Paypal stole $9354 dollars from Consortium News because it didn't like their politics. Paypal waited until Consortium was having their yearly funding drive so that the account would be nice and fat. There was so much protest that Paypal gave the money back, but I will never use Paypal again and advocate that no one else use Paypal.

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✊🏼 Consortium News broke Nuland’s “F**k the EU!” Call + other critical 2013-2014) UkraineNaziCoup News. They’re “Enemy Of The State” Investigative Reporters invested in Breaking the CorporateFascists Gov-Enforced Information-Deprivation Vacuum. They’ve EARNED enthusiastic Support from Us ALL!

I recently pleaded, in vain, w/cousins not to use that Political, Judicial & Economic Apartheid, ResourceTheft outlet, when we wanted to help a widowed, family member in need. This Fascist WAR on defenseless innocents, MUST to be stopped.

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Can't readers just upgrade to a paid subscription on Substack? That's the simplest.

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Patreon is shite IMO. I subscribe on Substack.

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Sharing bank info at least in the US can open up a number of scams for a nefarious actor. Don't recommend leaving that up....

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For some reason I always figured Caitlin Johnstone lived in Western Australia, in a beat house in the middle of nowhere, same as the one in the film Hideous Kinky where cult-exiter Harvey Keitel got cucked by Kate Winslett.

But Victoria? Isn't that suburban and bourgeois, like an Australian New Jersey? 🤣

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Not all of jersey is suburban and bourgeois

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I would send you a Bitcoin donation... but not until you remove your crypto/shitcoin/garbage options... including Paypal. Increase your knowledge and understanding of what BTC represents, and I'll back you 100%.

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⚡️OUR MONEY IS OUR VOTE~ MORE of DCs ResourceRape THEFT⚡️ Didn’t the CorporateFascist WEALTH SSupremacy fight all the way to the Supreme Court to have Money declared “Constitutionally Protected Free Speech”❓ So WHERE TF are the Constitutional Attorneys defending Constitutional Protections over ThePeoplesMoney❓ In addition to Independent Journalists, I couldn’t even subscribe to ConsumerReports an 80y.o. U.S. NON-PROFIT Consumer Protection Organization, with a STELLAR RECORD & REPUTATION b/c the ShadowBankingSystem (perhaps Idaho’s ShadowBankers) have Consumer Reports branded as “possible Fraud due to its Non-Profit status.” Really? So are all donations to Televangelists and Trump She’ll Companies also blocked under this stipulation? If “The Market” is truly “Free” of molestation by a CRIMINALLY DEPRAVED InsiderTraders WEALTH SSupremacy, WHY TF do WeThePeople NEED Our Own Army of ANTI-SURVEILLANCE “ANALYSTS” to counter this egregious UNdemocratic, UNCONSTITUTIONAL CorporateFascist Political Judicial &Economic Apartheid❓ END U.S. “DEFENSE” Department & Corporate Fascist’s Surveillance & Shadow-Bank ESPIONAGE WAR On UnArmed, Non-Combatant Civilians just struggling to survive their Political Judicial & Economic Apartheid.

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Ty CJ, I'm throwing in the towel now. Case closed

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