It matters that they keep the public's gaze diverted from the horrors of empire while radically distorting their sense of reality.


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Here in the UK, I'm sure most people have no idea where Yemen is, that there's a war going on, that our government is doing all it can to increase the suffering of Yemeni people, that we supply bombs to the Saudis or that our Royal Air Force is helping the Saudis to kill more Yemeni people.

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join the coalition of anti-war groups, from Veterans for Peace, Korea Peace Now Grassroots Network, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, etc, and let's make antiwar our common cause! twitter banned my account, it seems, and don't feel like opening a facebook account at the moment....

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Parler will reopen in a week or so, but you'll have to use a computer to access it, since Google and Apple have both removed it from their App stores. Why is there only one App store? We do have anti-monopoly laws, but they haven't been enforced for years.

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thanks for the an couraging news. being silenced is the worst feeling.

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I hope I'm right. It's based on a statement by one of their executives, who said the cartel's move was not totally unexpected and they took precautions about hardware.

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What do u think the real reason is for the constant Yemen attacks?

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