Mr. Grusch’s does a terrible impression of a ‘whistle-blower ! Gravely hinting that he might be able to reveal MORE if only he didn’t have to speak in PUBLIC ( Oh No-o-o-o... not in public !! ;). .

C’mon , that’s the entire point of ACUAL whistle-blowing... to inform the PUBLIC.

Grusch has been hired to serially tease the public , not inform them about anything. Ditto for his doppel-ganger predecessor, the elusive Elizondo character.

-JJ ( Detroit )

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It’s a psyop. Another excuse to take power. I hope I’m wrong, but the chances are slim to none.

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I don't understand how the empire needs a UFO narrative to justify anything - they just do whatever they want anyway. Plus, if these craft are real and behaving as reported, we have zero chance of defending ourselves against them, no matter how much money is spent.

It cracks me up how some people (not readers of Caitlin obv) seem to think it would be super scandalous if we discover our govts have been lying to us about UFOs. Cos, like, they never lie about anything else?

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Once all our cities are burning down and gas is only affordable by millionaires to fill their jets and yachts, then maybe we will have congressional hearings about how lizard people may have (or may not have?) replaced elites in positions of power throughout the world. So this UFO hearing is just a feeler program to soften us up for the distraction of the Lizard people hearing coming in 2030. The main thrust of the Lizard people hearing will of course be mandatory DNA testing and ID/locator chip implants for all citizens, to verify that you are not a lizard person.

(Joking of course, but it makes me very depressed on the absurd level of insanity we seem to be able to exist in. UFO's are BS.)

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Never waste a good headline to instill fear and foment public support of greater control by the authorities.

I will discuss this further in my own column, but here are a couple things I know:

1) The physical spacecraft and organics collected were buried and the event occurred hundreds if not thousands of years ago. No extraterrestrial with any common sense whatsoever would dally anywhere near Earth where humans can't even get along with each other, much less with aliens. There are extraterrestrials within our Galaxy, but they aren't coming anywhere near here unless they tripped backwards and landed in this pile of shit.

2) The current phenomena being observed in space and otherwise that appear to defy physics are not extraterrestrials, but interdimensional activities that may or may not even be aware that we are seeing them. We don't understand who and what we are as "humans," we don't understand what our particular dimension actually is or the mechanics of it as such, and we don't understand how our Consciousness creates the "matter" that we then perceive as solid objects. We are playing in a sandbox that is akin to a newborn auditing a college level class at university.

Now the reminder, just because something is being exploited and lied about doesn't mean it is not real.

Is our government exploiting what is real? Absolutely. Partly out of authoritarian control, partly because they literally don't know what else to do.

Is it real or is it exploitative? Can both be true? You can count on it.

Interestingly enough, the interdimensional activities are completely beyond our ability to control. Why? Because they are interdimensional. They are NOT of this dimension, and therefore are not subject to our physics which also means that are not subject to any type of "weapon." They can literally come and go as they please., and again without understanding the nature of our dimension, these incursions that we witness often are not even aware of their appearance here. "They" used for identification only, as these phenomena do not conform to our notions of identity as individuals.

So planning on "defense" of these incursions is a fool's errand. There is nothing to defend against, and anything we came up with would be completely useless against something that we are perceiving in our dimension, but is not OF our dimension.

Until we have a better understanding of ourselves and our dimension, we will continue to misconstrue these phenomena, and our government will continue to exploit them for their own purposes.

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It's just a guess, but "people" will start to take more notice once they've worked out the angle on this - as in, whosa gonna take the hit, and who'se gonna 'take offence'.

Right now, it's not at all clear if this is "Left", or "Right" aimed.

So no-one knows whether to boo or cheer mindlessly. It's very vexing. So folk are generally ignoring it.

Once it's been safely labelled 'Left', or 'Right', the public will henceforth KNOW whether to repost it onwards (Never actually critically watching THEMSELVES), or to laugh correctly mockingly at benighted fools who imbibe such silliness (Never actually critically watching THEMSELVES).

As to the UFOs, not only would we have to believe the 'Alien captures' are true, BUT, much harder to achieve, that the very institution that has hidden these events, and even alien visitors into medical/torture experiments (As the Anglo-American establishments tend to do, they really appreciated Mengele and copied his techniques), that placed alien technologies into their for-profit private war machine with the purpose of dominating the ENTIRE EARTH, aka "The American Imperialist Regime", "DC", or "Those US Nazis", that THESE FOLK, unsuitable in literally every way possible, should be entrusted in building or controlling such a militarised Earth Space Defence System.

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Everything Grusch has testified to has already been stated by many whistleblowers going back to the 1940s. Since the vast majority of people alive today were not alive before the 1940s, most people believe that the subject of UFOs has always been a fringe kook fantasy of the tin foil hat crowd. Not so. Before the Roswell event of 1947, UFO sightings, including mass sightings over cities and military bases was reported in newspapers as normal news. Go to any library which has microfiche of newspapers back then and you'll see it firsthand. After the Roswell crash, the air force division of the army (and later the Air Force along with the CIA and certain aerospace corporations) transformed the subject into the ridiculed fringe world by using censorship, oaths of silence, bribery, disciplining of whistleblowers, gag-orders, paid jounalists, targeted press releases, and occasional "suicidings." Over the decades, many ethical, dogged researchers have compiled so many witness testimonies that the truth is hiding in plain sight, but you have to read the books to understand the subject. An excellent source on the Roswell crash is "Witness to Roswell" by Carey and Schmitt. An excellent chronological compilation of UFO events going back to the 1940s is “UFOs and the National Security State”, volumes 1 and 2 by Richard Dolan. Up until recently, the major players who controlled the narrative had their incentives aligned; keep the subject a closely controlled secret, reverse engineer the craft and as much of their tech as possible, maintain military superiority and profit handsomely along the way. As Caitlin points out, it seems a little suspicious that suddenly, the mainstream media is again portraying the subject as legitimate, like they used to before 1947. What changed? I agree with Caitlin, that at least one factor which has changed is the military space race. Based on my fifty years of studying this subject, I believe that all or almost all of the retrieved materials are in the hands of tightly compartmentalized small groups of individuals with very high security clearances within the military, intelligence agencies and aerospace companies. The vast majority of individuals who work in these enormous organizations do not have the security clearances to see this material and do not know it exists. The materials DO exist, but keeping it a secret has been a priority for the major players until recently. Now, if the hoi polloi and congress would believe that the subject is real, there could potentially be a flood of funding in the trillions to the military industrial complex to secure the USA against threats from space. So today, many of the narrative manipulators have a profit incentive to change the narrative from ridicule to acceptance, but acceptance with a fear spin. I do believe that ethical conscientious individuals who have wanted to get the truth out for decades have had some influence as well (Read “Flying Saucers are Real” by Donald Keyhoe), but the really powerful forces are usually revealed by “follow the money.” One other rich, powerful force which is new, and I believe is exerting an influence behind the scenes are the giant tech companies involved in artificial intelligence. I think it's likely that some of their top people have access to military, coporate and intelliegence agency insiders that have revealed the truth about extraterrestrial tech to them, and some of these tech titans would like to wrestle control of this technology away from the stodgy old guard.

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Jul 27, 2023·edited Jul 27, 2023

Yeah the timing is suspicious. Most likely the MIC is exploiting UAP history because it is useful for them to weaponize space. But I also have a hard time believing it's all some elaborate grand conspiracy they've been working on for years (decades?). It seems more like an exploitation of whatever has been written about, or researched up to now, to further militarize the fuck out of every aspect of society. Pretty sick - the US annual war budget is now at about 1 trillion a year.

I'd be interested to see solid, irrefutable, concrete UAP evidence. Other than inconclusive incidents - such as the well documented USS Nimitz carrier sightings - which remain mysterious (to me). Or have a UAP land on the White House lawn. But until then, I treat the whole thing as puzzling - and I think keeping an open-mind is healthy. Or as Carl Jung once addressed the SPR in England, "I shall not commit the fashionable stupidity of regarding everything I cannot explain as fraud."

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a guy named greer has been talking bout this for a long time -- recently did a big convention and press conf -- his 'deep state' info sources he says are worried mostly about what you're describing and it's why he's pushing harder now that ever to expose this stuff in hopes a light being shone with stave off the rush to militarize space -- he claims that they claim a coming false flag may be in the works -- his hopeful angle though is that the suppressed tech's capability to transform our energy models holds great promise -- oh that were it so.

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just more government BS. Follow the money trail. Always follow the money trail! If there are other world beings their technology surpassed our's long ago. So, they could of trashed us long ago. Interested in our technology? Really? Why? Figuratively speaking we are still using the abacus. We will continue with the stupidity until the military industrial complex is shut down.

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Project for a New American GALAXY. :)

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Seems like a test to root out the dumbest of whistleblowers. Some officer throws out a juicy UAP nugget at random around their suspect, then they see if that person is crazy enough to believe it and stupid enough to leak it. If someone is willing to blow the lid on aliens and spaceships over a few whispers of a secret program, then they sure as hell can’t be trusted with actual secret program information like planned “regime” changes, psyops on the American public, pipeline bombings, etc.

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"Asked by Ogles if UFOs could be 'probing our capabilities,' all three again said yes. Asked if UFOs could be 'testing for vulnerabilities' in US military capabilities, all three again said yes. Asked if UFOs pose an existential threat to the national security of the United States, all three said they potentially do. Asked if there was any indication that UFOs are interested in US nuclear technology, all three said yes.

Ogles concluded his questioning by saying, 'There clearly is a threat to the national security of the United States of America. As members of Congress, we have a responsibility to maintain oversight and be aware of these activities so that, if appropriate, we take action.'"

I find the unspoken assumption that if space aliens are in fact cruising the stratosphere, they must be intent on conquest to be fascinating.

Projection, much? I mean, where is it written that a Little Green Man can only have the same motivations or even the same sort of carbon- and DNA- based life as a militarist? Would we even recognize them as "alive" by the standards of life on earth?

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To elaborate on what I've commented here before: This is planning ahead. MIC-IMATT has to continually increase dividends / capital returns, and to return them faster than any other market segment or they are actually losing money. Golden Rule.

So, as Iraq/Afghanistan wind down, Ukraine has to be a bigger money sink, then there is going to be the cold/hot wars with China and Russia, and once that's tapped to the max, each member of Bricks will be added. Eventually the USA will have to spend money to potentially defeat every nation on earth, and what's left to justify getting that sweet government money in every growing amounts? Look to the sky, day or night. One day the the Pentagon is going to put out a tender for a Sun extinguishing weapon. Doesn't have to work as a weapon, just as a grift.

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If there are other beings visiting Earth, they are so far beyond us they are not a threat. If they were a threat we would all be dead. I'm with Caitlin on this, this is about Capital harvesting the last bits.

Dirty Dozen to Mars by yours truly.

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It's just another grift center.

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