uniparty system.
Obama won because the public was sick if Bush and his wars yet all he did was expand them. Trump certainly did not change much of Obama's foreign policy either.
I know. Trying to explain to people that it was Obama who was the "Deporter in Chief" and that Biden has topped those numbers. Trump didn't come close. Yeah, those who have been duped into thinking there are "two parties" are clueless.
"Trump and Obama were seen happily chatting and laughing together at the funeral for Jimmy Carter. If these guys don’t buy into the story that they are on opposite sides of a ferocious battle of existential importance between two wildly different ideologies, then why should you?"
Pretty funny, especially considering we are regularly assured that Trump is Literal Hitler on the one hand, and that he is fighting the Deep State on the other.
"...considering we are regularly assured that Trump is Literal Hitler on the one hand, and that he is fighting the Deep State on the other."
And considering we were regularly assured that Obama was a literal Sharia law pushing Muslim Manchurian candidate who was born in Kenya and was in charge of the US presidency to import as many Muslims as possible and water down our institutions with DEI hires and not another CIA groomed candidate who held office solely to benefit the elites who control the country....same as Trump.
As-usual perfection, Caitlin. Bless you. As for the photo: as-usual disgusting Obama, more-disgusting the halls of a most-disgusting Amerika.
If israel was just a client state of the United States, it would seem that once in a while if there is a conflict between what is good for israel and what is good for the united states of america, then the usa would win out. It has been seen throughout history how client states are treated by Empire. Look how the the romans and the british, especially how they treated india, for example. Israel gets everything it wants. This is not the action of the client in imperial history. Look at the uss liberty example. There is no way the united states of america tolerates even being treated like that as an accident. There are numerous incidents of the usa treating others like that so there is no love lost. Maybe a chickens coming home to roost incident. Israel is allowed AIPAC, which completely owns the Congress, which if Russia or China had the equivalent choking grip over Congress, I couldn't imagine the shrieks from the MSNBC and other "resistance" liberals. It can't be explained away how the Constitution which gives the act to coin and print money to the treasury allows it under the auspices of an organization that is controlled by private and some non usa interests. These are the actions of a multinational ruling elite well hidden empire not a nationalist empire.
You’re correct! Israel is an extension of the US. People think Israel owns the US, but that’s a ridiculous assumption. Israel is a proxy! It’s a way for the Empire to commit genocide and blame it on someone else!! The genocide isn’t about anything more than natural resources and money!
I agree. Israel does our dirty work and AIPAC makes sure that congress doesn’t object to what Israel does. If anyone does then Israel gets them kicked out of office.
Yes, they will fight over the last barrel of oil as the planet burns, as the know-nothings deny “climate change”, as the great species extinction proceeds, as Trump derides and blames environmentalists and the smelt for the LA fires.
Israel is the dominatrix getting paid by the US to whip it into submission. AIPAC is the whip. Our Presidents and representatives are clad in leather and tied in restraints, pathetically requesting one more, while they are scolded, “shut up, bitch.” With apologies to the S&M crowd for using them as a metaphor for the immoral and base US-Israeli relationship and politics.
I've been saying for a couple decades (not long enough and not tooting my own horn) that there are only two sides in politics the Govt and the People. Dems and Reps are on the same team and most don't have a clue.
"Joe Biden: Can… can you at least bring me a Palestinian baby to kick?"
This one line sums up the true and disgusting personality of our soon-to-be-former president.
I couldn't even bear to watch all the video of the evil Israeli women who want to slaughter babies. Who thought anyone could make Biden and company look slightly better? SIGH.
Obviously growing up and going to school in the US doesn't teach a person tolerance of different peoples, races, religions, etc. Israel is just the depository of our worse racist genocidal maniacs.
How much is taught about Palestine in schools? Or the genocide of Native Americans?
(Very little according the my high-school-age grandsons.)
What really slays me is the the most revered Native American in this country is Sakakawea (NOT “Sacajawea”) who lead Lewis and Clark into places where they had no goddamned business being.
Delusional nonsense. First off, Jews play pretty fast and loose with the term, using it to defend all kinds of wrongdoings they get up to, including the current genocide. Secondly, Jews have their own agency, the actions they take as very ethnocentric group would go on, even if people didn't hate them for having funny hats or side locks, or whatever childish definition of antisemitism has been put into your head.
I see the 150 million they were bragging about spending on hasbara, brought the pig here..Caitlin, for not being here living amongst these zombie, propaganda fed nitwits, you sure know how the Americans fall for the same propaganda, psyop shit, year after year. Keep writing and spreading TRUTH.
I'm not sure after this obviously, small country first administration, surrounded by lemmings and hopium in the air, the world can recover from whats coming. We are being led off the cliff, through these low information, propaganda stuffed morons, cheering for our demise.
Appreciate very much what you're attempting to do to save humanity...Just not sure it's going to work.If you read the commentary on the other new hopium psy op X..We are screwed....
CJ>>"Trump says he’s “the best friend that Israel ever had.” Anyone who still believes this asshole presents a threat to the establishment is a drooling moron who deserves to have their feelings hurt."
CJ>>"These contradictions are possible because these people do not have any real values and don’t actually stand for anything; they’re just mindless, bootlicking sheep who think whatever the right wing pundits tell them to think."
Well expressed Caitlin!
Also, the anti-semitism slur has been thrown around so often (including at me since I wear my Keffiyeh almost every time I step out) that I've just started COMPLETELY IGNORING it. By overusing the phrase in instances where it is NOT APPLICABLE, they have made it ALMOST meaningless (which is unfortunate, since REAL antisemitism DOES EXIST and is often perpetrated by crypto-Zionists (i.e. far-right white nationalist Christian supporters of Zionism and Israel - and many of these SAME people also support the likes of "strongmen" like Trump, Orban, etc.).
Thank you , so good to hear this and so incredibly sad at the same time . I saw that woman saying those words and then one wonders how many people feel like this? This callous attitude an no feeling for a whole race of people and of course now we have Syria and it goes on and on. Can we stop this madness and how ?
There are many brave groups out there that we can join, or contribute to, or support in whatever ways we can. Here are a few:
Combatants for Peace is an Israeli organization made up of former soldiers and fighters, both Israelis and Palestinians who have turned their life efforts towards peace. They can use your help. In the USA, you can support through the American Friends of Combatants for Peace at
Operation Olive Branch
Grassroots movement to support & amplify aid requests of Palestinian families
Read, and join or start a bookclub learning about the realities of Zionism, and Palestine, with books by such authors as Rashid Khalidi, Ilan Pappe, Norman Finkelstein, Shlomo Sand, Amira Hass, Tony Greenstein, Israel Shahak, Avi Shlaim, and more.
Keep reading Caitlin Johnstone, and subscribe to others who are committed to justice for all.
I just wish I could express this as eloquently as you . Unfortunately I'm now reduced to ignoring Zio shitstiring or cursing uncontrollably. Neither is helping. Thank you.
Who gives a shit for the zionists, one could ask. Only the paid-for political class. We ALL SEE GENOCIDE. 👀 🙌
Yup, this is a "power" group
No genocide
Of course there is u braindead Zionist ass kissing puke. Just go read and listen to what the Israelis themselves are saying, shit for brains.
Don't feed the troll.
🖕 get in those streets and protest violently please
Meet me out there bitch and I will. Pussies like you gotta bring a gun so lemme know if I need to bring mine too or if you'll be man enough to back up your shit talk online.
You seem highly triggered and upset. Why so much hatred? Get in those streets
I don't walk the streets like your mom did 9 months before you were born and tossed in a dumpster, cunt. Get therapy.
Outstanding reply…get in those streets
Do you mean like the large gang of Foreign Agent, Zionist Thugs, who attacked the entirely peaceful Gaza Solidarity Encampment at UCLA? The ones allowed to POGROM, and commit a plethora of violent Felony crimes, Riot and Mayhem, for hours, with Zero response by the Police?
There's nothing analogous, at any of the protests against the Genocide being committed by the Heretical, Zionist-Apartheid, Ethno-Supremacist Abomination.
Wrong substack buddy. Did you lose your way? Find substack too confusing to navigate? Need some help?
LMFAO. Woke PIG Killer blocked me. Triggered like a little pansy.
🖕 nope.
Funny how people like you are so MAD at the world EVEN when your candidate wins. Explains quite a few things...
Nah bitch! I just enjoy thoroughly telling reprobate cunts like yourself to fuck off. 🖕
Like I said before, you're on the wrong substack. Please work on your comprehension skills, lest someone mistake you for a complete moron. But then again, who knows? Maybe you like "that" look?
How do ya say "reprobate" in Hebrew, Ziotwat?
I could post link after link from Al Jazeera to an American lead team of doctors that denounce the absolutely deplorable treatment of Israel against innocent Palestinian women and children - and don't get me started on how many Palestinian physicians they have murdered.
This is the bottom line. In WWII and the immediate years preceding it, the Nazis were denying that they were systematically exterminating the Jews. Now you are doing the same thing that was done to the Jews. Remember the Golden Rule before you reply.
TROLL ZIO BOTTOM feeder, like hater James woods, eh bergeron?
You on the ground in Gaza?
Just mass murder right? I guess you find that acceptable.
I heard it was Amaleking aka genocide and ecocide.
It’s called war. You seem highly ignorant
Every Court, and less than 100% corrupted Human Rights Organization, that's looked at the question - has recognized that there is a Genocide ongoing, currently - being perpetrated against the people in Gaza, by the Zionist, Settler-Colonial, Ethno-Supremacist Entity.
In fact - the denial of the Genocide (that you're exhibiting), is just one of the Stages of Genocide.
Incorrect on the genocide usual. Let the Israelis kill their enemies. You personally are never going to be a cog on the wheel of influence anyway. You’re just a bozo on Substack with nothing new. Get over there in Gaza, take up arms, get your boys and go to work.
If your “enemies” are babies, women, children and non-combatants - you're an unspeakable monster, and nothing else.
And it appears that literally EVERYTHING in your reply, is a lie. Which is an identifying characteristic of Zionists, and the “HASBARAH”.
This user name was my once, and perhaps future Radio Show. It was influential enough that Zionists and Liars like yourself had to be mobilized and put on the long and difficult task of removing it from the air. And not exactly coincidentally, the Radio Network upon which it was featured, has been infiltrated, and brought nearly to ruin by Zionists and other assets of the DNCIA, and the Empire.
You can SAY stupid things like, “Get over there in Gaza, take up arms, get your boys and go to work.” - because of course you know that Gaza has no Airports, and has been an open-air Concentration Camp, suffering two decades (and more) of a campaign of Zionist siege warfare. They'd be more likely to send me to their RAPE DUNGEON at Sde Teiman, than they would to allow me inside the military lines of their deliberately created GENOCIDE.
You and your friend Blinky are all that's left thinking that. israeli's are honest about their murdering Genocide. Free Palestine now that israel has destroyed itself.
Fuck off!
🖕back at ya
Go fuck yourself Zionist pig
Back at ya …🖕
What is it then you utter ignorant moron ???.
There is no brain ,eyes,ears,heart or soul
I saw that clip of the woman saying “who gives a shit?” in response to Palestinian children being killed. A person whose soul is so dead is beyond reach. She sees herself as a kind, loving and intelligent woman no doubt.
A couple of years ago I read a true story by a woman who had been dropped off at an orphanage at age four. I won’t go into details but it was a cruel existence for the children. At the end of the book, she asked the rhetorical question — what is the face of God? Her answer (and I agree) was the face of God is the face of a child. If a person really can’t look at a child with sympathy their soul is dead.
The Celtic philosophy is built on that very same saying what you just mentioned “ when you look at the face of a child , there is God” the catholic religion has been trying to wipe that away out of our souls for thousands of years. ⚡️
Strange CONTRADICTION while jews molest, rape murder BABIES, the nozi refers to catholics? U r ass wipe!
They are all friends with each other yo. Remember Pelosi and McConnell fist bumping each other? And Biden saying that Manchin, who sabotaged his entire agenda, "is a good man"? Also remember Michelle Obama palling around with George W Bush and sharing a gum? And we all saw HRC at Trump's wedding. All this "he is the enemy/democracy will end/Dems are communists/Trump is Hitler" stuff is for the amusement and distraction of the masses - whose worldview is informed by whatever propaganda they happen to have absorbed at the time and are intellectually lazy and incurios and believe what they wanna believe. When the curtains fall, they all hang out with each other and shake hands and laugh. Like the blooper reels of movies - pretending to be against each other is the acting part - the display at Carter's funeral the behind the scenes stuff. The sooner the masses realize that none of these criminals are on their side, the better. Sadly, most of them have fallen for the theatrics and obfuscations, which is why Elon Musk is openly running the country and Trump - a man who wouldn't piss on any of his supporters if they were on fire, literally, - is so beloved and "won" the popular.
There is no way out of this. They won! Obama won! He is collecting mansions around the country and since he left office he's done nothing but increase his net worth. HRC won! Michelle Obama is the most popular and beloved woman in the US. Pelosi has been voted into office repeatedly for the past 30 years. They get freedom medals, Nobel Peace prices and pardon each other for their crimes while workers duke it out Purge style on the streets, in the courts and in prisons - and lose every time!!
When will the general public understand that all the US has is a uniparty system.
Obama won because the public was sick if Bush and his wars yet all he did was expand them. Trump certainly did not change much of Obama's foreign policy either.
I know. Trying to explain to people that it was Obama who was the "Deporter in Chief" and that Biden has topped those numbers. Trump didn't come close. Yeah, those who have been duped into thinking there are "two parties" are clueless.
You seem pretty ignorant
Fuck off!
If you et al would stop feeding trolls, there would be less of them in this feed, seriously.
I enjoy it sometimes. I don’t debate them. Just hurl come choice words and then ignore.
"Trump and Obama were seen happily chatting and laughing together at the funeral for Jimmy Carter. If these guys don’t buy into the story that they are on opposite sides of a ferocious battle of existential importance between two wildly different ideologies, then why should you?"
Pretty funny, especially considering we are regularly assured that Trump is Literal Hitler on the one hand, and that he is fighting the Deep State on the other.
Both are bullshit.
"...considering we are regularly assured that Trump is Literal Hitler on the one hand, and that he is fighting the Deep State on the other."
And considering we were regularly assured that Obama was a literal Sharia law pushing Muslim Manchurian candidate who was born in Kenya and was in charge of the US presidency to import as many Muslims as possible and water down our institutions with DEI hires and not another CIA groomed candidate who held office solely to benefit the elites who control the country....same as Trump.
This cartoon says it all:
As-usual perfection, Caitlin. Bless you. As for the photo: as-usual disgusting Obama, more-disgusting the halls of a most-disgusting Amerika.
If israel was just a client state of the United States, it would seem that once in a while if there is a conflict between what is good for israel and what is good for the united states of america, then the usa would win out. It has been seen throughout history how client states are treated by Empire. Look how the the romans and the british, especially how they treated india, for example. Israel gets everything it wants. This is not the action of the client in imperial history. Look at the uss liberty example. There is no way the united states of america tolerates even being treated like that as an accident. There are numerous incidents of the usa treating others like that so there is no love lost. Maybe a chickens coming home to roost incident. Israel is allowed AIPAC, which completely owns the Congress, which if Russia or China had the equivalent choking grip over Congress, I couldn't imagine the shrieks from the MSNBC and other "resistance" liberals. It can't be explained away how the Constitution which gives the act to coin and print money to the treasury allows it under the auspices of an organization that is controlled by private and some non usa interests. These are the actions of a multinational ruling elite well hidden empire not a nationalist empire.
You’re correct! Israel is an extension of the US. People think Israel owns the US, but that’s a ridiculous assumption. Israel is a proxy! It’s a way for the Empire to commit genocide and blame it on someone else!! The genocide isn’t about anything more than natural resources and money!
I agree. Israel does our dirty work and AIPAC makes sure that congress doesn’t object to what Israel does. If anyone does then Israel gets them kicked out of office.
Yes, they will fight over the last barrel of oil as the planet burns, as the know-nothings deny “climate change”, as the great species extinction proceeds, as Trump derides and blames environmentalists and the smelt for the LA fires.
Israel is the dominatrix getting paid by the US to whip it into submission. AIPAC is the whip. Our Presidents and representatives are clad in leather and tied in restraints, pathetically requesting one more, while they are scolded, “shut up, bitch.” With apologies to the S&M crowd for using them as a metaphor for the immoral and base US-Israeli relationship and politics.
>>"Israel is the dominatrix getting paid by the US to whip it into submission. AIPAC is the whip."
Love the analogy!
And like Bill Clinton exclaimed: "Remind me who's the fucking superpower here?!"
I've been saying for a couple decades (not long enough and not tooting my own horn) that there are only two sides in politics the Govt and the People. Dems and Reps are on the same team and most don't have a clue.
Or as someone described to me recently they are the left and right legs of the same body.
"Joe Biden: Can… can you at least bring me a Palestinian baby to kick?"
This one line sums up the true and disgusting personality of our soon-to-be-former president.
I couldn't even bear to watch all the video of the evil Israeli women who want to slaughter babies. Who thought anyone could make Biden and company look slightly better? SIGH.
And the bitch is from NOO YAWK! How the fuck has she any right to live in Palestine?
As Scott Ritter calls them: “The Brooklyn Jews”.
Obviously growing up and going to school in the US doesn't teach a person tolerance of different peoples, races, religions, etc. Israel is just the depository of our worse racist genocidal maniacs.
True, true, true, TRC!
How much is taught about Palestine in schools? Or the genocide of Native Americans?
(Very little according the my high-school-age grandsons.)
What really slays me is the the most revered Native American in this country is Sakakawea (NOT “Sacajawea”) who lead Lewis and Clark into places where they had no goddamned business being.
Antisemitism is indispensable to Zionism. No antisemitism and Zionism loses its raison d etre (sorry about that). (Not really).
"The Portage To San Cristobal of A.H." makes this point.
Hitler is what made Israel possible.
Delusional nonsense. First off, Jews play pretty fast and loose with the term, using it to defend all kinds of wrongdoings they get up to, including the current genocide. Secondly, Jews have their own agency, the actions they take as very ethnocentric group would go on, even if people didn't hate them for having funny hats or side locks, or whatever childish definition of antisemitism has been put into your head.
I see the 150 million they were bragging about spending on hasbara, brought the pig here..Caitlin, for not being here living amongst these zombie, propaganda fed nitwits, you sure know how the Americans fall for the same propaganda, psyop shit, year after year. Keep writing and spreading TRUTH.
I'm not sure after this obviously, small country first administration, surrounded by lemmings and hopium in the air, the world can recover from whats coming. We are being led off the cliff, through these low information, propaganda stuffed morons, cheering for our demise.
Appreciate very much what you're attempting to do to save humanity...Just not sure it's going to work.If you read the commentary on the other new hopium psy op X..We are screwed....
CJ>>"Trump says he’s “the best friend that Israel ever had.” Anyone who still believes this asshole presents a threat to the establishment is a drooling moron who deserves to have their feelings hurt."
CJ>>"These contradictions are possible because these people do not have any real values and don’t actually stand for anything; they’re just mindless, bootlicking sheep who think whatever the right wing pundits tell them to think."
Well expressed Caitlin!
Also, the anti-semitism slur has been thrown around so often (including at me since I wear my Keffiyeh almost every time I step out) that I've just started COMPLETELY IGNORING it. By overusing the phrase in instances where it is NOT APPLICABLE, they have made it ALMOST meaningless (which is unfortunate, since REAL antisemitism DOES EXIST and is often perpetrated by crypto-Zionists (i.e. far-right white nationalist Christian supporters of Zionism and Israel - and many of these SAME people also support the likes of "strongmen" like Trump, Orban, etc.).
Thank You Caitlin
Thank you , so good to hear this and so incredibly sad at the same time . I saw that woman saying those words and then one wonders how many people feel like this? This callous attitude an no feeling for a whole race of people and of course now we have Syria and it goes on and on. Can we stop this madness and how ?
There are many brave groups out there that we can join, or contribute to, or support in whatever ways we can. Here are a few:
Combatants for Peace is an Israeli organization made up of former soldiers and fighters, both Israelis and Palestinians who have turned their life efforts towards peace. They can use your help. In the USA, you can support through the American Friends of Combatants for Peace at
Operation Olive Branch
Grassroots movement to support & amplify aid requests of Palestinian families
Doctors Against Genocide
B'tselem - “Israel’s regime of apartheid and occupation is inextricably bound up in human rights violations. B’Tselem strives to end this regime”
Sign petitions: You can sign my petition Calling on Pope Francis to go to Gaza.
Develop a petition of your own.
Join Code Pink on the frontlines of demonstrations.
Read, and join or start a bookclub learning about the realities of Zionism, and Palestine, with books by such authors as Rashid Khalidi, Ilan Pappe, Norman Finkelstein, Shlomo Sand, Amira Hass, Tony Greenstein, Israel Shahak, Avi Shlaim, and more.
Keep reading Caitlin Johnstone, and subscribe to others who are committed to justice for all.
I just wish I could express this as eloquently as you . Unfortunately I'm now reduced to ignoring Zio shitstiring or cursing uncontrollably. Neither is helping. Thank you.
Top notch commentary, and I laughed a few times too. Keeps me from crying (most of the time).