Whew! For a minute there I thought I was living in an evil autocracy! . . . Oh, wait . . .

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HaHa - well said!

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Buy one, get one free.

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In Evil Autocracies, police are hypermasculinized violent maniacs and that's the norm. In Free Democracies, police are hypermasculinized violent maniacs, but citizens get to call them Fascist pigs. To no avail.

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"In Free Democracies, police are hypermasculinized violent maniacs, but citizens get to call them Fascist pigs."

For now.

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No love affair lasts forever, despite reassurances from Hollywood.

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Wait, we're supposed to call them heroes. As the black boot stomps on a human face.

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Very clever.

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I thought they were just fat pigs

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The people looked from man to pig and pig to man again and again, but could no longer tell the difference -- paraphrasing Orwell, Animal Farm.

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Fat pigs - fascist pigs, usually the exact same thing.

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Good to see the differences between an evil autocracy and a democratic autocracy has finally been spelled out. You learn something new every day!

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Apr 30Liked by Caitlin Johnstone

I love you folks so much you keep getting better wiser and more astute thank you for all your wonderful time and effort - you’re amazing one day I’d love to shake your hands and hug you with all my might. You have taught so many people lessons that they needed to learn thank you

La lucha continua

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Five stars, Caitlin. I especially like this line: In Evil Autocracies they flagrantly disregard international law, whereas in Free Democracies they flagrantly disregard international law.

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I liked that one, too, dropping the pretense that that both aren't, in essence, the same.

However, if we want to, we could write:

"In Evil Autocracies they flagrantly disregard international law, whereas in Free Democracies they flagrantly disregard international law in order to uphold the Rules-Based International Order™."

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It's foolish to underestimate how much bad behavior people will excuse and tolerate so long as they continue to see themselves as the Good Guys. In my considerable experience, Americans are more guilty of this than almost any other national group. Bad behavior doesn't even count as bad behavior - it's necessary and heroic. Always.

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And that's how most of history was written. UK too. Always the good guys.

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I suspect most of the evil autocracies see themselves also as the good guys.

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In the old Iron Curtain countries they were taught in school about the "decadent West", who cared nothing for education and only thought about fashion and pop music. Actually, they weren't far off. Meanwhile in the decadent West we were taught about repressive regime that didn't allow freedom of expression.Two ways of skinning a cat, but the cat still ends up dead

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It's been said that Americans are the most heavily propagandized population on the planet.

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I’m thinking Stalin years with friends and family members encouraged to report on each other - The Lubyanka Prison walls could tell some horror stories. In another part of the world stoning women who who show an ankle or ride a bike. Americans are #1 on this list. Not by a long shot despite what College protesters say

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The brilliance of this post is its truth. It is literally the truth, every word of it. As a retired U.S. diplomat who then worked in higher education at fancy private schools, I can honestly say: EVERY WORD OF THIS IS TRUE!!! And sooo soooo funny.

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It’s not funny, it’s tragic! I want to get out of here!

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You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.

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Not funny, but cuttingly clever.

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Not funny at all.

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I am afraid this goes a lot further than "autocracy" and into full fledged "pathocracy"-- which is governance by a small group with mental disorders. I am hearing the word "insane" from commentators and analysts I respect and agree with them too often. There is the science of Ponerology which is the study of evil as it pertains to politics.

There is very little scrutiny of candidates in political parties and there must be, especially those that are headed for high office.

Politics is too important now to be left to thugs and flunkies.

We know too well that psychopathic personalities are drawn to politics like bees to honey.

We also know they become authoritarian when they are operating above their level of competence.

How many people would vote for Joe Biden if they knew he was at the bottom of his class in law school, and plagiarized a term paper.

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But they did vote for him. And they knew he acted hideously toward Anita Hill and got Clarence Thomas onto the Supreme court. And they knew he had assaulted women, including Tara Reade. And they knew about his racist comments about he wouldn't want his children to go to public schools in Delaware with African Americans because they were "jungles".... Never underestimate the power of propaganda and the machinations of the duopoly.

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But it's weirder still. Democrats already twice rejected him as their presidential candidate. Can anyone claim he got better with age?

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Biden was manoeuvred into place by Obama. He was not gaining traction in the 2020 primary (same as in previous attempts to run for POTUS), Bernie was once again extremely popular, so Obama ordered Jim Clyburn to deliver Biden a win in the crucial South Caroline primary and create the illusion that he was the candidate of the black population. From then on, the branding of Biden as a “decent man” emerged as a weapon against Trump. Few liked him before, but suddenly he was kindly “decent” grandad wearing aviators and posing in his convertible. It was sickening.

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Yes, that’s right. South Carolina was where we saw this play out.

(You remind me that I was joking about the wheels coming off this clown’s No Malarkey bus, but after SC, I wasn’t laughing anymore.)

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Yep and that’s after Obama said, "never underestimate Biden’s ability to F things up."

What’s sickening is how people say that Biden is the best president of their lifetime. Seriously? How can they not see that most of the rot in America is due to Biden’s 50 year history of war on the working class?

And you left out 'empathic.'


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Plus Biden made it so people couldn’t discharge student debt through bankruptcy while cheering his lame attempts to cancel student debt.

And shitlibs are ignoring all the things Trump did that they griped about that Biden is now doing himself.

I can only imagine what they’d be saying if Trump was in charge of this genocide.

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You and me both! They keep claiming Biden is the "environmental president" and yet he has allowed more oil and gas fracking/drilling on federal lands than Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan... COMBINED. How the hell is that "environmentally sound"? #VoteGreen for People, Planet and Peace!

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American voteres are among the most uninformed and even when informed among the most easily duped. They vote for lies, fake friendly faces and empty ideology.

That’s why a corrupt charlatan liar like Biden can have 50 years of election success in that country.

It’s a reflection on the voters themselves.

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It’s a reflection of a truly terrible school system.

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This applies not just to American voters. Many failing and flawed democracies around the world also exhibit similar characteristics.

As one example: look at India and the Modi Regime (supposedly the largest democracy on earth). His BJP Party (believers in Hindutva ideology that is similar to Zionism & Nazism) deliberately instigates animosity & violence between Hindus and Muslims, and enlarges class conflicts. They use (abuse) religion as a way to deceive voters (with fake news and propaganda). Most voters are somewhat illiterate & uneducated (and many are poor) to think critically for themselves. The Govt. (here I mean all parties, not just Modi's BJP) takes advantage of these people by gaslighting them constantly and selling them deceptive narratives.

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Same power-script everywhere throughout the ages ...

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Well the problem is American voters are the ones approving governments with the power to do things like singularly support a genocide and prevent anyone in the world from stopping it. Huge difference.

Worse yet the US is also a country that belligerently goes around the world insisting that every country around the world should adopt its corrupt form of oligarchy - in invading or sanctioning those who refuse.. That's also a problem the rest of the world does not do.

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Same in UK, which calls itself the mother of parliament, with its flawed two party system that feeds on division and rhetoric, and "news" that is bought and paid for by the right.

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This is unfortunately the reality of life in the US. Where I grew up the Mayor had been caught using city funds to buy expensive fur coats and jewellery for his Mistress! He was a real idiot but they re-elected him 3 times before I moved out of the area! I learned after I turned 17 and went into the Navy just how corrupt the system and all but a few politicians were!

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Actually, I’d much rather be friends with someone who sat in the back of the class throughout high school cracking jokes, reading, or drawing than I would the ass kissers who got straight As and asked for homework. These people aren’t smarter than anyone else; in fact, they’re usually dull and devoid of the spark that feeds rebelliousness. At university it’s a little less clear cut, but I’d still take the “underachieving” rebel over the sycophant any day. That said, Joe Biden evidently combined ambition with mediocrity and lack of personality, so Congress was his destiny.

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So you want to be with the "cool" kids. I get it Megan. Pretty sassy if you ask me! 0.o

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Apr 30·edited Apr 30

Power selects strongly for sociopathy, since sociopaths are precisely the people who will do anything to get power. Doesn't matter the system, they will corrupt it surely as iron rusts.

This is the kernel of The Iron Law Of Oligarchy.

"How many people would vote for Joe Biden if they knew he was at the bottom of his class in law school, and plagiarized a term paper."

Tribal loyalty trumps all.

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Apr 30·edited Apr 30

It's common human psychology - one draws a sense of strength from the "Tribe" - being part of the "Gang". Carl Jung use to say the real measure of adulthood (paraphrasing here, since I'm too lazy too look up the actual quote) - the real measure of adulthood was not being part of some gang, or tribe, or military unit - but striking out on one's own, being one's own self - no matter where that might lead. That following the herd shows a lack of psychological growth and maturity.

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Apparently - quite a few, since Biden is not Trump.

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And that's all that matters.

Someone doesn't believe me? I've got plenty of friends and relatives I can introduce them to.

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Apr 30·edited Apr 30

It's hard when you come face to face with the stupidity of it all - with people

you know. :(

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yeah i was thinking of the extended discussion between you and others and "Carl Davidson" in the last comment thread, on whether voting for Trump would lead to our

Free Democracy turning into an Evil Autocracy.

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This strange case of Joe Biden is evidence of the activity of the Deep State behind the US Empire. Elements from the Deep State coalesced to install an empty vessel who allows them to go about their business unhindered, while the Empire's government continues to appear to be operating as outlined in its Constitution--with a president (and congress) in charge of it.

It is impossible to believe that the Democrats couldn't have nominated a more capable candidate in 2020 (and again in 2024). You could practically pick a person at random on the street who is more capable than Biden.

It seems that Deep State interests got people so fixated on the need to stop Donald Trump that the people failed to properly vet the main person put up in opposition to Trump. Hence, Deep Staters were able to slip in the easily manipulated Biden.

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You could practically pick a person at random on the street who is more capable than either of the dingleberries that will be running for the duopoly.

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One wonders how long all this can go on? And when another severe economic crisis hits the US, or another health crisis - then what happens?

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To add to this..last i knew civil servants had to take exam to be hired, to empty trash in fed offices or some such , mtg has not passed any cognition test. Just my mind wandering. The insane are definitely in charge. Biden was always a rat, speaking of cognition. He helped write the patriot act,if i recall.

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Biden has money. He can buy his way into power

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"In Free Democracies they massacre civilians with military explosives and siege warfare, like civilized people."

You know, I don't want to be known as "civilized" anymore. You can call me a "primitive" if it means I don't want the genocide in Gaza to continue. I would be fine with that label. And the so-called "Free Democracies" can go f*** themselves. #FreePalestine

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Nailed it Caitlin

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Impeccable. Effective democracies do not exist and have never existed. In the so-called "free democracies", not even the minorities that, through the money of the banks and the power of the state, dominate the majorities, are not free because, to paraphrase Marx ("one people cannot be free and oppresses another"), they cannot be free people who oppress others. The reality is that in a hierarchical structure there is no “freedom”.

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Yes. In a Free Democracy, everyone is free, but not everyone is equally free.

In an Evil Autocracy the pretense of freedom is abandoned.

So it's a difference of masks on or masks off.

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Crucial, definitive, authoritative differences! Vote blue to keep it so or else it's Evil Autocracy 2025™.

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Which is why it's imperative to #VoteGreen for People, Planet and Peace. Our "Free Democracy" is killing us and the planet along with aiding and abetting a genocide.

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How'd you get the superscript on "TM"?

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Apr 30·edited Apr 30

It's a unicode symbol, not a superscript on TM.

Easiest on Mac: option+2

On windows: ensure NumLk is ON then Alt+0153 (that 0153 should be on numeric pad, or emulated numpad on laptop keyboards)

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Fantastic article Caitlin Johnstone! Thank you very much for poignantly laying bare the hyprocrisy and evilness of so-called 'Free Democracies'.

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boycott.thewitness.news A-Z name brands who support the IDF

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Many thanks for THAT link !!!👍👍

MOST interesting in the listing is the sad fact that a few globally active Cos. have bought-up most of the brands almost everybody thinks are "independent competitors" ...

Just like politics and the WEF: "We have penetrated the cabinets" ...

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Thank you very much for the link!

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All said!

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