"We have met the enemy, and he is us?"

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Attribution, attribution. Walt Kelly via POGO!

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Yeah, the Wise Possum.

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I thought everyone knew that.

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I got this sales pitch from another commenter yesterday and saved it to my desktop. I shall buy this book. It seems very interesting and I like reading things of that nature.

The crash is coming and it's more than that WEF's Great Reset. Screw those WEF Corporate Nazis!

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I'm saving it.

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I might agree, but only to the degree that when you say "us", that is the result of the fact that corporations legally are "people".

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Corporations are lying to us but we are STILL choosing to be WALL-E people.

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We have met the enemy and he is THE US.

See what they did there? Onions and their layers...

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It's not that the enemy is us - the enemy is the US.

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I disagree with a lot of this narrative. It doesn't acknowledge that while a central CULTURE based on domination has played out the trajectory Caitlin describes, many indigenous groups have respected nature, seen themselves as part of it, seen all the world as alive and related, and have not been a part of all this destruction and violence. Most were eventually overrun by the domination based culture, and assimilated or driven to extinction or exile. So the current condition is accurately described, but it's not due to a universal human nature. It's a destructive culture, whose penchant for violence and ripoff unfortunately give it an edge over wiser competitors. I also am not at all sure that the overall story is of development and progress, with a decent chance that we will just evolve into discarding the destructive shit. I just don't see that. If there's any maturation happening within humanity, it's happening too slowly to cope with the rapid buildup of self-imposed threats.

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Aug 24, 2023·edited Aug 24, 2023

You don't think indigenous people of North America didn't fight among themselves? Or wipe entire tribes out? Good grief.

The Comanches were well known to have waged war on neighboring tribes.

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Yep, human nature is as Caitlin described it in her essay.

(Maybe someone can find some tiny tribe that lived on some tiny island somewhere in peaceful bliss. A matriarchy, even. Let me know.)

All that the dreaded, evil white Western Europe men did was further "perfect" the tools used for oppressing others and taking what they have.

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Human nature is pfuct for the length of time it takes to drag our sorry arses through the closing chapters of the iron age.

Our "history" effectively begins at the start of the Kali Yuga (Iron Age). It thus seems all we have ever known or will ever be is war-mongering nut jobs with an economic fixation, instead of sweet-talking lovers of a Golden Age.

Seriously, all any of us have ever known is war. At home, growing up, sports, psyche-wars, business competitors, hand to hand combat- whatevs.

That doesn't mean that's all we'll ever know as a species. Time is not linear, it's cyclic. This insanity won't last forever. But we attract what we fear, so everyone stop being so hysterical.

It's unbecoming for a tyrannised slave...

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What they did was to make the battles less important or less deadly. The Mesoamerican ballgame, for example, or mock battles to outmarry to the other tribe with which they have a moiety relationship. They couldn't afford total war. Nobody before industry could afford total war.

The Christians tried to dominate the world. Isn't that reason enough to prevent them from reproducing?

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Of course Indian tribes fought wars. They also kidnapped people from enemy tribes, and turned them into slaves.

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White man’s tales. Most prompted by missionaries. The jesuits taught my people to scalp as “proof of purchase” so to speak. Bad grief.

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Aug 24, 2023·edited Aug 24, 2023

Yeah - it's only the color of your skin that matters. So we're back to a shitlib debate while we avoid issues such as ecosystem collapse and the extinction of the species by a nuclear conflagration. You people aren't hear to listen to what Caitlin has to say - you're here to push your own shitlib agenda.

I guess we'll just gloss over the plight of the Palestinian people in support of another corrupt party Democratic candidate JFK Jr. ... hypocrite.

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Hate to burst Tony bubble, but in the Rocky Mountain and southwestern US, there are plenty of examples of "indigenous groups" who are as exploitive, extractive, and greedy as the white settlers, witness every economic scheme from mines, logging, gas stations, and casino's to posting native lands with huge signs and fences: "No trespassing".

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Tony? First, I didn't say "all indigenous groups" and second, you're talking NOW--after centuries of contamination by the dominator culture. I also have read of a dynamic in which the government imposes elections on tribes; the traditionalists refuse to participate because this isn't how they choose their leaders. So the official chiefs are selected by the non traditionalists. These are the people who welcome "development." And these are the people that government reps and corporate reps "consult."

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Tony = typo - Meant to write - I hate to burst your bubble - but machine correction created Tony.

I don't disagree with your clarifications - I just get my back up when indigenous myths are deployed. The latest seems to be "co-management" of federal lands and "traditional indigenous land management "justifications for logging and burning forests to "prevent" wildfires.

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Aug 25, 2023·edited Aug 25, 2023

Interesting how Mary Wildfire sees what she wants to see and disregards the rest.

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Yep. I guess us old geezers would get the reference pronto!

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I don't think she disregarded the rest. I don't think she's just seeing what she wants to see, either. There are very persuasive arguments that make similar points, well-researched, employing good logic, and scholarly rigorous.

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Aug 25, 2023·edited Aug 25, 2023

The entire point of Caitlin's article was in regards to the dire threat of the destruction of our ecosystem, and in response, what you fucks want to argue about is the purity of the Indigenous races and the calumny of the white man.

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Peculiar argument. Of course, there have been segments of society that have been aware of the nature of conflicts and have tried to overcome, but other segments seem to thrive to counter these insights, —for various reasons. People, human society, as a whole seem too diverse in their caracteristics to come to common conclusions and actions. I speculate, but on the all too clear evidence.

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I see that. I also see Caitlyns side. there’s a mix imo. Culture is a product of evolution and human nature to create it. To be apart of a group that divides it’s species. We’re simply built as a species (as is al to of life) to destroy ourselves out of this evolution. Ie “who’s the strongest?”/who is right?” I think over time, when enough events have passed and escalations have de-escalated a number of times it comes to one massive escalation. Now, technological advances have brought us to the point of both of these. Which will win? Humanity or catastrophe? Maybe both? Maybe a. A catastrophic reset is in order to right the ship? I don’t have the answer but the war is definitely coming. It’s why im hoarding freeze dried foods, ammo, weapons, mountain homes, seeds etc.. May prove irrelevant but it’s a shot in several circumstances.

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The U.S. is in rapid decline. Like most failing empires throughout history, it will not give up first place without a fight. The people in charge of our nation are mostly true psychopaths. Neocons are one such group and they would rather destroy our entire civilization than lose dominance. Right now these evil cretins are destroying Ukraine in a futile proxy war against Russia. What are these psychopaths doing about this failure? They're planning a war with China! I guess their blatant failures in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and many others qualify them to make policy. God help us!

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Those Neocon, Neolib and Zionist Nazis need to be hanged!

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Understand the passion but it's important to understand that 'humanity' is not the US led West.

We are in fact a relatively small group in this world.

Unfortunately for us, our Washington DC rulers have become lazy, soft, corrupt and very stupid. Ditto, Canberra.

Russia, China and India - all led by far more intelligent people that our imbeciles - are of course taking advantage.

We shouldn't flatter ourselves by calling these nations 'adversaries'. The sad reality is that they're so far ahead of us by now, it's not even a contest.

They don't even care what we think. They can do whatever they want, because we - including Washington - can do absolutely nothing to deter them.

We are officially irrelevant in the West. That's what our leaders have reduced us to. It's a shameful humiliation.

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It's the voters who played the sucker's game who elected these leaders. It's the Oligarch Rulers who own the leaders.

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You question every narrative but that of the climate. Did you ever stop and think that perhaps they are lying about this too? Polution is absolutely real and the climate is changing.. but why do we ingest what we know to be weaponozed environmentalism and anthropogenic climate change theories without question from the same power structure that sells "unprovoked invasion of Ukraine "?

The climate is changing and our weather patters are going to become more erratic, this is to be expected when the magnetosphere is weakening and shifting as it is doing now.. as it has done before. There are many other changes happening to our entire solar system right now.. but hey.. don't look up. These historically have been extinction level events for many species, this time will not be any different

Yes the nasty greedy capitalists have polluted our planet, but that isnt what is going on here. All they are doing is shifting blame for the inevitable so they can capitalize on the new markets, and everyone is eating it like cake.

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The “they” you suggest is pretending the climate crisis, does not exist. The climate crisis is widely demonstrated by scientific consensus.

You are right to be concerned about the exploitation of the crisis, your bad actors are to be found there. They just have ONE more scruple than the outright denier-exploiters.

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The deniers are pre-framed counter opposition to the main narrative, keeping discussion in that controlled spectrum between it "exists as we say" vs not at all. We see this strategy everywhere. However, such strategies will create the mindset in mass society to varying degrees who will follow the denial, making the denial "organic" while ignoring any other explanation.

Scientific consensus is an oxymoron.. any consensus on just about any topic is manufactured . It is undoubtedly manufactured on this topic as the studies they use are heavily flawed and cherry picked. I have evaluated them myself and find them wholly lacking. ( I analyze studies for a living) All they do show, is that climate is changing, the reasons for that change are clearly embellished. But again, this doesn't matter. Narrative management is not about being defensible upon scrutiny, it is about being absolute, and dismissing any possibility of being wrong... and of course.. framing your own opposition.

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"The deniers are pre-framed counter opposition to the main narrative, keeping discussion in that controlled spectrum between it 'exists as we say' vs not at all."

Analogous to the "Should we go to war against Russia or should we go to war against China" framing that Caitlin wrote about in a recent essay.

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Very much indeed. She nailed that article, which she often does.

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Jimmy Dore, is that you? 🗣️👂

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Peter Kalmus (among others) is qualified to evaluate the studies (a senior scientist at NASA) and disagrees.

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Of course they do.. that is the point. Kalmus is intentionally obtuse about these things, he has a role to play in promulgating a narrative. His book " Being the Change" reads like activist authorship and not a legitimate scientific inquiry. This is the same guy who chained himself.to the door of JP Morgan..

Believe whatever you want and form your opinions based upon the "experts" provided for you without looking into it yourself if that is what you fancy. Doesnt matter to me.

I have spent enough time looking into the anthropogenic climate change theory to know it is full of holes as wide as a bus.. I do not need any validation for my opinions.

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Falsification is science. Consensus is religion.

Edit: the precautionary principle is prudence.

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Stinky: Are you quoting the bot dictionary of phrases again. LOL!

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I have spoken definitively but have not given anyone any direction to go in case someone wants to form their own opinion. I will share this for those so inclined to look into things themselves. Respectfully, I am not here to teach.

Here is a list of ways the current climate models pushed by the narrative managers fail:

1) Fail to predict the future

2) Fail to predict the past - i.e. paleoclimate disagreement ( cannot predict future or past..)

3) CO2 oversensitivity and bias

4) Cloud/ Aerosol uncertainty

5) Low Sensitivity models are favored

6) Urban Heat Island effect

7) All "global warming studies" use flawed models ( 1-6)

8) melting polar ice triggers ice ages.. we probably have a cold future among other things. (Keep an eye on the Beaufort gyre.. and the AMOC)

They also fail by leaving things out...

These variables of forcing are VERY important and are underappreciated or absent from "accepted climate narrative studies" ( no order)

1) Volcanos

2)The Sun ( only irradiance is used and even that is grossly wrong. In the few studies that do use solar influence ( only irradiance) they actually show a DECREASE of energy coming into our terrestrial system during solar storms... just silly. It is a logarithmic increase of energy across the EM spectrum)

3) Cosmic Ray effects, including cloud cover

4) Geomagnetic field relationship as well as its strength and movement.

5) Global electric circuit and its relationship with the IMF. ( recently weather on Neptune was verified to be controlled by this forcing by another study by NASA. AGAIN) Yet.. this understanding has not applied to terrestrial climate /weather. Keep in mind Neptune is much further removed than earth from Sol. ( https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2023/hubble-neptunes-disappearing-clouds-linked-to-the-solar-cycle) Even in this article the scientists are "surprised" by this. There shouldn't be a surprise since we have known about this since the work of Hannes Alfven who won a Nobel prize in 1970. Just further proof that the best astrophysicists have a background in electrical engineering and plasma physics. Most of what is known as mainstream astrophysics is theoretical and not descriptive of observed reality. This is why they are always so surprised and in "crisis". I digress

To be clear, I do not think I am "smarter" or "more qualified" than these scientists. ( although I have respectable credentials) This is not an intellectual debate, it is about an agenda and the control of knowledge. Just like any other narrative... like "unprovoked invasion of Ukraine". You know damned well they know that is not true.. just like there are those who know damned well what I am saying. Get it?

According to the main narrative, space weather does not effect climate. This is demonstrably false according to MANY studies over the past 15 years alone. Yet, these variables are left out due to their inconvenient truth and are only discussed in small academic circles and niche public groups. Recently our core has all but stopped spinning and we have had our fastest day on record.. yet crickets. It is because we do not really know how things work. There are real scientists doing work attempting to figure out the mysteries of nature, including planetary science , climate and astrophysics. Then there are empire narrative managers and their troupe of activists such as Thunberg, Kalmus among many others ( some "organic" others are actors) who push the agenda that best serve the elite. If the power structure really wanted to hold itself to account.. we would be discussing pollution and deforestation. But no.. we are emphasizing on sustainable development goals and ESG. The UN and all other global organizations are part of the same cabal that push the war machine, as they are all mere indexing firms for actual power. They do not give a flying F*** about the environment, but they do a damned good job making people who do.. believe in their methods of "fixing" it.

Form your own opinions and God Bless.

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The common foe is the utterly ruthless uber-rich, and governments are their tools of choice. Try bribing a government that doesn't exist!

But if one holds out faith that government can be good, one fails.

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It's interesting how you start off correctly identifying the real foe i.e. the obscene wealth and power of the "uber-rich" but then go on to blame the government that they now own and run.

The government is just a means to an end for the Uber-Rich. It's the Uber-Rich that are the source of the problem.

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Hi jamenta. Apparently we both know who the real foe is, which is nice. I stand by my comment.

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The axe cuts but the hands swing

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Everything is a rich man’s trick.

It’s all a class war.


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I must add that never has Western Civilization been so ill-prepared to face the Single Common Foe. We are in corporate neoliberal capture and have no hope of mitigating the climate change horrors that are visiting us, and they will get worse. Corporations are completely sociopathic and totally indifferent to climate change and our so-called governments are under their spell and have abandoned their obligations to their populations .

It infuriates me we are fighting imperialist military wars for corporate profiteering when we should be totally focused on mitigating the effects of climate change.

It infuriates me that these wars are being driven by crazy ideologues in the US government and there is no effort to purge them.

We are well down the road of self-extinction, given the fires and storms of this summer.

Until the USA repudiates its war on the world we are all frozen in time and place .

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It has sometimes occurred to me that our gov is sooo psychopathic because they DO believe in climate change. So it’s a grab what you can and live for today philosophy and who cares about the children, the future, or their souls. They think it’s now or never, do or die. They do, you die.

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As I'm sure you're aware, the ideas in your comment are not original, but you laid them out so well that it has compelled me to share some thoughts with you before heading to work.

I sense that your critique of corporations comes from the "left", as many would say.

I am in the process of trying to lay out one from what many might say is the "right" or maybe even "libertarian" perspective and want to briefly present the thesis to you. The basic idea is that corporations are formed under law as a way for people to come together to engage in some sort of productive (or business) enterprise of one type or another.

However, particularly as the corporation becomes larger, involving more owners, the corporate form of organizing the productive enterprise distances those owners from the operations of the corporation and importantly also provides some distance for the owners from accountability over how those operations are undertaken. Operation and accountability are ceded to a hired management team, and from the owners' perspective, the corporation becomes a black box producing monetary returns, rather than a productive venture. Thus, the owners' primary incentive becomes to pressure the management to continually increase those monetary returns, or else, and management is left to figure out how to do that with respect to the actual production activities going on. Management's primary incentive is to satisfy the owners' demand for monetary returns and thereby receive compensation from the owners. The "sociopathic" behaviors of corporations that you observe are hardly surprising given the way the incentives are laid out.

Anyway, this is just a broad overview. Many nuances are passed over. Hence, I'm still pretty far from ready to put anything good out presenting these ideas in full.

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My view is that corporations and capitalism are not inherently bad; in their present incarnations they are ruinous, and they are simultaneously interlocking with ideologies that are ruinous like neoliberalism, imperialism and neo-colonialism. You might say our societies are run by a consortium of ideologies all out control, sociopathic, and leading us into a global feudalism.

One very big reason we are in this mess is a failure of accountability for over a half century accelerated by the advent of neoliberalism. Western Political elites have been in a continuous state of rolling abdication from power and deeply complicit in creating the crisis. They just go through the motions of governance while retreating from it.

We should keep in mind China has some of the world's biggest corporations, but they are accountable and work with the government for societies betterment where Western corporations are completely unaccountable and run government.

My greatest concern at this time is the corruptions of the West are so deeply embedded we are headed for the bottom. I won't see the bottom but my children and grandchildren are going to see horrendous times unless we change things very quickly. The mess we are in is not going to change over night. We are looking at generational change and reform.

China, Russia and Asia are showing they want no part of our death-wish and are determined to go their own way.

Thanks your comment, Stay safe

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Robert— I bet you’d like One Nation Under Blackmail, by Webb. It’s an amazing piece of scholarship.

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I can almost agree with you.

Marx ought to be required reading for every beating heart in the consumer society. Capitalism is a splendid system for the minority who run that system, but ultimately that minority will grow smaller until all but a few are going hungry. Our media and hospitals and department stores and so on and so on, are all cases in point.

Marx’s gift was to show how the tenets of capitalism require it’s unrelenting logic to see to its own end. We are in the stage of late capitalism which features the once middle-class, now displaced warehouse and factory careerists, who have suffered and grown to despise the government and are ready to follow any charlatan who promises to “drain the swamp.”

But capitalism can be instrumentally effective at stimulating trade and mercantile activity, which is what socialism attempts to provide in democratic frameworks. And democracy will never be sustained in a system where capitalism is the law and not an instrument of a planned economy.

Similarly, corporations can be tools for centralized capital investments and seeding human, not-for-profit projects like healthcare and agriculture. But when corporations are so empowered as to command the MIC, and run the mechanisms of national intelligence and surveillance, then there is no government and there is tyranny of the billionaires, which is where we are.

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Only that I think you may live to see it. Next 20 years will tell the tale I think.

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Might happen I will be 100 then ?

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Very cool. I’ll be 99. If we make it, let’s compare notes. 😍

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Corporations are not recognized in the US Constitution. In the late 19th century, the US Supreme Court twisted the 14the amendment's "equal protection" and the due process provisions to provide corporations with "rights", including property rights. That bastardization was expanded so that corporations are "persons" and recently now corporations have free speech rights, and soon to have religious freedoms too.

You should read Sheldon Wolin's work, including "Democracy Inc." and the work of Polyanyi (e..g The Great Transformation"). These works will force you to rethink the libertarian way.

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I don't see them in the Constitution, either. Maybe I need glasses.

Thanks for the book recommendations.

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For the Nth time in history, humanity has a common foe. It has been and always will be GOVERNMENT of any kind, type or stripe. It has taken 10,000 years for man to realize he has been played for a fool all this time. Yet, billions of citizen slaves are still asleep to this mindless tyranny.

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Thank you Ronald Reagan.

Sorry for the sarcastic take on your apparent anarchistic ideology, but the right in America has been spewing anti-government bromides since it resonated for enough Americans to elect and re-elect a simpleton fascist. I saw a few minutes of last night’s Trumpless debate to see that the fascist rhetoric abounds.

In the context of corporate authoritarian government, the problem isn’t government but the absence of it, in service to the individuals and corporations who will not relinquish power to honor human decency and fairness. You may think that democracy is a naive attempt to harness an evil (government), but I see it as a non-threatening tool that any collective can use in service to the collective. It isn’t revolutionary, but it has been seen to work.

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Corporations can't exist without the state. There would be nothing protecting everyone from just grabbing capital equipment and hauling it home, or using it in place to create use-value.

Miracles aren't material.

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While it’s true “No Matter Who You Vote For, The Government Always Gets In” (The Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band), and likewise the original Democracy joke (it’s the worst form of government...except for all the others), the problem remains that the marketplace is not a workable forum for all interactions.

What Caitlin is saying is that we are at the point in our mutual Prisoners’ Dilemma where ONLY COOPERATION is viable. In any of the other outcomes, the cost to the rest of us for not constraining our Maximizing “partners” is off the charts.

As George Monbiot suggests, we are a society of altruists, ruled by sociopaths.

Also, note to Feral Finster: you have addiction backwards. ADDICTION is a response to psychosocial dislocation; it’s about filling a hole. The mode of addiction is of secondary importance; it’s the hole you need to be mindful of. By way of example: I have ADD, and that condition predisposes one to ‘enjoy’ marijuana, while cocaine has little appeal. Potheads don’t want to run the world (although they might have lots of ideas about it); cokeheads do.

Dickens warned us about ignorance not because the most evil actors are ignorant, but because the ignorant will be the pawns of those actors. Properly disinformed, they do the smiting happily for their dark - or orange - overlords, self-righteous in their ignorance.

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And while most of us have no control over how our environment and climate is affected by others, we CAN make choices within our own lives that will help -- especially if repeated by other people millions of times over.

This requires looking at our own lives and choices and making conscious efforts to reduce our own impact on the things that are causing the problems. Food choices, travel choices, waste choices, LIFE choices -- this is how one person creates change in our own lives which then ripples out to the ends of the Earth.

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One does what one can as an individual - but this is a societal problem - and given the corruption of the Institutions by the suicidal sociopaths in control - one does wonder what the future may hold - if there will even be a future.

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I always got a kick out of the idea of "Save The Planet"...

Earth will survive.

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Yeah. I mean, forget world peace, visualize using your turn signals first people!

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jamenta: Using turn signals is considered a waste of valuable time and energy in California.

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To Phillip's point:

1. As members of society, we each must do our own personal part, which you acknowledge. And as Phillip notes, when repeated by many others, a societal change has occurred.

2. By doing so, we also set a good example, which is part of delivering the message to other members of society.

3. By doing so, we avoid the distraction of being charged with hypocrisy.

How we conduct our personal lives is a small thing in the overall scheme of the world, but it's something and something we have a lot of control over.

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jamenta: NO. It is an individual problem as you state in your comment. The suicidal sociopaths in control are individuals. The problem in the towns, cities, and neighborhoods where we as individuals live is that we can't find a way to get rid of these sociopaths, individuals, ruining our lives and environment.

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If for no other reason than the mainstream media consensus that fossil fuels are causing global warming and that global warming is THE existential issue before humanity I now believe the exact opposite

Habitat destruction is probably the primary cause of mass extinction

Also the mining of materials used to make things like solar panels is FAR MORE DAMAGING to the environment than burning fossil fuels

Electric vehicles need electricity

Electricity is generated by burning coal, natural gas, and nuclear power

Electricity is no less, and possibly MORE damaging to the environment than burning fossil fuels (wind generated electricity will NEVER be sufficient to replace these technologies)

Rather than switch from gasoline powered cars to EV we should be, especially in the USA, building safe, efficient, and EXTREMELY CONVENIENT, mass transit systems. This to get people out of individual vehicles as much as possible altogether

The more the completely criminal mendacious press tells me fossil fuels are the enemy the less I believe it

The Mainstream Media and the people that own and control the mainstream media are THE REAL ENEMY!!!

Does anyone believe that the one percent and the MSM ownership class has EVER given a damn about humanity and/or common people?

Anyone who believes the MSM and the people who manage and control the MSM care about anything other than the interests of established powers and the super rich is stupid, naive, or both

When someone who has been trying to kill you and incarcerate you tells you what you need to do to help/save yourself you’d best be served by doing the exact opposite!!!

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One thing that you haven’t mentioned is the herculean effort made by fossil fuel companies to undermine the idea that burning oil, coal, etc. is harmful to the biosphere.

Do you trust BP, Exxon, Shell, Aramco, etc.?

Mass transit? Now you’re singin’ my song. Those high speed trains in China are a trip, huh?

I run an e-tricycle, instead of my 3/4 ton diesel truck. Both have two batteries.

Only one has a fuel tank.

Both me and the dog love option number one.

Even without windows to stick our heads out of.

Or sand to stick them into.

I appreciate your comment.

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Mike Fish: I dare you to ride the BART mass transit system in the SF Bay Area in California.

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Would you please accompany me, and document our experience.

I will.

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Mike Fish: LOL! If you ride BART you better bring a gun and some ear protection.

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They lied about Covid from start to finish

They lie about world leaders and world events

Why would they suddenly get honest about anything including the environment

Like they suddenly care about people and the suffering masses???

C’mon get real

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Look. What I am saying is if the same coalition came out in lockstep telling me the sun will rise in the East I would look in the west next morning

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I've finally read someone else who sees the truth about EVs. High school physics doesn't support the efficiency of electric vehicles. Any time energy is converted from one form to another losses are incurred. Briefly, it is most efficient to burn fossil fuel in an internal combustion engine at the source. Converting solar/wind to electric is one loss, battery storage another, transmission lines another step down step up voltage another, battery charging another and final transmission to motors another loss. Battery capacity is significantly effected by temperature which is another loss. Vehicle weight is almost doubled by battery weight which further reduces efficiency overall and will increase fatalities in accidents. A 300 mile range will probably be reduced to 100 /150 miles after about 5 years due to battery degradation. Super charging will substantially reduce battery life. And then there are the practical considerations of what people in the city are going to do about charging overnight when they are parked on the street. Extension cords running out the tenth story window over the sidewalk? All this with a national grid system which is already under capacity and failing structurally. Which incidentally can be destroyed by an EMP or a solar flare.

Had the Panama canal been designed like this it would have been made 6' wide and 6" deep.

But what bothers me the most is the lack of coverage in the media pointing all of this out. There aren't any electrical engineers out there who see the folly in all of this? If it worked the manufacturers would have done it years ago.

I guess this is what we get from a senile demented president who can't change a lightbulb. Musk however will get rich selling vehicles which are subject to spontaneous combustion. Maybe he can add a halon fire suppression system to go with the airbags.

Just be sure to wear your seatbelt to be safe...... We're on the way to the biggest disaster in history.

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I forgot to mention the horrible torture of the earth in mining the chemicals and rare earth metals etc

Manufacturing the batteries with the materials ripped out of the earth in the most destructive manner possible uses energy, creates waste and pollution etc etc

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And drilling and pumping oil and gas out doesn't? Gaslighting.

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Surferket: Drilling and pumping oil and gas takes a lot of tech and skilled labor. Child labor is NOT used.

Can you see the difference?

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The above was meant for SURFERKET

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Your forgiven. A book could be written on this. I left out a lot too. But let's add-

Via slaves under the age of 15 with pick and shovel and buckets.

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Aug 24, 2023·edited Aug 24, 2023

Power attracts sociopaths like cocaine attracts addicts, as it attracts precisely the sort of people who should not have it.

This is the motivating principle behind The Iron Law Of Oligarchy.

Unfortunately, today's oligarchs have reach and power that a Tamerlane, a Goebbels, a Pol Pot or Qin Shihuangdi never dreamed of and their appetites have grown commensurate with that reach and power.

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Thank you Caitlin, I agree we would all have to stand together to survive, but fear will never do this. Our very nature of greed and selfishness will defeat us, and this is within us all to a far greater extent than empathy and compassion.

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Valerie: Aren't you the pessimist? Go out in the street and fall down. I bet that dozens of people would come to your aid. They came to mine when I fell down and smashed my hip.

If you feel the way you do, I suggest that you don't reproduce. Why would you?

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Perhaps I did not put that well. Those that control us do not want the gravy train to stop, as long as it is bunging money into their pockets. Currently those in power, that we keep electing, still think in the them and us way. I am a great granny and would love the world to be a better kinder place for all those to come. All humanity would have to unite to stop the world being uninhabitable and I think the rich and powerful. would only use their money and power to try and survive themselves.

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Valerie: I agree with you that people will have to unite to stop the rich and powerful who are literally out to get us, the proles, plebes, peons, peasants. It's the same old story over and over again.

I quit voting after the 2020 election rigging debacle in the USA. We need a new system.

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"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. In their totality and in their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which demands the solidarity of all peoples."

- The First Global Revolution, A Club of Rome publication, in the 1970s

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Jake Giddens: Yeah, I can always trust that the Club of Rome will come after the individual and try and put him into a "solidarity of all peoples." Fecking commies!

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Every middle class does this. It's a good reason to destroy classes as they form.

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Stinky: Now you are quoting Marx.

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good point, as long and your emphasis is on this scientific reality (and not conspiracy theories):

"these phenomena do constitute a common threat"

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You might want to the few pages before that passage, and perhaps reread that passage more carefully. The book is free on web archive. You might also want to research who club of Rome is. They're not in the business of helping people.

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I read "Limits to Growth" in the 1970's, likely before you were born and all these conspiracy theories emerged.

They were the first to model complex systems - and their overall analysis has been vindicated by reality.

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You'll find there are foundations and think tanks behind limits to growth and everything else that pushes the idea of depopulation and austerity. Go into the histories of foundations and think tanks and it will all make sense, it all grew out of eugenics. There's no theory to it at all. The people with money to make the rules, the ruling class, publish quite openly their plans. It's just few people bother to read their dry books.

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Yes, I am aware of that history. And yes, the US eugenics movement influenced the Nazi's and the early conservation movement and some of the New Deal programs.

But you need to tease out the science from the political projects. And Club or Rome did NOT advocate depopulation - the models were based on population, technology, resources and economic growth. Again, the causal links you suggest are highly influenced by conspiracy theories.

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In other words why do you think they talk about how a global enemy is needed to unite people under a global government and then say they looked around to find a suitable enemy? It's rationalization. An excuse.

I can give you another example of this sort of speech. If you look up the bank of Canada's publication on CBDC research they straight up tell you they're looking for a rationale to give the public to get them on CBDCs. Seriously. It's worded in such a way to bore people stiff but it's right there in their own writing.

There's always a plausible excuse and a real reason for policy that gets pushed. Always.

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The "science" is made to fit the donors. Even going back to Galton who fudged his statistics. The whole thing is to convince people that it's good they're being sterilized and not having families and being brought into an age of austerity. Using the CIA's pejorative "conspiracy theory" to dismiss historical information is lazy and beneath anyone skeptical of money and power.

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I have to strenuously disagree. I look deep within myself, and I do NOT find the likes of Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Klaus Schwab, anyone in the Biden or Clinton family, Elon Musk, Bibi Netanyahu. Or a host of others. What are we gonna do, all join hands and denounce our fatal flaws? Well FUCK THAT. These bastards need to face the fires, and I mean without the rest of us. Let's cut the bullshit, find some rope, find some kindling. All metaphorical of course. BUT CUT IT OUT, BLEEDING HEART IMBECILES! God don't like it when you try to upstage him. Or His fury.

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Caitlin writes in platitudes here but doesn’t say WHO exactly thr enemy is.

Environmental destruction? Be specific! Damn, this is why the left drives me insane. Specifics please

Is environmental destruction putting horrific wind farms in the ocean? Of course. Then say it!

Is environmental destruction strip mining? Of course it is. Then say it!

But if these are environmental destruction how does one propose we get the electricity?

There’s an easy answer of course. Nuclear power.

Or- which is the real desire of the globalists, population reduction. Less demand by less people. It’s evil

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The question is who is "we"? the 99% of sheep & slaves or the 1% of masters & rulers? And the 1% has accumulated too much money and power, and the more power, the more stupid they become, so the real enemy is something between evil stupidity and stupid evil.

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