Glad that I have a conscience! I can’t ignore Israel’s utter evil or Biden’s evil action in supporting the genocide of the Palestinians. What corrupt people; Israelis, Biden, US State Dept., US Congress, weapons manufacturers, ignorant supporters, deliberate supporters of the taking of life. Glad that I could never be so morally corrupt.

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It turns out these Zionists are more deranged than the face of terror, Osama bin Laden, ever was.

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The comments by ret. Major General Eiland are so repugnant I could hardly read them. To see 115 likes at the bottom of his picture is sickening. It is terrifying to realize that we live in a world where someone like that is not confined in some way. "A severe epidemic in Gaza will bring victory closer?

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Israel seems to have learned from the holocaust ONLY how to enact one. Shameful.

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Dec 13, 2023·edited Dec 13, 2023

Israel's genocide has reached the boiling point, for all the doubters and deniers out there.

Gaza's health system has collapsed. Disease is rampant, starvation is spreading.

Israel is getting away with mass murder because Genocide Joe is resupplying Israel with bombs and bullets and diplomatic cover.

He -- and he alone -- just vetoed a UN ceasefire order.

I dare anyone to make a case for voting for the "lesser evil."

The lesser evil here would be delivering food, water, and medicine after you have brought untold death, destruction and misery to 2.3 million people, half of whom are children.

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Israel is deliberately, methodically targeting intellectuals.

Shades of the Khmer Rouge

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Dec 13, 2023·edited Dec 13, 2023

I do NOT see Hamas as using traditional tactics of the terrorist.

No more than any other invading military, or paramilitary, or the CIA guerrilla army in the Bay of Pigs for example eh?

Why use the label for these desperate young Palestinian men eh? Surely you agree that they have the moral high ground here? How can they be "terrorists" for chrissake? Apart from their oppressors, who the hell are they terrorizing? No terrorist ever released their hostages? They chopped their fucking heads off! Hamas's released hostages were smiling, shaking the hands of the capturers, and reporting they were treated well, kept in good health, and respected. The tactics of terrorists eh? GMAFB!

Is a prisoner, serving a life sentence for a crime he did not commit, by killing his jailer to escape - a "terrorist"? Hell no!

Watching Al Jazeera TV this morning is truly sick making.

The psychopath Netanyahu saying Hamas has two options: Surrender or die!

As if the IDF is "winning"! They are not.

"Netanyahu is more likely to fall than Gaza"


"Israel-Hamas war: Ex-Israeli soldier says this government can't defeat Hamas."

This young Israeli soldier gives the World the obvious answer to this conflict.

Knowing how right this IDF soldier is, and how ignored he will be, is fuckin heartbreaking.


The sooner Netanyahu meets the same fate as Mussolini - the better it will be for EVERYBODY. And that freak Minister of Defense, Yoav Gallant. His war plan - drop 2,000lb bombs on hospitals and refugee camps. On a nation that has zero air defense! There is not even a place in hell bad enough for what this animal of a man deserves.

And the actions of the POTUS where I lived for 41-years, and where my kids live - is just shocking and unconscionable. I am ashamed when NZ people hear my American accent. "It is clear that the Biden regime’s amoral support for Israelis’ bloodlust in Gaza is destabilizing America and hastening the collapse from within that this nation has feared since it declared itself the United States." - Patrick Lawrence.


And watching Genocide Joe with the corrupt Zelensky* on TV in a WA DC Press Conference as I type here just makes one want to scream,

Give this 75-year-old man an AK-47 and I will go and kill these two motherfuckers. And that Jew Victoria Newland, Antony Blinken, John Kirby, Loyd Austin and Jake Sullivan. And the ex-Goldman Sachs investment banker Rishi Sunak, the Limey Yank arse licker! Sorry for the language.

*Ukraine’s President Zelensky Accused of Embezzling Western Aid Money | Vantage with Palki Sharma.


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It’s shocking how that reality is IGNORED

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This evil Netanyahu regime are guilty of the most heinous crimes and also the biggest cause of anti-semitism in the world today. I don't believe that at any time in the last 75 years have so many people wanted the destruction and elimination of Israel. Netanyahu is radicalising the world against Israel and maybe sowing the seeds for it's eventual demise. It is just insane.

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I have spoken to several people about this and it's as if I was brining news(or more likely fables) from some fictitious country about a fictitious war. Well done media straight out of Nineteen Eighty Four. Dystopia become current reality

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It's sickening to many more people in the world now to look at what the IDF and Netanyahu is doing to other human beings. Just who do they think they are ? Do they think they're better human beings ? The answer of course is they are far worse than the poor people of Gaza.

What is going on between Gaza and Israel is nothing but a disgrace to mankind.

Israel has opened the eyes of the world, people who were once "fence sitters" or turned a "blind eye" or otherwise were "indifferent" or could not understand why people hold religious beliefs, beliefs that lead them to believe they are somehow better than those who hold different beliefs, or in fact like me who have no religion at all.

It is of little wonder the world is turning against such barbaric atrocities being perpetrated by Israel, the US and it's proxies.

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Is it all a false flag operation to get the Gaza gasfield and the canal head-port from northern Gaza to the Red Sea? Time will tell their true intentions, though it's clear that saving the lives of the hostages isn't the priority at all !!!


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It will soon be time to put oct 7th to bed but as we know; no evidence of beheaded babies nor sexual assault and according to Electronic Intifada many if not most of the 800 settler colonists killed by 'friendly fire'. Does anyone know how many were known to be killed by Hamas with video or other evidence?

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"Civilization is the lamb’s skin in which barbarism masquerades." - Thomas Bailey Aldrich

"In the crowd, herd, or gang, it is a mass-mind that operates—which is to say, a mind without subtlety, a mind without compassion, a mind, finally, uncivilized." - Robert Lindner

"You can’t say that civilization don’t advance, for in every war they kill you a new way." - Will Rogers

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Caitlin, thank you so much for exposing the true face of of the US-Israeli mob and suffering Palestinians. Suggestion. Can you also comment on Hamas' success reported on Quds and Resistance News Telegram Networks? They're censored in the US. Hamas is defeating the IDF every day on the ground. Let's support them!

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Caitlin, thank you so much for exposing the true face of of the US-Israeli mob and suffering Palestinians. Suggestion. Can you also comment on Hamas' success reported on Quds and Resistance News Telegram Networks? They're censored in the US. Hamas is defeating the IDF every day on the ground. Let's support them!

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