This might be the most important essay you've ever written - at least out of the ones I have read. Thank you.

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We are as conditioned as Skinner's rats and Pavlov's dogs. One ray of hope, those dogs shed their conditioning after being stranded in his flooded basement laboratory for less than a week.

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Something I have been working on for many years I never realised how many people believed the establishment lies and the media lies until Brexit and I realised at least one third of the population believed in the system without question or critical thinking. I just tell the Truth without fear it will not get you lots of friends but it will get you the right ones.

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The biggest obstacle may be that facts are social, not scientific, or objective.

People believe what brings them the least harm. That could be an objective fact; for example, don’t touch a hot stove. But it could also be that Fox News is always right; you don’t want to out yourself inside a community where hostility to Fox News puts you in social danger. It is very much like a hot stove.

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Obviously, same applies to NPR or NYT in a different social sphere.

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I would only offer that it's not seeing matrix code that begins to free us, it is seeing ourselves right Here in Life...

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tell me, good Brutus, can you see your face?

no, Cassius, for the eye sees not itself

but by reflection, by some other means.

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Our world is just like Plato’s allegory of the caves and it’s our responsibility to leave the cave of false illusions and face reality.

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Such a refreshing gust of clarity !! What a diff in all that will transpire .

- JJoslin ( Detroit, union/ electrical worker )

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The fact is that humans are herding animals, and a society of herding animals only works in a population with a majority of followers. Typically only a few are born to be leaders or loners. The rest are easily led, and easily convinced by those who are perceived to be in authority. Waking up the populace is not an easy task.

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Yes, humans are herd animals, and herds can be stampeded. Once a stampede starts, it's very difficult to resist it, and even more difficult to get in the lead and turn it.

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I think Herman & Chomsky explained it very clear in their book Manufacturing Consent.

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Thus THE Revolution organized by (changed the name recently) "ofbyandforyouandi" on youtube. The website is under construction. I appreciate very much your writing. It's spot on

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