A Tucker-Putin interview would be worth the watch.

Every depravity that Israeli propagandists accuse Palestinians/Arabs/Hamas of, it is nearly always because they are behaving that way themselves already.

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That reminds me I gotta watch the Oliver Stone Putin interview series...

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It's excellent. Worth every minute of your time. I got the DVD(s) from my library.

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That's funny.

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The derangement being voiced right now makes me wonder if they might go as far as locking up Tucker there in Russia, along with Snowden. Followed by unleashing "he's a Kremlin agent" vomit all over again.

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The democrats are saying they don't want to let him back in the country until they can determine what to do with him!

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That's what I was referring to.

That's not a bad place to settle down. If only Julian Assange was more skeptical re "western democracy" at his time. At the very least he'd be safe there, as Snowden is.

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For sure!

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they'll start with a rape allegation first.

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I would say you should go to Russia but i would not wish that on them...

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I'm not so sure "Tucker Carlson" is the right person to do such an interview. I don't trust his integrity, journalistic abilities or standards, or courage to ask the tough/uncomfortable questions. There are much better qualified people that would be more appropriate. Some that come to mind are: Abby Martin, Chris Hedges, Mehdi Hassan, many more that escape me right now...

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The jury still out on Tucker for me, I will pay the fact he's pissing off the empire and has a massive reach. I reckon Glenn Greenwald or Max Blumenthal would do a good interview,

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They have all been problematic too and condemned Putin ignorantly missing the point why and how the USA set up the proxy war..

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Tucker has his issues and i hated him for a long time when he fostered the Iraq war even though he sorta redeemed himself and changed his mind (i think he's a good person generally, and does seek truth, but still has a bit of the neocon energy)

But if you mean the people that believe Putin is a madman just because the western media and hollywood has been pushing the russian xenophobia putin bogeyman syndrome all these years through its clever mind control of drama depictions of the sacrosanct west always fighting some existential evil in the form of russia and Putin that has primed the mark of the western public into accepting any "evil the USA government then claims of russia that all these virtue signaling liberals drank like it was Jim Jones fruit punch ?? Those people? I don't know ... they all condemn Putin without understanding what it was all about.. (western created proxy war) HOW can any of them ask real questions that don't already come with a false bias??

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Tuck Carlson? “Issues”? You mean like lack of integrity and outright racism?

That’s more than just minor issues!

He’s a turd and in the end many of those on the left embracing him will find their reputations soiled for being so easy to fool.

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Anyone who is still stupid enough to play the left right pick a team and fight paradigm has chosen the path of the useful idiots.

Of course you are welcome to your opinion no matter how biased that might be. And it sounds like it is a bit when you over emoted it to better sell it.

Tuckers appeal has little to do with left or right but a person I think who trys to see at least somewhat honestly the reality of the situation...yeah he defiantly road the neocon hate wave back when but seems to have become more aware sins and balanced..

I don't agree with your exagerated stance on him but we already rulled him out.

He's an interesting study but again problematic.

Racist? Hmm might be a bit..but I don't see it...ignorant to some things for sure..

Interview Putin? It would be interesting and realistically I think he would do a good job..but I think someone more steady and measured that has a less far right stance in his history would suit that better.

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What “stupid” and “useful idiot” is thinking that Tucker Carlson…..a person who has a documented history of knowingly and misleading fomenting racial divisons and vilifying large segments of the population….is magically out to serve the common good.

Do your due dligence. Know who you are dealing with. Clearly you haven’t done your homework or you are aiming to help Tucker Carlson with his mass con job.

This is the real Tucker Carlson:




Tucker Carlson came to notoriety in the public eye a couple decades ago when he rode the huge wave of attention of the OJ Simpson trial. In this time period he and Ann Coulter operated as what I can only describe as vile hate mongers peddling hatred of African American as a whole. It was disgusting. That is his real face.

Tucker Carlson is not merely “problematic” or having “issues”. Rather he is a machiavellian character - a repeat offending manipulator - without a shred of integrity. None.

You’d think people by now would have a clue and stop being foooled by the steady stream of improbably “populists” out there, all of whom are NOT in any way out for the common good.

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Kudjoe - I wish I could like your comment a 100 times. I completely agree with your analysis.

I find Tucker Carlson to be not just a disgusting, despicable, scummy, racist, misogynistic, fake, manipulative, and deplorable person, but ALSO beyond reprehensible and a consummate con artist that has fooled many people into buying into his "persona" and fake narratives.

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I dont want to get into a tit for tat with you i generaly like the things you say..

I appoligize for my insinuation if i have insulted you with it in any way.

I dont share your cynasism around him even though i fully agree these rich celebersties are all only going to shill for the empire in the end ...

If you think im in any way helping him with a con job you dont know me at all and have drawn all the wrong conclusions here as well. None of us are that infalable and no one needs to insult the other unless you are that russian bot guy...he loves to do that..

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>>"But if you mean the people that believe Putin is a madman..."

Any rational person (that has not been propagandized by mainstream media) should know by now that Putin is anything BUT a madman. IMHO I think Putin is quite a bit more intelligent than Genocide Joe or Tyrant Trump - in every way. That is not to say that I agree with Putin's decisions or actions. I am not qualified enough to judge Putin's decisions and actions.

>>"i think he's a good person generally, and does seek truth..."

My opinion of Tucker Carlson is very different. I doubt he (or any media personality for that matter) really cares about the truth. Truth has a habit of always getting in the way of a good story (narrative). And Tucker Carlson loves his stories - and his followers - more than the truth.

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Oh and i didn't mean to insinuate you didn't know about Putin..I have listened to his actual speeches and think he's got a good character and far from the "evil" they have all taken him to be by western propaganda and manipulations.

If one is astute they can see through a lot of character flaws and patterns as we have learned by our own nemesis on here ... putin is a far better person and statesmen than the whole of the western governments and their sycophantic lap dogs ...

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Yes, I agree with you completely. But if I say exactly what you said above, I'll be branded a "Putin lapdog" or something along those lines.

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LOL..i have already been accused of that countless times... As much as i think putin is a nice enough fellow anyone sitting on his lap might get a punch in the mouth...of course unless it's one of those girls that run up on him with their top off...HAR!!!

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well he has vacillated for me with some hair brained stuff in the past so yeah i'm on your side too on that but my judgment is out and more wait and see...I actually think you are right though hes not balanced enough for me and that task

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Matt Taibbi actually worked as a journalist in Russia in the pre Putin era. Would have more experience on the topic than all them.

He actually many years ago compared the oligarchy emerging in the U.S. , to that of post Soviet Russia. Now looking back he was so right.

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Matt is a great choice.

And actually a better temperment to match Putin's....good call on that one.

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Feb 6, 2024
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That's a great one..I didn't know he spoke Russian ....

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I think abby is great in a lot of ways but she lost the plot when she condemned putin so she has a built in false bias.. I have actually met her before with her husband at protests i was part of organizing some ..and i like them and think they are bad ass couple ..

I don't think i know anything about Mehdi...

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Mehdi Hassan is a person that doesn't back down on interviews - he is quick on his feet, a good critical thinker, likes to put the interviewee on the spot and confronts him/her with contradictions and cognitive dissonances, and asks the hard questions that many journalists are afraid to (for obvious reasons).

Check out this YouTube playlist: Al Jazeera Head-to-Head [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzGHKb8i9vTx1QMPmn_ws6ZLRPSTP5FQy] to get a feel of his interviewing style.

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Yeah i don't know about that guy...im looking at the interview with china and he's asking him known propaganda questions coming from pentagon or mainstream news sources and political lies of the west and he says them as givens and you see the chinese ambassador roll his eyes too at them... I can't go with him either he's far too biased.

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Also, his interview style is "confrontational" - regardless of whether he likes/dislikes the interviewee or whether he agrees/disagrees with the interviewee.

In my opinion, a good interviewer should sometimes also play "the devil's advocate". He/She should touch on the pressure points of an interviewee and create a certain level of stress in the interviewee - to see how well they are able to respond under pressure and argue their position. (Similar to how a lot of job interviews use this strategy).

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Yes, I agree with you on that interview (What is the human cost to China's economic miracle?). I too found it to be an unfair interview.

Try these:

(1) Time to boycott Israel? | Head to Head (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YFfQnwuVLo)

(2) Gaza Killings: Who is to blame? | Head to Head (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfw2AVqcne0)

(3) Has capitalism failed the world? | Head to Head (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOEUd54NN4Q)

There are many more all over YouTube.

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The gaza killings one is 5 years old and he's pretty good in that...

I think hes good confronting zionist adversaries but may not be good to parse out Putin's actual feelings and motivations...in the gaza one he's very quick to pounce on a verbal mistake and make something out of it and unfairly ..(remind you of someone we know?)

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Ill take a look and i think i have seen some of them before and that's why i had reservations about him..there's something in the way he talks to people i really don't like..i find him too bullish and not in a good way...there something in the way he gets flustered if they debunk his assertions.. I think he's not as intelligent as putin.. Sadly i can't think of anyone would would be better suited ..maybe chris hedges in temperament but he's also condemned putin's actions without understanding them well but then again perhaps hes the perfect one..I think a mutual respect would be developed between them and Chris might actually become more enlightened...

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Ok i will ...But here's my problem with a set up of a pre adversarial confrontational interview.. And i have seen the western version of this where they bait questions and run rampant over the person to try and trick them into admitting something that never happened.. They did this to a lot of other world leaders on the USA shit list and it was rude and insulting..Not saying thast the case here with Mehdi but i hope you get my point...and not to soft ball it either but i think it important to get to the roots of Putin's REAL honest motivations.. and i'm guessing that they all had to do with fair play and saving the people of the dunbas as well as halting the ukrainian push for a proxy war funded by the west.

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Feb 6, 2024
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While everything you say above is true (and can be verified), I consider Mehdi Hasan (thank you for correcting me) to be an interviewer/debater and not a reporter (as far as I am aware of). When it comes to this "Putin interview", I don't believe there will be much reporting or revelation of new information or perspectives. Sure - it is preferable to have someone that is a good reporter AND interviewer, but in this particular case I believe an excellent interviewer would do just as well.

In the end, I do believe that everyone is making this out to be a bigger deal than it really is. Something like this should not be considered to be news or even of interest - seeing as we have a genocide going on and hundreds of babies perishing every week. This "unwarranted" attention on any "Putin interview" seems like just another distraction ploy being played upon the public by the Empire Managers. (I could be wrong, but that is my current opinion).

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Feb 6, 2024
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Re integrity of Abby Martin - what happened and when to her with RT?

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I'm sure you know how to use a search engine.

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But you don't. Otherwise you wouldn't include her in the list.

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Yes - you're so right. Another brilliant response. You must be a genius - you seem to know everything. Hmm. Here's the paradox - You pretend to know everything, but then you go about asking silly questions. I guess some riddles will never be solved.

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What happened to Abby Martin at RT and why she is not qualified for the role you tried to assign to her? If you knew, you wouldn't have included her in the list. If you do know and still include her in the list, then you're a moron.

How's that for my data analysis skills?

Oops - just went to your profile to grab the "Examiner of ..." bit but it's gone!

Good move, dude, this is not linkedin, don't post fluff, it doesn't matter, you're not considered for hire anyway.

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I personally don't put much credence in Tucker - watch the Oliver Stone Interview

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Agree, Tucker Carlson is just your everyday Capitalist opportunist - not an investigate journalist (like John Pilger, Chris Hedges, etc.), not even a journalist, and definitely not a "pundit". What he is - is a "media personality" - much like all the other media personalities out there that are defenders of corporate interests (though they often pretend to be otherwise and are quite successful at conning people into buying into the fake personas they have created for themselves).

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Very well said - totally concur! I personally don't own a TV nor have I watched one in decades, I wouldn't even know how to turn one on. That said, of course I have seen hundreds of clips - the theatrics are nauseating - the grandstanding beyond repulsive. How anyone can take him seriously is mindboggling. And the laugh . . . . I saw a clip of him giving a speech in Budapest OMG! Clearly a shill. The only show I ever watched years ago was Charlie Rose - simply the best

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My experience is similar to yours. I don't own a TV either and haven't watched mainstream media for almost a decade now.

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I spend my life reading on the computer - a lot of Substack and myriad Independent news. I do however stay informed and will watch clips of various news shows - I find myself shocked, appalled and in utter disbelief there's remains an audience for people like Morning Joe and The View. The average IQ has to be somewhere on the Scale of officially brain dead.

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IQ has nothing to do with it. Some people will trust authority no matter what. They will hear nothing but the voice of that authority. It doesn't help that they know nothing of the world outside of their family and job and maybe some celebrities.

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yeah I have to admit some of that is cringe worthy ...

Like I said he's not suited to a Putin interview..he's a bit childish. In some ways.

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also true - the facial expressions kill me - he needs to spend a year in solitary confinement watching Charlie Rose interviews to learn what actual journalism is.

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Charly was a grest interviewer and i loved his show...

But he was also way to embeded into main stream orhodox thinking for me now especially .

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What are you even talking about? Does it even matter his motivation (which how could you possibly even know) just that he’s getting it done?

An interview with Putin only really counts if a “real journalist” conducts it.

Does it only matter about the messenger, not the message?

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Well our official slated western jurnalist ARNT journalist either..

They are talking head hacks for the western imperial security state and stenogrophrs to the military industrial complex .. Jimmy does a pot head comedian is a far better jurnalist than any And all MSM shills and hacks..

This idea it has to be some accredited institutionalized western dirt bag is short sited.

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You're right. The message does matter too. But the quality of the message, and how that message is interpreted and relayed through the interviewer's perspectives and biases is an important factor too.

I'm sure you have seen famous personalities being interviewed by different journalists/interviewers. The quality of an interview is highly subjective and dependent on "who" is doing the interviewing.

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Okay. Understood. I agree.

Do you think that Tucker doing the unheard of will maybe inspire other journalists to do the same? Probably not.

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I hope so (in regards to other journalists being inspired). The problem is not in interviewing Putin. The problem is that "Western Media" will twist the interpretation of the interview - regardless of who does the interviewing.

The West is so against Putin that regardless of who does the interviewing, the West will not accept it - and will gaslight everyone in an attempt to discredit not just Putin but also the interviewer (whomever he/she may be).

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Tucker Carlson is an opportunist. Would be more intersting to see an interview by a proper journalist like Matt Taibbi who brings field experience and insight on the subject.

Oliver Stone had a good interview out with Vladimir Putin a couple of years ago. Smothered by the mainstream minstrel media.

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I don't think stone really got to the meat of it with Putin and has him expose the west as much as I would like .. But I admit I have not seen enough or remember to make that determination ...I'll have to go watch again.

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Agreed, Israel is now committing, on a larger scale, the same kind of crimes committed by Hamas on October 7th. There's a real moral equivalence between the two and there always has been. It doesn't justify either one of them in my view.

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I cannot agree with that.

From Hamas sources, Hamas cadres were strictly limited to attacking "Military targets", and by and large, Hamas appears to have kept to that.

The 1200 number was reduced to 1000 when it was discovered 200 of the most badly burned bodies were actually Palestinians, and anything up to half or over of those civilians killed in that attack seem likely to have been victims of the IDF itself, rather than Hamas.

It goes without saying the Israelis have openly used this as an excuse to launch a DELIBERATE GENOCIDE ON A TRAPPED CIVILIAN POPULATION.

Chalk and cheese, there is very little moral equivalence. The Israelis are the Nazi butchers, Hamas are the Resistance who made a successful surprise (allegedly) attack targetting the occupying military forces.

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Wow, this did not age well.

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Really? TBH I was largely unaware it had inspired such a massive following discussion, however the interview itself was indeed 'excellent'. At some point I will likely watch it again, especially if I have an exam about "Ukrainian identity since the Middle Ages" lollol.

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'Israel' has demonstrated via its Genocide & Ethnic Cleansing that the Western led 'Rules Based International System' is neither Moral, Just, 'rules-based' or even International.

It is nothing but license to commit Wanton Slaughter & Carnage, whereby it is then wrapped up with a thin veneer of legitimacy. The Empire of Lies has suffered a Mortal Blow to its Standing, since these facts are now obvious/apparent to see for even those fair-minded people that have never studied this issue, nor taken the Palestinian side: the scale & scope of Barbarism has simply become Too Great!

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(For those interested)

If you wish to read (& listen!) to more of My commentary, here is my Main Stack:


Thank You Kindly to everyone!

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Here is how the “Rules-based order” works: the zionists, even ones with their hands bloody……make the rules:


“…. US envoy Amos Hochstein, who was born in Israel and served in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) as a tank crewman, is expected to return to Beirut in an effort to force Hezbollah withdraw its fighters 18 miles north of the border with Israel to the far side of the Litani River……”


I mean talk about foreign interference in US government policy!

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For me the point where I thought about how bad it was in Israel, but realized how it’s much worse was when I saw clips of Israeli civilians blocking aid trucks for starving people in Gaza. My thoughts were “who does that” as I gazed in disbelief. Good point about the power of the Internet to raise global awareness. One can go back and read “The Fateful Triangle” by Noam Chomsky written in 1984 to chronicle the Israeli assault on Lebanon in 1982. Here you find the same recounting of the carpet bombing of civilian neighbourhoods, the massacres, the destruction of Palestinian civil society and cultural institutions and the sadistic cruelty of the IDF. However the English speaking world only had written accounts by brave journalists such as Robert Fisk.

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"Collective cultural psychosis", I postulated to a friend a month ago; "gotta be the explanation". Today on the Grayzone broadcast, Max Blumenthal displayed some literature circulating in Israel in the Sixties that cemented that hypothesis into a certainty in my mind. They were gory, almost comic-book images of Nazis and beautiful women. And I thought: while like myself, most Jews in NYC in the Sixties were focused on education, Vietnam, the evolving society and how we were going to fit into it, Jews in Zionist Israel were dragging the past forward in weird comics; talk about subliminal (or not so) indoctrination of that Israeli Boomer generation. Clearly they passed it down to their children and grandchildren, the fruits of which we sadly see today

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You are right, Vin LoPresti. That is why we somehow have to stop this train. In a few decades or less there will be something similar only the murderers will be someone else. Maybe Palestinians who watched their families die while the IDF laughed and committed more atrocities.

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The Jews I ran into who've been through the Israel grinder, mainly Orthodox teachings of some sort, all exhibit some sort of damage about them.

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I had Jewish friends in Brooklyn who bailed on Hebrew school, rejected it all, just like I bailed on Catholicism. But in Israel, it seems like it's universal, by default.

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Talking about New York Jews as well. Some went on their own, some sent as kids by their religious parents (Borough Park). Came back not all there. Mixed feelings - all over the place - in extended families too.

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Feb 5, 2024
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Well Jon, not ALL of us 😉

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I've seen those senseless killings on Aljazeera. They are so profoundly disturbing since the person killed did nothing to provoke an attack. A child leaves a family dwelling carrying a small white flag and is shot dead, you know the perpetrator is an Israel solder, but you never see them. His older brother runs out to see if he is dead, and he too is killed. It takes place so quickly as their family bares witness to their children's deaths. A family walking down a block with relatives are interrupted by a reporter and asked where they are going, "To join some family members." a man says, and he is shot, killed, and again for no reason. I'v seen a number of these shootings, and often thought those doing it are doing it for their own amusement, since they are senseless deaths. I am going to watch the Jordanian film Farha, where IDF soldiers are seen murdering a Palestinian family during the War of Independence, on Netflix.. The film takes place in 1948. "In Mandatory Palestine a 14-year-old Palestinian girl father locks her in a warehouse because of IDF attacks in the village."

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How is Israel any different then a psychopathic parent who finds his wife and children a burden, and relieves himself of that burden by killing them all?

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"How is..." - nohow.

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You might say Israel is killing its mother.

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I saw Farha recently. It is good. Very intense--you don't even see the violence to get an idea of how horrible it was. The sound effects alone are graphic enough.

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You don't see the degree of violence inflicted on them, but you experience it through her torment and her future taken from her.

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That was a hard movie to hold, but helped me understand the Nahkba

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I just finished watching it. Really not easy. Scary that it so easy to dehumanize people, and I'm sure it is easier for Israel to go about killing since she perceives the Arabs as inferior. That is so obvious from everything I've seen, heard, read, now and in the past.

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Jesus Christ their barbarity is seemingly bottomless

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The savage depravity is truly beyond belief - but even more astonishing is one of the poorest nations in the world -Yemen, is the only nation to do more than just talk about this ongoing Nazi like extermination. Meanwhile, little girl fondler - corrupt and senile (Democrat) Uncle Biden pretends he despises what's going on, but continues sending more weapons to Israel. Americans are slowly waking up to the atrocity, along with more in Europe - but now Israel has its eye on Rafah itself. How long before we see a kind of human extermination never seen by the world in centuries? Carried out with the full aid of the US and its drooling, faithful slave-poodle the UK?

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re Yemen - it is perfectly understandable. It's a poor country with nothing to lose.

It's similar to why they say the poor are closest to the true religion. They have little to hold on to, they are less distracted, they can concentrate on what's important.

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Good point. In some ways, poverty forces you to see some things the extremely wealthy will miss. So there is this camel ... and an eye of a needle ...

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'freedom' is

just another word

for Nothing left to lose

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Wow I actually clicked like on your comment before I realised it was you.. Then substack deleted it...lol

How is it you can be so right and so wrong at the same time? An oddity you are.

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blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of God Matthew 5:3

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i think you nailed it all...australia is another utterly corrupted nation of genocide enablers. unfortunately we dont have an election for years to kick out these bought american puppets.

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Jamenta, I wonder how many could argue against genocide without being complete psychopaths.

Oh wait, I believe I just answered my question.

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So sickening we literally had to reach this point for people to begin to see some of the ongoing depravity. And maybe we are living in end times ... who would have thought the entire fate of the world could rest on some little girl fondling, senile old man who sometimes can't even find his way off a podium?

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He's not in charge of anything including his facultys

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Jamenta, this nation has reached the point of utter insanity when Genocide Joe is the ONLY offering from the D’s. Of course they know that if he were in a debate with Cenk or Marianne, he’d end up a melted puddle on the floor. The Zios are behind this travesty.

I voted for ByeDone because he wasn’t Trump. Now I’m sorely tempted to vote for Trump because he isn’t ByeDone, but I won’t; I’ll vote third party.

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Those who are familiar with the Apocalypse are not surprised. I wish all the militant atheists read it even once without prejudice. Without silly predisposition of trying to interpret everything literally. Trying to apply their mental acuity to see whether they really have any.

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It's really way, way worse. Martin Niemöller's prose "First They Came . . ." could be written now to start out, "First they came for the Gazans, and I did not speak out . . ." Well, you know the rest. In the end they want way more than Palestinian blood, and they've said as much.

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All of us good honest people are targets of Zionism ...history repeats ... The new mass ethnic cleansing serial killers are Israeli Zionists.

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So Trump has now finally for some reason come right out and openly admitted to being a warmonger. He is for NATO and the war in Ukraine and of course all in as "the best president for Israel ever". I told you he was a "trap" didn't I!? Whitney Webb says they are within 2 years going to be set to have digital Id's for everyone on the internet and we will be labeled "Domestic Terrorist" when they determine what we post is "disinformation /dessent" and have laws in place to take our money and imprison us. If we don't do something before this year is over it is too late. We won't even be able to assemble for a protest let along anything else because they will simply turn off our money!

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>>"We won't even be able to assemble for a protest let along anything else because they will simply turn off our money!"

They've already started doing that. One example - the Trucker's Freedom Convoy Protest in Jan/Feb 2022. They blacklisted charities, organizations, bank accounts of protesters, methods of crypto payments, online payment processors (like Paypal, credit cards, etc.).

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There are 2 that are very guilty in that respect "GoFundMe" and "PayPal" have done this now many times! I went to cancel my PayPal account and they wouldn't let me! I had to call them! They did it to Julian, the Guardian (Max Blumenthal) etc. It will only get worse.

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Well, I'd say Trump's a pretty poor trap if he tells us in bright neon letters--okay, it's Trumps, so big, garish gold letters--what he's going to do if we grab the cheese and vote for him.

But there is something a bit pod-personish, Stepford wivish, etc. about him coming out with that recent statement after appearing at least a little less committal before.

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Feb 5, 2024
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Exactly. Last count 75% of the people have the same stance as Dr. Jill Stein. She marches with over 400 thousand strong against the genocide and gives speeches to the same amount of people! So we can only hope that she doesn't get backstabbed!

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every day another new low in the atrocities, now sick violent torture pornography run by the Israeli state. Caitlin says "If the Gaza genocide had happened pre-internet it would’ve been a fringe issue hardly anyone knew about. " - well it was run pre-internet for decades, albeit at a slower pace, but just as deadly. Plenty of people knew about it, there were speeches, demos, fierce articles for decades, but our governments then as now turned a blind eye to the crimes. There is no way back for Israel now. Just as in Ukraine, the Americans will pull their funding and let it be destroyed either by internal meltdown or large scale war - they never really cared about it, Israel was just one more pawn in the rabid geo-political havoc, they just haven't realised yet.

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I agree with everything you mention except "the Americans will pull their funding and let it be destroyed either by internal meltdown or large scale war".

I really don't see that happening. I also don't see even one piece of evidence to suggest that the US will ever abandon Israel (though they should for their own sake). There is too much history and too many reasons for why the US is an unconditional supporter of Israel.

IMHO, based on what I have seen over the last 4 months, I doubt the US would abandon Israel even if it killed every single one of the approx. 7 million Palestinians there.

I would give almost anything to be wrong on my analysis. I hope factors (global pressure or otherwise) compel the US to abandon Israel - but I'm not holding my breath.

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I base it on past actions, they go in, foment war and division, often arming both sides, then run away. Starting with Korea where they abandoned half the country to the mad Kim dynasty, Vietnam - although that country recovered when the US forces left. Cambodia where their bombing campaign unleashed the Khmer Rouge. Numerous Latin American countries under the guise of the 'war against drugs'. Iran where they helped the overthrow of the elected government to instal the Shah, then abandoned it when the Ayatollahs took over - though continuing ever since to try and destabilise the country or get them involved into another war - the one they started between Iraq and Iran having fizzled out. The invasion of Iraq promising to reform, rebuild etc, but they just ran away once Saddam was killed. Syria where they dragged Russia and Europe into it, the fake war against ISIS - a group which they helped create, and who only gained traction in Syria because of the chaos the US caused promoting revolution, again against an elected government - and again left unfinished, they ran away leaving it to the Kurds and the Iranians (the Kurds themselves having been abandoned once they had served their purpose in Iraq). Yet again in Ukraine fomenting revolt against the elected government - does anyone think the US will stay in for the long haul - all they have done there is help prolong an unwinnable war, the same as in Israel. Israel may think itself a special case - it isn't. The American public are already tired of it, and political media circus will move on. like Zelensky, Netanyahu and appeasers like Sisi in Egypt, even the King of Jordan, the entire population of Lebanon, will all be thrown under the bus sooner or later. The US even now plans to do the same in Taiwan -stoke up regional and internal disputes, provoke a war, with all its concomitant death and destruction, sell arms, drag the Australians in, let the Chinese win, as they surely would, and the run away, because they do not care about the people of Taiwan - or the people of any of the countries they ruin - in fact they hate them, they are just fodder for the insatiable war machine.

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Here are a couple of reasons why Israel-US relationship IS different from all the others you mention:

(1) Israel Lobbies (There are over 250 of them in the US) - they have massive influence over both administrations - Democrats AND Republicans. (No other nation comes even remotely close in wielding a similar influence)

(2) Christian Zionists - approx 30+ million that fully support Israel and its Zionist ideology

(3) Zionist organizations and the Holocaust Industry - massive amounts of propaganda is used to represent the interests of Israel. Again, no other nation comes even remotely close to approaching the level of propaganda disseminated by such Zionist organizations.

(4) Money - The billions of dollars involved in maintaining support for Israel is unparalleled. No other nation has that level of organization, support and infrastructure inside the US that Israel does.

(The above is just a sprinkling of some reasons why Israel's relationship to the US is different from that of all other countries - there are many more).

The US-Israel relationship is special - unlike any other. And that's the problem.

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Well - you may be right, but I do think the American public, especially the younger generation are starting to wonder why so much of their tax dollars is going that way, what's it for, and does the US actually get less secure because of it?

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Feb 5, 2024
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The reason I don't put much faith in religious texts (regardless of the religion) for evaluating the decisions, actions, justifications, and rationality of people is that - there exist way too many interpretations of such "religious texts". Depending on who you ask and what confirmation biases they have, they will each have their own interpretation of a "religious text". Who can rightly say that person "X" has the right interpretation while person "Y" has the wrong one? Who has the right to call themselves the ultimate arbiter of such interpretations?

IMHO, "religious texts" are often just a scapegoat - an excuse - sometimes a post-hoc justification for the actions of man. It is conceivable that almost everything (every action) can be justified by some or the other interpretation of "religious texts".

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Religion is used selectively, Chang.


Pretty sure there’s a commandment that states Thou Shall Not Kill.

Zios and far-right Christians like to ignore that one.

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Moreover, even the Devil can quote Scripture, and you can find a religious justification for just about anything. I can "prove" that the study of ants is mandated in Scripture.

Proverbs 6:6-8 KJV

Go to the ant, thou sluggard; Consider her ways, and be wise: Which having no guide, Overseer, or ruler, Provideth her meat in the summer, And gathereth her food in the harvest.

For that matter, by careful selection and interpretation of texts, one can "prove" Saturday worship or Sunday worship, etc.. If you don't believe me, there are some 20,000 flavors of Protestant Christianity and growing, and almost all claim the same Bible as their foundation.

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You are preaching to the choir :) This comment should be directed at people like "Jon Carver".

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I ask, "Who holds the pen when religious texts are being written?".

While we are here on religious matters let's zoom out & watch most members of Homo sapiens enthusiastically destroying this earthly paradise for [imaginary] money while beseeching the highest of the Most High for another paradise to play with!

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Thanks again to our Caitlin.

Chang Chokaski, I agree with you totally. Let us keep Caitlin's Newsletter as secular as possible.

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Feb 5, 2024
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Abraham. Isn't he the one who circumcised himself with an axe and was also ready to slaughter his son for sacrificial purposes? Today he would have been sectioned under the Mental Health Act, would he not?

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Feb 5, 2024
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Prime targets for the Revolution, Che.

Either that or a big fat nuke dropped on DC.

I reiterate: it’s past time that Amerikkka saw war on their own soil.

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