Putin and Russia have had the forbearance of proverbial saints. But they have a good grasp of facts and logic, and the weasel West's actions, directed by NATO and its idiot mascots and troupe of barking lap dogs, Stoltenberg, Ursula Vanden Leyen, Scholz, Liz Truss, and Biden point in only one direction: the subjugation and break-up of Russia. It ain't happening, and you can take that to the bank - although few will remain standing if the present trajectory isn't greatly modified.
The West’s standard of living was compromised well before September 2019 when market went into Repo and the banksters had stolen all our pensions. Covid and this manufactured war are cover for the greatest crime in history.
Caitlin, you are to be commended for using your faculties to frontally attack the web of lies that make up the false narratives spun by an illegitimate regime, and propagated by an obedient, unreflective media.
There’s a good bit of irony in the fact that as social media has grown, the commercial media is becoming walled in, good for celebrity profiling, live sports and nature documentaries. This neutering of the national media, with particular emphasis on its lockstep regurgitation of the government’s proscribed version of events and what they mean, has only resulted in the growing credibility of the alternative media.
Excellent analysis of the current threat of our annihilation, led by a delusional bureaucratic machine/State Dept. I remember in first grade being instructed to get under my desk if a nuclear attack happened and knowing then what a useless exercise it was. Scared the shit out of me to watch gov movies of A-bomb fire balls destroying animals and buildings.
The Western oligarchy is losing hard. Their Borg Cube is starting to fall apart, and they’re getting increasingly desperate.
This imperial slime mold is the enemy of all humanity. China and Russia are easy to talk to. However, the evil and very ancient oligarchy, not so much…
As the rats and cowards jump the ship, this is the time where the real evil will be most exposed and vulnerable.
What they fear most are very non-linear processes, especially where the natural leadership emerges ie, those people who can offer a genuine vision and alternative to the Malthusian technocratic death cult being foisted on our civilization.
The United States launched at least 251 military interventions between 1991 and 2022.
This is according to a report by the Congressional Research Service, a US government institution that compiles information on behalf of Congress.
The report documented another 218 US military interventions between 1798 and 1990.
That makes for a total of 469 US military interventions since 1798 that have been acknowledged by the Congress. his data was published on March 8, 2022 by the Congressional Research Service (CRS), in a document titled “Instances of Use of United States Armed Forces Abroad, 1798-2022.”
The list of countries targeted by the US military includes the vast majority of the nations on Earth, including almost every single country in Latin America and the Caribbean and most of the African continent.
From the beginning of 1991 to the beginning of 2004, the US military launched 100 interventions, according to CRS.
That number grew to 200 military interventions between 1991 and 2018. and who is vomit about Putin... pitiful wdaf idiots ''buy''.....
Yes, we get Big Pharma agents advising the government about the need for injectables, and the Military-Industrial Complex advising the government about "defence". And if you mention it, you are a "conspiracy theorist" (and worse).
People say, "Well, what was Ukraine supposed to do when the Russians invaded them?" - without realising that what Ukraine actually should have done was to honour the treaty already in place, the Minsk Agreement, and this whole thing might have been avoided.
Except there are too many people who seem to want this war for them to ever have allowed de-escalation.
As always, it is the old men who send the young ones off to be killed and injured in war, and set the rest of us up for economic hardship & destruction.
One of the consequences of the 2014 coup, and the total capitulation of the candidate who promised a peaceful and united Ukraine, is the loss of free speech inside that sorry land. Anybody who voices opposition to the dictator Zelensky is beaten or arrested or both. This should make Joe and NATO and NATO’s political wing, the EU so very proud. We all owe it to the Ukrainians who have opted not to engage in this pretentious struggle. Let us hold a mirror up to this corrupt endeavor. The President is lying, the Senate and House members are lying, the media are selling the lies as truth, and the worst thing that we can do is act like this doesn’t matter. Every attack on the lapdog media is worthwhile, and every repeated condemnation of the enablers of this protracted elimination of Ukrainians is a human stand for truth.
Only one small point to disagree on, it isn't necessarily the old sending the young to war, it very much is the rich and powerful sending the poor and powerless to die for them.
Nuclear chicken it is. Nothing about peace, just about how tough the US is and its MSM is eyeball-deep in convincing anyone who is foolish enough to listen, what a superhuman Zelensky is. Right now it’s about the midterms but the attempt to enfeeble Russia has been a long time in the planning.
The comment section of WaPo is infested with hordes of Defence Department operatives fanning the flames and stoking the furnaces of the war machine.
The United States launched at least 251 military interventions between 1991 and 2022.
This is according to a report by the Congressional Research Service, a US government institution that compiles information on behalf of Congress.
The report documented another 218 US military interventions between 1798 and 1990.
That makes for a total of 469 US military interventions since 1798 that have been acknowledged by the Congress. his data was published on March 8, 2022 by the Congressional Research Service (CRS), in a document titled “Instances of Use of United States Armed Forces Abroad, 1798-2022.”
The list of countries targeted by the US military includes the vast majority of the nations on Earth, including almost every single country in Latin America and the Caribbean and most of the African continent.
From the beginning of 1991 to the beginning of 2004, the US military launched 100 interventions, according to CRS.
That number grew to 200 military interventions between 1991 and 2018. and who is vomit about Putin... pitiful wdaf idiots ''buy''.....
If you want to be called even worse here is a summary of the American historian William Blum’s best known work. It is of course true.
The secret to understanding US foreign policy is that THERE IS NO SECRET. Principally, one must come to the realization that the United States strives to dominate the world, for which end it is prepared to use any means necessary. Once one understands that, much of the apparent confusion, contradiction, and ambiguity surrounding Washington’s policies fades away. To express this striving for dominance numerically, one can consider that since the end of World War II the United States has:
1) Endeavored to overthrow more than 50 foreign governments, most of which were democratically elected;
2) Grossly interfered in democratic elections in at least 30 countries;
3) Attempted to assassinate more than 50 foreign leaders;
4) Dropped bombs on the people of more than 30 countries;
5) Attempted to suppress a populist or nationalist movement in 20 countries.”
― William Blum, America’s Deadliest Export: Democracy – The Truth About US Foreign Policy and Everything Else
In case anyone doubted it and missed this article.
The recurring question is not whether. It’s which troll farm, the Defence Dept. or Langley?
Addendum: it should be noted that WaPo in writing this article will have had unique and private access to info about the origins of boatloads of posts to their comment threads, which actually brought the Defense Dept into focus.
Indeed it wouldn’t be a complete surprise that the piece was engendered by finding the ubiquity of the problem.
The world 🌎 was distracted for a few days with the passing of Queen Elizabeth. I do sympathize with Britain, but not because of that.
No, they got a new right wing P.M who's ok with nuclear war & a King who needs assistance in getting toothpaste on his toothbrush. They won't be any help at all.
Just sickening that this war is even being fought by our neocons and nato who refused to go back to the Minsk drawing board and settle the neighbor dispute in the beginning. I agreed with Trump that we have no business toppling other governments deemed subjectively corrupt by anyone in America. We have enough corrupt bureaucracy to rid ourself of right here. (If that act, by the grace of God, is at all even possible)? The melting fire of Revelations just might be a nuclear war. Good article facing a truthful possibility. I hope for the sake of Russians, Ukrainians, and all regular people of all nations that this can be resolved NOW.
Caitlin is talking in part about the mainstream which has been hacked into by the mainstream news. And they *are* idiots for allowing themselves to believe what they are told. A startling example is the pure propaganda line that all MSM outlets repeat: that Russia has started an "unprovoked" war. Whereas if you dig only slightly, or simply think a little bit hard you know that it is the US of A that has been doing the provoking in Ukraine since 2014. The USA helped the overthrow of Ukraine's democratic government in 2014. The US and Western followers have been supporting the *proven* Nazi oriented subgroup as a means - as that Lloyd Austin US Defense spokesman says - of "weakening" Russia, ever since, and Russia has had to defend the Russian-speaking majority in the Donbass who actually were under constant shelling to this day. That we allow such lies as Russia starting an "unprovoked" war to remain in the mainstream media proves to me that yes, the mainstream *are* idiots. To cap it off, we have been supporting the US and friends, we in the mainstream, when Russia actually has nuclear weapons and will defend the Russian sovereignty as Putin reminds us today, with whatever means are necessary. This is not surprising - what is surprising are those people that "focus on different things" ...
My problem with designating people as "idiots" doesn't really fit. I know a number of people who seem to be supporting the idiotic side, but they're not idiots about most things. Many are nominally members of the PMC and I guess short-term class interest counts for a lot. I think the problems now being presented to them are beyond their current capacities. HItherto, they always knew who the bad guys were; now, it's not clear to them. I'm afraid they're just going to have to act it out. It will be nice if we're allowed to survive....
Well, I made my living as a computer programmer for about 45 years, so I don't know if I want to agree to being an idiot. But I have observed the subspecies pretty closely. The conversion of so much of this population to tribalism in the last few years has been astonishing and disturbing.
~ eyeroll Neither. Just someone who knows you can go off people who talk down to you. I get it, she is frustrated by the attitude of normies. So am I, but I now not everyone can be saved from themselves, and nasty people like you appear just as stupid when you engage with strangers in this manner. I would never presume to know a thing about you except the tone of your writing, and I am done talking to you now.
People should be aware of the potential danger that this proxy war holds for the whole world, and unfortunately the vast majority of people in the US and elsewhere fail to pay attention to that reality. I wouldn't be so sensitive to her referencing people for being idiots for their lack of recognition of this reality, a reality that could destroy their world.
wow, you believed there could be a war against Russia to destroy it, that would not get nukes. Did you work for the Chicago boys when they almost succeeded? If so, then I could see why you might be confused, but otherwise how could you identify as the target of the above post?
I share the sentiment, agree with the analysis, and feel the frustration expressed in this article and echoed by its readership, but I probably wouldn’t have put the word ‘idiots’ in the title either.
The United States launched at least 251 military interventions between 1991 and 2022.
This is according to a report by the Congressional Research Service, a US government institution that compiles information on behalf of Congress.
The report documented another 218 US military interventions between 1798 and 1990.
That makes for a total of 469 US military interventions since 1798 that have been acknowledged by the Congress. his data was published on March 8, 2022 by the Congressional Research Service (CRS), in a document titled “Instances of Use of United States Armed Forces Abroad, 1798-2022.”
The list of countries targeted by the US military includes the vast majority of the nations on Earth, including almost every single country in Latin America and the Caribbean and most of the African continent.
From the beginning of 1991 to the beginning of 2004, the US military launched 100 interventions, according to CRS.
That number grew to 200 military interventions between 1991 and 2018. and who is vomit about Putin... pitiful wdaf idiots ''buy''.....
I think and hope the big three will not use nuclear weapons. It is big talk and posturing. Sadly, they will focus on developing more and more weapons that push the envelope without annihilation. They all live in fear. They all are about control. They do not want to live in bunkers underground. If you realize it is all energy you will understand that raising vibrations is the solution.
Thanks for being at a stage in life where you have the energy, wherewithal, perception and optimism, though perhaps that's diminishing now, to say what I've reached a point of believing, can be no more than documentation, of suicide-by-avaricious-psychopaths, a route humanity keeps choosing. At least your vivid illustrations, give those of us who sensed it's where we'd end up for decades, some relief from our alienation.🙏
https://julianmacfarlane.substack.com/p/ukraine-winter-forecast Putin, I think is fully aware of the US's mentality. Up until now, Russia has not really had the means to challenge the US but now if it has military superiority in Europe, not that it wants a war. Russia understands that MAD rules out anything but small scale conventional proxy wars. On a larger scale, it understands that "war" is economic and social. This Fall will see what used to be called "Eastern Ukraine" mostly opting to join Russia, Western Ukraine having effectively de-Ukie-ized Donbass and Lugansk. This will allow Putin to move to a different strategy -- that is from an SMO--to counter terror. Of course, the "West" will not recognize the right of ethnic russians to self -determination. No matter. Because Russia does and that allows it mobilize resources for use to protect its new citizens. Oddly enough, Ritter, Aaron Mate and Max Blumenthal don't seem to "get" Putin's mindset. https://julianmacfarlane.substack.com/p/the-tao-of-vladimir-putin They listen too much to the Western media and military "experts" -- and to the Russian 5th and 6th column dissenters who always wanted Russia to do shock and awe.
The only thing that helps me sleep at night is knowing (?) that the wealthy elites don’t want to live in a post nuclear apocalyptic world, therefore it won’t happen. Maybe.
What if they’re delusional enough to not mind it...
“Wealthy elites” and their retards “plan” is to move underground and shovel everyone else into the burn pits. That’s why they’re intentionally trying to provoke a nuclear escalation.
It will do them no good. Their tiny system will die quickly. I have first hand experience. I spent 3 days in a nato Bunker with about 800 people. I will stand at the epicenter of a blast rather than go through the thoughts of living in a cave with 800 people for eternity. You only need one psychopath to start it.
They will be killing each other within a week and within a month cannibalism.
This Bunker survival stuff is a lie. Humans are not moles. We don't play nice and get pretty fucking angry in the dark, hungry, toilets backed up, surrounded by the smell of diesel fumes and human smell.
For me, it would be great knowing these assholes would spend their final days fighting a tribal war in the dark, in a Bunker two miles under the surface.
Let's put all of them there now. See how long they last.
Putin and Russia have had the forbearance of proverbial saints. But they have a good grasp of facts and logic, and the weasel West's actions, directed by NATO and its idiot mascots and troupe of barking lap dogs, Stoltenberg, Ursula Vanden Leyen, Scholz, Liz Truss, and Biden point in only one direction: the subjugation and break-up of Russia. It ain't happening, and you can take that to the bank - although few will remain standing if the present trajectory isn't greatly modified.
The West’s standard of living was compromised well before September 2019 when market went into Repo and the banksters had stolen all our pensions. Covid and this manufactured war are cover for the greatest crime in history.
And the banksterz are gearing up for Great Financial Crime Spree II. It's a wonderful life.
Caitlin, you are to be commended for using your faculties to frontally attack the web of lies that make up the false narratives spun by an illegitimate regime, and propagated by an obedient, unreflective media.
There’s a good bit of irony in the fact that as social media has grown, the commercial media is becoming walled in, good for celebrity profiling, live sports and nature documentaries. This neutering of the national media, with particular emphasis on its lockstep regurgitation of the government’s proscribed version of events and what they mean, has only resulted in the growing credibility of the alternative media.
Excellent analysis of the current threat of our annihilation, led by a delusional bureaucratic machine/State Dept. I remember in first grade being instructed to get under my desk if a nuclear attack happened and knowing then what a useless exercise it was. Scared the shit out of me to watch gov movies of A-bomb fire balls destroying animals and buildings.
Me too!
The Western oligarchy is losing hard. Their Borg Cube is starting to fall apart, and they’re getting increasingly desperate.
This imperial slime mold is the enemy of all humanity. China and Russia are easy to talk to. However, the evil and very ancient oligarchy, not so much…
As the rats and cowards jump the ship, this is the time where the real evil will be most exposed and vulnerable.
What they fear most are very non-linear processes, especially where the natural leadership emerges ie, those people who can offer a genuine vision and alternative to the Malthusian technocratic death cult being foisted on our civilization.
The United States launched at least 251 military interventions between 1991 and 2022.
This is according to a report by the Congressional Research Service, a US government institution that compiles information on behalf of Congress.
The report documented another 218 US military interventions between 1798 and 1990.
That makes for a total of 469 US military interventions since 1798 that have been acknowledged by the Congress. his data was published on March 8, 2022 by the Congressional Research Service (CRS), in a document titled “Instances of Use of United States Armed Forces Abroad, 1798-2022.”
The list of countries targeted by the US military includes the vast majority of the nations on Earth, including almost every single country in Latin America and the Caribbean and most of the African continent.
From the beginning of 1991 to the beginning of 2004, the US military launched 100 interventions, according to CRS.
That number grew to 200 military interventions between 1991 and 2018. and who is vomit about Putin... pitiful wdaf idiots ''buy''.....
Yes, we get Big Pharma agents advising the government about the need for injectables, and the Military-Industrial Complex advising the government about "defence". And if you mention it, you are a "conspiracy theorist" (and worse).
People say, "Well, what was Ukraine supposed to do when the Russians invaded them?" - without realising that what Ukraine actually should have done was to honour the treaty already in place, the Minsk Agreement, and this whole thing might have been avoided.
Except there are too many people who seem to want this war for them to ever have allowed de-escalation.
As always, it is the old men who send the young ones off to be killed and injured in war, and set the rest of us up for economic hardship & destruction.
One of the consequences of the 2014 coup, and the total capitulation of the candidate who promised a peaceful and united Ukraine, is the loss of free speech inside that sorry land. Anybody who voices opposition to the dictator Zelensky is beaten or arrested or both. This should make Joe and NATO and NATO’s political wing, the EU so very proud. We all owe it to the Ukrainians who have opted not to engage in this pretentious struggle. Let us hold a mirror up to this corrupt endeavor. The President is lying, the Senate and House members are lying, the media are selling the lies as truth, and the worst thing that we can do is act like this doesn’t matter. Every attack on the lapdog media is worthwhile, and every repeated condemnation of the enablers of this protracted elimination of Ukrainians is a human stand for truth.
Only one small point to disagree on, it isn't necessarily the old sending the young to war, it very much is the rich and powerful sending the poor and powerless to die for them.
Nuclear chicken it is. Nothing about peace, just about how tough the US is and its MSM is eyeball-deep in convincing anyone who is foolish enough to listen, what a superhuman Zelensky is. Right now it’s about the midterms but the attempt to enfeeble Russia has been a long time in the planning.
The comment section of WaPo is infested with hordes of Defence Department operatives fanning the flames and stoking the furnaces of the war machine.
The United States launched at least 251 military interventions between 1991 and 2022.
This is according to a report by the Congressional Research Service, a US government institution that compiles information on behalf of Congress.
The report documented another 218 US military interventions between 1798 and 1990.
That makes for a total of 469 US military interventions since 1798 that have been acknowledged by the Congress. his data was published on March 8, 2022 by the Congressional Research Service (CRS), in a document titled “Instances of Use of United States Armed Forces Abroad, 1798-2022.”
The list of countries targeted by the US military includes the vast majority of the nations on Earth, including almost every single country in Latin America and the Caribbean and most of the African continent.
From the beginning of 1991 to the beginning of 2004, the US military launched 100 interventions, according to CRS.
That number grew to 200 military interventions between 1991 and 2018. and who is vomit about Putin... pitiful wdaf idiots ''buy''.....
Is this available online and do you have a link?
Thank you, I'm going to steal this and post it in another forum (where I'll undoubtedly be labeled "Putin-loving bot" again.)
hehe good luck(?), IQ36 REAL BRAIN!.....
If you want to be called even worse here is a summary of the American historian William Blum’s best known work. It is of course true.
The secret to understanding US foreign policy is that THERE IS NO SECRET. Principally, one must come to the realization that the United States strives to dominate the world, for which end it is prepared to use any means necessary. Once one understands that, much of the apparent confusion, contradiction, and ambiguity surrounding Washington’s policies fades away. To express this striving for dominance numerically, one can consider that since the end of World War II the United States has:
1) Endeavored to overthrow more than 50 foreign governments, most of which were democratically elected;
2) Grossly interfered in democratic elections in at least 30 countries;
3) Attempted to assassinate more than 50 foreign leaders;
4) Dropped bombs on the people of more than 30 countries;
5) Attempted to suppress a populist or nationalist movement in 20 countries.”
― William Blum, America’s Deadliest Export: Democracy – The Truth About US Foreign Policy and Everything Else
In case anyone doubted it and missed this article.
The recurring question is not whether. It’s which troll farm, the Defence Dept. or Langley?
Addendum: it should be noted that WaPo in writing this article will have had unique and private access to info about the origins of boatloads of posts to their comment threads, which actually brought the Defense Dept into focus.
Indeed it wouldn’t be a complete surprise that the piece was engendered by finding the ubiquity of the problem.
The world 🌎 was distracted for a few days with the passing of Queen Elizabeth. I do sympathize with Britain, but not because of that.
No, they got a new right wing P.M who's ok with nuclear war & a King who needs assistance in getting toothpaste on his toothbrush. They won't be any help at all.
Just sickening that this war is even being fought by our neocons and nato who refused to go back to the Minsk drawing board and settle the neighbor dispute in the beginning. I agreed with Trump that we have no business toppling other governments deemed subjectively corrupt by anyone in America. We have enough corrupt bureaucracy to rid ourself of right here. (If that act, by the grace of God, is at all even possible)? The melting fire of Revelations just might be a nuclear war. Good article facing a truthful possibility. I hope for the sake of Russians, Ukrainians, and all regular people of all nations that this can be resolved NOW.
Hard to build a decent readership when you call your readers idiots if they focus on different things than you do. Good luck with that strategy.
Caitlin is talking in part about the mainstream which has been hacked into by the mainstream news. And they *are* idiots for allowing themselves to believe what they are told. A startling example is the pure propaganda line that all MSM outlets repeat: that Russia has started an "unprovoked" war. Whereas if you dig only slightly, or simply think a little bit hard you know that it is the US of A that has been doing the provoking in Ukraine since 2014. The USA helped the overthrow of Ukraine's democratic government in 2014. The US and Western followers have been supporting the *proven* Nazi oriented subgroup as a means - as that Lloyd Austin US Defense spokesman says - of "weakening" Russia, ever since, and Russia has had to defend the Russian-speaking majority in the Donbass who actually were under constant shelling to this day. That we allow such lies as Russia starting an "unprovoked" war to remain in the mainstream media proves to me that yes, the mainstream *are* idiots. To cap it off, we have been supporting the US and friends, we in the mainstream, when Russia actually has nuclear weapons and will defend the Russian sovereignty as Putin reminds us today, with whatever means are necessary. This is not surprising - what is surprising are those people that "focus on different things" ...
In addition, we have no idea the amount of bribes that Hunter negotiated on behalf of the Biden family with Ukraine.
My problem with designating people as "idiots" doesn't really fit. I know a number of people who seem to be supporting the idiotic side, but they're not idiots about most things. Many are nominally members of the PMC and I guess short-term class interest counts for a lot. I think the problems now being presented to them are beyond their current capacities. HItherto, they always knew who the bad guys were; now, it's not clear to them. I'm afraid they're just going to have to act it out. It will be nice if we're allowed to survive....
People who classify as PMC definitely ARE idiots.
Well, I made my living as a computer programmer for about 45 years, so I don't know if I want to agree to being an idiot. But I have observed the subspecies pretty closely. The conversion of so much of this population to tribalism in the last few years has been astonishing and disturbing.
Which are you: CIA or NSA?
~ eyeroll Neither. Just someone who knows you can go off people who talk down to you. I get it, she is frustrated by the attitude of normies. So am I, but I now not everyone can be saved from themselves, and nasty people like you appear just as stupid when you engage with strangers in this manner. I would never presume to know a thing about you except the tone of your writing, and I am done talking to you now.
Oh dammit Janet.
I am a proud member of Caitlin!s indecent readership. I know she didn’t call me an idiot.
I am among the plebs here - and often I do feel like an idiot compared to Caitlin. But should that matter in the grand scheme of things?
People should be aware of the potential danger that this proxy war holds for the whole world, and unfortunately the vast majority of people in the US and elsewhere fail to pay attention to that reality. I wouldn't be so sensitive to her referencing people for being idiots for their lack of recognition of this reality, a reality that could destroy their world.
Wait, I thought stoking a war with a nuclear power wasn't dangerous? You mean it is Janet?!
wow, you believed there could be a war against Russia to destroy it, that would not get nukes. Did you work for the Chicago boys when they almost succeeded? If so, then I could see why you might be confused, but otherwise how could you identify as the target of the above post?
Well said!
I share the sentiment, agree with the analysis, and feel the frustration expressed in this article and echoed by its readership, but I probably wouldn’t have put the word ‘idiots’ in the title either.
The United States launched at least 251 military interventions between 1991 and 2022.
This is according to a report by the Congressional Research Service, a US government institution that compiles information on behalf of Congress.
The report documented another 218 US military interventions between 1798 and 1990.
That makes for a total of 469 US military interventions since 1798 that have been acknowledged by the Congress. his data was published on March 8, 2022 by the Congressional Research Service (CRS), in a document titled “Instances of Use of United States Armed Forces Abroad, 1798-2022.”
The list of countries targeted by the US military includes the vast majority of the nations on Earth, including almost every single country in Latin America and the Caribbean and most of the African continent.
From the beginning of 1991 to the beginning of 2004, the US military launched 100 interventions, according to CRS.
That number grew to 200 military interventions between 1991 and 2018. and who is vomit about Putin... pitiful wdaf idiots ''buy''.....
I think and hope the big three will not use nuclear weapons. It is big talk and posturing. Sadly, they will focus on developing more and more weapons that push the envelope without annihilation. They all live in fear. They all are about control. They do not want to live in bunkers underground. If you realize it is all energy you will understand that raising vibrations is the solution.
Thanks for being at a stage in life where you have the energy, wherewithal, perception and optimism, though perhaps that's diminishing now, to say what I've reached a point of believing, can be no more than documentation, of suicide-by-avaricious-psychopaths, a route humanity keeps choosing. At least your vivid illustrations, give those of us who sensed it's where we'd end up for decades, some relief from our alienation.🙏
https://julianmacfarlane.substack.com/p/ukraine-winter-forecast Putin, I think is fully aware of the US's mentality. Up until now, Russia has not really had the means to challenge the US but now if it has military superiority in Europe, not that it wants a war. Russia understands that MAD rules out anything but small scale conventional proxy wars. On a larger scale, it understands that "war" is economic and social. This Fall will see what used to be called "Eastern Ukraine" mostly opting to join Russia, Western Ukraine having effectively de-Ukie-ized Donbass and Lugansk. This will allow Putin to move to a different strategy -- that is from an SMO--to counter terror. Of course, the "West" will not recognize the right of ethnic russians to self -determination. No matter. Because Russia does and that allows it mobilize resources for use to protect its new citizens. Oddly enough, Ritter, Aaron Mate and Max Blumenthal don't seem to "get" Putin's mindset. https://julianmacfarlane.substack.com/p/the-tao-of-vladimir-putin They listen too much to the Western media and military "experts" -- and to the Russian 5th and 6th column dissenters who always wanted Russia to do shock and awe.
The only thing that helps me sleep at night is knowing (?) that the wealthy elites don’t want to live in a post nuclear apocalyptic world, therefore it won’t happen. Maybe.
What if they’re delusional enough to not mind it...
“Wealthy elites” and their retards “plan” is to move underground and shovel everyone else into the burn pits. That’s why they’re intentionally trying to provoke a nuclear escalation.
It will do them no good. Their tiny system will die quickly. I have first hand experience. I spent 3 days in a nato Bunker with about 800 people. I will stand at the epicenter of a blast rather than go through the thoughts of living in a cave with 800 people for eternity. You only need one psychopath to start it.
They will be killing each other within a week and within a month cannibalism.
This Bunker survival stuff is a lie. Humans are not moles. We don't play nice and get pretty fucking angry in the dark, hungry, toilets backed up, surrounded by the smell of diesel fumes and human smell.
For me, it would be great knowing these assholes would spend their final days fighting a tribal war in the dark, in a Bunker two miles under the surface.
Let's put all of them there now. See how long they last.
Read Level 7. Ironically it was written by someone born in Ukraine. It can be legally read for free at openlibrary.org.
I don't want to post any spoilers, and the Wikipedia article details the entire plot, but I will say you and the author are sympatico.
Did you see this? England’s new Prime Minister pledged that she wouldn’t hesitate to nuke the world, to rousing applause. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPpN5WF563c