“All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once fraud is exposed, they must rely exclusively on force.” — George Orwell

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I was thinking about this issue yesterday when the western world, on the side Israel, and their sense of horror of her being subjected to drone attacks and how important it is to protect her and how savage Iran is. Like they forgot Israel is implementing a genocide, killing children, starving people, and leaving their bodies to rot under the rubble. Going into hospitals shooting patients as they lie in their beds, and killing those that risked their lives to stay and help them, in short, implementing a genocide. I don't want a regional war, but I have no sympathy for a country, or a people that are silent, too often complicit and sometimes gleeful about a genocide being carried out in their own backyard.

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Trust Orwell to come up with a penetrating insight for every occasion!

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This says it all.

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A very relevant comment. We are there already........with force being the only option left for the two pillars of evil....

* Zionism and all that means, see current events, and

* American apathy, when all the threatening **Cuban Missile Crisis did to the America people was to increase their level of alcoholic consumption and add real support for the then current US President, John Kennedy, until he was removed for objecting to Israel's plans to become a nuclear power, currently with 400+ nuclear warheads.

The greatest American gift to Israel was Lyndon Johnson, Zionist and Zionist supporter.

(See USS Liberty 1967)

** The closest the USA has ever got to a threat.

It would be different country, the world a better place for all, if America was vulnerable to attack, as is the rest of the world. Negotiation, diplomacy, friendship could be the name of the game, not bullying, hegemonic ambitions, power plays, Zionist corruption and infiltration and the resulting election manipulation on mainland USA.

November,2024 choices....a weak and feeble-minded puppet to Zionism, or a narcissistic opportunist misfit.

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WOW. Well said.

AS you say very clearly Feral, Americans (because of their location) know nothing of war. Maybe it is time they did.

I have been in wars and coup d'etats enabled by the British in Sri Lanka.

Superior USA....and look at the USA now.

There is a case up for the Supreme Court to rule whether it is OK for people (who have nothing) to live in tents on the streets.

IF the court rules against people on the street in the US.......where do the people go?

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Thanks Caitlin it's nice to now you are always with us.

It helps a lot.

You have created a 'safe' place for us people who see the truth and to vent our frustration.

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It's funny you'd put it in these exact words. It's even funnier that - despite your use of inverted commas - you see it as a good thing... Here is the stuff I posted here a few days ago:

"My outlook with regard to society is extremely bleak. But I admire those who choose to disagree and back their choice up with action. However, I do not see how Ms Johnstone's repetitive rants in front of her "choir" in this echo chamber are contributing anything in any meaningful way. Knowingly or inadvertently, but she - among quite a few others - simply serves as a VENT used by the system to let certain factions blow off some steam and frustration in the most innocuous for the status quo fashion. And I am not sure if this is a big accomplishment... "

You can mix here, post tons of the same filler under each piece, and feel special and so different from those who get their daily fix of infotainment from CNN and Fox. However, this "revolutionary" activity isn't very likely to make the "Evil Empire" shake in its boots. Not to mention the fact that Ms Johnstone's narrative, while pretty accurate with regard to TPTB, is completely disingenuous as far as "We the People" are concerned. Her last paragraph above is wishful thinking. If it was possible, it would have happened after the invasion in Iraq and the 2007 economic crisis. It can still probably be done. But definitely not through incessant bloviations about the color of the sky for a bunch of converts. So if you would want to continue indulging in this little "resistance" charade - sure, by all means. But you shouldn't probably be under any illusion. In actuality, the only thing going on on this page is carrying water for the system - primarily due to the half-truth nature of the discourse offered here - and perpetuating the status quo. Even if you genuinely believe that you genuinely believe otherwise...

Unless, of course, one is involved in something real like union organising, mutual aid, local elections or any meaningful gigs and grassroots initiatives while using Ms Johnstone's entries simply for legit recreational purposes :)

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American Zoetrope.

Do you understand frustration? I think you do or you wouldn't have written at such length.

Do you understand the need to have a safe place? Maybe not.

Maybe you are a true warrior like I was 50yrs ago.

Sometimes life catches up with you and there is NOT a damned thing you can do about it. Bu I keep trying in small ways.

IF we are all 'carrying water' for the system .let it be. Sometimes a loot of words speak louder than actions.

I would like very much to know what you are doing and I mean this kindly.


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Are you not safe at home? There’s no such thing as online safe spaces bc you quite literally can’t be in danger online. Ffs how have you people survived this long being so weak. It’s pathetic.

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I didn't mean to be "mean" or "call out" you specifically. Nor do I think that I was. I know nothing about you, your age, or overall situation. Maybe you've been into the real thing your entire life. And now you're technically not in a position to be actively involved. But, at the same time, you have to witness the situation becoming indeed critical. Which certainly may cause extreme frustration. So if this "safe space" helps you personally, there's nothing wrong about that. But, obviously, neither this whole thing nor my post are about you. I'd agree that words may be extremely important and consequential. But for that to happen they at the very least should be totally true. Which is not the case here. And I think I specified why I think so. Feel free to offer your rebuttal, but I'd appreciate if you'd try to focus on the subject rather than yourself...

As for the real actions that I see as meaningful, I've come up with a short list of those, haven't I?

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You know something American Zoetroper.........I think you are a very young person (American) who has never been in a real war.

I have and I can tell you it's not fun.

I hope you are a young person fighting the US hegemoney.

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Apr 16·edited Apr 16

"I do not see how Ms Johnstone's repetitive rants in front of her "choir" in this echo chamber are contributing anything in any meaningful way."

Based on the comments I've seen here - it's hardly a "choir". So your characterization of this being an echo chamber, or that her presence elsewhere on social media is just echoes, such as twitter - is ignorant (as fuck).

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I'm clearly not an avid fan of Ms Johnstone's work, I don't follow her closely, so it's quite possible that I miss certain things. But I would not say that your nonsensical knee-jerk reply of a butthurt patron loitering here on a daily basis is particularly helpful, informative, or addresses anything in a substantive way...

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Apr 16·edited Apr 16

I said you're ignorant as fuck. Which is substantive and accurate. I even went to the effort (which I usually do not) to provide a quote. You just are too much of a pusillanimous ignoramus to admit you are wrong.

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I prefer to have convos in this register in person. So I'll just say that schmucks like you are the ultimate reason why the situation is what it is. Which was the main part of my point to begin with. That was instantly corroborated...

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Can you speak English? What are 'convos?'

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Apr 17·edited Apr 17

Quite the unconscious projection. Apparently most people including Caitlin Johnstone and myself have nothing meaningful to add, and as opposed to yourself, we're all just "schmucks". Substantive!

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Well, pal, I recently purchased a Kalashnikov and took a gun class on instruction for using it. What fun it was!

So I’m ready for the fuckin’ revolution. Does that count?

Feral Finster is, obviously, a feral cat. I’m a feral woman.

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You aren’t gonna do shit beyond sitting your big ass behind your screen trying to convince yourself that you’re tough even if any of that is true. Which it probably isn’t.

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RemovedApr 17·edited Apr 17
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I'm afraid you have misunderstood my position. I totally do not think that Ms Johnstone is some kind of Establishment agent...if I get correctly your interpretation of my post. Quite frankly, this idea has never crossed my mind, and I would be seriously surprised if it turned out to be the case. So I'm sure she is genuine in her views and activities. I also do not think that these activities are totally useless, especially as far as the ongoing massacre in Gaza is concerned. And if my post caused a single Palestinian person any additional pain - my sincere apologies. Believe me, that's the last thing I wanted.

You are perfectly correct. Documenting atrocities and war crimes are extremely important. Reminding people every second that they are in progress at this very moment is even more so. What I've a problem with as far as Ms Johnstone's writings go regarding this specific subject and in general is her framing and tendency to pretty much blame everything on the Evil Elite. I'd contend that it's a fundamental flaw in her presentation of the current state of things. When I described her position as disingenuous, I was mainly talking about this concrete, but tremendously important aspect. You may ask, "Why disingenuous and not mistaken?" Because our host here is certainly an intelligent and well informed person. I'm sure she knows better. And she even lets it transpire in her pieces from time to time. But these instances are few and far between. Her usual framing and emphasis are very different...

And Aaron... My God... I was overwhelmed by his ultimate sacrifice. I don't know if he approached it as it should be... Then again, who am I to even opine on something like that? But the whole point of what he did was to convey one single thing -- it's not about the Elites, it's about every single one of us. And I don't see a lot of this on these boards...

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At one point in your over-extended diatribe you say::........."is her framing and tendency to pretty much blame everything on the evil elite."

Then you go on to talk about Aaron Bushnell: "The whole point of what he did was to convey one single thing..it's not about the Elites."

In my opinion Aaron Bushnell (Air Force USA) WAS talking about how the 'elites' control everything. He was right and if you cannot see this then I am concerned.

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Hi Jenny, have you ever listened to Sabrina “Sabby Sabs” Salvati? I swear she and I were separated at birth.

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NO I haven't Gypsy but I have written her name down and will listen.

IF you like her maybe I will too.

Get back to you on this.

You know my hero is Bob Dylan he foresaw all this as did Leonard Cohen.

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A very clever way to clearly expose the hypocrisy of the mainstream worldview. Thanks Caitlin and Tim.

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People don't need to look very far to discover that you're right. And the cognitive dissonance is worth it. Knowing what is true is so important.

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Western values can be summed up in two words: “demockracy” and “capitalism”. Anything and anyone that resists must be eliminated, man, woman, and child.

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Didn't one Henry Kissinger say something to the effect that democracy was far too important to be left to the people of Chile?

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💯 just one of his many fascist sentiments. He had the power to act on them and he did so gleefully. Kissinger is the architect of the mess that is the world today.

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Can be better summed up in four words: “we own the planet”.

Anyone who debates is who must be eliminated.

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Many here realize that Zionism was a way for European Jews in the 1800's to solve the "Jewish Problem," which had been going on in European countries for hundreds of years, whereby Jews had problems living in peace within larger non-Jewish societies.

Zionism led to Israel, which led to land theft, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, Apartheid, and genocide. Thus, instead of solving the "Jewish Problem," Zionism only extrapolated the Jewish problem from events within one nation or region to now a problem associated with the nation of Israel, effectively entangling much of the rest of the world with the Jewish problem.

We thus might ask what it is about Judaism that proves to be so problematic. Is there some inherent defect that Judaism cannot get rid of? Of course, it "takes two to tango," and there are other bad actors besides Jews, but the question has merit. If we are allowed to criticize and hold responsible the people of the US, Germany, Italy, Russia, China, etc. for their wrongdoings in their histories, we are certainly allowed to criticize Jews within Judaism for their own inventions and weaponization of Zionism. With all such well-organized political groups, there's much room for error at the moral level. No group is sacrosanct and thus immune from criticism. That also goes for the Catholic Church.

I'm sure this is a shocking realization for many, since Jews can only be victims, or so we are told. But there's no question that Judaism is a well-organized political group involving world events. It amazes me that as a group Jews never acknowledge their wrongdoing yet will never let us forget the wrongdoing done to them. And they will cry, beg, pass laws and coerce everyone else into protecting them even as they commit atrocity to non-Jews. Then on top of it, we must realize that it's all a drive to perpetuate a tribe, which in the end isn't anything fundamental other than a collection of nostalgia and good feelings.

The world doesn't need Judaism and neither do future generations of Jewish individuals. But to the contrary, the current Jewish leaders certainly need the tribe, which for them is an excellent business model for money and power. Thus, as always, it's the leaders that are the real culprits, willing to throw their followers under the bus for the status quo they benefit from.

These current episodes of atrocity thus signify not only a failure of Zionism and of Israel, but I believe of Judaism itself, and we can only wonder if Judaism can ever clean up its act and minimize its tribal nature.

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Yeah, the Zionist wanted a home away from prejudice they felt was prevalent against the Jewish population in Europe so they asked Balfour for a helping hand and he gives them a country that belongs to another. He does so because with his colonial mindset he feels comfortable because Arabs don't count and the Zionist have no problem with that. In 1948, we have the land divided between the Palestinians and the Jews, and the latter get the better part of it. Not enough they think, so perceiving the Arabs as their inferiors they go on a killing and displacement spree , called the nakba. They displace hundreds of thousands, kill 70 or 80 thousand, take their land and their belongings left behind, including their homes and it's been down hill ever since. What created this problem was a prejudicial mindset that saw the other as their inferior. It's the same mindset that calls them animals today and can implement a genocide, killing them, with bombs or even up close and personal, or no food.

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Henry Kissinger: “If I weren’t a Jew, I’d be an antisemite”.

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I couldn't stand him either.

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Of course not: we grew up during the Nam era!

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I don't think it was that the Jews had problems living in peace with the rest of society. Check out the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Protocols_of_the_Elders_of_Zion. Many people believed that. It has snowballed into what we see now after the creation of Zionism and Israel and more hate. It will continue until we stop letting it continue.

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Apr 16·edited Apr 16

There were plenty of problems. Have you ever heard of pogroms? The Protocols that you link to are part of the problems. The question is, What are the underlying causes for pogroms? The answers lie in the human psyche.

You might want to read:


"The Jewish question, also referred to as the Jewish problem, was a wide-ranging debate in 19th- and 20th-century Europe that pertained to the appropriate status and treatment of Jews. The debate, which was similar to other "national questions", dealt with the civil, legal, national, and political status of Jews as a minority within society, particularly in Europe during the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries."

You might want to read further:


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those two sites you sent seem to me to be offshoots of the nutty ideas of the protocols of Zion. I think Jews have been and still are sometimes discriminated against. I don't think they are perpetual victims. I don't think that discrimination is in any way a "reason" for what they are doing to Palestine/Gaza. I think Zionism is a fascist ideology that came in very handy to those who wanted to disappear Jews from Europe. I don't see Netanyahu as a Jew. I see him as a power hungry money grubber who uses antisemitism to his advantage. I think he is creating more antisemitism because so many people conflate Judaism with Zionism.

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You are right about Netanyahu because all Jewish leaders inside both Israel and the USA use antisemitism to their advantage. That's why/how the Tribe has prevailed for 2,000 years and if these leaders didn't exploit antisemitism, the USA would not be complicit with their genocide.

Aren't you afraid of being called an antisemite?

You do seem interested in this important issue and I commend you for it. I can only suggest that you keep on reading about the fundamental issues concerning the Arab-Jew conflict. I'm confident you'll find your way.

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I think you need to keep clear the differences between Judaism and Zionism. This is an informative article: https://consortiumnews.com/2024/04/09/origins-of-israels-anti-arab-racism-2/

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Susan, Zionism is a product of Judaism in the same way that Nazi fascism was a product of Germany. And just as Germany was held responsible for the atrocities done by the Nazis, Judaism must also be held responsible for the atrocities done by Zionism. In addition, Israel embodies the political expression of Zionism, and Israel could never get away with its atrocities if not for the political support the US and EU Jewish communities impose on their governments. Jews in Israel and the diaspora overwhelmingly support Zionism/Israel, with percentages well in the 90's%.

So what argument can you give that would show that any distinction between Zionism and Judaism means anything? In the ethos of Judaism is Zionism, just as much as bagels, Seders, and minora candles. are.

I think you need to stop making excuses for Judaism.

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Susan. You seem to forget it wasn't ONLY the Jews which were discriminated against. Look up how many Polish people/Romanies were exterminated.

Russia was on our side in the 2nd WW and lost 20 million souls.

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Apr 16·edited Apr 16

No, I don't forget that. My ancestry is partly Polish. I was responding to Izzatso's post talking about Jews having a problem living in society. It wasn't that the Jews had a problem living in society. It was that some people scapegoated Jews for the problems in society.

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Susan. Always best to put who you are replying to. I forget sometimes too.

I am going to get onto substack about this because it causes a lot of confusion.

Be safe.

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Reading too much and am so tired Izzatso.

I don't believe that Judaism WANTS to 'clean up its act."

To me it has been working 'under the radar' of many countries, mostly the US.

I think that we are now completely absorbed into the Zionist agenda. All western countries are now owned.

Russia/China/N. Korea are our only hope for survival.

I do not support ANY religion or tribe and I will fight till my last breath against any one of these.

Money and power/money and power but when every country is subjugated what is the use of money or power?

The US has beaten the wrong drum for years........Russia/China BUT they didn't realise the power of Zionism.

The US is OWNED by Zionism.

I hate to say this but maybe Germany was NOT wrong and by the way while the Jews rant and wail about the holocaust everyone forgets that Polish people/Romanies were killed in vast numbers.

Russia was on our side in WW2 and lost 20 million souls.

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“maybe Germany was NOT wrong” Wdym by that? That the Nazis were right?

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She said "maybe". Jenny's French, you know.

"By 30 April, the last defenders in the area of the bunker complex were mainly made up of Frenchmen of the SS Division Charlemagne, others being Waffen-SS men from the SS Division Leibstandarte, SS Division Nordland, Latvian SS and Spanish SS from the Blue Legion."


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HOW DARE YOU Presume who I am you stupid little man.

I am of NO country and it is stupid to presume that just because americans stay in America others are not born in other places.

SO stop your incessant stupidity.

WHY are you on Caitlins site ALL you do is provoke with absolutely NO facts at all.

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You keep ignoring my question for some reason. You said, quote: "Russia was on our side in WW2 and lost 20 million souls."

I asked what do you mean by "our side"? Which side do you consider "yours" since you claim to be of "NO country" yet constantly bringing up France and Europe as something superior to everyone else?

Can you read, Jenny? Why do you keep spewing gibberish in response to concrete questions?

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"Russia was on our side in WW2 and lost 20 million souls." - what was "your" side, Jenny? French? That of Vichy and various SS formations?

Learn more of "your" side, Jenny: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/33rd_Waffen_Grenadier_Division_of_the_SS_Charlemagne

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RemovedApr 17·edited Apr 17
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The French resistance was exceptional.

In any war their are people who just want to live like you say.

A lot of the colaberators also housed others fleeing.

NONE of us know what we would do.

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Apr 17·edited Apr 17

"NONE of us know what we would do." - that's true, but here we are talking about known facts. Recall how fast France folded, how Brits bolted, how Brits bombed French fleet as French were going to give it to Germany, etc., etc.

There's an anecdote the veracity of which cannot be established, but the gist is correct: when Keitel was signing capitulation the paper listed France among victors. Keitel asked referring to a French rep "and these also won?".

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What a bunch of hooey! You seem to be French so you're sore. But you should read closer - I asked Jenny which side she considered "hers" when saying Russia was on that side? What was that side?

That was a concrete, to the point question. And you produced a novel. Can you try to summarize what you were trying to say in couple short paragraphs?

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"you produced a novel" LOL

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"Mainstream" is not the right word. A better and more accurate word is "regime." The regime world view is what you are really talking about, and the people who are part of the regime are totally cut off from reality.

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But the sad truth is that what is "regime" so often becomes "mainstream".

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Yes. I think this is an apt word for MSM

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Land of the free, home of the brave is now - Nuts R Us!

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So true, so very true. Thanks for sharing, Caitlin(and Tim).

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The madnesses must be ended because it will not end by it self.

Here something about the Iranian strikes


this may also enlighten some


Thanks for sharing

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"If The Mainstream Worldview Was Accurate…" Hahaha… That was a good one.

Max Igan ( https://www.bitchute.com/video/abG3txJUIGKK/ ): "Never believe a single word, that comes to you from a politician or the mainstream media, just don't do it. They lie to their teeth at every opportunity."

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Hollywood, mainstream media,The US - all four are a joke - burdened by their own stupidity and lack of cultural and global ignorance.

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EMPATHY. I'd add empathy to your sentences: " Changing your worldview is not easy. It takes work. It takes sincerity".

You must be sincerely able to transfer yourself into another's shoes, clear your head of your own exceptionalist fantasies, be they nationalist, religious, or ethno-racial. Or whatever: collectively, humanity has devised numerous classes of excuses for lousy empathy. Dylan's "Positively Fourth street comes to mind. "I wish that for just one time you could stand inside my shoes, and just for that one moment I could be you . . . you'd know what a drag it is to see you."

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Even without empathy it is not difficult to see the injustice and ugliness of killing thousands of people who are shut in a prison. No need to stand in their shoes. Just look. And if you see that as the right thing to do, maybe then you need to go look harder at that face in the mirror.

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Perhaps, but individuals who lack empathy because of any of that other baggage are on the sociopathy spectrum and are incapable of the "just looking" to which you refer because perception is constructive and sociopaths construct a world that precludes seeing injustice to others; all injustices are perceived to be to themselves.

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I am getting so fed up with this word 'sociopathy.' It is a scapegoat word for very stupid/uneducated people.

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Our rulers are neither stupid nor uneducated.

Callous, cynical and calculated, yes. But not stupid or uneducated.

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Or perhaps JennyStokes meant it's a scapegoat word intended for very stupid/uneducated people.

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Getz/Marjorie Taylor Greene?

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Marginal voices with no real say.

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OK, I won't argue with you based on the DSM because it contains a lot of crap. But as a biologist, I am fairly sure that human genetic variation creates significant neurological diversity that predisposes to a vast variety of baseline perceptual schemata that are then molded experientially, early childhood being key. So: how about an extreme variant baseline plus a childhood indoctrination (let's think Zionist culture, for example) producing Narcissism so extreme that it completely blinds the brain's seriously complex perceptual apparatus (including both cognitive, emotional, and memory components in its bias) to the possibility of actually even trying to step across a psychological barrier to try to understand/feel/experience in any way the life of another person. That's what I'm talking about. People like that are not only walking around, they're being wildly successful in our dog-eat-dog culture. Don't like the label? Call it whatever you like.

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Brain chemistry also affects our outlook.

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I wasn't thinking only of people who are incapable of empathy. I was thinking more of people who might just be indifferent or escapist. I do take your point though. Food for thought.

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Stand in their shoes is correct..........it is called empathy!

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Thank you Caitlin🙏

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