The thickness of skulls of today's news consumers is such that Caitlin's suggestion may as well be taken seriously.

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Oct 1, 2022·edited Oct 1, 2022

But wait, Jake Sullivan in yesterday’s White House briefing says the U.S. will conduct forensics to determine exactly who sabotaged the pipelines.

So here’s a safe prediction: Near the explosion sites the U.S. will find the passports of Russian Underwater Demolitions Divers, bomb fragments with Cyrillic characters, and Putin’s DNA on a Kleenex.

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Remember Petrov and Boshirov who "poisoned" Skripals? Then they were retrofitted to blow up some munitions warehouse in Czech https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/apr/18/dominic-raab-uk-fully-supports-czech-hunt-for-skripal-suspects?

It's become a meme since Skripals to put them at the scene of anything that happens in the West. I'm sure they're the culprits here as well.

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Yeah really I swear!

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.. and 3 Faberge eggs )))

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Don't forget the photos!

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We have passed several event horizons as the empire goes into terminal stages. The corruptocracy's leveraging of the Financial Crisis into more riches, not felony convictions, said the end stage was in progress, and Covid as monopoly turbocharger and dystopic individual decimater was a half-time show of sick avarice. The US blatantly blowing up NORD, what happens when the predators make eugenics ala carte, your next meal service..

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Before the 2008 almost depression, we had a prez and vp and CIA Director conspire to bring the country to war. That was treasonous and a high crime, and way more grave than Watergate, but Obama, the law professor, told his Attorney General not to pursue, because we are a nation of laws, not men, but we could not afford to look back.

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Once the UKRAINIAN EASTERN REPUPLICS become a part of THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, NATO and the NEOCONS are going to perceive that their own plans for GLOBAL CONTROL are backed into a corner. PSYCHOPATHS, finding themselves in that pickle, may just NUKE a WESTERN city or two and blame RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA to "justify" a "RETALIATORY" nuclear strike.

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These is only none sane way to observe these people and that is as psychopaths. Accurate observers of our times clearly see the manner in which our cultures have selected for toxic narcissism. This is far from true of just our so called leaders but has infected people all around us. I often all this the “Rainbow Bright” generation.

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Oct 2, 2022·edited Oct 2, 2022

It's not ZELINSKY'S country. He's a puppet. It was stolen from the UKRAINIAN people in 2014 by Obama, Hillary Clinton and Victoria Nuland. At which time they commenced to bomb and murder the RUSSIAN speaking UKRAINIANS who wanted to rightfully rejoin RUSSIA. Those millions of Ukrainian Russians are extended families to millions of people in RUSSIA itself. Thus, the KREMLIN had no choice but to defend the Ukrainian Russians from attacks by the D.C. U.N. Brussels gangs. So, it's not Zelinsky per se that's asking for nuclear weapons. It's the Globalist gangs of the WEST....Washington and NATO that want's Z to have them.

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You left out the current puppet figurehead Biden from the Obama team who organized the coup in Ukraine in 2014. He didn't have the dementia excuse so much back then, and he and his family have profited immensely from the "zelensky in charge" scam being perpetrated on the Ukrainian people.

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Yes, I neglected to include BIDEN in OBAMA'S destroy UKRAINE gang.

Thank you for pointing that out.

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Obama? I wouldn't include him b/c he was too busy with image consultants and cultivating his celebrity status.

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Rainbow Brite was all the rage when I was a teenager... Since I was partially homeschooled and already had my UFO/parapsychology research tinfoil hat constructed as a gradeschooler, I know I never really trusted the government narrative.

I can't speak for the normals from my generation though, since my dealings with them have always been superficial

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Don't get me wrong the "Rainbow Brite" theory only goes so far. And there are lots of Rainbow Brite types who don't at all trust the government, vaccines, or much else. But my observation of our digitized, social media infected world is that there are a bunch of "Rainbow Brite" types more at home in it than those none of us would consider in this category (the hyoer-realists if you will).

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Are they really that insane? OK.... don't answer that. We all know that they are.

Transcript of Putin's speech at the signing of treaties on accession of Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics and Zaporozhye and Kherson regions to Russia:


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Thank you so much for this link! Until now after reading this I thought Putin was just another politician. There are many reasons for this belief one of the major ones being a complete uncomprehension of the length of their history. In the US 200 years is a long time. People here fail to comprehend what a thousand plus years history does to a people who remember their history and ancestors! I only see this as an outsider.

This man is brilliant, sane and totally aware of the corrupt pieces of filth he and his country and the world itself is up against! I truly love his humanity. I will close by saying "Mr. Putin is MY PRESIDENT"!

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Then you will be bowled away by the 6,000 year old culture in China! Another country much maligned and lied about!

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Oct 2, 2022·edited Oct 2, 2022

Oh believe me that one I know very much about having spent over 2 months there! My interpreter knew more about the US of A's history than I did! These people are nothing at all what our completely corrupt system teaches us to believe! I now believe everything any of these criminals say is pure bullshit. Not a scrap of truth and usually directly opposite of the truth!

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Wow, two months - how wonderful xx

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Yes even though I was there because the American company I worked for at the time moved our factory to Shanghai it was one of the most extraordinary places and times of my life!

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Oct 1, 2022·edited Oct 1, 2022

I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this point. These fuckers are going to get a lot more people killed before all this ends. And for what? Pieces of land? Tribal pride? For what? What are all these lives being obliterated for? What is the point of all this? To make a few more humans even richer than they already are? That this is all Putin's fault, and the West are innocent as bridal virgins? What is all this killing for? And what is its purpose? And does anyone know how it's going to end? Does Joe Biden keep a crystal ball in his pajama pocket?

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the criminals do not want and cannot afford the emerging new order in which they will not only lose their dominance but will be tried and appropriately punished. it's a matter of win-the-battle-and-keep-their-dominance-at-all-cost or literally-perish, for them. they won't and can't accept a humble co-existence with alternatives as humanity will choose alternatives given the choice.

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We can only hope. I would prefer some of the tried and proven torture methods the Brits perfected to be a month long punishment before being gutted in a public execution!

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YES! June, well said. Yesterday I created a light hearted proposal for disposal of the criminals:


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They are delusional. They have it in their heads that they must "win" and Putin must be "defeated". They cannot comprehend any other scenario.

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Oct 1, 2022·edited Oct 1, 2022

How is it a win when 10s of thousands of human beings are slaughtered or maimed for life? Where is the win? They think of human life as if it's all a video game.

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Your best yet Caitlin. Impeccable logic.

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I just went to flight tracker 24/7 and on the night of 23rd and 25th September there is a US helicopter loitering for hours over the exact spot on the Nordstream pipelines that the damage was done. Huh? I wonder what it was doing there ... over the sea ... at night for five hours. Probably just ummm ... okay I got nothing.

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Just happened to be in the neighborhood...

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Keeping guard over the Brit sub which was doing the damage?


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The Americans did it. Not us in the UK. They're the only ones with that level of arrogance. We don't soil our own backyard and we would also be affected.

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Do you know how much we fought the government to stop fracking? Now Liz Truss is going to lift the moritorium so that fracked gas can be supplied to Europe. I cannot believe you underestimate the filth in our City of London. It is independent of the UK..... it is the Black Nobility and their Crown Corporation who hijacked the City of London with William of Orange. There never was a British Empire, it always belonged to the European aristocracy - the Guelph, aka the Saxe-Coburg and Gotha aka THE WINDSORS.

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I know, but it's patently obvious who did it anyway.

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The only madmen involved in this whole fiasco are flailing about idiotically in Kiev and Washington ...

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There's a few in London as well. (As a Brit I can confirm).

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Well, as compelling as is John Brennan's opinion, brain cramp, statement, concerning Putin's need to scare the world by acting totally irrationally and against what appears his own best interests, it is the US that has a tradition of claiming madness as a means to enhance its power. According to Wikipedia the "madman" angle is an old schtick recommended by even Machiavelli. When the guise of the good guy becomes a little tattered, embrace the opposite.: "Mad Bomber Harris," was a distinction that carried no shame at all. Nixon used the threat, as did Eisenhower. But it's

redundant the days. Most people know who's crazy, and it isn't Russia. There is credible evidence the US destroyed the Russian gas pipelines, and sheer logic supports it. The madman theory is a Western thing. But we should soon know what most ordinary people believe: were their problems inflicted by their own leaders, or does Brennen trump common sense?

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it's one hell of a chicken game, one side trying to maintain their hegemony and the other trying to free itself from the hegemon. i know which side i'm on, and everyone will have to take a side soon and live with the consequence.

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Again, you nail it. June! I will subscribe to your newsletter immediately!

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I know where the biggest madmen are! I have placed my bet on the Crown Corporation!


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I invite you all to read the summary of Robert Barnes accusations on the sabotage of the Nordstream pipelines. The USA has declared open war on Germany! (Moon of Alabama agrees)


If you are so inclined to watch the Duran video that is linked from the above, I think you'll enjoy what Barnes has to say.

Barnes is a Trump supporter. I have to admit though he is so smooth and intelligent and can spin such a great story, I find myself having a bit of sympathy for Trump. But then Matt Taibbi has also been writing stories sympathetic to Trump. The interesting part for both isn't that they so much "like" Trump but are defending principles of what it is to be a good lawyer or journalist.

We seem to live in a topsy-turvy world where black is white and the truth is a lie.

We need to keep our wits about us. Not an easy thing to do when threatened with a depression worse than the "Great Depression", the beginning of a "New Cold War" (that is going to be even more antagonistic than the last one).

This is all because of the American Oligarchy. Anyone who doesn't recognize the Fascists in charge of America at the moment just isn't paying attention. It isn't a Republican thing. It isn't a Democratic thing. Those people come to power solely at the consent of the Oligarchy -- the people with all the money.

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Taibbi is not sympathetic to Trump, he is distrustful of the 24-7 anti-Trump narrative, which is pettifog for the aforementioned. Regardless of what Trump or Putin ever says, they will never be listened to by those who claim every word out of Zelensky mouth is pure poetry and rises to the level of Churchill statesmanship. It is the lack of balance and the off-switch to critical thinking in the mainstream that the like Taibbi remain steadfastly critical of.

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I've seen Barnes in conversation with Alex and Alexander on the Duran. I agree, he's very good, but it's so obvious who did it, it barely needs discussion!

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Your brief repartee with Frances literally had me laugh out loud. Some things we will probably never know for sure in this lifetime.

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Actually, most things...

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If it is obvious, it is not true.

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Oct 1, 2022·edited Oct 1, 2022

On a cloudy day the sky is obviously grey.

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On a cloudy day we are often looking at weather warfare.

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It is not only a bunch of nutters in America. That is just another myth.


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This is absolutely true. They have infiltrated every country except for the few Russia, China and Iran (perhaps a few others they just haven't got around to yet) and I am sure have their CIA operatives working 24/7 in each of those countries right now!

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This is not going to end well.

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There is no out. There is no out here.

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It's not started great either.

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Oct 1, 2022·edited Oct 1, 2022

Even better idea: NATO to build back (better :P) NS1 and NS2, then guard them, to undo Russia's devious plan :P.

That'll teach them Russians to blow up their own infrastructure!

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And actually pipe gas back into Russia. Take that Putin!

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Super idea! All paid for by the Bank of England which is in freefall as we type?


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Gosh, I would have thought implementing the Minsk Agreements might have stopped him, but I'm down with this! LOL

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Any war propaganda requires painting the chosen enemy as incredibly incompetent and at the same time all-powerful.

According to the Russiagate conspiracy theory, Putin had powers bordering on psychic mind control, but at the same time he had no clue how to use these superpowers.

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I think this is similar to the 4 year memory span people seem to have!

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I simply love your wonderful sarcasm! Let’s wait! 😎

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An elegant, beautiful and actually funny solution, Caitlin. Love it.

One of the practices of yoga is self reflection, which often means to see within our own self that which we accuse others of being. [Headshake.]

And who came up with MAD? Does anyone remember that acronym? The madness of our sociopathic society has come to a point of concentration that is derived from having been *us* for a long long time. It is now that we have been given this opportunity to see how much psychotic madness our collective has accepted for decades, and in reality centuries. We have met the enemy, and the enemy is us. We created this insanity and now that we are waking up to that, we can start to laugh at it and remove its energy to control and kill. Thank you Caitlin,

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Enough hopium breathers out there still believing in the US government. Time for its end. Nothing against US citizen, wonderful, but the last governments are all fully in the swamp with tentacles spread to ukraine swamp enriching themself while corrupting the former good people of ukraine, this has to end. Just look at the doings of Hunter Biden in Ukraine, or Victoria Nuland the last decade there, key figure in installing the US puppet government there is now in ukraine, helpful to enhance the swamp and abuse of the ukraine. Biolabs where again a key role, not only the US government tested there also big pharma abused the ukraine citizens for human trials.


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Right on. This is something you can't tell democrats! They just go silent or you are a Russian Mouth Piece! This has been a fully by design war for these criminals to further profit from and I believe help cover the Biden families corrupt dealings! By the way these criminals do not see us as "people" only dollar signs or at best cannon fodder!

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