I was talking to a reporter for Colorado public radio in a bar back in about 2010. She was, like me at the time, in her early 30s. I told her that the press had abrogated their duty as the fourth estate by helping the US government hide the truth about Iraq in 2003. Her response was that many journalists thought it’d be better for the US if the people were behind the war effort, since we’d be going to war whether anybody supported it or not. No regard whatsoever for the people killed for blood money from weapons sales, not Iraqis or Americans. I was horrified and stopped reading the NY Times immediately, as I realized it was likely the entire organization, not just Judith Miller, in on it. How these journalists can think being in constant war is good for the country, but not m4all, which they constantly undermine, is more frightening and mindboggling to me than a foulmouthed gameshow host. Do they truly believe what they write or are they’re being paid by the military industrial complex and pharma to divide American society for profit? I’d guess it’s a combination.

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They are all owned by the institutions they promote. Six! main monopolies these days, over 90% of all corporate media. Ain't capitalism grand! Peace

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I'm not familiar with “m4all” (I'm from the Rest of the World). Can you please elucidate?

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First they came for Alex Jones....

That was entirely intentional, as Alex Jones was a loon whom nobody wanted to be seen defending. But it was never meant to stop with Alex Jones.

"But Muh ToS!" Of course. A pretext can always be found. That is also entirely intentional.

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Alex Jones is an entertainer... whether he believes everything he says is a matter of debate! BUT he is entertaining and much of what he says lately proves to be true! :)

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So? Entertainers are not entitled to freedom of speech?

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Hmmm who said that or is your comment directed at someone else?

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The point is that Twitter banned Alex Jones.

Whether he is an "entertainer", Whether or not he believes a word out of his own mouth is irrelevant to his First Amendment rights.

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They want everything to feel like a video game and marvel movie of good vs evil, except real people are dying.

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Old timers like me put this into perspective by positing that AT&T stop your phone service because you voiced opposition to President Johnson or the Vietnam war. Shitlibs of the day would say, "If you don't like it, start your own phone company," which really sidesteps the actual problem.

I'm feeling more and more like a member of a domestic colony of my own government, to be cajoled, bamboozled, gaslighted, and if need be, threatened into a regulated conformity. We have pretend elections to send pretend candidates to run a pretend government.

Maybe there is no Star Chamber where all the big decisions are made, but there might as well be.

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Listen to someone that's now banned from Fox News for telling the truth.


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Lara is right "Ukraine is at the center of it all".

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Lara Logan is great.

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I dunno, those finance guys are always selling something. Who is Martin Armstrong anyway? A semi-nobody I've never heard of.

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Another way of putting it is that many people no longer view sacrifice as being part of the equation. Ever since Trump and Brexit, the "liberal" anglo axis has come to believe that doing anything, including suppressing speech and even truth, is OK if it ultimately prevents what they view as undesirable outcomes. Instead, we are now in the position of asking them to sacrifice their selfishness for collective morality and freedom.

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"Another way of putting it is that many people no longer view sacrifice as being part of the equation."

I find that most Americans, particularly the middle class, are quite happy to sacrifice... others, to secure for themselves the smallest luxuries. They are even willing and happy to sacrifice fellow Americans. It's an Abrahamic religion thing, I guess.

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To paraphrase James Baldwin, in a letter to Angela Davis:

As long as middle class Americans take refuge in their self-ordained uniqueness they will allow millions of other people to be slaughtered... So long as their otherness puts so sinister a distance between their own experience and the experience of others, they will never feel themselves sufficiently of this world to become responsible for themselves.

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Important thing is to stop them Ruskies from meddling in our lections.

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Aztecs did petty good!!

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They could never scale properly, getting the victims up the pyramid was a serious bottleneck, and ripping out hearts a lot of work if you are using obsidian. David just had to bring back a necklace of foreskins to Saul, now that's efficiency.

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“With censorship relating to the Ukraine war there is no argument that it's being done to help the people.”

Not completely true. While there is no public argument about it, censorship is in fact helping lots of people. It’s helping neocons, neoliberals, propagandists, arms dealers, former US spooks and generals working for CNN, psychopaths, sociopaths, and nazis.

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Wowee!! That's a lot of people!!!

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We are dealing with psychopaths here, people who are unhinged...people who are so afraid of a human population that is awake, aware, and fully sovereign and powerful. They are acting like people who know their days are numbered and have nothing left to lose.

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That's my thought--they know their gig is almost up, so why not start nuclear armageddon to cover their tracks? (Or at least go out in a "blaze of glory.") Thanks to Caitlin and many others covering the truth of what's really happening on this planet, we have at least a chance of breaking down the mass hypnotism of the mainstream media and implanting grains of truth in the public's head. Keep sharing the truth and keep this crusade against propaganda going!

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Biden bragged that he, or "our" side is winning the propaganda war, and that leads to the proposition and expectation that we Must Win the physical war, no matter the means. The idea that we might not "win" this phoney US Ukraine proxy war cannot be entertained, and that automatically leaves the methods door open, as so many public officials have malevolently hinted at.

Voltaire's Candide is a great read - anytime, but maybe especially now - the same diabolically ironic mix of false patriotism, delusion, empty values, brutal state power mixed with art, fine sensibilities, circular arguments, and all glazed over with hypocritical, contradictory religious convictions is as familiar as your right hand. We don't still indulge in auto de fe, of course, burning at the stake, but the deliberate burning to death of around 50 Ukrainian Russian speakers in an Odessa government building during the 2014 US led coup is a strong facsimile and icon. And it was done by the small number of Ukraine fascists we are supporting now. History rhyming again.

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Spot on....

The whole Media ignores the involvement of the Bidens both Hunter and PJ in Ukraine and anyone that differs is censored... so the question arises what do they have to hide?

Two historical events have the blueprint of this... one being the sinking of the Lusitania


that show also the coercion & compliance of the media to draw the USA into WW1.

The other one being Kermit Rosevelt in Iran to establish the Shah and bring in a US controlled Government.

The blueprint they are working on is the same as it ever was.

The Goal is WW3.

And Hunter Biden works for the CIA as does Silicon Valley.

This is the reason why they are so concerned about hiding the truth and so protective about hunter biden.


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Thank you very much I appreciate this....

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All information from corporate media is vetted and censored by the CIA. We have known that since the Senator Frank Church led hearings in the 70s.

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A propaganda war is designed to get people to believe what is not true. When there is the admission that what one is saying is propaganda while also saying it is for the greater good -- is actually saying ---- 'even though you know this is not true make believe that you believe it and act as if it is true.'

The Ukraine issue is not the only issue where this is happening. It has happened and still is happening with the govt approach to covid -- masking, lock downs, a 'vaccine' that doesn't work, etc. The evidence that it was/is propaganda is in the results. And people make believe it was true because they think to believe it is for the greater good. It also allows them to fit in with the consensus -- which is a consensus of make believe.

Notice how if during conversation when you mention an actual fact or data that goes against that consensus and it as if you didn't say anything at all. It's filtered out --- not only because that those hearing it think what you are saying is false --- although there is some of that --- but also because it doesn't fit with the make believe that many know is make believe. They don't want to leave the consensus. For some it is a conscious decision to believe propaganda that they know is not true.

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It's like that for everyone tho. We all have discomfort hearing what we think is bogus. We bristle at the absurdity. It's a real war that's why there is so much to lose.

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Of what benefit is it to the US working class that US power elites win their infowar against Russia and Putin? I get it that the power of the power elite will be diminished of if that infowar is lost, but it will make no difference to those paying high gas and food prices.

Just stop listening to them, and get your news from credible websites like consortiumnews.com, informationclearinghouse.info, globalresearch.ca, antiwar.com etc. and individual reporters on locals and substack. News sites foreign to the Anglosphere and EU are also useful, like Asia Times, where Pepe Escobar is editor-at-large.

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I frequently listen to 21stcenturywire podcasts, but had not seen this. Dilyana Gaytandzhieva exposed the proliferation of imperial bio-weapons research years ago, particularly in Georgia, and Francis Boyle has been screaming about the circumvention of the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act for decades. However, Germany's involvement is news, though not shocking.

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Pepe Escobar is leaving Asia Times, as the ownership is now on NED supplemental income.

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Thanks. They'll lose half their readers.

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This is a "war" only in the sense that we are being bombarded by our own forces, and we are also the only source of opposition since the "propaganda" of the other side has been eliminated (RT, Sputniknews, etc.) It is of the US and European press acting in extraordinary unison to beat the shit out of us, their own people, their own readers. The is a "war" only the way the bombing of Baghdad (et al.) was a war, except the bombees in this case are supposedly on the same side as the bombers. If nothing else, maybe this "war" will help people realize (for once) how royally they are being screwed.

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Great article as always.

On a side note, it feels like bad form to make comments centered around links to your own substack article. Should be other people referring to your work. Shrug

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The closing two sentences stated: "The question is how much are we as a society willing to give up for the US government and its allies to win a propaganda war against Putin? Are we willing to commit to being a civilization for which the primary consideration with any piece of data is not whether or not it's true, but whether it helps undermine Russia?" We might also want to ask how much are we willing to give up, for any reason, for an illegitimate government, which by definition no act/action of which has been or will ever be lawful? Aren't our most serious problem(s) here "at home"? Without both ethics and morality, a once civil society cannot continue to exist. When was the last time you've witnessed either - let alone Justice and the equal application of the Rule of Law? OUR nation's biggest problem is not Putin.

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I tried to share your article on Twitter and was blocked. All I received were failures

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