Roll steady, Caity. We love you.

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From Caitlin...."Now I am 48. I am healing, and I have grown strong.""

And your unselfish efforts of recent years have made so many others strong too.

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You must know there is a large number of people all around the world, who love you. I hope you can feel it 😍

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May your healing continue

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Trauma is a horror to all who suffer it, and then to a few it turns into compassion and wisdom. Blessings to you on having done the work to heal, get real, get the truth, and love yourself and others. Your healing path is an inspiration to many.

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I second you on that. You wrote it very well.

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Thank you for commenting. Personal experience contributed.

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I was 19, too♥️ thank you for sharing such a personal part of your life. I’m so very happy you’re on this ride as well.

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Brave spirit! I, also, was 19, also drugged, also came to in a strange bathroom. Your story is already helping me & others. I hope that you will see a doctor about the radiating pain 💜. I am thrilled you are here!!!!

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Bless you Caitlin... may you thoroughly and completely heal and triumph over the chaos and tragedy that life has dropped on you. You are a truly magical person!

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I’m sad I only discovered you recently, and very grateful that you are who you are. Sending love from Denver ❤️

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I hope you heal well Caitlin, your courage and empathy shines out to all who have suffered. Keep writing and painting ,you are so needed in this world today. x

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You sure had a rough start Caitlin. You have my deep respect. May I suggest that you continue to keep doing these messages. You have artistic ability, no doubting that, but your journalism is excellent and necessary. We have lots of pretty paintings in this world, so damn what. But we have few, too few real journalists who have the smarts and courage to tell it like it really is, and who are willing to cut through the bullcrap. Keep on keepin on. We need you. My life is great also, doing similar work. It is not just you being paid for your opinion, you are being recognized for the truth you have uncovered, and your ability to make clear what deceived people cannot perceive without people like you and me. It is not your opinion, it is the raw undiluted and unfiltered truth. Thank you.

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Michael, the more of us who feel the same as Caitlyn writing in comment sections, YouTube, Twitter and Telegram, the more we inform. Hopefully we educate, enlighten and convert.

I know for a fact conversion is possible because I was once a Neocon Dupe. When I learned truths and dug even deeper I realized how wrong I was. I became so ashamed I had an existential crisis. I saw a weeping man in my mirror. My only salvation was repentance and recompense. I do so by writing, quoting Caitlin and donating to sites on the same mission.

It's been very rewarding with all the upvotes and comments I get. Together we shall overcome.


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"I know for a fact conversion is possible because I was once a Neocon Dupe."

So was I, once. At least you got wise. Too many people continue to double down, rather than admit that they were fooled.

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I also continue. Thank you for your encouragement. A great gift.


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I added truthforce to my home screen. Thanks for that!

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You may want to sign up for the free newsletter with books attached. My work is not very different from Caitlins, but has more conspiracy. My first major book EXPOSING THE MONEY MACHINE initiated the red pill movement. IT also got me incarcerated.

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Yeah, incarcerated like Galileo. Yeah, incarcerated like Julian Assange and Gonzalo Lira.

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IT appears that you don't believe me. EXPOSING THE MONEY MACHINE was first published in May 2016. I was incarcerated starting September 2016

On this website, scroll down to see the books for sale. Evidence of the incarceration is there. Click for a closer view. No purchase is necessary.


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Your courage is inspiring. Thanks for all that you do.

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You are easily my favourite writer. Your honesty, your savagery towards the monsters and then you can drop a reminder of how beautiful even the ugliness is and it makes me believe. Your writing has inspired countless conversations and brought me closer to people i never knew i needed to be closer with. I would love to see you in an interview, whenever your ready. Vancouver, Canada is a nice place for interviews 😉🤞

PS - All the people I love the most think you’re badass. Because you are

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Ditto, we are blessed to have her in our lives.

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Yeah brother, she's badass!🕊️

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Ho-rri-ble. That's what my mum said when I told her a story like that after it came back to me and kept me awake all night. Being heard seems to puncture the power of the experience to feel horrible, even if you never forget it. I have a theory that such experiences visit those who are so big, glowing and beautiful that abusers want to crush them down. It is a foundation stone of your formidable strength & compassion. Also 48 & starting my artistic practice again. It's a such a thrill & a boundless source of well-being. Thank you for your journalism.

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And good luck to you mwara. These stories of the incredible women who have gone thru them collected all together and sung out over the plaza would bring a standing army to its knees. Thank you for your courage to carry on and tell the truth.

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Wow! i never would have imagined you’d gone through all thar trauma, Caitlin. I am SO very sorry to hear it. You are a gem❣️

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Wow. This is a story of hope. Thank you.

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You made it past that door. Now you have a world of people who love you. We won’t forget you, diminish you or disrespect you. The truth is with you; your fight is ours.

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Dear Caitlin, you are already a light on the mountain top that cannot be hidden by the darkness. Sending many thanks and much love and best wishes to go on mending well.

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