You're on fire these days Caitlin; your voice is vital. First Israel, and now this.

For all you Trumpers out there, you can't seriously fight the Deep State when you surround yourself with steaming sacks of Deep State shite. This was merely Trump's version of Hope and Change. Sorry.

President Truman left office deeply regretting his creation of the CIA. What was supposed to be a neutral intelligence gathering clearinghouse to advise the president quickly metastisized into the out of control blob we see today.

Civilian oversight is a joke. On the Intelligence Committee sits the 900 year old establishment icon Dianne Feinstein, who I wouldn't trust to oversee a dog kennel.

Yes, Assange revealed American war crimes, but what I feel really got him in hot water was confirming what nest of worthless liars and con artists Clinton and DNC are. That they then lost to Trump turned their anger white hot.

It's simultaneously depressing and revealing how few journalists stand up for Assange, or even mention him at all. Johnston, Greenwald, Dore, Mate, Blumenthal, among others, are shining exceptions.

We treat war criminals way too nicely in this country; we treat organizations comprised of them the same way, much to our shame as a nation.

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It makes zero sense that the Trump admin would concoct this plan to assassinate Assange for releasing the Democrat email dump, a trove of documents that IMHO swayed the election.

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I've often argued with my son that if Trump were serious at all about the Deep State why didn't he free Assange and Snowden and have them appear with him at a rally? If he'd done that along with decriminalizing weed, he would have won reelection in a landslide no matter how many votes were stolen.

But alas, he was never serious.

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Exactly. The give-away he wasn't at all about draining the swamp was not pardoning both Assange and Snowden. Trump was the swamp.

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It wasn't Trump alone. It's too easy to fall for the "Orange Man Bad" thinking that the DNC has created for us to fall into. (Not that I admired Trump.) It's the entire system, which has been in place for decades before Trump came along.

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Trump was never the Hitleresque monster of MSNBC fame, any more than Obama was the secret Muslim lover the right wing told us to fear. What's instructive is where the Trump and Biden administrations find continuity; torturing Assange being the pertinent example of this.

Trump was always a reaction to this establishment continuity and he ran an effective campaign as an outsider. His calling attention to the Deep State is to be applauded, but he turned out to be a deeply flawed and ludicrous reaction.

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I think that he never considered that he would win the election; the nomination process was one big reality show with him as the star. He got into it for his great friend, Hillary Clinton. He's only a narcissist, and that's not a good quality for a president to have.

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All U.S. Presidents have been narcissists. Look at Obama, FFS.

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I was wondering about that as I wrote. But Trump's stood out from the crowd.

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They all are. Every last one.

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"the US government making plans to kidnap, rendition and assassinate a journalist for telling the truth is so incomprehensibly evil that it causes too much cognitive dissonance for people to really take in"

I'm not sure there isn't another reason that perhaps is more prevalent: that anything the US government does is regarded by the corporate media and by many ordinary people in the USA and here in the UK as automatically on the side of the angels. That means anything at all, no matter how invidious. That's US exceptionalism in action: "going to the dark side" is fine if the US/UK does it, but anything good done by China - such as damming Western rentier investors' free money river, or acting effectively against the pandemic - is regarded as heinous.

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Gee, it almost sounds like we're being bombarded with nonstop propaganda.

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It should be mentioned that the Powell Memorandum of 1971 is the reason that we are so bombarded with propaganda. The Powell Memorandum should be on the mandatory reading list of all Americans.

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So wait, the Red Scare of the 40s doesn't count?

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You think? How could that possibly be the case in the Free West?

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I think the belief that "anything the US does is on the side of the angels" is exactly what causes the cognitive dissonance that Caitlin was talking about.

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Thank you, Caitlin. Naturally I expect many of your readers are already aware of the evil that the CIA does, and is. Still, if putting it out there wakes up even just one more person, well worth the time and effort (and sometimes heartache) you put in.

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The crux of the matter as so beautifully but painfully delineated is that the world is virtually ruled, if it boils down to nuke power, by a criminal organization dolled up as a noble torch bearer for humanity, and all the good things. That it doesn't give a flying "fig" for any of the good things seems of no consequence because the populace that honours it and pays for it with taxes, wage slavery and occasionally, blood, is heavily drugged on self-serving propaganda, endless homilies on "freedom" and "individuality" and can't face the grave misgivings forcing their way through their collective psyche. A recipe for disaster.

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CIA = cancer in all.

It is a cancer upon the citizens of the country.

One that needs to be cut out via emergency surgery.

That is just what I think - a reckoning it will be.

I sure hope so because otherwise....

say good-bye to the country.


Poem of the Day here at this Newsletter. Happy it is here.

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"Whether it was legal"?? How removed from reality are those people? And, since the CIA does all of these nefarious things in the name of the American people and we do nothing to stop them, we are all accessories. There are no innocent adults in this country. Crocodile tears about the innocent victims of the World Trade Center attack (by the George W Bush administration!) leave me unmoved because of this.

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Sorry for the double post....there was a delay.

Sorry even more for this triple post, but

I just wanted to say:

I'm sorry.


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They still exist because they're a very lethal cartel with endless funds and allied with lots of other cartels who control every pillar of our state. Rooting them out at this point is going to take a hell of a lot from the citizenry. But what else are we doing?

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No one should be surprised about the evil known as the CIA. Even presidents knew about it, and of course one was killed by it. As Caitlin pointed out the other day, we're trapped until we do something about it. Ay, there's the rub.

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A "secret" Guantanamo torture -- three fingers into eye -- many remain blind afterwards.

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It's not possible to abolish the CIA, because they are largely funded "off the books" by drug running. However, the perpetrators of this particular conspiracy could be indicted for conspiracy to commit homicide and sentenced to long prison terms.

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What we know: the CIA and the FBI initiate assassination plans for anyone they consider an "enemy." I just read that the FBI had assassination plans in place to pick off the leaders of OWS in several U.S. cities! One thing is for sure the only enemy of the U.S. is now our federal, state and local governments.

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CIA = cancer in all.

It is a cancer upon the citizens of the country.

One that needs to be cut out via emergency surgery.

That is just what I think - a reckoning it will be.

I sure hope so because otherwise....

say good-bye to the country.


Poem of the Day here at this Newsletter. Happy it is here.

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