If Chucky Shumer isn’t a Zionist, I don’t know what one is. It’s to a point that we all need to believe the exact opposite of what our politicians say publicly.

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The fucked up thing: What Israel is doing in Gaza now, what their settlers are doing in the West Bank now, and what they've done from the very beginning of their little Hebrew speaking project is guaranteed to create and drive anti-Semitic sentiments around the world.

The even more fucked up thing: That's exactly part of the Zionist playbook. They literally want to create dangerous, anti-Semitic conditions for diaspora Jews to manufacture more belief in and consent for the "need" of a "Jewish state" in the Levant.

These Zionists are truly evil people, folks.

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Mar 15·edited Mar 15

If Israel is so independent why is the US supplying them with weapons to carry out their genocide? Why has the Israeli lobby infiltrated the American political system so that our politicians have to bow down to Israel? They just killed a few dozen more Gazans trying to get food. I think Schumer's remarks were a total sham so that every news station was provided the opportunity for pro-Israeli voices who are pushing this genocide a platform to justify it. All of them are sickening. Schumer knows full well no two state solution will be implemented and it is not only in Gaza one can witness this but in the West Bank as well, and has been going on forever. The West Bank owned and controlled by Israel, by Jews, not Palestinians. I'm sick of their BS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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They really seem dependent on controlling Tik Tok now, too. Geez!

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"There is no basis for the suggestion that helping Israel kill Palestinians in Gaza makes the western world safer in any way."

In fact, helping Israel become the world's most hated ethnostate makes the world less safe than ever. Why? Because white settler-colonial projects don't really need to be seen as even more racist and fascistic than they are. The remainder of the world already loathes and despises them and wants to see them all end by any means possible. Apartheid regimes breed more terrorists by their very nature.

Israel is about an independent as bunion on the bottom of your foot and just as painful. It needs to be cut off from the rest of the body for the body's own good.

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It needs to stop living off of the profits made by other nations.

The adjective “independent”(?), is by every evident example (?); not an accurate description of Israel : not by a proverbial “long shot”.

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I really think our money to Israel is just the icing on the cake, it's a tithe to show obesequisence, they don't really need it, they and their supporters are infinitely rich, they could prosper for a 1000 year s on the money they have, they only to make it look like they need us... good optics. Israel does control software that runs services, politicians, etc, but that's only to remind us of their "superiority.'. Anybody with that much money can buy any weapons from anybody

...if not from the US then from France, Russia, etc. it's a mind trap... you want to think they might respond to pressure, but that's an illusion

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An excellent analysis of the relationship between Israel and the US:


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I'm given to believe that Amerika doesn't want 'Independent States', Amerika wants subservient vassals. As long as Israel suits Amerikan wishes, they will get US support.

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"....The reason Israel cannot exist without nonstop violence is because it is an artificial nation that was simply dropped on top of a pre-existing civilization whose inhabitants and neighbors had a deeply-rooted way of living which was massively disrupted by the sudden imposition of a newly created. group ..." says Caitlin

Exactly! And which group were dropped onto and murdered en mass the Palestinians? Well , the Zionist right wing of Jews. It was done by the three most powerful countries in the world under the pretext of sheltering the remains of European holocaust Jewish population . UK and US had been under the de facto (underground ) control of the zionists for all of the 20th century. The USSR since 1917 when the zionists dominated Bolshevik party took control over the majority Menshevik party. This is how and why Israel got voted into existence by major party policy in 1947. Thankfully the USSR has been put into the dustbin of history. But the two other parties major US and minor UK still are dominated by zionist economic and thus political power in regard to Israel and much of their foreign policy. Distorting all of this is the showcase of their western media

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Good article, Caitlin, except you are wrong on 1 point, at the end:

> The managers of the US empire know their agendas of global hegemony benefit greatly from having a fully dependent and intimate ally in a region as geostrategically crucial as the middle east

As John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt explained in their book "The Israel Lobby', ZioNazistan has absolutely no strategic value to the U.S.

Worse even, the unquestioning, blind support for the racist sewer has in fact cost the U.S. dearly, esp. in the long term: it has seriously damaged U.S. relationships with the countries in the region.

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Farce, farce, and more farce. Israel and every NATO member state likes to pretend they are sovereign when they are in Washington's hip pocket.

An election is also a joke as there is only the right, the far right, and the extreme right in Israel. Western countries are all single party puppet states dedicated to fighting Washington wars.

When the party is over there are going to be very dismal times. The economic and social wreckage will be devastating. The west is frozen in time as the rest of the world passes it by.

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Posted This on PBS’s, MSNBC & Sen. Chuckles Schumer Facebook Pages…

Real Journalism…

*Last November a retired Israeli major general named Yitzhak Brick told a columnist with the Jewish News Syndicate, “All of our missiles, the ammunition, the precision-guided bombs, all the airplanes and bombs, it’s all from the US. The minute they turn off the tap, you can’t keep fighting. You have no capability… Everyone understands that we can’t fight this war without the United States. Period.”*

Dem Party = The Military Industrial Complex’s Sock Puppet Party 🎈


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Ya, & Stop ALL "foreign aid" !

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Shumer lamely tries to score points but if the U.S. really wanted him out or different military tactics then it would happen. Israel is the 51st. state...

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Israel wants it both ways, wants unlimited rights with no responsibilities, and will get what it wants, unless and until it is stopped.

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