I have this image I can't shake. And unless I divert it from my mind by occupying my attention elsewhere, it makes me want to run to a bathroom and vomit. It's a child alive under that rubble but slowly dying of dehydration. And I wonder how anyone can be so mentally ill that they don't immediately want that possible scenario to cease. I never in my long life recall being so physically sickened by each day's news; even the images from Vietnam weren't this consistently horrible.

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No sympathy for Zelensky here, anybody who presides over the destruction of his country deserves to rot in hell. He was only useful to the US as long as he was winning; no more hugs from uncle Joe.

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I just wanted to write a short message of support for your comments (not only those you have made above Caitlin but also for those that you have been making since this Middle Eastern horror story began (I was going to say "a month ago" but as we both know, it all began long before that, perhaps more than a 100 years or so ago, possibly even longer than that. I am not a historian so I can't be definite about the date).

I dismiss these characters who might suggest that I am some sort of "anti-Semitic Nazi" because I dare to criticize the Israeli government, with the contempt that they deserve.

You do a marvelous job with this site Caitlin. We are all only human and I would not want to see your health affected because of the relentless suffering that you write about and the harsh, unwarranted and relentless criticism that you seem to receive. (I was quite taken by the poignancy of your essay yesterday.)

Quite frankly, I don't know how you keep it up at a mental or physical level. I could not do it. I was once fairly active in politics at the local ALP branch level but I had to 'back-off' for the sake of my own sanity after the 1977 federal election result when the voters rejected Gough Whitlam for the second time. I think that you are performing an extremely valuable community service with your website. Please make sure that you look after yourself so that you can continue doing this.

Best regards,


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Thanks so much for your powerful writing recently, it makes me feel a little less alone in a world of horror. I know that doesn't save any Palestinian children, but I thought I would say it anyway as we have to keep our spirits up somehow if we are going to defeat the butchers of the world.

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"you get peace by making peace", yes, I agree with Caitlin's statement. Violence begets violence and it seems that is what Netanyahu wants to do. He is not interested in peace.

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Ya know, each of these paragraphs is so good that I think you should print them up as Christmas cards and sell them by the box, so we can all send them to our baby Jesus loving genocidists on their holiday of peace on Earth! Great stuff!

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Caitlin, because of your thinking & writing, that's why I subscribed. Eyes on Gaza! Thank you.

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Colleges and universities have been particularly targeted by Israel’s many friends, with mostly Jewish alumni holding back donations from those schools that do not explicitly denounce Hamas and praise Israeli “restraint” or that permit demonstrations by students supporting Gaza.

Students who sign on to protests about what is being done to the Palestinians are being identified and placed on lists that will be submitted to potential future employers and universities to make it more difficult for them to get good jobs or secure academic appointments and fellowships. Ambitious politicians out to endear themselves to Jewish campaign donors and voters, like Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida, have gone to extremes, banning Palestinian political groups at state universities and considering prosecution of members of such organizations for “hate crimes” as they are automatically being regarded as motivated by “antisemitism.”


Human stain, the Jews in Israel, or, well, elsewhere?

French IDF Spokesman Defends Killing Over 4,000 Gazan Children on Live TV



Massacres, daily.

The Electronic Intifada’s contributing editor Jon Elmer analyzed the tenor of the Palestinian resistance’s actions against Israel’s week-long ground war.

“On any given day, there’s between 30 and 50 described actions that range from the constant rocket fire that’s been happening on Israeli cities and towns as well as the mortars,” he said.

“The Israelis are looking to move into the territory, and they’re doing it in large numbers. And so they have been seen in clusters in a way that I think … shows the lack of on the ground, actual warfighting experience that the Israelis have.”

He explained that the ground war that Israel promised in order to “re-establish the image of the Israeli army after it was humiliated in front of the entire world” on 7 October has not turned into any face-to-face fighting.

“The only fighting they’ve done is this continual massacring of civilians – as if bombing civilians is going to lessen support for the resistance when everybody knows it does the opposite of that.”

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Nov 8, 2023·edited Nov 8, 2023

As a PR professional, I can assure you the term "humanitarian pause" was contrived by the Israeli media team ... Just as the term "climate change" was contrived to minimize the powerful imagery evoked by the term "global warming", "humanitarian pause" is now floated as a substitute for "cease fire" ... ya see, the term "cease-fire" is so organically contrary to the true purpose of Israeli rhetoric that it must not be allowed to survive ... U.S. defense contractors actually have much influence on U.S. war discourse and what happens after the "pause" period expires? ... the bombing resumes of course ... and BTW, the practice of instructing unarmed citizens to leave their homeland and then bombing them on their supposed way to safety was first done by the U.S. on Iraqi soldiers in 2003 ...

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Everyone knows that the Nazis were famous for opposing genocide.



The Nazis were famous for pretty much exactly the opposite of that.

Sorry. It's so easy to get the two mixed up. Opposing genocide and doing it are so similar that it is very difficult to tell the two things apart. I apologize for the confusion.

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The ultra apartheid regime of Israel has never wanted peace; it has always wanted to genocide the people of Palestine starting with Gaza. I feel wrecked and I find myself always lost.

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The war funding will all be secret here in the States soon. Funding both sides of dozens of conflicts simultaneously kinda like a proxy Thunderdome of immiseration, destruction, and profit.

Too much wealth and power, blah blah cautionary tale, hey Dr. Strangelove is back on Youtube movies.

Justice for Palestine ♥

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Ben Shapiro indicates that the massacre of 10000+ is the fault of Hamas. In other words, no fault of Israel. Hamas holding a couple hundred, while Israel holds thousands of Palestinian hostages, is reason enough to slaughter 4000+ children. Bibi and his gang have been exonerated, and as long as Hamas keeps the hostages, the gang gets to continue to slaughter till there is nobody left without being at fault. I'm getting the feeling that the longer Hamas keeps the hostages, the better the Israeli government likes it.

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I was fine about Israel for many many years and thought the poor persecuted Jews needed and deserved a sanctuary after all the had been through with the holocaust and all of the irrational Jew hating in the world. Then a friend began to tell me about the Zionists and asked me to do some research into what he was saying. I said that because up to this time I had respected him I would check out what he was alleging.After a couple of years my respectful attitude changed and friends began to accuse me of latent anti semitism . Ignorance is a type of bliss but if it means being unaware of which group is causing most damage and injury The bliss of ignorance of the evils of Zionism is in my opinion one that we must sacrifice and brave the scorn of the bought and paid for mainstream media

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Astonished at my “ Christian” social media contacts who can’t see the evil in this genocide. Very sad.

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Another Gem from Caitlin.

Truer words were likely never spoken this accurately.

Sadly, the warmongers don’t want peace. They don’t care how many die. They make money by destabilizing nations and inciting fear. I include Bernie Sanders as a warmonger who faked his pacifism for a long time. Makes me wonder why the deep state chose to run with Hillary in 2016 and 2020 instead of Bernie. No one likes her. He had most of America duped into thinking he was a progressive and most people like him. Surely his years of voting to spend our tax dollars on helping Israel murder Palestinian children must have given him some credit in the MIC club. All those arms dealers must secretly love Bernie. But maybe he wasn’t bloodthirsty enough and only Hillary Clinton could fill that need? Ironically this led to a Trump era that seems to never end.

The bloodbath that the Biden administration has wrought on the world will soon deliver a second term of Trump. Despite their attempts to neuter him. He’s like a cockroach, he can’t be killed.

This Gaza nightmare will only embolden the fascist racists in the US who want to make a parking lot out of Gaza. They can’t wait to get Trump back to help finish the job. Funny how they raged against the Ukraine war, but suddenly have a bloodlust for Palestinian children.

Only peaceful people want peace.

And there are far too few of us.

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