Absolutely!! Been saying the same, just add that she’s ALSO married to a genocidal aipac Zionist that defends Israhell no matter what, that’s the sprinkle that makes her even spicer.
There will be no consequences for the Israeli genocide in Palestine until the Western countries address the power and influence of the Zionist lobbies in their own countries (AIPAC in the US)
Exactly. Do the Zionist boast of their control over the US and UK and their colonies and Europe. No absolutely not. They use their grip on the media to tell all thinking people that this All is anti Semitic conspiracy theory. And the genocide in Gaza? Well the UN and World Court are anti semitic also..
This is time sensitive - It’s time for the IOC to ban Israel from the Paris Olympics. Unless the entrants can prove they are not settlers and/or have not participated in the illegal occupation. Let them know how you feel. Here's a new URL, because the last one has been suspended. Maybe from all of our comments? Or not.
Yes. With the ICJ recent statements on the occupation no settler should be allowed to participate as well as enforcers in the IDF. That should eliminate just about all Israelis
Here's a chance to do something about Israel without leaving your chair. I should take maybe three minutes. Go to https://oscttnet.olympics.com/en-us/request-form-create/ and request the Olympics do something about it. Here's what I wrote:
The International Court of Justice has ruled that Israel's occupation of the West Bank is illegal. This follows countless UN resolutions to the same effect that were voted on 160 to 2 but vetoed by the USA. This occupation is openly perpetrated via violence. As an outlaw nation, Israel should be denied entry into this year's Olympics.
For every letter they get they assume that maybe a hundred or a thousand more feel the same way so your letter carries far more weight than does a vote. If you aren’t from the USA you might want to go through the slightly more elaborate procedure at https://support.olympics.com/hc/en-gb/requests/new. Or maybe it doesn’t matter…
When you utterly fail at this endeavor, then you'll realize that you have absolutely no power or agency in this world. You are of no more consequence than a lowly ant.
No agency? That will be hasbara's line? That only money and the powerful speak? Seems to not be working, given the ICJ's finding, and the increasing isolation of Israel. "Lowly ants" such as Yemen are causing a ruckus too...
Sure, here's what happened to Yemen Houthis when they nip at the ankles of the giant.
Satellite Images Show Massive Extent Of Israel's Attack On Yemen Key Port
Monday, Jul 22, 2024 - 06:00 PM
New satellite images show the massive extent of the Saturday airstrikes by Israel on the Houthi-controlled port of Hodeida in Yemen. Teams are fighting the large blazes for the third day, after the port was essentially leveled.
Regional reports say firefighters have made little progress, and that the blaze could soon reach food storage facilities, which would be devastating given much of the Yemeni population has for years faced an acute hunger crisis and relies heavily on external aid.
In other words, the world order unravels beneath your feet. While almost falling into the void, you look down and assure yourself: “They are just ants”
Wahaha you sure are determined to make us buy this, buddy. To bad your own side at the WEF already stated otherwise
“The Suez Canal/Red Sea, vital for around 30% of the world's container traffic, has seen disruptions leading companies to reroute around the Cape of Good Hope. This situation has led to an immediate contraction in market capacity and a surge in shipping rates, with significant impacts on global trade networks and economic stability.
“The Red Sea has become a hotspot of geopolitical tension due to Houthi militants targeting commercial vessels, with over 33 attacks reported since 19 November 2023. These disruptions threaten a key maritime route essential for a significant share of global container traffic and over $1 trillion in annual merchandise. In response, the US and EU spearheaded Operations Prosperity Guardian and Aspis to safeguard navigation and trade flows, yet challenges from the Houthis' deployment of drones and missiles and vessel tracking capabilities remain.
I think we should add the US into this request! After all our tax money is going towards these Zionist Nazis being able to sign their names on those bombs!
I have updated the URL because the prior one now says "suspended." Maybe thanks to all our efforts. The new one is the one you have at the end of your message.
Ha ha ha. Keep trying Joy! How's those petitions going?
Hey, what about those Chinese Uyghurs? How about sending your President Xi a petition on those trampled peoples? I wonder how long you will stay out of a Chinese prison camp?
"A genocide monster has bowed out and endorsed another genocide monster."
Hear, hear, Caitlin. And the indisputable/observable fact is that each -- and surely one more genocide monster ("Just finish the job!") -- is waiting in the duopolistic wings. To top it all off, all three are obeisant servants -- tribute-payers -- to the (current) Prime Monster Netanyahu who holds sway in Colonial Zionist 'Israel.'
Any suggestions how to accomplish this with entirely militarized cops, FEMA detention-camps lurking behind every knoll, Biden-bucks (CBDCs) coerced or showed-up the throats of millions, justified by an artificially induced economic and political collapse, a deeply, artificially divided and highly armed populace with millions of fresh aliens residing in the neighborhoods on tax-payer's money ??? ...
There's two ways only:
1. - Get OUT and far away from the USA and its currency ASAP or, if you can't
2. - DE-centralize, join existing or build sustainable rural community; grow, make, sell, buy locally which means:
- boycott/sanction the corporate monsters and their evil globalism,
- de-invest the entirely hostile government through legal tax-avoidance.
These steps, obviously are only for the brave, not for the whining sheeples that are going to perish miserably waiting for the never realizing new freebies expected from their shepherds.
I've been out of the USA for twenty years, but organizing and working within the system would still be effective. It worked for FDR. He was able to get a big majority in the House. And things were a lot worse in 1932 than they are now. Congressmen had to be escorted everywhere by bodyguards. During the inaugural parade there were machine gun nests on flanking rooftops.
The NYT tells us : 'A visitor - unidentified in the press - came to him not long after the Inauguration and told him, "Mr. President, if your program succeeds, you'll be the greatest president in American history. If it fails, you will be the worst one." "If it fails," the new president replied, "I'll be the last one."'
FDR said in his campaign stump speech :
We had to struggle with the old enemies of peace—business and financial monopoly, speculation, reckless banking, class antagonism, sectionalism, war profiteering.
They had begun to consider the Government of the United States as a mere appendage to their own affairs. We know now that Government by organized money is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob.
Never before in all our history have these forces been so united against one candidate as they stand today. They are unanimous in their hate for me—and I welcome their hatred.
I should like to have it said of my first Administration that in it the forces of selfishness and of lust for power met their match. I should like to have it said of my second Administration that in it these forces met their master.
{...And things were a lot worse in 1932 than they are now...} Really ??? ... 🤔🤔🤔
{...Congressmen had to be escorted everywhere by bodyguards. During the inaugural parade there were machine gun nests on flanking rooftops...}
How much I wish, it happens again as from this very minute:
- any member of any public office caught signing to NEVER back any decision/law
not being in the interest of Zionism,
- any member of Congress caught having a 24/7 AIPAC-escort,
- any member of any public office caught dealing with lobbyists (passive bribe),
having any personal- or family connections to WEF, Bilderberger and their
despicable ilk or being active in any board of corporate administration should
know that his life-time is quickly running-out.
{...dangerous as Government by organized mob...} Have you ever seen an ORGANIZED mob that was not entirely infiltrated by agents of the ruling-class ???
It's the uncontrolled, ORGANIZED mob their fear the most, therefore all their efforts for mass-culling (physical)/censorship (intellectual culling), subversion from inside and digital currency, etc., etc.
This is where the famous words of "V" for Vendetta come to mind! "Governments should be scared of their people not the people scared of their government"! I say they need to be TERRIFIED let alone scared. They are the enemy! They are not our government. The DOJ is all in with these criminals as is every 3 letter agency and thus are the peoples enemy also.
If you haven't noticed, U.S. has had only two years, when it hasn't been at war - declared or otherwise - since WWII. And during those two years, it was probably behind the scenes, de-stabilising another democratic government that didn't want its resources plundered. U.S. is one of the most violent nations on earth. It is also one of the most uncivilised. The fact that every other developed nation has universal health care and U.S. is still arguing about that, is a case in point. No country wants to emulate the U.S. with its gun-toting mentality. A nation where school shootings are the main cause of child death. A nation in which a would-be President, can boast of being so popular, that he could shoot someone in public and get away with it. A nation that could even contemplate electing a treasonous, lying, paedophile, rapist, felon. A nation where people doubt their electoral system to the point of trying to overthrow a democratically elected government, doubt health professionals and the fact that there's a global pandemic to such a degree that they willingly let hundreds of thousands die of Covid, which they claim is false news, then contemplate drinking bleach as an antidote, doubt their justice system and deny the outcomes of jury trials, let alone allow the stacking of the Supreme Court and permitting its corruption to go unchecked.
U.S. is a world leader in violence, stupidity and corruption. Watching the U.S. decline is like witnessing the fall of Rome.
The politics of cultural despair, Exhibit A. A Solution must begin with ending war and starting a dialogue of civilizations through multipolarity with the BRICs.
Thanks for the truth, Caitlin. I am appalled at how many American women are diehard Harris supporters. Are they just stupid? Harris supports the #MeToo cabal, wanted to arrest parents of children who skipped school, let Steven Mnuchin escape prison for banking fraud, initiated the "Three Strikes" law that put the formerly incarcerated in mortal danger, and is a political ignoramus on top of it all. As I said (and probably offended many of these woman) having a vagina is not enough.
Are you saying that these women support Harris because she is a woman? Until we have equal representation of the electorate reflected in public service (which looks further and further away) and/or dismantle the patriarchy, that rewards dominance over women and non-Whites, only allowing women and non-whites who play by their soul crushing rules to succeed and which we're all brought up in; then voting for people because they have dicks or vaginas or are Black is what will happen.
The genocidal media will sing and dance and desperately endorse the status quo, lulling us into believing that actual change is the same as pronouncement of the same. Same crap, new packaging.
Unless and until we demand actual proof of change — that words are nothing until backed up by hard evidence — we will continue to get morally bankrupt leaders peddling for profiteers.
Let us keep up the drumbeat. Thank you, Caitlyn and Tim and the good folks here.
There must be an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Pope Francis has said what is needed, now he must do what is needed by going to Gaza and standing for peace, justice and freedom.
The Zionist controlled United States of America has a 'democratic ' front. And to make sure the message is out that this is a democracy they even have a party named just that. You can vote for party A or Party B and get very different faces and supposed polices but the killing machine rolls on inside and outside of the country. It began by the colonist invaders killing the majority of the rightful occupiers of the land but that was OK because the killers were all Christians. A bloody start to an even more bloody future both inside and outside of the stolen country.
Perfect summation, Caitlin. Reminds me of George Carlin.
“The real owners. The big, wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions. Forget the politicians… they’re irrelevant. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. YOU DON’T. YOU HAVE NO CHOICE. YOU HAVE OWNERS. THEY OWN YOU. THEY OWN *EVERYTHING*! They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, and city halls. They got the judges in their back pocket. And they own all the big media companies so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear!”
“And now they’re comin’ for your social security money. They want your fuckin’ retirement money. They want it back, so they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street. And you know what, they’ll get it. They’ll get it all, fuck ya, sooner or later. Cause they own this fuckin’ place. It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it.
You and I,
are not in,
the big club.”
-more from “George”
And, in my estimation/experience this is the kinda shit that motivates ‘Muricans.
“They” don’t give a flyin’ fuck about Palestinians, or Libyans, or Eeerainians, just so long as the gas is cheap and plentiful, and the checks keep on clearin’, and somebody promises to do sumthin’ about all the god damn “illegals” floodin’ through the southern border.
They’re all fuckin’ MAGAs.
It’s just that the republican cunt says he’s gonna make Murica great again when he gets back in, while the democrat cunt says they already done/are doin’ it.
I’d laugh out loud, if it wasn’t so absurd, and I wasn’t so pissed off all the time.
Ain’t voted for nobody since Nader.
And, what good did that do, anyway???
Seems to me like real, not “reel”, assassin-nations might be a nice changea pace round here in ‘Murica.
When’s the next congressional softball game???
Gooda place as any to exercise the second amendment.
Exactly. There should be an "Open Season" on Zionist Nazi politicians so they would get culled on a regular basis! Things would change quickly come September or November just around deer season!
Absolutely!! Been saying the same, just add that she’s ALSO married to a genocidal aipac Zionist that defends Israhell no matter what, that’s the sprinkle that makes her even spicer.
There will be no consequences for the Israeli genocide in Palestine until the Western countries address the power and influence of the Zionist lobbies in their own countries (AIPAC in the US)
Exactly. Do the Zionist boast of their control over the US and UK and their colonies and Europe. No absolutely not. They use their grip on the media to tell all thinking people that this All is anti Semitic conspiracy theory. And the genocide in Gaza? Well the UN and World Court are anti semitic also..
Which will never happen. Ha ha ha.
This is time sensitive - It’s time for the IOC to ban Israel from the Paris Olympics. Unless the entrants can prove they are not settlers and/or have not participated in the illegal occupation. Let them know how you feel. Here's a new URL, because the last one has been suspended. Maybe from all of our comments? Or not.
Yes. With the ICJ recent statements on the occupation no settler should be allowed to participate as well as enforcers in the IDF. That should eliminate just about all Israelis
Apparently investors in land grabs will be liable. Not sure if that means retrospectively.
I've emailed this out to all my aquaintances:
Here's a chance to do something about Israel without leaving your chair. I should take maybe three minutes. Go to https://oscttnet.olympics.com/en-us/request-form-create/ and request the Olympics do something about it. Here's what I wrote:
The International Court of Justice has ruled that Israel's occupation of the West Bank is illegal. This follows countless UN resolutions to the same effect that were voted on 160 to 2 but vetoed by the USA. This occupation is openly perpetrated via violence. As an outlaw nation, Israel should be denied entry into this year's Olympics.
For every letter they get they assume that maybe a hundred or a thousand more feel the same way so your letter carries far more weight than does a vote. If you aren’t from the USA you might want to go through the slightly more elaborate procedure at https://support.olympics.com/hc/en-gb/requests/new. Or maybe it doesn’t matter…
When you utterly fail at this endeavor, then you'll realize that you have absolutely no power or agency in this world. You are of no more consequence than a lowly ant.
Get out of mom’s basement and get a job, fucking clown.
Like you, then. And if that's the case, Ant, why do bother posting your smartass bullshit?
Because I am a SMARTass!
No agency? That will be hasbara's line? That only money and the powerful speak? Seems to not be working, given the ICJ's finding, and the increasing isolation of Israel. "Lowly ants" such as Yemen are causing a ruckus too...
Sure, here's what happened to Yemen Houthis when they nip at the ankles of the giant.
Satellite Images Show Massive Extent Of Israel's Attack On Yemen Key Port
Monday, Jul 22, 2024 - 06:00 PM
New satellite images show the massive extent of the Saturday airstrikes by Israel on the Houthi-controlled port of Hodeida in Yemen. Teams are fighting the large blazes for the third day, after the port was essentially leveled.
Regional reports say firefighters have made little progress, and that the blaze could soon reach food storage facilities, which would be devastating given much of the Yemeni population has for years faced an acute hunger crisis and relies heavily on external aid.
In other words, the world order unravels beneath your feet. While almost falling into the void, you look down and assure yourself: “They are just ants”
Wahaha you sure are determined to make us buy this, buddy. To bad your own side at the WEF already stated otherwise
“The Suez Canal/Red Sea, vital for around 30% of the world's container traffic, has seen disruptions leading companies to reroute around the Cape of Good Hope. This situation has led to an immediate contraction in market capacity and a surge in shipping rates, with significant impacts on global trade networks and economic stability.
“The Red Sea has become a hotspot of geopolitical tension due to Houthi militants targeting commercial vessels, with over 33 attacks reported since 19 November 2023. These disruptions threaten a key maritime route essential for a significant share of global container traffic and over $1 trillion in annual merchandise. In response, the US and EU spearheaded Operations Prosperity Guardian and Aspis to safeguard navigation and trade flows, yet challenges from the Houthis' deployment of drones and missiles and vessel tracking capabilities remain.
Thank you for sharing.
I think we should add the US into this request! After all our tax money is going towards these Zionist Nazis being able to sign their names on those bombs!
I have updated the URL because the prior one now says "suspended." Maybe thanks to all our efforts. The new one is the one you have at the end of your message.
Done! Thank you for this excellent idea.
Joy in HK, Agree wholeheartedly! Israel should be banned from all international sports events - period!
Ha ha ha. Keep trying Joy! How's those petitions going?
Hey, what about those Chinese Uyghurs? How about sending your President Xi a petition on those trampled peoples? I wonder how long you will stay out of a Chinese prison camp?
Vote for Jill!
Hear, hear! People, planet and peace. It's what the world needs now. https://jillstein2024.com
Jill Biden?
Jill Stein, Green Party.
"A genocide monster has bowed out and endorsed another genocide monster."
Hear, hear, Caitlin. And the indisputable/observable fact is that each -- and surely one more genocide monster ("Just finish the job!") -- is waiting in the duopolistic wings. To top it all off, all three are obeisant servants -- tribute-payers -- to the (current) Prime Monster Netanyahu who holds sway in Colonial Zionist 'Israel.'
Just wait and see the genocidal Netanyahu will get a standing ovation when he addresses the US congress.
It's all so shameful!
My fellow Americans:
It's time to gear up for a non-violent American Revolution. The Peace movement will be decisive in changing "the curse of history".
It's time to cure our addiction to cartoon hero leaders, grow some good food, and help out a neighbor or two. Things might actually improve.
BINGO !!! but ...
{...a NON-violent American Revolution...}
Any suggestions how to accomplish this with entirely militarized cops, FEMA detention-camps lurking behind every knoll, Biden-bucks (CBDCs) coerced or showed-up the throats of millions, justified by an artificially induced economic and political collapse, a deeply, artificially divided and highly armed populace with millions of fresh aliens residing in the neighborhoods on tax-payer's money ??? ...
There's two ways only:
1. - Get OUT and far away from the USA and its currency ASAP or, if you can't
2. - DE-centralize, join existing or build sustainable rural community; grow, make, sell, buy locally which means:
- boycott/sanction the corporate monsters and their evil globalism,
- de-invest the entirely hostile government through legal tax-avoidance.
These steps, obviously are only for the brave, not for the whining sheeples that are going to perish miserably waiting for the never realizing new freebies expected from their shepherds.
I've been out of the USA for twenty years, but organizing and working within the system would still be effective. It worked for FDR. He was able to get a big majority in the House. And things were a lot worse in 1932 than they are now. Congressmen had to be escorted everywhere by bodyguards. During the inaugural parade there were machine gun nests on flanking rooftops.
The NYT tells us : 'A visitor - unidentified in the press - came to him not long after the Inauguration and told him, "Mr. President, if your program succeeds, you'll be the greatest president in American history. If it fails, you will be the worst one." "If it fails," the new president replied, "I'll be the last one."'
FDR said in his campaign stump speech :
We had to struggle with the old enemies of peace—business and financial monopoly, speculation, reckless banking, class antagonism, sectionalism, war profiteering.
They had begun to consider the Government of the United States as a mere appendage to their own affairs. We know now that Government by organized money is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob.
Never before in all our history have these forces been so united against one candidate as they stand today. They are unanimous in their hate for me—and I welcome their hatred.
I should like to have it said of my first Administration that in it the forces of selfishness and of lust for power met their match. I should like to have it said of my second Administration that in it these forces met their master.
Thanks for your kind reply & info !!!
{...And things were a lot worse in 1932 than they are now...} Really ??? ... 🤔🤔🤔
{...Congressmen had to be escorted everywhere by bodyguards. During the inaugural parade there were machine gun nests on flanking rooftops...}
How much I wish, it happens again as from this very minute:
- any member of any public office caught signing to NEVER back any decision/law
not being in the interest of Zionism,
- any member of Congress caught having a 24/7 AIPAC-escort,
- any member of any public office caught dealing with lobbyists (passive bribe),
having any personal- or family connections to WEF, Bilderberger and their
despicable ilk or being active in any board of corporate administration should
know that his life-time is quickly running-out.
{...dangerous as Government by organized mob...} Have you ever seen an ORGANIZED mob that was not entirely infiltrated by agents of the ruling-class ???
It's the uncontrolled, ORGANIZED mob their fear the most, therefore all their efforts for mass-culling (physical)/censorship (intellectual culling), subversion from inside and digital currency, etc., etc.
Have a nice time !!
This is where the famous words of "V" for Vendetta come to mind! "Governments should be scared of their people not the people scared of their government"! I say they need to be TERRIFIED let alone scared. They are the enemy! They are not our government. The DOJ is all in with these criminals as is every 3 letter agency and thus are the peoples enemy also.
So true !!!
Unfortunately ...
If you haven't noticed, U.S. has had only two years, when it hasn't been at war - declared or otherwise - since WWII. And during those two years, it was probably behind the scenes, de-stabilising another democratic government that didn't want its resources plundered. U.S. is one of the most violent nations on earth. It is also one of the most uncivilised. The fact that every other developed nation has universal health care and U.S. is still arguing about that, is a case in point. No country wants to emulate the U.S. with its gun-toting mentality. A nation where school shootings are the main cause of child death. A nation in which a would-be President, can boast of being so popular, that he could shoot someone in public and get away with it. A nation that could even contemplate electing a treasonous, lying, paedophile, rapist, felon. A nation where people doubt their electoral system to the point of trying to overthrow a democratically elected government, doubt health professionals and the fact that there's a global pandemic to such a degree that they willingly let hundreds of thousands die of Covid, which they claim is false news, then contemplate drinking bleach as an antidote, doubt their justice system and deny the outcomes of jury trials, let alone allow the stacking of the Supreme Court and permitting its corruption to go unchecked.
U.S. is a world leader in violence, stupidity and corruption. Watching the U.S. decline is like witnessing the fall of Rome.
Do Americans know, they, their children and grandchildren and so on will be unwelcome, and worse, in any country. FOR GENERATIONS?
What two years were those? :)
The politics of cultural despair, Exhibit A. A Solution must begin with ending war and starting a dialogue of civilizations through multipolarity with the BRICs.
Thanks for the truth, Caitlin. I am appalled at how many American women are diehard Harris supporters. Are they just stupid? Harris supports the #MeToo cabal, wanted to arrest parents of children who skipped school, let Steven Mnuchin escape prison for banking fraud, initiated the "Three Strikes" law that put the formerly incarcerated in mortal danger, and is a political ignoramus on top of it all. As I said (and probably offended many of these woman) having a vagina is not enough.
Heh…maybe Tulsi will cut an add reminding people of who Kamala is like she did at the bebate. Kamala never recovered from that.
Are you saying that these women support Harris because she is a woman? Until we have equal representation of the electorate reflected in public service (which looks further and further away) and/or dismantle the patriarchy, that rewards dominance over women and non-Whites, only allowing women and non-whites who play by their soul crushing rules to succeed and which we're all brought up in; then voting for people because they have dicks or vaginas or are Black is what will happen.
the mnuchin deal explains it all
thanks for that missing piece
Well said Carolyn L Zaremba! As a woman of colour ( I hate the expression - I am not green!), I agree that having a vagina is not enough.
And if American citizens don't want to vote for a genocidal monster? Jill Stein maybe?
"The lesser of two weevils"
I've said the lesser of two weevils for a long time. Might as well have the T shirt. I've also noticed that the only change is that things get worse.
The genocidal media will sing and dance and desperately endorse the status quo, lulling us into believing that actual change is the same as pronouncement of the same. Same crap, new packaging.
Unless and until we demand actual proof of change — that words are nothing until backed up by hard evidence — we will continue to get morally bankrupt leaders peddling for profiteers.
Let us keep up the drumbeat. Thank you, Caitlyn and Tim and the good folks here.
There must be an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Pope Francis has said what is needed, now he must do what is needed by going to Gaza and standing for peace, justice and freedom.
Please sign the petition and share widely.
From CodePink:
Let us also support UNRWA. If our governments won’t act in accordance with humanity, then we will. https://www.unrwausa.org/donate
Also we can all support the brave doctors who have gone to Gaza: https://palestinian-ama.networkforgood.com/projects/206145-gaza-medical-supplies-oct-2023
Let us make our donations to honor Aaron Bushnell, or in memory of Hind Rajab.
Here’s a petition to excommunicate Joe Biden: https://www.change.org/p/excommunicate-president-joe-biden-bf979783-ac08-4576-a53f-c786ea23dc9c
These are a few small things we can do. If we can do more, let us do more.
If Francis was serious, he would have Excommunicated Biden by now.
We do what we can do. The rest is up to him. He does what he does. That's on him. It won't stop me from trying. That would be on me/us.
And, it's not like endorsing Kamala is not just another demented act. Do we really care, though?
Thank you Caitlin for calling it out what it really is. It looks and smells like a heap of...
As a Northern Californian, I can say for sure that Kamala is no ideologue. She's a straight-up opportunist.
The Zionist controlled United States of America has a 'democratic ' front. And to make sure the message is out that this is a democracy they even have a party named just that. You can vote for party A or Party B and get very different faces and supposed polices but the killing machine rolls on inside and outside of the country. It began by the colonist invaders killing the majority of the rightful occupiers of the land but that was OK because the killers were all Christians. A bloody start to an even more bloody future both inside and outside of the stolen country.
Perfect summation, Caitlin. Reminds me of George Carlin.
“The real owners. The big, wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions. Forget the politicians… they’re irrelevant. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. YOU DON’T. YOU HAVE NO CHOICE. YOU HAVE OWNERS. THEY OWN YOU. THEY OWN *EVERYTHING*! They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, and city halls. They got the judges in their back pocket. And they own all the big media companies so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear!”
-George Carlin
“And now they’re comin’ for your social security money. They want your fuckin’ retirement money. They want it back, so they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street. And you know what, they’ll get it. They’ll get it all, fuck ya, sooner or later. Cause they own this fuckin’ place. It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it.
You and I,
are not in,
the big club.”
-more from “George”
And, in my estimation/experience this is the kinda shit that motivates ‘Muricans.
“They” don’t give a flyin’ fuck about Palestinians, or Libyans, or Eeerainians, just so long as the gas is cheap and plentiful, and the checks keep on clearin’, and somebody promises to do sumthin’ about all the god damn “illegals” floodin’ through the southern border.
They’re all fuckin’ MAGAs.
It’s just that the republican cunt says he’s gonna make Murica great again when he gets back in, while the democrat cunt says they already done/are doin’ it.
I’d laugh out loud, if it wasn’t so absurd, and I wasn’t so pissed off all the time.
Ain’t voted for nobody since Nader.
And, what good did that do, anyway???
Seems to me like real, not “reel”, assassin-nations might be a nice changea pace round here in ‘Murica.
When’s the next congressional softball game???
Gooda place as any to exercise the second amendment.
Exactly. There should be an "Open Season" on Zionist Nazi politicians so they would get culled on a regular basis! Things would change quickly come September or November just around deer season!