Young people are being incredibly brave and honest by organizing all these encampments. I oppose the butchery in Gaza because it makes me feel sick and heartbroken to see people losing their children. It makes me feel furious when I hear that Netanyahu does not want to declare a ceasefire because then Hamas will "continue" their attacks. I feel like throwing things at my computer when I hear that humanitarian aid is stopping again. I feel flummoxed that more people do not see that this is even worse in many respects than what the Nazis did to Jews and other people in those 1940's concentration camps. I am glad whenever I see people with gray hair like me supporting the people in the encampments and in the protest marches. I feel that the governments of our world are not making any sense at all. Neither is mainstream media most of the time. I have been listening to Farenheit 451. It has that same sense of insanity and nothing making sense as our world does right now.


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I totally agree with you, Susan. It’s all so frustrating and heartbreaking and it feels so nonsensical (although there are very clear reasons why it is so!).

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two very clear reasons. Money. Power

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Why won't Bernie Sanders say the word Genocide?

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The genocide perpetrated by Israel is mirroring the genocide perpetrated by the Nazis ! As a Jewish refugee from the Nazis, I cannot condone genocide by any country , especially by a country that calls itself Jewish!

How can anyone not be horrified by what is being done to the Palestinians , who are called subhuman by some Israelis? Does it not ring a bell ?

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I think at play we also have a life script of many Jews: "suffering is necessary, inevitable"

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May 6·edited May 6

zionists and their colonialist attitudes are the problem. Judaism is not a problem

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If it is a religion, its a problem.

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For me, personally, I do not adhere to any religion. I don't like how people have historically gone to war with others because of religious views. But I also feel that it is not for me to dictate to others. In this instance, Judaism is not the problem. Zionism, colonialism and the genocide that is happening in the name of Zionism is the problem. It is insulting to people who are Jewish, but opposed to Zionism to put everyone into the same basket.

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"the governments of our world are not making any sense at all."

Just remember all state governments and MOST politicians accept the view/principle that the state "government" may MANDATE ASSOCIATIONS onto its citizens merely by passing a law or voting on it AS OPPOSED TO supporting Freedom of Association

The genocide on Palestinians was a STATE MANDATED solution

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We are commoner subjects just relabeled to citizen. The global monarchy decided that they could not use commoner subjects going into the future. Corralling the commoner subjects is job one and this is why covid was foisted on society. They hate us and want us dead like the Palestinian men women and children.

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just remember the entity that did that

The State claiming a state crisis

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RemovedMay 6
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Gene, there are plenty of high ranking current and historical Israelis who said they want to wipe out all the Palestinians. Would you care for me to give you some examples? Or would you prefer to drop this pretentious bullshit about Hamas supposedly being the de facto voice for ALL Palestinians or ALL Gazans.

If that isn't acceptable, I can give you a detailed explanation and history for the Israeli government's support for Hamas - vocal, monetary, political, logistical, etc. How's that?

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RemovedMay 6
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So much wrong in that. Difficult to unpack, even for such a short statement of delusion.

1. "Terror" organization is an arbitrary term used arbitrarily to serve power. Israel began and continues as an overtly terrorist state. Read "State of Terror" by Suarez, or simply Google "Irgun" or "Lehi Stern." https://medium.com/@antounananias/how-terror-made-israel-4581f615a03b

2. Hamas doesn't want to "kill all Jews" (the world over). They dropped that from their charter as soon as they became the de facto and only political and governance force in Gaza. When the part about the Jews *was* in their charter, they were an Israeli creation. Likud and other far-right Israeli politicians and organizations funded, facilitated, propagandized on behalf of, and sabotaged Hamas's competition. https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/

To put it another way, at the ONLY time in Hamas's history when they ostensibly called for the death of Israeli Jews, they were effectively an Israeli front inside Gaza. Google the quotes.

3. How many prominent Israeli scientists, politicians or generals has Iran murdered? It is Israel who illegally possesses stolen nuclear technology, which JFK was murdered in part to prevent from becoming public information.

Israel attacked Iran's embassy/consulate in Syria, and Iran had every right to launch a retaliatory strike; something they had previously declined to do in the face of other blatant criminal acts and war crimes committed by Israel against Iran and its allies.

Do you not understand any of this? I bet you do, but you play stupid here trying to spread your hasbara lies. Which makes one wonder - how smart could you really be, Gene, if you think Caitlin's readers are so dumb as to fall for these obvious falsehoods?

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This is an ignorant statement of no value whatsoever.

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I'm not Nick. Don't know who Mango is. I think you meant to respond to someone else.

But...only eight generations?!

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I'm old enough to have seen (and participated in) this before and my peers capitulated and conformed to a distressing degree. We had much more to fight against, coming after the uber conformist 1950's and conflict-weary WWII generation. The younger generation probably doesn't realize how bad the 1950's really were. And the Baby Boomers have probably forgotten or perhaps they romanticize that time. We're facing repression similar to the House on Un-American Affairs and an FBI similar to Hoover's and all those wars--both public and private--to take over the global South, only on overdrive due to technology. I expect these young people will do the same in capitulation and conforming. We won't know until we are very old, if we live long enough. This is what happens eventually in every generation in the West. The capitalist system grinds them down and most--but not all--capitulate and conform, which is why Israel still exists today. Again, I recommend Alison Weir's "Against Our Better Judgment" for a short, easily digested, and extremely well footnoted account of how the lobby managed to bamboozle an entire (quite politically naive and racist) country. I do not idealize this younger generation, and refuse to. But cyber technologies have changed political narratives so that things cannot be effected so easily by stealth. And I think immigration and our changing demographic are helping things along. There is an entire generation of Middle Eastern descent that has been raised, if not born, in the West. In my opinion, they are more Western than Middle Eastern. Many more Americans have friends or co-workers whose families originally come from Middle Eastern countries so it is harder for the propaganda machine to shove their shit down our throats. There are plenty who know people from the M.E. who still cling to the racist ideology that comes from the broader culture's propaganda, but that is much harder to do among the young who need social acceptance of their peers much more than older people do. Also, the lockdowns and social isolation of the COVID era are helping these protests spread because younger people need in-person social interactions much more. But if your kids are participating, please educate them on repressive tactics used in the past, especially around the 1930's which I suspect our times will come more and more to resemble.

Also Israel's tentacles are so much more obvious today. BLM revealed the degree to which the Israelis have taught their tactics to Western police forces and we're seeing those techniques being used in force. This country has NEVER been a true democracy. The cops have ALWAYS been a privately owned security force to control the general population. Property is ALWAYS valued above life in the U.S. The same people shove unplanned pregnancies on American women are shoving extreme violence in the Middle East to quicken The Rapture. These movements are connected. They are political--not religious. Beware the evangelical Christian Right as well as Zionist agitators. Look at tactics used in the West Bank and assume the same tactics will be used here.

The reaction of what we used to call "the establishment" reminds me very strongly of their reaction to the Wobblies and other movements in the 1930's. I doubt this younger generation knows that much of history since Reagan basically destroyed the public schools' teaching of real history, and Americans have always struck me as astonishingly politically naive, but maybe income inequality is extreme enough for these movements to continue. I certainly hope so for the sake of the species and the many things I like about our species (there are plenty of things I do not).

If not, as they say, this may be the last full generation, although not for the reasons they usually say. Global warming is no match for human aggression and territoriality and venality.

I think the governments are doing what they have always done: They are fighting over power and resources. We do it on the individual level and they do it on the societal level. I do think testosterone has a lot to do with it but women can be as aggressive and territorial as men--look at Hillary Clinton and Golda Meir. Ugh.

There has been an important shift in the locus of global power with the rise of BRICS and this gives me much hope. The era of American domination is over. Therefore, Israel is already dying. It cannot live without its blood transfusions, its fix. If it wants to survive, its culture much adapt very quickly. I don't think it can. It's too rigid and obnoxious, frankly. Too hubristic.

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In the 50s, there was no social media. We didn't get to actually see the atrocities. It was a terrible time, and I cannot stand the blabbering when some go on about "the good old days". They were horrible days. Possibly, with all the atrocities being committed by the money grubbing power mongers today being so visible, the resistance might be more powerful. When we were resisting the Vietnam war, most of us probably realized how futile and wrong war is; many of us realized the hypocrisy of America "saving" anybody from anything. But we rarely got to actually SEE what was happening. While I don't think we were quite as aware that America is no "democracy" as many are aware today, I think we did have a good idea that something was seriously wrong. We probably read more because we didn't have social media. Even without knowing the history, what the US has done quite recently in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and now along with Israel in Palestine is so glaringly anti-human, so glaringly money and power grubbing, that it cannot be missed. Not the kind of world I ever wanted to leave behind for my grandchildren, but that seems to be reality. I hope they can resist it.

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In the 50's there was Jim Crow--I lived under it when our family visited our Southern relatives. The police had a lot more power and Civil Rights didn't exist for people of color. Women had few rights. Shit. We couldn't even get a credit card in our names. I'm not sure about bank accounts. A lot of women couldn't work. Most of us had to wear fucking dresses. God, did I hate that. Rape within marriage did not exist (theoretically). What the schools taught was so backward I was constantly correcting my (elementary school) teachers when we lived in the U.S. (not often, thankfully). I refused to salute the flag or say the Pledge of Allegiance. Kids were beaten by their parents pretty commonly. In fact, they were whipped by their school principals. You are leaving a much better world than the one you were born into. No matter what.

BTW, the US did to Syria what Israel has been doing to Gaza. In 2012. This is what Hillary Clinton was really turned on by. As well as castrating Moammar Qaddafi who, miraculously, kept the colonialists out of his country for YEARS until he was stupid enough to trust the West. I hope that woman suffers as much as she caused him to suffer before her lights go out. Yeah. Hillary Clinton had Moammar Qaddafi LYNCHED. Trussed up and dragged behind a truck while his limbs were removed by a moronic crowd. Libya has not recovered losing him yet.

I remember watching atrocities on TV during dinner. Both Vietnam and Palestine. I remember the 1967 war. Could not get out of this country fast enough. We saw enough, Susan. You've just blocked it out. And it was censored by the newscasters. And all the racism in TV shows and films. This is why many Baby Boomers support Israel. They were fed a lot of racist propaganda from a super young age.

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I haven't really blocked it out. I was one of those beaten children. School was an escape for me. I didn't get hit there, because I had learned to be obedient, but I had to watch while one or two others got strapped on the hands. Later, I was fortunate to volunteer at a Rape crisis centre that was part of changing some of the rape laws in Canada. Rape within marriage existed alright. It was just not illegal back then. I was born into post war England. I came to Canada as a baby, but it scarred my mother and through her, it scarred me. Alice Miller talks about Violence in the family in her book "For your own good". She talks about how, if Hitler had not been beaten by his father, it is possible that we would have a different world. I think there are still many who support beating children. When my son was growing up and behaving badly, it was surprising how often I heard "what that boy needs is a good beating". I wonder if some of our present world leaders experienced beatings as children. Not excusing them, but it is possible.

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I think if more Jews had gotten serious therapy after WWII--and not just ones who were survivors of the Holocaust--we might not be witnessing a genocide right now. I was really shocked by how much child abuse my Jewish college classmates experienced in the name of family history. The trauma was passed on, even by people who never experienced the Holocaust. It was weaponized for political gain and financial and our whole generation of Jews were really damaged by it. As is the youngest generation in Israel being damaged today.

It's pretty shocking but you should read what Alice Miller's son has to say about her parenting of him. Okay. It's REALLY shocking. You should check out his insights.

I wonder what kind of emotional childhood Netanyahu, Smotrich, and Ben Gvir had.

And then there's Biden! I really do think there's something really dreadful in his childhood. Healthy people cannot look away from genocide and mass murder and all this sadism. Unless something happened to them which caused them to go into deep denial just to get from one day to the next.

I already know how bad Trump had it. But it's his older brother I really feel sorry for.

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I watched an interview with Martin Miller https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=768c6rukXTs. I find it more sad than shocking. I will look for more of what he has to say. He does not say that her thinking regarding psychology was wrong, only that she did not carry that thinking over to her personal life. Also he seems to be suggesting that she had never dealt with her own trauma which made her a neglectful parent who stood by while his father beat him. It sounds like her chapter about Hitler's father beating him. People get so twisted around by trauma. I have often thought that everyone who experienced directly or indirectly the trauma of the Holocaust should get therapy. I wonder about what the people going through this genocide are going to carry throughout their lives. I think you are right in saying that so many of those people experienced some serious trauma in their lives. Lots of other world leaders too. Maybe people aim to become world leaders to compensate for how they were made to feel about themselves as children.

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deletedMay 8
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" I feel that the governments of our world are not making any sense at all. Neither is mainstream media most of the time."

They make sense when you realise every single one is a tyranny, and the media their propaganda arms.

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Is this the latest from NPR, PBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CBS?

Have you ever been lied to before?

If you’re not a liberal by age 20, you have no heart..

If you’re not a conservative by age 40, you have no mind..

Hope you don’t mind my embarrassment on your behalf.

Nothing personal, but the real news is readily available if you do a search.

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Fortunately not everyone is a murderous genocide supporter like you are. You are a terrorist supporter.

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I have no solution for pests like you

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What's worse, someone having thoughts and feelings about genocide, or someone doing genocide?

You are quite simply wrong and a terrible person at that.

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When people were protesting Vietnam, they said it was because communists had infiltrated and were influencing students and others. I was part of those demos too. Not so different, but not so many as now. Students and non students are seeing through the lies of those in power. I am glad of that.

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And the more they try to stop these brave students the stronger this movement will grow.

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A big part of why I resisted, besides munitions manufacturers getting rich off war is that I met some Vietnamese students in Paris who hated that the Americans were in their country killing people and destroying infrastructure. Nobody ever really wins any war. At some point the fighting stops for any number of reasons. There is a lot of money being made from this genocide that Israel is committing. And the Palestinian people never wanted them there.

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OK, Boomer. Typical Zionist reaction.

1) Makes it about himself and his alleged experiences. Ascribes the 'inorganic' label to anything with which he disagrees and didn't participate. Ascribes the 'organic' label to his own alleged experiences, despite having been 18-20 years old at the time. For all Gene knows, his protest was infiltrated.

2) Fails to understand the actual history of Vietnam war protests and the length of that war.

3) "Forgets" that social media and TikTok weren't a thing when he was a kid when he makes the despicable, derogatory allegation that these protests **simply couldn't ALL be just popping up at once!** **AND LOOK AT THE MATCHING TENTS and BIKE LOCKS (that are sold in the uni bookstore)!!!**

4) I highly doubt Gene was at Kent State. In fact I'd bet money he couldn't prove he was. Since he's the "finance guy" (big surprise, amirite?) the amount of the wager is up to him.

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Gene is a time waster.. he pretends to apply critical thinking to the situation but can’t get beyond propaganda that has already fallen apart under scrutiny.. next thing you know, he’s going to remind us of how Israel is the only democracy in the ME.. and that IDF is the most moral army in the world.. and that the Jews are God’s chosen people.. and if all else fails, just blame Hamas for hating the Jews.. while the moral Zionists have every right to genocide Palestinian children. He didn’t get the memo that Zionist propaganda is broken and can never be fixed again..

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I wonder if Gene realizes that all he's doing is causing people to wake up to the true depth of depravity in Israel and its Zionist control of western governments?

I mean FFS - The real reason TikTok is going to be banned is Greenblatt's sentiments that "We (ADL/Israel/Zionists) have a TikTok problem."

And we see our First Amendment rights trampled on behalf of a foreign, occupying government thousands of miles away. B/c that's just completely normal. US college campuses are basically "Hamas" or "Nazi Germany" depending on which of the Zionist liars or their cronies you listen to.

And all they - and Gene - had to do was just shut up and continue usurping our governments and media quietly. Instead, they began to buy too much into their own propaganda and couldn't realize that those of us outside their discredited bubble would eventually wake up to it once the lies and murder/genocide became too much to ignore.

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Agree. And throwing facts at the Genes of the world is like throwing logs into a fire. He is a time waster, as a result, but agree with your perspective that if anything, he’s succeeding in further destroying the now defunct Israeli narrative. But his religious fervour to defend the indefensible is amusing, if I’m being kind..

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RemovedMay 6
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Now you're saying your high school classmates were among the kids shot dead at Kent State?!

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Who told you this preposterous garbage? The WSJ? I remember Kent State really, really well. And what inspired the massive protests then is EXACTLY what has this time. The US Empire has lied, lied, LIED, LIED etc. to the 100th power and everyone who has bothered to find out the TRUTH CANNOT BLEEPING TAKE ANY MORE OF IT. Amongst its lies is EVERYTHING YOU SAID IN YOUR POST. The U.S. is a rotten, loathsome empire of lies, just like it was during the Vietnam War, just like it was during the McCarthy era, the Red Scare, the Iraq Invasion, the Afghanistan adventure, the deliberate destruction of Libya, the outrageous occupation of Syria, the proxy war against Russia in Ukraine, the planned war against China that its propagandists are beating the drums for. We all know that is coming. And after the Kent State and Jackson State massacres, the twits who believed the official lies were very clear that THEY DIDN’T KILL NEARLY ENOUGH OF US.

I absolutely hate generational classifications- almost as much as identity crap- as if class and wealth disparities, as they have become so painfully more and more clear, just don’t matter in our new age. The hell they don’t. OK, boomer, MY ASS. I’m a so-called ‘boomer’. NOTHING about my precise age is predictive of who I am. And there’s nothing about your age that is, either. You either believe transparent lies or you say no, that is crap, and I’m not going to stand for it. I’m with the kids trying to stop this genocide at Columbia, at UCLA, at Washington University, at Indiana University, and everywhere else. And I am reasonably confident that if you didn’t immerse yourself in empire propaganda, you would at least view them a lot differently.

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Thank you Caitlin for expressing so eloquently everything that is on our minds right now (and stating observations that should be clear to see for any moral, thinking person but unfortunately aren't).

The two-party system in the US (Democrats and Republicans) are 2 sides of the same neo-liberal, capitalistic, and imperialistic coin with superficial differences (IMHO). They (the power elite) make us fight amongst ourselves (instead of fighting power) and distract us with their smoke-and-mirror tricks while they erode rights, freedoms, & true democracy (while simultaneously enabling a genocide). They do this one small piece at a time so that it goes unnoticed (for the most part).

And that is one reason (of many) why I appreciate your articles so much, as you shine light on the shadows and expose (in your own way) and call attention to the important things we should be focusing on in order to challenge power.

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Chang, my compliments on your extremely well-written response to Caitlin’s post. Beautifully on-point and articulate. 👍🖖🏿

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Thank you Leon Brown Jr.

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you mean mixed/corrupt capitalism ?

TRUE capitalism supports capital in the hands of private entities


State government cannot run without a source of capital

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Either definition is equally as bad. The government doesn't have to control the capital in order to serve it's interests, so it existing in private hands only means the government now works for the rich.

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If you know of any STATE that has been able to do a job such as government without capital - even such as money- I would be shocked

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check out the definition in WIKI or probably Britannica too

The will both says capitalism support capital in the hands of private entities

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Well said 👍

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The ONLY way to challenge power and stay alive as a sentient human being is NOT to play their game.

Defund the government !!

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Based on your "defund the government" statement, I believe you do not understand how power, systems of power, and the government works, or what the true purpose of government is.

In principle, the government serves the people (not the power elite), provides protection for the the people (from the power elite and their different systems of oppression), aids in supporting people that genuinely cannot support themselves (through no fault of their own other than being victims of "systemic and structural" socio-economic inequality, racism, violence, discrimination, etc.), ..... and so many more things.

The "power elite" (call them the oligarchy, 1%, ruling elite, global empire managers, whatever) have co-opted the government to serve their own purposes rather than to serve the people.

So what is needed is to "bring down the SYSTEMS OF POWER" that corrupt and destroy the proper functioning of the Government.

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This! All day long this.

"The west is protecting freedom and democracy by stomping out its own freedom and democracy to assist the genocidal atrocities of a nation that is also stomping out freedom and democracy."

Why so many people are cheering this on is so mind boggling.

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Am I on the same track as you, Sam?

I might be naive, but the thing that always comes back to trouble me is......almost "cheering them on"..............

why Germany, white Euros, the colonials of Australia, New Zealand, Canada? Why do we see such strong support from those countries for such a disgraceful state as Israel, hardly one of them prepared to come out and say " give Rafah a miss, you parasitic genocidist, Netanyahu, and show some compassion" or we will........

1. End diplomatic relations

2. Vote against you in the feeble United Nations

3. Stop trading with you and cease to make any more military weapons for you to use against innocent civilians

4. Take action by way of penalties against your country

5. Close down all your investments in our country.

Other than a total subservience to the disgraced genocide supporter, the USA, ( a.k.a. little Israel), probably contributing a great deal to such a position, what else makes them take such a stance supporting such inhumane killings?

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Stop buying Israeli products. Just fucking boycott. You don't have to wait for the UN or your government or your university to do so. I have been doing this since 1967. Why haven't you? Boycott all companies who do business with Israel. That includes Google. Microsoft. Et al.

And while you're at it, give money to UNRWA. Fuck Biden.

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I already have. Who else is on the Boycott Team?

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OK for a solution

BUT remember that the boycott will probably affect Israeli citizens more than the state itself

U.S. punishment on Russia have had littler to no affect on the Russian state

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GOOD! MAYBE THEY CAN LEARN A LITTLE BIT ABOUT LIVED REALITY. FOR FUCK'S SAKE, WHAT PLANET DO YOU FUCKING LIVE ON??? WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK MAKES UP THE "ISRAELI STATE"??? Most of them want to kill all Palestinians. I could give a damn. Anyway, we're subsidizing their lifestyle, at gunpoint, apparently. They can always LEAVE.

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Like most americans cheered and approved of Truman nuking 2000,000 japanese civilians to death ?

ALL because Japan rejected an UNCONDIUONAL SURRENDER of their rights as FDR wanted ?

Cheering for one of the worst (if not the worst) terrorist acts by a state leader carried out in 3 or 4 days

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You're talking to a Japanese-American, Howard. And they didn't bomb Japan because they rejected an unconditional surrender. They bombed because they didn't think they'd have another chance to test their new atomic bombs on a living population without the restrictions they experienced stateside.

I also don't understand why you bring up HOA laws in a previous post? WTF?

FYI, Israel has dumped (more than) the equivalent of two atomic bombs on the tiny Gaza Strip already. I won't disagree the US is one of the worst terrorist groups in the world today. But Israel is a very close second. The apple does not fall too far from the tree.

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Personally I'm ok with that-a little financial pain is a tiny price to pay for the way nearly their whole society thinks genocide against Palestinians is ok. They still have plenty of food, hospitals, universities, jobs, not being ethnically cleansed, not being bombed, etc.

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Something of a coincidence, Nosey, I also have been boycotting anything that even smelt of Israel since ...... ....yes, 1967 also, the year of the USS Liberty disgrace when the subservience by the USA to their now resident masters, Zionist Israel commenced. Thanks to the Zionist Johnson. a totally disgraced US President, who sold out the USA to the parasites in Israel...... and who have never looked back having now gone on to own America, top to bottom.

The USA Host and the Israeli Parasites. Now a fact of life.

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Temporary. They're going to implode. Can't happen soon enough.

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I did forget the UK. The colonial master, now managed these days by more of their past colonial lists who came over to make a home in Britain, the mother country, from all over the world making it the Commonwealth of Nations (the once English sycophants, still bowng gracefully to British Royalty). We see British Conservatives, the upper class, right up there, wishing the Rothchilds of London Central good luck in their genocidal support as they deposit their monies in one of their banks and even today, the once- upon- a-time working class Labor Party managed by SIR Keir Stamer sending cheerios to Netanyahi every day. I mean, Sir Keir? Labor Party? What next.

That makes my list complete. The one I did miss on purpose was the Pope in Rome, after receiving no response from my request to him to excommunicate Biden, a practising Catholic Christian for inhumane acts of genocide. Seems as though the book of best practice, aka the Bible, must have a passage in there somewhere stating that if you are an American President, you can kill anyone you choose and still stay in the flock.

Is that hypocrisy. "Thou shall not kill" ..... in the good book somewhere, I am sure.

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The Club. The 5-Eyes club.

They are in lockstep, and their positions will never waiver.

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Deadly lockstep.

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I really think racism is a big reason for this, just simple racism. White countries against non white peoples. I know there are many factors, but racism is the big ugly elephant in the room.

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The west has created way too many sick souls that has, over time, created and led to this moment of insanity.

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It is insane isn’t it? It’s hard to believe that people can’t see through the manipulation yet, but here we are.

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Pointing out the fools they are representing.

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Since, sadly, Harry Belafonte isn’t here to say it, and because I am 100% sure he would have if he was still with us, and because it is so obviously, if metaphorically, true, I will say it. New York City mayor Eric Adams is a house nigger. And New York City is a huge plantation, owned and operated by the Zionist Occupation Government. And, to anyone out there who has ever experienced my rolled eyes when you raved about the ZOG, my sincere apologies. You were right, and right to rave about it. It is despicable, in plain, open view, and I just didn’t want to see it. The ludicrous insult to everyone’s intelligence that is Eric Adams has truly blossomed with his demented screed against the wife of Sami Al-Arian, whose brief visit to the site of the Columbia U. encampment was just the last straw for this loathesome hack. Apparently, the visit of a 62 year old grandmother overcome with grief at the loss so far of around 200 of her relatives to the Zionist genocide in Gaza was a clear and present danger to the minds of young college students who have the audacity to believe genocide is a bad thing. The encampment had to be swept away to keep the possibility of indignation at the mass murder of tens of thousands, about to become hundreds of thousands, from spreading to others. Check Ryan Grim’s piece in The Intercept for more.

In 1863, Eric Adams would have gotten in line to volunteer to be Jefferson Davis’ manservant. And all of you east coast pwogwessives with superiority complexes regarding the deplorables? If you aren’t outraged by Israel and its bought and paid for lapdogs in both parties, and do not stand with the students all over this country who have stood up and tried to do something, I have a little surprise for you. You are as deplorable as deplorable gets.

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No need to bring in race - the man is a former cop and political fascist.

Harry B. wouldn't waste a bullet on a chump like that. He'd save it for big game, like US Secretary of War Austin and the US team at the UN defending Israel's genocide.

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Good point, Bill. Thanks!

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You could have written "house negro" and the sentiment would have come through just the same. Please keep this in mind for the future. Jesus Christ.

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May 6·edited May 6

You know which term you just used and shouldn't have. This isn't about telling you to self censor, or any woke BS about feelings and no-no words, its about the fight you are in. We all are in a battle of words, if it were a fist fight its like a punch or stance that loses you the rest of the fight, which is your argument, which should win because the rest of it is accurate.

Now to add to your points, have you ever noticed how the Dem party only seems to include blacks who are the worst cliches like that, Donna Brazil, Jamal Bowman, Erik Adams, Lori Lightfoot, etc... No light in their eyes, insipidly stupid, vapid word salad speeches. The dems do that on purpose. They have a clone of Donna Brazil at the UN to veto everything that could stop Israel. They always have them trotted out so a black face is associated with the evil shit they do. To me that's the most racist shit that happens at the highest levels of the party.

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Those are the real n*****s.

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Love everything you said, especially the last paragraph.

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Well said, Andrew

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Deplorable n*****s.

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In some religious orders the penalty for attempts to leave said order is death; such rules will often cause biased belief systems.

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Who with a once of basic human decency doesn’t! My entire Jewish family were never Zionist, they hated every religious state, my father was particularly outraged by ant suggestion that Israel represented the international Jewish diaspora. . He called that idea anti semitism

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religious states are usually nationalistic in tone and action

They can be extreme too willing to punish people solely for their beliefs

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It’s hard when you realize that family members and other people close to you are actually psychopaths. Also difficult to grasp is realizing that basically an entire nation (Israel) has made almost every one of its citizen a psychopath through intense brainwashing.

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Surely not just Israel. What you describe is true in the USA, UK, Germany, and other so-called Western Democracies. Thoroughly brainwashed.

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I disagree. The mass demonstrations in the U.S. and UK--and there have been many-- are against Israel and genocide. The mass demonstrations in Israel? They want their hostages back and then they want their government to finish off the Palestinians. Please don't lump us in with them.

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I also disagree. If you look at the polls most israelis think Israel is using enough or not enough force in Gaza and most of them are for blocking humanitarian aid in the Gaza strip. Most Americans and Brits do not support Israel's actions.

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I was trying to respond to this comment:

"Israel and the United States are now equally vicious bedfellows." And wanted to make clear that there are more in the bed than just those two. I think the layering of the replies is somewhat askew.

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deletedMay 7
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There are some replies that get many replies and some of those replies get multiple replies. That makes what I call layers. I think sometimes replies end up not in the right place.

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It's not "layers", it's a regular tree structure. When you reply make sure you click on "Reply" link under the comment you want to reply to and type in that newly opened field. Not anywhere else. Then your comment will be placed correctly.

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You think about it, reality itself is psychopathic. The best people in the world, will suddenly die from some freak accident, or disease. 14,000 children were just murdered in Gaza in the last 6 months, just because they happened to be born in the wrong place at the wrong time. It's like the universe itself is psychopathic.

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Jamenta I don't know if it's reality, as much as humanity.

At its most base level, human beings can be just as savage as any apex predator - we just conceal our brutality under a veneer of "civilised gentility" (until we don't).

Cohorts of humanity have been like this throughout history.

Brutality is in our nature. I'm thinking particularly of past practices such as being hung, drawn and quartered, being burnt at the stake, beheadings, firing squads.

We are, and always have been, animals, with animal instincts.

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I think we, humans, have upped it to a whole new level. Animals don't normally behave in this crazed fashion. Many have ways to signal that causes an attack to stop. We seem to have 'civilized' that out.

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Being savage or brutal doesn't equal psychopathic though. There are many situations one could imagine where those qualities would be completely pro-social, as in self-defense of any kind. We can use those instincts for good or evil, it's up to us. The most brutal animals in nature are brutal to survive, they aren't psychopaths.

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"The best people in the world, will suddenly die from some freak accident, or disease."

You mean people like Karen Silkwood and the 2 Boeing whistleblowers who died under highly suspect conditions?

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Two now? Have I missed something from a while back, or within the last few days? Sheesh.

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I personally don't find anything 'suspect' about the right-handed Boeing whistleblower who was found shot twice in the back of the left side of his head despite having previously told family members that if anything happened to him it wasn't suicide. That's how people kill themselves all the time.

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deletedMay 7
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May 7·edited May 7

Always? Do you have the free choice of getting old? Do you have the free choice of someone running over you while crossing the street? Do you have the free choice of living on the beach anywhere you want in the world? Do you have the free choice of being born with musical talent? Do you even have the free choice of what thoughts will bubble up from your unconscious?

In fact, the truth is, there are parameters/limits during one's entire life, that limits your "free choice". I would agree with you, there is the sense of freedom we have, to choose within the parameters that are set by reality and outside influence. But there is much obviously not within our control. We did not choose our own births or deaths. Our birth occurred because of other people's choices, and our death is written in our Fate, and will come on a day (for most) usually not of our choosing.

This is what it appears to be. Although, I am aware that some may argue differently, that some do argue more is going on in each individual's life than meets the eye. Such as the influence of the unconscious. But if this is not what you are arguing, then I believe your reasoning is flawed.

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Well said Caitlin. Probably the best, clearly articulated, down to earth reasoning for what should be so obvious, but has to be explained anyway.

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Bravo, well stated. Seniors, too, are protesting the genocide. We want Zionism out of America, and Israel out of Palestine.

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Yes - an appeal to follow Boomers:

"We The Elders - What Will Be Our Legacy?"


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I mean this from my heart and my soul. And now, after the death of my husband, it has come to the point, honestly, that I don't know what I would do without you. I consider you a soul mate. So at odds with....basically everything... ...it's like you synced your thoughts with mine. Forward into the breach...and in solidarity.

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Thank you for your simple, direct and honest speech.

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I think it's funny that the thrust of the narrative is pretty good until you decided to point to the maga people as a monolithic pro Israel movement. I'm not maga at all, but clearly there is a split on the right with tucker and Candace Owens not going along with the program (30% of republicans at least according to Gallup, and 60% of independents many planning on voting trump)

More so than I've seen any mainstream democrat operatives opposing the funding to Ukraine (particularly if you compare the timelines from the start of the slaughter)

I would make the educated guess that the Matt Gaetz, MTG, Trump camp is where the opposition lies.

If you're going to be more specific than "the right" you should at least point it to the right crew - McConnell, Graham, Johnson, etc...

You will alienate possible allies if you stick with this IMO...

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I avoid ideology and tribe as both short-circuit critical thinking.

When MTG is right, she's right.

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"You will alienate possible allies if you stick with this IMO..."

I think you confuse Caitlin with a slimy triangulating politician.

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Lol, is this an important issue to convince people of or not?

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I don’t find it “funny” whatsoever; Naive, Ignorant , and nominalist at best; sophist radical, and controlled opposition at worst. Would like to give Caitlin the benefit of the doubt, however, as a journalist, she certainly should have the skill sets to not be so sloppy with language; it appears intended. Her target appears to be against Republicans and Trump supporters, as reflected in the last three paragraphs. Why not use a more precise term of “Uniparty Republicans”?) She supports the protest, but fails to mention the 21 REPUBLICANS opposed the Abomination of HR 6090 “Antisemitism Awareness Act ,” passed which now punishes and categorizes any criticism of Israel or Zionism as anti-Semitic hate speech and seeks to negate the 1st Amendment and criminalize Free Speech. (AIPAC provided over 100 million in funding and has since denounced, smeared, and withdrew support for these Republicans). Perhaps Caitlin needs a lesson in what a Constitutional Republic actually is, vs Democratic Mobocracy, or an Australian Constitutional Monarchy, where “privileges” are granted, but no God given “Rights” actually exist. BTW, The City of London and their foam brained-ass licking, hereditary monarchist created the illegitimate state of Israel as a geo-political operation and founded the gang-counter gang, controlled of the Muslim Brotherhood in the first place. Keep this in mind when categorizing “all” of the students incentives by “compassion”. (Remember the (FBI) Weatherman and Proud Boys).


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more fire from the legend. thanks.

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May 6·edited May 6

Had no idea Caitlin is already a legend! Well, back to my taco bell job. Sigh.

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“Somebody is radicalising our students”, they claim? No. They have brains and have been radicalized by being at the sharp end of capitalism.

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What is missing is a discussion about the role of aipac in our electoral


Biden took a boatload. Even the so called progressive s say nothing , only those from Michigan don’t. . And of course they get none nor would they take it. This is the deep reality , the actually reason why the democrats are so racist and shitty.

They are paid, bribed, whatever toy call it to stand with settlor colonialism and genocide. They should disband, no there, there. As for me, the old Jewish leftist lady, I’d rather eat dirt than vote for Biden. But then..I live in CA, so only the Dems can win statewide, I’ll be voting for Cornel West… to soothe my soul.

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Or Dr Jill Stein, who was arrested on the campus of Washington University in St Louis.

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Loved her comment, "I just got out of jail. I don't know what my hair is doing." 😝

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Vote Kennedy.

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For what reason? He supports Israel!

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He says he makes his decisions based on the facts. The facts are becoming increasingly evident on Israel. I think he can change his position. He seems someone who can see reason. But I may be wrong. I do know he's 1,000x better than Biden.

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The 'naivity' of thee USA is compelling!

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I forgot this: HE says?????????

DO you understand...............his name is Kennedy. His family has derided him

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Yes. Some members have sidled up to the con man and dementia patient, Joe Biden, and his ho VP. I guess they cannot disengage from The Borg. Interesting to think that the government was likely responsible for the murders of JFK and Robert Kennedy, and there would still be family members in lock step with the corruption and Third World politics.

And I'm the last person to have bought into the "conspiracy theories" related to the assassinations. But too much information has come out over time.

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We might learn more if we turn these two questions into one, and got an answer, "For what reason he supports Israel?"

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Listen and learn!

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How is he going to help the stop the genocide in Gaza and the erasure of the Palestinians?

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Netanyahu gets to be a genocidal monster thanks to Biden taking all that money from AIPAC . That’s the truth. Another truth, Gaza is filled with oil and gas reserves, the intent of Netanyahu is to make uninhabitable for human life, and steal all that carbon spewing wealth. He has a.ready sold leases, google it.

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Well, by January 2025, if nothing changes, I'd guess Netanyahu will have "finished the job." We're seven months into this horror, and nothing has really changed. Netanyahu continues with his plan.

I don't see that Trump, Kennedy or Biden are good on this issue at all (well, Biden is a failure on every issue). I believe the fallout between Kucinich and Kennedy was over Israel. That said, Kennedy seems committed to ending the neverending wars.

Kennedy is smart as a whip. If the Democrat Party wasn't a completely evil, corrupted failure, Kennedy would be the candidate.

If you get a chance to watch the latest video with Kennedy, narrated by Woody Harrelson, do. It might sway you. (It is a bit long.) Or any of the long-form interviews he's done.

Truly I can't believe that rank & file Democrats would not vote for Kennedy over dementia Joe. It's mind-boggling.

But, Cornell West?

He can't even manage his finances.


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Dr. Jill Stein. I voted for her before and I have no problem doing it again.

As for RFK, jr, if he is wrong on genocide, regardless of his other opinions, I can’t vote for him.

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"Truly I can't believe that rank & file Democrats would not vote for Kennedy over dementia Joe. It's mind-boggling."

Yes, but also what about his family's publicly dismissing him? vs. just keeping their mouths shut. What's happening there?

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The D's know in a nono -second RFK will join the Dems. Who knows he might be the next Vice president. I do NOT trust him

Jill Stein is far better choice but you Americans are ignorant, you have never supported 3rd party;s. You get the fall out.

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He is a nothing burger

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Some media outlets here in Australia bag the young without mercy. What do they know? It is the "lefty" professors influencing them. I note that there are many people of the Jewish Faith in these demonstrations. We are never told this by our media outlets. Not part of the agenda. They are happy to let people run wild with events totally out of context.

I left school in 1973 and I know for a fact if it wasn't for many of the young I would have been running around in a really big jungle getting shot at. The young were on the right side of history then. I read of Kushner echoing his father-in-law's words that the State of Israel needs to "finish the job". When he then goes on to say that a place should be bulldozed in the Negev desert (walled of course), and there will be many opportunities for real estate develop along Gaza's coastal strip: Then I know what a psychopath is. Sadly, they are not alone.

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May 6·edited May 6

As Caitlin has said today, Republicans and Democrats ......"They’re on the same side.”

She also said, quoting Bob Dylan “ if you’ve got nothing, you’ve got nothing to lose”.

But isn’t this a sad outlook for the younger generations, those intelligent campus occupiers who might never make it to a professional career because they feel, as we do, that under the current climate of the suppression of 'freedom of speech’, they really do not have a future at all..

There is just nothing they can do. They can’t take up weapons to protect themselves against state controlled police forces, people who see no reason for holding back on bashing a female university study across the back, Their salaries depend on them doing what they are told to do by corrupted Governors like DeSantis in Florida, protecting his future and luxurious lifestyle by way of the Jewish lobby dollars and its continued support for his renewed electoral success.

From DeSantis a few hours ago…” To those observing Yom HaShoah tonight, we join you in remembering the 6 million Jewish individuals murdered in the Holocaust. Never forget. Never again.”

Well, was it anywhere near 6 million, the marketing hype that has been in play since 1945 and a figure on which the current genocidists dined out until they upgraded their marketing theme to 'anti-Semitic' and off they went with some amazing legislative success in the good old USA, with that same theme and distorted history now being a mandatory subject in many states.

A sure way for political success in the same manner as the Kibbutz environments were used to brainwash generations of Jews in Palestine before the maps were “re-arranged" to say Israel.

Hitler’s 'Master Race’ philosophy, all over again.

The fact that so many white / Anglo / Christian governments support mass murder together with the Jewish plan to own the complete land mass of Palestine for very good commercial reasons (as we all should be aware of) called Real Estate for Jews only and off-shore gas supplies for shipment to the USA, is a great crime in itself, The treatment of the young on campuses and their loss of any worthwhile future is even a greater crime.

The end of US empire, just around the corner.

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Wow - thank you for this.

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