Everybody should know and understand what is NEOLIBERALISM. It has been destroying governments and democracy for the last half century and is a primary reason we are in this mess. Neoliberalism has the stated goal of denigrating the role of governments to where they are no longer sovereign, but in corporate capture.

Everyone should read Prof. Wendy Brown's book Dancing in the Ruins of Neoliberalism , which is just what we are doing. To understand neoliberalism is to understand what is happening today-corporate power on steroids

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I've been getting lessons about my naivete. I feel such anguish over the genocide. That it's happening without anyone from the USA in the leadership fraternity similarly appalled and nigh on devastated by the naked slaughter of Palestinians astonishes and infuriates me. As hackneyed it is to say it all blows my mind as it squishes my heart. I cannot understand the silence of my two Washington senators - Cantwell and Murray. Not even their staff know why they are silent. It's like they both taken a sound and sight proof room to be in - so removed they are! Zombies. Without the least professional integrity to explaim/rationalize their silence to their constituents. How can your guts, your heart, your mind not be utterly repelled by the naked brutality, even sadism of the Israelis"? And to have your very own supposedly pinnacle representative of the peoples' voice and demands be in cahoots with this ethnic erasure and all it broadcasts - a pure gigantic blotting out of all the stuff engrained in us since kindergarten about the USA as a nation of justice, democracy, freedom. How can Biden, Blinken, Sullivan, McGurt not grok the gross dispicableness of such a huge crime against humanity? What IS the matter with them?

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The Democrats quickly realized that neoliberalism was more profitable and a lot less work. They cashed in their liberal credentials and turned themselves into useful idiots pimping for the empire’s wars.

Read more here: https://www.lrb.co.uk/the-paper/v28/n18/tony-judt/bush-s-useful-idiots

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The longer this genocide drags on the uglier it's going to get for the Democrats, and particularly Joe Biden. Hello Trump.

The left in so many countries has become the faux left. We who are actually on the left are politically without a home.

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They cannot do otherwise. Those who, through the banking system, control the money with which they control the entire society have designated them all. In addition, they were designed to achieve the precise objective of safeguarding a system aimed at the accumulation of wealth through the profit deriving from the exploitation of labour.

And, when it is no longer possible, due to the tendency of the rate of profit to fall, the system uses financial speculation, the so-called "financial capitalism", through which, to support consumption, i.e. sales, money created out of nothing is lent with interest.

Moreover, when loans are not repaid for the salary does not allow it, what does the system do? The wealth previously produced is taken. With expropriation. In this way the concentration of wealth is progressively increasing. And, as a result, poverty increases.

And the poor are not even free to rise up, because they don't have the resources to do so and must first and foremost think about surviving.

It is the “slavery” of capitalism.

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Shitlibs are the absolute worst

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Jan 25·edited Jan 25

What's been on full display in this forum is the self-hate of shitlibs having realized they were in the wrong all these years. They voted Hillary in 2016 and Biden in 2020. Some are going to pull the lever for the walking corpse once more in 2024.

These are the "lesser evil" religious zealots. They say one thing but effectively are for the status quo - to save the empire from crumbling by putting some makeup on its ugly mug. Because if they were against it and still preach "lesser evil" then they'd vote Trump. Since that guy is off the rails and would only contribute to its worldwide demise.

But they won't, this bitching type. They're like worms wiggling their "logic" to come up with justifications for their schizo moves. Some are like recovering addicts who all of a sudden become preachers of clean and therewith poop every party.

The worst thing about them is hypocrisy. They will never admit who they are and just continue to play high priests of their twisted religions.

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If the left ever lived in America, it lived mostly with Malcolm and the Black radicals. And, yeah it feels like there are dribs and drabs of resurgence now -- a mass urge to differentiate from the empire slime you so ably characterize in this piece. But I worry that's just my heart talking, emoting bubbles of hope that there still is the possibility of tearing these people from the reins of leadership, of power. But mostly I despair of the possibility and see the billious faces of Biden and Netanyahu floating over the planet like giant opacities to human cognitive sunlight.

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Davos Man & American 'liberals' are enablers of Genocide & Ethnic Cleansing.

Muslim Americans & Jewish Americans have been LOST as well as millions nationwide:

Nobody from said communities will touch them with a ten foot pole on election day.

They have no legitimacy left & their political 'coalition' is DEAD.

After Friday, the rest of US global standing will be gone once the ICJ ruling is out!

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I believe that the “liberal Americans” are actively protesting Israel, Biden , Congress actions in Gaza and elsewhere. I know that I am. We have no illusions. I’m not certain “ liberal” is the correct term. I would use good human beings.

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Is Global Mask-off Moment Schadenfreude a thing? Because I think that’s what I’m feeling

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Trump is in lockstep with Biden on Gaza.

Judge Napolitano pretty much summed it up in the podcast.


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Thank you for your post I have never seen the world with such clarity until after Oct7th. I am grateful to be disillusioned. I am distressed and frightened for all humanity. How do remove these multiple layers of oppression?

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In the west's Democratic Dictatorships the traditional power elites have now perfected the system of large donor corruption and the manufacture of apparent consent so that voting here is just as meaningless as voting in Russia or North Korea. How the hell do we change it?

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My cousin told me he is a libertarian. He thinks it is the same as being an anarchist. He wants no government so he will not be burdened with rules and regulations. He, like many, do not at all understand that anarchism is about reversing the pyramid. It is about government from the bottom up. It is about changing or eliminating the present system, but it is not, for most, about eliminating any kind of government at all. Looking at the present governments in the world, it does seem like a good idea to get rid of all government. It isn't, in my opinion. We have to change how we govern ourselves, governing ourselves being an important consideration.

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Jesus H your newsletter brings out the boomer trolls. Every time I restock your newsletter there they are, trolling about abortion rights. Meanwhile women in Palestine don't have access to tampons. I mean they really experience a delusional form of cognitive dissonance if they can keep towing the party line as they do. IT DOESN'T GET WORSE THAN GENOCIDE asshats. I am not a Bernie bro. I'm just not going to participate in a corporate duopoly that pits pieces of shit against pieces of shit and nobody benefits.

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